Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1897, p. 1

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f volume xxnnciib t acton ontario thursday march 25 1897 price three centb t rton jfm rss5 ih iuulisukd evlry thursday morning at tub- frcoprcbbstcant lrlnttng otitic stiteet acton ont tkhmh oi stnacuirtio ouo dollar par year btriatlylu advance alt niibaorliitloha dlacou tluuod wbua tho tiuao or wlilou thoy havo boon paid baa explrod ibo dot ttr wliiob oyiiry subiorintion 1b paid la denoted ou tbo addnikb label advhiitibiko kxxkb trauslont advertise mouta 10 coufa or nonpareil lino for first in r hortion por llou tor oaob aubaoquont- ltibortlon oonthaqt hates tho following tablo hbewfl aurraioh for tbo insertion of advorbomontufor apeoinod periods f atsnap in sheetmusio popular prices full size goodpapbr old fashioned price 30o 40aand50o day 8low prick- 5c any ten pieces 26o abhiijiton poat march by bouba i lb rtv dull maroli ily bouia hlb bchoql radota uy bouau munlistton imach marob hy bousa darkles droam ity maiming llou ton gavotto hooloty danco dancing in tho harn bobotliioho ita on 1nrulo march hy kerry mftta idvircaraeallau a b miwn ar-jblfili-t- wal trdy sponsor 30 inches id inches 0 lnobes 1 inob hh 0 mo 1 fma 1ko sflooo 55 00 120 00 coo 35 00 1 90 00 30 00 ljoo 19 00 7 00 aaol qoo too 900 9 50 100 advertisements with ant apoolflo directions will bo inlerud till forbid and charged accord ingly transient ad verbis qmonu must bo paid advertisements will bo ohangod once each month if doalrcd for changes oftener than enoe a month tbo compobltion most be paid for at rogulai rates cbangob for contract adrortlaomoota muatbo in the oldoo by noon on tuoadays h p moore editor and proprietor wusinm biwrtorp j r ubinm d o m ofdco and roaldonoe cornor mill frodorlok 8 roots aoton a s elliott m b m d aoton qluduatjl toiionto fcjni kh8ity office main 6 1 root third door eouth of 1reabytorlan cburob acton veterinary surgeon a lfred p husband v s graduate or tbo ontario votorlnary colloco honorary mombor of tbo votorlnary mcdtcol society office m husbands lot 21 con 4 naaa agaweja- calla day or night promptly attended to dental l benkxtt l d 8 dentist ogoiioetown ontario d r f 8 merceic dkntiht graduate of toronto unlvoraity and 11cd 8 ofllco over drue store acton vibrriito dath tiiuntiuav and fhidat jm bell dd6 ids dentist ulwokville honoh glladuate of toronto university w ork timdo satisfactory pricos modorato vitiligo dab tuesday and friday of each lrliiclsa itonnio walteoa by spenser rfclo boolotypwo btoii by varmlarf in thfl load tho tftvorlto two stop by jlalloy j when tbo girl you lovo is mauy miles away booehv kooppon i toiu von if tno otborb- don fc song bv luanforil hon holt for voice arid piano tho favorite ubgllblballad traders bank of authorized capital 1 oqoooo paid up capital and surplus 785000 assets over 6 3o0 ooo cuelph branch jjortry days bookstore otjelph day sells cheap wgljtwwmwl cloudy household stewarts iold -jor- toilet bath and laundry jmalinbte for toilet purposes splendid dowsing preparation for the hilr makes hard water soft removes stains ind grease spots from clothing wishes flannela and other woollen goods iiestorcs the color to carpets cleanses woodwork i late and jeucllr price 26c a pint bottle alex stewart m olean mclean barrlatora solicitors notarlos convoyancoro too private funds to loan offloe town hall acton wir a molkaht jkc a mcleam douglas murray baimibtkiia solicitoeb kotanies kto offickb 1298qaoon bt parkdalo victpria chambers fix victoria st tolopbono 207 tonosto john dodolas a o muiuiat a j mackinnon bannitkn bolicitoii conveyanceh ovi ice corner hill and main street abovo kopman svtore aoton t o m4theson 4 3 b moleod i xniuteiui bolicitobb cont5tlncena georgetown and milton monoy to loan at lonost ratos t j monabb clerk fourth division court c ot hat on ctfnvoyancor agont 1 iro and vu auauranco i ua1 eatato agent uonoy to loan otc office rorrymanflblook aoton om miscellanso us henby qb18t ottawa oaxana solicitor of patents for xnvontlon eto prepares applications for tho canadlan amor lean and europoan patont olllcos and for the lloglstration of trado marks bond for pam phlet thirty two years exporlenco f ibancis nunan booebindeb wyndhamst quolph ontario 1 y ovor williams storo account books of all kinds mado to ordor t orlodicals of ovorydosorintlonoarofully bound tullne nearlv ii nromptly done aehiaw crioenses h p mooite ipppfp of mannuob licfsoeh prlratoofllcn ho witnesses required issnod residenrn in trra dvonlug froo press oulco aoton aoton machine and repair shops henby gmudell proprietor abb well equipped with all therhaoblnory noooaaary towknls all repairs w machln ery and agricultural lmplemenla and u do all jlsdlotstoain flttlng horse shoeing and benoral blaoksmlthing woodwork ropalrs porformod in aiauafaotory manner wo can repair any maohlno or implement of any make saw gumming and filing done wellington mutual fire insurance company bbtahubhxd 1h10 inbubamoe on gash and mutual plan any communications forwarded to my address box 698 or tolopbono 58 will bo promptly at tended to john taylob agent guolpll w m hem8tbeet xjiqchuxd apotioneer for tbo counties of wellington and helton orderslofltthfhk pbebi offlco aoton or at inyresldoneoinacton will bo promrtly at tended to fees reduced to sb 00 fob farm sales also money to loan on tho most favorablo auras aid at the lowest rates ot interest in aumsoftooand pwarda a cton saw mills and wood yards uanulfaoloitl11 and dbilku in i latli bmittu wood jfo all kinds of wood ln stock and promptly a dollverod to any part of tbo town at riasouitbo prices hardwood and blaba outitovo loiitl 1j on band tolopbono commiiulciuor manufacturing and dispens ins chemist ont t cuelph j weddinsr presents jf to 3 sums of 91 and upwards received 2 on dopoartfind hj par cent interest paid or compounded half yofthy depobitrocgipta leaned for laryo bums deposited advances made to rcaponmblo farmerd on heir own dames no charge made for colloling 3ales notes if payable in ouolph a general bunking buainess transaatcd 4 f it jones manager we are agents for the perect garden qly dominion bicycles made in st catharines if you want a high giade wheel at low grade prices write us well quote lower than any in the trade home- fit am svn8uine what caro i as tbo dajs go by wliuthqr gloomy or bright tho sky f what care i what tbo n oat bur may bo cold or warm tiu tho namo to mo i omiiydoar bonip aklob tboy are alwajh blue an 1 my donr homo nor tbor the glad days thro is beautiful fluuimor from morn till nlfibt and uiy fcot walk ovor in loves trlio light ajid why well boro la aly baby swoot 1 ullowlng mo round on his restless foot 8ijilln and jjladdoulng and brlflhtpujug my in door bfiloh t and baby b fathur rit fojlj trtl ueaft totyvby and mo houio s cotter part ifufaco 1b aunbhiiieaiid wo ryjolco iii the randa bpard ill his laying voioo bo wily flbonuj wp hop j m oo day o by tho loom or thojiahtdf tbo wpatliur aud ijlty of tho outshlo world wbou wore basysjh day mauufftcturluaudabiiio whioli fados dot away with hinlloa with kisses with teaao and with joy 1 alitor and hiothar aud baby boy w a are hvlug each day ju tho suuabiuo wo 1 uioko and god koop aud gul to ub for love a doar sako i alary j itrint in ilanocra bazar utt jfamtlfl ftarin jvjadonqa an3 agdalene j m bond co habbwajfre guelfh s tyl1sh pr1no ujtincjs dhte frames pictures artists supplies fancy goods good value waters bros st george s square fuelph acton roller flour mills jk7wces clhrk propibtor hmr leased the above mills for a term ofeiram in a position to supply frc wants of the public vith the best quahiief roller flour cracked wheat mill peed and all kinds of chopped teetl required all our flour will contain the proper percentage of no ltftudtoba hard wheat my long experience in the milling busi ncss enables me to assure satisfittlon to every pntron i will be pleased to meet all old customers of the mhl and many new ones i am prepircd to pay the highest current prices for wheat oats and peas for use in said mill telephone town orders from brown s drug slorc lxchinrinfj wheat and chopping a specialty james clark in the homes merchants i s where to fmsh your business people live time to think there they haven t at your counters make the sales there how ask at the 1 ki i im ss oitlo ulc l-kll- 111 ss f inl tuc homes of the buying people and tho best of them liery sub scriber pays for his tripl im ss in ad ancc our readers arc of the class who paypromptly do yon catch cuelph business college and shorthand institute avelfh ont buikiuou facilities for tliorouau and lractieal courses or htudy llookkeuiiliir hhortlialtil and tynewrltlnd ooursos a specialty gradnatos assisted to positions kaijtj hkhhionh commences sept 1st write for circulars j sharp princlpml wantuuhevkitalrarrmulmen ou women to travel for resnonslble estab- lisliod liousc in ontario halary a780 payable l weeltlr and oxpensas position permanent knluronot pnflloeu self adilruased stamped eu ltivtloii i liu nulioual htarlluildiu clilcao our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are alt choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection pi ices right also styles shaw turner merchant tailors guelph specials this week 3 bottles pickles 30c 4 lbs dried peaches 25c 6 lbs currants 25c 1 lb jars bakingwder 18c vinegar 25c a gal tea 15c 20c 25c 30c 35 cents just think 6 lbs tea 90c half price come quitkly hops we are sole agents in town for tetleys teas at moores south cor mill main sts georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors wateh motors and hydraulic rams tlno andbtoam fitting and doners itcpalr ins dolur equipped with anna brasinr uiacuiuc i am prepared to do braalugnn dioyclos iramon o wbuola couvortod from direct to taligoni hpokos handle liars bent to nny ilaalrod auslo pnll line of s k in atock hatlsfacttow flttaranteod ijlcyoles enamollod in any oolor t j speight georgetown acton 8team -laundry- atxootcttfopfletok first class vork ruaranttjcd in i family laundry work shirts collars l cuffs eto work ailed for ovary monday and thursday and delivered evory thuradny and saturday a cook and paul jrwjna plptqre the ma donna had mdp him famous iiq was a handsome man strange but faailuatiiy the only relative be had ever known was an aunt of his mothers a an if prim woman who had pabsed the meuu8 of educating him bh an artist and who hadb biud to him in a distant poculiar sort of a way many times he lad cpqkou of hifl parents to her asktd who they were arjd what they were and ftrmutnes she hud an awered what wo donl know uever troubles us t more often however she was grimly silent when he wai eighteen aud had begun to dream of bem a reat painter uho had given him a little ovul miniature a paint ingon ivory in coloru of a beautiful onnj woman perhaps stvtuteei will vvirm rich gold t nted hair parted between lur brows and rippled ulout her temples over her iota the ffico ai u triflo uplifted nnd the och bif blup soft aud tender looked out at one calmly and tru t ull tbo featurts wore almost poriw from tho htrmght handeomo uo o to tie delicately shaped rod month aud r uui1u dimpled chin who h it he hid uskod seizing it eagerly null rapture mid delight iiu onr mother oho answered a triflo unwtoadily ho regarded it eveu more intently as he aeked softly id she dead uow yes paul eho is dead tho aunt repeat od dut when ho had begged her to tell hjm more sherefused tbo btory is too painful biio said brokenly perhaps i will tell you wore some day of j our father mother and little sister but at present be content to know what you do- poor auutsho had dover told blm the btory and had died before he had become famous before jie had painted tho madonna before ho had married a rich and beautiful wife and become the lion of gay society at home and abroad for tho nlitdouna besides winning blm fume had brought him hs wife it was rather a romantic story the lovely mibb amersleya fulling iu love with tho dashing oung artibt she was an orphan heiress who having seen tho cele brated picture and heard that tbo artist 1 ad taken his mother or rather her por trait as lua model became bo maoh im pressed that bhe bad begged an mtroduo ttou to him which bad resulted in their marrlago a short time later o110 day two years after this important event her husband informed her that ho was about to commence another important picture this will be a masterpiece ruth bo had exclaimed enthusiastically it will be the moat wonderful thing put oo canvas mary magdalone i a real mary magda lone 1 not one of thoije splendid shams that tho trench spanish and italian painters huvo burfeitcd as with for ages strange beautiful creatures with natural golden hair snd innocent angel faces no mine shall bo vile horrible loathesome with sin a creature to make one shudder and turn from tho sort that mast have urepl to tho masters feet in the old old story paul 1 uho cnei astonished at his wild words where will you get this woman i havo found her he answered trium pbuntlyv in tho eity prieon i shall t there evory day until 1 get a small picture skotched then i can copy one at my loistiro but paul does oho know what you are doiuk or doesnt sho ouro lui wife asked oarncstly ioh ldaut know whctherahe caroa-or- not ho answered narelnssly she dont say anything i fancy her mind must be almoat gone she looksaqueerly at me in such a atrangdwoll half knowing way that insano people sometimes have ah its an uoplcbbaut job to be frank abouc at however h s got to be done ho did not mention the subject for long wrjehs tro hi wife tm th h has come for me t go to tint wretched woman tbu magdalene you know sbe is dyint and etlls for me i cannot under stand why but i haven t tho hatirb to refuse hor no no go by alt mean poor sou1 perhapa 30u may ilnti out something about her itulh replied i will bo hick as soon ai patsibta ho satd but it wub night before sho baw luui again and ho had long been filled with nameless dojhta and feae when sho heard bis stop ontlioolaileriug efairs ob paul slip fined uprising for jwardeagcrly ta meet him us ho entered but she started baok in terror mid burpriso at one glancp at hi fuce pimll paul i what has happened 7 f he beemed bo suddenly aged so crush loyfid heart broken tot a moment ho struggled to speak but wad poworlepa to do ao at last howover he said brokenly come ruth i laavo something to show you 1 and drawing her arm within iiib own he ledher to the studio vlnoh wub flooded with a brilliant ct subdued gat lighi and theu they paescd between the two piolures whiph sqad bide by sde throwtngback the covers wliiob envel oped them he sut i huskily took 1 look at both and tell mo what yon seowhut yaq think i she kond at him silently 111 led with con flioting emotions wondering at ber hus bandwst range bobuvior uutehe had un artists bqu which soon lost itself iu the creations before her and her byes rested dreamily on the rare pale madonna with her pure calm face aud soulful eyes and a waveriug flickering taujernees hov ering about the wjatful mouth an exprebeioo of almo3t fear stole over hib face ae alio lookec at the other picture though a low cry of admiration burst from her iipjinvoluntartjy aa sho weut a step nearer her cca riveted ou the canvas beforo her the piuturu wan not lare but it wus eo true to life as to be vi idly mart linn auiust great jroy uttlln htood tho migdaleue her droea whu b atk torn aud ragged one sloevo was lipped from wiut to shoulder falling back to show the ludeotia eoard that em had left on ho thin bony arm the figure was horribe lemi uiiii bhrunkco bent and hlcj hut tliu face pott or tongue would bo powerttaa to describe lastly while and eeamed with wrinkles thojxiouth ouo hard bloodleah line the ojeu beared bloodshot aud vafant tho blue in them running into tho white and the huir a bright blenched jeltow hanging 111 a biiohy muga abovo iho awful face making it fearful still more well beastly still more weird ruth pressed her hand to ber heart she felt herself growing fuint and sick wilh dlagust but sho could not take her eyes from that dreadful eccue oh paul it is horrible i it ia wonder ful i eho gisped no one has ever paint ed any thing like that it ia our master piece 1 it ib so real bo terrible 1 no one our unjust taxation the man who tolls and improves his property fined tor his industry w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont mans a arioialti or machine finished book papers man gbadbwkkkl mun the paper used in this journal is from ho abovo mils wm barber bros working hard on his new picture ono night lie came to her in the long drawing room and throwing himself down on tho divan beside hor eried out tts doue at last t i am very glad she said softly you aro tired very tired for oven in the dim twilight ho looked worn and haggard oh i shall bo quite fresh to morrow he replied and bis face flushed up with pride and exultation as be exclaimed ruth it id wonderful i i almost worship it i forgot or rather i cannot believe it is a creation of my own hand my poor mother as the madonna palos besldn i my whole boh i is there 1 tt is my masiei picco ihen i mn a i no it at once 1 said ruth arising no no dear not to night it is too horrible i too ghastly 1 you would dream of it ycu could not forget it wait until to morrow morning when tyo daylight is upon it to ufght we will dissipate at the opera with a supper at delmomcofl harly tho neat day however her hue band awakened lur with ruth torn con 0 who epea it will forget it 1 the world will be at your feet 1 the world will never boo it i he cried out suddenly snatching up an old paint brash uprlnginij forward aud utterly des troyingtbe magdalene e fao paoll oh pan are jou mad bhe exclaimed bursting into tears yoii can never paint another cue like it 1 what do you mean why did you spoil it after all your struggl6 and toil 1 and now it is gone i hush ho snd bitterly heart brokenly it wag my mother 1 taking the wrong boats dwigbtx moody in addressing bis great bible class in the maroh laihei home journal on regeneration illustrates bis teachlugs with this excellent story a motbodibt miuister on 1ib way to a camp meeting through some mistake took pass age on tho wroug boat lie found that instead of being bound for a religious gathering ho was ou ins way to a horse race his fellowpassengers were betting and discussing tho event and iho whole atm sphere was foreign to his nature ho besought iho captain that he would atop hia boat and let him off at iho first land ing aajbe surroundings were so distasteful the btory aleo goes ou to relate howvon the same occasion a sporting man intend ing to go to the races by some miatake fouud himself on tho wrong boat bound for thooump meeting the conversation about him was no more intelhgiblo to him than to tho mau in the first instance aud he too besought tho cap 1 to stop and let him off the boat now hat wai true in these two cases is prat tottlly true with every one a true christian ia wretched whore there ib no fellowship and an un regenerate man ia not at oaso where there are only ghriatiana a mans future will be according to what ho is here prepared for if he is not regenerato heaven will havo no attractions for him a puzzled foreigner a foreiguor looking at a loturo of a number of vessel snd see what u flock o sh he was tottl that a hook of hipj was called a fltot and a fleet of ahcrp was called a flock it was also added for hisguidance order not jo puz1o him that a flock of girls is called a bevy that a bevy of wolvoi in allied a pack and a pack of thievea ia called a gang aud that a ganof angels is oalled a hodt and that a holt of flub ia oalled a shoal aud a shoal otoowtvlf fthetd tl children isaallol a troop and otroop of beauties ia oalled a galaxy and a galaxy of ruflhns is called a hord and u horde of oxen is called a drove an i a drove of black guards ia called a mob and h mob of whales ia called a school ami a aohool of worship era ia oalled a cot g g 11011 and a congre gatfon of euginrorr in railed a corps and a corpa of robber in ojlcd a band and a band of iocubib is cj1 ed n swarm and a awarm of pioplo is e lied a crowd hxohange didnt mind the heat an address has been forwarded to the hon a s hardy aud the other members of the legislative assembly by the single tux aasootulion tho trades and labor council and ton other organisations oull- eng attention to tho present injustice iu the method of taxation from this address we make tho following extraots lot twojlten flcqmro poeseabon- ot dif ferent portions of land the first clears his lot fences it drains it eroatsv the noo oaaary buildings beau till oa it and trys to render it as productive aa poasible thus he endeavors to put that ian 9 to its very best ubo whdti ho has thus done bis utmost to add to the prosperity aud well- beiug of tho community then according to law for evory act of improvement his taxes must bo inorotieed on tho other hand the segond man em ploys uo lubor he ftiiapa no orop he makes po improvement aud adda nothing to the wealth or prosperity of the community he puts his land to tho worae posrible use namely to secure wealth by the impoverish mentof othorf not merely dots he raise no crop himself but he hopos to obtain aud in many caaes does obtain a share of the crops and other products produced byother men this bo is enabled to do becauao hia taxes are kept low an ardent admirer tba better u man dooa for hia tho worao tho country doea for tliint oooutry him tho man who by his industry brings forth twonty bmholo where he puts in one or who by tbo application of his labor cqu verts nlay aid timber into a dwelling is pursuing tho honest course of acquiring wealth ho creates prosperity and thus eatabltahos a rieht to enjoy prosprrityf- but wheu a man raises uo crop on bis land when ho uddb noibrog whatever to the prosperity of the oountry when by keeping his land idle he has helped to keep the men idle and has thua impeded the welfare of thocountry what possible claim oan be have to a share of the prosperity he gotten by the industry of others and yet the law imposes increased taxes on tho honest method of acquiring wealth ojj though it were an evil to bo suppressed and it keepbtjown taxes on tbo extortionate misuse of land ub though it uereagood to bo fostered thua houtsty is discounted and extortion is indirectly ban used could wo bring a stronger indictment against the prtsent method of taxation iadustry honesty enterprise the very source aud fountuiu ot prospeniy taxed heavily and consequently depressed extor tion non onterpriao uou improvement taxed lightly and thua aided but the injustice of the present system of taxation ib most manifest iu the largo cities the larger the cities the greater tho injustice the land in tbo heart of toronto is worth from 820 000 to 550000 pr acre per aunum equivalent to a capital value- reaohingto upwards of a million dollars per aore from this centre the value declines till in tbo outer settlements of tho provinco it finally reaches the tan tailing point the owner of the aore in toronto without dping the first productive act may draw from industry a fortuue yearly while the owner of tho farm at tho outer margin of settlements must toil like a slave for a meagre pittance now here aro two men one luxuriating in affluence tho other atrnggling n poverty and hero aro thepe two men taxed in answer to thiu question we have to call 3 our attention to this monstrous faot the farmer who struggles in the most dis advantageous location and who receives the least advantage from government the farmer who struggles with a mortgage which he finds it impossible to roduco maoh less to pay off tbo laborer who with hm utmobt toil ensures but a miserable livelihood tho sowing woman who succeeds in someway in sustaining life on sweat ehop wages all theso must givo several days toil every year direollvor indireatly for tho bupport of government on the other hand in our large cities a man may collect a fortune yearly from ground rente and never be called on to give oue hours abolition of the law that taxes a man for making improvement has bee 1 already adopted in a greater or less degree in the legislature of manitoba the north west provinces britibh columbia new zea laud new south wales and south a us tralm we would therefore urge that tho legie laturo of this province either amend the aflbeaameitt act eo as to reduce the aaaesa ment of approvements or that permission bo given tbo municipalities so to do facts about ontario ontario is tbo great agricultural bolt of north america ootarin lies 111 the heart of the or oat lake region ontario has a mild and healthful ohmate ontario iimh minora i bearing belt 1000 miles ion by 100 mi lea broad wife ho called whores my urn brella why h fa not raining john nor aro thero any indications of a shower i kuow u but tho bun is fairly bcorchln altogether to hot to walk two b looks to tbo office will u it tho protection of an umbrella a couple of houra im it r be was flitting on the crowded bcatherleb watching a gtme of bafoball aud for two houra ho was bathed in a flood of sunsluno that sent tho thormomenfrr up to loo ontario gold deposits aro of remarkable richness ontario has a rub vancdand produce tivo soil ontario is pro emtuatoly au agricultural pro virion ontario has an average produotion of crops greater than any btate in the union ntanohasthebeatgeneral collection of livo block in america ontario ban tho beet duiry system in america outario produces apples pears plums cherries grapes and peaches ontario has a complete system ot rail wajh aud oauats ontario has a law abiding progressive population ontario has a perfect njstcm of public schools ontario haa the largobt population of any provinco in cauada ontario haa the best agrioultural college in america ontario haa vast limber resources ontario haa a department of agriculture in touch with the farmers ontario haa tho most cxtcnbivo pystcm of farmers institutes in america ontario haa over a doon bpeoial aasoola iioup live stock dairying fruit growing eto ontario has available woll equipped farms with all improvements ontario 1ms availnblo alpo free grai t landu a hard featured man dressed in a new suit of very cheap btuck culled id iho boubo of a well known eeg mm mid upon giving his name was invited to take a eeat jn tho gentlemans sudy 1 i have a few dayn to spend in tho tow n said tho visitpr aud i did not want to leave without culling and paying my rea peats to you i have hoard you preiich mary a time yoa said tho pursoo beginning to take an interest in the visitor hboyotir preaching aud though i do not belong to youp church yet i must suy that you preach the beat fern on i ever heard j yea eald tho parson there uro sovory few good preacbers now eo very few in whoso uprightness we qan place trtftit that whon wo meet ono of the right kind wo like to express our appreciation yes the good man repeated and as a boll tinkled he arobe and said come my friend and take home luoob wuh me tho visitor was only too happy aud seated at tho table bejan to eat with an aviditv that attracted his host a attention you bay that you bave hoard mo preach mauy a time remarked the minister oh yes the roan replied conveying an ample allowance ot washed potatoes into his mouth i don t remember ever havin beon you at my chiuroh i supposo you heard me in the courffry no aaid the visitor hetpiut himself to bean- not in tho country certainly not in town well sortor yes aud borur not y u know you preached in tbo penitentiary for some time i wua in thero fur kiealuik v horeo and cart and tin it he 1 my time tojay thank jou for tho bread b cowing to morhow startling sweet meats iu unlau 1 it used to bo customary for boys to celebrate the 5th of november guy fakea day by exploliug fire crackers rockets and piuwhmla in a bphool uot fur from loudon not many yours ago 00 the lihof november one of tho boys hai purchased u parcel of thoae explosives and taking them to tohoul on his way homeward wub been by the muater to put them into iiib debk now tome of the boys bad been in the hahit of getting sweet meats in j iat such pircele and pais ing l hem around in euhool houra iho iu water aeeiul ilim parcel jumpid to tho conolusiou that tho boy had swrot meuta so and to tho muster cm ho irujho bo tuko that purcel an 1 throw it into the firet pleabe bir- tho boy bean uccord ing to the requirod formula of tho school no please bir about itl thunndercd the master do as i bid you 1 ijut air theyre silence put that pa 1 eel 111 tho are i tell you 1 then the boy obeyed ho went to the opcll fireplace atlbe end of tho room and threw in the parcel taking caroto with draw quickly iu a moment more the whole bchool thought that ouy fuwkes and the gun powder plot had come in truth the crackers went off m a fusillade rockets whirled about the room and flrewneoa coming out of the grate travelled about the floor hissing and spluttering the master bid beblud hia desk in terror fortunately nothing was eet on fire the school was dismissed the amoko had been cleared out somewhat by the oppuiug of the doors andwindows after tho explosions had tnded and the master sayingnothiug more about it to any one rural life mr w e gladbtone england t great statesman says i believe it is a good general rulo to allow each person to judge for himself what his pursuits should be and whither he bhall follow them but at the sumo time 1 earnestly desire the main tenanco and increuso ot tho rural pop u la tlon ot this country and i rejoice in all pursuits that tend toward that increase it ia a blessed thing to live in tbo eye of nature and in the clear light of day 1 great from the foul rivers and the riiaases of smoke aud the darkness that overhangs many of our great towns and to enjoy tho sceuery that is around us tho light and the air god hue given ua juat in the way he gave them it will be all the better for this country tho more we can maintain and increase tho rural population of tho land it is to bo regretted that young people who live on tho farms and in tho villages of america do not appreciate the advantage they enjoy ua do mr gladstone aud hosts ot others who havo beon brought iu contact with tho diaidvantagos aa well us advantages of city lift mauy must move from tho country to the cities for the cities good but thousands now iit the cities wouldiiave boen happiqr and better off had they remained in tho country young people should seriously con hi dor the question before they decide to iravu their coautry homos- and hte vwiwve- chruttaa advocate results of a year ofrthe cash system a ear of the cash system in the sub acription department ot tho belt eomoa to a oloso with this isauo of the paper wo arol hproug convinced that the plan o itopping evorv paper when tho timo paid for expires is moat aatlsfootory to eubaorib er aa woll as publisher it haa been a close year for money and ve have not pnuted quite bo muuy belt during 1801 on the cash aystem as we did on the credit ayalem of lbofi including extra copies for aamptflb our editions havo avoraged a little overlboo each issue the past year as against 4415 copies per issue in ltiw but the 4800 odd with overy single aub scriplion paid is more satisfactory than the former yoara aubbofiptton and we shall enter the year 1607 with several hundred more biibscriberb than we bad a jear be fore our ainoere thanks aro due to aub aoribera for their co operation in helping to place the belt on a cash babia in return we think they will bear witness that tho belt for 1800 was fur superior to the bell rr lbiti our word for it again the paper will be bettor next year than ever dunkirk n y orapr llrlt humors pimples bulla aro very annoy ing they quiokly dieappewr when tho blood is purified by hoods saroapanlla iij a co in i n f to boo hm to iiioirow vliat do you atii poho bo will tm i tanoio 1 ho lnoko 1 ut mu htriiiifwly whan ho bl 1 mu c jodliy oatui inj i ui awfully mirvouh un 1 hbnlcy and thero a not tliu iu mt reason wli r a a bliamo to ho ijuitu hud a u ihy whoii ouo la ao dhoti aa i ho says ho la toiiihij to morrow thoro h nothing at all utraufjo in th it for iiaiiyu fhp tiiuo ho hus been hun and wo vobart i jolly joo 1 clint jloa odinjnfe luaateina to nioiraw what of it idlikohliii to toll in auro ha can coma when hu ploihta or never wjpul i suit 1110 as wall to morrow ho b comliir to morrow aliflfiivashurobiio day 1110 r i never did aaouol a fallow v what nils him la uioro than 1 know i mquro i cannot hnajno what ijb he 8 so anxious to aay but ho a coining 19 aup tnoto morrow i wish ho wtiro comiiif to day imihih l daiuio in housoltoopor the fast young man in the maroh lad m iodic jam nul edward w bok writes of tho fuat young man and i bo duties of fathura to ihoir daugh tcrs in placing him where ira belongs and warning thorn numst him mr bok be iiuves that if it in suul of u niun that ho has soeu the world in other word ia fast there n inatuntly u aliilulur glumotir about him in the eyea of young irls url as good aud pure aa were over created lhero is a scent of dangr about such jx mau und thore ure jirl for whom danger evod of this sort haa a eingulur fascination tho girlb know that those men ure bid but ho luilg as they respect me and tnut mo ub a ludy wnero b the hi m 1 snb tho young worn mi when flho ia culled to account for her company as a matter of faot the exact things which a muii doea to earn the reputation of bein fttbt are neither known noc dreamed of by the gula for whom ui ch a reputnlloii hat tbu el 11 nour tho trouble lies in iho fact mint our lit1h uro brought up under a sstem win oh heeitutea to call a apude by us rnjit nura- wo ure afrjid of offending or of shocking ccrtmu fancied sensibilities wharcaa in reuhty we make the greater mistuko of making diumondb out of sp tides and mvinf our girlh a wrom idea of actual ihiup it in till very well to be tender in our rtlurd for tho feelings of our gula but tin ro ia a limit u point ut which discretion br comes a crime and thut point his been rendu rt when jirla aro ullowcd fo know uud uhaociuto with such men all unconscious of the tfungtr when every mjitctvu fttther or person with whom the duly may re- and portras htm in hm true liu t n will be better for our ejrlf it ib hieh time that eomo of them bhould know that the man who leads anything but a pure life bnja in evory mutanqo that experience at a dimtiut esonficd to himself and at a trcmcudouh coht to the girl who marries him tit for tat here is a charming httlu reference to canada in tho new york j mien speaking generally nobody exoep perhaps sir charles tuppcr who haa beon knighted for staying there will jivo 111 canada who ia able to iot out ot it the finest prospect a canadian ever soes is tho high road that leads to the united statoa saturday ifiyfu fittingly answers this impertinent paragrapher aa follows tho editor ot thu times has reached tbo conolusion that nobody of any account remains in canada because so many brainy cunacki go to the stateh anj em ploy yanks to new wood and draw water but the faot is that tho who tako tho high road that leads acroth tho bound ary line do bo because they are awaro that they will rank as giants among tho race of intellectual pigroiua to tho south of up here tlidy enjoy no pre eminence thero they enjoy pre eminence there thoy will tower aloft vutblo from afar throughout the union in every lino of profession canadians are nt tho front having their ehoeb blacked and their shirts washed by natives and fueor six million canuoki vre here at homctbuilding up a great nation with such speed as to cxcito the keenest envy of tho bombuhtia anarch quite aa true aa the item of tho ttmch an equal standard morals of i boliovo absolutely 111 an equal atau dard ot morals for men and women wrlteb i dward w bok in tho march i ad tea home journal replying to an inquirer nor 19 this an ideal condition becauao it doeb not now exist it ia not at all unlike ly that bucii equality will bt3 tho standard of tho future at all ovonlp for yournelf live a pure life ao that you may bj able to look every woman in tho face and hato tho greatest aalislaotion that oan como to a man thut when yoii marry yon can livo to the girl of ytrnr heart what you expect sho will bring to you moral purity it is the moat soli j of all foundation stoma ou which a man and a womtm can begin a life of perfect undoratundiug und im- pints- tjottntry press allt-around- ness tho country editor admith the ii stun journal has llih ndvutitulo over u oity paper that while hii publication cannot in the natnro ot tho caso soctiro so wido n cir culatiou evory copy thut is distributed haa a closer and moro attentive reading it btays 111 tho home at least until tho wn k i issue dipplarts it what wo may call ho all arounduess of the country presi u ono of its moat striking feature tbo elitor knows hia constituency the intelligence v fidelity aud capacity of tho men who con duot tho country pross merit cordial rtcoc mtion fast losing ground dealers and drugista who bundle and soil common package d11 for homo djoing uro finding out that they uro fiat iohidl ground aa biieiiieha nien v onoea woman is dccoiol uho noer ro turns to tho merchant thut ouuhlb htr iohb of tlmoaiid money tho dealers who fito tlieir oiulomers diamond dyes when djes aro iibkol for are the successful and tnihled huanican men iu every part of c inaila diamond dyea aro perfect in co or uud dyeing power the only djes thut cun war rant satisfaction every buyer hhoiild beo that the name diamond upptara off each pickngo handed to them hy a dealer

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