Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1897, p. 2

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imim iti acton o wdiiioh lay jlut mupcii to mi nil 1 mrs ooorho vliilcnt a bod f amiionj- at 1 1 till mi fail b n rwtfftj ijtli m to mi hhimjh 1 antlioii a daiiklittr r an in t rin towiiflliii on bun 1 ly mirili to mr ni 1 mru jolui allan u bom milvlluml at dalllnnfnl on riuurliw n i row mokuofii fi m nu to mi md mih ma uitu n id a mt dm on on woduosclny jlth march 1 ltuv 1 1 mclnrtm i a mr davl i it hon i kiiti ounhoit daughter ol mr 1 ctur mo- lui ir till of 1 raihosu vi 1 d mi ki iihii in lriunohu pn buturda 2tli m tixh tlio wifo of gavin mckorsio 1 om 1 1 at 1 orton on buuda juh marcli h ml lovull aud 8j years nu 1 1 mouths ai llsos in nobbdrawoja oil moiidnv jtli 1 much tho viio of john allison kik1 ou yrtim 0 ctoit jfm press thursday april 1 1897 notesand comments fiicret and rapid preparations are now btnug nwdo a wooluooh jind otbet military tutofbtiithmoutb of groat brltiui und waiury career stores aro being forwarded to cape town as trouble is expected in south africa hon edward blake oncnod the debate on the juqbtion tit the financial relatioas butweaft ireland and great britain by m trbducing a motion for the relief of the taxpayers of ireland irr the british house of commons the supremo court at ottawa rave judgment laat week on the eleotion appeals tho effect is to nueeat the members for winnipeg olaodonald and aveefc prince and to bond the beauhamota lunenburg and west asbimboia cases back for trial ah these aeata were held by conservatives mr roche conservative is confirmed in his seat fo marq parliament in session tho hombq of comrvtons opens tho go go ii d session of tho eighth parliament brilliant opening ceremonies oitaiv murcli ii j ho hucojid bchiioii bfcl tho elkhth purhumant of canada was opened last ihuraday with tho uhual mi posing ceremonich und with rather moro than usual ecuih line wub perhaps laroly duo to tho fact that tho present la really tho drat fosbiou of tho tijrw udm1matratiouatid itb friends especially its aibtorb and its coubinfl and its aunts desired to show thomaolvoh thia thoy did especially tho ladies who wero present at tho opening n very ian munbers tho hoeno in the sena to chamber was one of unusual brtluunoy and has not been excelled at any opening it b an interesting coincidopoo that twenty throe years ago from tho day of opening tho flrat eesajon of parliament under the mackenzie government was opened and tho address moved by mr thos moss ond seoondod by mr wilfrid laurier who then beauum fttfhafriu nafesacaweya ilio oalo of tho estate of tho latu gcorgo lowry on monday was a fair success notwithatandingllio bud ntuto or tho roads there was a largo arowd of f corjlo at tho sale and things sold ull iho farm was not sold hut may bu abut tly anuthor vt nubhumi aoju a old rosidents has passed away in the person of mru john allihon she rtiuri on monday 20th mut at hor rtmiiunco ntar the lbemzer church at tho uo of ij years decoasod- waa highly tenure tud hor husband survive i hor messrs tohu durige and ltiohard haw sou loft on tuttfday of lu it wctlc for brandon manitoba ihe bloomsburj literary sooioty oloaod their winttr af ssion on mond iy evening 1 armors aro proparinu for spring work again mr t p lohiio liad a very successful sale oh wednesday march 21 he bold all his stock and implunuuta aud has rented his farm and inttuld b to british columbia soon thij bl eec it kinsi tjib thkone tho speech from tho throne wttu long hot by no moans meaningless or uniutereat lbg indeed b very fall bill of faro wub provided bat not one bach arnust ncqes sarily keep the house id session after june provided tho government measures are brought down promptly and business is pressed with a fair amount of despatch the apeeoh inolodos promises of tariff reform a new franchise aot or rather the adoption of the provincial frannbises the eplargoment of tho t lawrence canals and the submieston of tho prohibition question to the electors tho queen a diamond jubilee was fittingly referred to and the oalamity which has befallen india in its famine stricken districts was also mentioned tho hon clifford sifton was 80 years old on wednesday march 10 he is the yonngebt momber of the cabinet and is a bachelor mr fisher is 477 hr tarte id mr fieldinc 49 mr daviea 52 mr blair 53 mr mulock 51 mr geoffrion 54 dr borden 50 mr laurier 50 mr dobol 60 sir richard cartwriglit 02 sir henri joly de lotbtniere 08 mr patdrson 58 mr pitzpatnok 54 mr scott 72 sir oliver mowat 70 ballinafad mr betz oar popular store keeper is do in a ruabiag business miss maggie tbompaon onanist in the xresbytenan cburob has just returned from a two weeks holiday with friends in barrie l mr george burnsido of georgetown speut sabbath at his brothers in the fad mibd glass of georgetown has been visiting at mr george yemens 1 wo are glad to learn that mr ban molcan of the gth line fs able to be up ugain mrs byron thompson and mrs kent ner aro both convalescent mr john givina jr who underwent an operation for appendicitis has been laid up again ashgrove lither there is too much mud in the neighborhood or else the tonriat season has not boun for no outsider has deemed our town attractive enongh to give it a call this- week still one association keeps up its rogular- weekly meetings the patrons of green alloy having famished a hall they bold very enthusiastic meetings every thursday evening another successful bale was held on saturday last by auctioneer smith of brampton at mr c p prestons tho sunday school of the methodist church here is progressing vfiry favorably uudor the guidance of superintendent j t brownridge the temperance pledge wa introduced a few sundays ago and if the young men of every vicinity take the stand thoy have here prohibition is not far die tant georgetown a tho regular meeting of the ministerial association was held monday at rev rural dean rennells rav mr perrin gave an interesting essay pn the book of amos rev h a macpheraon of acton was made a member a a acred cantata is in preparation aud will be given in the congregational oharch on the evening of easter monday the entertainment which will be given in st georges gharob to morrow evening promises to be one of unusual interest the committee have been very painstaking in the preparation of the programme and it is lctbs1ippad willbe re warded by a urge audience the baptist y p tj purpose having a concert in the audionoo room of the baptist church next monday evening the beat local talefit baa been secured in addition to mr maalpme ibo scotch vocalist of mo mabtor university toronto a business change is likely to follow the clearing sale announced by a d thorop aon limehquse mips barbara deemert of cornwall is vi iling her parents here mr wm niokell has returned from sarnin for a few days mra b edminaton has returned from chicago where she spent the winter with her daughter mrs geo waddell misamay wheeler is vieitlng friends 111 toronto tho toronto lime kilns are expected to ra open soon wood bees are quite in faahidn just now ihe roadn are in very bad condition o vi to tho ppring thaw la grip la somewhat disapp aring in thobe purlh nwmeo fpu pi la whomadeo veraixty- itknitk on the addntbh the debate on the address was opened in the commona ou friday by dr rubbqii of halifax who acquitted himbelf very creditably he was even comphmentod by sir charles tupper on the adroit manner in which so pronounood a free trader aa he is managed to assure tho manufacturers that they would not be hurt seriously mr hthier of two mountains seconded tho address in a neat speech in french in hib address in reply to the speech from the throne mr l uner concluded his remarks in reference to the diamond jubilee in the following eloquent periods monu raeuts will be erected in commemoration of this event art will be called on to give expression to this feeling in marble and iu bronze to the loyal devotion of many mil lions to one who is s w and whoso reign baa been so beneficient but thoro are monuments which speak more loudly and eloquently than even those of aculptur ed bronze or carved marble let thia be the jubilee year of remission let the past be forgotten let old bcores be put into ohlivion lelfltrifaanjdcantenliqq bafar ever bariod and instead let trust confidence add good will bpring forth from the ground and rise towards heaven- this is the noblest monument the canadian people could offer as their contribution to the glory of jubilee year new ii el til ecs and bkkatolih three new senators were introduced on opening day hon david miiib was first led up the carpet by sir oliver mowat and hon r w scott and after taking the oath signed tho parchment roll ho was followed by senator cox the new senator from toronto aud senator king of new bronswlok both of whom were also intro dnoed by sir oliver and hon mr scott six now members of the house were in trodtioed and took their beats on tho opsn ing day and a bevonth on friday mr bennett east simcoe was tho only con bervative in the number the eoveu liberals elected are hon clifford sifton for brandon mr t o davia for saskatchewan j jc suetsing er for cornwall c b heyd for south brant dr graham for north ontario j f guite for bonaventure and l n champagne for wright capital jotttnoh mr cowan m p for south ebbcx has given notice of a bill respecting alien labor the parties in the present hon an of commons stand ae follows liberals 111 conservatives 80 independent conscrva tivos3 patrons g vacant 5 speaker 1 total 214 follqwidgtho preaedentjfllbysirjohn maodonald and sir john thompson in makiug speakers and ex speakers of the house of commona membersbt tbo privy council hon peter white and hon j d edgar were to day sworn in as privy councillors a rumor has been current that there mayjiqjtn axrangflijuqnloama to between the leader of the government and the opposition by which there may bo an adjournment of the house from tho first week in june to the second week in sep tomber to enable mr laurier to go to england tho opinion at ottawa is that the gov eminent will anpporfc mr cowans alien labor bill senator cox moved tho address in reply to the speech in tho senate making an interesting speech on tho qusbtiona affect ing tho progress of the country a notable fcvent the tannine fund seut to the moot teal stai has turoi fifty thousand dollars representing subscriptions from upwards of two hundred thausind person one hqn dred thousand school children and nearly one hundred thousand ohn mem of all fait he besides freaud hmall snbacrlp tiqns from thousands of private aitizons wo do not remember over to have seen so extraordinary a subscription anywhere for many jeare to como tho remarkable spontaneity with which this subscription was supported itb almost universal charac ter and tho right good will with which the subscriptions wcro bestowed for the cause will be looked back to by all canadians with genuine pride besides the relief that this fund provides for india it provides a substantial ovidenoo thhrcauudians h avcaqajurt ores fcin the whole empire and it thus serves the double pnrpose of philantropy and patriotism wo do not boheve that any person ever imagined that it was possible for any one agency to raise so largo a sum and to enlist the nympnthioi of such an enormous nam ber of peoplo us has boon done by tho star ottawa hi prtmt the editors table students of history will tako pleasure in readmg the throe carnots by prof dana carleton munro a m mtraboau before tho revolution by prof a m wheeler ll d and tho commercial geography of europe by cyrus c adams all articles of groat broadth and power which appear in tho april chan taiirjuan the april number of the delineator which is called the spring number aon tains a splendid assortment of atyles and fabrics that will be fashionable dariog the season as well as abundance of matter of apeoial interest to the ladies at this beason address communications totho delineator publishing co or toronto ld 83 rioh mond st webt toronto ont or tho local agent for tho butterick pattorns sub soriplion price of the delineator 31 00 per year or 15o per single copy tghina sale t hive until up our minds to to out of crjckery chilli otc vvelnxcn block of about 83000 ind willing to take 5o for it oulnvei chine here jou stldqm get 1 he following u some of the foodb 26 enamollod clltdinner setts j4 oo to 8 oo so toilat sqtts 75c to 6 oo pdraott solid brass letups 4 qo tor 1 oo china blsault jars boo to7cb tor 80 0 httngihg lamps complete 1 oo glass sotts 6 piooos host goods 35c and 45c largo glass dishes 5c and 10c oach no room to enumerate come and seo t we are tea spfioiallbts 1 ei pedlars mui1 die they nre chirg ing you too much p ofit wi guanfttfe tc sell you 1 tea at 25c pure ceylon 01 jipin or mixed cquar or better than you hie been paying 40c and 50c 1 pound for ciu and get a pound or dropa post caru for sample it once ind sive money millman co direct importers cuelph wall paper just arrived spring stock newest designs stylish patterns trom canadian and american manufacturers call arid see our samples the jziieglerhincli cos two ireat sales 1 commence at 8 oclock sharp saturday morning and to con tinue for one week in the two stores in the old store sale a farewell of goods which worh upstatre and whioh we wore uuablo to show or call attention to ftlwhoacir laditr shah jtrsoy and wool twocd jackets roi ular s 10 to 87 50 eaoh your choico for too ladus long cloth jaoietu uud mantles regular 8100 to 88 00 to bo cleared at during he rueh whnli attuidid our clear ing bale and in addition to these a lot of olothmg aud hats bought by our buyors from tho manufacturers at a sacrifice price purposely to make this sale an irrosistable attraction wo aredetermtnod to make it the greatest clothing mantle fur and hat sale evoc held in the oity all tho loods have been brought dowoto tho ground ioor red lrokots with ho aro pinned on bo jbt you can see at a glance what the hargaina adb following are only a few of the item a loq boys 2 pieoo suits fit auy agofrom 5 to 12 years splendid tweed patterns beau tifully made aud trimmed regular prices from 83 50 up to sllioo for 92 25 meua bluo serge ejuits regular 8150 i goojs sizes 3q to 42 to be cleared at i 00 mens heavy blue serge suits regular 86 00 to be cleared at 8i 00 a lot of meua oxford tweed suit to bo cleared at 84 60 mens jimali neat cheok tweed suits regular 90 50 for 84 25 f mens tweed suits medium shades nice patterns splendid quality regular 87 o0 for- 85 25 11 only boyb 8 piece suilb b1os 28 to 32 regular 85 00 for 9b 00 a lot of mens splendid tweod pantb 1 coloring dark neat hair line patterns regular 82 25 for 81 25 another lot nicely assorted patterns tweed paula regular ai 00 for 75o still another lot small neat bhapes were 91 86 for 91 00 a final effort to clear out overcoats boys tweed ulfltera were 94 50 for 83 00 a lot of boyb triezo ulsters tweed lined 95 00 and 85 50 roods for 83 75 10 only mens dark tweed ulsters ex tra strong tweed lining size 38 to 42 regular 90 50 to 96 60 for 91 00 eaoh mens d b tly frqntrovercoata in worsteds meltons beavers and cheviots regular 910 00 for 86 50 0 onlv mens brown and fawn all wool frieze ulsters tweed linings extra good value at 88 50 for 90 00 mens waterproof coats assorted colore email neat tweed patterns extra well made regular 97 50 for 95 50 ladies waterproofs worth 98 50 for 92 25 and 8256 ladles tweed waterproofs neat pat terns worth 5 50 for 8 50 a t brown piim b drug store l mill street acton an engineers story robt noble llre on a railroad conducive to disease mr wm taylor of kentvtue at tacked with kidney trouble- sooatle cures proved useless but dr williams pink pills re stored hie health irom tho koutvillo advertiser there are very few employmtnts more trying to tho health than that of a railway engineer tho houra of labor are frequent ly long meals irregular and rost and sleep hurriedly anatohod between runs one of tho troubles which very frequently at tack railway trainmen is kidney disease which up to a late period has been looked upon as a disoaae difficult if not impbb bible to totally cure although there exist numerous remedies- claimed to be cures tho truth is that nothing bad been found to successfully copo with this terrible disease until the advent of the now world famed dr williams pink pills chancing to hoar one day that mr wm taylor a resident of this town had been cured of kidney trouble through the agency of dr williams pink pills a reporter called upon him at his homo to hear from him person allywjiat ho thought of his cure mr the highest price for whekt pbhs okts bhhl6y at the warehouse aotoxx station auothor lot bf 1 ino cloth jackets most ly fur lrimrmd worth from s8 00 to 86 00 your ohoize for 8j 00 hats and caps one case mon a hats regular 91 50 to 9 i u0 jot newest styles your choice for joe oach y another oara vary latest htylejirmens fino fur felt fedoras mao4rrown and fawn shttdejr regular 82 00 for9reb each jsreut snap a- lot of monti and boya capi to be cleared at ridicuouuly low prices rvjt goods a fow mend tur coau ladies 1 ur capes and jaakuta muffu caps collars muta ami rohee to be cleared regardless of coat this sale is inaugurated upecially to cloar these gooda lit the old store afl we have not room in the new store except on trrii third floorbtoh we have not coriveh tences to reach just now at cheapsldethe new store a reception sale you hear of coat salfb emergenoy saleb fire bales c c eales for all reasons and bales for no reaeon at all but have you heard of a reception or in troduotion sale this gale is inaugurated for iuqbpoal pnrpo8bl0fintroducing you to our new store we want jou to become perboually acquainted with oheapsitje which we hope to make bo attractive that youll feel free to drop in and make it your shopping home we have studied your comfort and convenience in every way and when everything is completed wo think youll agree with ua that chenpbide is one of tho neateat brightest moat convenient boat appotritedratbteayon know anywhere not bo big as some perhaps bnt then big ess doesnt always mean best and bulk doesnt always count for the moat better than all we aim to have jnst the goods you want just when yon want them and at pncoa as low as or a little lower than any of our competitors who do business on right lines this store is dosed all day friday marking apeoial prices on red tickets all over the store forth is great introduction or reception sale which is tho formal opening of the new store cbeapside boo u to become a household word through out thia central district doors open promptly at 8 oclock firm come urn served here are some of tho bargains 1 0 pieces wido taut color priota mobt of them worth 12jo for 5a a jard limit 10 yards to any oue customer 650 yards heavy sateen galatea war rantable hover fading colors regular 20 cents for 12 cents a lob- boat quality wide faat color prints for 10 cents 1861 yards 83 id ah splendid quality flannelette worth 8o for 5jo o 375 yards wido heavy tyhbvjwft jhnah ljaunelotte worth 12c f or 8o 20g varda lovelv one soft finish plain color double facd flannelettes werth wo forcc in navy cardinal garnet jialo blue and pink p i5iecob 1205 yards grey cotton in lengths of from j to 11 yards some beautiful qualities your choice for 3jo a yard 100 yards elegant crinkle cloth faat colore for blouses and dresses regular 12 jo for 8jo 250 yards crinkle cloth worth 8c for 5o 247 yards surah silks pure silk good colors mostly worth 91 00 bo mo 91 25 for 35c a yard 54 yards stripe japanese silks worth 25c rorl2c large white and grey cotton blankets fine quality regular 91 00 to 91 25 for 7oo a pair 100 pairs best makes corsets worth 75c 81 00 and 91 25 for 50o a pair all bizes 40 pairs koqdcqtfi9tflwothl50o rubber tipped dress steels 10o for 7o a lot of very special bargains in black and colored dress goods coo goods for 45o and 87 jo special discounts on the new celebrated priestleys dress goods best heavy 12jo shirtings for 9jo best heavy cotton ado 80a for 22c and cheaper qualities in proportion 2 bpools thread 6c regular 4c each 3 papers pins for 5o regular 5c each 2 papers heat needles 6c regular 5c each 200 pairs lace curtains new patterns splendid quality 8 yards long regular 92 50 to 98 50 per pair 4 patterns your choice for 91 50 a pair great drives jn table linens towol linens napkins drees linings the same flacrifice prices on what is left of mr zieglers stock bold good ihroagbont this r bale flour brhn shorts s66ds and all kinds of teed at acton flour and feed store try norval tlour familj flour in the market the best frank harris manager millinery dephrtraersrr our stook is now complete and though our formal opening will not bo held until wednesday 7th april we can complete all orders now in a most satisfactory manner and cordially invite you to our grand opening and display of spring millinory and other novelties on 7th april when we will bbow later fashions tuancan be done now the zieglerhinch co cuelph gremt scott f surprise ioilosiizs surprise iltto ablmureinenls wanted ah ohm niitti to ho 1150 i ltntil forum on irnj uohjht onti la ap ly at onco to fc john uauvfv atton dres msh not lu will rtc iwt ordt m for drcfnnink liif at lor ruillcnu i redurick hlroot aetou i mlbh nohi 1 wanted jm aw of houi d liorats ttvo to nix yuaiu old x weight jj00 to 1100 api ly to ii aiidjioiu 4co acton wanted farmers sonsorotlior induntrloua porsoni of fclr education to whom 60 a month would bo an inducement 1 could also ongro a fawldicb at thnlrowd homos t ii unbcptt toronto out fexpert watchmaker and jeweller hob ononed a repair ubnnln part of dr hal toad a drug utoro tor a flliort tlma watch and clonk repairing at bh prlco watcboa cleauod go coflu walnnri8 tjo onto all work guaranteod your sparetime men women to conduct bnalnoss at homo work lsxlinple writing and copjine hats of addreuoi received from local advertlifog to be forwarded to ua daih no canvataing no previous oxperlonee required but plain writers preferred permanent work to those content to earn 6 or moro woekly in sparo time apply to warren pub co london ont i wanted intelligent men with good oducatlon who want to better tholr posftlottb and would bo content lor a jour with efloooo and expenses write us with doocrlptlon and occupation and wo will mako a proposition for now or the future also nooded reliable men for australia write todaj for wo are in a hurry the manageu 49rlebmond btweat toronto out to lease that vary valuable farm consisting of 150 acres bolng the east half of lot no 30 and tha northerly j on lot no 39 conoesalon 1 et iucolng latolv occupied by henry towneend here aro about 35 acres of fall wheat in tho ground and about 3j acres or fall plowing is done apply to k j monadd aotou datod march joui a d 1997 for sale t3at valuable property on tho corner of quelph and john streets in che village of georgetown at prenont occupied by j h jack on consisting of between tbreo and four acres of land on which aro situated a brick dwelling barn and qtber outbulldlng largo orchard 4c full particulars as to price and terms may bo bad from n h speirs georgetown wanted earnest men and women to circulate the sword of islam or suffering armenia a tbrillldg book graphic account of the eastern question the tnrk atmpoian tnd moharnmed auiam with u horrible maaiacree numerom startling llluatratlons takon qd tbo spqt ly l 90 agontr make 915 qo to 30 up books on timo prospectus free to tub mtadleyaarrrtbon 00 weekly canvassers ltd to ont about that wheel great alteration sale a a a a a a aaa aaa a a a aa ww ww w ww wwwwwww aaaaaaa aaa aaaa aaaaaanaaa a aaa a a a a a a aaa a a a a vw wwwvv w w wv fruit ornamental trees 70 acr shrubs rqsss mines hnd seeo potktoes we havo the larrobt pslortmont and omptoy tbo ter latest and moat improved moth odaforpdoj all stock caxofully paokod pononal aunervlalon and all new variotloa tostod at our trial farms boforo being per cent on written examination daring murch i a x 268 f moors 851 o liopoulovin 107 t cowan 188 n jun o manhall 204 f swock hammer 208 iii omeredith 251 j niokell 318 o lano 220 b marehall 222 w mcdowell 215 ii h lepoldevm 228 v swiokhammer js j o nolll 188 j modowem185 marka poible for above otauta 300 ii jnn soele deemert 100 i b e moredllli 176 d sharp 157 w dobhio 180 ii cowan 120 i a it scott 145 marks possible 200 iua a fobu uaoher thn towriabip connoil hae oommatfod tlie btatcito labor tax here and appointed fore man lepoldevin oommualoner for ihn ptnee mra a corbet of st marys waa ran ovor by a o t it enplne on monda both lo were eered from the bodv she i not likley to recovor a qreat convention the first bulletin giving information of the third international convontion of tho epworlh leaitne whioh la to be hold in toronln juljms 10 17 and 18 has bean issued and ia a bright interesting psmph lot it contains a wealth of information of great interest to all who propose attsj- ing the convention hplondid oat of tor onto now oity hall massey mimic hall metropolitan methodist churoli eomo residential and business street and a portrait of mr j l uughos chairman of committee of arrangements are given it jojpitfillhat2c000oraooqo-momb9rs- of the epworth league iu the united slates and canada will attend tho conven tion catalogued those are thaonlytoatingoronards connected with any nursery lu the dominion a new qov tho duke of lieods to suooeed lord aberdeen next year loniidv maroh 25 tho 7i7i learne that tho duke of leeds will be appointed to ouooeod the girl of aberdeen aa cover nor general of tho dominion of canada ihe latter returning to england in 1818 oeorge oodolphin osborne the tenth doke ofleedsj was born in 180j and suo oeeded to the title on tho death of his father last year previously knowu as the marqoia carmarthen he represents bkxton in tha house of commons from 1883 to 1816 hs was assistant secretary to tbs colonial besralary in1887s8 and treasurer of her hajestya bonichold 1805 00 he was formerly a lieutenant in the york haaiar yeomanry taylor is an engincar ou the dominion atlantio hallway his run botweon halifax and kcntville and ho is one of the most popular drivers on tho road when asked by tho reporter concerning hie illnosa he said it was in tho spriug of 1810 that i had a bovoro attack of kidney trouble bronght on hv continuous running on the road and i suppoia it is oitisod by the obaillation of tlie locomotive it effected me but slightly at first but gradually grow worse i consulted a doctor and then tried two or throe so called oures 8omo helped mo for a time but after stopping the use of them 1 irew worse than ever i had noticed numerous testimonials in the paperd oon d williams pink pills unci roiultng of ono euro tlmt was almost identical with my ovn i dou led to give lhom a trial an i purchased fonrboxefc at a cum ur ftj burit wuu 2 well tpent for i was complototy oured by the uso of the pills and have not been troubled with tny kfdirojrstrtnoo i can therefore record mond them to others similarly aflllotod tho experience of ears has proved that there is absolutely no disoase duo to a vit lated condition of the blood or shattered nerves that dr williams pink fitla will not promptly ouro and those who aro snf faring from buoii tronblos would avoid muoh misery and savo money by promptly rosorting to this treatment get the genuine pink pills every tlmo and do not be porsuaded to tako an imitation or some othor remedy from a doalor who for the aake of the extra profit to himsolf may say is just as good ur williams pink pills ouro whon other modiolus fall agents wanted to represent tjs ron to park comotory estimates famished fqr spoolal attention glvon to park comotory no boulevard orders lupplylng entire orchards why buy buy of foreign concerns or of mlddlomon when you can purchase as ohoanly from us aud got bottor value ouratooklscanadlatiiiroffniid aoolinlatod oataloguo english or r ronob froo on appllca tlon stdne wellington fonthlll nurseries toronto ont tho loading canadian troo men jftfe hhjze 7vkd pr0gr6ss earned prosperity and now possess the power to spread genuine bargains broadcast we find our premises are too small for the extensive business we are doing and intend en larging them and before comfnencmg operations we are going to make a great clearing sale just arrived 200 pieces of the latest patterns in crumes english prints also a fine selection of the latest importations of the season in ladies fine imported costumes eatrcts4rtcf our terms are cash k 1 reduced gqods sent out on j approval durin this sa rkttsrkr trimmings to match the latest novelties of the season we have got to make a great slaughter preparatory to our alteration irtpremises thenew and uptodate goods7 this sale will start saturday march 6th and will continue 14 days don t place your order until jou get my prices i am in a position to rive you better value than anyone else if you vnnt thf best you will get a stearns of course ii you wint a good wheel at a low price the ohio at 9o is unequalled alue a cyclometer free with every wheel w8tark agent spring work plowing teaming moving etc tle undersigned is preptred to fill il orders fqp moving ficnernf teamjpg flou ing eto on short notice mid at reasqnable terms david mills n 13 there are rumors that i am goin farming this spring such is not the cise w w budlong huib drove e i iluys all kinds of raw furs skins beeswax gonslnff living wild animals of all kinds price list of furs for next 00 days for well handlod stock inforlor according to quality retains made day goods rooolved all furs should be shlppod by oxpross hear pislior ottoi iloavor hilver pox cross fox had fox urey fox woff wolvorlno lvnx wild cat marten 8kunk ltaoooon lilack itaocoon common itadgor door mink husk rat send mo all your fura you want made into runs overcoats capes robes olo prices reaaon sblermcl 0 wo l out tailoring fine high class tailoring in this dc partment great reductions will be given d ihe sale we have just o o u t a fine selection otc best import od sutr ings consisting of scotch jlnlish and irish spring oaercoa tings trouwrings etc remember these are nil new the and american cents llatsxaps etc just arrived furnishings we make a speciality of this you can ajways re- the lateai and best here special uculy to wear clothing in boys youths and men s a great reduction in these during the sale and a large assorted stock to select from space will not permit us to quote prices and we cannot bring our bargains to you th a t ou m u st oome- to them and you will not be disappointed as this ib a great monoy saving sale to you 115 00103800 7 00 to torn 700 to 10 00 000 to liroo 10 00 to 100 00 7o01o is 00 l nolo 900 100 to iso ioolo 2b0 too to h00 aooio 950 so to 80 3 00 to 0 00 76 to 100 a oo to 3d0 80 to 100 1 00 to iso 7sto 1 10 100 to 900 30 to 93 latest importations of the season in english an unequalled opportunity to secure the newest and latest uptodate goods a almost your own prices come early while the stock is unbroken 50c now will purchase as much as 100 elsewhere during this great sale gibson 7vnlljdr sfc go roe block mkin st ceorggtolfian 1 every day will be bargain day here without doubt confederation lite association is an old established and relhble com pany and cnjoy3 the confidence of he public poicfes issued oc all popular phns hafcs always fiorabe r j corbett john 3 lawson general agent local agent for acton and lcinui machine operators wawted- on shirts ana shirt waists beginners taught wanted canvassers qttcen victoria t herztfe and jfoirfn has empturod tho british emptro extra ordlntry testimonials from tho groat mon end lor copy free marquis of lome iy tlio best popular llfo of tuo quoen i havo soon her hajosty mods a kind letor of aitprociatlon selllns by thousands sivm entbuslutlo satis faotlon cost a mint of money but larro cirou acton- livery bus line james boom of dondai hangeil himself in the colls at ihebrantford police stnlion i naing hia coal for a noose on bunday i the hugo steel arouoa of the bridge that will take tha placo of tbo railway suspen sion bridge at niagara have been placed in position the manitoba fund for tho relief of tbs india famine suifarers now reaahes 917600- 78 of whioh nearly 300 i from the school children tho nndrlgtiodrospootfullaolloluthonatron ago of tbo publlo and informs them that wall equipped and styuah riga oan all wyabhourd at his stables a oomlortable bus rnoou ap tr bftyean t an and 818 p m oaroful atunuaoghentotoryoraor the wants of oomnteraultntal- lera tally east john williams pmoramrob latlon jusunoa low retail 300 lta of hlstorin lllnitratfona large book ovor all ixfljxlo inches aomnn elusive territory xrosnectu8 frco to mat uookaon timo tub iltladliby gahukibon co ltd toronto ont ifkmuui suskiv jiuvkutor ll 1iiuj m man and women of atnndlk iu tho uunlty maktufl 615 to 0 a weak i x vo territory prospectus frco to sgonth in the hoines merchants i 1 hat s where to push your business people have time to think there they havent at your counter make the sales there how ask over 1 00000 miles of practical testing j apply at onceta the williams greene rome co berlin ont the- hsh6d house la onl u weoalr and upenaw cszoosrsansnt i luifemee bnoleeamllhamnaafmumi i envelope the national star boildln ohlaujs i at the i rel lkess office the i art press goes into the homes of the buying people and the best of them ery sub acrfber pays for his free press in ad ance our readers are of the class who pay promptly do you oatoh on p rockwood special parohosa of colored shirts kegulir lrieo 75c our price 50c we hito some very silcil valuus in prints all new patterns st i of tlie a change of business sairage fo co sole agents for 6uelph and vicinity having bought the tailor ing establishment lately car ried on by mr h strasser i hope by strict attention to business to share a continu ance of your support i shall put into stock choice snit- lngsj fantings and oyp- coatings ready for the sprinc trade k h e- h schlimme late of waterloo acton

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