Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxi r no actodst ontario ti1tjksday 3hakcii 11 1897 price three cents is iuiiliaiiki every thubsday morning at tne- frooprchsstctim printing oilhc 8thbet acton ont tkimb ov suuhcuii tion olio dollar per yoar trlctlylu advance all h luacrlntloiib discou inuqd wbon tho time for whioh tboy havo boon paid has oipirod tho data to wnlch every subscription is paid is douotod on tlio addxcaa lbe apvsntiama iutfb trail e lout advertise nonta 10 etinta pot nonpareil lino for flretju orcton 3 courts nor lino for paah bubuoqueut aeorttod contract ltatkjtho following tablo biiowb 3ur rates far tho ioflortjon of advortisouionta for ipoclttod periods x vit fl mo 1 3 mojtaip a snap in sheet music popular prices full slzo good paper old fashioned price 30o 40o ond 50o i day s low price 60 any ten pieces 26c i 00 00 i 635 00 3mw acoo aooowji-oq- i 0 oo i a so s00 13 00 70q a00 7 00 3 00 3 60 100 aoiuohoa 10 inches vlnabes unou alvortlaotaenta without apoolflc dirootions will bo luported tut forbid and charged accord sly transient adverusompnta must bo paid advertisements will bo ebontfod once each month if dqslrod for changes ofteuor than 1100 a month tbo campobltlon must bo paid for at rogulai rat on changes for oontraatatfvartibomonts must bo a ens othco by noou on tqosdayo h p moolte editor and proprietor washington post march by sou an liberty ljoll match uy rousn ftlfib bcliool cadols jiy souaa mauhatton liuach march by housq darahu droain hy laticnrs bon ton gavotto flooloty banco dancing in tho barn hchotmehov ilafltiih oil parade march by kerry miiib lovo codies hlko a sunuuer high waluiiy sponsor princpaa uoiinlo waltisoa by snousor byvaiibatr ivorito two btop fry when tbo girl you lovo id many allies away bone by hooppon i lovo a jf tho others don tsoiifi py bland ford bon bolt for voice aud rtiano tho fayorlto sucllah ballad -thb- traders rank of canada ijorfrg authorized capital paid up capita and surplus assets over 1 000000 785000 6300000 cuelph branch yalo society two step- in tlioload the avorito two fatop- wusinm jbixtdaxp j f tjren m dom office and roaldon qornojamlaltrmlniftfa treats aelon as eleiqttjjh b aoton onaddati tobohto lnntrihitv office main stroot third door south of presbyterian church acton s ays bookstore prlco 5 cents each any 10piooob on tbo list- us cents mailed postpaid baino irlcc atjjfctph day sells cheap jf halsted m d p l m 0 f and 8 oht oppice medical hall main btreut acton patron ago solicited itheuniatlsni and catarrh special ties u c veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v 8 graduate of tlio ontario veterinary college honorary inoiubor of tho votorlnarymodlcal society office m husband a lot 21 con a naab agaweya calls day or night promptly attondod to dental lh bennett lsb dentist obonoetown ontauio jm pell d d s eds pentist blwoiimlle honoh gnaduate op tononto umvenbltt work made satibfactory prices moderate b t 8 mercer dentibi graduate of t6rpnto university and bods office over drug storo acton vlhitikodayh tlitjnaday and nuoat i i legal m olean mclean arriatera solicitors notaries convoyancers io private f unda to loan office town had aoton wu a mclean jno a mclean dooglas murray fialuubtekb bolloitou notahlefl etc opriokfl 129g quoen st parkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria st tolephooo 297 toiionto john douaiaa a o muhray beef wiwe and iron 50o a bottle 1 syrup of hypoptlqsphites 1 a bottle large bottles in each case bold b stewart wedding presents to dhte a jmackinnon bannibten solcitoii comtrancffc op ice corner mill and main slreot above kopman a storo aoton t g mateeson 4 j b mcleod annibteltfl solicitons conveyaceia georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest rates r j mcnabb dork fourth division court county of hal on conveyancer agent 1 iro and life assuranco hos1 tatato agot monoy to loan oto office matthows block acton ont miscellaneo us h enbi grist ottavi canada bolloltor of patonts for invontlon otc nnpuaa appllcutlom for tho caoulun amor lvd and enropotn imont olbcos and for tlio lloeiitratlon of trado marka bond for nm pbet tliutv two voars opcrloneo rjibanois nhnan bookbindub wjndhantst t quolpli ontario wy ovor wllllamr storo aooount bookn at all kinds mado to ordor iorlodlcali of otory desorlptlonoarof ullyboond bnlinffnoatlva promptly dopo abriaoli licenses h p m00be tfaufp op uaiiiiuoe ljcfnskb pri vato offlo nowltnobbobroqolrod isauod refldonon in tbo ovoning froo proaa oolco acton aoton machine and tiepair shops bbnby obindeil proprietor abb well eanlppea wllh all tbo maoblnary sooaaiary touevuta all ropalr to maobln jirv and agricultural implements and to do all idmaof ntunbhonie iboolngandbenoral hlaokimlthlnu woodwork topain partprmort in a aatlafaotory mannor wo oan i rp maoblne or lmploniont of any make gumnhnff and flllug dono wolllngton mutual fire insurance company bltapuaubd 8fl0 inbubanoe on oaeb and hntaal plan any ooinmonlcatlonj forwardod to my addroa boi 0 or tolopbono 68 will bo promptly at- tortdedio john tavlob agent quelph hbmstkeetr lioinbid adctionain vnx tbo goantlee of wolllngton and haltov orders left at tho fbe pno oolce aoton ov atmyrealdeneelnaeton will be promptly at tondedto pooe roducod to 6 oo for farm sales also money to loan on tbo most favorable utnaand at the lowest rates of intorest in umsof mand pwards w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont iiaeb a bphuiii or machine finished book papers am nion qua we wbw8 tho paper usod in tlile jourial from dhaabovn nill wm babbek or dh03 frames pictures artists supplies fancy goods good value waters bros st george s square guelph acton saw mills and wood yards jh7uvis brown hanufactoiien amd dealbil ih lumber lath shingles wood eta all kinds of wood in atock and promptly detiverod to any part of tbo town at reason ah o prices flordwood aud slabs cut stove longtb alwayn n band tolrpliouo communication gcovetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers 6f dynamos electric motors wattr motors and hydraulic rams andflloam fitting and uoncral bopalr doing equipped with agaa braring machine nproparod to do bralogon bioyolos framos pipe ing being e iiiltiropai o wheels convortod from direct to tangon bpokos handle bare bent to any doslrod angle fall lino of spoko kept in stock satisfaction guarantood blcycloa enamollod in any color t j speight georgetown acton livery and btts line tbeundoralfinodroapootfqiiyaolioltauiepatron ago of the public said inform a them that well equipped and 6tyuh rigg oan all ways be seooired atblsatablos a comf or tablo bus mpatsal trains botween 9am and b1s n m careful attention given to overyordor tho vanta of gommerolal travel ion fully met john wjjlliams pnopnikton actonsteam -laundry- a cook proprietor tirst olaab work ruarauteed in rmmily laundry worjr i sjitrts r caffs elc work ailed for every monday and thursday and lolfvorcd ovory thursday and saturday acook suma of 81 and opwardn recoivod on deposit and 8j percent interoat paid o cornpauuded half yearly depoait rocoipta laaned for largo earns deposited advances madotc r on their own names responsible fanners no joharge made forcolloolinc 3aieb fjoes if payable in guolph a general banking bitalnebs transacted a f it jonfs manager were stock-taking- and to clea our lamp stock well namejou a price oq an lamps you want that will sell it sure j m bond co hardware guelph tul plain country ixnce pxls haw dear to m heart aro tho nilnco plus of history wlijclrfond lucolluctloua procoit to my mlud t when tnstu iiah grown weak and tho palate a mjhtery wlioti tionicthliioto pluaso me tlio cook cannot flu i when puddliifid are sticky aud eclairs too stroot are wlioii boufhos and tlrabaloa but oaygo tno to aclit alttpattfos ara taino then tho bost thlujl to oat aro tiioho pke of my childhood wbloh fow now can make thouo eucculoufc mluco pics tlidbo uncultured niluce pits tboao plain omutry mltioo pica no krouoh ohof can bake dollaioua thotuorsoll oh pricolofea the treasure i uutobb you are plaguod with foeblo dlscstiout and flod tbo indulgence too costly ft pleasure in which case our pruduoe couaidors tho juostlon dot flowed iti the light of a tootusomo collec tion tin human liandb buroly a hotter coulcfajftko of bpioob and swoots ft la just the perfection alast for you thou if you needs muat oatealm tboso succulent nilnco plob those uncultured uiluceplos llioso plain country minco pies no froucll ohel can hako ouco strong in jouths arrogance rash and un critical scorned i the thought of dybpeptia so dire hut as i fftov- older i grow analytical aud doomit imprudent digestion to tire thahmtrtiecotnayvotmrarvory slightdizisl nesb pose and that tiiero wdti a coert nicndco in bis tone he settled doun in the corner nain and 55ona cnflt ftirtivo lanots at hmi unjl ul ways wiilii she looked ho withdrnw his gazo from her what a powerfully built fellow ho ia i went her thoughts what a illamous countenance ono can boo ho is a dos porato fellow how foolish i was to let my watch and nutf be seen 1 i am suro he ib looting at my ring now theriirg was a very beautiful dia mond niveiijouua- by her molher and zona with airogurd of cqiiventlduality worett qn tho fluficr which nr usually set apart to carry tho signal of ontfaremeht theater hi thouslits were engaged i wtu i dou wonder alio fctirely ib the loveliest girl i ever saw i wonder who tho tiappy fellow ib what can bo tho matter with her though she doesnt look a bit like bho did tho first part of the irliaps i niubt pause now for good prudauco flake hut o on if it dooe it la nobody a bublncfld i roach out my plate aud auothor allco take those aucculout minco plos those unoulturod mluco i lea tiiobo plain oountrmiiicoplos no pronoh allof can hako t donority swift select ifamilq ueabinit n aq englistt 2or ivoi notion to speak to her vvefl ifyou wibii it i don t want s tyl1sh phiisg u1tings our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection puces right also styles shaw tuitnek merchant tailors guelpli roller acton flour mills propibtoa haunfl leased the above mills for i term ofearslam in a positi to supply the winls of the public with the best quiltucs of roller flour cracked wheat mill feed and all kinds of chopped i ecd rcquircd all our flour will contain tho proper percentage of no 1 manitoba hard wheat my ion experience m the milling bust ness enables mc to assure si n- fiction to every patron i will be pleased to meet alt old customers of the mill and irnny new ones i am prcpired to piy the highest current prices for wheat oats ind peas for use in said mill telephone town orders from brown r drug store exchanging wheat ind chopping i specialty james clark coal wood john mcqueen having purchased tlio coal busluoss lioroto foro carrion on ny jamoa urowli f am prepared to eupply all orders for furnace coal stove coal chestnut coal op best fluklltv orders given to me personally or loft at buown a diiuq btoitn blllbo promptly ailed rohm moqpbbn cuelph business college and shorthand institute ovelpb ont bupkrioit facilities for thorough and iraotieal courses of study hook keeping k si horthalid and typo writing coursoa a apeoi graduates anslstecf to positfoua sr pail sbuuions wrlto for circulars lty commences hopt 1st j sharp principal job pjrinting ikoludinu books iampblets loutoraliill heads olroularsc ac oxooute in tho boat stylo of tbo art at mod era to price and on ahortpotico apply or addrenn ii p mooiik frkb r nit a a oflle e acton wantkdbkvkltai kaithtul ubn oh women to travel for reauonalhlo ostab ilahod house in ontario 010 weekly and expanses iteforonoe knoloao self i ouvolopo luunalloiial blar dulldliin ciicnio salary 7h0 liuoii por knoloao self addrosaed atanipod en zona sheldon was making tlio luropeau tour htr education waa inmhtd and bho ani her mother had apeut tho last two yeard in travel zonae mother wits a wealthy widow and zona v as an only ofuld her readtug an i cutturo hid giveu eat to her travels and biio hid utidurstool as well as seen tho important subject under discussion on the october morning which brings them to our notice m an invitation to be present at a wo9dmg in the nort of england but hero wan a dkmmt itfra shql lun uaa so indispoded fl to iu unlit for tho journey jet alio did not wjbii z ua to slay at home unhappily among oilier ideas perh aph a little erroneous mrs sheldon had a firm bel ef that it was a perilous undertaking to travel in a compirtrnent car unless there weroso many pasdongera that there was no possible danger of abult i dont want you to consider me at all zona said her mother i aiirrnot lit pnly just indisposed onouh not to feel able to taho audi ft jotirny you know mra gaunt t iill take jood care of mp if you will only promise not lo go into au empty compartment i think i oan rest eaay very wall mother i will promise yon that said zona morning bbw our heroine at the kings gross elation anxiously saanniug the car raises to make sure of ono well ailed and at least ono or two ladlefl in it at last she saw one that met her requirements and slipping a com into the hand of tho guard bhe onterej the tram btearred out of the btattou and zona took a survey of her fellow travellers there wae a family father mother and three children au elderlirttdj two bum ness men and in ouo corner a man whom bho did not particularly notice bho took out her fountain pen and a sheet of paper and wrote all safe com parlment full at tho first stopping place she gavo it to the guard and tho busy wires carried it to her mother setting at rpsther feara aud now zona who was a good traveler sottled down to eyjoy herself tor awhile the looked oat of tho window admiring tho flying landeoapo then she- produced a bcok cud began to road anon a now scusation stirred within her bho drew out her dainty httlo natch and looked at it twelve oclock and twenty minutes two hours biuco she bsid started she laid down tho book and opened hor httlo lunch basket then sbo drew off- her gloves lucked them in the pocket of her jacket and began to eat tho man in the cornor took this oppotttrtiiey tstfiad tho title of her book biglow papon i know biioh an american i oan see it from the tip of her 1090 to the too of her httlo boot i didnt know before that eating was ono oftho fine arts zona all unconscious of tua scrutiny finished her dinnerreturnod to her book and i must admit fell asleep for awhi slioilid not kuow when somo of the other ucupauls of tho compartment got ont and about 4 oclock she was roused by hearing tho mother ot the family aay wake up tilliel wake up wo get out at the next station zona looked about with a start to see the ootober day darkening down and realized that when the family party should leave the train alio and the man in tbo corner would be the oply occupants of the com partment hereupon occurred a strange thtftg zona who bad never before felt a fear in travellin b tu recirllali hw motlrarr storieb with wbiob she was wont to foitify her theories of tho danger of travel hog in compartment cars tor a moment zona was possessed wth an insane desire to bcream and only by a strong effort eon trolled herself the man in the corner who up to this time had not moved from bis eelt all day now rose and walked to the other end of the car zona trembled with fear he reached under the seat and tock out a email hand satobell whioh he opened was ho going to get a rovolver no it would be a knife a revolver would make too much noise bhe watched him with fascinated ejeu hu took out something small and slipped it into the iookol of huooat soon he rose again and sauntered to tho far end of tho oar ue lit u taper ben l down aud was ongaged vlih something what was it zona put her hand to the window and mado a desperate effort co open it that she might be ready to oall the goard the man heard and turned ho oamb qulokly forward allow me he said politely oh no thank you said zona hastily bho felt ruro ho had designed htr pur day american girl isn t likely to bo so sriaeam lsh aa a native hero goeb i beg your pardon ho paid aloud itoa look wearied do 3 on go ranch further an englishman wouldnt bpoak with out an introduction thought zona if he hadnt eomo design it was some- time be foro the question was answered for she was making acaloula tion whether if bhe should tell him that her joarngy bo likely to mako the bebt of his time and attack her immediately or whether bo might perhaps abandon his purpose altogether so that as i said some time hud elapbed in the uncertainty when she said i dont know sir 4 you havp neier been in this part of the country before he said tentatively she answered in brief monosyllables to this uud other remarks and he perforce relapsed into qtlence v he wants to mako me talk and throw mo off my guard thouglit zona again attempting to open he window and this time with suaecs soon the darknebfl in creubed aud thu hullow rumbling told that the train had eittrcl a tunnel with the echoes thundering 111 her ears zonas nerves were trmne 1 to catch unv bound of motion mado by her companion all at anceehehfci a nhorp snug and a shriek from her mingel nh the jell of the engine as it g ive vent tc its j jy at emorg lug luto the d lyhght again tho man was at her ei it i beg pinion for lutrudin are you hurt he abked anxiously z na thought his anxiety was caused by fear loft the guard might have heard her scream at the bme tirno bhe became cuusoioud that tho paiti was in her right ee a cludor from the open window had lodged in it if jou would lot me aaid the stranger producing from his pocket a handkerchiefs chloroform hanbo 1 through zonaa brain and ehe shriokc 1 out no i don t come near me poorthing thought tho would bo samaritan she must suffer dreadfully then aloud i am suro if 50a would onlj no i loll you bold zona voiomenily with a stamp of her foot tbo man eubbided into his corner end zona with her eyo fast swelling bitterly repontcd her temerity 111 taking tho journey ill never travel alone bgtuo oh dear i 1 dorr t suppose 1 11 ever travel at all again i have laughed at dear mamma and thought her fussy 1 ought to have considered that she ktjew tho world hotter than i and then came a long whistle the muu in tho cornor roae snatuhing up his batohel the guard unlocked the door newotstte maam yon re at jour jour neydend and hopiokod up her valise will zona sheldon ever again kuow such a seuso of relief or will any other face ever bo so welcome to her as was that of tho burly uard as ho rondo una annouuee moot to hor she was safely on the plat form and a coachmau narrowly watching thopisaeugefstatepped op lo her saying mr mowbraya carriage for miss sheldon i am ohe ehe said in a voioe which her mother would not have recognized let mo have jour valise then and the ooachman extending iub baud he opened the doer and zona stepping into tho oarriago sunk back on the cushions and burst into hysterical tears the man who had been in the coroec standing with his satchel in his hand gave alow whistle au the bight met hm gzo through the window walking forward to the coachman he said gie me a lift hi ley i guess ill rido with you all right mr john eaid the coach man lifting op the eatohel como down from edinbro bir 7 not directly jlitoy xot mo down at the gate and dontjell them i ve come i wa to have a bit of a ioke with them hall right bir so that 13 the travelling young lady who is lo bo bridesmaid to morrow and stand up with mel if im not muoh fum taken she will bo in no condition to stand op ho swung himself lightly down at the gate the ourriago was driven op to tho hall zona was helped out and warmly greotod by her friond louise while riley to avoid answering questions drovo away the first greeting over lou 1 so looked abouther whero ib kiley dulut cousin john rody lot mo helpjou oh louiao dear t you mustoxcuso mo from dinner i can t go down with tins horrible blackoyo thus louiso went dowb alono to dinner where she related in full tho bad journey which her friend had would ehe rocoguizo the villain do you suppose asked dr piorpont who had imtened with much intorest to louise s recital i don t know indeed- said louise she bays he ias u tall pqw fellow very smiate7qotiing you had bettor let me boo her eye at all ovents said her cousin if you dont eho will not bo fit for duty to morrow zona baid lautar as bhe came in after diuner cousin john thinks you had bettor lei him examine your eye he says it is daugeroua to let the inflammation fun on and ho thinks it will bo quite well to morrow ityou get a food ntgbttf rest the way to learning to bpoil your wedding after all mna sholdon my cousin lr pier pont said louise aa she unbared in the doctor zona whose vision was much im paired by tho sore eye did not recognizo him as tho man iu the corner he merely bowed a clean pocket handkerchief louise he said cheerily at the sound of his voice zona looked up quiosly a twinkle ahone in john pier ponta blue eyes now mibs sheldon ouo moment and it ib out he said what inbtaut relief i ex a a mod z jna thank you doctor you are quite welcome he replied by to morrow i hopo jou will have quite forgotten m there was little aleerj that nrghrfor zona sheldon what a httlo idiot j iiavo beou 1 how could i have imagined buch things of him ue is tall and powerful that was right but dark and murderous looking i why he is fairer than i what blue eyes and what a pleasant smile 1 ob how can i meet him in the mornimt t i wish louiee had not totd hirnv but bleep came at last and zona woke radiant as over she drebted aud went out into the park to set tie how sheaboqld meet dr pierpont but it was settled for her a sudden turn of the path brooght her faio to face with him a raomeut of confusion a flush that dyed her whole face and then the smile ou his became contagious and biio burdt into a peal of merry laughter which hn echoed dr piorpont she aaid i hopo ou will bo merciful and keep tny focrot i am not likely to tell a fteoret bo much to my diaadvaiitago what was it vil luuous t please doctor alio implored i did not notico your looks at all i hud parted with my senses very well thpn ho said it ib a compaot let us go back to the house for breakfast aud say no more about it had not the whole hopsehold been ab sorhed in the wedding they roubt have seen that thero was a secret understanding between the compatnotb which quickly ripened into intimacy 1 and zona is to go back to london un der your escort john said louise pro vided she ib not afraid to travel with me ho said with a laughing bow to z ma abmilo wae her only answer they were seated tho sole occupants of a compartment will you tell me oue thing v said zona what was it you took out of your satchel and put 111 yoarsido pocket so you dont wholly trust mo even yet be eaid with a smile it was a miror yon looked at me with suoh a horrified faco that i thought there must bo something wrong with my looks now will you answer me a question had yon mado np your mind what to do if worst came to worst v yec she said laughing i was going to take off my watch and ring and offer thorn to you aa well aa my puree i fancied you looked at my ring particularly t i did ho eaid after a pause beoaube you know tho finger you wear it on mx z ask mise sheldon if there id any partiou lar bignificanco in it it was given ibymyaiioujcr she said emply i hen he aaid will you give mo the right to put ono on that finger itlam very gratoful indeed dr pier pont said mre sheldon late in the even mg as the three eat in her parlor that my daughter has had your company i never fcol safe to have a lady travel in a compart here her auditors glanced ot each other and burst into nntioutrollable laughter mrs sheldon looked amazed thereby hangs a tale mother eaid zona when sho had recovered her voico and aho related tho story mibs zona has omitted the sequel said drpierpont gravely which is that i havo wou from her a consent subject to ycur approval to be her protector and youra too for the roat of our lives to say that mte sheldon waa astonish cd would be putting it mildly but i am happy to tuy that ueitherhe uor tboy ever had reason to regrot that they travelled in tbo bamo compartment supply anything como 7 i thought maybe he would coma with yob ho went down to london a few daye ago no thero wae no ono uh mc only a horrid and here hysterica ajjin threat ened her my dear zna pi 1 1 louise noticing her agitation let n 1 takoyou in you aro positively trembling with cold oh yep do let mc get upstairs awhile i had a drcaiful time ill tell yon all about it aud in lauii s nug n m tho prospco tive bridesmaid rto unttil her woes and was pilled and comforted ind a stored that she should not bo allowed to go baok alone cousin john pierpmt wh5 is going to bo bebt man is going down aud he will ace you cafely baok you kuow lie ia au american a graduate in medicine and lias been stuiying in edinbu n he ib going to spend the winter in the london hoapi tals and i know you will ke him i hear a bustle now i believe 1 e has come will you excuse me till i go down and see of eooraa zona would and lou i so noon ran up again yob jt ib ho andnow dqsr dinner ia a new york paper says that ono of the large stores in loudon has lately exhibited degree of euterprtse which surpasses aim ilar ebtabl8hrnenlah in new york it seems easy enough now 10 buy everything 117 these places but tho london establish mente havo surpassed new york one re aptrt in addition to supplying clothing of ull kindn qigare edibles and almost ovory conceivable object the mostenterprising of thesu places offers muaical artists and their narnes are followed by the figures at whioh their services may be obtained jnst groceries and tobacco aro followod by quota tiolb of prices in this hat ben davios tho well known english teuor is quoted at a price equal lo about 12g0 50 and johannes wolff the oelhut is to bo has for about 479 75 there is a bargain on the hat in the shape of somo duellists who are marked down to 126 50 while the cheapest thing on the list ifl a trio at f 21 50 it is baid to be aa easy to order a musicale at this eatab 1 1 abluent bb it is to buy a barrel of flour or a bicyolo a feminine trait you ortot to pnl them pieces o money in yer month swipsey said the newsboy why not demanded tho bootblack coz it aint manly it makes yer look like a woman rldin on a strcot car the well known ignorance of somo of the rural school teachers of loug ago makxs it a matter of hurpneo hat to manj boyb who received no instruction but that tlilao schools afforded went out mto the world to beaaine the groat men ftmpy of them did become tho governor of au eastern sruto says that he well remembers ana of his teaaherwho used to say to tho pupils come come children can t you set up a httlo more erector but this is not equal to thojkwfut slaiiuh tor of tho king s enghuh of which a certain western tcaoher vas guiltv some 0110 aahod him if he had been to a leoiuro given a few mghfd before no he replied f i didn t know of itin time if 1 had of knowed i would of wont 1 the writorbuobheiird a eomo what irritable teacher say to hid pupils it docs beum ua if 1 cant learn you uothin tbo county superintendent pf schools in a- wentorn state says that jiu was once vmting a bcboul when a reading class was aalied up to recite a girl stood up to read aud aftor readiug a hnc or two she came to tho word tmocer whereupon the hesibited because she could not pernounce tlroword y what gmd tho teacher big burly- fellow with an important and alt wine uir you can t pernounce a httlo word like that well spell tho word aud lot como oueeleetp theclansprrnonncoitoryair tho girl fpelled the word aloud but no one in the class offered to pernounce it and the diausted teachor said 1 1h it possible that vvv g t to pern uuce that word myeelf f m ashamed of you woll now listen while i pernounce it and dont you ever forgit it iho vord is saseer 1 this same teacher who was realty re garded as un excellent teacher alnaya rebuked his pupils for leaving the door ajur by saying yon go rijht straight huck an phe that there door thet it was but u year or two aao that the writer heard a rural aohool teacher say to a boy who did not know his loseon woll im plum abhamed of 3 on a body would think 1 hadnt teaohed you a thing this wholo torm it rf awful to be so ignorant 1 in credit matters never give win os to rumors llovsnwulry up- to vat i glo 111a a spoon of oluo mi and thobddim 1 nlkiiil i- or i m jo in j to in ik 11 plo 1 iiiin i mjotiir to mako 11 j iu i or johi will ho hungry 1111 1 tin m and hid iihhuck il do 0111 om so jlvo mo a riiinmu of ph03 h au and tho carbon uud coiiuioh son rivo mo t chiiulc of caolii m 1 to shorten tho uiirmle fut and hamj inu the oxoii bottle m 1 aifdloo ut the tilt rmoalut and if tlio ullctrlt ovon a cold just turn it 011 half an ohm for i want to have auppor re uly aaeoon aa tohn tonith honn ovf pass uie tho itoutial doim mama and rotate the intxiucjuachlnt hut jive 1u0 sturmlsqd nutur first aud tho olooiunrfeftrino v and tho phosphata too for nov t think tho new typewriter a o lit an i john nllftiuud mora phoaphnti fool to holp itia bruju a hit chcujo nuoh thts is the best 1 other i take no i flinctd up from vvhui 1 wth sllfinj in the car the other day ind rend tlil ibot words ind then looked it the picture of n strong nrm wiih i finder pointing to the words i often get spirltuilly helped by these idvertiscments and so 1 wis with this one ind i repeited over to myself this is the best 1 his ib the mirk iakcndolherj iaxjnbureilonotknow damttmni truths aro bad enough says a cou temporary damaging untruths or trutliu porniciotibly exaggerated or purpose ly colored aro worso still iu these limes when bubiuean confidence ia uone too truly establiahod it ill becomea any mm to en danger by word or insiuu itioi the oontl donee that may exist botween creduor and and debtor many a dink has gone down in oonncquouoo of a run evcitel by false alarm and the vhoresof commercial iub tory are btrewn wuh tho wrecia of oount leas firms whose downfall was brought about by the auddeu co nraeroial demin is of suspicions creditors busluoss is built on credit credit is built on oontl fence thero is no burer way of undermining a manri business than by giving orodeupo to and circulating rumors obiut him tho man who stealthily apphoa tho toroh to a building is no more dopp cable thin ho who applies the fire brand of diarf ust to tho repu tation of a business establishment it is with this thought that we say that thoao men who indiscriminately doasemtnato nnoorroborated rumora aro guilty of an aaf for which thero should be a fitting punish ment his qwlm business if man wants to drmk whisky tlpit is his bukiuebs eays tho saloou apqlogibt lets ago wueu two men in their apreo ran a car of the southern rulway off the flwitohand out ou tho tnaiu track down tho grade till it stopped on a high trestle it bo oamo the southern railroad s business aud when a loaded freight train omc along and ruahed into the oar causing 9100 000 wreck destroyibg much valuable mcr chandise it became tho business of a great many mercbaute and ebippors aa well as tho railroad and when tbreo dead bodies nere dug out l wreck 1 oecame th bubinosb of somo wives and orphune and when the taxpayers are called upon to support the families whoso natural pro viderb bavo been thus bujcjeuly takeu away it will beoomo the buainofce ohrgood many other people one mans drinking orten bcoomoa the buatness of several hundreds or thousands or thousands of people and tho man who a an got perceive this foot ought to ho bent at once to an institution for tho education of tho fcoblo minded observations man wears tnay be bia own but its bad business if hbs a iat fun to be a woman and havo money and be within walking distance of bargain toree there ao few words more misused then elegant it doesnt fl mutton chops for instance bat ieb are not the only pooplo who mako a big noise 10 tho worl 1 without much re suit beyoud thenoibo when malice and a aonso of duty get all tangled up it takes a wiso man 0 jet em straightened out and separated if there aro about as many young men an young women how can each of the latter haie seven of the former aa devoted ad mirore j he kept the dime a newsboy saw a dime lying on tho ground in tbo citv hall park a tramp bitting on a bench near by aaw the boy piok up the piece and ol aimed it at once aa his own yonr dime did not have a hole iu it did it abked the boy yes it did said the tramp give it up i well this one haa not got a holo in it bo i guess ill keop it snapped up what was btml idvertised sqmc remedj for some iilment ot the body undoubtedly but i was thinkinp of the sou ind its needs i wns thinking of the wonderful promise christ nndchib followers when he went iwiy tint he would send them another ind they should hic 1 otudo and ateicher ind then 1 thought of how few seem lo reilly know him how few there are who seem to reilie hit the comforter h has come as i thought of whit this comforter did for ijnt cirly church the refrun was still repelling itself this is the best j his ib the mirk 1 ake no other i siw the dahlcr sjuls ire fre quentlyin of not heme true to the imon that diwiis on them of 1 higher ijje i more perfect fellowship ind the words went deeper down jilc no other 1 indeed it wis eleir to me thit often the soul is not true to the lujit tint comes it siys yes 1 see how much more beautiful i life o such entire dcotion is but so few know anything ibout it ind it would mike me appear ery singular cry peculiar if i should say this is the best fins is the mark ind i am determined to take noothcrl now just here is the serious moment just here the soul mikes its deci sions here the battle is cither lost or wpn wchae to wilk in tin lilht or else tint which was light become- darkness the young man the rich young min spoken of injhenew lestiment who camt bound ing to christ was a picture of jnyousnes until the light earnest hat he wis not willing to wilk in and then ill changed h went away sornwful and why should hu hac been sorrowful hehadall things that he wis not willing to fjve he hid his great possessions ah but he knew his con science told him he had come short of the mark ind et he would not siy 1 will take no other he did tal e the other he kept his great possessions ind missed treasure in heaven and enduring treas ures on earth mkgailt hortomj- ladies home join mil the children my heart grows weak aa a woman e and tho fouutain of feeling will flow when i think of the paths steep ind stony whore tho feet of th dear ones mua go of tho mountaius of sin hanging o er them or tho fmpebt of fato blowing wild oh 1 there a nothing ou earth half ho holy as the innoctnt hotut of a child clialukbdlcl fnh a practical view pond mother como now like aclurub and let mumma put you to bed tommy i am t a cherub and i am t toi n lo he tood mother al ookod why tommy i tommy utoutly well i am t aauao jlruflmjinrhbtg on the boy of it bobby p said if i was a good boy hed get me a biblo for chrmtrnas uuolo george well i hopo- you ve been a good boy bobby no 1 havent i want a drum with the diamond v success is fully assured the world renowned dtatnomi dyes are put up for every color with ppaeial dyes for cotton and all kinds of imcd floods and are bo aimplo andouby to use that oven a child can dye a perfect color with them colors that will not fade crock or waah out equal to tho beat coloia m idu by profta sional dvore if women are induced to buy itnittitiou of diamoud dyes they 11m tbo prcjir d for failure and lost of gooda insist upon gutting ho diamond djch from your dealer they cost no more than tho poor imitation dyut sold for tho buko of largo profita a po you ritppost that kings aud queens aro hko ordinary mortala b certainly i havo no doubt that a queen abks a king if hor fiat n on straight beauty and health to fair women mjao annlo patterson of sackvlllo n b onco tho victim of ner vousness and gonoral debility takes on the health of early years sho just think girle i oamo over in the bteamer with three live lords and thoy were all binglo the girls in chorus oh how lovely i and watnt one of them even engaged sbo not until tho third day out new york uerald that hoods saraaparilla purifies tho blooi aud relieves a vast amount of suffer ing is not a ihoory but a well known fact somo romedica are nothing nioro than a temporary stimulant and the 1 motion aggravates tho disease where tho ryatem has beaome run down and norvona debility in its worst forms havo shown tltlinflojvtm south american norviiui will cure it strikes at tho nerve centre h and bqilya up the bystom by removing the real cnuso of tho trouble mjss anttiu pttttcrson of saokvillo n b uludy wull known 111 the maritime provuiuou sultere i tirnbly from indigestion and norvoiunoaa and htr case seemed incurable shu nccepted south ameriosn nervine without hopo that it was any different to other remedies but her words aro i had taken only ouo bottlo when my system began to tako on tho health ot earlier years and after tak ing threo bottles i was completely enrol sold by a t brown

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