Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1897, p. 2

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te ot lorpnto mil mm 1 mai i i at ft liithurlin htn i il liy llltli 1 oliruary to mi mud luult u il nilitur ma it ic j i 1 it hos ni smi i l i r at tin li nn of tin 1 rl 1 h f hi i uiuu ii ciuv iitii i i ivy 1 v j cliirki fiimih m t n to vlli i kii liter i f chun mi i oil vll of ilornl v j dim inn 11 i mon in acton in moil la lht m i bulla wilow of tliu hito aclum diciihoj lti noi hltli 0iv1 1 1 i in tt loront r on hatmiui 1 ul lb n in 1 low 1 ulfum dauu lowu f ruiorly f hi uitf rl in hoi tli t ki li sn u his licuilo in tu ljol i m imh on i rl i ij liuiir i tli hjlwiht r dunn broil or f i dunn miututr acton lumihift co iii l i ii ullh ihuuhdal makoii 18 7 notes andcommfcnts lho chicago city counail b jn unni mous vote baa paused an ordtuanco oharg lug every denier in cigarettes an annual hcouho of 8160 th nnmbar of paobfrkos sent to chicago annually approximates 20 000 goo a president cleveland vetoed the obnoxious corliss bill on lueadaj aa ono of the jaat ugtb of iub ndrrfiiiistratiou tho bill dift- cnminutul iiiobi unfairly upon canadians in his mobbiigo to tho llouaa ilia preaidont characterised the bill as a narrow illibjrul and un american doonment lord salisbury has made a btatumeut of tho britibh pohoy in regard to crate the principal feature of winch ih the establish men of administrative autonomy in the in laori which will still remain a portion of the turkish ompirewtt both greece and turkey mubt absolutely withdraw tboir forces tho hubbian official report of crop con ditions in the empire says the condition of wheat in 22 provinces is bad a cable gives beorbohm ae autlionty for tho estimate that tbo world d visible etocka of wheat ou march 1 were 132000000 bubh oib agaiuat 1gb 000 000 bubhela a year ago or jo 000000 busheli ibsb than lata year the governments of ruabiu and japan- have aigsbd a conve by the terms of which both powers aro to station a li force of troppa in corea for tho protection of the ftuaeiao and japanese settlements in that country tbo signatory pqwera also agree to assist cores financially and russia undertakes to construct and main tain a lino of tetegraphio communication with seoul the coran capital tho population of canada as estimated by tho department of agriculture for tho paat fiscal yoarrrfl 5i it does not follow thnt theae are the accurate figures but they are considered to be approximate ly correct tho estimated population in 1811 wan 1 843 sju and the census showed that tbo actual figures werq 4 833 230 the eatimatea therefore came wijbm ton thousand of the count tujjinr into cou sideration thfe influx of population that ought to follow the mining development it ib considered that i is not too much to expect that when tbo census is taken four yearb hencertho country will contain at least flvo and a half millions minister of agriculture fisher delivered avery atrorfg upeeoh at a meeting of the dominion alliance in montreal last week agatuat tho liquor lutoreats of the country dealing with tho forthcoming plebisoit mr fisher said tbat temperance people most not suppose that they were going to have a walk over iu connection with tho forthcoming plebisoit campaign on the contrary it would bo tho hardest battle of their life it would be more intense than any political campaign it would be war to tho death let that be well understood in previous plebiacit cantpairns the ibbuo was local this was dominion it was largely a dealing with theory and principle it was well nnderstood by temperance people it was understood by the liquor trade that whatever the result of the for mer plebiacit legislation wonld not follow upon the vote now let this vital differ ence bo noted if tho temporanco people win in this campaign a prohibitory law will follow and the liquor traffic will bo killed in this conntry acton parliament our town fathers meet and dis pose of considerable business council met on tuesday evening at 8 oclock at the call ot the reeve tho members were all present tho committco on finance presented their becond report and recommended the payment of tho following accounts- john ilarvoy freight s 60 ranald mann work 05 john meeachern work 1 00 t t mooro pobtttflo 1 co robt rood wood 2 50 hart a riddoll supplies u david mills wood the new liqu law- tho proposed amendments intto- duood in tho legislature last thursday evening are very unsat tho aminlmontb to the liijuor lav won announced in tho legislature laat iliuradiiy by ilun 11 ilarconrt xhoy do not appear to itatiafy either tho liquor men or tbo temporanco neoplo lho prohibitipnmts of tho province have all along boon led to bolitvu that radical changes would ho mule and thoy havu bton expcitiug a hwctping udiiliion in tho number of jicciiata it vvua a treat shock to them when tho proood tlianoj wero an notineofl the bill uocodcb to au many rtqtioata of liquor men t a it dots to lho temperance mon ffftttdooa not tyrant titho of tho requoatfl octho prohibitum oouvontionb and depu tntiqna jliolhifutbliqrtof thoirlflent noya scotia bill aufl will not provo at all satis factory to prohibitionists m general a apeoittl prohibition conference will bo iiu med miely oalled lytho ontario alliance the following is a summary of tho amendmtiuis tho limitation octoidlni to population ib to bo oo tavdru iicoubo top oacli two lruudrod and flfry of the flret tliousaiul bt uot to excood throsfor tho first thoubaud tlilalimratlbn not tqjm lly county towns lia i a jmpulatlqii of 4600 or less tlio council of cuios towns vlllftgib oi town aulilb uiay jan mt and uarth latin any yoor iftfl8h laws llxtui tho iiunibtr ortavorii ucouboa wituui thtf limits impobod by this act for turoo oarb qomulouclnt with may lut fol lowing tho valoudar year aftor tho piistiink of buoii by law auob by law shall uot bo amondfitl or ropoalod rid no otlior bylaw limiting tho number of liconaes to bo isauod in tho munlcl pallt shall bo pobbed until attor jan latin tho third license joar during which tho said bylaw shall bo in force and then only if paused boforo march 1st in such year drufigleto aro prohibited from bolllug any juatitityof liquor oxcopt upon a proqjojjiitloli big by a modicaljiractiugnjpr and flhq pto scrip tlon blmll not oxceod six ouncoa tho hour for cloaine harrooma duriiifj ovory day of tlio weok oxcopt saturday nifihte and sunday will bo ton pm in townships villagos and unorraiiliod torritorics and in tho citlob and towns oluvou o clock aha ago of aulhior iaoxtoudod from olbhtoou to twenty ono years droithor box provielonja now made tliat uuiiioipalltlob undor local option by laws shall conttibuto thoir bhato of the oxpoiiaos of enforcing the law no saloon jiconsob aro to bo isbuod after april 30th ibm ono half of tho existing saloons are to bo cut off in 1b98 and tbo balance in 1890 but tho provision fa not applied to eating houbus at railway atationa now undor license throo lirths of the oloctoia vt any pollitlg sub division in ay potitton the board of commis aionora for any city and pray that any tavoru license issued for promlsas bltuato in the sub division bo notrouowed on tho ground that tho locality is residential aud uotabufiiuoss locality iowor is gives to tho hoard to datormfno whotlior tbo locality is residential or othorwiso in cosob of conviction for soiling durrfig pro hibitod houre and for sales of saturday uightb and sundays or for selling to minora or for offoneos agoipat tho rulea and regulations of the board if tbo magistrate in tho coao of a prose oution or tho judgo in tho caso of an appoal bhall find that tho holdor of a license was a party to tbo offence or connivod thoroat tho magistrate or court shall at tho request of the inspoctor or tbo poibqq prosecuting certify as to the finding to tho board of commissioners if three of buou certificates have boon isauod within one year tho board shall by resolution docloro that tho llconso bo cancelled and tho tioldor thoreof for throo yoars shall bo dibquall fled from obtaining another license a special meeting cf tho prov metal allience was hold in toronto on friday afternoon to consider tho license bill tho meeting passed a resolution expres bin its deep disappoint men t and nnquah fied dissatiflfaction at tho meagre neaa of tho amendments to tho lioenbe law it was to be regretted that efleativo restriction of tho liquor traffic regarding hours of permitted sale had not been mado aud that elcptors of polling bub divisions have not power to reliove themselves from the injury and annoyance of exibting licenses being hampered by technicalities sod conditions that ip view of the decided expressions of public opinion in the recent plebiscite by a majority of 81700 temperanco people should be aroused and mcenbcd with the trifliug measures inclnded in tho bill a bill which calls for deepest dissatisfaction and indignation the present bill is not any real response to tho peoples demands or any adequato fulfilment of the promises made that arrangements bo at oncamado for a convention of all temperanc friends in lh foiii liundrod joimg muthodisto who bpotit throo liya in convention at puria lust wulic ro tu mod to ilicir houice with try lnih opn ion of tht pretty town and tho vry cordul hoapit thtj of its pooic pins is boiitiful for situatiou and tho piuturtb juu ncr iuwu which may bo hnd at almost unj point cio itucharmiug and altractivu outlook lilto quebec it liuu an n pi i and ti icuer town thbtllvld nig i mo heint thu river nith which after winding through deep roitiantio tleua joins thp gnmd ltnor near the centre of tho town the settlement was originally cnllut lho loilta of tho grand rivor until nfram cuproit oixty jearnao called public- nieotini and proteitud uaiuat hav tug to hoad all ins letters with tho above jeufithyimmj lie huhglbto as a new namo pane both for shortness and beaauao horo wero such quantities of crude plastot of puns in tho ioiiity thub the settlement got thu namo parib aud tho ahrpwd vermon ter gained a pnrpotualadvor tiaeincnt for hiettopsum brfdhr aud plaster mill paris is a stirring town it has a num her of manufiicturiuf induatnea the most importunt beinf the knitting factories of of tho john rennnn compan many hno residences and bunncus black3 adorn thoatrccik aud its cl lurches are a orcdit both from an architeotuial standpoint and tho rjiuous iniluenco wieldod two live uewspipo keop thoir readers well p06ted upon local affairb and ttbly represent tho town m the outaido world one of those tho stm ft anncnptreceutiy celebrated its fiftieth birthday it has hid tho peculiar distinction oi being edited for some two jears 180j i by a real live earl lord hill our old fnond claud w la wiolda thojiolm goverulugthodehtinegqt the review a olimpse at paris whoro tho cp worth lenjiuo con von tlon was hospitably entertained tho annual convention of tho epworth league of hamilton conferouco was a highly interesting and succeabfnl gathering the preaident itov g v kerby b a was a most ablo presiding officer his nddroba at the first evening of tho oonven- rion was a munterly effort tho convention was most practical in its promulgation of ways and means for tho suocesbful working of local leagues thore was inspiration for all departments of leaguo work miabions bible study the forward movement tho reading courao junior vork and tonipomnco wore eapeo tally emphasized tlio populur evening addresses wore delivered by president kirby rev dr honderbon toronto rev t albert mooro palmorston dr j j maclaren q ctoronto rev j vanwjck b a president of conference and rev dr potts the singing by members of tho minis- tonal quirtette and by tlio choir of tho church was much onjoyed rev j h haslewosd of pans was elected president for the qurrout jear li mtir ouse tho province to take further action that all temperanco people iu tho pro vince be urged to hold indignation meet logs and to arouso publio opinion aud bring it to boar on tho legislators at oua the case against charlie sharp camo np bofore judgo humllton at milton last week charlie acknowledged having taken the clock but oxpained tbat ho bad been working at tho georgetown paper mills bcoamoill with grip and was reaommond od to take a hot drink he went jo a hotel and got one it was rather strong for him and went to his head ho went to tio houso of a friend a neighbor of tho com plainant not door to that of tho latter and finding tho door locked and being affectod by tho liquor thought ho had mis taken the house and wept into that of the complainant no ono was iu and he took tho clook as a practical joko and hid it as it was the boy s first offence- aud it was roprosonted to tho court that ho biro an excellent charaotor ho was let off on bubpended aentonce the funeral of the laro mr aloxmder moalpino an old aud respected resident of fequoaitig took place to tho oernoterv here on tuesday deceased had been ill for several months literary news tho moat intensely interesting pcoplo of the roll of honor royal oil co coal oil b j5 cray oil co coal oil li 61 ii v mounrilrintiug and advertising 21 g3 ml 59 moved by w l smith seconded by h t arnold that the second report of the committee on finance just read be adopt od carried moved by yvm brown seconded by w d smith that wm williama dog tax 91 00 be refunded tho dog having died boou after being assessed carried moved by wm brown eeoonded by w e smith that tbo dog tax of h h wordon 92 00 bo refunded said dog being killed soonafter assessment carried tlio necessity for a crpbbing for pedes trians over the g t 11 at tho mill street crossing waa spoken cf moved by w h donny seconded by w e smith that in view w tho pnbllo safoty and convenience a six foot sidewalk be con btruoted across the railway traoka at the mill btreet crobbint and that councillors arnold smith and tho mover bo a com milleo to watt on h s holmes agent o t r in roferenco to tlio matter said committee to n port at the next meeting of tho cpunoil carried a list of supplies for tho year was sub nutted by the tiro company the tenders for 80 pieces of sound cedar timber 20 feet long which would equaro 10x12 inches and 0 pieces 2j ft lonf wero opened four tenders were received as follows john wauon 81 00 jaciofl mauhowb 1 00 win bultlor 1j0 00 alex crippa 0 15 moved by h t arnold socondod wm brown that thu tender of john watson for oodar limber bo acceptod his lender being tho lowest curried moved by wm brown seconded by w e bmfth that the counril do now adjourn to moot on monday evening 22nd march atfipm carried itoaiia through tho russian minister at athena hhh called upon greece to withdraw r q her trot pi and her noil from cfoe within three days the february examinations at the public school last friday the result of the monthly written exam inations last friday plaoed the following pupils in the positions of honor kihbt 1eiaht3ifnt class v tina mcqueen 241 john moore 230 gertrudo barry 221 clftb9 iv son eva matthews and hrittio oram 240 clara cobban 20 ada holmob 231 class iv junior borlio speight 2ji bennett clark 231 fva porryman 20 clasa iii senior robio smyth 250 hattio noble and harry lovoys 210 lottie moore 2d3 marks possible 100 t tmooitr teacher blcovl deiaht1ijnt seniors mabel sopor 235 oliver cook 228 gfcorgo arnold217 intermediates florence bopor 250 josio stephenson and ida laird 2 50 ger trudo walters 2im may worden lil juniors ethel mills 22 f marks poeaiblo in all alusaos 210 c mcphaii toaohor thiiij dh ahtjilnt senior class myrtle matthowa 100 howland brown and annie campbell 189 willie taylor 17i junior class harold niokhn and lna poaraon 182 uazol mann 171 til he bingham and jennie smith 172 marjiaposaible u00 i l pattihon teacher louilth ileianthi nt part ii senior myrtle cook 171 wllllo ballahlino and malcolm moluch orn 102 ernest grippa 151 part ii junior ruby clark 170 vida folater icg elwin porryman and georgo strasser 151 parti senior charlie matthews 108 alpliauus boll 100 irono mullen 153 marks possible in each clab9 200 u e mcnkkm teacher it is proposed to spend 9 jj72h 2 8 ou tlio united states navy this year a mare belonging to wm satchel of north las trope give birth to throe eolta on fob 21 mr johu momurtiie a kippeu farmer was crushed to death by a falling tro on friday tho united stains seuuto held a regular business session on sunday afternoon to for ward the appropriation bille mr lawrence e voler ex itoeve of one whs drowned while- grossing tho i river thames on the ice saturday i tho world just ut tins moment aro mo mil lions of famine and plague stricken india julian hawthorn has been sent by tbo cosmopolitan magazine to india to depict the situationus it appears to nn american tho march cosmopolitan contains tbo first of what is probably tho most important series of articles over presented iu this magazine the article in the muroh cos mopoltlan on the methods of banking by tho president of ono of tho largest banks of new york a man of widest buainoa experience former postmaster general jarooa is ono which ovory person how over humble his clerkship or high his place in tho financial world will fiud interesting and instructive this series will constituto a very complete courso of business trainlug aterinflbual a victim of asthma had not slept in bed tod twentyrive yefcrs seemed doomod to torture and continual mlmryfather grand father and groat grandfather hnd died from the froublg relenso comos in old ago the curo looked upon aa a jvtiraolo i ioni lho w hltb ckrouiclo i or years stone of famous euros wrought by dr williams pink pills have appeared in the liiomclt during this time weiavo bcui cnuting about for a local cado of snob a nulu o aa to k io no doubt of tho efficiency of liicbo pill- wo havo found several but in oach ciao it provodto bu u eonsuivo h j lj who could not bear to have hrfi or her ninio and disnaso made public rqceutlj howover a moit strik nig cao came to ojir cars mr solomon ihompjon livoi on a beautiful farm ou tlio west jjhoro of mud lako in cardan township north viatoria ho has rosftiod there for forty years boiug tho first settler around t1io lake ho was reeve of garden and dalton townships thirty j1v0 yijaxaagqbefocalho oountioa of peterboro anovviotona wero separated and ho used to attend tho counties oonnoil at petertoro mr thompson ima been a victim of asthma for forty yearn or more hoveier wo wilt kl him tell ins o vn atory on that head ou october 15th lp we took a trip to mud lake to viaittho hauutfl long fannhar to us and made it a duty and fouud it a pleaauro to call upou mr thompson and learu from seeing him aud boating his account of it how bo had been cured for twentv fivo years wohad known htm aa a gasping buffering asthmatic tho worst wo over knew who managed to livo at all we often wandered how ho lived from day to da he met us with a ohoarful aspect aud with displa a trace of his old trouble btiing at ouoo usberod into his house wo naturally made it our first bubiuesa toonqulro if it wero all true about the bonefita he had received from uaiug dr williams pink pills bejond doubt baid he how long have ou uecd thorn nod how many box havo you used ho was asked i btartod a yoar ago ahd took eight boxes wo next asked him if be felt that the cure was perma nont well said he i have riot taken any of the pills for three or four mouths stflttaronot entiroly satisfied yot you aee my father grandfather and great grandfather died of asthma my people all tako it boonor or later and it ulwaja ends their daya i havo lost tbreo brothers from tho fatul thing knowing my family history it is bard for mo to gain faith hut 1 can toll you for noarly thirty years i never slept in bed until i took pink fills ab you must have known i always slept sitting in tho chair you now occupy i had a ahog from that hook in the ceiling and always sat with my head rebtmg in it while i slept i now rotiro- to my bed when tho other members of my family do how old are you mr thompaon seventy six was the reply and i feel younger than i did thirty yoars ago i waa troubled a great deal with rheumatism and other miseries probably nervous troubles arising from want of sleep but nearly all tho rheumatism is gono with tho asthma during tbo conversation mrs thompson a halo old lady the mother of thirteen children oarao in and after listening to her bubbunds recital of these mattern she took up tho tbemo i mover expected that anything could curo solomon said she wo were always trying to fiud something whioh would givo him relief so tbat he wonld be able to sleep nights but nothing over soomed to make much difference at first ho took ono of the pills after each meal but after a time ho increased tho doao to two we noticed ho was greatly improved after taking two boxos and began to havo hopes later on when wo saw bayond doubt that ho waa m b i rocommonded be pills to a niece of mine miss day whose blood had apparently turned into water and who had run down in health and spirits so bad that she did not oaro to livo why she got as yellow as baftron and lookod as if eho would not live a weok you would hardly believe it said mrs thompson but that girl was tlio healthiest and handsomest girl in tho neighborhood toforo three months had passed and all from taking pink pills mrs thompaon waa called from tho room at this juncture to attend to some house hold duties and mr thompnon resumed tho subject of his marvelous curo you can havo no idea ssid ho what it is to go through twenty five jeara without a good nights sloop jvithout pnin loan find no wards to muko plain to you thocomforta i now enjoy and tho awful life i had for so 1 ug i had a big family of mouths to f e d an 1 had to work when nt times i felt more hku llug down to die x would conio in at night completely tuckered out but even that was no guarautoo ofroar ijiero w is no roet for me i beamed doomed to tor turoand curtrnunl misery when my fonti urged mo to try dr williiim pink pilla 1 tltought it would bo usoicbs hut i had to do something or dio soon and hero i am as right uj a fiddlo tito old gentleman shook his haid to add emphasis to hia last renlunor and looked liuo a inn who felt j jyful ovur a renewed loaso of life with all his old miaerios romoicd after congratulating our old friend on ins divorce from tho hereditary doftrnjor of hia kindred uo drove awuj at many places iu tho noilhborhojd wo opened lis cubjious upon tho oust and found that all regarded itaa a marvellous oure whoro tho thbtnpcn family aro krrpwnr udpereon would havo believed for a moment that anything but death would relievo him from tho grip of asthma lvory word chat is written hero oan bo verified by writing mr sotompn thompson dairy mplb post office and au intinfeto acquaintance of j wont fivo j oars enables the writer to vouch for tho faota narrated ubavjj and for tho voracity of mr thompson in ahy state ment he may make dr williams pink fills curo by going to the loot of tho dihoaat lboy renew and build up tl o blood and atrongthuu tho norvob thus driving disease from the system avoid limtationaby insisting that ovory box you purchase is enclosed in a wrapping bearing the full trdo mark dr williams pink pills for palo peoplo milton dr robertson has been reelected grund medical rofereofoljjioyartomplftr mr walter lindsay youngest bon of walter h lindsay esq left town on mom day for brandon where lo has secured a good situation iu a largo dry goods store now water wheels are being placed in the flour mill this will necessitate a closing down for about throo weekj mr mccaugar tho lessee intends having a bid ing pnt down to the mill from tho c p it tho town aduncll have stopped the opera tiona iu boring for water on the mountain near tho reservoir about 9200 was votod for the purpose but tho drill had pot got through tbo clay before the amount was expended nothing more will bo dono for the prebont oococoooq striking values in staple goods we havent any other kind in our stock you cannot find many stores shich make as good a display and the prices here are on a level with inferior goods sold in some houses we have no fancy prices 3ln hcnvy white cottons worihcic for 5c jd 36ln special rinuh white cotton worth ioc forfijc yt 33 in horrocksfwhito coilon worth iajc fcr ioc jd 73 in phln unblcicl cd mcctint worth 13c for iajc d 73 hi plam unl lcicl c 1 shooting worth ibc for 13c y i oloachcc tbl linen ci in wide worth 60c for 40c dloiclied do ihlc aip tat le line 68 hi wide wowliti2i for 93c tahlo napkins biz 1 ai x aa pura linen worth 75 for itk linen check qutt towelling ig in wide 4ie yd linen check glasa towcwiil 33 lajc yd creme di aclir 1 i inr 1 huck towelling waa ujc for flc i 3o in uutclier i men aa aoc for 15c jil while an crlca 1 crololiet q 11i11 e c 61 00 for 75c 38in viclona lati n as ioc for be jl 39 all questions clicorullv answered letters or orders received be fore x o clock answered same dty jsutcuffesons 102 184 yohoi ot fl 6 quctn t w a llrtss or icr clerk b when calling- ask for mr j t jutclitfc c6mhwm s310 the talis manic price 1 ii itshhe figure at which wc arc going to sell a great line of ordered pants consisting of black and colored worsted and english scotch irish and canadian tweeds ranging in price from sl50tos7 this is an opportunity of six months riot a life time everybody buys from one to three pair of pants at our semiannual pant sales this is one of the best lines we ever offered- ftthi abctttsrmntti dressmaking mlhh nolilinii h llll nt 1 r rt lid i acton 11 tit rh for drtaruiak i 10 itrtk htruot mlhh noin l wanted- or d o i 111 hu 1 lioloatilu ii uf wnnts 0110 01 1 10 liqiiunt un 1 hi luutrloim roniuoonta tlvmfoi thih h ction citti 1 a a lnihtur about 1j 0j il wool to htm will diuwurl hhanti oltu ont wanted sgents for masseyharris and the duke bicycles j d williamson co wyndham and macdaaneu-str-eefcsr- 0-uelbh- youft sfaee time ml h xromon to couduct btihliioss at homo work is ulniplo jwrltiuk nnil copylnu huts of addrcsuftf rocoirl frotu local odvortuliir to he fornaftred to 11s dally no canvassing 1 110- i rovions oxoerionco rrquirnd hot plnfn wrltora proforrotl rorniaiiont work to thoao content to earnb or tnorceeklyrrirrmtotiao apprvto wa1u11- n iuu co louaouont glasgow house acton weee note a few of the attrac of our clearing sale this in boots and shoes childs and misses overshoes womens dong buttoned womens kid buttoned mens buff lace mens buff gaiters womens felt lined lace 5 50 per pair reg 1 00 per pair reg 1 25 per pair reg j 25 per pair reg 1 25 per pair reg 95 per pair reg 10 50 60 5- 50 25- in dry goods ladies fur muffs coney seal astrachan etc at 1501 75 200 and 225 reg 300 to 500 overcoats at reduction of 25 to 50 3 spools for ioc prints sheetings tickings etc at clearing prices hend8rson si co the right house cor king and hughson sts hamilton inti i ml m iiiuit with nrfol clucatlmi to wh mi uw k hu 1 1 xi usch for tl o llrat joaj- would bo nn in hu 01111 nt wrto with fulhiar ticulare till man uil it i jtlluuioua ut woht toronto out roolvinc bookcase fox sale ttbaegaint alatrntioolviiia hook caso black walnut nqfttly lluishod will iiohl 120 volumes iu lrnt olaua ordor cost 612 50 will bo sold for 85 00 caali apply at hircprcssobffoe wanted earnest mon and wouion to elroulato tlio sword of inlatu or buqoriub armotila a thrilling book qraphro account at the eastern quostion tho turk armenian and oloharamod aniera with its horrlblo inab3acrcs numoroua startling illuatratlona taken qd tho opot oh pages only 81 00 agonte mako 015 00 to 30 00 weekly books on tinio proa poet us froo to oanvasnors tup kitadlby gakhetbon co ltd toronto ont waftedr mps to unnafio with us as salusmon novt soosoti just opening new styla of plate mora attractive and yot neater than ib furnished fron we aro the nursory paying salary and oxponsoh from tho start liberal com m lea ion to soosoi book ever only canadian all supplies lurulshod fron dian c part tlmo mou larfio list of special it lofl liavlng beon tested at our trial orchards if you want a good thing for tho winter wrlto us stone wellington nursorj mon ancj fruit owors toronto can ovor 70q noros under cultivation her majestys diamond jubilee caritleb queau victoria hor llfo and itolcn into ovory home persona who novorflold books tako orders fast profaco the most oloauent of lord dufforln s aohlevoments no book so highly pralsod wo need moro can vobbora easy to make 815 00 to 83000 a weok hooks on time prospoctus froo to canvassers a trial will cost no thin fi and it may fill vour empty pocketbook the bradley gail retbon co ltd toronto ont the- ijnstinsbnstorel rockiaiood this hich grade carpet clearance 1 or this month only wc hue decided to make agrett cleirmce of surplus stock of cirpcts nnd for thib purpose have made deep cuts in prices note tho following list and ovcry m j heps hfo and ovory old man will ahko find it ot itomerjbo value uoranco morso kmgiloy hutt won for hcraolf a vory bifh position in tho literary world throughhor wcrka titos a com rado of lho crobs and stephen a soldier of tho crpafl these books have beon road by hundreds of thpusandc every ono of whom will cordially wtlcomo a third vol u mo of tlio8anio beneb paul a oorold of tlio croaa which will bo lflquod in a week or two by tho mothodnnr book and publiahinr house toronto tho book will provo most inspiring aud helpful tlio proscnt jcar as tho interna tiouul sunday school iohkohb embraoo tho life of st paul and mrs kinsleys book follows oioiclythe order of events in tho inbpired narrative tho march numhor of tha delineator is called tholarly spring numbor its fore eantofsphnb graphic by numeroua plates illustrating tho lucoming dress modes and fabrics addrrai comnuintcations to tho delineator publishing company of toronto ltd iu richmond 8t west toronto ont or tho local agont for tho huttorick putterus sobacription pnoo of tho dehttrato 81 00 per oar or 15o par bingli copy aft i hod it aiajujnc aiuf renew tor muroh 187 toronto william briggs price 92 00 a year 91 00 for bx mouths single number 20 cents an artiolo which will attract much attcnlion in thia number is ghancollor4 3jurwasd long and strong reviow of lr uuulwin smithd oueeses at tho hiddluof lixihtcnor this dr bur wash djhorlbrn bb tha eaddost book ho has rind for many a year tho unnpeakablo tdrk with numorotiu full pngo ill uot ra tiuiif is 11 triiiiliidom indictment of the rjoat asfluaain 011 the uoaphoru many other interesting artiolas appear illus trated soionce notoa the hitler cry 0 indlft the imperial gbrhr by rev dr blaoksiook jind beond lho hor izon by prloclpftl shaw ll d are strong papers 35 barrels of apples for sale 27 pieces best quality rofal wilton regular 1 85 now 1 25 made and laid g7 pieces best 5franle brus sels regular si 35 now 110 made and laid 82 pieces good quality brus sels regular 91 15ncvrt9e- made and laid 25 pieces best quality tapestry regular 90e now 75c made and laid 48 pieces heavy moke tapestry regular 65c now 50c made and laid scores of ends of allwool and uruon carpets length iadging from 3 to 8 j ards all clearing at ono price remnants andodd patterns of jsuoor-cloth-and-luiojoumsr-ot- neaily half price regular 25c for 15c regular 30c for 20c regular 40e for 25c bissells worldrenowned carpet sweepers regular s2 50 for si 85 heartht rugs largo size chamois goat reguarc 50 for 5 velvet regular 250 for 8175 kyber regular 8 50 for 2 50 goorka reg ular 5550 for 84 50 highclass curtains cream and wlfite irish point lace tamboured curtains irish point regular 8 oo for 500 and 11 5o for 900 jtl00 for 700 18 60 for 1000 19 00 for 1200 16 00 for 1175 tamboured arslafio for 1000 regul 10 00 for 750 hsofor 850 7 00 for 5 50 blaukots fine white and grey blankets standard sizes 6 6 7 8 9 and 10 lbs nt a regu lar discount of 5o a lb off o ur regular close prices goods stored till required thomas c watkins february 17th 1897 the right house regular 1500 suits week for 1200 neglige shirts regular 75c this week only 50c w w budlong hills grove r i bujo all kinds of rawfurt skins beeswax gouainr living wlhl animals of all kinds price list of furs for nozt 00 days for well handled stock inferior according to quality returns mado day goods received all furs should be t by bear pish or otter boaver silver fox cross fox bed fox grey fox wolf wolverine lvnx wild cat marten skunk raccoon black raccoon common badger deer i mink musk bat send mo all your furs you waul made into rugs overcoats capos robes oto prices roason wmmciraaw avorrriivnyd oui 18 00 to 8 28 00 7o0to 10 00 700 to 10 00 0 00 to 12 00 to 00 to 100 00 7 00 to 1100 1s0iq 90s 100 to 1to 2 00o 3 50 400 to boo a oo to 250 so to bo 3 00 to 9 00 76 to 100 2 00 to jv bo to 14 100 to 1c0 75 to 1 10 100 to j00 aoto 25 auction sale in ebquesino pkr7vv stock lwiptbjurbnts btc from 85c to 60c per barrel cor mill and main streets acton pish for lent codfish i ho excellence of our codfish torciher with its remarkably low price makes il out of tho best selling fibh on the mnrkct ince per ib 5c labrador herrings ijiing the bat oi ihcyear s calch paefceel by ri reliable maker and of the lircbt bize they defy competition trice per doz only 25c smoked herring i hew herrlm nre so uell known ihjil nothinr need be aid about them price p r box 15 cents canned salmon a special brand just lo hand of excellent quality try and ace trice during iwont 2 cans for 25c c i g00deme next post orricl acton n h sliiiwich for 8alo ethel qroup groiotmining company of ros8land b c authorized capital 1500000 shares treasury stock 860000 shares of par value of f per share head qffloe rossland bc mines north of rossland head of murphy creek president and manager e l clark of rossland b 0 vice president and treasurer j tyte acton ont secretary l l devoin kosslnnd solicitor j l g abbott depository dank of montreal toronto off ice 39 adelaide 8treet east the undersigned lias been instructed by henry towsend to sell by public auction on lot no 30 con 1 lsqucsmg at one 0 clock on monday 15th day of march the following stock implements etc stock 11 coirs supposed to bo in calf notuo noar calving ayoarllnscalv089hoifera 2yearsold j calves 1 ayrshire thoroughbred dull 3 yoars old span of black horses 0 years old 1 brood moro 8 years old i maro 10 yoars old 1 colt ffihih 4 yo old 1 coltli- v old 9 poland oh nahowb with pbr s berkshlro sows witbjtftf 9 pigs i months ohf 8 sheep 100 hoas implements lhider 1 mower igalo cultivator 1 seed dr 1 1 boomer 1 turnip pulpor 1 tannins hill noarly now a flaws no 91 floury 1 iron harrow l democrat ji wtawlbarrow l tilaao buggy sundries a quantity of straw kdd bmllage 1 cooklnff btovo t parlor btovo i box stovo i hisjs2 development campin clopinj mining properties in british ool unilih nnd is at present engaged n active work onsix full sized claims ix lthel no r atlil iroii king no 4 blue bell no 1 1 ik no 1 and tenderfoot all in one block nnd situated at thp heid of murphy creek in close proximity lo the yellowstone group ind i ieit her ijclle i lie 1 thel group properties ire well mineralized a proven by tho assays ore tiken from a shift 11 feat in the lthel no 1 and froni another shift 23 feet assays 97 to 12 per ton in gold which compares vory fivorably with the assays of ore from tho richest mines in this i he trail greek dis trict at the same stage work is now being pushed rapidl and before midsummer the management fully expect to hnvc shipping ore on the dump development work can be carried on at a minimum of expense 1 he northern end of the froun beinj nearly 1000 feel higher tlmuhe suth ru end makes it suilablc for operating b tunnel which doe away with expensive hoisting and puhiping plants lis proximity iu lho 1 mil smelter with a good roadway directly to it and tho very near advent of a railwayiihprelihiinary survey of which passes through the ethel group will place it on a working basis excelled by none in the camp the eagerness dr american capitalists and mining men to secure a controlling interest in this company is e idence of the richness and merit of these claims a limited amount of the company s treasury stock is being placed on the market nt 10 cents per share the proceeds to be applied towards further development 1 his price is liable to advance at an carl date without notice stock certificates will be issued to our chasers at the companys offices in hossfand and toronto and he stock may nlso be purchased from leading brokers the capitalization- being only 250 000 per claim and the rich indications of the ore together with careful and practical management should assure good dividends in the near future the operation of the mines will be undei ihu direct suplrvision of c v smith ai experienced mining engineer from cripplt creek colorado aud the greatest possiblf results may he anticipated tbrjmts o skxh all sums of tio arid under cash over that amount eight months credit on approv ed joint notes wm semstrsxt audttonaor gents waterproof ow9rshoes maple leaf brand hfor 100 intending purchasers will please write or wire for prospectus or maps to the ethel group gold mining co 30 adelaide street east toronto ont or columbia avo roseland b c

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