Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1897, p. 2

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ma1w1ed laiiurii ciirin in ht loaophm oliuruli atioii mttiohilnv mtiruluci lnth foby by hov wullior hahiy jiimuit fiirrolr to ijiiuiiuu nttou both of hlliloh huiiiiowh ypuk on wodnobilnv 10th liibni- uiv by thu ituv dr torriililti at lifh own -lhi- itiiifiit wimloy j llurrowh of nanhnijuwoyn to mury uyounk of 1inmiouti w111hun villlamhatlliolioujoortliolirllbr hiuimon wwimwdfti-jotb- koliy by hov u amhutiul ii a mr v h wilson luorijn town to lrtrmlu ilmiuhtor of j wmlatua hai ulouwilllauia aosnvnihcohy at hl jiiiuch cluuli line- lory umilpli oiithiipday htb fubtuiiry by ilov a j hfju m a ttovru ariiuw boh of koliort atinow aoton to jobuio lunnhtorol c w ititbloliy of llftinlltqii jiaciuihhon liiui at tho rtiuiiliincu of thoinah v lalnl kbii lluinlltoiuon wuilnou- dnv 10th february- by jtov muno imnor 1 1 uhhlbtetriiy hov it f oiuiioron north kimtboni jltiv ija mioplurnon or miox climxu actou tohlhhmuyyiojjivtnlof ham ilton v died mltr fu iiiolib iiu friilav lath fobriinry jlarv hliiulilh iklovuil wife of douulr mucrae iijjini jlflyyjalit yuara and tlvo uioiiuib j rniavjaf1iov hi stowartttiwu on tburs- day llth february touuiotmcy hocoiiu ihviikhtor of tho ittto hlchdra true v and atop- ilivuyhtur of tho lato col murray htowarttowu jgfyt ttmx jfpt notes and comments tilgtiity oouhoiv of otttaa baa uiadu urruugumeuts with the ontario govern- intuit for au interview at wbiob they will urjju that cities bo prohibited from granting buiiuflofl of any kind to mauiifaaturerb- a toronto man of experienco writes in a mining boom at worst a man only loses whadmhrttb got in aiyalcbtato boom ho hot ouly loses what ho has got but collides with a mortgage covenant which robs him of allbt will ever make hon a s hardy in reply to a question of mr whitneys at the opening of the proiinojal tl it was nolthe intention of the government to no to tho countrytuia year something unexpected ho admitted might alter this intention he t a ttt tloltibth 0 onl yk i ri dof i fthuaga americana will understand withregard to tho alienlabor lawe and when the gov ernment at ottawa expresses its thoughts in t kin ot innfiuagb it will gain ta- bpeot both at home and abroad toronto telegram six seats in the houso of commons are now vacant ono only of these was held by a liberal bonaventare que tbo other five constituencies were held by conservatives who have been unaeatefl because of- corrupt- practices tho beats aro macdonald andwitinipeg in man itoba champldinrin qaebec v cblcheater in nova scotia and west prince in prince edward island an amociattd prtaidspatcu from wash ington says as a resoll of the visit to tho states of ministers l ii davioa and sir bichard cartwright there is little doubt that president mbkiiiley will soon aftor his inauguration ure tho appoint- mont of a joint commission consisting of two canadians and two united states con gressman to report a proposition for a commercial treaty between tho two coun tries- last thursday was the socond year in succession that tho ontario government haaentrnated the address in reply to the hpeecirrfomtoirrono tolnewspaper men laat year meebrs m y maclean of the souforth expositor and john craig of tho fergus new record opened and moved tho addresa thi8 year messrs andrew pattullo of the woodstock sentinel- review and mr john auld of the amherbtburg acio moved and seconded the samo im portant preliminary measure the town of milton and the proprietors of the winn shoe company of that town who have been at war witbeaob other liavo settled theirrneyaneb without 7 furthurtiitigation this ia an example wliich conld well be followed in the oaeo of of haggart va town of brampton al- eady judgement has beep received from three courts thousands of dollars have been epent inlftwand tlie town is a- doable innnr in t ha m brampton con urghborhoott newef own itorns supplied by corres- pontenta anci exchanges georqetow sinco our lastjlho liiorit intorcatidg ovont in tbo social circlo was tho marriage of mr w ii whuon to mies olive gertrude daughter of mr jopb williams of glen- wilmams the ceremony was performed by tho llev g a muaii61l b af in the prenenco of a number of relatives and friends a largo number of beuuliful and costly preeontfj were given to the bride tho happy couple loft on tho west bound ovemngtrain for chicago aflho station they woro met by tho mombors of- tho ohbir of tho methodist gliuroh and a crowd of othor friendh and well bhowored with rico and good wishes for their future bappiuebflt tho rov f w thompson of guelph preached io the methodiafchurch last sabbath both morning and evening the llev g a mjioholl b a tno pastor preached eduqational eormons in gnelph miabhutt is visitiiw her ailer whois onb of tho able tjlaff of tcacherbin our high sehool churchill thoianbivereary tea-meeuriftihitlicdn- gregatiopal church at swaokhamers hill ontuefiduy evening was an unquahfied buccosb programmowas varied jfi- teresting and creditable and tbenumbera numerous- thebleigh drivo out to the bill on- tho model oldfashionod winter ovening jwas a pleasure genuinely enjoyed j preceding tbo programmo was a flump- tuoubtea and thobe who have ever tested tbo culinary ability of tho good ladies of this section need nor beabbured of tho excellenoo of tho abundance of tempting the varions unmbers on the programme wero given by tho following array of talent instrumental musio by the arthurs family vooal numbera bythe misbea swackhammer and kerr of o aprlnro mrra t r wardtmessrbrh gibbona and a t mann recitation by miseea carrie and swackbamnier oa- pringo and addresses by revs w- bryers t r forbeblbe pastor and john warren eaq j mr h p moore presided the pro- oeftds aggregated 8371 rev j w raessuccess tho former pastor of knox church is aocomrllehlnff much at toronto junction from tho toronto junctiou journal wo learn thu foljowing inturostink juforma- tlpji iihbt sunday was a communion ocouaion in tho torouto junotion presby- terintl church whon thu fliiatorltov j w itiil was a3bihedby itav win mdo- wuiuini an interouting foatiiro was the reception pf iif lynix now communicants twenty of whom join by certificates and thirtysix by profession of faith tho in crease of tho membership bfnco ihu induo- tipn mr it 10 laatmay huu heenmarval- ouj sinco that data 142 new members havobecn received and in tho samo poriqd only about tor members havo beon loit by removal deaths or other causes bo that tho net guin in memberehip ia about 130 tho mention of thu nurca ubovy does not convey an adequate ilea of tho substantial characterof tho growth of tho congroga- tiou it ia not a growth occasioned by any apasmodlo efforts or by tho introduction of any of tho scneatibhal foaturea so common in mpdern city churches for tho popular pastor of this churohsucceeds in attracting and interesting lafgt audiences without appealing to their ribtbility orimiuy way djarfing from tho ortlipdoxcubtomb j3e- nideh tho increiiso in immberahiptbero arb aiich cvidencca of jirogreus aa new- lurnacearincroased peatiiig accomodation and renewed intorest in every dopartniont of the church work ameof crewsoists corners agetitloninn in thiavicinity who owna a rather fatt horse of a bomowhat perform ing character gfcvo a public exhibition of its wonderful feats at itb owners exponso and to tho amusement of onlookers on saturday morning last after tho horso anditb rider had performed several re markable feata tho horeo decided to con clude thoperf omauceaniii n no doing dumped its owner who had a oros out saw in hiaarmb into a ueighboring snowbank heels uppermosuind galloped home rider less happily tho rider was not hurt on wcdnopday evenin last a sloigb load limehouse tbo misses burnottof toronto are visit ing friends here mr william irwin of toronto is visit ing bis mother for a few days mr william msruluill jaepending ajyeek or bo with relatives in the scotch blpok mr robert wheeler who has been in sarnia for the past few months returned home last week while cutting wood laat week miyjoaeph garvin had tho misfortune to have tbo axe glance and cut a deep gabb on tbo instep of his loft foot tho toronto limo co havo got in their supply of wood for- next summor already and do not intend to accept moro at present mr ninian lindsay jr who had bo far recovered from bia sickness as to be able to jearoqndhasjiadaiolapaean opora- tlonwas prefdrineomabt thuraday by dr cameron a bpeoialiat of- toronto assisted by dr lindsay of gaolpb and dr suther- landof georgetown- there has boena blight change for the batter sinco mr ninian lindsay sr of milton was hero on saturday a large nrirnbet attended oomraanion bervico hero on sunday tho rev p l perrin preached a fine sermon from collobiana obap 3 and h verae the main sport now is coasting down our nnmor long andreoipiioas hills nassaoaweya hfrvator 11 aa 1 wae predibfed in tleao colanina aome timo ago thoro is strong and very general opposition to tho county councils act of lost session a petition will come into tbo legislature from the county of york supported by petitions from other counties asking for amendments to the act these amendments will bo introduced and will btfyup ported by tho patrons conservatives and bomeof tbo liberals tho main ob jections are to the cumulative vote uo the fact that rooveb aro not eligible for elec tion to tho county cbanbil and to the term of tho county councillors speakingof pobtago on newspapers which tbo now post master- general contemplates reimposing the dundaa banner saya it is worth recalling that away back in i8lmi thero wero but 60 nqwnpapers pab- lib in canada of whioh 30 we in uppercanada the ciroulation of these papers was limited yoi tho postage was no light itom in 1880 when thero were only 27 nowspapors in the country the total amount paid for nowspaper postage was illfla sterling being ovor 82000 of this moro than half was paid by tho christian guardian x227 ths next boiog wm lyon mckookiebcofciia advocate with xfi7 and third the watchman at kingston with 21 instead of 50 nowspapora there are now over 1000 aud instead of four pages manyof lham now turn out 12 and 10 and on special occasions 18 and 0 rockwood the rookwood lodgo r t of t intend giving a concert soon in their lodge room tho entertainment will no provided by members of theipdgo mr john gibbons met with an accident white going to a golden wedding in the vicinity of aoton his horsq became frightened and kicked itself loose from the butter the outter was broken but uo one wan injured mr robert llamillon has two hardy little- lambp they first saw the light on feb 11 and are the pioneers of this years hooka around here tho ladies of the presbyterian congrega tion of rookwood hold a basket eoolal at tho house of mrijl nickell naaaaga- weya on friday cvoning a good time was ronlized by the large company present mrs jackbon of fergus president of tho hamilton conference b mn oh of the worn- mis missionary society gave a highly intorebllug missionary addreaa in tho methodist church sunday evening a meeting in tho interests of the friends foreign missionary society wan held in their meeting in on thursday evening mr a g dale of uxbridge who is an earnest worker in ihomisbcncaaodliver- od an inpiring addreas the rev j e howell m a of acton preached missionary sermons on the nass- agaweya circuit last sunday his bermons were highly appreciated by all halton farmers inbtitute meeting at brookyillo on tuesday was a gratifying buccesb naasagaweya sabbath school convontion will bo hold at st davids church camp tbltynio tbday thuwdai gram mo has been preparei miflees maggie easterbrook andahee laing aro appointed delogates for the e l of c e of ebenezer and misses emily kitohlng and l calvert of cor whin to tbe hamilton conference league conven tion at paris oa feb 24th to 26tb memsjf and r f wilson of eden mills and knatchbtrit returned home sat urday after a six weeks visit to relatives and friends in wawanosh tho yonng people of darbyvillo and vicinity hada une6ystor bupptratmr7 george laings rcsidencoon fridaytevening last they had an excollent timo and left in the wee sma hoars of the mornipg dre ge and r j ilubbandof hamil ton visited their bister mra langrill at kuatobbnli last week gn thasfitb jannary on lot- 17 con 67 nksaagaweya mrs moleod wifo of mr kenneth moleod aged 61 years qaietly pissed away of young people from hero drove to mr wm donyri homo near anton and bpent a very enjoyable time in musjb arid games the party was mode thoroughly at homo bymrand mrs dennis a orookiuolo party was hold at mr n forbobmaat wednesday night and we now understand that moaara forbes and cann arp the champions of this vicinity any one wishing to bo defeated had better chal- lehgothetrn there was a slight mistake in last weeks ihbuq as it was joseph coleman of this place who got his foot cut notjames wenreleased tohear that- mr john damper who- bad his leg severely out is around again mibb mina moore of mount forestj is visiting at mr james moorod mr thos ramahaw oflowyillo paid a flying visit to friends horo on sunday his brother mrc a ramahaw who has been speeding tho past two months hero returned honin with him gass will bo missed by his many friends here mr robort cripps left yesterday for hamilton to spend a couple of weeks with friends there mr w lamb lost a very valuable horse ontqesdoyr brampton council has already ovor 300 loadb of gravel delivered for use on tbo streets next season heros a pointer for our council rr the painful experience of rev c h backhus for fiviwmonthe he was helpless and endured afionlzlna palnar could neither rlso up nor sit down without aldhetells how he found a cure jackfets 1 arid cloaks you never had such an oppor tunity to bit your vintcr ov3r- gannunts at such low prices wc dont know vcrryou will again we are- sclliyg off our- stock of winter garments at prices which- represent about onehalf of their actual selling value were doing this because we want to distribute our stock quickly we are doing jhffi because we dont want to carry any of our winter stock oyer ttittios heaver clbih coats jriadetin jjost itih fricjoaiid ueavci ciplh coals wiiih ffaoofoi 33oo phihhcnpfis quilted uhinr jvtre taoo fir- 8oo latlikb licavur cloth capcb fancjnltlcliinp- find ovarlaid work were 3 900 for 0oo all qiicfltions chucviully answered letters or orders received be fore 1 oclock answered sanic day jsutcuffeons vtsii toflonto aililnii r camp mckiimoy b c and itff famous cariboo ftff area or tho output- or brltleli ooluttt bltt orbs january was a rocprd- droakortho production now at tho uato ot i000ao0o por annum tbo mlnnohaba tho exconalpn of tho cariboo when calling- ask for mr j e sutcliffc ahm htfi anfu nor- tho fpljowing responsea from tho public school teachers of halton have been jreceiv ed by mr j 8 deacon public school in spector up to tuesday evening 10th inbt acton echool was to first to send hi a subscription and it was a good ono mrt t uooro acton public school 1u 12 mr jmcandrow 7 eequofllng 3 30 mis8trr darling a do mrt norton 11 dotr mr j j seaman a edo miasefoator16 ido mtas j mcdonald ia do i mies helen smith 18 trafalgar mjbu 8 o mabon ii naasjjuu jdopm mrwrsfooro7i8 nelson mr j lubcombo brouto mr j ii onolli lowvillo mr j a bhorwood eaqucalnr mr ee hartloy 8 trafalgar miss a uutchoon 9 nobaafiawoya mr j a storey 8 nnbsagawpya misti 8 k sprott 10 trofalgar mr cijub combo is trafalgar missm mltcholl 12 nojbou mr it bordoi3nasbsondopt mr m proatlss 0 ebquosing i mies e ji chapman 3 kolqon tbtal interesting family reunion the homo of our esteemod citizen c t hill esq merchant was the scone of a happy reunion last week all the mombors of the family surrounded the family board again as follows mrs dr lpwry gnelph mrs c s kilmoater port rowan james g hill artist toledo u 00 tea j 50 20a ss 00 3 60 1 00 i 00 1 h 2 so 3 70 9 k 2 ca 010 il5 1 00 3 00 x 20 2 a 2 05 ss3 os ajfli -ehirrt- eh w m mich chobtor thill artiat cleveland from tho tilaouhnrg ohborvor the rov c h backhus ia a resident of bayham tnwnihip elgin county one and there iaprobablynoporadninthe county who is bolter known or moro highly es teemed he is a minister of tbe united brethren churoh ho also farms quite extensively superintending tbo work and doing quite a sharo of it himself despite kia advancodogo but he was cot always rdprif sbletobxerrhlmbbltn hepao today aa b few ycaraago be underwent an illness tbat tsiri ahdllrs mcloojcame to canadafrom glasgow scotland 84 years ago mr moleod on his arrival jworkod for a timo for the late mr thoa moorae as engincerand afterwards in tbe same capacity for mr henry corgi 11 until he booght the farm upon whioh tho family resides some sixteen years ago tho de ceased was only ailing for about a week with heart trouble she was highly re spected by all wio know her mrs- mo leod leavca a husband eix daughters and four sous tho daughters are lira monro rookwood mrs bawniao milton mrs cole eeqnesing and mrssaycrs nassa- gawoya the sons are nell and norman at home henry nasaagaweva and ken- noth near rookwood t epworthniagqe of chrisiti endeavor of the ebenanor church had quite a novel entertainment about a week ago it was in the shape of a pie- social the committee provided an excel lent musical and literary programmo the proceedswere form tail orrnry purpoaes tho rev t amy will occupy tbo pulpit ot the aoton methodist church morning and ovening mr and mra h m taylor were visiting relatives and friends in clifford last week several families aronud knatchbull are sick with tonailltia and lsgrippo it ia with regret tbat we learn of the ill ness of mr d a kingsbury- a former nassagaweya boy wo hope he may soon ba restored to his wonted health again several farmers in this vloloity have bad mr john anderson with his engine and circular saw sawing up their stock of piitu- mor wood the past week mr b mcgregor received a very levero kick from one of his horses a short time ago he it able to bo around again farmers in general aro laying in a supply of lea for next summers use they report the ice never wan hotter than this year manyfearedwouldterminate bis life to a reporter who recently had a conversation with him- the rev gentleman give the particulars of bia illaeas and cure with permission to make tho statement public tho atory as told by rev mr baokhus ih substantially as follows about three years ago he was taken ill and the doctor who was called in prqnonnced his trouble an attackofla grippo he did aot appear to get any better and a second doctor was called in bat with no more satisfactory resuts so far aa a renewal of health waa concerned following the la grippe pains of an excruciating nature located them selves in bia body he grew weaker and weaker until at laat he was perfectly help- lese he could not sit down nor rise from a bittingpoature without assistance and when with this assistance ho gained his feet he could hobble but a few steps when faew for llvo months these agonizing pains were endured but at last rolief ho long delay ed came a friend urged him to try dr twilliamalpinkpills hayieldodto the advice and had not been taking them long when the longed for reltof waa not i cod coming he could move more easily aud the stiffness aud pains began to leave bis joint el he continued tho ueo of tho pills for some timo longer and the cure was complete seeing mr backbit now it would be difficult to think of him as the crippled and helpleaa man of those painful days mr baokhus is now past his 80tli year as bo said by tho aid of dr wil- lianlb pink pills i am as able as those ten years younger you can readily judge of t b i laidforty roda-of- rail fenoo this year i am glad to add my testimony in favor of dr williainti pink pills 1 dr williams pink piih ntriko at tho root of tho disoaao drlviug it from the byatem and restoring the patient to health and strength in cases of paralytip spinal troublof locomotor ataxia sciatica rheu matism uryaipelar scrofoloaa troubles etc those pills are superior to all othpr treatment they are also a pecitlo for tbo troubles whioh make the lives of bo many women a burden and speedily re sloro tho rich glow of health to palo mid ballow cheeks men broken down by over work or worry will find in pink pills a certain euro sold by all dealera or bent by mail postpaid al coo a box or eix boxos for vj0 by addressing the dr williams medioiuo company drockvllle ont or schenootady n y beware of imitations audi substitutes alleged to bo jnat aa ohio henryf hill morchant buffalo n y and john c- ahd mias bella who reside in the home here the home com ing waa remarkable in that 110 member was miaajng andjnasmnoh as thoy had not ail been at homo together before in twenty years there- has been no break through death in tho family for a quarter of a century the partial blindness which b as effeotod-tho-iather- some what boriously during the pabt year albo rendor- ed thorounion a matter of satisfaction at this time mr and mrs hil are among our oldest residentsiand have always been held in highest esteem they settled in aoton on tho 2nd april 1bj56 their omtiyhabrbeenacred i tto them andl 1- ocoupy bonoraulo positiona in the reopoo- tivecommuuitieawhoro- they reside an event of the reunion was tho sitting for a group portrait by tbo ten melmbera of tbe family this must havo been a somewhat trying elporionco for artist ramshaw a remarkablo one too to have four city artists as subjedtk in a single family group in addition to the immediate members of tbe family who wero in town from a dis tance to attend the reunion wero miaa graham of hamilton slater of mrs c t hilljbt ndmrk willlo grahamrot buffalo lior aunt and dn w h lowry of guelph the moilmt llttio mlnlnp boom that becrnh in hrltlfh columbia nine monthe ago htth now ussumed such kitfiuulc inopintlons iih to attract worldwide at tention that thoro h a solid bnalh for this bourn tin rapid increase in the output of 00 from koolcnay elves ample evidence odlcial flkures ar- hard facth that tnnimt bo denied the tutal value of l ore and r urebertrinir matte pent cu cmhis dihtrlrt iijnnu- any ofthih year vus itfirofi of nt the rite- of oyer sf oooflo itannum althtiubb tbe output 4fi ho large ntlll lit the prcflint tlm lltoyenre only two- liiinlnkcumpfjln tlic whole of british columbia- uiul can wnnt u dlvldona- piiwritr koll -mints- the one i nqsm- ldnd in tiallcreek district wlthlts aivldcndimyjnk lb ttol and wdr etiplo l cjthcrl- camp mcklnney with its equally proline and wonderful cririhoo vniist thoiiame of itopfllantl is6ri every tongue al tlmtpace is prbwihb ipafl if it wpicliy marie in to a modern citv still very- little in heard of camp mcklnncy the charac ter of tho ore has much to do with thiam in rosalnndthe ore ban to he amclted requiring- a largo expenditure of labor in transportation- frnilotherwlhe whilst in cariboo the roclc is freemilling and can be stamped and turned into gold on the spoti campmcklhney is situated about get miles duo west from ttoaaland anl uboilt the saine dlhtance north of international boundary line in mc- kinney located the cariboo mine which pays dimdendn nhd should not lib- confounded with scores of other cariboo mines tula mine hnh had a wondprfiil iecnrd nnd the dividends to date including ne of wo centrt per share declared this month amount to 5140964 7g hinee the aummer of 1801 when a tcnulnmp mill was erected on the property this tehbtampjmlll cer tainly has a record to he proud of tliertlsnotranothf ty onthc pacific coast that has pro duced moro bullion a toronto oyndl- cate has been fortunnte onough to se cure the minnehaha claim which a the southern extenflon of the cariboo tedse before placjlhg the property on the market in i he east a shaft was put down on the mlnnqholia 43 feet when the vein- was- found to he about four feet wide and- tbe ore- which wan as sayed at- vancouver and at the 3chool of practical science in toronto gov ft prnsnys running from20 to j2g0 in sold ytherclfl nognidtn be aden in the rock with the naked eye as it is all dissemi nated in flna particles through the quartz in slnldng the shrift 35 tons of this ore was taken -nut- tho invpertyls one of great promtso and the stock was placed on the east- em marker hymrsara- campbell cur- rle co brokers toronto at the low fiprure of ten cents per share in three days 4c000 ahares were fold the price of the stock will doubtless be advanced between the 20th and 25th of this month posnlbly- to 13 or 15 tcnt as the company- 40 not wish to sell too much of their treasury stock at a low flcurc the ofllccrs of the company are re presentative eastern men rind are as follows president prof ivnrv mont gomery of trinity unlveik ly toron to ma bscphnifas a former ly professor of mineralogy and geo- logy and head of the mining depart mentlntlie viceprohljent capt j f ramsar whnlcflale jiieicvant toronto second vicepresident alexander k hoy esq merchant tcrohtor manager major -ainsley- megraw camp mckln- ney bc pctetarytroahurer hiram klteley bbfj broker toronto direc tors prof h montgomery toronto capt j f rtnmnay toronto alexan der k roy esq toronto j- kbo whole sale chemist toronto walter wellfl ksa ihentlst waterloo- capt currle rrnker toronto w r c bfl mvrchant paisley a g seaman esq lumberman wlarton j u ballantynif esq merchant tiver ton g ic mills ba stratford bar- miclemi verret e wholesale mer chant quebec all the stock of the owners and pro- motors ia pooled nnd cannot be sold m competition with the treasury stock until the mine fs on n paylnjr banlf the treasury f tock fs 250000 shares out of a cnpltnl of looocqo shores par value jl ench with nn ndditlonal go00o fhareh rcpcrvrd for the treasury in case there is rot sufticlcpt monoyreal- ized from the flrft block in tho trbas- ury toplaco the mlnn on a paying foot- ingcmespr campljcu currla co have been- kept busy issuing prbspec- fruses tnlnqulrers nil over the country from halifax to vancouver they wlfl bo pkosedio send a prospectus ttirl nnrtlcujara of the property- toanyftdl desirous of obtalnlnlntormatlon f gqo wc will put in on or about saturday feb 20th all the newest materials fop fancy work j call in and see no- trouble tpshow goods spring prints latest designs best quality newest styles shingles for sale j gfgoqdeye next post office acton nelsons annual spriisra suit saauiv cfemeiiegsmrsday moniingv febyr llth at 10 oclock wo will ploco before you njgnifloont rn of choice new spring- 8ultlnes including english scotch and canadian tweeds worsteds and blue and blackl8erce8 regtilar price for thoon gooda from 818 to j22e0 por suit i offer yoa tho choice of any oait mode to order perfect and firstclass jfori6jq6 5 mubt aocompany the order thetjalanoo when suit la called for any time up to r 22nd ma no auit will be delivered unless paid for get your spring iutlatthiaaloadclsavoforyourbelfr h aratbrtt iovolvinc uoottcano hlnelt walnut nuatly ilnihliad will bold volnnifio lit 11 rntola ub ordor cost 1250 will ho ubw for ejkpocabh apply at free phes8 office queen victoria her life and reign ji jie at blatorlo work ajc sandh adlttuo 1 iik bouiti nrnko twlco that many ui spare -timo- than during day tt regular qmpioyihent thia yearb- groat beifa gonary cejouratloiib arb boomttir it books on timo prpiiptjotuaroo to cknvatiflerfl territory b mtadleygaitlietbo co ttttcr i toronto on wu do oxactly aa wo advertise bale closes at 980 saturday evening mr qrlndelva claims settled after due consideration tbo board of tbe economical fireinauranoe company of berlin last week paid mrhenry grindella claims for loss 33 through the recent are in tall mr b b cook local agent of tho company handed mr grindell oh spues oovering tho samo on thursday mr grin dell will proceed at once to get alt in read ineas for rebuilding in the spring he has decided to put ip a briok shop story and a half c0x30 and will repair and improve the housed thopollbybolderanerally of tho economical will be pleased with this satisfactory settlement leading tailor and- furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph glieap gjasil store old credit is dead poor pay killed him aitcrist march our business will be strictly cash so that parties who are doing credit with us will kindly take this notice as everyone shall be decidedly refused credirraftertbatdater we- think it will be belter focpurchaser as yell as merchant as we can sell cheaper j4o bad accounts no send ing put accounts and we can always take discounts patent medicines pyny pectoral for coughs and colds 20c kemps balsam lor coughs and colds 20c havards bronchi syrup 20c scotts emulsion- r aoc ecleciricou v 20c7 pink pills 40c ayers pills 20c carters pills 26c- salts per lb 5c sulphur per lb 5c orocries canned corn r 5c salmon 10c lard per lb r ioc pickles per bottle trvrrvrrrmpcr coal oil per gallon 17c cheese per pound ioc any person purchasing f 10 worth of goods for cash within the next month will b given a barrel of choice appe3 varieties northernspie3 seeks tojman sweets bald- wins ahd russets wc have 125 barrels on hand everybody come ahd get a barre eggs and butter taken in ejichangey cor symon bros mill and mairt streets acton black hair and ia red switch ouse cor king and hughaon sttf hamiron high grade carpet clearance for this tnontti onlr we hnve decided to majte a great clearance of surplus dlock of carpets and for this purpose have ma deep cms in prices note the following list 27 pieces best quality hoyal wilton regular 8185 now 125 miideand laid g7 pieces best 5lrame brus sels regulnr 135 now 110 made and laid 82 pieces good quality brus sels regular 9115 now 90 c made nnd inkl id pieces beat quality tapestry regular 90c now 75c made and laid wantkdsevbbal iaitiipul men oil vroiiion to trvol for rflii6nlblo auh- lihwl liouo in ontario salarr 780 pyablo la weekly and oipdnea poaitlon urniannt heforonco enolo aira4ldrowit uniimid en- unvoloim tito nutlonal ktar ilnllillnf clilcouo 13 pieces heavy- make tapestry rogular 65c now 50c mndo and laid scores of onda of allwool and union carpets length ranging frpm 8 to 8 yards all clearing at ono- price remnants and odd patterns of floor cloth and linoleums at nearly half price regular 25c k for 15c regular 80c for 20c rogular 40c for 25c bissolls worldrenowned carpet sweopora ronlir 2 50 for 8185 hearth rugs largo sizq chamois goat rogular 850 for5- volyct rogular 5250 for 175 kyber regular s350 for 250 goorka reg ular s550 tor 450 hiehclabs curtains cream and white irish point lace add tambourod ourt the valuo of anything largely depends upon your particular need itoften happons that bargains come out of season when theres no special advanitageto you- inbuyingunlesa -yon-dior-like- tho woman with black hair weve heard of who bought a red switch because it waafyheap our bargains depend upon new and desirable goods for the immense trade they create we endeavor to make better induce ments than the average- by anticipating ycar- wapfandmeeting them always after mventory the general anxiety of department chiefs is to got rid of many things and present business cant help but be br bargains are the r rattier than the exception just now including the folio winj jiehi afjiiertihemrnlr dbesssfaking mjrh nobiiwihioclvo orders foi droehinak inj at liar reuldfiico frederick btreot autou wanted young wimiun mid iiiou or older ours if btlll youiir iii mplrlt of iincloiibttid character nood talkorn anibhloiikjiikl jtluiiibtrfouj con llntl etniiayuiunt in a koofttntiibo willi per indnth untl umvnnb accoi to ability uliv thunucotttoroii toiout revolviiiil bookcase for sale a bargain r boiib onelijlit to thou- oandh lord duflerlii iotroducoa it to canadlauo in glowing wordn easy to make ejooo a wook boiiiti niako twlco tin make moro waiffen- men to oncnea with ub as laiosmon ncw boason jpbt openldk new atvlo of plato oookj more- attraouvo and yet flab tor tban pat openldk new atvlo of plato ittraolive and yot flab tor tban ovor al buppllbs furnfahod fr6 wo pro the only canadian nursery pay inn salary and oxpohbob from tho start ltboraldommlibtodto part timo mon large hat of special ties all having been tested at our trial orobatda if you want a good thing for tbo winter write us stone si welijingtpn nuraorynion andprnlt owerfl toronto can ovor 700 acroa under cultivation we can give positions 30 poraodbtdrall grades of ability agotits ookikeepoctjjcrkbrf armexa ions lawyera inoebanica pliysiolatia preacbora btudenta married and oiurio woman widows pojitiont are worth from 60000 to 300000 por annum wo bavo paid eovoral canvassora 9so00 woeklj for yoara many havo started poor and bocoru rlob with ufl particulars upon application and if satisfactory aud nocomary a personal inter view may bo arrangod tbib la ttletnontrond1f yonwaiittotjottaryoarpoilttotr write boloro you aloop state salary- expected neither loafora nor tipplers nood apply the bltadleyoaitbetbon co ltd toronto ont tenders for gedar timber ten de its will be received by the undorsiga ed up to monday s3 february at 0 oclock f m for eighty pieces of aound codor timber ap eat long largo enough to square 10x13 inches audaix pieces 23 foot ions aame dlmonalons timber to be dollvored at browds haw mill acton boforq 1st april uoxt tho lowest or any tender not nocosaarlly aeppted t tmoore municipal clork bronchial syrup an excellent remedy for the various affections of the jtjiroalandllungsi such as couglis colds crouptln- linenza hoarseness sore throat eawuess tickliua bronchial inflammation aud all pulihpnary troubles for sale by a t brownjhm b mill street acton doqd hlayers call on or write to us and get a good string for their violin t we handle the very best strings irish point regular 8 800 for 500 900 700 lff00 1200 1j75 115o fo 1100 for 1350 for 1900 for 1g00 for tamboured regular 15fi0 for 51000 1000 for 750 1150 for rf50 700 for 550 blankets fine white- and groy blankets standard sizes 5 6 7 8 9 nnd 10 lbs at n regu lar discount of 5cu lb oft our regular close prioos goodf stored till roquiiod j 9 00 for 7 50 rl650jfor ty oo 35 00 for 30 00 for 23 00 2500 for 20 00 3 73 for 2 95 40 00 now 29 ob 0 00 now 30- 00 2000 now 13 00 30 00 no 20 60 1 25 now 73 thpfnas c watkins february 17 1897 the right house groy goat kobea a 1 robe a 77 mens australian coon coal mens do do mcrts do do mens dog mitts ladles baltic seal cape ladies electric seal cape ladies coon cpe ladies coon cape iiadies knit wool shawls 13 off ladies golfers 3 pairs chenille curtains- half price 33 tabic covtri brncatelli nil wnnl nni linen 1- off or a cover that was ladies gossamers nnd cloth waterproofs at the original price clear ladies mantles at 35 per cent off nil this week ah tho remnants rfvid old lois nt your own price this qtoro news ia printed m much for your benefit as ours t tolls of things you want to know if monoymnlcing bo an object bargains then a gen oral contribution from all departments with special reference to your present needs aro evening up of all stocks with prices lower in consequence savage go jewellers guelph hvest store gibson millar co stock taking now over land we hud wo atill liaro few lines ot fall and winter goods which wo have to dispose or in tbe next few days con- underwear grd ly flannels gloves hosiery to no rea nft rn eieorlbesaoods immedlat- it pays observation to bo on hand no words can equal pergonal the fra nk do week depabtmental guelph go ly also odd n nniborslii monta vierwoartobo at once a number of hens fine far cpb flto to be sold at price now is your- uno to eoure good cap oheap flnehlbbputstallohna it is an aoknow- lodgedfmttbatwodotoeloadlngf largest and besi trade in the vloloity from tbe fool of tho immense trade ire bave done gentlemen yon cn ftlwaye bo suited in this deportment with us so you eon oome wltb tho utmost con rid eu 00 ii ttln- -tl- z 5 etorything guaranteed endthe largest ud best assorted stock to select getting satisfaction andtr- from oen fnrnlsblngs now assortment just arrived in all the best and lateststytes of nook- wear collars chitb hosiery gloves etc l hats the nowostandlateit in kngluh and amorloan styles will bo opened out saturday clearing sale of roadytowearelothing itovt and liens overcoats at price m we dont wlih to carry wy over we tbonk our many friends 6d the uublla in general for their liberal patron ago extended to usjauia past year and wo bui1ioo to rotaiu tliflr aoufldenoo by doing as we advertise gibson millar co hoe blook georgetown rrodooe uken in oxebango j- d day

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