Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1897, p. 1

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w a r volume xxii no 5 acton ontario thuksdayr makcl 4 1897 price tiikee cents n- ih poumbhkd evelty thursday morning at tue frco rrcsssteiim printing oflhc iull btrdet acton om taniih ov soiihcim tion ouo jollar pi r yoar jtrrutlyiii adiauco all nujhcriptioiib ciibcod tluusa whan tho tiiuo for wh ioh they liavu boon hold has oxnirut flio dato to which ovory subscription 1b paid 1b denoted on the add rota labe advpiitibivo katib transient j7ortino laouth 10 cunta per nonpareil hub for llrnt in lartlon u oouta per liuo for each fiubaoiiuout lufturtlon oonthact hat1s tho following table bhows 3ur rates for tliu inuortlouof ailvortiaomonta for specified period a 1 yj b mo 4so tlwo a snap in sheet music popular pricoa full size good paper olc fashioned price 30a 4qo ondboo day s low price 5o any ten pieces 26c 60 00 8j3 00 20 001 7 00 jsoo 30 00 13 00 800 30 00 1200 700 boo eoo j0 3 00 1jj0 wirjoboh 10 iqohos fllaohrta liuob na without spodflb direction bo ipsorud till forbid and chortled accord jngly transient advertisements must bo paid n advance advertisements will bo chdngod onco oacb t month if desired for ohauroa of tenor lhan onoo a month tho composition must bo paid for at rogulai rates chanqob for contract advertisements mubt bo n tbo qlfloo by noon on tuesdays h p ifraoite editor and proprlotor vnstiuss ffliroiortf uj t t urkn m d c m office and residence cornor mill frodorick streets acton wash mrton ioabmareh by9au liberty hull march tiyrausa llifu viehoo cadets liy bouaa maulmtttm lioach march uy hoonn darkies drtiam y lancing hon ton gavatto society dance daucliig in tliu hani gchottlacho iroatuboii iariulo marolrhy kerry mills loe comes like a bummer siou wa t uy spenser priocoasuomilo waltzes by bpouacr valo hooitty two stop by van ban tu tbo load tho ravorjto two btop by ballot when thogirl ou love is many ifiles aay spun uykooppori j i lovo ou if thu othora dont songjly ulandtord beu bolt for voice and piano ibo favorite english ballad the traders bank of canada authorized capital l ooo ooo paid up capital and surplus 785000 assets over 6300000 days bookstore rrico5cont8ench anylopiocon on the hat 25 coutn mullod poat paid samo price otjelph day sails cheap t as elliott m b acton giuduati toiioxto unukhbiti office main streot third door eouth of proa by tori an church acton jt halsted m p p l u c mcp and s om opwea medical hall main streot acton patronaro sollcitod lihouniatibin aud catarrh specialties veterin surgeon a lfred p husband v s graduato of tbo ontario votorlnary coiioro uohorary member of tho votorlnary medical bocloty oprict win huflbanda lot 2 con i nass agawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental ll bennett l d s demist oeonoetowk ojtamo jm bell 1td s lds dlstist bnookmlle hooit giiaduate or tojiovto umkiibity y work in ado satisfactory prices modorato viitia uaih tuesday and friday of each wtok dr f 8 mercer graduato of toronto uuivoraity and it c d s ofuco over drug btoro acton ibitla days tiiurhdav and fhiday legal m cleanta mclean barrlblora bollottora notarioa convoyancore lo privato funds to loan ofuoo town ball acton w a mclean jno a mclean d otjglas amdruay haiulifltkilb bolicitotb notanub etc obfickb 1296 qaeon bt parkdalo victoria chambers 61 victoria bt tulophouo 297 tonohto jqhn douolab a g murray a j mackinnon balulibtkn boliciton comjaanceii ofs ice corner mill and main streot abovo kopman b btoro acton tit g matheson j b moleod l amiibtsus boiicirons conveyasccns georgetown and milton munoy to loan at lowest rates r j mcnabb clerk fcourth division court county of bal on convoyancer agouti iroandlifo aasuranco itoal lstato agout monoy to loan oto office mattbowb block act i ont m1scellanzq us h enbv grist ottawa canada solicitor of patoqta for idvontloa ota pruparoa apnllcatuinb for tlio catmiuan amor lean oud luropoan itoit offlcun and for too hohlbtratlon 6t trade uarka bond for pam pbfot tulrtv two voara oiporlonco wjibanoib ndnan bookbinder wvndbamst qnolph ontario y over wllllami store acconri llaom uf all kluot uiad t or terlodicali of ovory deacrlptloncarofullybound tulln noatl v ivnrt promptly dono m abkiaoe licenses h i moore ifmtoti ov manniaoe llcfskeh prkatooflleo no wltnobaca required iaauod reildenen iu tbo ovenlng rroo prebb offloo acton aoton macliine and repair shops hbnky obindelii proprietor ahbwoll onulpped wltb u tho maolllnory nooobbary toexcuto all ropalra to roaobi orvrand agricultural implements and to do all kma itoam flttlnn horae aboolnnandbanorai b aokamltlilnu woodwork repalra b2 inaaatlaraotory manner wo can ropalr any maohlno or implement of any make saw gumming and nilua donu wolllngton mutual fire insurance company ebtaollanbd 60 msuiianoc on caab and mutual plan any nnimlcatlpn forwarded to my addrobb llolsorlsiojtlsno 68 wiiitiotiromtinyltr toudod to john tatloil agont ouolph w u hembtiieet llobhbxd auotiohekb lfor tbo countlob of wellington and ijalton onlaraloftattbofbhll pun offloo aoton or it my roaldonoo in aoton will be promptly at- tendodto fcooaroduood to 6 00 fob farm sales alao money to loan on thq moat favorabla umitand atf tbo loweat ratei of internet in aural ol wetland pwardi w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont haxb a flpbiaztxor machine finished book papers aud- iiioiiliuek vkkkli news tho papo aaea in thl i from ho abovo nllla wm bakber a bros pb stewarts pcabrreltxir is not a patent medicine cures when other remedies fail is an article of real merit is pleasant to the taste is readily taken by children is a remedy that should be in your home price 25c and 50c a bottle cuelph branch 3 sumb or 81 and npwardh received 2 00 depdbtttvi ij percent intercbt paid or compomided hulf yearly depobit recoipte loaned for lnro autrib deposited advauccb mudo to rebpoueiblo fnrmcra on their own uamea no oharco made for collootin snlea notes if pa ablo quolpb a ganornl bankinfj budincas tranaaofed a r jt jqnes manager jjaftry ooo hiiess our canada clearance sale of lamps trepired by alex stewart manufacturcr of sewarts slerlina home remedies j cuelph ont wedding presents jf to dkte frames pictures artists supplies fancy goods good value waters bros st george s square guelph boots fc shoes heres a fact ts the hrgest and most iried stock of shoes in own heres an opinion lrvilluuns docsn t bchcic he can be undersold heres a promise fcarwilliams will meet any honorable com petition heres an admission isiwlllims wants your trade ery much heres a statement williams will prove it ptys to deal wi him heres an explanation tsswillnms siacs for you in price and gains in juality heres a grand idea tssrl ry willnms just once when you need ishocu heres a memorandum ararwillnms boots nnd shoes are found a his store on mill strcetacton william williams mill street acton acton steam a cook proprietor 1 irst class work guaranteed in ifimily laundry work shirts collars cults etc work ailed tor ovary monday and thnraday and dolivored ovory thursday and saturday a cook qufilph business college aki shorthand institute aztelph ont bupewoh facilities for thorough find s radical couraan or htudy dookkeunhiff liartliiuid and typowrlttna ooanoi ipociblty uratltistob nmilbtoci to poaltfona kaui hkhhionh oonimunccmi bflfit lit wrtto for circiilnn j sharp principal we have io old fashion- ed lamps to soli you can rely on nice new styles you save 20 cents on the and get lamps that are everything you are looking for if these lamps were good value before what must their alue be now our lamp window the south one gives prices gml bitsu our cana la glorious cantfdn i tand of our birth proud i ut our nation bo hluhbod lu its llbortj in grains wo btuf of thoo gum of ttiooartli i tliiiaricinirbtreaii aiid lako i it ud of wild urueljnnd brako muadqw aud krovo mity gad ricli liuhqiubb pour qn tliuo froul blioro toblioro thou whom our bqurtd adoro land of our love ma thy sona honored bd par over laud aud baa whore or they roanj tell by tliuir boarinu iiikij tholr totlo of chivalry tliolr ioo of purity v thou art tljolr honjo our country a loaders uiobq i cidiiibt firocd of gold b excess rirtn lot thorn staud loud them in pallia arlfiht i koop them iroui bins foul bllfutf riiou lbu aliulluitol god blast our laud clara ei mountcasjto carls sima sttuct jfamilg luazkini thought at jatr- j m bond co hardware gtje11h s tyl1sh fr1isg uitincs our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection puces right also st les shaw tujinek merchant tailors guelph acton holler floujt mills jh7bt6s clhrk phopibtoh rtiviilr leiscd bc above mills fo t term of years i am in i position lo supply the wants of the public with the host qutlitlesof roller flour cracked wheat mill feed and all kinds cf chopped tccd aquired all our flour wljl contain the proper percentage of no manltobahardwhoat my lonff experience in the milling btll ness enables me to assure sitkpiction to every pitron i will be plctsed to meet ill old customers of the mhl and rmny new ones i am prepired to pny tht holiest current pnce3 for wlielt 0 us and pis for use in said mil lelephono town orders fnun urown s drug store lxclnnping whcit and chopping a specialty james clark the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your attention to tho fact that we are preparod to supply pu with lumber of suitabolenath for your barn doors viz 10 12 1 1 or 1 1 feet also sash doors frames mouldings oto for building storm doors put up at as low a rate as possible pumps repair your pumps or put iu now ones before it is too eold wk eak no it shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace manager coal fc wood john mcqueen having parchftbod tho coal buslnoflb liooto foro carrion on tiy jnmce hrown i am prepared to supply all ortlors for- furnace coal stove coal chestnut coal of best qukl1ty or dom ulvoii to mo poraoimlly or lull at liltown b duug btultn willlio promptly lllltd john moqueen wantidbfcvbhalilaitiliuiimi n oh womon to travol for robiioiiiiblo cstab itshod houho in ontario halary 7h0 payablu 15 wsuklr d oxircnnnit lohltlou pnriiikiieut ltoforenco pnooo self addroioiod hmiihimxi tfii onvclopo 1 ho national titarliuituin chicago get out of tb ib houac juok aldcn i get out i bay a worn aai alood iu the elnio room of u rudo oabin on tbo od of aymtiing carrip on her arm bhe carried an mfftot and jior rihmmruj asjiiolonched and riaod near tbo door stood a young mat roughly olad bid face covered with bevoral day a growth of board lus chochu rod from the cltectn of a rtccnt dobauoh ins eyes inflamed an 1 hit cipreasion dazed and attipid hiri attitude of htupld eilence further enraged hia wife who crobaed the room swiftly and picbod up a heavy btick that had teen uld for poking the fire git out of this lionee 1 uho said i wtou to loave here jack alden and nover ut mo hco your face afain or i will btnko you to lie ground do jou mean it jenny ubbed tho man half looking up i do mean it i liae borno from you and for you all i oxu bear i hato been tied too loiig to a wortbleab drunken wretch and i mean to b fre go i and nover darken that door again 1 good bye jenny he muttered and left tho cqbio closing tho door behind birp ho lfiokoj up ae tho freah cool air struck his oheckfl and drew hia habd across his eyea ub if to daub avay a miet then ho set his fucb westward and walkod slowly but eteadily along tho ridge at thadiutance of half a mile from his cabin ho cam to pat killeens joggery wboro the door stood invitingly open dis closing a tempting array of bo 1 1 lea he halted but only for a roomenlf neer aain 1 ho muttered and reso lutely trudged along afoot hungry without a coin in ha pockets ho btodily journeyed toward the setting sun leaving misery gulch and bis wifo and child behind him when her hubbaud had left tbo cabin jenny aldena first impn so was to sit down and bao a hearty cry reeling relieved by this indulgence oho aroae and struibtoncd up hor room mak ing everything in tho cabin herself includ ed ob noat and tidy as it was possible when ho cornea back she said tc hcrtolf it will muko him feel better to ceo ever thing in order on tho third day bhe went down into tbo tjutch and wandered all over the strsgg ing camp mquiring for her mittbing hubbaud bub got no nowa of him oicept from tbe man who had hailed him and bad last aeon him walking westward she saw but one thiog biio could do bijo could wash for thq miners but she wb strong and healthy and was handsomely paid for hor work and bhe had her child to live for and little emmy grew strong and healthy hko her mother but with a look of tho father in her face than cftcn brought tours to the mollier eyop there wah one thing that she might havo done sho might have married again women wero bcarco iu that region and a haudsomo and hearty specimen suoh aa jenny alden did not need to look for ad mirera but she would have none of their con solations sho was free as she bad told hor husband elio meant to bo but bho would not ohoano another husband sho had lived alone with emmy a little moro than a jour whu she received nowe of her hubband a lottcr camo from a distant mining region telling her that he was dead and that he had direotod his savings to bo sent to her at misery guloh it waa only a few thouruud dollars bat that was a fittln fortune to jennj sho mado many uiqaires regarding her dead husband but could only learn that he had beon an industrious man reasonably prosperous ho died of fever and bad beon proporly buried did ho dio sober sho asked up was never known to drink while he was with us replied tho messenger then there paiae a general change to misery gulcb rich discoveries were made and tbe mining camp becamo a city and adopted tho namo of ophirville jack aldona claim proved to be a valu able one and jenrfy eold it at a high figure rofainiog an interest in the profits lour years after jack alden had been driven from his oabin on tbexidgo jenny was living in a pretty cottage on tbo out skirts of ophirville end ummy waa run ning about and t a king everybody wondored mora than ever why tho widow a den did not marry una had plenty of money was a woman of consequence and was universally admiral if sho had told tbe troth she would have said that hor heart was buried out yonder with her liuabaod hhu had nover forgivuu herself for the hurh words with uhlcli bhe had driven him away from her about this timo opbirvillo was btirred lo the icutro by tho arrival of a mining capitalist herman steoker by namo who camo to the cijy proposing to settle there ho waa about to erept mills an 1 other buildings and had bought tho jack aldeii mine with tbo iutcn ion of working it tp ita full extent little emmy alden chancing to strjiy outbido her roothera nato met this impor tant portion ago auraoted by her pretty face and upright ly ways ho stopped and mudo frieudb with her aa boon as she told him her namo he divod down into hia pocket and brought forth apackaga olcandicilforjier in a few minutes holding emmyahaild ho walked- up to tbo house aud she led him in at thafrout door without ceremony i nret yoar little girl in tho etreet ho answered in reply to jennys look of surprise and learned from hor that tbib was the house at whiob i wanted to xjall he was a tall and wtdnfarmtsd man with bilver whit6 hair and t heavy ruy beard that nearly covered bt face what may bo jour business sir 7 bho asked j have bought all tho shares iu tho aldou mine except jjnre and mean to re open it at onco aud work it for all its worth the old company scarcely akimm ed it and tho boat oro has not been touch ed l will buy your shares if you wibh but 3 ou may prefer to go in partnership with me an 1 1 hao called to effer jou tho chance jonny did not beaitnto to admit thiit tho partnership would ploaso her and an arrangement to that effect waa speedily 5eeking hlr boy rnadtt the partnerahip caused bim to visit frequently jonny aldena pretty cot tage moro frequently in fact thanthe business roally required and it waa re marked in ophirvillo that tho widow alden had only been waiting for a rich suitor and had struck him at lubt part of tho rumor ut least waa true herman stecker aftur ehowing her tbe great roaultb and tho splendid prom i so of their butinesa transactions had formally proposed a more in fi ma to partnership it will be quite eaiiifuctory to me jeuuy replied as it an ordinary business transaction had bten prohcnted to her he touo bccmed to disappoint him but ho took it as coolly an she did this engagement was as buainoss like as their oourtnlnp had beon and jeupy did not seem to oyish to enquiro iutotho past life of her futuro huaband sho tubisted upon btiim married by an episcopal clergyman and according to tho ritual of that church as biio btood before tho altar when it camo to hor turn to speak tho binding words she olutped steckers baud tightly lookod bin full in the faco and said i jonny alden tako theee john alden why jeany i did ou know me he exclaimed do ou suppose i could havo married anothor man 7 sho replied i know ou as soon as jou entered my door on the memory who does not know that to sucoeed in any task in any occupation in any art wo aro secretly aided by men whom we have been successful therein those hvo m our memory and aro inspirations at times dangerous but often fruitful an orator can ics in himbolf the recollection of another orator who once rouaed his en ihubiasm comedians aro haunted hy certain glorious examples which inspiro them every one of us in his daily oou- duot secretly takqb bis bearings from somo idoal real and seduollve that be has some time met with influences felt in youth are tbo most powerful and tho most dur able sometimes three or four person alines that we then admired accompany us all our lives ruling in our memories in certain circumstanceirwe nee them come out of tho darkness and act beforo ua and at certain moments it seems to ua that thebo men speak in us that they aro really present in us that wo aro onfy oup with thorn that wo aro thoy indeed into all our mobt brilliant qual ties tho functions of tho memory enter as an essential element theee functions aro much moro precious than we generally believe i should like to prove now that it is they which form tho accuracy of tho mind it ih clear that in order to judge wo alwujsjroat upon our reootlcctiona it is an axiom of common eenbo that in order to ripen tho judgment experience ia necessary our opinions our convictions our theories hovo valuo ouly from the experience that thoyeum op whoni putforthanopimonon life on men on womon on art that opinion has no interest unless it ts based on hxrct ofp obborvod if i assort at random my assor tion may bo correct just asono may hit tbe target if ho fires with his eyes shut but this has no value our practical judgments especially our judgments aa to the conduct to be cupjtrv in a certain case aro worth just the amount of expencuco they stand for my resolution is tho wiser according att i have beforo my mind the consequoncc of similar resolutions cam i i- mfi inand in the chautauqutm her little brothers bet little tommy was cntcrtaimug one of his bisters aimirors until alio appcurej dont you como to soo my nisur ho inquired yis tommy thats what i como for you hko her immonsoly dont you of course i admiro her very much dont you think sho s nico well i bae to cause ahos my sister butshe4hu m pstnopretthaxdaomotimea but lets aee jou opm your mouth oucc mow shut it tight till i count ton there 1 knowed ou ooulj do i 1 why tommy who em 1 i couldnt 1 oh nobody but sister i what did 8be baj wull she said you li ju t sense enough to keep your month rlint and i bot lur two big applus y m had and you havo havent you and jou i tiako hor stump op the appht on t you v the young mm did not wait to boo whether she wou d atumt up or not the progress to rervtorset it is related as a fact that about a year ago a house in wichita kan was entered by a burglar and a pocket book containing n sum of noney was stocu a fow days ago the ovner of tho pum received a letter through tbo mails euolotiiim a 10 bill and the following note a irogo i atolu a pocket book from jou l jiitaimng 8g0 i havo been aiok and rem or no liai been gnaw ind at my heart so i eond on 9l0 when remorse gnaws again i will send you bomo more bumilait a nuw york physioian relates the fol lowing fuot a fow weeks ago ho was called totho help of a nmn who was mortally wounded in one of tbo low dauco halls or dives of that oi ty when ho had attoudod his patient thq doctor looked curiously about him tho wounded msn lay beforolho bar agamt which lounged some drunkeu old sots inthe next roonr afow young men hushed and bright eyed wore playing cards wbila tho gaudily dressed bar maids oarried ubopt tho liquor but neitl erthb gumbters nor the womon rfor tho drunkards paid any attention to tho tfytag man on tho floor they ejuab blod and laughed deaf to he groans tbo proprietor of tho dive a burly follow who had been a prize tlhtela hiq younger days having soon tho pollco secure the murderer had gone back qoietly to his work of mixing drinks death apparently had r i lutorest pr terror for those people suddouly a little old woman with white hair a thiu shawl about her came to the btreot dcor her appoaranco produced a startling effect tho besotted oki men at tho bar put down their glaeeub and looked uneasy the card plajerb huetily shut the door to keep out the night of her aud the bar maids huddled together in bilonco but tho change in tho brutal landlord wb mobt btriking ho roso habtily oamqnptqherari patrick thouqht it was the voice of his rival amd 4 got riled expression of something iiko terror ou ber faco is jamee hero sho asked gently no no ho is not bore i do not know whero ho is ho said hurriedly sho looked around bewildered aud eaid i was sure ho was here if ho comes will you tell him hia mother wants him sir yes voa ho said and tbtmam urg ed her out of iho door tho physiciau soon followed and saw hor going into auother and anothor dive an 1 grogshop atong the street who is sho he uuked of a policeman outbide is bho in no danger tbe man shook his bead eiguiflcantly they will not harm hor air theyve done their worst to her she is the widow of a olergvmau and she had one son a boy of sixteon years they lived happy and comfortable enough till he took to gjing to pool rooms aud then to variety theatres aud at lait to theee dives here ho was killed in quo of them in a fihi three months ago in that very oneu was just in now and waa carried homo to hor bloated from driuk covered with blood and dead bho onlv remembers that he came to these houses and bho oea about them searching foe him every day thoy are afraid to soo her they think she bringj a curbo on them but they wont harm her theyre done their worst to her thib is a true atorj how many done of loving mothers are going down hko tbib boy into these dark places to day yovth 8 comnanwii the teacher taught sir edwin arnold in tho volume of autobiography whioh ho has just published tells the unique storyof how as master of tho birmingham grammar echool ho wub caned by one of tbo boys tho class waa engaged ou cicero some disorder occurred near tbe masterd and seizing tho oaue bo gave a uasty cut upon tho too tempting baok of a youth who seemed to bo tho offender if you please air said tho boy eqoirmtng i did noth ing it was scudamoro that kicked mo in tho stomach underneath tho desk tho statement was true scudamore had demanded from his neighbor quite illegitimately thoexplanaticn of an obscure pass and not being attended to taken this much too emphatic raeanb of en fore ing attentiou having called tho ciosb up arnold said to the doubly wronged boy who was still rubbing the plnc it was i who aro most to blame for having dealt you an undeserved blow tallo that cano and hive it back to mc as hard as jou got il no sir the lad anawercd i cant do that the wholir great school room was now listening masters and all arnold insist ed jones jou must obey mo and if you disobey i am sorry to say i eh all muko you write out that page of cicero three limes atayidg in to do it whothtr it was desperation at this dreadful alternative or tho sparkling oyes of hia class fellows evidently longing to have tho good laok themselves of holt ing a maator thatuirdduuly inspiro jones i know not what 1 do know is that ho reached forth his hand took tho oano and dealt ttte no nham tolling out over my shoulders i bad no idoa that tlidridj culotis instrument oould sting as it did like a scorpion burhfiog tho place in my own turn i managed to thank jones fur hie obliging compliance and then said to him break t detestablo weapon across your knee and throw it out of the window nover again will wo have anything to do with such mothodb hers- bir edwin arnold adds that corporal punishment is in his view a cowardly and clumay expedient and that ho who can not teach without tho atitk had butter got some other busmcfcp toasts to women liuppinebb eulogy eho woman tho sweetest creature tho lord ever made woman tho nourre of help and hnaven woman 8ho needs speaks for herself womin a creature nobly planned to wo to comfort and command woman onco ihore was a woman sir and hero sho is 1 w man the tyrant wo love the friend wo trust woman god bless her tiro queen of all creation j woman tho fairest work of the great author tbo edition iirlargo and no man ubould bo withoufa oopy baltimore wqul a decided success dora what is that d jl a lhat jou belong to clara tho danuiug bofoni associa lion genllomcn dauco with gentlemon and ladies with liullu- in that idea a bucoibh i yes indeed at our last danou no ono danced at all wo just promenaded about the conservatories do jou call that a succebb do i look ut this riug au amusing scene occurred in a quiet uptown street last night a ouug irish man who ia courliug a rosy oheokad bcrvaut in ono of the houses in tbo thoroughfare called about bis usual time in tho evening just as ho opened tho iron mi to leading into tho babomont yard ho hoard a vuico nn jhuuliyu hullo joursou repiiocrpttt 1 hullo put said ths strange voico alain s piitlazod all jirouojhim but could uto nobody and onco again ho heard tho voice say hullo pat ia that all you can say hullo put 1 whero tbo divll aro you imjhow answered ptt jf 1 pat youre a fool aaio the vofcer jjekorra youre a liar wbooveryo bo shouted pat ua he looked blindly around for bis inaulter pat youre a fool ugaiq uttertd tbo voice 4 im no fool whoever ye are calls 1 out pat wild with anger an if yez will ehow ye reel ill prove h to jz iat ouro a fool camu the reply accompanied by a hoartie chueklo put wai furious and thoughts of ihb rival mocuruiy immediately enmo in his mind pat youre a fool i pat youre a fool i tib ho ho i ha ha p uhouted pais tor mentor by this timo pat s coat and waistcoat lay on the ground and ho had his sleeveb rolled up to hib elbows an wag tearing around hko a hen ou u hot griddle theret no telliug what would have hap pened aa it waa nearly tho timo for the policeman on che beat tofutm that way whon ibo bapcmeut door opv ed aiitf pats sweetheart cma out ou net ing put sho uttered a little ecieara and ixolnimed are jou crazy piit v an whatlma oomo into jou tho muht i put jour oloihen on man pat youre a fool ho ho 1 ha ha 1 said the mjsterious voiod out uf the dnrk nobb do yez hear tho blackguard oh if i can lay me haudd on him 1 foamed pat as he continued hia war dauco ah you muflut mind that pat said his sweetheart why its only ouo of the young mens parrots which thoy brought homo with them over tho sea ua an ill- mtunored ijird and do swear dreadfully mia trees wont hate it in tho house eo tho bojs hang up tfio cae out of tho window of their rcom upstairs pat becamo slowly appealed aud us he put oil bis coat ho said i don t mind- what a buird saju molly but begorra 1 thought it was that bncak mccarthj new york tttbmir oni v a gla svs oj h in j only a ijiubb of nparkllit vlm whon tbo toiliptor h owurhul i itiu hut it 1l 1 itasletim down tho i ufti of nln uiofltdoadly w ij it tuniud tho fhumiul uf on i j onnt lift into iiatha of it oi ht wot and blaoktiuo 1 ono i om heart tlmt oiiuu uua as pm o mi thu wlillml hiio only a hlanrtof wlu al ih it imih n mom lata ht n t eokillxusitfiii toraduiuuu u- fair yuimtr wl ana biolco a fond niollmr d curt t dank on od a outij wlfti ithipptimr and tavo bur hut pdlll and won it brought hor btatuad of a loving carvbh a curso and a crnol hoy ouly a hlasa of gtatfitig wine i tls a little tliii but thup it turnod a bright an 1 eitnny homo j into a druukardsdeu i it blasted toruvor a precious life and hounded a fuuural knell it placud thu vreck in adriuikanlti jr t aiid le i to a drunkard a hall a clever parrot having occasion recently to pass over the vermont central rttihsuy i xejl n with a very clever parrot a lady occu pied a seat nearly opposite he ouo in which i sat and tho parrot was in u cblo in a scat whioh waa turned to faco hers buddonly the bird called out polly wmits to i0 upstairs his mistrebb said to him 1 polly waul a cracker to our surprise the bird answorod no no no no pretty boon having evidently repented the bird oailed out pollv wantn a cracker fdlly wan in a cracker an there wan no re spouhe to thu ho tjhouted ugiin bad boy naughty girl bad boy naughty uirl the brakemnq entered the car and oalled in tfio tono which ouly a brakeman cau poalbly assume nbrthampton cooking his head on one side the parrot called iu the bamo drawling tono north ham ton thoro wuh a general latigh following this when to our surprise polly doubled himbolf up and laughed jul as tho people iu the cur had done an old gouilemaii was present who was seriously ufllicted with a cough tbo parrot listuued for some tfmo aud finally after tho gentleman had had a spasm of ooughing exactly repeated tho sound in camo tho brakeman and called out change for turners palls tho pirrot at once repeated tbe aame after this out burst there was a porjod of mtonpo on tho part of the bird and the nar became quiet each ouo reading or buj with his thoughtb imagiue tho aurpnao of tbe people in tho car when tbo parrot called out- striking tho first two notes of tho long meter doxology exactly praise god tho amusement and surprise of tbo passengurs were ex pressed m many loud laugln whioh polly r ut r 1 wbon the lady alighted at greenfield ahe asked the brakeman whom polly had imi tated so many tiroof if tiowould kindly assist her in getting off the train ho replied i will tako overt thing you have off but tbo parrot i will not touch him ho heemoflto4cel that there was borne thing unoavnnyaboutthebird and l am not euro but wo all aoniowhat sympathized with bim it was the brightest and most clover pur rot 1 oven saw 1 for fun at a party pil a liuv tumbler with water aud cover it with a bowl then tell tho company that ypu will drink tho water in the turn bier underneath without moving the bowl of course no ono will bolievo you aud you ask all to turn their backs or oiobo their ojob if thoy wilt promiao not to look until one of tho party counts ton imniutf lately they have turned their eyes you pick up another glass of water and hastily btviniowtrfowthouriturij tlietnlnlrltatijddyff sound but no ouo can look until ten is counted by that timo tho gtaas from which you drauklif hidden again and tho compsuy oatohca jon wiping moist hps undoubtedly ono of tho number wtl bo soiubpioioub that ho will lift tho bowl to ace and thon is your opportunity for you at ouce piok up the glass aud drink saying atf you pot it down i didnt touch tho bow too thin for a statue reformhn dinner qiving a dinner enin no matter whothor the dinner be lurgo or small for mal or informal is tho most exactug of eccial obligations writes mr b t borer in tho 1 ebruacy ladtm home journal iudeed i always feel a doublo sense of oblljatioil when invited to a small dinner in selecting tho guests for the small dinner ohoos thone who are con genial if amoue jour fnemls jbu number pbyairiunbr jawyere or politic i a usdo nob iuit3 ono of each class nor all of ono clasp simplyb their profe6aioiia aro tho same but select congenial spirits itn bmall diuncrk well arranged aro moh moro enjoyable than ono lrjo conventional dinner icrved to btxty til aolooted pa pie die food is hotter eorvico better and dios tion better aud oven wen trained help oanuot be employed the houtresb may enjoy the occasion jib well as tho guests tho art of dining remember ib qui to upirt from the art of giving dinut n a reform in dinner uiving h boin iu stltiuted simple dinners aro now ihe elilant dinnern the man who has btud fed tho art of living lives frugllj a host ess mubt know during tho short lime lur guests aro under her roof she ih re bponsible for their happiness and comfort aiiul0 dinner of twelvo courses of badly blended food u not conductive lo either 8aviniiyaid tho dinner table a u pluco wher men are novi r bored for the brat hour the insinuation that a second would prove a bore is rather prominent if people iu the ordinary nullm of life aro to make such entertainments a success hey mubt never try now or ehiborate dndies 0 oven new ways of serving they should biinply add nu extra plate or two to the usual number and invitotlilir friendf a pointer for boys ljwurtl w bok editor of the cidies homo journal eivoa the fo lowing among other reasons for havint never tateil liquor another thim which led mo to make u m v mni 1 novor to toueh 1 tor waa tho damago whioh i flaw v as wrought by it upon somo of tho tiucdt miuiu with which it was over my privilege to como into contaot and i conclude 1 lhat what had resulted injuriously to others miht provo bo to me i havo seen even in my few jeara of professional life tome of the smartest yea brilliant literary men dc throned from splendid portions owing to nothing else than hib indulgence in wine i havo known men with tliousttnls of dol lars p year occupying positions which hundred would strive a lifetime to attatti come to beggary from drink only recent ly thero applied to me for any position i could offer him ono of the most brilliant editorial writers in tho newspaper profee aton amauwho two yearaaea eaeily com manded ouo hundred dollars for a eiuglo oditonal iu bu special held that man bo camo ro unreliable ficm dunk that tbo editors are now afraid of his articles and although he cin to day write as forctbleau oditonal as at hny timo duriut hia life bo sits iu a cellar in ono of our cities writing newspaper vjrnppera for ono dollur per thoustnd blqwto read a modern novel a rather clover young lady has boon oxpluining to an lnqiihilivo librarinn tho vayiu which sho reads her novels whilo tho majority of peoplo uro content to begin with chapter i and work on con soiontiously to tho inevitable marriage at tho ooao of yolunto iii sho adopts tho original procedure of beginning at the lust chapter and reading baokward by so doing sho nods that sho obtains a continual fuud of exoitement for as ulie remarks it is easier to anticipate tho oloio ot a novel irom its boginning than from ub oloae tho hero and heraino may bo in thenuelvcs nqltber rich nor raro and tho mlua lions may bo hackneyed but read baok word tbo problem how tho dickens they got there imp tho jpaid situation is intricate enough inheropinipn to mako tho dul cut uovol go london ncuh cross women a druggist doing husiur in a largo ontario town recontlywroto m fill nvd i havo lately met with ujino very croan women por reasons best known to them solves thoy purohaacd common piokaodjcs instead of tho reliable ttnd liovor failing diamond dyes for hoiiu dyeing thuy wore sorely disappoiuted in restips and had thoirgooda apoilod they cimu to mt afterwardi knowing that i sell only the moral when you aro coloring goods at homo ubo tho diamond that guarantees success refuse all imitations ihe man who ulviuys does jiiut as hw wifo wants him to savoi a lot of coutro voray aud he cornea out in tho end about as well as if ho had alwnys pleased him self could not lie dqyvn for eigh teen mcfnths tho sufferings of a toronto junc tion resldentfrom honrtdteoase cultivating literature on a little oatmoaf may bo well ouough but when it oomea to perpetuating the f amo of authors by statues thoro are certain inconvenienoea attending too linn a diet on of tlio objeollons r jz w 1 mado to laving a atatni of stavenao erccl m o ni0 jhstbccauso of smoll not an exceptional en so of heart disoaso hut very distressing was that of mr l w law of toronto junction out who was od to him in edinburgh is that stoveuson was too thin to appear woll in a statuo thin authors will ploaso take notna and at once lay in a supply of certain food war ranted to produce pleading rolundiiy of form chicago record if thefyatem is fortified by hood a sar rhieh n 1 danger iii the uy stem is torn mm uy uooa a oar pieaaureh ui n uuuim n ui saparilla which makes rich red blood heart disease will kill if not thoro iuho danger of sfeknors by a t brow if ering spoils that would como over him whonover ho attempted to ho down no treatnont had douo any good until ha tried dr agnewa cure for tho ifeurt and hero one done gave complete rehof and ono bottle cured him and to day ho enjoys tho pleasures of good health as other pooptudo on rod sold

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