Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 11, 1897, p. 4

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t mt cltfn vte tynss tiiujisuaymahcii 11 1807 t ottg jolhz 1 1 n 47rcis rs on ho loatla nu an tulij nof kno 1iiwiinl ho irniis u though our btoia ln alow tliutiili ofc wet falut oiul fnltur on tlio way ilioucli btoinib it ml tlurhticiih oft obucuro tliu vil wlumtlio clottilh nrukono wo uiibw ho loadmib on iiu ioiuih us on tliiquli all tlio nnqtilutyoiifb 1iiht nil our dro mill ami liojiua aiil doubts and fours ho ttifilutf our btoph tlmuijb nil tho tangled innfxu 6r win of borrow nml oufoloudod days wii know bin will iu donu anil btlll bo loads ub oij and hvat last after tliowonry btrlfu after tho restless fever vd cull hfo after tliu drcftdliuubtlioftotilifbiiiilii j tbittayikiijdjatjiluiuiiliioliltftvtfjrovodln vain v after cur tolls aro pant y will eyt tin vest at inst the new home there is nothing but tho old fashioned religion thit will take a woman llirouh tho trials of home life at first there may be a romance or a novelty that will ild for a substitute the marriage hour has just pnused nml thc perplexities of the household are niord than nioncd by tlio joy of being i outlier and by the tact that when it is latu tliuy do not have to discutis whether ii 1 stllm t tlntti i itttil t iilia j53otl1l hold instead of being and reprejiqision are menl the loaf of geological specimen r- brilliants i allieveris a receiver gfveiisthlsclaybur dallvohrist- ve nave no right to remqrnbervtffftitgod forgets it is nut god thai requires men to make bricks without straw peter thought the lord had worse for him when he had to put up his sword better make the mistakes you fear than the mistakes yau make in fearing them keenness in detecting anothers sin is a vice keenness in detecting your own is a virtue scofiers are the anarchists of the spiritual world fokirrrothcrhcartofidlenessaridyon wil trace discontent into the heart of selfishness and you will discover death inio the heart of duty and you will see pleasure into the heart of sacrifice and you will read long life a certain woman was weilknowramong her circle for her sfrnple faith and great calmncsss in tho midst of many trials another woman living at a distance bearing- of her saidr i must go to see that woman and learn the secret of her strong happy life she wept and accosting the woman said are ycu the woman with great faith no she replied i am not the woman with great faith but i am the woman with a little faith in the great god the essence of true nobility is neglect of self let the thought of self pass- in and the beauty ofgreat action is gone like the bloom from a soiled flower motherhood honored all that i am my mother made me j quincy adams allthat i arrt or hope to be i owe to my mother lincoln let france have good- mothers and she will have good sons napoleon the future destiny of the child is always the work of the romherr napoleon the best rule of happiness is to love everyone some say it cannot be done for some persons are not lovable are you so sure of that did not christ love every- one and die for everyone but is he not good he is but he promises us his spirit and tells us to love the unloving for his sake r a regiment of- soldiers wasmarching through mud that was so stickjtand deep that the boots were frequently slipping from the- feet of the disconsolate mn as they took one step after another suddenly house- matter of anxiety e a matter of merri- bread turned into a the slushy custards the jaundiced or measly biscuits it is a very bright sunlight flfat falls on the cutlery and the mantel ornaments of a new home but after awhile tho romance is all gone and then there is something to be prepared for the table that the book called cookery taught in twelve lesions will not teach the reccipc for making it is not a handful of this a cup of that and a spoonful of something else it is hoi something sweet ened with ordinary condiments or flavored with orofnary flavors or baked in ordinary- ovens ifiatlierlciaf ilomcstfc happiness and- all the ingredients come down from heaven and thefrhttsarepliicktcd frdnvtlie tree of life and it is ssvecfoned with the new wine of the kingdom and it is baked in the oven of borne trial solomon wrote out of his own experience he had a wretched home a man cannot be happywith two avivcsniuch less six hundred- and he says writirlgaiitof his own fcxpertence better is a dinner of herbs- where love is than a stalled ox and hatred therewith ta christian hcraul lillian nordiea to istomeii sealtligd3ritt inesgelery jopiqpoujidt bebe st spring remedy mmo nordica has the dibtinction of boing the flrat prima donna horn in- tho united statca sho tobtiliou to tho wonderful health- giving tftejjtp of tho greutcbt product of medical bctonoo pftlnob colojy compound not aitvco cliribtino nithaou liss there been ii murgueritii to bo cdmpurod to nordtotts apluhdid iniipofbonmlufi allbfir achieved aucoebbtra hud for a fonndatioivthanioat unrouxingbtudvand effort no oiiu hnqwi bettor tbou- tho applauded prima ddtrrnhvbat aneh -flbvoro- wdrkmonnb to the norvoa un6v atrength tho following ietter from lillian nordioa to wonflttriuhvajoti co muet bo firate- fuujrettdijyhbataof wonron hamilton restoration the words conao on my pattpera in dlstross my comrades through thiswi dorneu who still yonr bodies foal awhflo forgot y oar ffrlofd and foara and look tioyond tbis valo or tears to that coleailsl bill the men struck up the hymn a new vigor thrilled their muscles and no moro boots stuck in the mud although it was quite as deep as before a hamilton lady undergoes an exper ience und relates tho history of a betvere trial mrs james graham 2r0 jamoaatreet north hbmiuomifufvihetwirktiovn grocer of that address rolatea the following oiroumstanceu mr aud mra grahonn- have residod in hamilton for tho past 14 years and aro very well and favprjkbjy- known mrs graham says vduriug thb aix ipnoutha prior to taking mrlbarna heart and nerve fills i had a serioua trpnblo arising from wrong action of tho luart one of tho symptoms was that i aoula not lie on my leftside for if i did so my heart throbbed bo violently as tj givo mo great pain tho smallest noiae or the blighteat exertion would start my heart palpitating terribly it was impossible for mo to go up a bhort flight of ataira withoutbtopping to rest and regain my breath i waa eiceaa- ively aervoob and my limbs would tremble as if with ague my handa and feet wero unnaturally cold aud i auflf tired from eharp pains in tho baok of my head tho alam- lag of a door would nearly be me wild frequently i would wako up frightened and then waa unable to get to aloep again i lost fleah and bocame very week and deapdndont 1 felt miaerablo in mind and body forsix rnonthfl i havabeen constantly taking raedioine trusting that it would help me and for a time was unthsr the care of a physician bat air tho efforts made towards a cure wore of no avail my physician finally told my huabnmd xou koow there is no cure for heart diaoabe which mado me more despondent than ever six weeks ago i was induced to try milbdrns heart andnervopjlaand from that time my restoration to hoaltb dates 1 have taken four boxaa which i bought at john a barrs drug store corner 3 amea and merriakatreeta thcad pills are tho it ocrtaihly gives mo great ploactiro to toatify to the hualhiviug effcota of pill nos celery compound i truly beliovo it to bo tho be bt of all aprimt remedies- if the winter has left yoa weak and languid puinejjijl celery compound will rostoro strongth tbjour nerves willpurify tlio blood arid make you well doni allow tut7fvoubltgililyto go on llako wurning fromdyflpejigia noryoua headuclio aud played bnbfeolingthfttr so often appears us apriiig approaohw neurwlhia and rhou- dnatibrn uwfiil triemiosmubtvbo icour quored uomponnd is tho worldb true dueaso bantiihpr reqovatpr of tho byatom aud a lifegiver at thii iimo cf tho year it quittly furnislioa nutriment for tho innumerable ncrvd llbrca it arouses tho organaof digtnttiouand ubbimilation- to brisker action it enablea tho wasted body to build up fleah and musalo aud disbipatea ovory fearfrtl and approhensivq fueling puihos celery compotfnd is truly the tnedicinii for- women wheu weakened and burdened by work and homo xtfrea it blcbpioshfaobhquar themfreahtfuw blood vinc energy and uictivity and u uov7eaab of life try it atid wlifiri ann n tfi ynnr dnitlwr tnr t celery conyrfitrrd aoo taatypij got ltvno ottlor mcd i ita place supeeaatully your anxiety is for your delicate child the chilct that in spite of all your care ful overwatching keeps thin and pale exercise seems to weaken her and food fails to nourish that child needs scotff emulsion with the hypophosphites not as a medicine but as a food containing all the elements of growth it means rich blood strong bejnes healthy nerves sound digestion no child refuses scotts emulsion it is pleasant and palatable scott uowne belleville ont i want to sro tho lady of the houao said the wandering gentleman i am bhe answered tho lady indeed you look so perfectly happy and independent that i hope you will excuse me taklngyou for tho hired rfrl terrors of rheumatism a remedy which 1b inatantanedus and permanent in effecta cal- flfary resident crippled forthree years beoomes strong as an athlete the door 70 goop health la through the kidneys llko a well planned sanitary system they keep tho body human healthyinteresting story from quebec tho kidooya have vary appropriately boon described aa the sanitary byatem of tho human body lot tbom bocomo in- operaung and disease will quickly follow and unloiefthe bbstruotibna are removed death will be the result mr d j look of shorbrboko p q suffered for years from complicated ktdnoy trouble and spont over s100 in efforts to becuro relief but no relief oame until ho used ooth american kidney cure his statement is that fourbottlca completely cured him and today ho is in tho enjoyment of aouud health in tho mast distressing caaoa this remedy gives relief in six hours sold by a t brown band struck up the tunc well known bysfcjj njly medicine that has dono moaoy good the methodists of the regiment to belong to ortjen me relief i am happy toay that they proved that tbodootor waa mistaken in saying that heart disease oould not be cured sinoa i commenced taking mil- barns heart and nervo fills i havo been daily getting better i can now go up stairs without trouble and attend to my daily duties without tho slightest distress 1 have gained in fleah in holth and in strength my blood circulates moro freely lying on my left side oausos me no incon venience or pain and i enjoy health and restful sleep my nerves are dtropg and vigorous and there has been such a radioal change for the better in my condition that i can say these wonderful pills have praotio- ally made a complete cure i recommeud them without the slight est hesitation to all a u tor era from simihar complaints signed mrs jaa graham hamilton tnt cut gems tlio matr it calling tlioo brother in tofloa of compassion and love to fool tboaweotrapturoof pardon to lay up thy traasuro abovo 01 knoal at tbo cross whoro ho onfforod to ransom thy soul from tho gravo tbo arm of his morcy wllljhold thoo thosrm that is migbty to savo tho summer ii waning my brotbor jtopent aro tho ssaaou la past gods goodnobb to thoo is oxtondodt as lonr as tho dayboams shall last thou slight dot tho warning ropoatod with all tho bright mo moats that roll nor say when tho harvest is oudod that no ono bath carod for thy ooul hero is garfields epitaph could you have a belter his work well done his race well run his crown well won here let him rest the tcatimony of george fox the quaker is suggeslivc it would bo a vast improvement on the average christians to have it hesaya i knew jesus and he was very precious to my soul but i found something within me that would not keep mo that would keep it down but it was there ibcsought jesus to do something fir me and when i gave him my will he came to my heart and took out all that would not be sweet all that would not be kind all that wonld not le patient and then he shut tho door no bubtla or mysterious forob could bo moro miraculous in ita effeats than is booth amorioan cure in all baaes of rheti- matiam james a auderaon of calgary n w t- a ays that aovon or eight yoars ago he became afflicted with rheumatism and for three years it made him a cripple sothat bo had to use a btiok to got about in hib own words i buffered untold miaeryftrid though treated by the best phyaioiaoa in tbo country and i spent a torm in tho hospital recovery seomod ae hopoteaa as ever a friend roaommonded south amorican bhaumatia cure it gave help immediately and after the second bottle i h row away my stick today i am aa strong as an athlete price 75 cents sold by a t brown tho largobt kitohoniu tho world is that of tho bon marohe in parte cannot be boatrmr ix steinbaoh zur ich writes i havo uaed dr- thomas eoleotric oil in my family for a number of years and i can safely say that it cannot bo beat for the euro of croup fresh cuts and sprains my little boy has uad at tacks of croup several times and one dose of dr thomas eoleotric oil waa bofilcent for a perfect cure i take great pleaenre in recommending it as a family mecicine i would not be without a bottlo in the bouse fvery faiviily should know that la n very remar both for int tbunaij and hxtzlritaxi use and won derful in ita qulolf aotlon torellovo dhitrcis pamkiller tsrct chills dlnrrhirn lytmilcry crntutm cbolerii ui all jiowoi coaivujuta painkiller ijgpsfsssi painkiller i ha toc ittfflnei bpefuv and ikiimakit jimiw in iit flirt of urulien cuts hurlu hotvsro isurnst etc painkiller bivivftrtj r rsisr iw mii sapk t- i- ltrnily or exfcruully taliiiy of relief iwiltv imvw- holilrvaiywh mf iuf tcrjr lit tft ui ttli- c glasgow house acjtori tyote a few of the attraction of our clearing sale this week i 1 in boots fend shoes childs and misses overshoes womens dongj buttoned womens kid jguttoned mens buff lace mens buff gaiters womens felt lined lace 50 pet pair reg 00 per pair reg 25 per pair reg 25 per pair reg 25 per pair reg 95 per pair reg 1 1 1 1 1 1 50 60 5- 5- 25- ladies ji59ji75 irtdry goods pur muffs coney seal astrachan etc5it iaoo and 225 reg 300 to f 500 overcoats at reduction of 25 to 50 3 sppblsvfpr ioc prints sheetings tickings etc at clearing prices wo qtiier a equal our spring styles they are uptodate in railway time table grand trunk railway floiko wkht ooino kkht mat vju oa kxnrumi i 11111 ilxtirteh- 10 47 a in mall 7 l niii mull ii 11111 i aiixud 10 cim tijij 01- clohinu maiih jolny wchtj utu aud cmo p11 going eaatio lt uin and 5 15iii tiiib tiuio tnljlu wont into olfcct oh monday nbvaoth wjb j h hamilton ikalhu in mapble aind granite hamiltons block- guelph htiviug oa hand a lurga lrfjntity of scotch norway swedish and rusblanc v- and in- prdet to dispose of- irto make room for spring stock now purchased l wil sell at a reduction of and vill nliow all expenses to custonieji lb and from our works john h hamilton main street planing mills acton ont quklitystyle st price every style of hat that is thenevest is here prices froirf 85 dolani tor 100 a 9 jrelieffor jlizrtg trdizbles emulsion in germany the btaivgfoup which we call tho ig dippejtis known as karls waggon kf little braves i old time a quarter- abox purobbs abb quitting the pikld in whole bat dr aonews liver pills at 20o a vial are driving them out at all points positively cures coughs and colds in a biirprialngly short time itsosdr- cntific ceriainty tried and true soothing and healing in its effects w c mccouiirn sow lioticliettc quo report in n inltr tlmt prtrctorsl cured un i oorctisn ur t lirtiiili id in rlipi ni bronchi tiilmi ami olio cuiuj w o uccombcr or m luiicttaiitlln told mu j ii iiuttv cllcmlk 533 yonrfl stitoronto writes uiinrnt cnuch ntnl lunjr lynip pynr n tnot luyuliinlilo nrrirauon it hn ulmnt ntlitocllon to u who man iiutiiik umaoftlio vl mm 1u uso inlbulrfkmlirni rnhl oryouliff tylntfrlrkkintto bio with tint fim ueo wontlcrfu rrcommoddlt ai wxo vid itlldno isollic 25 cis tci id cohitlltiov nn nil lvnfi o dievb copgn toss r appetite pebihty 1 tic ouiipolorttiu article are i tniaulfcm 9 riiorliiiiviirnk i imvorot il7thnfililirtliod a lbmiilthn ilmcm inch wild h imil troubled niofor ir urt tiivn utcriitl ritntdnimy in lkhl lllkcil till kini il 1 uuiliuu icu tho llmo diim aromiil lo tiln it t ji wlxfiuaji ckslitutrir zoc nml si per dtlo davis lawrence co lt j moti iul ft e o o o g o o o o howover roiih and difllcult the road of duty may bn it is in thojonfi run far smoother and more peadut than the paths of ain chronic derangements of the stomach liver andblood are ppeedily removed by the active prineiplool tho inertdionta en tering into the compoaitiou of parmelees verutablo pills these pills act specifical ly on the diseased organs stimulating to action tho dormant energies of the syatem thereby removing diseaso and renewing life and vitality to tho afilioted in this lioa the reat secret ofthepopalarity of dr parmeleoa vegetable pills the r there aro 9712 locks and keys in grand opera hon bo pariay you canuot bo happy whilo you have corns then db not delay in getting a bot tle of hollowaya corn cure it removes all kinds of corns without pain failure with it is unknown wrencb co ltd i proprietors montreal tlio people are convinced when thoy read tho testimonials of ctireii by hooda barsaparila they are written by honobt men and women and are plain straightforward statements of fact the people havo confldanoein hooda sarsapa- bocauho thoy know it actoally and permoh- enlly curefl oven when othor medioinea fail hooda pills aro the only piilb to take with hooda 8a easy and ypt cttosicnt because they act gently more effectively- never pain and are easy to take sick headaoho saconmba to ono dose chronfo constipation dispellnd with one yial and stomach diaprdera of years standing absolutely cured 40 dosefl 20a at all drogglsta iliousness iesuseil by torpid liver wuloh prevent dlgcs uonahd permits food to ferment and putrlfyln tlw stomach then follow dizziness headaehb worldly rreatneaa periahes who re- membera the name of tho man that waa prime miniator of england when wealey began his work as an ovanotiat aa parmeleos vegetable pills contain mandrake and dandelion thoy oaro liver and kidnoy complaints with abso lute certainty they alsotcontain roots and herbs which have epooiflo virtues trnly wonderful in their actiorl on the stomach and bbwole mr e caimcroaa shakos- pcare writea i coneidor parmelees pills an excellent remedy for biliousness and perangemoot of tho liver having used them myeolffor a timo insomlnarhetttnjjness if not relieved bilious fever or blood poisoning jloodj pills stimulate the stomach rouse tho liver euro headnnho dizziness eon- sttpatlon etc i centfl sold by nil druggists tlio only ijhs to take with hoods barsaparlluu japan has 41 citfoa of over 100000 popu lation thero is danger in ieglcctlng cold many who have died of consninptton dated their troubles from expoanrp followed by a cold which sallied on their lungs and jn a short timo ilioy wore boyotid the skill of tho boat nhypicitin had they nbod hioklch anticbnhuinptivo syrup oforn it wah too uto their lives would havo been hparud this ineriloino has no equal for curing coulis colds and all affections of the throat and luts hamilienatreefccareritplo nuwgti t from 12 to 13 cants per hour what is moro precious i tie oatimatodthot 910000000 worth of gold will bo dug in oripplo creek this year murnli april may are the months in which to givo cbpqoial attentiou to tho condition qf your physical -baaiai- tf ynn pia3flfttelyuurq ugh- abase months and find yourself strong and vig orous on the arrival of warmer weather yoa may reasonably expect that you will be well in bmmmer now ia tho timo to take hoods sarsaparllla bccoubo now is the time when tho blood must be purlilod enriohod and vitalizod and beoauao hooda sareaparilla ia tho only truo blood purifier promtnontty in tbo when you become convinood that you have dono a wrong thifi it ia not a sign of weakness for yoa to make a prompt and explioit acknowledgement of tho fact thero never was and never will bo a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tho vory noturo of many cuiativcn toinw anch that were tho perms of other and differently seated diecaueb rooted in ho system of tho patient what wonld reliovo ono ill ia turn would aggravate the other wo have liowevor in buinino wine when obtained iuabound unadulterated state a remedy for many and griev6ub ills by its crudual judioioas use the frailest systems are led into con valescence and strength by thp influence whioh quinine exertb on natures own restoratives it relievoa the drooping spirits of thoaeywith whom a chro state of morbid deapoudenl and lack of interest in life is a diseaso and by traaquilizing the nerves disposes to sonnd and refresh ing sleep imparts viror to tho action of the blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tho healthy animal functions of tbo syatem thereby making activity a heoebhary result strengthening tho frame and giving life to tho digestive orgaus which naturally demand increased substance reanlt im proved appetite korthrop lyman of toronto havo given to the public their qninlno wino at tho oaual rate and raajiod by tho opinion of soientiata this wino approaches nearobt perfection of any in the market all draggiets sell it r e nejlson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndharn st guelph nb see our new colored 8hlrts th talismanic price thats the figure at which we are going to sell a great hne of ordered bants consisting of black and cotored worsted and english scotch irish and canadian tweeds ranging in price from 450 to 7 this is an opportunity of six mbnths not a life time everybody buys from one to three pair of pants at our semiannual pant sales this is one of the best lines we ever offered john xameron architect aiid contractor uanuracturcr of saab doors framos mpuldlu indll styloa- matcbino and moulding to ordor on shbrtiiotlco woll aebortod stock on hand at prlceb toflul the tlmofl john cameron proprietor e bv collins butcher doilresto tbaok bis numoronbouitomars for their liboral ptronago alnoo he comtuoncod bublnoaa laat jannary and hopoa that by careful and courteous attention to merit a couunuanca of tholr cubtom a comploto assortment of flrstelaas boef mutton lamb fork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ao in season prlooa always sb low ab conalatont with the boat quality prompt dqllvory fat stock wauted b b collins the campaign prepare for winds cures diarrhoea dysentery colic ommps cholera infantum corid summer eomphajntl irycghj idiei aadulf 8 1 2e3es- a pinlcfs olothea line hsa loopa in tho wiro into whluh the ololhcs aro forced ono mltmte cure lor tuihiiaciip- mmtical in polenoy and power pcuoirrtt- inyatonco to the diseased norvo norvi- jjtic nerve pslu enre flares toothache in a minute ncrviliiip he most raarvellonn pain remedy known to science may he ud for nil nerve pii teat at once ita effioaoy than good health t do not anfter with alok and bilioup headache bout btomaoh indjigeation despondent fooling with lack of ambition pain in baok logs and side poor appetite when you can romovo the ou me by using one box complete treat- menl of wrights liver and stomach pills nt a cost of go unla from a t brown chemist and druggist acton dont headache powders will reliovo tlmt violent headaoho in loss timo than it tskea you lo read thi thoy aro safo auccfaaful aura 25 cents a box public eyo today hooda barsnparilla haspawcr to makoyot healthy and guard your ay a tern sgsinbt disease no mr coolhaud she aaiu kindly i am auro that i could never leiirn lo lovo uu oh perhaps you could rtjuined cool hand olioerinsly novor too old to loarn you know wantrdbbvbhal valtlifvt mfn or woman to travel for reafoniilhlo eatab- 1 lilted hoasa n ontario balarv 7w payablo 15 woakly and oxpensoa tosltlon norinanout ttfornoe rnalofte mlfadilrflsriki statnpfld iivalorwi tbe national htar ilulmlnb olilooqo et wn mi dl plaster i haw wwedbed won oml pj aft la anmlwr 6fcamdf nnintlitlo tnd rhnumsti in ri simm ib vwvrpt bbw i verrrum j il mooiiud rilntnon 110 it cures sciatica lumbsim nen ralffta tmlns in buck orlildo or arij maouftrlalus price i datis a inwreaoe co iad mo i sola 1roprlctors mo tubal castoria for infant and childiei hgentsfqr masseyharris and the duke bicycles j p williamson co wyndharn and macdonnell streets quelph we would jail yonr attention to the fact that we are prepared to supply yoa with- lumber of bo i table lenatfaforyonr barn- doors viz 10 12 18br h feet also sabh w doors frames mouldings etc for building storm doorb pnt op at as low a rate as possible pumps itepair your pumps or put in new one before it ia too cold w can do it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager kellys music stora heatdquarters for an average bizococoanut produces a pint of milk dont walt fortlie sick itoom tho experience of physicians and tbo public proves that takiufi scotte emuleion produacs an immediate increase in tho flebh it is therefore of the highest value in whbtin diaeasos and consumption ja 1 paifikifler nennv divia a stiro and flnfo nemody in evory caao and every kind ot uowsl complaint is painkiller this is a tnio stntemont npd it cant bo viatlo too strong or too omplmtlo it is a elmplo safo and quick euro for crumps cough blioitmatlsm colic colds ndurnlgln xlarrlirort croup toothaoho two sizes 2sc and soc i pianos violins mandolins flutes drums organs gruitars banjos accqrdeons etceto ijmjljli miivray laiihmivs florida water the sweetest most fragrant most refreshing and enduring of all perfumes for the handkerchief toilet or bath all drug6ists perfumers akd h m no wonder that rub- bers wliicli are not the samp shape na llir linnthqiiirlbg- lmcomforlnble it cpstsino ney to employ skilled pattern makers but the result is a satisfactory fit each year new patterns are added t fit all the latest shoe shapes and granny rubbers are always uptodate they are honestly made of pure dont draw the feet rubber thin light claslic durable extra thick nt ball nml heel 1 hey fit the boot pisj purest and best for table ufa dairy no adulteration never cakes go rich so pore so wholesom so pelioious pure ceylon half anb one pound pa0ket8 only at all grocers 2b 30 40 so and eo cents a pound e davidson a hflv ltd wholesale agents toronto the only store in the city where you can get the best quality of strings for all instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner c w kelly pf 95 upper wyndharn street goelph a serioua question for prospective housekeepers is tbe great original outlay neeesaary for the parohaae of appropriate furniture and fbraishlnga we can be of service to all such theyll be surprised to learn upon bow small an investment they can begin with if their selection is made from our etoek older hotibo keepers can find many articles they need this spring at very low prices in opt warorooni undertaking our stock is complete an excel leu t assortment in all the city styles in trimmings and fiuuh prices lower than ever coffins or oaaketa delivered within five miles of aotpn firatolaas hearse at reasonable ahargee j a speight co shop and sbow rooms oor wtliw and agnes streots fieneral dealers io and deaertntlep mar jttrarmt invention is cniinuii1oauona btrtetlr 8oientifi0 amerlcci luoaiz moilthb hpoclinqn oople and uamd boo on feirurra mutfrm txasrls h munn sl oo 3u1 urouuwiav nuir vrrh

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