Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1897, p. 3

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l bank of hamilton head office hamieton oalriatlalli ul ltkukhvk fund tptat aubicth sl250000 toraooo ea3iuaij board of directors oiinstuaht a o itamhay iltiuluont viuulroutiliilt uin 1iioctou tiig ltoami a t wool ah lm itoruuto wm tilllhon m1- tuhn1iuil caulijur j jjb htjiwrkn the news at home agencies hamilton hurton t- east end alliatoi hurliiicinjhuiytioockotownorliuubyliutowiil lucknqiv aliuou monut ioruht oranuovillo jwun houihi fort klulu bimcoo toronto viislmm british correspondents london natiduul lrovluolii lltuik of uutf- id ltd american correspondents- nbw yoitkfyurth nutioiiui huiiu mid iluuovcr naiijiml hank hobtan tutor uatio ri ll truutoo ijuikalo marino hank ciiiuaoo natloual ijaukof illlnoibaud uuiqu national drink dcrnoit j detroit niitlonul bauk tnbascirr nattotittl hunk of commurco agents in montreal t tuo bank of toronto gboegetown agency t notei discounted and advances mado ou suit- luionocuritlob oollopuansoiadoaiui drafts bought aud bold 00 all aocoflblblo iiolntaiti caniitlft utilteuhtatua groat britain ftuuthocontiuutitot europe upon aiobtfttyprttblotoruih savings department dopobilio- si uiid upwards recolvod ami lutorobt fillowod from djvto of deposit todato of withdrawal v special depqsits v also rotfoivod at current rates of intijroat nlil livlnqstdne agout wedding presents birthday presents wedding rings rogers knives tforks and spoons spectacles special attehttorvgiven to repairing trust us with your watch repairs we always rive satisfaction ays rii oeohynds 1 acton ont thursday march 11 189 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of frde preas reporters this week spring work begins to loom op the march winds blow aa usual the maple sugar seaeon is at hand guelph liob uow three omfcent daily papers the weather id somewhat moro spring like this week mmm the skating riuk bmiuess is over for the preaeut season quetph ii talking a big diamond jubilee celebration a il y or so more of soft weauior will anuthilnto tiiesleifjliing iii ikhn mo flat has goue into the livery busiueib la milton reid brob stove dealers georgetown have made an aaaignment the robinb are daily heard trilling their spring melodies now good morning 1 have you rouewed your subscription for another year srilrjnoia gordon has his wood oon- traot with the public school completed mrs john williams has our thanks for a budget of interesting papers from a distance mr a 0 graham of aylhuer has boen in town this weok in tho interest of aoton lodtfe a o u w mr e h thomas of norwich oxford county has purchased tho ronald fire engine works at brussels guelpha city treasurers books aro again in a muddle and an expert is to be balled in tq put them right our local merchants are not complain ing about the discontinuance of the cheap market tickets to outside ppintsr- the proprietor of moenanoys hotol cataract was lined 910 and coats last week for allowing dancing on his premises a meeting of tho board of education will bo held at the homo of the secretary next monday evening at seven oolook there is no rose without a thorn theres fuzz on all the peaooon there never is a banquetgiven without a lot of speeches the puhlidherjlof the- streetavilloj jitvhvrato now issuing a paper at fort credit tho herald it is a very credit able sheet a meeting for thereorganization of tho haltonpeel base ball league ieannounoed to be held at milton on monday 2snd iuat at 2 p m kevv j e howell preachnd itn bramp ton on sunday in the afternoon he addressed the prisoocrs and indigents in the county giol tho ramor is again ourrent that a pro ject is on foot for tbp erection or a now baptist cburoh here and that bnbecriptions are being solicited friend 1 subscribe for the fiike pbk8h1 dont borrow it its a lot of bqlher and the aubioiber doesnt like it left at your honae every week for two cents rmr e h sohlimme of waterloo has purobaved thetailoriog basiaesa of mr h family to aoton and takep poueiolon of the buif noes i otueergraham re gaeflts- ak the town hall dormitories tboy have beau mora than nnal the ptit winter ow ing perhaps to the cells being comfortably warmod now in referring to mr howells vlbit to brampton the conservator says mr howells sermons marked by earnestness and devotion wore much enjoyed by all who hrd them a review of the proceeding of the ep- worth leaguo convention held at paris was given by tbo delegate from acton at the league on tuesday oven log the report was enjoyed very much oounoillor and mrs brown provided a thoroaghly enjoyable evening for tho methodist obolr last night at their homo on stain street this choir appreciated very ranch the interest manifested in their behalf n a sleighing party fo the home of mr david williamson was held on monday evening by o party of yonnpeople tho hind reception by mr and mrs williufn- eou and family was an earnest of the enjoyable evening which followed every column of a newspaper contains from five thousand to fifteen thousand distinct pieces of metal according to the size of paper and type tire displacement uf one of theie means an error is it any wonder that error eoinetimes occur tiiillitho people aro shcoked to see mistakes in a nowopnper twobtly of a ijpoal character and overv item interestlna school vtipllh ltnllwny fnrcu tliu ralos to ucliool pupils are uo bo htlt ih0 rtportud in the first uhnouuceniont rtsinctiuu tlio iiicreaatdratch tho rate for pupils uo georgetown who aro untlor ltglitujn yours of mi- ia 820 pornionth mill jo guulph jjir pur month pupils over eightceirnre rtquirlfdrto paytifo full fare irlmlclltinow liltiahiutysuopit mr 11 griiidullis gouing in themuchiu- ory for his nuwiiiaohino uhops mid wheii ihu now building is up will liavoevory thing in tendinous to pluco in poaition ho has puroluihcd u vi hp bteel boiler and 10 h p eniini ii lutho plmier mid drrlt am a ijuauiity at woodworking nmubiuorj litnlain optnttiouu will commence im soon as spriiif opens culled to icivriial rest after eovonil woeks of serious illness death ended the builoringa of mrs- robert auld of tho hcoond liuir abovo aoloh last friday sioviih anqid -respcotetlrosl- den- her aged husband and hot oblldren wnimih bor orffeotioriato preeoacd sho hnd reached hir soventysecoud year the funeral wasbold pnsunday morning bov v j gupln ljcrrpastbrimprayed tho ocoaaion by a suitable eermpim be brick church 4iter the tho cortege rnr ocoeded lo churchill cemetery where interment took placo tho county gaol according to tho last report of tho in spector of prtaona thoru- were 3v2 coin- mittpiehti to halton c gaol last year 01 theso but four werii womoni ot the number 2jl woro dibohargcd without trial they wero presumably trumps and vagrants 3j were eeutonced for a deiiuito period of tho iil2 committed 2s5 were returnpd ns intemperate the average cost per priuouer to ilie county for food elol hi ngretctrwafftoceiits expense por prisoner character hov wf wilsons splendid j-oo- tur9 first of tho epwortlv longuo courso mid tbrortotat was 400 tho average cost per day for eaoh priaoner waa 752 cents while the average cost through out the provmcp was 2028 oeutb guelph gaol coat the highest rate in ontario 1560 cents per day for eaoh prisoner thb spring assizes the spring astizos wore hold at milton on mouday chief justice sir win r mdredith presiding tho docket was very libt there being only one oriminal ftnd onocwil caaa for the court staley and toby from odkville were charged that bo tho night of the lth december labt thoy stplo from the warehouse of mr foulds in oakvillo a quantity of ahortb the- evi- deuco was somewhat contradictory and largely circumstantial and tho jury brought in a verdict of acquittal s f waahidgton fojr tbo crown d 0 cam eron for tho prisoners croaa v davfdbon is au action for damages brought by albert e cross bailiff of tho second- division court of tho county of halton against joseph daviduon of toronto for wrong fully taking out of his possession goods which ho had uuder beizaro by virtuootez- eautions iu hu hand istmed from the division court decision was resorvoj successful missionary anniversary eloquent and impressive were the ser mons proaohed by rev j j redditt pas tor of st paula church brampjton iu tho methodist church last sunday the occasion waa tho missionary anniversary and tho discourses at both morning and evening services were moat appropriate the speaker was bo full of fervor and earn- chtnea3randfalaftrguments so lucid and logical that none could libten without being aonvincod of the groat trjathand wonderful progress of christianity mr roddittalso addressed tho sunday school briefly at the oloae of the servico hr the afternoon his address there was also much appreciated the missionary offerings inoludiog the amount contributed by tho sunday school aggregated about 81809125 of which was cash the above sum will be conaiderably augmented when the collectors make their annual canvass an experts good opinion mayor oponaghuo of stratford while favoring the fiiee pbehs with a pleasant call on mouday expressed a desire to look over the flro department equipment of hish native town a visit to the flro hall was taken and after a careful inspection of our steam ecgino hose and reels hook and laddor outllt etc ho pronounced tbo equip ment flrstclas3 iu evory refipobt the mayor was particularly jntoreatod in tbo large underground watertankc situated in tbo most popular parts of the town and kept full automatically by the gravitatiotl mains ho was surprised at tho complete nes of our protection and expressed germ in epl eas aro th atao to n w aaao fully abfoast of the timoa this opioiod from a practical man of mayor odonoghuoe experienco is of valoo to us inaamnoh aa ho waa fur years chairman of the stratford flro department and also ad ho is the representative in his city of ono of the largest atock fire inaqranco companioa doing busineaa in canada uricileth of the weclr to- hoar thotftlk in some qqartors about going to roaaland to shovel gold and to tho northwest to harvest wheat by tho thouaaud bushels a big exodus from actou might bo expooted within the next few weeks mr and mrs james brown farmer cntortalnod the cboir of kuoxghuroh on friday 20tb ult in a vory hospitable mannor a vory enjoyable evening was spent and tho choir sincerely appreciated tbo courtesioff extended the essence of good advertising is to eaclbe people and to intereslbaw in what they have to say tho fiikk pukbh reaohestbeppop a w ci clo boybnd and tho fhee pjicsh artists know bow to make an advoriisomentaitrao- tivo a neatlyset adv in an attractively printod paper means monqy in the adver tisers pooket try an adv in the fkek pjiehs this spring all fiiee pnessadvs commaud attontion oar circulation is large and roaobos the prompt paying homos jno moru suitable subject could havo boen olosci for the initial i cot tiro of tho tioilrne auged by tho epwbrihjjoaguo than tho i live red by itov w f wilson of triixly clitiroh roronto lust friday ovciiinjl it whh edifying instrtictivo mid iupiriuttpkauunirmusdiuiniluoiioetho i yoiiiig people who cjnipuatd a tnnjority of thngnodrbtzed audience to more earnest and uonscientiouh litort to mjka their life and oonduot all thoy shoiiid bo in hiiiiouncitig thonibjeot tho luottirer said it wai ono which would interest all tho wiso prtlo ua well nu tho otherwise people chuructor wo tcarcely know what it is it ia not tho product of wealth nor knowledge uor power but it in that wliioh niates tliu ditterenco in thp pooplo we ineiljt iivbuamau really in it iaat iho back of uiriiis actions character ia mostimiiortaut to tho young pcopte and wak never ut auchapremum aa it- ia now young men ho appealed whatever clao you otriyo for btrivo for cjiaracter lb wdl always stand as capital for yott -tlita- worldis pur lmttlfcfield wo havo our con tests jn the eclibor room tho workshop the offloe tho ftold wo cppimeuao to build buroharaoterwiththe rudimenta as in ifo and bnsiueaa as we ntlvaivce let ua tube- time from clfrut iutho formation of toliaractcr five im- porldnt stepa ureneco8flary 1 s emrkh i kct- character cannot de conferred by paroptngo fjold nor power it is tho outcome of our living begin from ihbotirliost moment to win the crown ofubod charnotdr tho mo it perilous years of life aro botwqen the aea of 1ft tmd 21 it is then that tulfrctpjct niuit do bxerciaed in llio rrruter of habits in choosing life companions iu deciding upon religious principles unlebs wo oxereiae bolfrcspect wo cannot expect the world tq smhebohtmunify rov t r forbes will giro bis popular lecture bkotches of now zealand life in tho church at churchill noxttuettday evening tho lecture will he illustrated will colored views silver collection in aid of churoh fuuds rev a h hopo of nillsburg lato of mow zealand ia ex pected to occupy the ebair tbo oakvillo star libels our young ladiob by a line in what purports to be an original stunxa burlington girls are neat and sweet acton girls havo largeafced fqet if tbo fair young man of the star uoinca to acton agalnjie will uot only tako litd own largoujzod foot hone with him but a puir of very largesized cars as well if you want 0rstolaas guolph sash and doors at guolph prioea t eddaox oan fill onr order at bla planing mill wanticdbbveralfaitjikumhen ok women to ravul tor nwifonilblo eatah- inhml homo in ontario salarv 7h0 payable ali wookly and expeuaos roaltlou iterniauont itoforonoo ieneloho nolfrdcironnml htainnod uuvolopa tbo national htnr jlnllilliif olilcaxto havo respect for us remembrr hribaid god wants today ordinary men not extra ordinary men 2 soirehtiuint be a sovereign and not a slavo bo a leader and not led youug pooplo of caoton i if you want tho best thats in you to borvo god and your fellow exercise belfrostraiut it is the first lie the first oath lite first impure thought which iixea thb destiny either yon go on aud theso sins becomo fixed habits or you exercise self restraint aud form enduring character 6 self- cuiittuni the works of eduoi- tioii aoience philosophy the inventions the authors are now uccessable to all read them study them oultlvatoyour mind inyour leisure momouts but remember at tho same tirao tho biblo ia no hack num ber it bus ubilndanco of matter toaohinjj in tho most dolightful manncrullthe prin ciples of belfculturo i sklf dknial did you ever ecu a mab enjoy himself all alone no man livoth to himself tho thought kept iu the bruin unuttfred never does anypne uny good jony your selah inclination do gogd to all if it does demand helfdeiiial gold kept iu tbo vault will blesb no ouo familiarise youreolf with tho hiitory of diuiel and aimilur charticttxs 5 serfsumteniikit your heart will never bo yours in the truest and highest sense unfit you givo it away live so as to bo something worthy of your name your opportunities your repponaibilitifb your all the above divisions were ably am- lidttnjfjrjqmbqginning toclaae thai leaturo was frought wiib beautiful word pictures showing the true philosophy of life it was profusely illustrated by anec dote both pertinent and entertaining and was crowded with wiao counsels and souud advice which cannot failto influenoo for permanent good tho many young pooplo present tho choir of tho church rendered several anthems mobt creditably and miss josaio nlcklin sang tho solo daddy with a awcetnoss and tender expression which rendered it most effective prof leo play ing the accompaniment rev j e howell m a pastor pre sided and rev ii a macpherson assisted in the devotional bervice the members of tho league aro highly pleased with the success of this first lecture and are looking forward to tho lectures- by rova d w snider and g a mitchell b a with much intorcst j coming and going visitors to arrd from abton and varlousother personal notes thu fhkk phesh fnvitob all ifa ran dcrs tbcon iributu to this column if you or your friend a uro hohik away ou a holiday trip or if you havo frluuda vlultliig you drop a card to ttio liiue ihib mrs t e m socorj left on tuesday for a ten day a vinit in guelph and tho west ifr wm tiymoit of wiurton ajioutpart of laat week with friundn mid relativen here mr wui auld of toronto was homo this week to atlond tho funeral of hfs mothur misa annie heuderdon of milton was a guest at the homo of mr john a hcjpderon last week mr w ii storey has been confined to his room since saturday with an attack of la grippe rov jho c stevenson has been invited to remain pastor of tho oho rob at flora a fourth year mr- c dilcnab and mua may pas more at ropkwood paid aoion friends a flying viait thia weeki mibbarmbtrbujtbaa beenitin toronto the past week studyiug spridgatyjes of ladies costumes l mia millie anderson went to thenorth- weat laat weak in company with her sister mrjjohn buddiok mrs j j redd ft t of brampton ao- bbuipanied mr reddittto aoton aud visit ed her alster mrs t t moore owing to severe illness rev father naley was unable to oonduot thoeorvicea in st josephs church on sunday- mrn j gwillson of georgetown paid her old friend mrs ghae symon of corry hall a pleatant vibrt recently mtagare john a henderson george ilynda jamea mcla w l- worden jr cures talk in favor of hoods saruaparllla asforno other rccdi- cine its great ourec recorded in truthful convincing languago of grateful men and women constituto its most offectlvo ad vertising many of theso cures aro mar- ycloub thoyi havowontho of tho pcoplo hovo fflvbn hoodo haraapaw rill a tho largest bales lu the world and havo made ncceastry for its manufacture tho greatest laboratory on earth hoods sarsaparllla is known by tlio ciircu it baa modo curepof scrofula salt rheum and eczema cures of rheumatism neuralgia andwcakorves of dyspopjta liver troubles catarrh r- cures which prove scott surprise pollojnisurpris e i 3 and john itiudaird wero at milton on mon day aa jurors mayor odonoghue mrs o donoghue and mias- mary helen wero guests thia week of george mulhallandefq and other friends in aotou and vciufity to those about to marry young men or old men who intend to parry will be pleased to learn that the new marriage act is rrihdo quite simple by applying to ii p- moore isauer of mar riage 1 teen aea free pnesa olfioe aoton call a few daya before the ceremony and have the matter explained private office all bubinotfl strictly private and confl- deutlil no witotasea required at resi dence in evening na88aoaweva mr john looker is having a bale on i mouday next aa ho is leaving the farm mr john anderson has rented hia farm at knatchbull to mr jae lock or for a j jaitfiiiuramrlcker intends moving- boon the regular monthly meeting of tho e l of ok of the ebenensr cliurch waa held laat suuday ovoning and was a profit able mooting spiritually tho rev a blair b a preaobed in the ebonezer church last sunday morning from hoaoa 6th oh aud jat verse hia sermon was highly appreciated by all miss ellon taylor returned home satur day after a bix woeka viajt with relativoa- ahd frioods in gllffjjd mrs tbos wilson of knatchbull is away on a visit to her aondr l ii wil son d d s l d s of armadai mich the recent soft weather has taken off a good deal of snow and has brought bcmie of tho spring birds around again mrs win watson and mr wm nappor left for the loi th west territory ou tues day last mr george husband returned to his homo in the northwest territory on mod- day after several wooka visit to friouds in i n the following ia a report of tlio staudiug of the pupils of s s no 9 for february based upon classwork and written exam inations marks possible 800 class v wesley core 2tji olaes iv br albort wilson 220 wil- bert darby 208 katie niokoll 193 minnie nickell 180 cameron rarashaw 158 rosa haw 182 lily haw 83 waltoriqownaendtaj claas iv jr george knox 231 fred williamson 210 may camp 20t jeaaio mcgregor 104 class 1h ilorbort carroll 182 alfftit wataon 173 ernest borthwiok 152 mabel williamson 150 janot borthwiok us bou noll i8 112 gortio ncllia minnie lourey 5ft clam ii sr willie wateon 220 maggie iuohardson 227 lizziolciahman 217 alonzo carroll 207 mabel niokell 107 leonardmaltby 151 jounio agnow 113 walter borthwiok j30 clais ii jr victor wauon 208 wes- ley gray 202 leonard miuhie vmi roy tow n se ii if 100 part ii ethel watapu 250 alice rlohardeon 210 louisa aoxander 200 frod alexander 195 part i b eva loishmao percy oarroll part i a mamie near charles wat son sidney mai tby colore nickel fannie auxaudor te ctnm teacher till how beautiful- thats what people say about pur new spring dress goods of which several cases are to hand how cheap is what yon will say when you see the very low prices at which we have marked these lovely fabrics it does not pay you to buy old stock elsewhere vvhbn you can get goods of such beauty and goodness f6r so little money as we sell our new spring goods for you should now make your selection and leave your order for your spring costume to be made in our dressmaking depart ment it will pay and please you ex riila isthobest id fact the one tnio blood ptirlflcr h66dvphlsffi r to this we hhw e mhd6 progress earned prosperity and now possess the power to spread genuine bargains broadcast we find our premises are too small for the extensive business weiire j3oing and intend en- largingtliemand before commencing operations we are going to make a great clearing sale selection just arrived 200 pieces of the latest patternsin crumes english prints also a fine ioa of the latest importations of the season in ladies fine rimported costumes thu hew yefir must be made even hrgcr tfiin thu old one before stock taking trices must limes suit the hard we are going to make an effort to clear 300 window shades ri0sac mllllneiry 66005 e r bollert 9l co 25 and 37 wyndham streot o0elph ont a tbaorowrno paradise totuowi 0 j evory lmrltinofvin0rlbvafariittoii 1 dollolotn bold la lead pmlte only me mo mo ooo 4ii orooan 10 cents fy for yonr dmuo btsutiful hidden oabdij ipvaly ul hinirau cllldg osnl dull villi on 11 mauu wm prices cloth shades 3x6- 35c cloth shades lace 55c wall paper at half price chas l nelles city bookstore cuetph toilet soaps sweet greiihi and glycerine dairy made complexion soap tarsoap aodtbliibaiiditoallna ii p founds ivledicated arsenic soap dr stuarts antiseptic com plexion soap cleavers english soaps and a various assortment from 5 to 50c omlffiirms are cash fv no reduced jjosods jbentput on f approval during tmsjsale thmings novelties of the seasbn we have got to make a great slaughter preparatory to our alteration in premises the new and uptodate goods this sale will start saturday march 6th and will continueri4 days tfl 1 1 viri y and american hats caps etc jiist arrived- fine hiphiciass tailoring in this dc- j gollls- pumiskings partment great reduclions will be r v make a speciality of this yotlcan durfnr the sale we have just opened out j always get the latest and best here a fine selection of the best imported suit- ings consisting of scotch english and qnrifll irish spring oaercoatings trouserings l jw v is i etc jicjnenbcjjjieseajjiilny latest import alio ns of the season in english nnd mens during the salcaqd a large assorted stock to j select from space will not permit us to quote prices f unci we cannot bring our bargains to you they are lob numerous you must come j to them and you will not be disappointed as j this is a grdat money saving sale to you a great recluction in tthcsc an unequalled opportunity to secure the newest and latest uptodate goods a almostjrour own prices gome early while the stock is unbroken 50c now will purchase as much as 100 elsewhere during this great sale qibon 7illmir cs go roeblockmkinstv- csdrgroiacn v r every day will be bargain day haro without a doubt a tbr0wn phm b mill street acton gents waterproof oizeshoes maple lteaf brand for 100 iloturai or 90 j wltli order stmp ukn aildrra uanad4 calto 1si3 housfs iiigsnull jit- guelph specials this week at m oor south cor mill main sts 3 bottles pickles 30c 4 lbs dried peaches 25c 6 lbsr currants 25c 1 lb jars baking powder 1 8c vinegar 25c a gal tea 15c 20c 25c 35 cents 30c just think 6 half price come quickly lbs tea 00c wrwtgu p n g hlus arovori iluy all kfndi of rw pan rhltih fleouwax onslnii living wim animal of aft kind irloe hat of t ura for nozt 1 1 tinya for wol liaodled took inferior aocordlnc toqualltyj iloturoa made day ftooda rooolvui all fura feubald bo 15 00to 3800 700 to 1000 ooto 1100 to j ioo to ootd to 110 to vcoto 100 to 310 to 1000 1800 10000 1100 900 150 200 800 lino alilpnod uyexprom hear flaher ottei lleaver silver kux qtamvttx llodfoi tirey fox woff wolverino lvnx wlldoat marten ukunk liaooooli lllaok itaooooncoililnod mtmuav taa nuatiottl into run ovfoduomptirobm ute rrloos reason taooolawolwortjs i o- o kte- o o l sl s f tn n 1 p w 3 cro t3 c h w r o 1 m o 1 a r5 o vr o 3 2 2 0q s t t o s x t3- n tt w o n a o n c o 2l a en k 5 4f m y u 6x q p 1 ifi cr 4j- o p l b o m oo p m o p o bjj o p p ktiw o 0 3 b o 4 to a -r- o fi qqqd ttioliin howcanwe give such great bargains in dry goods fancy goods groceries crockery etc tjie beasou ours is a cash husixhss wcbuyand sell for cash that means a direct saving of io per cem for both tis and you to be conviuced token look at those new prints muslins ducks etc ah new mid upiodnie look at these prices prints fast coors 5c a yd musins lutest designs 10c n yd ducks extra hcivy 15c u yd specul line ofljcktes jtist in ut ioc regit i nr izc c ip goodeme next post office acton spring 1507 csuf h ey st go leaders in gents furnishings having now in stock the latest styles and colorings in american and- english soft and stiff felt hats knockabout hats bicycle hats also a complete line of fine dre shirts colored shirts latest styles in collars- newest patterns and shapes in ties a complete range of fine spring underwear suspend ers hosiery umbrellas etc we invite your attention call and inspect mill street acton klayurs call ori us and string for their we handle best strings or write to get a good violin the very savage co jewellers guelph the homes merchants i thats where to ftush your bublress people tavp time to think there they havent at your counters make the rales there how ask at tlio fkku pkbss offico tho free peeks goes into the homes of tho buying people and tho beat of theni every sub- kriber pays for hu free press in nd- vnnce our readers are of ihe clnss who pay promptly do yon oatoh on p ettolxxroup gold mining company of ro88land bc authorized capital 1600000 aharob treasury stook 850000 scares of par value of 1 per share head office rosslahd bc mined north of robsland head of murphy creek president and manager k l clark of rosslnml ii o vicepresident ind treasurer j pyi acton ont secretary l lduvoin kossnnd solicitor j l g abbott depository bankof montreal toronto office 39 adelaide street east y this la a development company organized for the purpose of buying selling nd de veloping mining properties in ijrillsh col umbia and is nt present engnged in nctive 1miu uiiu will pivfitm -ntiiti- i tkt5nxtthzedlaimp4ztrerhhnrrrn ada l iron king no 4 blue hell no elk ho 1 and tenderfoot nil in one block nnd situated at the head of murphy creek in close proximity to the yellowstone group and heather bejle the ethel group properties are well mineralized as proven by the assays ore taken from a shaft 15 feet in the ethel no 1 and from another shaft 23 feet assays 7 to lis per ton in gold which compares very favorably with the assays of ore from the richest mines in this the trail creek dis trict at the same stage work is now being pushed rapidly and before midsummer tho management fully expect to have shipping ore on the dump development work can be carried on at a minimum of expense tho northern end of the group being nearly 1000 feet higher than the southern end makes it suitable for operating by titnnel which does away with expensive hoistingand pumping plants its proximity to rhe trail smelter with a good roadway directly to it and the very near advent of a railway tho preliminary survey of which passes through the ethel group wii place it on a working basis excelled ny the eagerness of american capitalists and mining men tq secure a controlling interest in this company is evidence of the richness and merit of these claims a limited amount of the companys treasury stock is being placed on the market at 10 cents per share the proceeds 10 be applied towards further devcopmenr this price is liable to advance nt an early date without notice stock certificates will be issued to pur chasers nt the companys offices in itnssland and toronto and the stock may also jie purchased from leading brokers the capitalization being only 8250000 per claim and the rich indications of the ore together with careful and practical management should nssure good dividends in the near future the operation of the mines will be under the dlrecttitipcrvision of c v smith an experienced mining engineer frpm cripple cpeek colorado nnd the greatest possible results may be anticipated intending purchasers will please wfw or wire for prospectus or maps to thfe ethel group gold mining co 30 adolaldo strout east toronto ont or columbia avo rosblnnci p c

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