Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1897, p. 2

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u okk wilkok- in amiivili miol oil sun j ay mtinih llthtour iifiaiitl mm wilson ft bom mannmii kikiuiiiiiik on wednesday loth march to mr atiilmrti doifald maun a boh llutmnmu ciiiuii fijloh nu monday iftliiil murcli to mr nuil ru l s hutlhi a daughter hkattik at vermin on sniiday 3iat mmroh john iioattto clerk of wellington cooiity uud 70yoars viiiiumhlii6loiiwilhnti5on friday msrcu jutli lmrjbarau m williams hfjud 7a yoarb it inoiitlib lsdaytv ciuhiioisi atmaiuowood oii monday march hth johnnio bocoiid bou of mr alox chifl- holiu iigoiluyonti 1ahmouis at itockwood on saturday mlb murou hobt iflitnoro ioatmiibtor agod ikji yofirbapdj hiontliu mann in eiqaoslag oil friday march lotb jlbbiu mcdourb1i bofoved wife of donald mann noiiai yuars and 11 inontlie ewanat collinkwood on twuradivy lfith march juiiot morrison widow of the- tata gooryo eqau ot onkvlllo aged 7a years and7 niqutub mkucbiiat guoliti ou ifrway loth maroh otfurfto graimio worcorgovurnor of tbo gaol olduat eon of liio lato graomo mercor of mavlsuauk edinburgh scotland apod 70 v neighbo news news items supplied by corres pondents ant ex churchill v nots and comments tho hon g fi foafor upeaking a wakefield in vrlrht gourfty tho athpp ovembfl eatcj that the manitoba bchool question wao dead ftiid buried the government is preparing on alien labor bill tor consideration at tho session just opening it la almost identical it hb terma with that of tho united states alien fabor lawt the blipwiil bo pressed to a third readinflthissesflibu hon ij h davles speaking at aylmer qaeibbidthebad8twoaldbointroduced early inthe session and a tariff bill alao 1 that would redeem every pledge given by the liboralajeianti mated a reduction of the duties on iioods from great britain the statement ia pubhtihed that the powers havo accepted a propost made by the saltan that king george of greece bhuil occupy and administer the govern ment of crete turkey reserving her im- perial rights rn the island the cretan chiefs bave the bobemo for aotonffmy proposed by the powers declaring that nothing butftonexft lion to greece mill satisfy them it is said that the powers- are rapidly drifting apart in their poliolea of dealing with tho question tbe new order ffoverning departmental hours at ottawa- went into effect on hon day civil servant bad to bo in their- places at 9 in the and remain on duty until c oclock the palmy days when a man could reach bis office at 10 oclock in thtlnordtrifl and remain until 4 oclock with a brief intorraisbiou of two bourt for lunch are ended tho leottirp dolivored by rev jr forbes oninow zoitand iu tho ohuroh horowab much enjoyed mr forbes has had much oxporienoo in tho antinodoa pnd makea bia leoturoh highly interesting much valu able information was givon thflro is talk of tbo lecture being repeated iu aotou shortly tho friendscf mr vm swaokhamor aoton have been helping him jo movo to his farm at crewaons cornerb thi week preparations are how being made for buar making hbreuboutb the roads havo beenalmost irrpassable tho past week a flood at glenwjlliams nassagaweya mr jolin ferrler who ha been viaitiug fcienda in wiartoureturnodon saturday morning john isconaiderablo of a sports- man hs took bis ahot gun wilhim ana duriiik his stay of aweekshdtseyeu foxes oho of naaaftgawoyala old eettlera passed awayon wednobday ekiaroh 10b in the perbon of mrs aviii watabri abdtid yearb deoeased bad been ft cripplo for over thirty yeure 3urin whicti limb bho way never able to walk the oaubo of her death was la grippe and iuflainmatibn of tho lungs tho fuperal took place opfriday from her residence to the ebepezer cemetery the pall bearerb were messrs geo iasterbrook robt dredge job lester james markb john ramage george xoung tbp rev tbos amy preached the funeral ser mon- a larflo couoarse of friends followed tho remains to their last resting place the spring bird aro around again and onoemore we bear tliefr merry warble which makes tho farmers think of spring severa hooka of wild ree a ducks havo been seen flying in a northerly direc tion lately this is a sign spring is not very far away mr thos wilson lost a fine two-year- old heifer in a very strange manner the other day she was tied with a chain by the neck and got it fast and lying down oboked herself to death mr george barlow- moved ou tuesday labt from naeeagaweya to a farm in ra- moea near rook wood mr abner pickett is movipg to the farm which mr barlow left mrs john hume cf toonto ib vieitirig relatives and fr in nassagaweya jthe election of mr guite tho liberal candidate iu bonavonture labt week by a majority of aboatrooowab a bigoal victory aainbt clerical intimidation mr guite waa bked by bia bishop some time ago to sign a pledge to oppose the loorier-grebn- way settlement of the manitoba school question bnt refused to do bo thbbgh threatened with the condemnation of his churchy according to tho report of the tim ted states commissioner of labor tbe strikea in that country from 1881 to ibooinolusive loauaedajobb otwegebambnnting to 851- 814000 while tbe losses to employers ag gregated 83071oo00 the gaina to all interests from these troubles amounted bimply to 0 it is tablesliko these official ly doolaring actual leanlts that show why the workingroan ia gradually coming to regard btrikes as tho dnihticbf enginea ever deviaed for tho oppression of labor and the wasting of its earniuga ashgrove mr and mrsty ruddell and family of eramosa were the ruobtb of mr 6 k ruddell last week- mrs s warren of toronto ibviaitingin this vicinity mr w brownridge held a very ouocoaa- ful sale on wednesday of last weof it was well attended and fts he had first oubb stock articleb sold well tbe home of mrs murdoch on thurs day evening last was the scene of a very delightful time enjoyed by the offioera and membera or the aebgrovo sabbath bohool mr jambs mcdowell who baa been our very efficient bible class teacher for about seven years and php is about to move from this vicinity was made the recipient of two handsome parlor chairs and the following addresb to ma aud btau j ah mcdowell dtjinplijetifa aa tbo tiosboth of a boclal arid r cha that h bound ua bo happily together for quite serious damage and business at a stand8tll inthla busy place jot for a quartar of a cantury has such a dlbabtrous flood been known at cilun- willianib fromtho swolling of iho credit rivor as during tho past fow duys excite ment was hiilh on sunday and monday wliuu tho ilood wuh catibin serious damngo to proporty and wuh ihroateiiiiih extonaivo depredalion tlio recent riiiun and mild wouther hroko up the ice on tho river crodit vory sudden ly this caaaed a muaaivo jam just below tho village causing tho river to overflow tilomuiu street waa aruahiuy torrent for twoduyp and debris df all kinds floated along thoetreets sotno ho u hen were half alloc with water tho- inhabitants having vacatod them and depending on tho gener osity of their friende who arb fortuntito enough to dwell on moro elevated places two bridges havo beon avpt away and for a timq as the water kept riainj things looked serious indoed- a hqgeblqok ofloo- btruck abribk hvuao belbhging to mr a cooper- and knocked down one wall and completely detholialvod the frarrie kltbhen other leflad6a9trbib damages ardropdrted to dwelling bouse9 the damage rto waterpriviugcs iirb been oxtenaiyo sovorttl of the mill racesgave way monday afterwobn tbq loss to meaare sykea aiuley alone u estimated abbot- fllooo the rmiirboingfloodedwork is ataatand etilh the bnsinesa part of tho village was eub- merged n several feettf water for two days hundreds of outsiders visited the place and viewed with awe tho mountains of ice and volame of water- the flood js now rapidly subsiding limehouse mis annie robinaou who has boon rll for some time is very low itevtjrrw milne7 of manse wood modor- ator of toronto preflbytery preaohed in therpreabytoriau church sunday after- noon ho preached anniversary eermona at georgetown morning and ovening tho epiing freshet carried away a num ber of fences laat week the water rose so rapidly in the rear of john mcgills house last friday night that two pigs wero drowned iu their pon the young men who were reprimanded for disorderly conduct in ohuroh now go to georgetown for service on sunday even- mr wm grey and family left for the west on tuesday roukwood tbe governors speech in tho newfound land legislature announced a bom pie to rehabilitation of the colonys finances which would onabla tho government to restore tho edacation and road grants to the figures at which they stood before re- trenohment wasbegdd the approaching completion of the railway and furry to conneot with canada induced the government to believe it possible to secure a fast atlantic service and tenders would shortly be invited a measure would be induoed to prevent french fishermen from obtainiug bait on tho south coast a bill would also be in trod need to secure the services of a british jndgoiotry the direc tors of the commercialand union banks tho speech annoonoed a gratifyiog in- oroaao over last yearfl mining oporfttiona tbo averago fishery rovenno was far above tho estimate mgr tdorry del vil when interviewed in london on ma way to canada the other day exprefbed bia painful surprise that iho manitoba legislature had passed its bill giving effect to the settlement of the school qneation without waiting to hear from him as to the views or the pope it may be jubt sswell that this painful sur- pvise oamo to the papal ablegate ao early in hia trip for if ho imagines the govern ment of canada or tho governments of the province for a momout think of treating with him offloially lie is greatly mistaken no matter what he thinks the people of this country are thoroughly determined that the school question has been settled ami mntit flta settled without any inter- fereuco from anybody what he comes to canada to settle ia not any differences whiob exist between provjncebor between the provinces and thofederal gnvernment but the differeudflb batween the bishops of hia church andtbo laity under their charge toronto afar hewbottmzxax an epitome or the worlds dolnffs durlnar the- week parliament opens at ottawa to day the nova scotia provincial olooliona take place on april 20 the hamilton conference ol tbo metho dist church will meet in brantford in juno mre monteuli an old lady of stratford waa run over by a ranaway horse and bill cd on saturday the o t u will build a modern depot in berlin this year and work will bo com- m en cod about may lsl robert roseburg of brantford is suing n irctor who atlooded liim when ho broke hi lo for wotlo for malpractice two oases supposed to be leprpsy are under the supervision of tba winnlpojt health department both are foreigners mr richard hahord of welcome drovs into a stream onatnrday and waa carried drowned anl he number pfyoars wllllibou betovoredrbyymirromovalfcom amongst us wo wish in noma tanglblqway to show tho esteem in which you aro held bxjtboso of ua aaomblod bore ttpnlglit and also tho goodwill wo entertain to ward yon wo would tberofore ask you to accept from owr bauds these chain as only a alight token of tbo respoet in which you are held by us your attitude upon all questions which havp for their object tho uplifting or humanity has always motwitb our approval and wo can alwaya look hack upon t witb a considerable degree of pleasure tho many sacrifices you have mode slnco becoming our hi bio class teaohor have not paasod un noticed by up we trust that muoh good will result from the many lessons we havo loaraod while in tho discharge of yourdutios we fool safo in saying that tho good wishes of all present will follow you in whatever bnhoro of llfo your lot may bo cast siguod by tho membors of tbo lllblo claas and officers of tho ask grovd sunday school mr mcdowell replied with a very suit able address intimating that he bad been in the bohool for about twenty- three yeara having begun in tbe infant class after en joy fug musio and gamea the company disperaed in the wee email hours of the morning saturdays matt and empire contained an intoreating sketch of the hfo of alex nairn esq who was for bomany years identified with kookwoodv hibtory and progress- mr robert paamore postmaster here died on saturday at the ago of 00 yeara and threo months tho doceaaed was well known in tho locality and much esteemed his wellknown presence whtoh for half a century has been among ub will bo general ly missed the funeral on monday after- noon waa largely attended wmtaylor and john mokiy of era- mosa left on tubday for medicine hat nwt r a grand concert is to bo held in tho s s na 2 eramosa on friday evening save her life the narrow escape of a fer gus merchants daughter had been wonlf arid slokly from lhfanoyn6ithor doctor nor friends thought she would surr vlve dr williams pink pllla saved her ltfeadvloa to parents from tho fergus nowahocord mrt c m post fruit and confoctiouory dealer st and row st fergus laat week relatod to a representative of tho news ifeeortl tho bad eto y of the lerrihlo su flor ins bnd 8ickues of bis littio daughter ella his only cl ild now a strong and healthy little jriaienjof ten cure t of ago at thotimo of tho childs illuohs mr poat was a resident of hamilton lite story is aubitantially aa follows my dauuhtor had boon very dulioato from childhood un til ubout tlifeo years aaq aiid tho money it coit mo fur doctor a bills made mo poor as it was seldom ahb ynb without a dpotors bare and at timea we have had aa many as three dootora in attouddhco and hope of eaviog her deepaired of tlio dobtora sue- ceeded in keepingher alive butabo waa gradually growing worsourld we all thought blija- was going to d ouricegiilar phyal- oiaii bad given up hbpo of aavjng hoc lifo ahdreiriarjkod that if it were only warm weatheriit waa thon winter thoroniiht bo a chance but seven aummcrs had testing farm cropsi georgetown mr john erwin who went to toronto hospital to updergo an operation for appen dicitis has been treated successfully and is rapidly recovering mr w a7 fraier visited ottawa and montreal last week pr j g sutherland spent the latter part of last week in montreal mrs h h ogden of sarnia spent last week with her parents mr and mrs wm austen the most exciting event in this locality during tho past week has been the spring flood on the credit great damage has been done in some parts a largo number of our oitf ens went out to gleowilliams tosee the raging waters and to learn how trterrjieighbora were succeeding in their battle against the un controllable torrent the qppcr dam hab has bean badly damaged the red bridge was lifted from its foundation by the heavy drifting ice all the lowly ing parts of the village have been flooded and several families were removed with waggons and horaea the dam at th paper mil in and also tbe ons below at tho motor power have been considerably damaged the creeks running through georgetown havo been very high and the dam at the plaining mills was partly washed away at tbe north side tfae fields whiob were quite f roe from a now for several days showed the- wlntor wb to bn looking ffti a serious form of la grippe has brought trouble to a number of our citizens since the removal of tho cheap rates on saturday to toronto very few farmers and citizens patronize the saturday trains last friday was tbo fourth anniversary of tba induction of the rev l perrin b a as pastor of the presbyterian church in georgetown theevening waaobserved by a eoolal in whioha large number of the congregation joined during tbo pastorate of mr perrin bo has steadily advanced the various interests of the ohuroh he is highly appreciated and greatly beloved by bis own congregation and also by all the other debornluatiobf not only for his able palpitjninistratlons but also for his excellent social qualities and broad libaral spirit his careful attention to the sick among his flook haa wou for hi in n very dear place iu the hearts of many families especially during the last winter ou riabbatb apebial aermous suited to the occasion were preaohed by tho rev j w v millie b a of manse wood moderator of the presbytery of toronto large con- pway ilis horse was was rescned with ursat difficulty after gregaiious greeted the newly elected mod being in iho water about two hours oriarlo agricultural anct experl- mervtaj union cooperatlve experiments in agriculture upwards of 1000 varieties of farm crops have boon teated iu- tbe experimental department of- the ontario agricultural college guelpb within tbe paab eleven years and six hundred of them havo been grown for at loast five y oars in succession nearly all tho canadian sorts and several huudred now varieties imported by the experimental department from different parts of europe a4ia africa australia aud the united states have boon included in theso carefully conducted experiments some of the new varieties have done exceptionally well and havo already been distributed over outario through the medium of the experimental union with very gratifying reuttb the siberian oats mandscheuri barley herieon beard- edj3pring wheat and the clouds early yellow dent mammoth cuban wiscon sin jsarliest white dent and salzers north dakota varieties of corn wbioh are now becoming so popular in ontario were imported by the experimental deparlmonl and after being thoroughly tested were dis tributed in small quantities tbe present system of cooperative ex peri mental work in agriculture waa btarted in 1886 with 60 plots which were situated on twolvo different farms in ontario since that date however the work has inoreaaed from year to year and in 180g thore wore 11124 plots which wero situat ed on 2200 farma wo aroagain prepared to distribute material for cooperative ex- parimenta with fertilizera fodder crops roots graine grasses and clovers interested persons in ontario who wiah to join in the work may aolcot any one of the experiments for 1897 and inform the director at once of the oboloe made all material will be furnished entirely free ot charge to each applicaut but he will be ox pec tod to conduot tho teat according to the instructions sent with tho soed and to report tho results of hia tost as soon as possible aftor harvest list op experiments for 0897 1 toiling nltrato of sods superphosphate muriate of potash mixture and no manure with corn toatlng nltrato of soda supurphosphtte muriate of potash mixture and hrt man urn with- pabbedainoe her birth and ehrihad gradu ally grown feebler and jny jtilqjiasil thought it was juat a matter of time until the child would be oalled to a better home about this time dr williams pink pills woro prominently brooflbmtto our ubtioe through a euro they wrought in a neigh- borh bhild i thought i would give them a trial and bo informed the doctor but ho only laughed at tho idea of them helping her however i bought a box of tbe pink pills and began giving them to her half a p11v at a timo after a short treatment there waa each an improvement that neither hormotbernor i could doubt that dr williams pink pills were helping her and i decided to abandon the doctors ser vices altogether the pink pill treatment was continued and although the progress toward health and strength waa nooeaaaruy alow it was none the lesaccrtajn and it was continued until she ia us wall as yon aee her today and i am tbankfuf to bay ahe has had no oaaaiou for medipal treat ment since t am a atrongbeliever iu the effloaoy of dr williama pink pills for weak and dolioate children and i firmly believe it waa thib medicine that suved my child dr wiliiamb pink pilld are an all- roundyear medicine and are quite aa efficacious in the case of children aa in adults tbey restore to tbo blood its leak ing constituents and make itridh red and pure in this way they strengthen the system and drtvo out disease there are many cases like tho above in which this wonderful medicine baa restored health and strength aftor tho beat medical advico bad failed the genuine pink pilla aro bold in boxes tbo wrapper round whioh bears tho full trade mark dr williams tin ktiiisfbttair yeoplov there aro other pilla colored pink but they aro baae imitations offered ouly because they rive the dealer a greater profit they ebould al ways be refused cfoina sale we have matlo up our minds to go out of crockery china utc we have a stock of about 30110 and willing to take 560 for it you have a chanco hero you seldom got the follow ing are some of the goods 25 enamelled a lit dinner setts 400 fo800 60 toilet satis 7bc to 600 per uptt solid brass lamps 00 for 100 chihbisautt jars 60c to 76c for 20c hanging lamps complete 1 oo glass setts 6 pieces host goods 35c and 45c large a lass dishes 5c and 10 o each jfo room to enumerate come and see w6are tea sped tist0 tea pedlars jnust dijc they are charg ing you too much profjtv lye guarantee- jta seh you a tea at 25a pure ceylon or japan otmixedmeqiialpruetter than you have bcenpayibg 40c and 50c a pound for cnll and get a pound or drop a post card for samptc at once and save money millman co direct importers cuelph wall paper just arrived spring stock newest designs i stylish patterns from canadiarrand american manufacturers call and see our samples hotisecleaniiig time is near and we are prepared for it with a full line of such goods as brooms 150 and 26c s scrubbing brushes loc b8ot and stove brushes isc white wash brushes 20c silver polish 15c bottle furniture polish 10c bottle wash boards 15c and 20c j a full line of soaps at smallest prices if your barn or house needs shingling call jn and ex amine our shingles only 75c a bunch gfgoodeyeco next post office acton mop handles 10c lace from 50c to 1 i spot and artmuslins 10c yd ypor oilcloth 25 to 37 i c yd fable oilcloth 20c yd sapolio 10c pfwmq 1b9t leaders in cents furnishings having npw in stock the latest styles and colorings in american and english soft and stiff felt hats knockabout hats bicyde hats also a complete line of fine dress shjrts colored shirts latest styles in collars newest patterns and shapesincies a complete range of fine spring underwear suspend ers hosiery umbrellas etc we invite your attention call and inspect mr tboroab jynbh who lives pear oaolph bad nice bogs drowned mondny fflorpip ia about four foot of water iu their pen a t brown phm b druo store villi street acton acton steam -liaundry- geofeavoyfroplietpr itirstclabb work guaranteed in fmlly laundry worjc silrts collars cuffs etc j work oilled for every monday tbd thursday and delivered ever thoriday and saturday ceo peavoyr w1rejemcing bsstvapa- tbi brrrxmrrm nolna co ltd jrictoa onurlo cheap cheap cheap -these- fsnpings as weix as mcmullens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc are sold much lower this year than ever before they are the best ask your hardware merchant for them hshoreyco of montreal igaugols a totting six leading varieties of foddor corn 4 tirowlog throe logumlnoua crops for oroon fodder c growing throe mixtures of grain for croon fodder 0 testing four varieties of graaios for hay 7 totting four varieties of clovers for hay 8 teatlpg throe yariotles of utiokwboat p testing four varlo df spring wj 10 totting four varieties of barley h testing avo varlotlos of oats ja teatiug four varlptloa of peas 13 testing three varieties of ooani u testing ave varlotlos of carrots is testing five varieties of haugoli is testing four varietlm of turnip material for either no 1 or no 3 exper iment will be sent by expreu and for each of the others it will be forwarded by mall all fertilize rs and seeds will be gent in good tiros for spring seeding providing tba apphoatlona are received at an early date tbe lupply of material being limited those who apply first will be surest of obtaining tbe desired outfit it might be well for each applicant to makoa second choice for fear the first obuld not be granted particular varieties need not be mention ed an all the kinds to bo distributed are ibosowtiioh have done exceptionally well upon lhutr ial ptatit in tho hxporimentul deparimeut c a zavitz director agricultural college maroh 22nd 1807 era tor wantmdsevhnal faithful men on women to travel for rmponslhlo eaub- llshed house in ootarlo salary 780 payabl siff weekly and expenses ioaluon mirmanadt ileferenoe rnoloee selfsddroased staniped an- onvelopo tho national utar ilulldln chicago hftyo raised the standard of ready made clothing so that the best dressed people in canada are now wearing- their make every garment ia guaranteed to the fullest extent and will be taken- back if not up to the standard their bicycle suits and spring overcoats ore njl rlgby waterproofed which means they will keep out the wet but not the air all first clans dealers keep their goods ask for and see jthat you get ji shoreyfl make a e aunnirr op mill street acton seineiis tailoring thats what wo jiko to call the clnsa ot dresf making wo dp dont coniubcit with the ordinary dresb making this department is now open and is arain under the raanapomont of mihs ckoss- land who liasjubt returned lrora new york with the newest and brightest american ideas the class of work we do is distinctly diflorent from that done in other stores have you ever exam nod pur jvqijiiitjwill be a revelatioa to you it you have not thorough ia the word that expresses it we cant make everybodys drebses it we could we dont supr eoae we could get them to make although in all our experience we ave yet to team of ono person who has been disatisfied there must be some we have never met them while we cant make every bodys dreases we can make for the firstcomers our dressmaking with ono of tho finest stocks of dross goods in the province all the latest taste of the lion was brought to bear in the selection of this stock variety style and extent are important factors yes the most important in a dress goods stock but in these hard times the price feature is not to be lightly over- looked and wo commend to intending purchasers an inspection of the qualityvalues ot our goods j d williamson co vvyndham and macdonnell streets guelph glasgow house acton choice joirelties in is telling his watchmaker that his keep time watch does not wcllbow could il lic lime in ihe condition ibai it is in jlut the man says ho ha jinl had her fixed lthtjulii of guelphrwys that it makes n great dlflcrcnce in the running of n vvntch nnd in tho lastlngof it whether it hns been denned by ijootl mechanics or by some botch who perhnpa has just picked tip the business 1rlngle has been over thirty years steadily working at repairing watches and paya strict attention to every job that is done at his store livery article that is mended is critically examined by himself before it is allowed to leave if ypu have a watch that others have failed to make go well 1rlngle says he will fix it or yon and let you try it and if it does not rnn well your money will be returned spring 3dds now being placed in stock daily secure an early choice from our pretty range of dress goods jleta abertisimenlb dressmaking mibhnohlowlll rmilvu ordtira for drohhinivk iik atbor rphldoiico frndorlck htrut aoton m1kb sou 1 wanted rpuam o hound hornoft llvo to eix cnrn o 1 jl wcikiitiioo to yiop aiiplyto ukauumoiu co actoi wanted ahmehs hoop or other induatrloim xstt ons v otttit oductlou to whom sco a month would ha an iiiducomont i could also tntftro few ladiufl at thuir own hqiinih t h ijtnscott toronto out wanted hand glove cuttor kouo but nu ixj rri iencod iimil ncod ajiply addroii jz dbbormeauit co 206 st paul btroot montreal wantei olp csuhhahodwholoialohoubovanu one ortwohonoit and industrious ronroaeuta tivei forhlbiootiqd can pay abubtlor about fiaooa woek to atart with r ogeftwetaujtranttohd ost j hi jiwiitis expert watchmaker and jeweller haa oponod a repair shop iu rartof dr hal sttada drag store for a abort time watch and clock repairing at hklr prlcewatchoh cloanod fio coats mainsprings w coots all work guaranteed m your spare time en nomon to eodduct business at homo work u simple writing and copying lists of addresses received from local advertising to bo lorwardod to us dall no caovasslns no previous experience required but plain writers preferred permanent wojk to thoeecontcutto earn v6 or ihoretweeklyln sparatume apply lo wakben pud co london ont waited intelligent mon with good education who want to bettor their positions and would be content for a year with 960000 and eipense write us witb description add occupation and we will make a proposition for now or tbo fnturo also needed reliable men for australia write today for we are in a hurry tbh managklmoblchmoiidbt wosttorooto ont for sale that valuable property on thd cornor of guelpb and john streets m the villace of oebrgetowo at present occupied by j h jiaok son coniliting of betweon throe and four acres of land on which aro situated a brick dwelling benr and other outbuilding largo orchard o full particulars as to price and terms may be bad from h hspeir8 georgetown wanted canvassers jqueen victoria her life and reign has captured tbe british empire extra ordinary testimonials from the groat men send tor copy f roe macao b of jjorne says tbe best popular life of the q noon i have aoen her arajmtysendsaltlndlotiorof anprooiation belling by thousands gives enthusiastic satis faction coat a mint of money but large circu lation justifies low retail 0300 itota of historic illustrations largo book ovpr all 3x51x101 inobos lion and women of standing in the community making 415 to 010 a week ex clusive territory prospectus free to spent books on time the illtadlevgahretson co ltd toronto ont spring worky plowing teaming moving etc the undersigned is prepared to fill al orders for moving general teaming plow ing etc on short notice and at reasonable terms david mills- nb there are rumors that i amgoing farming this spring such is not the case the fjliifioijii store t f rockiacood new spring coods suitiucs rantings etc specials 4 py linen ohars ioc each ties all shapes yc each these are all new goods machine operators oh shirts and shirt waists beginners taught apply at once to the williams oreene rome co berlin ont henderson fe co kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisi wwwww w ww ww www ww j i ifatex jlj0q mile of practical testing not a single 1897 columhla hlcyclo was offered for sate unt 30 were prnctically tested these machines were picked at random each was ridden from 1500 to 10000 miles 100 miles a day mind you over tho roughest roid in connecticut not a sinole break in any part of the thirty not a single frame fork or bearing altered in its adjustment we know that gelarribia bigygles will give greater satisfaction in189 than ever before standard of the world 9100 to ou alike catalogue free from any columbia dealer 0 d pringle gnclph e qo sole agents r foltublpbl ald vicinity lour in the market j- kh robt noble the highext iricc for ivchbkt pbrs orts i3hhiey at the warehouse aoton station plour bbb shorts s66ds and all kinds of feed at aoton floor and feed store trv norval flour nfly i the best utre6t mills john gamerop arohiteot and contractor f uannmetnrer of 8uh boon frame mouwip inallitvim drxssino matchiko mad moulding to order on iliort notice wou ortcl tock on hanl at iiiees loiui the flmos john cameron proprietor wantedan idea s -p- kjws8w6oia

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