Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1897, p. 3

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u r bank of hamilton hisadoffiob hamilton lulltaliallj ulf lthbhuyr iond total asbkts board op j hn stuallt 3i250000 070uoo ebiuttiu direotora a g itamsay irualduiit vlco1roaitluiit jidn plloctoil gro lloach a tw00d a 13 lbb toronto wu giuhon ml tuknjujlii caattlor h b btfcjlhkn anut caahiur h m watbonl lubpoctor agencies hamilton uarton st dfc boat eud alliaton dorliucb unlay goorgotowu grluiuby ijlutownl luckuow milton mount forest orangovlllo owen bound port elgin bluicoo toronto wingliani british correspondents london national provincial iuuk of bug- fond utd american correspondents nh wvoincfbnrlu national dank and hanover natijnl bank boston intfisuatlou- altrustca buffalo marino hank chicago national bank of illinois aild union national rank detroit dotrolt national uauk kvnbas oirr national lauk of commoroo agents in montreal tbabtnk of toronto v the news at holtfe mostly of n local characfei and every item interesting aorgiston a0ency notes discounted and adyanaan mado on bait- able securities j ooliootlbub made and draft bought and bold on all accosilblu points incauadajunltedstatob great britain andtbecoutlnodtof europe upon ruoitfavprablo tonus savings department deposits of 81- and- upwards rocolvod and interest allowed from data of deposit to dato of withdraw special bepobns aladrooolvod at currant ratos of lhturete n m livingstone acont combs back combs dressing combs side combs fine combs circular combs hair brushes tooth brushes purses we carry the finest stock geohynds acton ont mljt xiatt jtr rm thubspay march 25 1b97 iiook at tbodato on the label on your papor and you will boo bow your subscrip tion stands bonow promptly it will confer a little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week how hn voue in chealey all is not biikjotli bailing in tho chebloy ouuuoil any nioro than it is in other couuoile but thoyhavoa most horoio way of not t ling their differences tlio other day two of tho counolllora who couldnt areo decided that they must llht it out tip they went into tho back yard and arryiahod capli oilier up in good ahapo luoknow sentinel gathering of young christinas uho quarterly meeting of tho young peopltb oooiotiob of tho various oburahes wul bo held in the methodius churob on monday evening 5th april the com mittee iiub arranged a very interesting projjrtininie and have also invited tho aocletioa in georetowiir eockwood oa- pringo bull naiad xiimehouae and tho brick churob to pirtioipato in the eorvioo ilnltonpcel bane ball league tho annual meeting of this league was beldit milton on monday oflioera ivero oleoted aa fphowa hqi1 prebdent w ianton milton proardont v barryv mihonv viaerfresvjamos sbtrpy lfanip- ton scotreae k j mcabb aoiorj the fpltpwing teamr have slgnifledl their intention of iiiiitiugwith- tho lehgne for the oomiok acasorj aoton bprungtbn milton oakyiliest ariha ai4 brfliuptoq sflnrfy the dray soruo dondi carter harvoy met with asrium loss in tho death of hie big dray horse sandy on monday afternoon he was takon with a on sunday night and when hhrownor visited the stable next morning he waa a offering intense agony tho animal was apeciallyadapted to tbe work of tbe dray and was a favorite on the streets with everybddy ho was a well- bred animal weighed- 17fi0 pounda and atood 17 hands 1 inch in height he was raisedbymr aler-8prowl- lino apdmr harvey has owned bimtfor three or four yom he jvaa valued at actons parliament tho heavy thaw floodfi cellars etc and causes ratepayers 0 complain pretty are polishing up their mud is prealdnt again spring seuma xcthave oorae cloae wheelmen oyolep wild goette havebeen flying over town the past week eijuinoxial gales wero moregentlo this year tlmn usual nearly two months of steady sleighing may bo said of ieoc7 the mill dama have been bovefoly tested the past few days a the i told you so man was on deqk during tuesday e suhw storm tba merchants are giving their store windows pretty spring rvspeotv col allan haaiavoredthojeiiek frtkhtt with copies of late chicago papers four or five inohes ofsnowfell daring the storm on tuesday afternoon and night a disabled engine west of aoton delay- d the morning train last friday foe about an hoar butter and epga aro selling this week at 1 2 to 14 cents butter baa an upward tendency tjjd sotne one make tho original remark that winter lingors io tho lap of spring yesterday the farmara who neglected to pot in their supply of ice before the 20th march will be bhort next summer mr jos t cripps has purchased tho charles cameron farm lot u2 con 1 ee quoting at a fair price the burlington record advocates a high school for that town and invites cor respondence on the subject winters mantle disappeared with wonderful rapidity the paatwoek but- waa as rapidly resumed on tuesday mr adam cook has disposed of his laundry to mr geo peavoy who will oon- a tiuue it with a com p tan t manager s tbe winter wheat has a fine fcesh appearance and is baid to haye come through the winters frost in good con dition mr john kennedy and mr albert- wiaks were ejected aldermen guelph to all vaoaooies in the council can sod by dis qualification on toobday some of the atone street crossings are hard to find the chairman of the street committee shoo id see that they are raised a oouple of inohea as boon aa possible m m 6rr snperiotendent of fruit treb spraying cxparimonta for tho depart- men of agriculture will bo jit milton on the 1st april to conduct spraying experi- raents tbe flrat quarterly review servioes of the year will be held in the various sun day foboole next sunday parents and friends will attend and enoourage tho teach ers and acbolari l mr wm bwaokbaromer has movoif this weak to bis farm at crenaona corners he will be missed in towo mr w williftms has leased mr bwaqkbammcrx residence i on tmill street mr henry townsend and family left on tuesday fnr their new home at balph- toirjj selkirk man their friends here unite in wishing them a safe journey and every suocess in tho west they have been good oitizens and obliging neighbors a lare company of friends from aoton and othorpoiotb wore eoteruined at the home of deputy besva stalker last thursday evenlog it is needless to say a oalightlql evoning was spent mr and mrs stalker are noted for tbe cordiality of of their hospitality contractor d d mann has returned from letbbrldge and maoledctrwhere be went on business connected with the crowa nest paaa railway it ia understood that he has engineers at work tanning lines for the formation on wjiwrmobaiea tutider in the event of oonilniqtlon bgiug prooeedoj with montreal trwle jlevicw muy enjoyable sfelghing psrlies have been held the past winter the last of tbe season drove 10 the home of mr isaaa snyder last friday evening it was 00m- 1 posed of nearly a core of acton youbg folks tho weather was not- propitious but the welcome accorded was most hearty and every participant appreciated the iflort of mr snyder and family to ensnro them a happy evening 9185 but bis owner would nothavo parted with him for that money the home circle sadly broken inexpressably sad and painful ia the losbjyhep tho mother of a newborn babo gives her life as a tribute to the auvent of the little bue sooh are the circnmalftncoa bnrroanding the death a mrs donald mann which occurred t ine borne of her husband last friday tbo home ia lonely tbo sorrowing husband feelskeobly his loss and the little babo will ever miss a motliora lovin care and training mrs mapa waain her tbirtyfonrth year she waa the daughter of mr hugh madougall and waa taken a bride to tho home on tho third lino about eight yearn ago much sympathy jb felt for the boreaved family the funeral laat saturday waa very largely attended reva h a macpherson and o g lsngtord m- a cond noted the service news of onr churches rov father iisbmunn who supplied ibo vacancy at 6t josephs church laet sum mer daring the trip ofrav father haley to england ia again id oharge he oon- dnqtedthqboryiqeb aat tho bad roads- hindered rov sir jjtngfjrd from reaching town on sunday itov w bryors occupied his pulpit in tho biplibt churob the baptist young peoples- union have completed arrangoments for holding a conoert on friday apr 0th instead of apr 2nd aa previously fixed a apsaial oollootion in aid of the foreign mission fnnd in reflponpfl to tho appeal of the oommittoe was taken io knox church last sunday a memorial servloe relating to tho late mrs donald maun will be held in knox church next sabbalh at 380 oclook rev o g lingford m a will be aociated with tbe pastor in the service tho bucday school will bo held at 230 council irvet in regular hosaloir on mon day evautng at hlrf pm roovo nielilin mid councillor arnold were ubflent j winvbrown aecoiidej by w e smith that w ii dnny tuko tba ohair ourriod minutes of last muuling wero road aud couflrmod tbo financo committeo prasontod their third report rooommoudtug payment of acoounta ab follows itico lowl it son llconiouu auiipuoa 3lj 20 jolm evaim flromnii oxpoubuu to torouto ij win wordati urouiun oxponsoa to torouto j as 1 61970 moved by wm brown hooondodby w e smith that tho third roport of the finauoo committeoas road ba adopted carried v a committeo from tho fire brigade waited on thocbuncil to requesttbem to have an oleotrio gong fof a tiro signal put up in aorne suitable pluooiu tbo east end or tho towd movent by win brown accondod by w e smith thattbo tender of jatiea fe moprbv 850 00 for gong and futurob be accept ed car rieds vmr hugli fijann petitioned tho cquuoil for abtreetlarnp tobe put up near his plaoe tbfeo or fpur taxpayers wero present oorftplaining of blooked drains which cortiaed the water to flood cellars wajke etc tbo chairman of tho streets and walks committee promised to tyvo tho matter prompt attention tho cullectorb rjll for tbo paul year year waa returned ooly 811 wa rdportod as uncollected movodby wttraifrt wm brown that the comingjlnd going vlaltdra to and from aoton and varloueother personal notes seconded by oolleotora roll bo received nndadoptodaud that the colleotor be releasod from further duties in connec tion therewith carried council then adjourned crewsons corners the sudden thawing of the snow caused tho heaviest spring freshet that hue been farmers iuatltutc banquet- tho officers apd directors of haltou farmerd institute banqnettcd the new county council at- tbe bennett house milton- labt week president j l warren occupied tho chair after partaking of a atmptaous repast tbe following toasts were introducod and responded to her majesty the queen and tho povernor gen eral halton county council by warden hutahcon dr robertson geo andrew and h p lawson halton farmers institute by j l warren president john dickin w f fisher our volunteers major goodwillie and capt grant the agrionl- tural association alex waldie dr web ster and wm clements the horticultu ral industry geo e fieber dairyicg w g pettit henry robertson -tbo- presa r white after dinner tin direc tors transacted some buamesa in connec tion with tho inatitntoamong other things the annual excursion to the model farm was advanced a stage small bat lateretrtlng spring oommoncod according to the almando on sunday there b as been a livoly irado sap pails and bpiles tbia week the boys aro telling each othe therell be trobt ashing in five weeks a year ago last satorday tho big snow blockade- on tbe railways was brokeo it will bo remembered we had no mail for three days messrs millmau co guolph who do one of tho largest trades in the woat have decided io go but- of their crockery bubiucab and uro selling out at half price you aro invited to call and see them one of tho most influential and thor oughly op to date newapapera in eastern ontario is tho renfrew mercury it is published by messrs smallfleld son who are practical newspaper men and printers tbe mercury gets all the news of its section eefclyandu eopin lonen ponettr rfldtqaea tlons aro true to the beat interest of the public typographical it is mobt attrac- tlve anowdresjjta last week this of coarse gives it a harjdsome appear ance and is a great pleasue to the enter prising publishers dividends guaranteed do velopemen t-work-oiihha-pfopertieot- tho ethel group gold mining company on murphy creek near rossi and is sbow- idg snob good results as depth of shafts is attained that the management baadeolded to path tbo good work forward more vigor ously and in order to purohate the most improved machinery and plant the com pany are now offering for sale by tender a epeoitl issue of preferred stock and tbe present shareholders have made arrange ments with tho toronto finanoia cor poration with wbom securities have been deposited whereby dividends at the rate of ten per ceut psr annum are guaranteed on tho ptirclihse price of these preferred shares for a period of five years from dato of allotment tenders will be reoeived ujp to the 20th april nexrfor flocks of 25 harejandapwardslherrilnrrnamprioebein 75 cents per share on the par valae of f 100 per share applicatldb forms and proipeo- tus can be had at tbe offloe of the toronto financial corporation 80 king bv east or at the company ofaoer columbia avenue rossland b c and 81 adelaide st east toronto keen lu theab parts in yoara sleighing baa disappeared and we now hoar the pleasant rattlo of wheela a sleighing- party of the youth and beuuty of this placo and naasbgaweya met at tbo homo of mr a kiugebury eden millfl last wednesday riigbt- thiay epout a very enjoyable time iu gamoa and other amusements the host and hostess did all in their power to entertain them and the pleased faces of ibedcpartin guests aa in the weobmu oorayout tho twal ttiey bade a reluctant roodbye proved hownminenily succesbftil they hud beon miss lottie cunn cave 11 birthday party on friday evening to hor many friends here the evening was very enjoyably spent miss canu was tho recipient of a number of beautiful prescnta from her many friends aleigliload ofmranumrar friends from aoton spent last wednesday evening very pleasantly willi them at their home bore mr wm swackhammor of acton has purchased tho david mooro farm of 04 acre the prico paid waa slooo mr swaokbammer ia moving on to his farm this week mrbwatmldlwho was heriouhlyjlh ia recovering mr w lamb who was confined to tho hoase with au attaakof the grip is around again mr wm graya balp paebed off very successfully last wednesday meflbrowm and john coleman ppent a day or so this week with friends in hamilton mr b mclean of harden haa engaged with mc wm gray for tho sumrnor mr mcleans many friends hero will bo pleas od tosee him in those partb agaip mr r damper who ia attending tbe northern business college at owen sound ia home for a week on tick leave mr wm crippa iu tends closing his chopping mill for the season two weeks from today miss m crowson who has been visitiug friends in arthur and lutbor for two weeks returned home laat week tbo fokic iuxsalavltosauitaraadcrstocon lributo to tbls column if you or your frlqda ilrcf golug away on a holiday trip or if you have momls visiting you drop a card to the fueb 1hebs mr thomas mcclure left last week for buffalol y miao e- froeland has removed from berlin to barrio mr andmrd mokeo of hillsburg wero guests of relatives hero last week mr l u matibews spent a week in toronto returning home on friday mrs rev h a maapharson was in hamilton last week visiting ber sister mr john tjren of medina was the guoal of hie eon dr j f uren this week miss jamieson r midland was a guest at knox church manse during tbo week mrs p mcgtcgor of toronto was the guoat of aoujn friends several days last week y v mr arthur pearson lofton mondfay for hartneyi man where he will join his brother mrs fred stewart otelfrids i a spend- ing u few weeks at her fathers borne mr iaaoo soydor v d henderson m p left laat evening lot ottawa to be present at the opening qf tho session today mr and mrii robert hyde who have been at springfleld6ntbecredit einoo december have returned home mrs james matthews returned last- week from toronto where she bad spent a month with her daughter mrs pc maddook miss emma m moore who has been professionally engaged at clifford for several weeks made a bhort visit to her home here this week v7- ftt severest trial and testtprove in regard to hoods sarsapsrlha v 1st greatest merit bccurcj by a pocullnr comlilna- tlon rroporllon and process unknown tp otliors which naturatirmdmreatiriiroarujoj od greatest cures i shown br thousand of lioiiojt vohmwry icsthnonlnls which ysturolly and actually produce jjm greatest sales acorjllbe to tlio ntntcments o druggist nil over tho comilry ill tlicnn threo points loolj u btriaimrllto l peculiar to itsell meiit company owning and developing six splendia rdsslavid properties with a tunneproposition cutting through every ledge ori the whole six properties hood pilisudffim of rossland b c limited liability f7 the niew year must bo made pven larger than tho old qno at the fixamlnationaatguelpb collegiato iubtitute last week m d niokfln and ada and maggie fyfe took good etand- ing iti the fourth class in grammar mr john symou went to chicago last week on a business trip press goods another step in tho direoiion of municipal ownership has beon taken iu liverpool where tho corporation has purchased the horses vehicles and goodwill of tbo united tramways omnibus co willie tbo nlno year old son of jamoa little woston with a numborof other boys wsb bitting on one of tho abutraentsof the bridge across the hnmbor river at woston sunday evening when ho fell into tho flood and waa drowned in materials 42 to 4 inches wide in fnncy mottled small checks fancy over- shots plain serges twill effects light boucles 20 25 30 35 and 40c in almost infinite variety are shot tweeds napped tweeds shot silk and wool effects ombrn shadings lovely- silk and wool mottles small check and stripes large fancy- plaids in silk and wool at 50 60 65 70 75 and 85c in gorgeous array nearly all in silks and wools are submarine lffecis moonlight shadings ombra crepons moire bind ings silk and wool poplins rainbow effects eccentric stripes and mottles at 9sc7vi3s ijprr75ondi spring seeds cauliflower tomato cabbage celery etc grass seeds all kinds choice recleaned timo- triyvverytfineand-cleanr- ked alsike mammoth luaerne and grimsonclover red top kentucky blue and orchard grasses ftfiat prices away down come and see our seed catalogue now ready geo j thorp seedsman guelph ont bbttbh jhbn euer all qrooer in bulk w antbt-8evianlfaitilfur- men on women tti travum9inkpoiiilblu ustwb- lshed house lp ontario balary tm itayahl a 19 weekly and oxiwnios ioluou mruioasnt xefaninoe rnolohe ralfadtlteuiea ntatniol uiivoloitu jlio national hltfr llnllillng uhlcai shipments of fabrics from british ger man and french looms received during the past days have filled our dress- goods department it is not vain glory to say for tho fact yvillbe patent to every one who comes to see that our aggregation of beautiful dress materials is the choicest that we have ever shown and we think- the best in every respect that will be shown in the city a our buying s from the best sources nnd on the most advantageous basis our range is wide and comprehensive and in order to still increase a very large business wchavcni a tkedprjce5 closer ancl p smaller than we ever did before every lady in justice to herself should see our dress goods coods todd this before stock taking prices must limes suit thq- hard we are going io make an effort to clear 300 window shades will prices do t cloth shades 3x6 35c clothshade lace 55c wall paperat half price chas l nelles city bookstore guelph authorized capital 1500000 snares treasury stock 35000t shares par value oneollapsh hea offlollpbbiand b t mlnesnorth ofrosblmdheai of mnrphy creek e b collins butcher dfaairph to lliank hlu tiumproub onbtoiuflrs for thtlr litiiirhl patroitaro hiuca lia commenced buuioetis lat taiiimry and hopps that bv careful nd oourteoiib attention to lilvrlt a continuance their custom a complete aaaorttoout of flrtolarb beef mutton lamb pork fresh and suit hams sanaageg poultry lard 4o in bcaoon trlcob nlwaya as low as consistent wltu tlio bast quality rrouit dollvory iut atock wanted e ii collins a change of business having bought the tailor ing establishment lately carr ried on by mn h strasser i hope by strict attention to busiriess71oshare acontinu ance of your support i shall put into stock choice suit- higsj pantings and over- coatlllijs ready for the spring trade blhck goods grand values fn- plain drillints plain sicilians fancy brocades plain serges crppe effects wool crepona afmirres henriettas at 35 45 55 65 and 75c very rich goods in mohairs and silk and wool fabrics are crepons granite cloths serges broches jacquardar priest leys armures drapdete crepes mala lasses failles at 85c si r25 9150 173 2 15250 and 8295 bioehc taffetas striped taffetas shot taffetas e r bollert dt co 25 arid 27 wyndham btreat ooelph ont evh schlimme late of waterloo acton morth looking after 125 pairs girls arid womens lace mm sfioes 11 sizes 12 13 i 2 3 4567 the price is about ofle half gap suitable for sppfng heavy boles toe pointedr specials this week at moores 8tapte and fancy groceries vinegar 25c a gal 4 cans pumpkin 25c 1 can peaches 22c 1 can peas 16c kfeslftedcakcs 10c pet- lb tetles teas 10 cents pay for yonr nam on baodnnu nailing oi fltamtm taken addrasa housk lmseraol ont buoilful hiudbn hau oahdj ic idveir uietni caaetwiih uamadv ordarj card internal ootr cred jear patent k0d01 and dal sear galmntled tow- era and vvfleela tliebeau0alp ideal bpray putrtp iron pomw water tankrtlplntf etc the ideal rowor mill with boiler and ball bearings ha wonder bena for olroulan- tub mapls leaf anavait rcsluunt antlmanager li l clark rif ros9lnndlfjv vigcircsident and treasurer fyfe aclon 6rtl secretary pevoin rossnnd solicitor for b c j l g abbott rossland solicitor for ontario lyon lindsay toronto directors and promoters as pec prospeclus depository bank of montreal guarantors thl toronto financial corporation m o q o e 3- toronto offlce34 adelaide street east d d this is a development company organized for the purpose of buying selling arrrlt developing mining properties in british columbia and is at present engaged in active work on six fullsized claims viz ethel noj ada l iron king no 4 blue bell no 1 and all in one block and situated at the head of murphy creek in close proximity to the yellowstone group arid heather bell the ethel group properties are vell mineraljzed andfrom another shaft 23 feet assays 7oo to i3 per ton in gold whieli compares most favorably with the assays of ore from the richest mines in the kossland district- orettken from a shaft 15 feet in the thel no workis now in s co d 0 i at the same stage being pushed rapidly contracts for another 100 feet have been recently let requiring their completion by the end of may at which time more extensive work will follow development work can be carried on at a minimum of expense the northern end of the property befng nearly 1000 feet higher than the spiithern end makes it suitable foroperating by tunnel saving the expense of hoisting and pumping plants its proximity to the trail smeller with agood roadway directly to it and the verynearadvent of a railway the preliminary survey of which passes through the ether group will place it on a working basis excelled by nonein the camp t capitalization being only 825000000 per claim and the rich indications of the ore together with carelul and practical management should ensure the utmost confidence in the future earnings uf thiscompany 1 the operation of the mines will be under the supervision of c w smith an experienced mining tnglneer from cripple creek colorado and the greatest possible results may bejtnlictpatcd while the management feel assured that pay ore will be reached within a few months they do not overlook the fact that during the first few years of development the expense of procuring the most approved machinery and appliances sinking shafts and incidenal work may prevent a company from paying dividends withregularity the present shareholders have therefore made arrangements with the toronto linancial corporlion with whom securities have been deposited whereby that corporation has guaranteed he payment of dividends or interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum payable hair yearly lor the next five years on the allotted price of this special issue of stock the script for which has this guarantee endorsed ihereon this issue of stock is offered to the public with the view of providing increased development which will be pushed forward asrapidly as possible consistent with judicious and expert management thus assuring to the purchasers of this slock that the savings of the mines will enable the management to continue paying permanent dividends tenders for these preferred shares are hereby called and will be received at the office of the said toronto financial corporation no 86 east king streetjrdronlo canada up to three oclock pm on i nesday the 201b day of april 1807 in lots of 25 shared and upwards the minimum price being 75c per share a deposit of 25 per cent to accompany each tender to assure bonafides prospectus maps and form of tender can be had at the offices of 0 h d s q co 3v o v theethel group goti toin goi limited rossland and toronto tti surprise follows surprise gbreat ameiatton a a a a a a a a a a a a j a a ivaaiaaaaaakavaaavaaaalia wehhme mhdeprogress earned prosperity and now possess the power to spread genuine bargains broadcast we find our prernisesaretoo small for the extensivebusiness weare doing andintend en larging them and before commencing operations we are going to make a great clearing sale just arrived 200 pieces of the latest patterns in crumes english prints also a fine selectionof the latest importations of the season in ladies fine imported costumes t4riia4r our terms are cash noreduced goo4ssent out on approvtildurjiig ihlssatak trimmings to match the latest novelties of the season we have got to make a great slaughter preparatory to our alteration in premises the new and uptodate goods this sale will start saturday march 6th and will continue 14 days tffitgvanc and american hats cnps-etc- just arrived special space will not permit us to juole prices and we cannot bring our bargains i you they are loo numerous you must come to them and you will not be disappointed as till is a great money saving sale to you fine highclass tailoring in this de- i oeilts pumishings partment great reductions will be given we rtiake a speciality of this you can during the sale we havejust opened out always get the latest and best here a fine selection of the best imported suit- ings consisting of scotch english and i irish spring oaercoatings trouserings i etc remember these are nil new the ready to wear clothing in boys ouths latest jmporlallons of the season in english and mens a great retluction in these an unequalled opportunity to secure the newest and latest uptodate goods a almost your own prices come early while the stock is unbroken 50c now will purchase as much as sjuoo elsewhere during this great sale i during the sale nnd a large assorted stuck to select from gibson millkr co r b blo t in st georoetown every day wfll bo bargain day here without a doubt fruit ornamental trees 7q a shrubs nodes uimbs rn0 seen potkto6s wbbave the urrmt nworunont and employ kite very uteti and moat improved oda for propasatloa all stock tarefblly kite very latest and moat improved metu mist lupei vartetlae tested at our trial farms before beiiib pael noder our personftl sudepulon and all x ked now tlah of bpcdlal detlan ball utanosi for flu lw man easy grinds maiidfast oar la foot ideal power iii will ran it satlsfaa- ir thimsbyallodln bert orludormadf oatalogned those are thaonly testing orobards eonuected with any nursery in tlie donilnlon agents wanted to represent us bneelal attention given to parte cemourr anil boblevard orderii hstlmatmi furiilabsd for ilng entire orchards ny buy of foreign oonaems or of mlonlemvn oa can purenaee m cheaply from us and hello there stewart covstook of gents furriishings amounting to 3oon bought at 360 oil the tlutisday mornins marcb 18th at stewarts old stand colltrn iml culta slnrtii get oyr sti valae isoanadlan ftrownatidaccllmatod uatalogne english or french free on applica tion stone wellington fonthlll nurseries toronto ont tho luaihnu canadian trto uou a ulnushlcr sale of hats and cup necktie umbrellas c will commence no roam to quote prices come early and get hargnins ni stewart cos oki siancl eliul r e neljson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph ifltiytajrr iifaliritvtitiitotififcit i isl w4iilrf nhijliigfeaj ft ttsntfvr ibfajft3iifaaftilyaifl

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