Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1897, p. 1

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rv volume xxir no actojsf ontario thubsday april 1 1897 price three cemh ww qttaii ttt press ib puunankd every thursday morning jlt the free press s team printing olllro street a- aoton ont tkiima oisouaciition olw dollar per yoar strictly hi advance all aubaariitlous discon tinued wbou tliu time for which tboy have beou paid bos expired tho da to to which every ubsorliitldu la paid is denoted ou tho nddrose label advbiitibinci kates trtra slant advertise ment 10 aants por nonparoil iijiu for first in sertion 3 conta per uuo for each subsequent lueortiod contaiotlutbbtho following table- ahows dur rates for tho insertion of ad vortla omenta for jtpoolflodpqrjodb j- a aisnap in siteetmusic fopuloppxloeb full size qood paper old fashioned prioe 3oo40aand 50c days low prioe 5o any ten pieofis 26o -thb- traders bank of space winches loiriohos fflnoba- lindh fvyn sjto- i jojtp 5000 8500 2000 600 aoo7tjioo 3000 jaoa- ufio 700 aoo 960 ltoo wabliliifttou roat march by boiifa liberty holl march by bounu high school cadotaijysoubo manhattan hoach march by bousa darkles dream iw lnubinr hon ton oavotto boolatydituco datioiug in tho ham scuottlaclto liftatna on parade march hy korrv mills lovo cornea hko a spmmer blglj waltz by bpouaor erinctbhljonhio waluea bv sponsor xalo boclwy two- slop by vaun barr r in the lcadthb frvorltg two stop by when tliogirl ynulovqla mauymitcu away soiirijv hodppun i tjovoyou ir tnoqthors doiltvsong by j hlandfohu v ben holt for vocond piano tho favorite knglshlallad authorized capital paid lip capital and surplus r assets over 1 000000 785000 6300000 jjortrn an evening mjtfv advortlaamonta without unoclflo dlroaubris will bo loaorud tin forbid and charged accord ingly tramlout advertlioidoiito munt be paid i aaverusomonts will bo changed bnoojaoh month- if desired for cbaingos oftonor than onoo amonth tho composition mubt bo paid for at reguhu rates obangei for ooatractadvortlaoraonta- must bo n tho office by noon ontuoadaya hpmoore editor and proprietor uusnuss sirettorp medical j f uren m dr cm office aod residence corner mill 4 frederick bt roots acton as elliott m k md acton 1 gb4duate tokokto univbubity offioemain street third door eouth of proabyterlan cburob acton veterinary jsuroeon a lfbed e husband v s graduate of tho ontario voter nary college honorary uieuibor of tho votorlnury medical booioty opfick wm husbanda lot 34 1 oon jnraa ftgawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental t l bennett ldb dentist xj qkonoetown ontabio dr f 8 mercer duntiar graduate of toronto university and ii cd s offlco over prug store acton visitino days tujha day and fjudat dav78 bookstore gmjlph day sells i cheanf vvqwovsmqim ammofiia h fok toilet bath arid laundry invaluable for toilet 1urposes splendid cleansing preparation for the hnir makes hard water soft removes stajns nnd grease spots froniclp thing washes itannels and other woollen goods restores the color to carpets cleanses woodwork plate and jewellery fried 25c a pint bottle mbell dds lds tentiht honon qltaouate of toilonto univejifllty work mado satisfactory prlcoa moderate vihitinu dayhtueaday and friday of each wtol legal m clean mclean brrlslorasolialtora notaries convoyancors sco private funds to loan offloo town hall acton wm a m j a moleam dougltas murray baiihlbtebo somoitohb notabies etc oftiobb 1208 quoen bt parkdalo victoria chambers 81 victoria st tolophono 297 tonohto johndooolab a g munnat a j mackinnon bannibtejl bomcitolt convevakceil 6fhcecorner mill and main street above kopmans atoro aoton t r g mitheson s 3 d moleod amustbiu bollcirons conveyanoens qoorgotown and milton monov to loan at lowobt rates j mcnapb ulerk fourth dlvtalon court county of hal- oo convoyancor aboot flroadd life abqranco itoal kstato agout blonoy to loan otc owice porryiuauaulook aoton 0nt miscellanso vs h enby gbi8t ottawa canada solicitor ofratonu for invontlon oto prolro anpllcatlona for tho-eanadladrmor- icauand europoan patont offloos aud for tbo llebutratlon or trado marks bond for iiarn- tihret tblrtvtwo voars oxporlonco e ibanois nunan bookdinded ie ou ovor william store ad bobu ferlodlcalsofotorydosorlptlonoarofallybound ttullnfinoat promptlvdopo m abbiaoe licenses h 1 moobe lenlipn oh mannlaqe licknbeh private odin no witnosscs roqulrod issued rosldeno in tbo ovonlnb froo trots offloo aoton aoton machine and repair shops henky obindell pmprlotor abe woli oqulppsd with all tlio maohinory noowiary tooionto all ropalrs to maohln- r and aarloulturol lmplomonts and to do all kinds o trtnttlnr liorsoshoolngand noral hlaoksmlthlnb woodwork repairs norfprniort lnasastaotorymannor w ean rspalr any nmhlso or implsmont of any make baw unmliigua ailnndono wellington mututj fire insurance company ebtabubitsd 180 tjisuka p 0 rfr x ooulfatlnloauons f orwardod te my di ubx m8 or tolophono 08 will bo promptly at tended to j0hn tayl0b ag quolpli w m hemstbeet imjkmntlratetioii kor tbo counties of welllnoton and jlalton orders loft t tho pneb pmi oooe aoton or it ml roildonoe in aoton will be promptly t- toudedlo koes reduced to 600 fob fabii salkb also money to loan on iho roost favoroblo sumsand at the lowest rates of interest in umsofwoand pwsxds acton saw mills and wood yards j757wses bromn manufactuiteu and dkalbri im jjmbor inli jflluttlvs wooil iifo all kinds of wood in stook and promptly doliyerod to auy part of tho town at roasonitblo prloob hardwood anil slabs ont stovo louath always on band n tolcpliono commuolcatlop cuelph brancb 3 sumaof 9v arid upward racaived srondqnositandfdrcntvinterebt paid rcampoandod biilfcyerrlyl deriobu bgcolptb iabucd or largo same deposited v advaobba matle io fspbnslblo fhrmcrj- on their own bameh no charfjo made for collecting sales notes if payable in gublph a general bnnkint buairess transaolcd a f ii jones manager you are thinking and plan ning about a bicycle of course you want the best ialu for the least money weddins presents up to dhte frames pictures artists supplies fancy goods good value waters bros st georges square qtjelph j h hamilton dealer 1 marble and granite hamiltons block quelph having on hand a large quantity of sootoh norway swedish and russian grrnite rtnrhrrordcrtorlispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i wi sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and willnllowiallexpcnses to customcri to nhd from our works john h hamilton the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your attention to tbo fact tbatwo arc prepared to supply you with lumber of suitable length for your baru doors viz 10 12 18 or 14 feet also sash doors frames r mouldings etc for building storm doors put up at as low a rate as possible pxjjwips nepair your pumps or put in new ones boforo it is too oold w can do it shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace manager main street planinc mills acton oliiy john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of hash doors frames moulding in all styles nifaba to order on short notlee woll assorted stock on band at prices tosul the times john cameron proprietor guelph business college aki shorthand institute ouelpb ont hulfjtioil facilities for tlioroopli and nraetleal coiirnoi of 8tud ilookkeplfl hhortliaud and tynewrltlna coaraoi a ipeofauy oradnaiea rmnltf to iotluon fali hbhhionh ooinmenooi bt lit wrltofor elroulors suari pfa weve thoroughly uptodate wheels both ladies and gentlemens all latest im provements and fully guaran teed at 70 60 50 and 40 othersll ask you 85 75 65 and 55 this 15 saving is worth considering of course these are cash prices couldnt sell at any such figures on time sup- pose you write or call no trouble to show wheels j m bond co hardware guelphj b bbtvtrlsh- phing uit1ngs our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and ave would respectfully suggest an early selection prices right also styles shaw turner merchant tailors quelph thev i jnstinson store 1 rookwood new spring cood8 suivings pan tings etc specials a ply linen collars 10c each ties all shapes 7c each these are all new goods merethan half your life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot 8hoe store mill street acton e b collins butdher doalrea to tliauk litn numerous eustoinotb for their liberal patron aflo sinoo ho eomnieneea bnalnen last janunry and hopon that by careful and qourtooue attoution to merit a coutluuanco of their custom a oomploto asiortmont of fl rutclam beof mutton lamb fork fresh and gait hams sausages poultry lard o in neaaon irioes always as low as oonalatont with tho heat quality prompt delivery fat stock wanted ji it collinh uramy pailkinrioh hlowly tho aun dtbconda jp the won torn oky ti10 tthodowa loufjor grjw tho breezon dlo n homoward ou willing wlpus tlio birds uow 11 kornlgbiiisnigli and hood will draw her veil oor earth and sky tuoiiwltllo tho world hon still and trios to a loop 1- whlloalltfiolaiidlswrapt ih shadow deop wafciitvlth thy waiting opofl and thoso wboiwoop i- do tlioq lordrtkoep aiideiiard from dangortuobo who fail asleep ad if wo wako tonoq auotherdayi- glvostlo tbynoododholp qo all tho way wb tliobwtjo work for thoa- aitd iyltb thobpbtay who waurforthay xjoak for thy preiouoo all thtycary day t boon will opr day of life draw to an und and thickly rouud its oloso the bhados descend r homeward throughgathering gloom tired spirits weud oh watchful friend guide gtnird keep us to tbo very end torontoout dutfamilqtabin the reward of qe wo orrjan r oh gemini is this a boaj lot mo eeo him again ha i find a beau ia no each ugly thing neither yberidan tho tirl loaned both her baudaon the limeriokotyrhandpaiiitedi losing house fable and looked op xvith laughter and mock adimrftliuu 11 hur oabt her lover who oaine and stood bufore her but tho man lookod down at hor iu oager petding urauttt darling how can you talk iu that way uow how can i why with a pretty grace i hope ureulu cried tho man dont have that mood it hurth mc it maddenbmo to wuate our minutes bo oh my durliiil hav6 you no sentiinout in you 3eutiment nho began lightly but hor word trailed oil into a sob bertie thonjan caught lier bunda quiokly what darling she dropped hor hoad on hid broaat and horbreanpcame faat you have thought me unaontimeutul matteroffaot even hard yt s juhta littlt bit hard over since ybtr4iret know me whdo were ao so otherwime ho hold her tightly to him and waited but and it was biio who spoke pab- aionately now i waa only acting bortio only ahowing you a eurface heart and now now you are going away and for so long i am aentimeut ailly aentimctltal i only yon ttnew i did not ehow iti dont knowrt waa any i suppose i thought yon would not care for it that you would langh at me oh ursula ursula 1 boexolaimed i believe yon would laugh now if you knew how ridiculous i am how much i lovo yoo and uow i have brokon down you havo made mo break dowu i oan never unsay my confeaaion i have humbled myaelf i have laid biro my heart urdula my own i why did you never confess berore i laugh at you i oh my darling i have hungered to aay euoh worde tho eyes of tho girl wore loveatecpud and hor laabea wet and alio raised her head and looked up at the man all this paatear you havo made pie happier than i ever dared hope to be bhe whispered trflmbiingtliohappiobt woman in tho wholo world i think and the man bent and preened his lips to here but i- want to make yoa btill hapnjor he baid passionately i want to take you from all tho care and drudgery to have you all to myself to gaard chcriah you never to part ob it only i had money 1 this waiting waiting ia awful and tho hope eo smatl the reward am i really email and blow eho asked softly ho laughed back at her not you nearest but thiit gotting ontand tance it all seems 0 endless even now i am holding you only to part from you to go back to the grind and worse than all ia the knowledge that you are alao drudging and i cannot prevent it aa there must be waiting doar i am glad ot the work to fill my time and with a bofl blush i shall be saving for my trousseau dont ursula dont go hoarding your bhiuinga anddonyingyourself sumo day i will mako my pile and you shall walk in bilkattiro and well leave the work the troulilo end the care and go off a-wander- ing in italy and greece and algiers and every plaoo weve evor sot our hearts on the hollow eounding clock upon the painted marble piece struck ave metallic strokes j five oclock already this ia awful i fpr a wholo year or longer say it again ursula that you loye roe i love you bortie ahe sold slowly andjnite solemnly i love you- ithink i would die for you quite willingly darling darling for a long year ho caught her up to him in 1 passionate embrace hie hps met hers again and again the he turned qu and wenttoard- sbe wont to her room and packed her box to go agoverneaing on tho nmrrow and after o whilu nho went to bed and there sie luy with vi id eyed and watchrd tho mosumght on the win low and her heart folt widowo 1 hopolobh and would not bo oheerod the door thero will bo the letters she said in a voice which slrnvo to bo steady aud cheer ful for hia white hopeless face hurt her heart anl then he was gone j ob printing including hooks iamphluu rotlorslt hoad circulars o ac uxuouto in best stylo of thy art at moderate prices and short rotlco apply or address ii p moobk pnaa pnrss oiil 1 1 aoto wantudhevrraij faitnrcl mkn ou weftnon to travol for reaponatble eatab- llahed bouse in ontario halary 7h0 payable a15 weokty and eiicnaes loaltion ptirmancnt keferenoo rnolomi selfaddrciwid tniiirwlii- euvotoili tlio nulionat htnr iluilillii jlitoafjo throe hours later the man sat at a cheery little dinner in london a littlo farewell meal with a few old college friends after which ho went on board his steamer and walkoa the deck in the starlight with a pipe for oonsolatloii as ho thought of the poor and lonely pirl he had left and longed for money to hiing him his desire and so abaorbing were these thoughts that th pipe went oat and still he paoed to and fro unheeding until at last his elbow being jogged acoijttitly he came back to the near present again and taking tho cold pipo from his hps tapped it out on tho rail then while the ashes were yet floating down to the waters he went below to his berth and slfpt soundly and the girl ursulla sewed and sewed all iho evening by the light of tho plieap oil lamp and nmilod stifly with her lipn and tried not to drprcas her mother and then your lettorftara ao friendly dearoat ao abominably friendly they vortly borvo my heart oli why am i not rich- enoqgh to throw up thib drudgery and come home to you and hold yoa in my arma again and make yob bay yoa love nio i- have ibgo ovpr our parlitig agnin to make jxiy- selt betfeye that at you said i then is rcdtly true write mo areailovo next timoydarhngtohelpme bear up the irlti choeka wore flushed and her eyea held happiness as ahebati by the- aokpolrpom tuhiovifch tho piled up work basket neglected before hor and road tho words again nd again and the days aud tho weekaand the m6ntbaahethe years pasgeel orand tlio pilo of foyo letters that camo tirtbe girl grow iu bulk sometimes they are des pondent jjpmotimeb cheerful sotnetimos hurried aomotimes tender and eomotimea tho treasured apaoo was overful of new friends and strange places but the letters never failed to come and tlio man never failodto long for tlio rlohea which opuld bring him to the girpaoide and make life happy for them and the girl longed and longa that ahe might meet her lover if only for a day that they might look into each others face and renewed hope might etort afresh borne eyuio told her thnt love waa fleoting a question merely of propinquity but that oynio had not meant to bruiso the girltj endearing hoirt basidoa the cynicism was not always true for this girls love waa us strong bs evoratroiiger why ahoujld nottho niaha be the same he waa bettor equipped for qghtlng doubts and oartj but the wultlng was bitterly long- at last whon eiilnratioorai beepminf a hibit there cm no a bhouk thock of joy just a buaiuem niatier jt rtiut ropentauce to liiy amount of nye hundred a year from an otirneat wliilo uuforgivjng uncle but five hundred piuncu a yoar to a littlo governea- to a waiting lover it was oostaoy the tohoolroom waa hb a paradisa thut mornini the voicp of tho children bh angeu eungh fur tho waiting iho drudgory the anxiety were over blis lay within a blue envelope joy waa iu- bcribed in straight lines of copper plate caligraphyi- but the girlnttored no-word- of huppinohb it beemed too wonderful aud ahe wanted to realize it and think a deed- of gift an anonymous deed of rift that wouidbe thathingtho girl decided she would not keep one peony of it back there bcembd eomothibg calcu lating and mercenary in betting aaido part for herself besides it would be all the bamo in the end a deed or gift of five hundred pound a year tobertie it was worth all the waiting and the pain and the work thia waa her reward so the girl carried out her etc rot plana with a light heart aud a happy brow aud the joyful mebaage went acrosb tho uea to the man in the copper plate oaligraphy of the lawyers clerk while the girl horaatf in the wilfulneea of near bliaa sent over the sea bibo a scrappy little letter the moat matteroffaot she had over bent cheerful and friendly telling of outside pleasures aud daily trifles of a littlo pionib in the wood and a village concert a little letter that would bring bank loving remonstranoo in tho midst of the tale opkood fortune and whioh would be a joke against her afterward when the happy secret waa known to tho full and bhe anoiled ai ahe sealed and aent it on it way and then ahe waited there were four and twenty dayb of tbo waiting and tho girl never forgut t hem- never quite lived down the btraiu ot the painful joy the raptureoua anguish aa ahe pictured her lovers pleasure and endured all thiltninut 8which werebouridtpjia38 before bhe would receive a sign whatwill ho bay will it be wonder will it be only happiness will it be himself 7 at laat it oamethe urstlsign o her sacrifloe it was a letter rather short beoatibe wiitten in a hnrry by 0 busy man andthegirlwsbaua to r ten- miuutea whioh wore heie before morning losaona f unhula tblhlottor will bo only a scrap im afraid but i know lbat you will for- ftlve that and i will inako up next time truth t6 toll i am dreadfullv proasod for tjmo lvo hod a littlo windfall left mo la rather an odd way and ive aocoptort it homo ono baa takun a fanoy to mo i suppose you can understand that cant you ho 1 am gohig off on a good long tour to aeo all tho plaooa lvo wanted ao long to ceo italy qroooe and i dont know whero olao its jolly to havo some monoy at last rather a largo party of ub are going tho oleesous tlio mother aud daughter ive written about bometimea and some frlenda of theirs i know fairly well so i oxnoct wa shall enjoy ouraolves 80 glad you are having such a good mine my clear ploulcs aud concerts are pleasures which soldom oomo my way i will write again as booh as i can but am uncertain whon aud wboro wo bait yourf lu liaato heiitie a ultra windmill anrt i have accepted it i tho womaui hmba shook and berfacn became awful sb she read then biio shivered aud then tho children camo in to loasons qne more letter orosod the soa from tho woman to tho man on hia wanderings the word vgoodbye waa written across a bare sheet of paper and the man con sidered that he had been unoivily troated and he felt very borry for himself bat 7l never looked on the womans face again iheailiyjajajeajtudqu world laughed at tho comedy ot it but the woman failed to see the humor and it waa the tragedy which at tho back of liavoyo3 in all tho long y ars till hho died the sketch sankeys new sacred song evangelist ira i sun key the singer and composer has written a now eaored bong for tho april ltulinc unc journal he has given it tho tillo of the beautiful hills and jutiidura it superior to his famous ninety an 1 niii- mr sankoy wrote it with the eapeoial view of ita ap propriateness for outdoor oh oral singing for oampmeetings au other religious and ee mi religious galhoringp the obedient doll a little girl was over hi rd talking to her doll whose arm had com off exposing the sawdust staffing you dear good obed- iout dolly i i knew i had rbld yoa to cliow your food flue bat i didnt think you would chew it to ann as that- american kitchen naifikhw facts about a watch open your watch and look at the little wheel aprings and nqrown each an indie- eneable part of he wholo wonderful maohine nblico wjjobuny littlo balance wheel aa it flies to aud fro uucoaelngly dny and night year in and yoar but thib wonderful litllo masliino is tbo rebult of hundreds of years of study aod experiment th tyatch carried by tho average man id composed of ninetytiifht pieces and ita manufacture embraoe- more than 2000 digtinot and separate operations some of tuemajleavaorewbare so minute that the pnaidedeyo oarjot distinguish 4hem from steel filings or speoks ofr dirt under a powortul maguif jing jiafjb a jieffeot sorow 1b revealed tno ln head jt two onethousdudths ofam inohwide itiakes sos 000 of these screws to weigh apoarid ad4ift- poiiod jjs worth 1685- tho iidir- pprlngjo a strip of the fitieot bteel about hiqoaud ouehalf inches long one one hiitidredtli of an inch wide aud twenty- seven teu thousandths of an inch thick it is coiled up in ftpical form and linely torn pereci tho process of tempering- these apringa wuo long held uh a arcret by tlio few foriuuato ouea posseshin it ahd eveu now ia hot generallyjihown their manu facture requires great skill isnd cart the atrip ia guaged to twenty onethousandths of an inob but no measuring instrument haa yet been dovlaed capable of flue enough gaugragiodeternrine befproband biza of tho strip what the leugth of tho tiniahed strip will bo a twenty one- thousandth part of an inch dilturetice in the thickness of the btrip inakoa a differ ence in the runuiug of a watch ot about six miuutesian hour the valueof theao springs when fininhed aud paoed4u watohes ii ouormoua in pro portion to the matorfal from which thoy are made acompirldou will give a good idea a ton of steel made up into hair- bpripgp when in watches u worth moro thuu twelve and ouehalf timea the value of the same w tig lit in pure gold hair- spriug wire weighe onojwentieth of a grain to tbo inoh one mltuof wire weighs letta than halfapound the balance gives five vibrations every second 300 every minute 18000 every boar 432000 every day 157060000 every year at each vibration it rotates about ono and one fourth times whioh makes 107100000 revolutions every year iu order that wo may better understand iho btupondous amount of labor performed by theao worke let ua make a fow compari- joub-iitko-iorjliuairuqnjljocomqtlve- with six foot driving wlieou let its wheels be run until they have given the eame number of revolutions that a watch doea in one year and ihey will have cover od a d equal to twentyeight coin olete oircuita of the earth all iihb a watch doea without other attention than winding once pvery twentyfour hours some famous bells i mother eartiihliovhecleaning mis candid opinion tbo most ordinary facts may bo prosent- ed in euoh a light as to be scarcely recog nizable and thuh presented they are likely to occasion highly original and unexpected comments a prominent physician of thiaoity says tho washington star owns a farm iu new england and whenever he geta tired of his fashionable patients he goes there puts onhia oldestclothes lays iu a stock of corncob pipet and rusticates ono day last summer he waa jbguiug laily along a oountry road iu a riokoty old cart drawn by a borae almost aa riokoty a country man walking on the aamo road asked for a lift aud the two fell into conversation who are you workjn for asked the countryman oh im working- for dr j down there answered the physician whatdoin oh went on the doctor i do every thing for him i i take care of him you know idresabim and feed him and i even wash his faco and put him to bed i do everything he neods done howjmjich doyou get lac it laaiodthe native my board and plothes an yoa do all that for him wash him un dress him au feed htm an all that yeb the countryman looked at tho doctor a moment in sllenoe then t leaucd ovor lhow betlandpatoolem nlyx well of alltho fools i ever flee i that was all he said prizhskor two inventorst one for a bicycle brake and the other for a monkey wrench a highly interesting competition bev t ween a largo number of new inventors has just been decided by a very distinguished board of awards and a handsome cash prize and aolid gold modal awarded aa the rebult of the decision for some time the patent firm of john wodderburn a co of washington d c have given a mouth- ly reward of 150 to the inventor who bhould submit tho beat invention from the standpoint of simplicity novelty and utility the board jf awarda composed of senator william stewart of nevada chairman representative claude a swanaon of virginia mr john c eck- loff cashier ot the second national bank of washington andmaesra a 0 moaea ot w b mosess soob aud froderiok e woodward ot woodward lothrop two of tho leading merchants ot tho capital city this bpard haa just selected the prize wiunejuthbimntimlarjioipatedin hy- inventors who submitted their devices during tlie mouth of january the prize of ftlgo goes to william taylor of kearny n j tho inventor of a bicycle brako of bin pie construction and the gold medal to theodora o thomas of laniarque texas for a monkey wrench of novel doaign preliminary work marjorio is five years old with sharp eyes for eoeiug whatever goes on and a bright way of describing it afterward in hor somewhat limited vocabulary the other day her father was taken ill sudden ly and a strange doctor waa called in it chanced that the medical man had an im pedimeut in hia speech and he moment marjorio heard hliu talk hiio was allaten 1 ion for it was tho llrst time she had ever met with a parson who stuttered after tho departnro of the doctor marjorie who had thought it all out in her own mind made even her sick father laugh by saying that doctor couldnt remember the words he waa going to aay so he talked a liulo whilu btforu h said them tbo heaviest bell ever maje in tho unite states was tho alarm bell formerly in the city hall in now yor it weigh ed 23000 pound in 1867 it waa broken and looabt in smaller fircbella tbo most celebrated boll in tho united states is that known aa the liberty bell in philadelphia itwus imported from england in 1752 c racked by a trial strole and racast in philadelphia by iaao norria on the fpurthof july 1770 thiabt-ll- unnonnoed the signing of the doclarajion of independeuoe it waa again craoked whio being rung in honor of henty clays vioimophiiadlphiavuhdalivc6tthvivhab been ou exhibition in indepudeirce uall it bears tlm following ibcriptiou tabou from loviribu8 twedtytifth chapter teuih vejse fpro6ioim liberty tlirotighoutthe landuntp all thu inhabitants thereof on the largest of the three vbellarlaced jby edward iii in tbe little sanctuary westminster are these words v king kdward moilo motblrti tliouaatid weight and three- take mo down and woy mo aud nioru you shall find inu on a bell ih durham cathedral ib in- acrilkitl to call tbo folks tooburoh in tluio i cbimc wbou mirth and ploasuros outhe whig i ring and wbou tlio body leaves tlio eoul i toll on a boll at liploy staffordshire eug- land 1 will bouudaud robomid to tbco 0 lord to call thy people to tby wowll in meivodu church mtiutgoiueryahire i to the church tbo living call and to tbo grave do nummou el tho following motto may still bo seen on aome of the bells that have awuug in their steuples for centurien uoiiadoalh i toll by dooulknell liglitolng and tbuhderj broak nflundcr hejcnvinceb them some timo ngo a number of choice spirits were enjoying a littlp supper in a certain northern town whvn the cloth had been removol and the uaua toasts houorcd some ono t-ug- godted a eoug the efforts of the first geutlemau who volunteered to oblige the company met with such a hearty reception that others 1 were iuduced to aing in the end it was discovered that every one hud contributed lo the evenings enjoy ment with the exception of the medicul gentleman who occupied the vicechair come come dr x said the chair man wo oanqot allow you to escape- thedoxrtorproteatodtbathecould notr fling as a mutter of faot heexpuinedmy voice is altogether unmudiod and resemb les the bound caused by the act of rubbing a brick along the pauels of a door tho company laughed aud attributed this to the doctors modesty good fling- eruhe was reminded always needed a lot of pressing very well geutlemou aaid the doctor risiugto hib feet if you can b it i will sing long before ho had finished hia audienoe was uneasy ttbvnwilltngtltiuor tiaif faithfully described hie voice there was a painful silence usthedootor sat down broken at length by the voioa of a braw scot at the far end of the table man ho exclaimed your sinijius no up to much but your veracitys just awful 1 yoro richt aboot that brick i anin 1auh hac1k tbo spring was late and mother isarth did sadly fuuio and fuen and fnit and to tbo littlo vernal inoiitlui sho criud aloud in angry put come comu ye inutbty uluupy buud what moana thaso luzy loitering wiiyn btill llngortng in nurau wlntura lip when tlb tho yoarn boubocluunhik ilajk up mob tor marcli ami wield yourlirooin your stoutest broom of htliruat breiio to swoop olf februarys tnibws iaikj mako tlio sapspln thriiugu tbo hoch ybiixprll now inusihhowur ami wnsii tlio wfiid qui tii clean my woo carutaucir aviiilu maycuts out miss violota frocl pbrsheti the llowtota owudrossiiiakor- vlipw7whltied marohuii adre affrigiit ooodbyo i go- awl off did scam por to blow and brush liexuat afar while aprils tears madaall thiugi diuupiir toon may faabloiiod loir koaos gowni aud curled the gallant irlncosfuathor and mothbrrearth upou tbeuvboauiod for twaaiat laat idoalapriug weathor mining an dj5ivtall investors tliero ia no doubt that cauadari minos sre iiumorous and valuable tlmt rfurihg thu next lifty years tho quantity of gold and hilver tukoti from them will he very ureat mid tnut ninny men will bcdmiao of their mining invonimutuh heoomu vtry rich there uro exceedingly uluablo mines indifferent p-irth- of british colum bia in northern and eastern ontario and in noyascotin they havu been waiting a lq and proprietors now these havo arrived tho boom is op and canada is contributing at an increamrik rate lo tlio hum total of the worlds wealth but at the bums time tho utmial quota of rognen ban appeared locations which aro not mines arid neverrvtill be are being capitalized by incorporated cominiet a the htuck bsing fold to the iunoraut ones tho bmallinvetitorri the small inventor ia always with up he goes to the ruco- takts n 20 to 1 allot and loe tit drawa his money ont of tho chartered bunk where jipih getting three undahalf percnf and puts it into the privalebank or uivea it to the big man of tho neighborhood and loses it- lie iuvoaiahis few hundreds in mining stooks at tu cents a share a 10 to 1 ahot and ho will iojo them the men who have none to roasland or- rut portage and have seen the minci havo bought widely andwell they will when the returub commence 10 cpmc in be found to have atcured a prohtablo investment tho men who havo officered jointstock compauiea and received free uf chargo 10000 ahares out of tho million which tho the scotch womans bank notes a poor old widow living in jthe scottish highlands was oallcd upon one day by a gentleman who bad beard that bhe wai in need the old lady complained ot her con dition and remarked that her son waa in australia and doing well but does he do nothing to help you inquired tho visitor no nothing was the reply he writes me regularly once a mouth but only bends me a little picture with his letter tuo gentleman asked to bee one of the pictures that she had received and found each one oftuenv tobe a- draftforteu pound this is the condition of mxny of gods children ne has given ua many exceed ing great and preoioua promises which we either are ignorant of or fail to appropri ate many of them beem to bo pretty pictures of an ideal peace and rest bat are not appropriated as practical helps ia dailylife aodnottineofthese prbmisea- is more negeleoted than the aaburance of balvatiou an open bible places them within reach of all and wo mty appropri ate the blessing whioh such a knowledge brings d wight l moody excuses for not going to church overslept myself could not dretfb iu time loo cold 00 hot too windy too dubty too wet too damp too sunny too cloudy dont feel disposed no other llroe to myself put my pipers to rights letters to write to my friends moan to take a walk goiug to take a ride tied to business six days in the wok no fresh air baton sundays j cant breatlie iu church always so full feel a little feverish feel a little chilly feel very lazy expect oorn- pany to dinner got a headache intend nursing myself today now bonnet not come home wasut shaved in time dont like on organ dont like singing without music makesmo nervous the spirit will ing but the ilebh weak dislike an extem porary sermon it is too frothy cant bear a written sermon too prosy nobody to day but our minister cant always listen in ulfl mm prftrher donlli stran cant keep awake when at church fell as leep laat time i was thero shant riek it again a sunday school lesson now many apples did adam and eve eat some say eve ft and adam 2 atot- nl of 10 only now wo figure the thing differently eve 8 and adam 8 alao total 10 we think tho above figures entirely wrong if evo 8 and adam 82 certainly the total would be 00 scientific men however on the strength of the thoory that tho antediluvians were ajace of giants reason something like this evo 81 aud adam 82 a total of 103 wrong again what could be clearer than if evo 81 and adam 812 the total was 8ju i believe the following to be the correct solution eve 814 adam adam 8121 evetotal 8028 still another calculation is as fol lows if eve 814 adam adam 81242 oblige eve total 82000 one hundred dosesoue dollar is peculiar to and true only of hoods sarnapariua it ia economy lo buy iloodv company has ishuel and then turned round aud sold thut 10000 at 13 ceutb a share will bo- found to have rondo profit able speculation but the man nd tho woman who havo btayed at homo and read the daily pvpera hiobo moat tuifote of nil guidea and havo invohted fifty dolluib here and fifty there to them will come tho cruel awakening tho shares in good com panies are worth ten cents apiece butthey are foldom offered at thut the politioiuna are buy with the grind ing of their own axes tho highbrowed blnnbloodnd cit bnwy with society a titles and victorian orders and in dian famine funds tho nowhpapore tho mnohvaunted watchdogs of freedom are iu their kennels gnawing the toothsome bones supplied by the advertisers ot mining companies and who is thero left to guard the interests of the people tho question echoes down tho avenues of silence march canadian afayatine she didnt know waleses it wab in maryland she was a mem ber of tho f f vb or the maryland equivalent and sho was about to givo a dinner that waa a bimple matter on ordinary occasions but tho cook waa ill and only tho maryland equivalent ot the f f vs ot tho colored race could cook a dinner whioh would be fit to ret boforo her guesta there wab juat ono person who could do it and to her she went no low- down white atttbh would bu at tlo dinner andshe couldeountoh horuook mary she said yon must come and cook my dinner for me you know all tho poopto who will be there there will bo tho goldborougha the lloydp thutilmanp and to put in a comprehensive and im pressive way tho one new york woman who waa to bo the gubat of honor and tho princess of wales yeb baid mary suspiciously i knowa tho guidsboraugbs an dc lloyds an do ttlmaub but i dont know dom walcsep coloring easter eggs faater eggs oan bo colored with aniline dye it should be diluted to the proper ahado aud tho ejggi boiled in it uieen tho ooldr of hope and reaurreatiou i particul arly appropriate bnt a variety ia pleasing red pink blue pale yellow and purple eggs oan bo boiled hard and painted in water colors with a sinlo spring ilowor aa a primroaoor a butterlly also a symbol of tho resurrection they should ho arranged iii uests of mosa gcnmin children belicvo that the easter egna are laid by liarck sn representatiotia of this little uninittl are often placed oii them or hear them painted butterfiiee mounted on wire cuu bo mado to hover over tho nest stone beds tell mo something peculiar to ver mont said tho teacher dey all sleeps in stono beds said hans whyr how-dcr-yotj- knowthat t ankeri- ihoteaeher tho book sy great beds of rock is found dero said iiann youth com panion heavy losses and insurance no the women pf canada ioho thousands of dollars every year by having valuable gar ments and goods ruined by adulterated and imitation paokago dyoa there being uo security or iiiburanco against louses resulting from bpurioua and deceptive dye defrauded women cannot claim damages or expect to bo recouped by thu makers of the coin 11 10 11 da let it be understood porfootly that every package of diamond dyes is fully warrant ed to do what is promised for it the manufacturers of diamond dyesara the only responsible makeis iu tho world of package dyes for home ding and they succeed because their dyes am pure strong bright aud neverfading nnd tho cuskat to u3c

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