Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1897, p. 4

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73t- fl ttan vt v6 liloitsday mahcii 1 1897 t uouiuj foihs iltjril a it aiowiy ittln all alonoy a foot i ittoij nt tor in tlio hull n 1 hi t iiiotln l runs to iiiulc u i to kisd lior to wliiif awoot 1 k pcriliiwiiii ho full lit ik oil i o ttualt iiml mniul i ut hatai li fuui amurt bin mother liovorothnuiir i llu liin liur choufhtqcnll all aluiiuv 1 1 li niu bin logs bond w itli ttu ir load though bin foot tboy room bo hiiiall 1 hut jou liitinotboliiforobotlo homo hsustroiib nptsoilo in tbut noisy ball neither threatening bump norjall i ittlu all alonoy foam liut with a wont bravado btoore bltbor qunios tbat cheery cnll all alonoy 1 tlmtfln jcurb tocomo lion liu ahuies ot fiorrow a wtoru um lila foot arouiw ajnlnumli hun bl orotic i btiriilopso ruo aiulbiri lioitrt is horo o tbf t h ooulil hoar ouoo moro 1liijoiitioolcn bo uboi tolioar dhiuo with mafbor lov6 and cheer iilluiu from ouiior ajilrlteboro all ajl alono olucago record a bank note story lo the lopg i f bank uotestorios the liimii hour adds this a traveller stayed for a uirht at ono of the largest london hotold in tho afternoon after be had tono away atelogram waa received from hun btatnik thai bo had left a 5 note on tho mantelpiece on inqnirieu being made no note was found but the chamber maid romembtred hodinga dirtybloc oilpaper- on the door and tearing lb up and oarrylng it away with tho rept of the rubbish from the rooms aloutf tho corridor tho pail of rubbiah waa traced to tbo hotel dasthole into which were shot tbb accamalationb from iho wholo building the manager fao ordtrd for tho d lib thole to be cleared out and exninjnedtpd half a dozen people our splendid variety of canadiau climate is unsurpassed in tho world our men and women bbould be perfect examples of health vigor and strength unfortunately we havo too muoh sickneab and diaeaao m oarland butit ja the fault of thepeoplo not the land they inhabit to thoao who are sick and ailing wo- would say try what wonders paine s celery compound can do for you its marvellous health giving virtueb can make us a nation of strong and healthy people in agfery short time py pames celery compound quickly bou iabes nervousness debility dyspepsia liver andjiidney troubles blood disoasoa rhoura when nearly half the mass had been passeot atiemand neuralgia it is nature spring vqta act to work withbfeves to dfsoover some trace of the missing fragments through one littto corner of the note was found then a u other pieoe bodden and dirty was discovered and finally after about an hoars sifting all the pieces were found but one of about a equaro inoh in hio tho pieces were washed and dried and then stuck together on an elab orato network of postage stamp strips the bank paid tho uotet the traveller did not even say thanlf you but merely complained of tho inconvenience to which he had been pnl by the chambermaids stupidity her majestys loyal canadian people they- should all b aud healthy paines celery compound will enable our wo men to live as long as our queen it will giye our men strength and vigorous manhood slcklyoanadlanscan be made hale hearty and happy and worthy of their country palno8 cidry compound does the good work cleanber and healer if you are not m gonad health one bottle will quickly too vinoe you of its great luo aud power paines is the only genuine aeo that you got it flattered her photograph her very often hear of a couple of per bonti carrying on a courtship by mail with out over having eeen each other and oftho subsequent engagement and marriage of such persons but there haa junt ocomred a cauo in shelbyville ind which differs souiofhat from the neual ran of boob btories minnie soott of hat city corres ponded with honry barr of st louis mo for some time and they exohanged photographs be finally proposed and was accepted tho date was set for their mar- rittgo and alt arranged for the event and a few hours before the time set henry arriv ed for his first look at his intended bride ho wub somewhat disappointed how ever becauro the girl did not at all re- scmblo her photograph and bbowed bis dieappotntment awaiting a chance he excuaed himself for o moment walked out of tho house and down to the depot nnd took tho next train for his home while- the bride minister and the invited gnosis were- awaiting his return friendship a lady tells this true story of two four- footed vagabonds ono day at a railway btation i met a wretched jittlo white cor and i told him i would give bim something to cat we went together into the dining room and after he had eaten a good meal off he went in a harry he is ntyery graief nl i eaid to my huaband but much to my surprise m a few minutes there was a little scratch at tho door and when it opened in walked my bmall friend accom panied by a moro lean and miserable specimen that himself ho seemed to say please feed my poor friend ho ib in ae much need as i am r needless to say they boh hud a moal whioh doubtless tney remember to thii day after which they trotted away together wagging their tails as happy aild grateful an dogs could bo evorybody helps the devil who talks ono way and lives another 20 cents secures agood liver and good health as a system renovator and blood builder dr agnews liver pills are supplant- inq all others so great has been the demand that its hard to supply it cure constipation or nervous ooadaohe clear tho complexion rid it of eruptions yollow skin ooatod todguo eto act catly nevor gripe and the after effects aro a positive pleasuro in vials 10 pills 20 cents competition is the life of trade or iho death of ono of tho competitors a point to eemcmbcr if you wish to purify your blood you should take a medicine which cures blood diseases the record of cures by hoods baraaparilln proves that this is tho beat medicine for tho blood ever produced hoods sarsaparitla cures the most stubborn oabes and it ia the medicine for you to take if your blood is impure hood pills a tho best after dinne pill assist digestion cure headache 25c r t tt tt ttttttt rttttyt tt t t thepl emybsion f is invaluable if you aro run down as it is a tood as woll as a medicine r tflo dr ltfemulslon t willi uill jou nil if yuiir i iilril hcaltfi la i imlaltld f tho d 6l l emulsion cijlliou t in 1 in i inl it il lo prcpanllonof f cod lucr oil 11 il b uiili iho motiloil t c no al in uh 1 e tho d st l emulsion t iai rcscrbcd by iliu k ulliit 1 uysiciaiu of tho d l emulsion e la n marvolloua floah io luour uutl will bivo t jou an uppttlte 50c at por bpttlo t no guro jou iit i ffam cawrehoe go ltd fc iliofelr vi uluo buflincaa uotda tidvlilianga9 110 flowers need ram stratford sayings five yoiia fonrful sufforlng siitvnoitn out tive oitra ago i began to buffer from svtmptoma of kidnej trouble such as ffcuto pain across tho smihll of my back duy spoils pains in my lnnl palpitation of the heart and restless at uuht iheso byrap tomo togetiier with othera of a dtatrcaamg nature proved beyond doubt that my kid noye wore nut performing their propor functions conaequeutly tho ppieonous mat ter was distributed through my onliro8h tem my uppotito was poor i irtjcamo very weak and lost floah rapidly in fact i felt generally miserable both in health and spirits when i stooped it wau with painful exortion that i aam a tood erect i recoived no practical benefit from any of the rcmediea i took uuhl live weeks ago when i comm taking doana kidney pills they uccrriod to go right to tho eoat ofthodiacano restoring mv bicjnojs to a healthy condition so that they performed thoir natural oflico in romoving tho poison from my aystoln as a result my baok troubles and all other diatreaamg ailments i havo mentioned aro gouo i havo gained in btrougth and woight mj appetite b good and loan truly tay that i feol splendid all being tho result of takiug doan s kidney pills and nil having been done in five weeks 1 i aaw by tho papery that tho agent far daanu kidney pills was to bj at menare j ii nutfmyth 6 cod drug etoro on the 27tb inst and bo left my work expressly on purpose to see him and give this volun tary statement aa a small return for the benefit i have received as i consider it only my duty to mako others acquainted with a remedy so efficient nnd prompt to relievo nuflforera from kidney aomplaint signed j a watson huron street strat ford ont laxa liver pilla euro conhption bill ousneflu and stck headache 25s why they do not pas5 kidney disease prevonta hundreds owapparently hooilthy men from passing a modlcnl examination for llfo inautanco if you huvo in j need into the matter yon willbo binpiidod at tho iiumboi of your friends who fiud themselves rejected as applicants for lifo insurance bectao of kidney trouble llmythink themaeives healthy until tlioy undergo tho nlodioal teat and they full in this ono point south amoriciiii kidney cure will remove not alono the early m nptoma but all forma o luilncy dismay b litnolving iho uric and and li irdcntug utib tapcoa that find place m tho aystom t l locke of sherbiooko qnoi suffered for ihroo years from a com plicatod cjib of kidney diaeubo and spoilt over 100 for treatment he got no reliof until ho uaod south american kidney cnre and ho eaysover his owu bignattyo that four bottles cured him sold by a t brown it may bo true that one ia nover ao much alono as mion 1 e is in a crowd but it isnt wise to ctjuceze a girls baud inatrect qar thp coughiug and wheezing or persona troubled with btonahitis or tho asthma ia exfobaively hurastug to theniiolves and ttnil03iugioatuera dr thomas jolec trio oil obviates all hud entirely sufely and speedily aud is a benign rernody for lameness sores mjorice hleb kiduey and spinal troubles break up a gold in time by usjnq pyny- pectoral tjiio quick curo for coughs coi is lol i uxio- cuiti i iio li mss etc of 0 j soi ju t l ruiitour tea i irr r llnl to euro r li ifqfnl ncl up or t iri ti largo ijottle 25 ctfl davis ft lawklnceco proprietors mohief j j is oc certai n painoilier w painkiller the great family medicine of the ae taken internally it cures dmrrlwpt fmmp and pain in the stomach sore throat sudden colds coughi eta eto usjod externally it cures cutbrfilbbb burns soalde sprains toothache pain in the face neuralgia rheumatism frosted feet 1 eiretybody welcome klltrc r al t ul i l mil li atul ta lulhuiiliqin jhh ulaf 1m iit to tl orf r of ii n 1 a n u no a n m li fir im in tl i tl au i kiovi u lu lo a uootl or tluls l l ltulk lllolul ii ii srcil torjl i a t 1 i ft iain killer dl imm inu vl 1 nli liu ni iv tl n rci i luo if itbv tiro ijtjio l 1 r taken wlthaswa a coulnatwood resident telia how south amdrloan jmorvine rfhis daughter of dlstrosalrfk ner- s vous disease tho father of jessie merchant of cgllrog- lugwood tolls this story of bis eleven year old daughter i doctored with tho moat bkilled phyeiomna ti colloingwood without any relief coming to my daughter ependt ing nearly five hundred dollars in this way a friend influenced mo to try south amer ican norvino though i took it with httlo hope of it being any good whon she began its use abe was hardly able to move a and buffered terribly from nervous bpasms but after taking a few bottles bbe can now ran around as other children for stomach troablea and nervousness there is nothing ao good aa south amer icau nervine old by t brown up to date driving whiga havo silver mounted english holly sticks what la bloro precious jdtarrltwa jyysjzntery f- and nil howe eoxlatnts a sure safe quick curo for thesu troubles 13 i- tbrntttltari pcnnt davib ji cserj internally and externally 4 tivosizii 2c nnd roc liottlc tho right kind of a man gains strength from failuro and does not let succeas breed inertneea a cripple from rheumatism cured by a few doses of south amerloan rheumatic -cure-mlr- aculous but faot constipation causes fully half tbe sickness in the world ii retains the digested food ioo long in tho bowels and produces biliousness torpid liver tndt taklno up indifferent hus bands a little man asking bow it happened that many beautiful ladles took np with but indifferent husbands after many lino offers was thus aptly answered by a mountain maiden a young friend of hers during a walk requested her to go into a delightful cane- brako and there got himthe handsomest rood jho nitt got it in onegoing through without turning sho went and coming out brought him qui to a mean reed when ho asked if that was the handsomest ono alio hw ob no replied she i saw many finer as i went along but i kept on in hopea of a much better until i had gotten nearly through and then was oblig es 1 o select tho boat that was left gution bad taste coated tongue slot headache in somnia etc hoods pills cure constipation and all its rcsultseasllyand thoroughly 260 all drugghts prepared by c i hood co mim the ouly pills to take with hoods sarsaparwa a study in colors rronhfeigh 1000 mot an old colored man the other day crossing the campus and tho following ooversation ensued frebhleigb hollo sam i the trees aro getting nearly as black as you are hey big sam yes sail an noxt spring sab doyil be nearly as green as you sah mra n feme wifo of a wen known manufacturer of iligbgatc ont says for many years i waa sorely aihicted with rheumatic paina in my ankles and at times was almost disabled i tried ovory thiug as l thought aud dootored tor years without much benefit though i had lost confidcnco in modicnfos i was in dnced to uho soulhamoriaan rhoumatio cure to my delight tho fir at dose gave mo moro reliof than f had had in years and two bottles havo qomplutoly cured me sold by a t brown tjiero ia sorno good ip every ono and some happipeep to he- found everywhere the best lillsmr wm vandervoort r sydney croaaing ont writes i we have f at a cobt of flo cents been using farmelees pills and find tbern by far the best pills wo have ever used for d and debilitated constitutions thflao pin a act like a charm taken in small doaes the effect is both a tonfo and a stimulant mildly exciting the secretions of tho body giving tone and vigor during labt year 4 01060y brrelu of beer were sold in now york catarrh and cold relieved in 10 to 60 minutes ono abort puff of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of or agnewa catarrhal powder diffuses this powder over tho surface of the naaal pas a ages painless and dolightful to uao it reliovoa instantly and permanently ouroa catarrh hay fover golds heodaoho soro throat tonsilitis and deafness all druggists sold by a t- brown than good health da not aufferwub siok and bihoua boadaoho sour stomach mdigeation despondent feeling with laok of ambition paiu fn back legs and side poor appetite when you can romove the cause by using ouo box complete treat moot of- wrights livor and stomach filla from a t brown chemist and druggist aotoo dont hoadaoho vowdera will relievo that violont hcadaclre in leas time than it takea you to read tbia they aro safe successful bure 25 cents a box keep the heart young and the body will be blow in growing old mr thomas ballard syraouso n y writes i havo been aflliated fornnarly a year with that most to bo dreaded diaeaeo dyspepsia and at tiraob worn out with pain and want of sleep and after trying al moat everything recommended i tried one box of parmoleos valuable pills i am now nearlywell and helievothey will euro me i would not bo without them for any money it was a desert a mother was assisting her little boy with his geography when they came lo the word doaort whioh he could not under- niaiid ilin mother explained that it waa a pluco whero nothing would grow the hoy h fnoo brightened up at hor words and feeling biiro that h had solved the diffiaul thyho awkodut to thomsaniog dont forget that to remove corns warts and bunions in a few days all that is required is to ap ply the old and woll tea tod oorn cure putnams painless corn extractor sure safe painless putnams corn extractor makes no soro spots hard to hoal acta quickly and painlossly on hard and bofu corns nowadays jou can novor toll how a girls waist fits her by the looka of her coat in tho baok there is danger in neglecting u cold many who have died of consumption dated their troubles from oipoure followed by a cold which aottlcd on thoir lungs and in a abort time they were beyond o skill of the beat physician had they need diablo a antt cotihumptivo syrup before it waa too laji their lives would havo been spared this medicmo haa no equal for curing coughs colds aud all affections of tho tbroat and lungs backache fneeaehe selntle pains arenrnlsje ialns rnln id tbe bide cci promptly believed mil cured br thedcu menthol plaster njnjriimdymirp a l menthol piaster t raovoropalnln mio buck and lumbago i 4ihl eiltatltiklr ro fin mend mmo wifr urn mul mi id rrt irlr 1 1 f toy wt hko ion a latulhtk blliaticuituwii out pavis be lawrence cc ltd proprietors mohtbbal tho moat coatly possessions are those acquired by wrong means dont wairfortlio sick room the cxperienco of phyaiciane and tbe publio proves that taking soott s einqlsfon produocs an immediato inpreaso in thp flesh it is therefore of tbo highest valne in wasting diaeascs and consumption tho man who lives a ho has a pack of bloodhounds on hs track help your children to grow strong and robust by counteracting any thing that causes ill health one great cause of disease in children is wormb bcmove them with mother gravca worm exterminator it never fails is there ono wliocomes to uuelph without knowing that this 3 h resting and waiting and mooting place ne weu ae a store ihere ahouldnt be we welcome tho lookers aa well as the bera litiy or not as you please we trytfo make the btore seem nearer like honjo to you than anywhere you can go outside your otfn door hundreds fmd it so every day j as for get so wewoatdeuy that the toro is ior buyers as well lookers doyougetour meaniifg where else can you d complete an adsortrqent oi wearable things an4 jiouao furnishings it represents time saving labor saving mpney saving with little or no necessity to visit other erores too cosmopolitan for that wot a word about prices iiese if they wore wrong wo wouldnt bo doing such a busi- the boy and his shoes thers jonietmngwrong with t or h wnnhnt wnnt icncw pair every two weeks either your shoe ideas aro wrong or tho flhoes are wrong perhaps both most manufacturers seem to think that the boy is smaller than tho man j poor leather and slimpy sowing will do well enough but u wont shoesas durable as the oak wouldnt be too strong for a boy why holl briug poor shoes to shame in a day tough to fit and good style you wont be wrong then the tonrtart wiffte the best and let tnem fit theres no sense in crowdmg a boy s foot into ton little or too big shoos let them be a general siae not big enough to wden him aud style cultivate it j hell grow careful byeandbye the frajto bowler departmental otjelph co castoria for infants and children and tho prompt answer came thtra bald hold justifiable ma fey- ilavo jou any thiffg to say t inquired the hhorift only one ihmg said the condemned until hh ho loosenod the nooao so that he could apeak with more oaoe i want yon to catch that mnn with the snap shot cam era mh throw him out i do not wnnt to ho difgrnced hy any amateur photo graphori canada eupphos 1000 000 of iho 810000 000 pounds of butter imported annually by great brltian itching burning skin diseas- e8 cure for 35 cents dr agnows ointment rojiovea irj one day and cures tetter salt rheum pilea scald bead eczema harbor a itch uloera blotohes and all eruptions of the skin it is soothing and quieting and acta liko m agio in tho euro of all baby humors 15 centa sold by a t brown you cant go on losing flesh under ordinary con- ditions without tlofw- lallo flgaatoto k ib tm tjttj vrppsr the knowl- something is too much turning over there i4loo muoh system in thlsaohool business growled tbrnray justbecaoae i laughed n little tho monitor 10 mod me ovni to iho teacher the tenoher turned me ovor to the irlnoipal and the prinoiptl turned me ovor to iaw was that all no v iw turned mo ovor his nice a win fill heart maktix n feublo hand notlnni is gainoi hy htnrving the soul to fecd the body edge that wrong either with diges tion or nutrition if the brain and nerves are not fed they cant work if the blood is not well supplied it cant travel on its life journey through the body wasting is tearing down scotts emulsion is building up its first action is to im prove digestion create an ap petite and supplyneeded nu trition book free scott downb ikluvute out v do not ponder your own weaknesses thero never was and nevor will be a umvoraal panacea in quo remedy for all ills to which ocbii is heir tho vory nature of many cuiativch tem such tbat were tho per ma of other and differently seated diboancfl rooted in tho bjatotn of the patient what would relievo ono ih in turn would aggravate tho other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained irta sound unadulterated stale a remedy for many and grievous iiih uy its unidtiu jtlilioioua u tho truiicht ft id emu aro led into con vuleaconco and strength by tho influence railway time tabjlb grand trunk hallway oolnu ujhl ioimi jhl -mtti- f n hj 1 xprihh i xpruhtt i in i xprlbu mull 7 utl jlii villi mlxuil b bnr 10 47 a ui fi 11 imii 10 t i in 1im1 ol loh1vu mam h oolntj s lht iinitii mult 40 i in otolith i uht 10 1 it iii mid r 1 1 p id thin tiuiu tiblu i ul mio liritt ho hjtli lhlll 9 uu mouua job printing including booltb 1atnphlptfl toalors dill honda circulars q o oxocuto iu tho boat fltyloof tbo art at moilorato prlcbn aud on liort fotioe pply or addronn sold everywhere jliey wear like iron peerless blend ask for and 6ei that you gg wantbdbbvbuaii faithful men oli women to travel for rraikmiaiblo eatab iivhed hou in ontario salarv 780 paablo 111 weekly ami oxpoiiiob 1 osltlon permanent horeronee buelofco rolf oddreassd btampod envelope tbo national btar iluildlhg chicago which quiuino ixerta on natures own restoratives it relievos tho drooping spirits of thoao with whom a chroma state of morb d dcbpondotico mid laak of intorest in hfo is a diaeo and by tranquilizing tho norvce diypoacn to bound and refresh ing sleep impartb vior to tho action of tho bloodt which being stimulated courses throughout the veins utrongthonlng tho healthy an i mil fuiiclioiis of tho syatem thereby making uotivily a necehhary result btronftheningliermc and rivirghfo to the dlgoativo organs whioh natnrally demand iiioroaaed bubatanco reonlt im proved appotito northiop lman of toronto havo iiven to tho public their quinino wino at iho usual rate and guagod by iho opinion of scientists this wine approaches noireat pcrfoolioii of any in tho market all dnivgibts sell il lead packets 12 and i pconds you may talk about your posters and your adi upon tho fence dut they alu t the kind of mediums that appeal to common sonae you may talk about your dodgera and your circulars and auali fut 1 palcalate they don t aaafat an adyortbior hjuoh and oapeefally in winter whon the mow la on tho ground i wonder where your poatrs and your dodgers can bo found but within the cosy bomeatoad whon tho par lor atoves aflfow tbo newanaper u wad aloud to overyone ite top farmer aoos tbp painted sign upon tbo barundffriqbi two dollars yearly far tbo apaoe he usually wina aud tboce hla intoroat in tho ad begin a and xhon it eudi and the same la truo of r early all hla nelgbbort audblsfrlendi but they read tbo local p per etery day of oyory week and in ita woleono oolqnoq all their inform hon aoek and you may be quite certain bat tbo adi therein dlanlyed aro always read with utorost ana aro auro to make some trade it atauds to reaaon anyhow that wlit a fellow buyir he roing to read and get hla money worth if no is wise tbo father mother uncle aunt tb d and too son are going to read the newapaper and ro li everv ha everyone it also atanda to reason tint a local mor- pra atr4dt attodtlpo bo it either good or chant a ad will than klndr with eaar for that ia whore tbo multitude tho advertise ment aees try aa d lo linen and white goods sale ylon ie a sireot from the te oiirdeiu jleotod iromtcenty blondaby tha irraataat toa expert in the world as the finest puroat rloheat and moat fragrant all qbocbbfl seli it 2b so 40 so and 00 oonto a pound thk davidson a h who ag toronto ask our grocer for prospective housekeepers a serious question for prospective hounekei pcra is tho throat original outlay necessary for the purchase of appropriate furnituro and furnishings wo can be of service to all auoh theyll be surprised to learn upon how small an investment they can begin with if thoir selection ib mudo from our stock older house keepers can find many articles thoy need this spring at very low prices in our wareroomi undertaking ior kltara dnirypiircstnnd rest our stock is complete an oxoollont assortment in utl tho city rivich in trimmiiigs kpd flufali irlaes lower than eer cutlhiu or caskets delivered within flvo miles of aaton lirst oiaae ikarso at rcaboiiibto oharges j a speight co shop ad show rooms cor wittovnn arncs straot ta the more than thirtyfive years of fair dealing has created confidence in this store that has made its statements reliable we would have it emphatically stated and clearly understood that no dishonest or sensational methods are tolerated here to deceive the public our statements of values are real and not sham a saturday we opened a large shipment of linens from belfast these goods are perfect made by one of the best irislimahiifaeturerstandboughtonthe sameterms as the leading wholesale merchants buy them tttmgobe i urn vnrtm ouf ce acton georgetown electric works t j stjbfgllt proprietor manufacturere qf dvwamos electric motors r water motors and 1 mybraullc rams r rio nnd blenm titling and uoneral onair lut doiiir ociulpnedvltii a aa brasing maculae i am nrciiarud to do brazing on nioyoiuaframci ac wbuolb convortod from dlroct to tanoen hpokoh uandlc ijara bont to any doslrod angle imiil lino of bpokoa kotu in btoctc fiatibfaottoa ruarautold dicycicb ouamollod la any color t j speight deorgetown acton- livery bus line tbo undersigned respectfully solicits tho patron ago oitlio publio aud informs thorn that well equipped and stylish rigs a an all wayfl be secured atnhibtablob a comfortable iiub moots al trains between sam and b18 p m caroful attention given toovoryoraor tho wants of commorolal travel- lore fully met john williams pflotnieton acton saw mills and wood yards jhttes brolnzn mandpactuncn and dealen hi lumber lath shtnglep wootl etc all kind of wood in stock and promptly dollvorod to auy part of tbo town at fmsorjtibo prices tolppuono cominuaicattof j h hamilton marble and granite jlamlltonls blook guelph having oa hand a largo quautlty of scotch norway swedish and russian grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i wil sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and will ulow all expenses lo cuslomcrt to ind from our worts john hhomilton to cure rheumatism bristols sarsaparilla it is prompt reliable and never fails aek jour druggiit or deajer for 11 bristols sarsaparill 5 56 in pure 1 lncn damask tabling worth jyp laf oln pure damask tnblo llnon wgrrh joe lor 60 in luro llnon damask tabling worth 4jo for coin luro linen tablo damask worth 60c for 6oln oroam linen damask worlh fijo for 1 500 62 in white linen oantlsk worlh 75c for 6oe 681n white linen damask worlh tt 25 for 1 90c 35 4710 table napkins 1 00 81 25 f 1 60 1 2 00 92 25 83 00 compare our pure linen 75c 81 23 nipuna wllli ti 50 damagod napkins sold by others i 8pecial values in towels and toweuinga pure llneajtowels from 18c per pair up pure linen towelling from 5c up while crochet quilts from 75c up i our special no 49 white cqltonat gc is equal to any ioc r cotton we know of j d williamson co wyndham and maodonnell streets guelph 80ientif10 american munn oo 301 drdadwav maw ink

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