Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 18, 1897, p. 3

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bank of hamilton head office hamilton caltiaiiaiii ur aiasoooo hkokitve lund 1175000 total ahuktbj 8ayybiy board of direotob wnhtuakt a u llamhav lruuulunt ioclrohdiiiit un pltoctoll tiko iioacii a 1 wuul a 11 iin toronto wsi iii m atuitnmjll cannier h h stkliiijn aunt oiihhior ii m watson liiflimclor agencies hamilton linrton st i hast end alliiiton bitliiicliijhlcyuuorhutownuriiihlvljlbtowil bucknow milton mount forotu orainjovillti dwou boliud 1orl elgin hiiuooti toronto british correspondents lonu6nnutional 1roviuclul dank of kiifj- rulltd american correspondents new voiik fourth national dank and laiiovor natljiialbaiik ltobton intbruatlon- 1 trubtco uurraloofllarinaltatik cmoaao national bank or iliinoiband union national hank dbitkut detroit national bank h vnbab oirv national banttbf commorco agents in montreal tho ilauk of toronto the news at home mohtly of a local character and dvefv itorp interesting ghoraetown acjency tllsoounteduud advanconmado 6n milt iblafioaiiritlub collectloub umdo audilraftu bought and- sold on all aoocbblblo points in canada unuod statoa uroat itritafn aud tbo continoutof europe upon ojdbt fayqrabh tpruia j sayings iiepartmeht dopoaitaof 81 and upwards vbcolvod and f utareat allowed irani date ot dotoslt to data 61 withdrawal speciajdiardbits ahio roaolvod atcorrenttatefl of introbt n m- livingstone aciint iveddiiig presents birthday presents wedding rings rogers knives iorks and spoons siectacles special attention given to repairing trust us with your watch repairs avc alwaysgive satisfaction geo hynds aotori ont thursday february 18 1807 d little local brieflets which caught tho eyes orearallof free press reporters this week council meeta next monday oventdg sunday was st valentines pay did gapid remember you annivdraary services in knox church next sunday hey mr morrison of tor onto will preaoh go and hear misamccauurotheeleoca tiouiat in knox cbarob next monday even- lrg you will bo ediiled and entortaiaed rev a j darrook b a will preach id tho baptist church on sunday in tho absence of the pabtor who is to flpeak in tho pavilion toronto hev t amy preached in tho mothodist churob on sauday in tho ttbaonce of bov mr howell who preaohedmia8ionary aer- mdo5ohtjas3agawjytt circuit he thought ho needed cxercibc until bia wifaopinod that ho raifiht clean tho sidewalk then bo bad a change of mind the enow etill lies on the bidewalk the couuoil baa decided to build a sub stantial bridge over the htreara from main street to cooks sorvoy on agnes- street tenders are asked for supply of timber or tho htruoturc owing to the nnnsual demand for extra copies of last issue our edition was ex hausted before all wants wero supplied we conbeqaently reprint one or two impor tant items this week the usual courtesy on anniversary occasions in sister churches will bo observed iu tho method ia t chursb next sunday the evening service will bo withdrawn and tne congregation will attend knox cbarb the prico at which the school trubteea scoured their wood this year ia consider- ably leah than we received from the g t it for wood twentyfive years ago remarked a farmer to the free ihebb tho other day mr and mrs james gibbous br 61 the beoond line celebrated their goldon wedding ust weok a large company of relatives and frienda wore present to enjoy their hospitality and extend congratulations a dlighlful time was ppent canadian ability and ouduranco invar iably come u tho front in a fair test angus johnson jr who removed to johnstown n y- last year has developed into a vrry fast skater and at presentholda the championship of fulton county n y 4mrelorajjiying8tqn9 habpurchascd the blyth electric light plant and haa taken possesaion beaforth expositor good for elam i a good many of bis old friends in acton would like to see him come havk to bis native town and inbtall an electric light plant here a wollpostod agricultural paper says it ia believed that priceajf horaoa will advance in the near fnture there aro indications that tho bottom has been reached tbofeeling atnong-hotso-grow- rs is somewhat more hopeful the neces sity for the consideration of quality in horsebreeding is generally acknowledged a couplo from tbenefghborboda of oastio were bappfly married hereon tues day it was their third visit to town for this parpoia and to make euro of the oon- aumatlon of the ceremony thla time they darii to towa monday afternoon nara- irona amuing inoidents reipeotlng the gorailhenaojinoof the gjqora again at any anwafrantei expenditafes are toia lit 3o fye has oponnd an offtoo at 89 adelaide st east torontcj and is bnai- ly engaged inprbmotlng iho inureats of the bibel qroap gold mining and dovol- o the piuphttica uwucd- by im company aro said by competent mining engineers to be mosk promising upon the board of direotorh tho naraea of w h- btorey esq d henderson m t wm iioant q g and other gentfemen of high standing appear a wellknown elergtraan in mount forost has adopted a unique bories of bub- jects for bis sunday ovening disoouraoa the jieprtmntaticc says tho bev wm beviin intends to dedicate the next few sunday evening to aaylng all the good he oan of hftv lioiglibom and next sunday evening the theme of hia sermon will be va few good word for tho methodists he hopes to say a few good words forviho pretbyterianf itomivn ctbolicb and dap itviutfl later on a serios of farmera mooting will be bold at acton and brook vlllo next tuesday to bo addressed by hon thomas ballan- lyno and joseph stratford brantrord at 840 p m thoy will tpeak in the hall fn brookvilleaodat73d in acton tlid ad mission is free and farmers and their fam ilies are effpeolally invited jl an let but irvtty tvtiliu a couple of bur oateumedyoung people lir george igiiow and misa jeaaio behcoby went quietly tn guolph last luhttliuruday evening and wero united in tho lipiidh of wufjlook at st jatnob church kbciory ruv aj belli ma tiqdwho nuptinmcu6t the brido wkj attuuded by miha nellio ilyiids and mr murray mcdonald supported tho groom tho liappy young cojiplo will iaftd tup their residciiqo in tho cottago on willow strcot next tho own hall whero they wijj receive heir nutneroua friends accidents were numerous that day last thursday was a buby day for tho surgcoua burly in the morning there- was a cull to tho home of mr xbomua ebbago to red u co the fraoturo auataiued by his slaughter lottie to hor right limb tlio oveu- boforuvbliortlyafter seven a m henry bauer who workfl iu beardmore a cos tannery made a misstep and fell into a vat in tho fall one of tho flngom on hib riglrt hand vub catightin a crevico aud it wuabrplwu between tho socond and tliird joints tlio bnmo forouoon mr jamea molani bluckaaiitb was adjusting the plung fictile dodpriveli at tlio tannery- whod by annnbjspjiotdd jerk hia loft tbunib waa dialocated r atxvtifoetuantoc6nstor- itb tho first frostlrtatftvllmw lottie ebbage the fourteen year old daughtor of mr thdrnaaebblige mot with an occident while at phvy with hor oompanionb by which herieft leg was fractured she haa been confined to bod almaatrcontiouonsly until last week when she was bufficiently recovered to got about laet wednesday bhe wont out to enjoy bluighridiug with two or three kklfifouda and in their fro- lia oneof tho other girlg fell against her and the limb was agaia fractured she earolyiahohhdofinidf6rtunotthla be ing tho third fraoturo within a year or so tho nursing entailed ia a bovoro strain upon the mother and other members of tho family a- the vibit luat week of the four ilill brothers all of whom are bucceabful photo artiitb to their boyhoods home recalls o fact fuat the audio bore has been very prolific ln4urning out artists who are a credit to rtnnprbfessipn tho studio wab established in 187 by mr jo hill now proprietor of a profitable art business in toledo ohio he wab succeeded by mr c w hill now of monroe miobt one of its most prosperous cittxans a property owner and doing his wbolo duty in both church and atate mr h kamahaw tho present owner received his education and inspiration ia the gallery he now so auc- cqaefuliy operates tho following aro graduates all having ssrvod their timo in acton cheater t hijl- of cleveland ohio henry fhill buffalo n y- w j hughes of detroit mich cbaa t moore of lancaster ohio- cuas a matthews of the auamatgraphe co new york john mcclure of hamilton geo blair of tho american aristo co jumea- towu n y george tburaton of white- field n y and albert adams at present in town verily tho canadian country boys with their gonoral and thorough country tuition ami wholesome ideas cf- honest service invariably got to the top in thocttioato whiah thoy migcato- itow subscribe ru regard tbc system whilo attend ingtherecenl session of the canadian probs asaociatlon at toronto tho query how dooa your cash in advance work are your subsoribors loyal to you in carrying it out was a freqnont ono on tho part of newspaper friends who were there it wab a pleasure to reply that il is entirety satisfactory and that our sub scribers have honored the plan almost uni versally by prompt renewals the follow ing is adettor fast received from afiobsoriber a resident ahundrcd miles from acton whose bubscriptibn bad just expired and to whom the usual printed notice had been sent tbat the last copy had been f on warded un less romittanco was received before tho issue of this week dkaii mn eqitpii a very striking colorod circular reminds mo that my subscription ia due over duo and icavcft mo no f urfcllor oxcuso for nofiloct oriorgetfuluess and as i would not llko to niiesovon oiio copy of my papor my letter from omc i lioston to projido osalnst that contingency i would not have beet sur prised or o do n dec either if i bad boon ovon moro forcibly reminded of my dolinquoncy by its failure to put iu an appearance your plan is a good ono tlioro is no reason wliy tho small amount rcjulrod for tny weekly and pa r- tlculorly tho fiiee tiiehh bbould not bo paid in advance tbo tbing ia rigbl it was worth a years subscription to read tho account of tho ro- union of the family of our old old frloud mr hill what a ploasuro it must havo boon to him as well as to each of them particularly wheu wo contemplate tho probability that it may i over occur again i can alniost outer into u little of tho spirit of it ovon at long range aa au jjutoidor biittban i dout tblok thoro any out- bldors as hot wood tho old itoyb and ojd girls at least i caunotsooit kind regards to all j 3 thoabovo may be taken as a fair sam ple of tho letters roceived and kind- words spoken upon ronowal by fiikk phzhh readers of their subscriptions rev ii arlhacphorsaa happily xvctldcd the jtjiuu puems has been favored with tho following prticniara of a very pleaeant event wbioh took place attho- residence of thomas w laird hogbson street north hanailtonmast wedoesdsyv will last when rev h a macphereon of acton and miss maggie- laird wero united in holy wedlock rev or fraser assisted by rev r f cameron of north east hope performed tho roarrlago ceremony tho ridb wan supported by her biater miaa aggio laird and rov w m mckay of norval nesistedthe groom tbo gifts to moorecroft tho substantial now rosldonoo of h p moor completed hnd i tho family now comfort ably settled mooreoroft thouow roaldenca of mr ii p mooro jidjtnrof tho fmrc iiuisb at thitcoruor of church ami ivedorrcttbtnotb which liuh been undor aoiihtriiotion for noirly a your pial him been conipllttiland mr and mrsji iro now gett in gradu ally settlod in their new homo j xllo building iaaituatcd pn tlio otto of mr mooroit birtrtiilaoe whert hia fathor the jato edward moore with ltir- brido took up their residence baok in tho fifties tho site ia a commanding one ia 192x1518 feet in aizo and givea ample space for a building of the dimcnaioiia of tho ono in quoation tho fironud tultefla graduul rio from church atreot to tho rear and farms a portion of that part of acton which the latoxnptaiu burns was pleased to desig- nafo hopo hill tlio arcliitoctural treatment ofthq build- ingla purely colonial in character which btyo prevaila both in tho eiterior and in terior tbo main lines pf tho structure are square but theyure 8ufticiaritty by abpacioiib und weublutdcd veraiidu suc- roundihg tho north corlier with a baloqiiy lixi2 over thafrotlit supported on heavy columus with btjuaro bueo andcapitulu and a soaiioirioiiiar wnll to tho front exteueion tho nnderpiuningia built ot rockfaoed orcdit valley brdwu btoue tlio door find window sills and heads boing of hutdo tnaterhil the exterior walla f rorn- foundar liotvto roof are of kol terra cottaprcb3- ed brick and the- roof na slated with best canadian blute thodimenuioaa aro front aafeot sidolofeot with rear porch 8x10 height of ceiling biaement 7ft oin i ground floor 10fc uin chamber floor oft hb atticoft gin the inferior plana are convenient and compact- tho vestibule and reception hall are- p moled and trimmed with quarter cut ouk the hull contains noriiametitalhlujrcaaiiwitbcarvod and mouliiud nowol p and a pirjoled aeat tho couplo wero beautiful and numoroua7 showing iho high esteem in which thoy are held among the presents were one from the congregation of tho mission in wbioh rov mr maopbersonand miss laird were at ono time zealous workers and another from tho young ladyn sunday school alias among the gneau a d is n cu w ui u g batletfnttr67tewyof kt j laird oil city pa r and mrs laird toronto mrs spears innisfail alberta mrs ballingal inniefll and miaa a ballingal gait after tho marrlago cere mony the 50 gueata present sat down to partake of tho wedding breakfast during wbioh an impromptu programme was carried out tlio happy oouple- left for tho west amid abundance of good wishes and hhowera of rice- on their return from tho honeymoon trip they will take np their rettdenco at tho manse here mrs mac- pherson will receive friends an february 24th 25th and 2lith at tho manae re ferring to the wedding the hamilton timfk aaye itev mr maoplierson ia well kuown in thia city particularly iu the north end for several years he was assistant to rev dr fraser and pastor of tbo north end mission of knox church miss laird waa leader of the cbotr at the mifaflion and also taught a bnnday school class there the congregation of knox church and our citizens generally will extend the heartiest christian welcomo to ruv mr maopherson and hia brido upon tlitir ifomb coming on first lauding the staircaso ia lighted cftectivliy with windows glazed with art glass of chaato designs from tlohau opens the drawing room library dining room a back hair and a olouk room be neath tho stairs tho drawing room and library oro trimmed with quarter cut syca- more tho former haa an open lire placo with grate and- djandsomo piantle of syoamore whilo tho lattercontaina librury ahelving drawrtt etc also of- eyeaiiioro sliding doors conneot those rooms aud also tho tuain hall the rooms are wel high ted with prettily deaigned urt leaded and bent glass the dining room i trimmed and pauolcdwith oak and also has grate with mantle of oak a private entrance leads from tho piazza to this room and it is connected with pantry add kilcbou by doublo action automatic door tho kitchen rear hall and pantry aro tiimmed with pino and grained on tha chamber floor aro four commodious bedrooms with closetb bath room closet aewiug room main and roar balls the whole floor excepting bath and closet ib trimmed with whito piuo in natural flnih tho bath and cloaet aro trimmed with ash the attio habouobed room tank room and two largo store rooms a cemeuted cellar con- tainb inundry larder furnace atpro and ooal cellarb tho rear atairway is privuto from basement to attic tho houb8ifl fitted with ull modern conveniencoa in cluding electria bells piping for acetylene gas i men closet boiled linen chuto dumb waiter vqntilationflueatjtc a complbto system of waterworks has alao been put in- and tho premises aro supplied throughout with hard aud soft hot and cold water from largo leadlinod tanks bituated in tbo attio aud boiler in kitchen the plana and specifications or the build ing were prepared by j a ellis architcc toronto who deaigned tho mantles library fittings etc as well- mr euia also super intended tho work during its progress as far as possible all work in connection with the building was given to local manu facturers mechanics and laborers tho following ia tho list of contraotora exca vations stone brick and pastoring hill brampton carpenter work john camoron acton who sublet tho work of setting up to j j lawbon acton hard wood dominion art woodwork co tor onto elating iron and copper wurk hut- son son toronto plumbing purdy mansell mashinter toronto hardware vokea hardwaro co toronto aud symon broa acton painting j a bcrridge toronto furnaco and rango gurney fouddry co toronto art riubi h t lyou toronto it is needlces to bay- that tho work throughout has been most satisfactorily performed by the varioua contrabtora and workmen and their efforts ta execute tho apecifications to tho letter hnvo been fully appreciated ai to tho aorvicea of the architect ehpeclal mention is deserving tho excol- ioncp of tho designa his careful supervision of tho const ruction during the many months of its progress his- practical experience and valuable counsel in tho matter of details iu both building and fur nishings contributed much to tbo securing of so hundsomoia building and so comfort able a home mr and mrs mooro will now bo pleased to welcome their numerous friends at moorcbroft ashorove miss amy adamson of springfield waa visiting friends in this vloinity during tho week mrs scott and mr it scott of toronto aro thogucatb qmr j fbrownridge mr wm mcfarlano of hamilton whs vtsiingat mr wait udoaviast week tho flcarlflt fever haa nearly all dis- appearoa irttbia vicinity and most of tho pationta are improving rapidly miss jesaio modowell was tho guest of miaa a aloxander over sunday rev f w thompson of paisley st churoh guelph preached to a largo con- rogation here on bunuay his text was how old art thou gen 47 8th a load of oar young folk took in concluo tor sniders sokaon at milton suttday night a aleigiiload of twenty spout a ploasant evoning at tho homo of mr william john ston wednesday ovnning of last week mr itlcbard nixon of torontb was home for a fow iaya laat week misa ido hood left for guolph on tuesday where she intends epeuding a number of weeks coming and going visitors to and from acton and varlpusother personal notes tho fnkk piibsh invltoa all its roadorsto con tribute to this column if you or your friends iiro going away on a holiday trip or if you havo friends visiting yon drop a card to tbo fiikk pititss mr j a speight and mies spoight visit- od friends at ahligrovb this week rev ii a maophorson and bride ar- rived homo on tho evening train on tugs dtiy mr jyhnmqfat bqu of mr c moffat acton left last thursday for st paul minn miss amy o tho paraousge naasaga- woya spont a day or so this week with actoh friends mr and mrs joe m moore of george town speut two or three days under the parental roof this wcok mr r d graham is attending the grand lodge of tho a 0 u w in- session ut torontotbia week councillor smith and mvsarsj h matthews and it d graham vinitod tock- wood lodge ao u w on- friday oven- tirg-v- r ryv messrs joseph and charier lasby and mrs m a chriatlo went to pbcflonby lastwoek to attend the funera of the late levilaaby mr levi lambert and family are- now quite bottled in their now home jtbey appreciate the iweekly bbdgetof oews which goes from aatoh mrl chaa amatthewa who has been spending a month or so with hrafather poatmaator matthews left on mop day for new york to resumebis situation there rv b b wihiams pastor of the congregational church guelph has re signed hiu pastorate tho resignation has beou accepted and wiu take efleot april lat- made and morlt maintains tho confidence of the pebplo in hoodfs barsaparilla if a medicine oaree you whon blck if h makes wonderful cures every whoro then beyond ill question that modiclnoposdcssea mejett jtimjik tjiuitbqutioodaba- bbparilia7 wo know it poflsesaes merit becauso it cures not onco or twlco or a hundrod times but in thousands aiul thousands ot cases wo know it cures abflojutcly permanently when all othora fail to do any good whatever- wo repeat damaged rev j e jtiowellm7a andwni firyera and misses phcrpie liingand lulu howell were uppotntbd delotttes to attend tbo homilton conforeuob e league convention at paris next week mr walter lisby of hastings minn spent a day or bo with lelutives here after attending the funeral of his brother the late levi lasby of pilkiiigtod mr laa- by baa been a resident of minnesota for thirty yearb and has grown tip with the country he is a prosperoufl farmer quite i love with the western smtet but work ing btreuuously for tlnr ouaotnieqt of national prohibition a number of petitiona will bo presented to the legislature soon asking tbatjn tbo case of roarriago hcenecb women will not be forced to attend mr chapplo will bring in au amendmont to thatoffeot a trio of afflictions varied agonies fop longyears man op seventypour years feels young aoain panes celery compound gives him new blood activity and strength the great medicine removes his troubles and burdens his cure vouched for by a juatloe of the peace mr thomas r baxter of karsdale n 3 aged 74 years and fast neariog tho grave from a terrible complication of dia- casea oryaipelaa for 40 years bleeding pilos for 15 oart and sciatic rheumatism for over a year was rescued from torture agony and death by painos celery com pound after all other means had failed af tor reading the following statement vouched for by a juatice of the peace bow can any eane mab or woman entertain doubts as to the curing virtuea of barthd only honest life giving medicine mr baxter writea as follows i dcbiro to let you enbwbout my won derful cure by your precloms medioiue palnoa celery compound i was a ill toted by threo complaints that made my life a misery and a burden i had erysipelas for 40 years bleeding piles for is years and fcoilio rheumatibm for- over a year i tried the dootora and all kinds of medfeines but no help or relief waa afford ed me and i could not eat or bleep i waa then adviiedto uo painos celery com pound and oh i what a mighty change 1 tho ube of the firbt boltlonablod me to eat and sleep and after using seven bottles i was qnito another man was perfectly cured and feel youug again ah that i have written oan bo proven by merobants doctors magistrate and by three micla- tors of thogospali and by ecorea of other copo7ba1iatwayb tbankbualuyout wondertol medicine painos celprycom- pound i hereby certify that palneui celery compound has mado a well man of thomas r baxter jjiiiks h tiinoni jublico of tho peaoo sarsaparilla is tho best in fact the olid true ulood rurfflcr lt j rsit iinnsei tlood s plus uliibil23 eiire liniisen indlreatlon jsetinu people are looking about for profitable investments gold mining is attracting the attention of multitudes all over this land what do you think of the following stocks to put a little money in as ar safe andpfofi table ih- vestment they are a dead sure thing we have- the chances open for one week first come first served 1 aatrauban ripple cupo prico was 14fio 81030 2 balfcio soal ripple capta reduced from s1060 to 8800 1 ballio goal deeprippto oapc murkod down from 81600 to 81000 1 squirrel lined aud black fur trimm- od cloiji circular waa 81775 ia now 81300 1 buirrbl lined ciroulari with black thibet colutatid trimming reduced from 88150 to 82450 1 squirrel lined and fur trimmed circular deep full hkirt icurth marked down from 827 7itto 823 0 1 elegant pluah citcular caponatiii lined deep tbibot collar was 83 50 ia now 821 80 3 soarlel opera cloake onetbird taken off the price 10 ladiob and mibaeb at a die- count of tbirtytliree per cent 1 greenland 8eal circular onpo wa9 820 00 for 812 50 i 1 dcavy 8eal cape worth 825100 reduo- es to 81500 1 finest greenland seal caperegalar 83000rinarkred dojwht518n0 1 grey lamb muffa wero 8050 now 8300 4 black thibet muffa prico 8800 down to 8500 1 alsaka sable muff waa 8130q reduced to 81000 28 8torm collars varioua grades from 82 so to 81000 one third taken off tho price 5 pairs fur gauntlets ouothird discount off the marked prices side by side with this offer ing in winter stocks is the display of white goods spring cotton and under wear if one line dont catch you perhaps the other will you take your choice we have reordered some of the best selling lines and the assortment is complete e r bollert d6 co a fhinker if you you turn your thinker back one two and three years youwill lecall our very successful damaged linen sales r r v di b byt cu will hold anothersitreordanlaged lineps commencing t1iurs- daxrtfebijb ary 18th it will be no exception to the past as far as success is concerned cn you recall any smevve wasnt a success why are they always a success because we always dp jarhat we say -r-fphis- damaged lirieri sale will consist of llinien towels towelling 6y the yard damask tabling bleached damask- tabjing unwifeckeddamask table cloths napkins sec you willhave no difficulty in locatingtne damagep in every case it will be indicat ed by a reii string in manycases the goods are very little damaged the imperfection in many cases consisting qfaflawrnrhhe weaving a small pinhole or being slightly soiled all women tlave a weakness for dainty linens and it is a very pardonable one what looks prettier than a table handsomelydecorated with snowy linen tovellino chiai verycheal ioiieces russia crash towelling only 5 and gjc per yard 5 pieces liarnsiey crash towellin only q 2piecest3ark towelling only 5c 2 pieces glass towellinp only 5c 3 pieces exchange crash towelling only 71c worth ioc 3 pieces domestic crash towelling only 8c worth ibc 3 pieces fine tea towelling 21 inches wide only 8ac worth izjc 3 pieces fine tea towelling 26 inches wide only ioc worth 15c ipiecminehucktowlimfsinchea wtderuic worth 15c 7 linbnt6 wels 7 doz all linen huck towels sizeih by 30 only ioc worih 15c 10 doz ill lintn iiu k lowcls 38 only i2c worth 17c 8 duz ill linen i luck i juok 4 onl t wh 20c cotton towels- izc it b sij 2 by 15 doz hrge bie cotton iowuh 2 by 12ac eich worth i t the vime time wi will show i bath towelsjust as cheap as numbtr of uio above one hundred and seventytwo fine damask i table glofhs bleached we will show at this sale one hundred and seventytwo silver bleached daiask table cloths in sizes from i j to 3 j yards long lovely goods in price from 95c to 7 every cloth is worth fully half as much more than we ask for them many of them are oniy slightly damaged in every case there will de a red string opposite the damaged part 50 dozen 50 dozen napkins slightly damaged we will show about 50 dozen bleached linen napkins justlovely goods what a pity they are damaged but they are so we will have to make the best of it they are yours at a little over half price- 1 sideboard scarfs quite a bit below our regular price bleach d tablinc 5 pieces in all 53 yds g8 in bid- table linen at 3oc yorth 81 0 ends jn all n yards 5 and 56 in bid table linen at 29c worth 45c 1050c yd 5- ends in all 26 yds oo in bid table linen at 39c worth 60c 6 ends 29 yds 60 and cin bid table- linen at 50c worth 85c 3 ends 12 yds 72 in bid table linen at 75c worth 8125 7 ends 108 yds 72 in bid tabc linen at 85c worth 5135 1 end ayds 72 inbld tablalinenatvzc worth 8115 1 end 42jyds 72 in bid table linen at 95c worth 8150 tend linen sheeting 3j jds 9 in at 53c worth hoc 1 end linen sheeting 2o 3 els 80 in at 55c worth 85c end linen sheeting 9 yds 90 in at 58c worth 90c 1 end linen sheeting twilled 5 yds 90 in 75c worth 8125 2 ends linen sheeting twilled 5 yds 90 in75cworth ftf25 i end linen sheeting plain 17j yds 90 in at 75c worth 8125 1 end linen sheeting plain 18 yds 9a in at 83c worth 8140 table damasks unbleached 2 pieces 60 in table damask unbleached only 25c worth 33c 1 piece 60 in table damask unbleached only 30c worth 40c t piece 60 in table damask unbeached only 37jc worth45c everything will be in rendiness early thursday morning feb 18th our values all we represent them to be come in goodtime you will find 1897 to do shut the new year must be made even larger than the old one prices must suit 1 he hard times a teaobowjng paradise j tub iiomb oyj bvery leaf fatttlto virtue every infoaton in dolloloui bold in iod packets only 26o 0e fioo 60c all arooen wantedbbvbnaii raitwui mem oh woman to travel for roiponslulo etal luliod bouio in otitarlo halary 7 payable is weekly aud oxponioa 1oiltlon iiormanaut koferonco knolose lelfadflrebaod ntaniped cnvoloih tlio national htotjjuliairib cblcago before stack- taking will prices doitr we are going to make an efforttb clear 300 window shades cloth shades 3x6 35c cloth shades lace 55c wall injwr at half price chas i kelles ciy booltstoro cuelph 10 cents fifia- r is hotame 0llln 0d csjuh grdjr rtnmtm uken addrew canada uailu house ingor oil ont 26 and 27 wyndham street quelph ont pss guelph o e ryhn co owen sound regina gents waterproof o ii rswoe s miple leaf brand fcxr ioo lhrge mercliaiidise mosrements tliis busineas is opposed to wnstc avasto of money in gather ing and distributing merchandise wnste of tfmo which would bo more expeusive still and sp the seasonsthat old fogyism counted necessarily dull are improved to handle vast- lots or goods with jargestbenefiuto ourpublic womens and childrens coats- if- you had a sorting from tilnorket- full youd pick just such styles as wo tell of today prices aro little not because the gar ments deservo such n fnlo but because tho holders of tho good pot scared 22 ladies cloth jicliets uenver nntl serge velvet collars and cuffs closo neck buttoned diagonally three buttons 5 for 335 all jackets over i2 at half lrice all other jackets and copes one third oki- regular prick do you wonder that more niyltiioro the coat selling centers here 8335 and jyieaby stajistiotieti topof luxuxiousness georgetown electric works t jr arslgut proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors er motors and- hydraulic rams pipo and sloam flttles and uoneral rojpalr log uolng equipped wltli a gaa braslng maoulne i am nroparea to aobraelngonuloyolea pramea a wbuela eonvertml from direct to tangen spokos handle dare bont to apydoalrod anglo full hue of apoka kept in atook satiafaottoa guarantood dieyolea enamelled in any oolor t j apiiqht georgetown e b collins butcher dotlreb to tbank iiib no morons eaitomen for tliolr liberal patronage elnco ho commeuoed buttltiosa last january nd hopes that bv careful and ouarteoat attention to merit a continuance of their custom a complete asiorttnant of antolam beef mutton lamb pork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ao in season lricoi alwayt ai low aa eonslitent wltb tbo beat quality prompt delivery kat stock wantod je b collins quelph business college aki i 8horlhand institute ouklfb out buieiliolt facilities for tliorougli and praotloal eonrsea of study bookkeeping hhorthaad alid typewriting oouraea a apeefalty oraduatea aaaiataii to poiiuona pall 8b8uionb oommaneea 8ept let writo for elrenlara j- sharp principal more and mdris the public realizes tint tho proper place to buy dry goods is a dry goods house not a grocery store 7sr- j d williamson co wyndham and mabdohnell streets guelph new english prints you buy prints among the first things for spring there has no gone into stock a shipment of crumbs famous english prints in the very newest designs including indigos blues pinks rd greys lilac blacks and whites in stripes spots figures and dresdens patterns these goods are known as perfectly fast colors and the best washable goods made new flannelette tickings cottons cot- tonades sheetings carpets warps etc groceries- every week adds fresh goods to our grocery pcpt and you can depend upon them being fresh and at the lowest possible price a b qbltrne y co mill street acton-

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