Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 25, 1897, p. 1

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volume xx11 no ai l acton ontario thuflsday peijhuahy 25 1897 phi cis tiik3se cents 1h 1 ulll ihiipxi uvlry thursday morning at the pree prcabstciim rrlntingollup militstitnnt igion ont hetct music tfhmh or hcnucuil hon- otiu dollur itr nf trictly in ud atiuo all huii erintloub dlticoh tinned whun tho tiuiu fur which tuoy liavo boon paid liau expired iho date to which every uubjcriiittou lsiiahl is duuotod on thu uddrubu labe advbuiihivo tiatph transient advortlso iuodu 10 canta per nouparuu lino for urat in lortlou 3 contb nor liuo for oacli subsequent ittbortlon jgontiuct itaifa tho following tablo aliow 3jiltatob for tho insertion of advertisements for npoolflod iviriods jlnt6 ltd j mil 1 1 mo i 600 i jr 00 829 oq 1 67 00 35 00 jo 00 3000 1100 o oo a w a 8nap in fopular pijcoe fuusizo qoodpapor old robhioned price 30c 40o ond50o day s low price 5o any ten pieces 25c unahliilton ioat march lly bouin ttfucrtyljoii mbtcii hrsousii -thb- traders bank of authorized capital paid up capital and surplus j assets over 1 ooo ooo 785 ooo q300000 cuelph branch bpaok 20 luobor iq inc fi inohoa 3 inoh 12 00- t0o 3 00 h00 360 loo advoruaomdnto without apoclflc dirootlona will bo imorua till forbid and ohargod accord iqsly ttramhout rtdverti bernoulli luuat bo paid in advance advertisements will bq ohangod onco oaoli month if dosirtd tor changes of tenor thou ducoamoath tho couapobltfon muet bopaidfor at regulni ratob olianstig for contract odvortisomouts muut bo n tho olflco by noon on ijuosdaja hp mooiie 1 editor and proprietor wustiusfl 9itortr whui thu glrljlou lovoih matty miles an ay bone lly jocinoii i jjova you if tho oumia bou tboug iiy dloudford bon holt for vfllco uud piano iho fa0rltu fanglisii dnirfff days ookstore prlco oonts oich any 10 pieces- on the lint i coiite hiiuod pobt paid h luio price guelph day sells cheap j urln m d c m olilco and residence cornoirmlll frederick otroots aoton as elliott m b acton giaduati tonohto ltmenaiti office main strcot third door south of iroabyterlan church acton jt f halsted m d p l u o mcpanas qvr office mod leal hall main btroct acton patronage solicited llhouumtibui and cutairh bnedlaltos veterinary surgeon a lrred p husband v s grociuato ofluo ontario vclorlnofy oouoro honorary member of tho otorinury medical socloty ovpicl wuj hubbanda lot i con i naaa calla day or night promptly attondod to jdentaz ll bennett lds dentist qeonaetown ontanio jm bell d ds lds dentist iirwoiiilli honoll qlladuate oi toiiovto usi eilbity work urn it butlafactory i ricoa slodorate vibitixi uath tuuaday and trlday of each wtuk dr t 8 mercer 13thtth1 graduatfi of toronto univoralti and it 0 d 6 o ill co over drug storo acton vtarrisa dath tuynhda and fihdat m clean mclean barrio tors solicitors notarioo conroyancors sto prlvato funds to loan office town hall aoton wm a mclean jno a mclean d ouglas mdrray baiuubiulb bollcltora notarjeb etc otpice8 1290 quoon 8t parkdalo victoria chambcra bl victoria bt telephone 297 tojionto john potiaiab a g muiihav half s people just sick enough to lci heiy fl hcelecl hzj mtl listless to hie no ippliitc to ileep mdly to lnievlntou eat feci like lead in nur stormch not sick enoagh to ije tojied or cill a doctor but just sick enough id not know what to do take a tonic lint b whit ou ought to do i good sensible tonic that will shirptn your appetite and put new go in our ncrcs nnd muscles if 3 ou are not coming to outlph send for it b so doing you nny aert asenous illness 5uc a box- prepired by it alex stewart chemist if doora south tcflt offlco guelph 3i sums of si antl upwurdh tocoived on depobitand jj porcont intoroat paid pr compoundqd imlf yearly hikii bchou ciidutb hy bouan manhattan touch mdtch jy bouaa darkiua drtam hyiancnir hon ton gavotte society dunce diwiciiitf in the darn boliattibfbe jtabtua on rarftdo march by kerry milln lov cynics lilt 0 a tiumuur sigh waltz lji spenser i prlutkhh iioiinle wairtoa liyspouscr yaluhoqltly rioatei liy van ilttw lllnov- t btol deposit roc loaned for lattfo m j deposited 1 advances mudo to responsible fiirmors on their own names v no ohars made for collect mt 3ieb notes if payable ill ouetph a generbujankine business tranbnctrd a f jl jonrs mminiiir jjartrn clearance sale of lamps wedding presents to dhte wo have iio old faslnon- ed lamps to sell you can rely on nice new styles you save 30 cents on the sjji and get lamps that are everything you are lookingforifthese lamps were good value before what must their value be now our lamp window the south one gives prices j m bond co hardware guelph s tylisfl prind uitincs my qul1n iiamihimi 1imii willi rjn jiy as oi d sian 10 ill jl maji hty vch frowiji old my quflou ttlo hand of tliuo lias lliiiinul tin ro cib and in my ears tho tliimo of iptlioi ilujb coiuls hack illi ocljoua low tlint toll rumemborud hcoiiob of loiif ajo et oh my giioon i do not now complain or 1oiibjo troadhf ru patli stilrtrtttnhiniiiirwrbirtuat niailbhlt thy noblo faco and hoard thy oice my quotu itut now it cannot ho my darkened daye ara nearly spent and boon thu hlokoriuk rays will fad a and die and o ur my bqiiboh croop the culm of death rocked by tho earth o aljjop ulitore thetwfllrht iliopdiia i would rnrao afy humble voice to nounit mvjioycreign a praise tqr inauy bqtige unating jtitidirorda unapokon liavo just had beln when ufps lainiv was 1 rokun ujjoud tlij nolue where jjiuowb futorvouo thoro hos a land that thouhnat never scop a land whoso ahorea two mlhty ocpana lavo from fluunyplalna to aretfo afrozbn wave that spat my homo faircauada her tiauic nobrijhtci jewel in thy crowu may claim hule liao i watched for nearly threo scoro 0ulfl iltr proeroh3 with my ejea oft dimmed with tears toi wont came to those horoon in dlstroaa ho bowed tholr 1 onn a from out thowildorncan hut j ncp rolled ou and ntath moro kindly ak les v as eteu the forestfall tho city rifle- and waters that within tholr btill omhrace ihodaik woods held rave buck tho whitoniau b facu thro all thoeo joaro that have treat chatlgch wrought that lelo beyond tho sea was not forgot w lieu died thu king mid thou a maiden oanio to rule wo prayed god a bloaalng ou thy name tho thou tilucu then life a share of woo hath known tho buiiahlno of ills amile has bathed that throiu my l uiro has quckciiod when the now born cried my tuars in sorrow llowcd when consort died in eery clime whore oi thy ti no bous dwolt with tbco in sympathy have sadly knelt jtoni lo that tomb and uiillioira jot unborn shall blchs his uame whose absence btill wo mom n but froin tli80 bconos of aaduess i would turu to broatho tho thoughts that now for utterauce- buin tiu ar id aomo d ij auothlr hs shall wavo o ei thfu fair ian 1 whilo burled in tho grave shalj ho tho lovo that binds ua to thy ahoro h us fnlso my queen old kn duedfi of yore slmll ever livo hoi aona roiualu aa true aa thoao bravo ouea who full at waterloo wtioso b 101 ob in fancy i boo trooping hack to cliotr our luda toguard iho union tuck itut noblo quocu in peace long may you reign ud hold in unity thy vast domain and after death thy aoul may angola wing to dwull in peace with heavens ctorual hlutf i ali x howitt morriston out by gtrtrude kn on aa a mark of gratitude l dont btippoho that is the soldier 8 name explained miaa kiitkhton but i want it pth on tho watch lie n my ijfe and that was tho name he gave mo having purch nnl tho mott expentite purdo thclifipcdntmnrd uhe nluo maido it tia bank notes whon tlio watch hud been dtliverpl hho bet our alone for pembury tftuod rratbororo tlicdoor which itd j mackinnon ijaiiiiister boblcltolt colace ofbice corner mill and main blrtot above kopmau a btore acton til g mithison p b mcleod mm aiuuatlltb solicitohb conkaacliih qoorgotown and milton mouoy to loan at lpwcst rateb r j mcnabb olork fourth dlviaion court county of hal on conveyancer agoncmrcaudllfoabsurauco iteal fcetatt agent money to loan etc office matthowa block acton ont miscellanso us henry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patenta for invontlon etc prepares applications for tho canadian amcr lean and europoan patent oulcoa and for tho itoglbtration of trado marks bend for pam phlet thirty two yoars oxporionco f ranoib nunan bookbinder wvndlim st qaolph ontario over williams storo account dooka of 11 kinds mado to order larlodldu of avory doscrlntloncarofully bound hulljqpnoarlvbnl promptlv dono abriaon licenses h r mooiie vpvyjt ov manniaou liclmuu rrlnloofncj nortltlieubosrcqoifcd mbufld roeldciirn id tlio ovoniug froo prosfi olqco aoton aoton machine and- repair shops henky qrindbli proprietor ark woll oquinpod with all tho mchlnory zmcoetry to oxocuto all repairs to maoulii orv and rloultural implomonth ana to do all kinds of utoain bttlnn uorso shooing and aonoral claoksmlthlng woodwork ropairs porformod in a satisfactory manner wo can ropalr any maohino or implomont of any make saw gumming and flltujcmonu wellington mutual fire insurance company estabttlbnbd 840 insunanok on cash and mutual plan any ooinmunloatlons forwardod to my address box-699i-o- willbnpromptly at tondod to jonn tavloit agont ouolph w hemstbeet lloinbki aootionkbb for tbo counties of wellington and hron orders left- at tho fnbb rnbbb office aoton or itmyresldonooln aoton will ho promptly at undid to foos reduced to 5 00 for farm sales also money to loan on the moat favorable sums and at tho lowest rates of intorcst in umofb00nd pwards w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont hake a specialty of machine finished book papers amd irloil ora we nbwa the paper need in this journal la from ho abovn nillu wm baijber a buos frames pictures artists supplies fancy goods good value waters bros st qeoroe s square guelph acton flou mill cheyne cheyne proprietors wohavo our rollor mill now in coniplcto and satisfactory runnlngordor and are in a poai to bupply the wauts of the public with flour bran shorts and all kinds of food at right prices every order will receive prompt attention and will ho delivered to any part of the town our term a are casb aud one price for all don t forgot to patronlzo homo industry olvo ua a fair trial and no will loavo tho matter for you to decide as to tho quality of tho goods wo manufacture ordora taken at the mill or at a t drowns drug btoro cheyne cheyne the campaign prepare for winds wo would cull our attention to tho fact that wo aro prepared to a apply you with lumber o mutable length for your barn doors vie 10 1211 or 11 fcot ano sash doors frames mouldings olo for building storm doora rmt up at an low a rate aa possible fu7wffs hepair your pomps or put in now ones hcforoitnhtodcold w can do it shoo at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager coal fe wood john mcqueen having purchased the coal hualnebs hereto fare carrlod on ny jainos llrown 1 am preparod to supply all ordurs for furnace coal stove coal chestnut coal of bbt quhl1ty orders given to ma personally or lolt at itltown b oltun htohe wlllbo promptfy dllod john moqubbn our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and e would respectfully suggest an early selection puces right also st les shaw tuitnek merchant tailors guelph rabhmfl trade great bargains thos c moore 8c son huinp purchtsed the j a cornfield block of oroccnts etc it 5c on ihi dollar are nbe to reduce the prices on their rerulir slock ind oittr etnordnnry inducements to all customers reductions hive been nnde on ecry line in our store vehie a bij stock of ins it spechllj low pnees cill while the stork ib well issorted it won t hst long j t c moored son cor mill nnd mala streets acton j h hamilton i1ealkr i marble and granite hamiltons block guelph having on hand a large quantity of scotch norway swediah and russian crhnite and in order to dispose of it to mike room for spritir stock now purchiscd i wil sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and vill ilrow ill ccnbc3 to cuilomtr to nnd from our works john h hamilton acton livery rand bus line hiriindiiritgiioovwmpootfnllybolteltrrtlttntalrdn ago of tho kmbllo and inform a thorn that well equipped and styuih riga oan all waya bo secured athlafltablea a comfortable hua moots al trains hotwoon oam and 8 18 p m oaroful attention given toevoryordor tho watitn of commercial travel lora fully mot john williams pnoi nirton guelph business college 8horthand institute quelfh ont t huleltlolt faoiiitif8 for thoroiioh and tiraotlcal couraes of htudy jtuokkeepiiir lliorthand ami tynotvrltlnu couthch a hpuiitiuy uraduatoh analbted to iobiiioiiu ialii hkhbionh coinuioiaea boj t ut write for olrotilars j sharp principal wantkdhkvkkal i a it i ii jl mln ok women to travel or reaponnlhlo oatah liihod houao in ontario halary 9780 iiayablu ftls tveokly and axponara position iiuremntint ltoforepen bncloao telf addreaaed tain pod on cnveloim iho national stur duildlni chknio select ynmilq ilcainy n i s revard it ufis juito a romance in the brgmuiutf rather funny in tho middle and in thu end podhvelvaudacioue little gerfio kingston driving a pouy alonr a country lane that skirted a lug iio id m nluotrk battalion of boldiera wore oxerciemk pulled up to watch them when without the least provocation down went tho front rank ou their kueea au officer ehoatcd tire i and of went the pony aa faet aa ho could lay his loga to the ftrtuind remembering a vary steep unprotected declivity not much more than a mife ahead the frightened girl alio unq only 13 set her feet against the pplali board and pulfoil deaperatcli she cut herlovoa to nbuoua but bobs gtllopcd on with apeed unabated and dashing around tbo comer alraoet plunged into a company of soldiers tho jaieu sprang rilit and left all but one ho mado a leap at tho ruuaway uud caught hold of hia bridle terrified anew tho pony dragged him some little didtance hut failing to aluiko him ff eventually favo up tlio btrugic of course gertrude burst into tears wben she was quito huro the danger was over bo tho boldier got up bebido her and droe her hulf a mile on her way ivo only a shilling alio said offering tlio coin i wiah it was a sovereign it you ii loll mo jour name uncle john will send yon one i thank ou very muoh and i shall never forgot that jou saved my life tho soldier took tbo shilling and eyed it comioally he was a well set up young fellow nnd ho iookod very handsome in bis red coat so at least gortio thought i oun testes tni0 dont you know be baid smiling and ho toseed tho phillinr into gerties lap 1 but wont jou tell mo jour name alio urged thinking tho emallnebs of the reward war tbo reaon of non acceptance tho soldier langhod merrily with pleasuro its tommy atbini pnvato tommy atkins now dont you forgot it and with another laugh off ho ran gtrtio watching him very sorry that tho despised shilling was all bbo bad tbo boldiers formed up when privato atkins rejoined tbemrand tnrniug tbo corner at tho double pasbod out of tho girls night gertie was vieiting her undo john ray- nor of balcomer you will send it wont you alio aekod 1 oh cb certaiuly my dear bo answered laughing to privato tommy atkma of the hertford fusiliers it must bo dicks rogimont thoros no others in the county wouldnt the fol lows roar i but it shall be sent gertie i ii forward it to tho canteen keeper then your particular tommy will bo suro to get a share of tbo proceeds n lntryeiotpmbedrby gciti owkiniow miss kingston of balcomer bhe bad not ex pec tod any such atroko of fortune but two mate coueina had died and a third had offended mr ray nor who being able to dispone of his property as ho thought at bad bequeathed a few thousand to tbo offending nephew and tho balcomor estate to gertie the girl had nover to her knowledgo mot this dihtant couam richard nor indeed was sho aware that alio had die placed him that had boon kept from her inuring all these yoara she bad not for gotten tommy atklnp tho namo by wbuh alio persisted in speaking of the soldier who had slopped her pony although only a tulvatt 1 o was lior typioal hero in a propor manner having uboertuimd that tlio hertford 1 u4ilhrri wero stationed at pembury sba waited a jowoltrd shop and bought an claborato gold watch and a mauelvo chain of tho same costly metal tho watch she ktt lo 16 suitably ongruvod preaentod to tummy atkins nf tho i irat bultul on hertfordshire re inent the ofllcors quarters at ptmbury birruoke private glonsop was doing sentrj io mien kingston stopped iu hih path can jou ttll mo ehe usked if thero ia a soldier lilre named tomuij tliomas atkins privato glodfop grounded ins le met- ford somebodys boen having you on toast rnibr bo a newer ad interrupting tlio explanation which eho hud concluded was very neceflflwry stepping atjide to make room ho ealutcd an officer who had passed in tali and handsome with a faco brouied to copper color tho bat fa i ion had not long return od from india 1 thut is he ejolaimcd mies kington i should know him anywhere will you kindly tell him that a ludy wihiub lo speak to him stay a moment sho went on producing hor card case givo him this card and say i am tbo girl whose life ho saved near balcomer about nine oars ago my pony ran away andhe stopped it i dare bay bo will remember ho conducted her to au orderly room cftvo her a chair and entered hisoommand mg officers quartern lieut col graham almost the ysunlost officer of that runic in tho british army had jtitit tlkon off his g oves when the bprgeant entered and saluting gavo him tbo card lady wants to see yon bi bhu the colouol btnrtld mibs kingston balcomer hall 1 he exclaned in tones of surprise what tio dickens docs alio waut with mo i wont see her tell her tell htr dont tell hor anything it wasnt irfr fault thu to liimveir did ehp rffjntiou hor bueinepb not exactly eir 1 wan to say ihut you saved her life ubout nine j earn ao stop ed a run lway pon ntr sheaskel for a soldier by tbo name of tommy atkins begging your pardon sir added the eergeant with au ill concelilod grin col graham pondered for a moment by jove i remembor ho aned at length she mubt be the tittle girl in a short frcck who wanted to mvg me a shil ling and begged mo to tell her my uame you say biio asked for tommy atkins yir sir and recognise 1 jou as him betging your pardon again hir then she doesnt know me ill see her what a coincidence nd she really thought i was a private did she have a good look at mo wbon i passed no more than a glimpao i should ea sir ahem crockett a smart soldier servant entered from an muer room i want you to chuuge tunics with mo said tho colonel or lend irio yourb you are about my bi- i think when mibb kingston cnt nd col gra ham was standing at attention with hm thumbs prosbcd tightly auiust tho eouma of his trousers in iho stiffoat ivejuat bwttllowed a bayonet attiudo that he could abaume buf bis eyos suid awfully pretty girl 1 as plainly as ojcb can spoak 1 i am bo glad to meet you aain eho asid ive nover forgotten jou and i ve brought you a littlo ift if jou will accept it co graham executed a half nht turn and faced private crockett is it against the regulations to receive a reward tor doing my duty ur ho ubked i i i dont think bo stammorcd crockett almost as red aa the tunic that covered his manly breast miss kingston lookld at him in surprise then glaucedjnquinngly at her hero wbouo bronz 1 features wore tho most wooden ex preasion that be could summon up evidently she suspeotod something bat sho produced tho watoh and chain and purse aud presented them with a fow graceful words i had tbo name jou gao mo cufraved on tbo watch biio said but that is not correct i think no miss answered tho colonel gtan cing at the case that was a joke but tommy atkins will do very well i am vory much obligod it was a rather singular coincidence thut ou the day following her return to bal comer mis kingbton bhould receive a visit from miss rayrior a spinster sister of tho into squire who bad hitherto for somo re o otbor7hold ajoof and this white haired old lady should almost at onco introduce tho subject of her nephew vtrjiimiy iho gjoiioi looked and spoke o a privutii boldier aud tommy atkins like a gentleman tho footman retired neat momout tho colonol comoli and miss kingston stood fuce to face with hor hero across whoso waistcoat the maaaive ohuin sho hud fiven him vtutj proudly displayed why why alio bean blunhmg al most as red sb private crockett when seat ed in tho cflicrs chair wo arc old acqaaintxncls l r and cdutiii added the color- el bow ng you buvad my lire it pcahia you to say so i hap como to thank joufur our offer to shajro tbo balcomer property with ms it vcquld bjj a phy to dmdo- balcomor ray dears mterpoaed mibb kuyuor abak lug her wit u3 rinleta archly int there a bdfrr way to put lliuf straight louis ficpubuc a newsboys bank presidents daily routine general harrlsorrwhtes of a day with the prooldent at his desk li prondent harrison baa written of a day with tlo president at iln dtk for tho march lathed home journal tbo article is said to be bingulurly interest ing in tho detail with which it dccribfa tho wearibome routine of tho prom imt tit l oi i till ttvoltll tj it ho was very little and hm clothoa wore ragedtundlib uicflali woro red vith cold whenever he eame spiumug urouud the corupr and paunel before tho haudsomo houao acrobb tlio waj ono funny thing about it was that lie never cimo ou plea bint dayd but i grew uocuiuonitd to eeo him tako up his position and call his papers while tho enow swirled urouud him and the wind tried ita best to take him off his feet hi last i wcumo curious and deter richard you dont know him i think my doar ah6 eaid he is a lieutenant colonel in the army and i must tell you thut ho was always led to expect that he would buccoed to balcomer unfortunately for him ho quarreled witti your unole and in con sequence jou are hero i never heard a word of it why did ho quarrel my brother wished him to niarrj a certain lady aud dick di 1 not bco hia way what a shame exolnimed tho girl deoply lutorostcd x am eo sorry i feel that i have no right to htlcomcr cant eomolhing bs dono- la at pobbiblo to- divido tho property mjad raynor smile 1 wouldnt that bo ratn r quixotic my dear biio asked t dont know waa hm reply i think i ought to do it miss raynor soon ifiorward took hor leave but a week 1 tor hiio paid another visit to balcomer i have heard from i ok biio said and hell call on jou tho first time he ia in tlio noighborho d ho k iys ho docbiit rcbcnt your being luru in tin least and ho twill be vory pica sod to know you miss rynor had hcarcely been at bal comer fifteen minutes dewitcd to praises of herviephaw dick wbon that gentleman arrived and bent up his card lieot col riohard graham pirst ilituliui hertfordshire cgimeiit tx olaimed miss kingston n tdiug from tho oard why i was at pi nibury ten dajs igo and i saw dick interrogated mibb rajnor blandly i i dont kuow i saw private tommy auiinn unf i think bis colonel ito mined to find out why ho never came when the bun was ahiuing aud everybody looked bright i hud onlyto beckon to him and he hurried across tho street with a cheer ful hero ynu art a liccoul did you say a moment later i had him boforo tbo grate and hia ejes resembled those of a grout muatiffau tho warmth penetrated bin shivering body ij s teinblu colli i begnu yes rather but i vo seen it wbrso was tho answer but don t jou find it hard belling papors this weather v i continued ye es sometimes then i hustle ovor there sb fabt as i can noddtig at the house across the way why do jonr papers sell more ruudily in thia neighborhood no with a disgusted an fl at my evi dent lack of business intuition scarcely over soil ono here why do you come then do jou want to kuov7tho real roanon yes indeed i replied earnestly well one day pretty near u year ajo i wua raoat dono for couldu i sell any pipers uud wus ubout frou and if i d known any pluce to lo would have crawl ed eff e o re e where and h u u u while 1 was thinking of all this a couplo of fellows pbbaed mo und one of cm says 1 hes richer n crocitib now an to think ho was a begcr only a few years ago a beggar says t other fellow yes or whatf amounts to pretty muoh the aamo tiling a newsboy arrtt lo lieard him say dozens of times that nothing but but pluok and the grace of god would ever hmo brought him through an hia houao is tho next btreet jou say yes we go right past it i followed em till they camo to tbathoubo over there and when i afcpod looking at it eomething seemed to say to me that if that man could build a house like that when ho d begun being a newsboy i could too then i wondorod over at the men had eaid theyd gono out of eight and i eaid over and over for tho grace of god i didn t know jubt what it was but every timol was alouo id just bay what i could remember of the lords prajcr and finish up with an give me tbo grace or god if youll behove it i boguu ttf got along niht away im sav ing money now to eo to school with and whenever 1 get discouraged its alwuyb on btormy dajb jou bco i just come in front of that houao and think it all over aud say pluok und the grace of god oor tomjselfa few times than i go back mid jeu wouldu t believe bow fust tho papora boii after that he rose shook himself together hko a big dog aud said i must hustle along and got rid of my papers but i ii 10 around whenever im down in tho mouth for that ia my bank and i come to draw on it when im hard up i expect its a daal moro comfort to mo than to tho man who built it and a mom cnt lator the youthful philobopher waa shouting hjers your mornin papers i j nbinte heiahl aud jfecord yere 1 it is baid that gonerul nurrison in thia articlo hat doluerod himself with jroat directness aiiclvigqr relative to iho unuoj anoeb that are vimted npon a chief kxtcii tivo by perrtiatont ofivo bcckera- ruxl in riiii got a unique ills p by wlnojjt the preai dont bburdehs jn thut direction ould tm greatly hehteufld uud lib be enabled t- devoto more attention to more import iiu matterd a featjko of the arjialajhicjuil iiave a timely luerest to thoo umbiugua 0 serve the ooiintry under theinciiiiiiu itdmiuistrotion deecribea very fully how thtf preaideub makes hppointracnttt to office a day with thprisdent at nm desk ib uuiquo in being thu 1tht time tliit the daily lifo of tbo preaidtnt iiub been describe by one who hits filled iho exulted offiot articles upon tin an ml and domo- tio life of tho proauluit by genernl ii irri son will follow in suclthbivu istuts uf tho join rial he obeyed orders darwins trleory durwiua tlicory of the survival of tho fittest ia that tho weakly die and tho strong and robust live- tho vegetable and floral kingdoms have illustrated this grand theory to every person planting vegotablo and flower seeds it is not jieoeaeary to bofamilar witlitbo writings or darwtnr huxley hacckel locounto to prpvo how oaaential it is to plant aeeda which nature asaibtod by science has evulved into the highest state of porfcotion the groat seedsmen d m lurry co windsor ontario have dono moro in tbo practical evolution of seeds than any other soed houbo in the world they produce aud send out beeds that not only grow but attain a high typo of perfeotion for nearly forty jours they huve devoted their best skill and oucrgy in thin direction we are juat in receipt of their boatiful seed annual for 1007 which lazuli of practical infor mutton for not puly ho skilled garden c but the amateur we note with plouburu tho onliro absence in this book of exaggerat od und impossible products listed by seeds men aa noveltio tho oiler to send tbid expotibive work frco to all who apply foi it perry x cob soeds are aold by all first cluaa dealers if your merchant docb not keep them aoud direct ty thpm prompt people dont jive a ainglo hour of our lifo with out doing exactly what is to be done in it and going straight at it from boginning to end work play study whatovor it is take hold at onco and fiuibh it up squarely then to the next thing without lotting any momonts drop between it is wonderful to eeo how many hours these prompt people contrive to make of a day it is aa if they pioked up the momenta whioh the drawlera lone and if you find yourself whore you have so many things pressing upuu ou that you hardly kilow where to beglu let mo toll von a senret tuko hold of thu first one that coiiicb to hand and jou will find thu rest all fall into file and follow after hoodti sarbaptrilla ib kuown to bo an hoiiqht niodioiiip ad it actually euros when ah others full tuko it now james ocoitnor dunn uuun irnhman six feet tall straight as an arrow well educated precise in his latiuunge and tift ed with a rich bust vo co th it ro idily com passed tho englidi tongue with only the bhghteht perceptible trace o a hrneui he hud been a soldi r in the britnh army an 1 a bravo ono luo lo which tho vivid scar of a abor out uoroia tin ruht cheek boro elcqiient tehtunnuj an 1 ul though he had retired from urmj lifu an i loft bis native land to accept a pluue ua foreman on a railroid pier m new yurk city ho retained iub noldierly iisitncta und all hie work was performed unh mania precmion and reulant there waa ho hesitatuiq or b about the bush with jumch o connor dunn when ho had anythin to do ho went at it with the energy aud diroctneea of a bayonet charge if thero wad any ono thing that dunn prided himaelf ou moro than another it was oboung orders ono day tho ogeut in charge of tho pier an iraacibto and pomp ous old follow called im into the ofiico and taid to inm boo hero dnnn why do you allow mr bagle to run all over thu pier when ever ho plases just ua if li ovmi tho place why 1 supposed it wan all riglil hir wub the replv you havo never given me any ordemto the omtrury nu an 1 in ij a big shipper ovor the road so i i dont care a oontiuentul if hu id 1 1 terrupted tho agent unerilv he iiub given m about trouble enouh with hia snooping rouud aud finding fuult and i givo you your orders right now to keep him off tho pier the next tim i ho adnni into tbo building all you have to do 11 to oollar him and run him out under btand yes sir meekly responded dunn all njdit tbon bee that yon bee it ill not forget it tir baid dunn turn ing away and going back to his duticp ono afternoon a few das liter mr baggs rushed into the hgeuts ofluo in a groat state of excitement and with tho appearance of a man who hud been fooling with a cyclone and complained that while quietly and peaceably walking through tbo freight house looking for some jooda he was expecting to arrive bo bad been stid deuly sot upon by the foreman in charge who had setzjd him by the collar and bubtled him unccremomoualy out of the building tho agent who bad forgotton all about his order given in tho heat of passion and in any caso did not expect it to be thus literally construed and carried out at once sent for dunn who prosenlly oppoarod towering up in tbo doorway and gzing down upon bis aoouaor aud hm employer with the import urbuble calm nets and majesty of the bphnx what in thnndor did you moan by throwing tins man out of tho building roared tho pompous littlo aent directing what was meant for a withering glauoo at the foreman i meant to do exaouy what jou told me to bir rt joined tbo foreman who waa not withering to any perceptible extent just then what i told yon to exactly air labt monday morning sir you gave mo strict orders to keop mr bagga off tho pior thereafter and raid tho uexciiiuoliij comojnto tuubuildingiwfts to collar him and ran him out aud that ib prooisoly what i did sir im an old soldier and i always obey orders sir 1 and gravely giviug tbo military balute james oconnor dunn ex soldier und du oiplinanan right wbeclod and marohed out leaving hin to explain to tbo indignant mr bugg and smooth down bis ro filed plumage as befit bo might on another occasion tho agent wishing to learn if thero had been any consiucoa inquiring for marble of which qmto a number of bhipmentdliad accumulated ou the pier called out to dunn as he was pissing tho office i say there dumi i havo you seen auy marble men arouud4lio dock to day marblo men to tbo sgeut meant con jngnceaotmarblo buuj0 couuor dunn had not been br6uht up to that loose way of speaking english and drawing himself up to hia full hoigh ho digniuedly res ponded i am not aware ait of thoro being any statuary thoro goldsmiths furniture somo idea 6t goldsmiths early restd cnoo in a metropolis that afterwards rang with hia name may bo gathered from the following tx tract i called on gold smith at hia lodgings in maroh i7no and foundlum wntiug hia inquiry in a miser able dirty looking room in whioh uiero was but one ohair and when from civility ho resigned it to me ho himself wutf obliged bo sit iu iho window whilo wo wero conversing together uoineono lap ed gently at the door and being debired to cumo in a poor rugged little girl of very becoming domcanur entered tho room nnd dropped a courett eaid my mamma sends her complements and begs tho favor nf you to lend hor a pot full rf coiln dat olo forinoniotor hu been a hmif in on do nail 1 oil mo n fohty jttnrb i nubei iuhwui ini yet tor full lo i ranee uroiiu lor v i 1 aiii lit h ipj on froitf h do daj ion i t ink i o 1 lot m iujihu ui iu t 1 n trillin dat a vay i know ho 8 livino tei tnuu it hack hit tulo he tolls ulfluu day klu fool dat olo qukkhilvuli but ley itu l foolin uio alioirmiflta1ifiitiibhihi toiitlrntnilnrrihiiitd froiikh do tree look in jutt t lilinp an f 0 1 nuturo 1 er ou lle8u an lajt a tiack o d luu rilila iinoka du cabin iloli lioli i lutiuhh torjfco it rltn tca-e- proild oz it kin bu hu kinfool dat olo ijuicltaihuh intl ho lent foolin iuq the dauphlnjvian disltrict in a pdpular section for- settlers which several former reel- dents of acton are at present the fol owing intorehting reference to thid new section nf manitoba nppcarel in a recent naueof tho tr i rem winnipeg dr b m simpson returned ihureday from a trip ov i l hu liko diuphiu rai w iy rl iling hi- obcrvutloiih to a pee ltti rt porter lit nuil iho r md starts one mile isc t ul gladstone and bkirtn tbo east uido of the riding mountain tbo blue outliuo of which can bo seen in the dis tatictforming a pleuemg baokround to the lundsqtip tho i und baa u gentle slopo from tbo mnuntaius amj is covered moro or ledd willi timber at intervalri of ton and twclvt miles m ttiniain streams run through tho kiuntr funiidhiug an attin tlant supply of purt fresh water the country n not settled in thu immtdiate neighborhood of tbo ro i bo further i uak there are uro uottlem ntn fully three hundred f umbos having gone iito the district iiih yt ar at marly ever btation there it from ti u to twelve housind bnah ela of wheat m store an 1 it is said that 70 000 huubela will be marketed at dauphin town tho town of dauphin has eprung up in a m inner charucterisic of tho country tlio tmvnaite wub only put on tbo market m outobet nnd now there are thirty building pnucipilly buhinoss placcp iu cxnttnce and more l m up iho roud oitoiids sixteen mien beyond pa uphm and at thu termmih quite a fich shipping bihiue3b n done the fith fro oaught at lake winnip gion by ice landers whose operationsiii thiscnterpriro havo been very buccesful while i vis thero a cir loud of fitib whitu litli wpb shipped atgleticurn a utation en route threo carloads of tut tie were huing nhippo trom my obaervationb qf thu coulhr and from informatnn obtaiue i fnm eettlere i am hafe in ataiiiu thtt tlio lake d luphiu dint net ia u tit quailed by nny other part of tho piovmcj for dfvermtlod farming vwi i am auro that hie lako dauplnu road will prove tin h i p tying concern that it will never codt the prcv i co a cent thero will bo a giod trafiio from the outer uud the attract iniid of the region aro such that all uvailublo lund will boon bo takon up r speaking of tho road i silf dr bimpson baid it was ono of tho best examples of rapid and substantial railroad building ever kuown ia tho country owing to jre exceasno ratna early in iho summer work was hardly got undor way tintxl the lit of auunt and bines thou 100 miles of road have ben completed nnd equipped in every detml station houaea telegraphs crossings und even mile peats being erected riht to the end of thu road the roadbe 1 is ono of tho finest in cinada in smoothness being equal to oil lines in tho euat which is saying a great doal and reflects credit on tho controotprs messrs mckeniomann and eapeciully on mr duu maun who has had direct supervision of tbo work after many days the up tram the inw yoik fetationmea following inci lent of genuine grat it udo a phjbician who recently moved town took au evening papor from a small newaboy nud dncd into hu pocket for the ohange thai s all riht doctor remarked the little fellow i won t tuko no mono dont yon- remember jimmic that you oured last winter with tho fever then tho physician reoogmod in tho tall and sturdy boy a littlo lad whom ho hnd putled through a fevur without payment but that s all right jimmic ho said and you most certainly let ino pay you for the papor no said the boy i won t where aro you living np here doctor i wunt to come and bco yoo he has no turned np yet to seo the doctor bat ovory morning and oven g he blips a paper under tbo door and to have a proper understand mgin thdbeginmng- with tbo first paper ho scribbled a little notice ploabc dootor except these papers alius from jimmic some new anatomical points he was shot in tho suburbs sho whipped him upon ins return ho kissed her pnsdiouutoly upon hor re appearance mr jones walked ju upon tur invitation wo thought hiic b it down upon her being asked bhu fainted upon his departure ho ombraced her upon her restoration and no longer wept over hor absence ho was injured in tho fracas he clung to her weeping rhflyggjieiufliliibqu insdownfall perfect diamonds the only reliable in the world do you make rag carpet- ruga uud mate at homo if bo you nuiely do homo dying it is iiocdlehh to uuy that biieccss in jour work doponrfa upon the colors jou livo your cotton and wool ratn when joti have a handsome design nob bright and brilliant collars givo life and bounty to tbo work of your hands lot it be remambnred that thu be tcurpct rug and mut uiuura in canada alwujs use thu celebrated diuinond djch aud as a count ue noo nelnuvn thu hiicceua i bey desire l the diamoud are tbo only djed in tbo world that give perfect colors and satis factory results ask your dealer for tbo diamond and bee that y on got thorn i refiiau imttulion and adulterated dju-

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