Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 18, 1897, p. 3

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bank of hamilton headopfiok hamilton ualilai i aid ul krsfiuvk koki lotaii ahbi la 12mo0u tf 076 000 board of directors junbtuaht ag 11 vms 1 rubldoiit ilo 1 mul lout ms luociou giu koa it a i wool a h lli toronto wm iiihion m 1 8 hlinkahht nsiitr tl tstwatbon luffi jctot agencies llamluun uarton st tl eaut i i d auiutoii horliu ghchloy uooiuotown orlinbuy llutowi i luchuow mifion motmt 1 oroht or uij millo juau hound 1 ort 1 ifelii bliucoo loroutu vi lblinui british correspondents j ondon national 1 rovinclul hnuk of i ufa t d ltd american correspondents niaw vouk iourtb inutloiml uault aid lauovor nftrtjuul hank huhios lutoriiatlon tl trust co liufkalo marliiollftiik ciiioaoo national beuk of lllluoiu and union rational hanli djs tjioit detroit national bank 1 vnbab dry national dank of coiuinorco agents in montreal tlio dank of toronto the news at home mostly ofji looal character acid ovorv itpm interesting diamond jubilee day jnia aamf iho govornmeiit tma beon udvisod ilmt lltr miijeaty h uotornmont lulbdu juno 2jnj as tho day on wluoh to hold thu offioial colobratiou of tno diamond jubilee and tho miniutpro aro cauucijuoutiy codbidoriutftthetliccit ia-ad- aeohgetown agency jotoa dlflaountoii and advances uiftilo xn uult iblobomiritilb colloqtlqub tiiiulo an 1 drnftn bought and sold on allaocosblblol ointff in canada united btutoa ciroat dritatn and tlio coiltlnontof brtropo upon aifeat favorably torina savings department depoflilo of 91 and upwards rocohod and uteres t allowed froni dfttti of dopoalttadata of rfltudrw special deposits also rooolvod at aurront rates of lutorcat n ftf livingstone agent wedding presents birtjiday presents wedding sings sogers knives forks and spoons -spectacles- special attention given to lxpiirinr 1 rust us with onr uatch kipilrs we always gne bihsficiion geo hynds acton ont thursday march 18 1807 5 look at tlio data on tlio lauol on your h paper and you will boo bow your eubbcrlp tlonstanda fleuow promptly it will confer a favor little local brieflets vhloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week the bicycles will soon bo ont again the bpnnr warblera are becoming more numerous sunday a btorra blookod tho roads bad ly in somo places mr david wren is moving thia week to bis new homo at henball the straw hat tho lawn mower and tho mosquito will eoon boon deck again a touilc of paris resldonts have been flnel 3 0 uch or using cancelled poatdgo atampa tho london city council has decided to impose a licenao fee of 9100 on oigoaotfe vendors sundays bdow and wtud btorm ren dered tho day one of tho moat unpleasant of the winter m and mra h p mooro entertained the fublio bobool board at moor ecr oft on monday evening t tuq storm and blookado of tbo roads prevented rev o g langford b a from reaohing acton from georgetown on snn da rev rather cosgrovo of elora dfllci a ted in st joseph a church on sunday awing to tho continued illuoss of rov pother haley mr wm swaokhammer has rented tho david mooro farm above crowsons corners and wo understand will shortly romovo thereto arrangements aro being mado for a ooncert under the ausnices0f tho baptibt y i v to be held on xriday april 2nd 1nrlculara next week tho dear littlo shamrock waa in evidence eaterday lbe editorial desk was graced with pretty bouqaet from a thoughtful bower avenue friend iho epworth la ague of tho brick oburch to tho number of aboot thirty viai- ted aolon league on tuesday evening an interesting programme and enjoyable eocial evening was spent afino wall map of thegrnudtrulkrail way bystem showing all points touched in canada and the united states has just kten issued agent holmes has favored ttk beb pheb3 with a copy a party of young people from tho scot h block aurpnaed councillor brown and tnily ust friday evening by driving np abouro oolook a jolly time waa spot until early in the morning nows of the safe arrival of the families of messrs joseph anderuon- and john roddick at their destination in the north west has reached friends hero ah the etock and goods were in good order tho medicine hat news has passed its third annual milestone tho ntica ably represents its flooriihing western town it is an np to date newspaper and its weekly budget of news always fresh and read able the rov j k godden of aoton preached in st james church last evening at the first of tboeriea of thursday lenten services there was a good attendance and tbs sermon was earnest and practical guelpb herald last friday evening mrs joaie oram sunday school class spent the evening at- the home of mr henry towusond misa annie townscnd was a member of tho class and the event was arranged as a faro well tofier prior to removal of the family to manitoba vtatrbta to sot aaidothlb day fonhimfflottt colobratiou in tlio domiulon or to hold it on mon lay si it jubilte 7ttr stmnpa ihopoatiniifitor general propoacn to com mc morn to lur mjjoaty a diamond jubilco by iiil lajiio of ti new j cont pobtao tt imp appr prtiitu to tho ocojaion it will lmvo a limited circulation only probably for a period of iponllih covering tho jubiloo clio bnitiuim during tha coming bummer wl en tho sale h stopped tlereaent 8 cent stufflp will bo bat ta circulation again stamp collectors will beourly on the ale to secure tlio jubilee stampat- notv rtttcs for l o orlem a ntrw ttrrife hatdicon arranged fotloat oiflco ordorfl after april 1 the taritf ou pobtofli o btdcrd up to 2 so will be u conta on orders over 8j 50 and up to 51 conta ovee5aid up to 810 g cents ovpr tvud upto 20 10 cdula r over fioaud up to 30 lli over 9w and up to 910 is cents ovtr 910 aiidap tojso jo cents over d1u and up to 800 21 cents over 3l0 and up to 970 28coute over0ami aptu 80 02 conts over 80 and up to 800 30 cents over 8jo and up to 5100 40 conta the rates on ordors payable in tho uuited kingdom and in foroiu countries and tho british posboasions romaiu us thoy are tho change is made in order to compete with tbo express companies for tho larger ordore a happy slnrch wctullng the nuptiu bonds by whioh a happy couploivero umted-were- securely tlod by neighborhood news news items supplied by corroe- pon dents nnri exchanges borgftown rev j w ptdlty paator of tho 1 irsl hiiq boloctcdloonhrtgiaioiml church at londqii at ouo time of guorltuwn will rebign at tho cud of tluu mouth gonorul bymathy in felt for mr will beesoyohioronio tn tho igh of hm iihle- mlflbtouablalr of padja her dtuifjlitur oflhrco moiilln mcsard a brudky utut 1 guthrk mombero of our aetna luprtsao club wlio loft hero recently for kvt portico have comingnd going yisltors to and from aoton and varloueother personal notes tlio h iikk ihksr invltoa all iu roaderi tooou irltuto to this column it you or your friondu aro galuk away ou abolldiy trip or if you bavo frluuda visiting ynu drop a card to tlio fhkl im as mr john moffat of milton waa in town on tuesday arrived at their destination and obtmnid ood pottion tho bpgoiil sol vices in tho mtthodint church aro prorostiug with mtorost iho btuduita of the high school lud a taffy pull tuotflnytifrothoon uftor uhighu nro muuio cn lnigd etc was given milton iho natiouul crqumro co is advortls iuf a mooting of farmcra of this vloinity at tho bunuolt iiuuho for siturdtq lliu cuuntj cumiqit mot on tuodeay tho pttncipal busiueaa v ia the ressnta tion of the auditors and public school 8 z uuspeulqrfl reports 1ho ruv a carmau d d genoml superiutendcut of tho mbthodut church probxhnd poworful sermena hero fust sun day his muguiifcont lodturo oil tho in torroatory words what whov why ou monday cvomog was most iutereting aud impres3ivo tho supre grancl lodgex the soua of eugland ml iwuprantfoflfuat week mr a roach waa miltou a roprojontatho rev r uiiddow b a formerly of mil ton hua ttcoeptcd a call from tho prcbby tenau church watford guelph rov ii a macpherson laet wednebday evening by this intaroating ceremony miai bertha ryder daughter of tlio lato jamoa ryder one of aotons raofit oner gotio busmeas meu twenty years ago aud mr andrew vande of cheltenham were joined in wedlock tha joyoua event was con oummatodat the home of the brides mother crnor mill aud wellington street tho bride wis attended by miss alice chis holm aud bor brother mr fred ryder aoted as groomsman tho bridal couple were tho reoipiouts of many tdkens of friendship aud esteem they leavo this week for tho northwoal where thoy go with courageous hearts and good proapeots to build up a homo for themselves a note from rossi and mr alex c campbell at one timo a member of tho tfiitfc puebh staff htts writ ten tho following letter to a friend bore rosalund does not impress mo much yet as i oannot boo much for tho snow which is protty deep expenses aro high i am charged 91 a week in advance for an 8 x 0 room tho furniture of which ia a washbtand and ono chair a row of n driven in tho wall does duty for a wardrobe or bureau board costs 85 per week at lowest or 25 cents a meal in udvance an avera of forty people come to the towu daily it is- eaid thatjjooo people are here now and if i am to bellevo tho papers an influx of about 15 000 may be confidently looked for in the spring what tbey will do boats mo it takes time and money co dovolop mines and every hole in tho ground is not a mine the crdtllo the altar the grave the twenty sixth annual report ot tbo registrar general of the province has been leaued from tbo registrations of the past yoar we glean tho following interesting information in the county of halton the number of births registered was 410 an increaso of 51 over the previous year thoro wore 02 marriagob a decrease of 22 under the your before tho death rule waa unusually hoavy thoro being 50b deaths an increaao of 81 over tbo last report tho ratio of deaths waa however lower than the avers go of tho province hal ten a ratio per 1000 of population was 8 0 whllo the ratio for the province was 10 1 our birth rate was above tho aver age bo ng v i per 1000 while over the province tho ratio was 8 8 in marriages wo fall over a third bolow tho average of tbo province halton b rate is 4 0 per 1000 whilo tho general average is j one county lasex going as hi as 15 6 to its credit bo it said halton had but seven illegitimate births during tbo year york not including toronto hud 105 and carle ton 15 thoro were 422 pairs of twins born during tho yoar m ontario but only ono caao of tnplota tho proviulo had 11987 marriages of these 44 of the bride grooms and to of tho brides woro over 70 years of ago june and december were the most popular months for the legal nmon of hearts whtlo august wus not in tho raco with any of the other months of the year jpresbytcrtana to the rescue t mr hamilton oassels convenor and tho rov r p macbay boorotaryof the toroign mission committee ot the presby tertanrchurch havo issued a special appeal to iue presbyterians and requested the fueb pnss to rofor to tho matter the indobtedncss of tho foreign missionary committee ia 815012 00 april 80th they will owe in salaries to missionaries 921 000 altogether nearly 870000 list year theoontnbntions for this fund were 930 000 this year they want 910 000 more from this it will at onoo be seen that it is only by a very special and a vory general effort that tho amount required can bo obtained sabbath the 2 1st march is tbo day appointed by tbo gehoral asaembly for tho annual collection upon behalf of foreign missions tho com mitt co thibk it proper to state that tbo present emorgenoy does not arise because of diminished contributlonami the part pf the churob for tfieae are fully equal to what they were at the corresponding period last year tho indebtedness arises partly becauao of diminution in tho amount received trom legacies and especially be oause of tho expansion of the work witbin aid r u nelson h8 piirclmbod iho stewart stock of hats cips and tmtb the suacess q the mining properties iu which he is interested that during his vibit turn miliums ut a vory favorable late ouibu hiscompoay purchased twomore olatms dollar guelpb has uoiua for twuitj three different bioyclo mauufuo urore e v setbd of tho board of trade hotel was tided 810 and costs for receiving wear ing apparel in oxibane for liquor contrary to the act quiloy fc co a stock of boota and shots was damaged by ifro on saturday uight to the extent of 81 000 the raymond sowing machine co has changed huuda mr charles raymond who fpr 3 j years has becu tho head and manager of too company retires and c klcopfor m p buccoeda him in addition lo bowing machiooa tbo manufuc ture of bioyoles is to be commenced slaters here rov r b cookjhaa been very 111 the past wook d mr r wilkinson of brampton was iu town ou tuesday mibs lthel foaier of miltou is tbo fcueut of aoton friouds mr aud mrs n i mooro visited friend b in georgetown op tuesday mr iru ebhage has scan rod a ood posltiou ou tho tilaonburg observer itey jh hohoii m a attended tho prohibition couvenmou at toronto last week mrs varwick and children left on mpn day for their pow home iu gloveraville x mibs ada j i ark left op monday for gloversvillo wow york whore abe will in future reside mr h p moore visited hir brother rev t albert moore of pal rn era ton who was ill during the week during the week rov bather haley baa ben very u but as we go- to preps bo has ome what improved mr d d cbridtiowasone of the pall bearers at tho funeral of the late rev mr mutch held in toronto on monday mr christie was for a numb r of years an ei dtr in mr mutchs church mr j fyfo returned from rojalaud on tuesday he reports the mining buainebs to bo booming and hab suoh confidence in with hoods barsapa- rllla sales talk and show that this raedl- olno has enjoyed public confidence and patrouago to pprcater extent than accord ed nnythojj5roprlctary medicine tbie 1b slniplybecnuso ft posi g hferlt and produces jrcnttr turcu than any othor it in not uhnt mo hny but whnthoods snrwi inrlllajrloch that tetlo thoatory ah advcrtlhompnts or hoods sareapfirillo like hood h biirfiaparllla it self are honest we havi novor dtlcivcd tho public and this vvltli its superlative mcdlrlnal merit 1h nh tho pcoj lo have abiding confidence in it and buy hoods sarsaparilla almost to til excliuon of all i tlieis tiyll prtpirulowj hc i hood co lovvdimasa tk talk deyel conxpaiiy owning and splendid rossland propptes with a tunnel proposition cutting through every ledge on the whole six properties ethel group gcold mining company op rossland b c limited liability w hrrtrlc eutlc i i hike noou s h1iis wuhjioodbfeuraaprjua- in the iltbel group tbo exodus to the northwest from this vicinity ooulinues laat week messrs philip katey james modougall donald and alexander mcoregor alexander and waldiej jr went from here and on tuesday mr j p warden left for portage la prairie there are still others to follow 1897 lhc new vcv rhtibi be made lv en larti thin the old ono to do this before stock taking prices must times suit iho bird we ire going to unite an effort lo clear joo window shnri wijj prices- do it authorized capital 1500000 shares treasury stock 350000 shares par value- one dollar per share ajsolutelynonassessable hoaot offlcerossland bj minesnorth of rostfafadhead of mnrphy creek nassagaweya the pastoightecn moutlii tlio committee were most unwilling to decline offers of service from several men and women who felt called to the work they were also unwilling not to avail themselves of open inga in soveral of the fields for tho expan sion of tbo work tbey may have gono too far yet thoy cannot believe but that the church will eomo to their help and provldo thorn with tho funds necessary so that their engagements with the missionaries may be implemented this year and the work oortuilod as httlo as posiblo in the year to come ik place at residence of mr joseph smytu of nassa gawoya being tho raurnao of his eldest daughter annie to mr john ruthorford of tho sixth concession of west ilamboro last wednesday the wedding march was played by mua lasterbrook the brile wus ut ind in h r trnvolling ami aid carried a touqiet si o wus supported by her sister mary whilo tho in teres tb of tho room woro looked after by the jounger brothor tbo knot was tied by rov mr dlmr of campbollville after tho usual congratulation tho com pauy numbering about co retirod to tho dining room where a heavily laden tablo was spread to whic am justico was done after somo kiod remarks by several of tlioao preseut tbo happy coupo left aritid bhowora of rice oarriinj the beat wishes of many with thorn to spend n week among friouds north oh how beautiful crewsons corners quito at old ttmo miroh blizird on buoduy tboro was no scrioo in iho molhodint ohurch hero on sunday ou accouut of uie storm mr h townaend a aulo on monday pias edof vory buocobbfully mr townsond aud family leavo next thursday for llio north wcat mr a kingabury moved to hia farm noar ejon mills on thuradny mr joa anderson albo move 1 to hntarm near arholl last weok mr alox oripps has started his suinglo factory ila has quito a stock of shinlo timber in ihib bpring mr john icitohini ir who was so beverely kicked by a horso bme weiks ngo has oomp otoly recovcrld mrs jj kiohardson is seriouily ill mrs wm litohinr who waa confinedto tho houso with tho grip haa recovored mr r gibbons who has beon ill for tho pait few weikrr is ro oe inf mr e modermolt of erin apen a dayjiiow tins weok at mr ja ramlhaw a a sleighing party from aoton and vioin lty of about twenty ave spent a most enjoyable timo at tho homo of mr and mrs george lpalio lot concession 1 erin lbt thursday eveninr the night belnr all that could bo desired tho drive was much enjoyed upon arriving at their deitination a merry jlmo waa spent in games and amusements of an enjoyablo nature whioh mado all preseut foigot their troubles and laugh heartily toa was borved in good style at whioh 11 partook liberally oysters bejng pirt of the deloaoies toasts and bhort appropriate speeches filled in tho rest of tho evening a toast was proposed to tho hoat and houtebs and heartily drank by all mr lslio suitably replied stating he and family weloomed tho guoats most heartily and hoped they had enjoyed themsslvosand that thoy would not forgot to oall on them again as thoy would always be mado most wofcome bhort bpeeohcs wero then mado oxprebb ing tho estoem entertained towards tbo host and hostoss as frionda and acquaint anoos this coupled with alftho other attractions made the ovomug pabs most ropidly the party broke up by eioging hes a jolly oood 1 ollow with enthus laim all wero highly delijililod with tho ovonings ptooeodinga and the hospitality of mr and mrb leslio aud feeling that if there was anything in tho saying liugli and grow fal thoy wouia bo much boneflloa com thats what people say about our new spring press goods of which several cases are to hand pli how cheap is what you will say when you see the very low prices at which we have marked these lovely fabrics cloth slndcs 36 35c cloth shldes lice 55c wall piper it hilf price ghas l neiles city bookstore cuolph fine toilet soaps it does not pay you to buy old stock elsewhere when you can get goods of such beauty and goodness for so little money as we sell our new spring goods for you should make your selection and leave your ordertor your spring costume to be made- m our dressmaking depart ment it will pay and please you nsw mlhlilnry goods e r bollert co qg and 37 wyndham street auelvh ont sweet cream and glycerine dairy made complexion soap xar soap soothing out noallng h b founds medicated arsenic soap dr stuarts antiseptic com plexion soap cleavers english soaps and a various assortment from 5 to 50c a t brown prim b president 3ml mimtr l i clvkk ofkobboiul ut vice president and 1 reasurer j hl acton ont secretary i l di voin hosshnd j sohoitor f jr 13 c g abbott kosshnd solicitor for ontino lyon ljndsvy loronto direct jrb nqd 1 romoitrs s per prospectus depository nkoi montri vi a a guinntors iqkonro 1 ivanci l cor1 ok vtion cd cd- toronto offlco-34- adelaide street east this is a development company organized for the purpose of buying selhn and developing mining properties in bmishxolumbia and is at present engaged in activework on six fullsized claims vjz ethel no i ada l iron kmgno 4 blue bell no 1 and lenderfoot all in one block and situated at the head of murphy creek in close proximity to the yellowstone group and heather bell the ethel group properties are vell mineralized ore tftken trom a shaft 15 feet in the ethel no 1 and from another sin ft 2 3 feet issays 87 op to 812 90 per ton in jold yhich compares most favorably with the assays of ore from the richest mines in the rossland district at the same snge wortrimowbelnf pushed rapidl contracts for another 100 feet hie been recently let requingfr their completion by the end of miy at which time more exten sue work will follow deelopment work can be carrild on it a minimum of expense the nohern end of the pnperty bemp neirly 1 ooo feet higher linn the southern end makes it suitible for operiting by tunnel saving the expense of hoisting and pumping plants its proximity to tht triil smtjler with 1 good roadwny directly to it nnd the ery ntor advent of a railway the preliminary survey of which passes through the ethel group will place it on a working bisis mill street acton brhntford steel wind- internal cov crod gear patont itollor and ball hear- in a gnlvnnxtetl tow- crnand wheels tho best it america ideal spray pump iron pnmiib water 1 ankr piping c the ideal power mill with boiler and ball bearings la a wonder hon 1 for circulars the maple leaf ioitbrn brantforocan roii any rowsn vaok s- iiqnhe to aonoiihk ton inch itovarafble riatos or hproui uoilqn ball bourlnga for tbo iilatoa itudb oafly grinds inti and fast our ia footldoal powor mill will run it eatfarac torily thla in by all odds u10 boot grinder mado worth looking after 125 pairs girls and womens vliace tan shoes sizes 423 i 2 3 4567 mn the price is about one half 75c suitable for spring while the management feel ssured that piy ore will be keichul within a few months they do not overlook the fact thu during the first few jears of developement the expense of procuring the most ipproed machinery and ippliinces sinking shifts and mcidenal work may prevent a c jmpiny from piying dividends with regularity the present slnreholders hive therefore mide excelled by none in the camp preferrgd shhr6 1 he capitalization beinj only 8250 000 00 perchim nnd the nch tndiciticns of the ore together with careful ind pricticil management should ensure thu utmobt con fidenco in the future eirnings of this company the opention of the mines will be under the supervision of c w smith in cper lenced mining i ngineer from cripple creek colorado and the grcitest possible n suits may be anticipited arrangements with the toronto tinancial corporlion with whom secunties have been deposited whereby tint corporation his garanteed the payment of dlvicjenctb or interest at the rate often per cent per annum payable half yearly for the next five years on the allotted price of this special issue ot stock the script for which has this guarantee endorsed thereon 1his issue of block is offered to the public with the view of providing increased develop nient which will be pushed forvvird as rapidly is possible consistent with judicious and expert management thus assuring to the purchasers of this sock that the sav ings of the mines will enable the minage ment to continue paying permanent tliv idcnds tenders for these preferred shares are hereby called and will be received at the office of the said toronto tinancnl corporation no 8g east king street toronto canada up to three o clock p m on thursday the i day of april 1897 in lots of 25 shires and upwards the minimum price jiemg z5cpe s v deposit of 25 per cent to accompany each tender to assure bonafides r v j prospcclus maps and form of tender can be had at the offices of the ethel group gold mining co limited rossland and toronto cremt scott y surprise joll03nzs surprise gbreat alteration sale a we hhwe 7vvkd progrgss earned prosperity and now possss the power to spread genuine bargains broadcast we find our premises are too small for the extensive business we are doing and intend en- jargmg them and before commencing operations we are going to make a great clearing sale just arrived 200 pieces of the latest patterns in crumes english- prints also a fine selection of the latest importations of the season in ladies fine imported costumes our terms are cash k no reduced goods sent out on x approvaldurinjrthisr sale f crkj2s2srkjii j furnishings we make a speciality of this you can j always get the latest and best here trimmings to match the latest novelties of the season we have got to make a great slaughter preparatory to our alteration in premise the new and uptodate goods this sale will start saturday march 6th and will continue 14 days tdilofitlfr and american hats caps etc justarmed tine high class tailoring in this dc v 6 llio partment great reductions will be given during ho sale we have just opened out a fine selection of the best imported suit ings consisting of scotch lnhsh and irish spring oaercoatings trouserings etc hcmember these are all new the i ready to wear clothing tn boys youths latest importations of the season in lnghsh nnd mens a great reduction in these an unequalled opportunity to secure the newest and latest up todate goods a almost our own prices come early while the stock is unbroken 50c now will purchase as much as 100 elsewhere during this great sale gibson millkr st go roe blook rarein st csorg6tohfln special during the sale and i hrge issorlcd tock o select from space will not permit us to quote prices ind uo cannot bring our birgains o you 1 hey are too numerous ou must come to them and you will not be disappointed is this is a greaj morey siving sale to ou the lollowink advioo will bo found in valuable it put intoprnctloo drink lees breatbo mora cat lest ohew more rido ifidb wrlk more olotha lelrbfctho more worry lota work more waste leu givo more write icib road more nrcgl less lirautuo more every day will be bargain day here without a doubt specials this webk rockwooo wm oarviu dropped dead while work ux in tlm bubhon mondny deceased was a resident ol bockwood for many years od uaotjurlod all of hia family but two lom ooiibumptlon the oanao of ins dtttu waa heart failure mr 1 lush of liainosa lodt quite u uuin of uioay whllo returuiuj homo from guelpll last wcclt and as ut has found no trace of it mr m f barry ia on a businecs trip to now york olty miaali 0ook rolumod to toronto after ponding the wiutor with her parents in the village this week mrd pike attended the 1iobibitlou con vonlioa at toronlo last week drowned herself llimniun ont olaroh 11 mra johu polfur the wife of a highly reapeotablo farmer who has been mentally ill for a year osoaped the vigilance ot her family at 10 oolock laat night and drowned herself in a orock riiiining ibrooglmtho farm her body was nut reoovored until thia morning at conta a run oxpodod ou board tho lluaslan turret ship bisoi volikj killing fifteen mon and wounding an ofllcor and twenty seamen tho four wmgliam whileoapa will be re loased from the pomteutlary in a few days liavinu bcn pudonod after having ecrvtd u yoar of their bantuine better thrn ur and still tiii2 best at essux the voto on the roreu of tlio local option by law resulted in a nntj irlly of 7g for tho by law sold in irfmtdpaoxeta only never in bulk all oroooro 3 bottles pickles 30c 4 lbs dried peaches 25c 6 lbs currants 25c i lb jars baking powder 18c vinegar 25c a gal tea 15c 20c 25c 30c 35 cents just think 6 lbs tea got half price come quickly hops we are sole agents in town for tetleys teas at moores south cor mill main sts w w budlong hllu grove b i lluys all kinds of raw hint faklnn llooswax aniisltik xjiviiir wll 1 animals of all kliuln lrlto list of f ura for next flt days for wall handled stoih interior acoordlnu to quality itotuma mado day rooda rooolvod all furs slloald bo slill thl by uxitross 111 nrutc 1ays for jour namo on is iii lirnin ilaantlful 1m11ukn nam1 iu ullliw iaiub lovwiy lilotitroa or m uandnamo rlllob cards caali wliji order bumpn taken address cnada cahu uoubk insorsoll out hoar klalior ottoi heaver fltlvor box lr iaa b ox hot t ox wtntedskvebal i mthpuf men oh voinen to travel f r rexnonalblo estab islied houso in ontario h uarv 780 payablo ibwoekly aiidexnensob i iettlon pormanont iteforcuce bliolose sell tddressftd stanilol onvoloiio tlio nallonal t ir uulldlng olilcaan lf youwaiit first otaaeqtielphaasbttiid ioora at guelpll prloos t eunins oan ii i 01 jrlir a hl panln mill wofl wol torino lux wildcat marten bknnk haaooon hlaok lueeoon coinnioi lladfler doer mink husk flat bond mo all your fura you want made into rues overcoats canes robes olo prices reahon nblo oil el isa of work turnod out alflootoa snoo 7 00 to 10110 7 110 to 10 00 0 00 to ib 00 40 00 to 100 00 7 00 to 14 00 1 soto luoto j co to 100 to i 00 to 80 lo joo to 75 to 9 00 to bo to 100 to 70 to 100 to ho to 11 no 1 00 j ml 8110 901 b0 0 00 joo 100 130 1 10 1100 95 here we are again thib tiruo it ia fancy goocih wo aro hoadqunrteih for tho lntcst matcrinla for fancy goo1b noweat matonala liittest ideas with lonost prices makes us tno placo to buy jour fauci goods for sofa pillowe wo have plmd rutins wliich mo just in voguo scrim applo blossom tapestry villa cloth oc also in groat demand for gouw neckties no havo somo lino quaht ilunuiu- back foi lndics wo have a fine selection ot cluhous call in and boo shaded ciuchot cuttoii it a spool f1i0 fiosb waste silks 4c a skoin stamped doilies beat inah linen ready to work 5e each do not torgct viojvccp groceries another case of lemons 15c a doz christiob sodas fresh 8c por lb clnrks flour 2 20 per 100 lbs c f c0odlizexco nlxt posi ornrr acton

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