Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1897, p. 3

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bank of hamilton hilad office hamilton- ia50ooo uaitalaah up ubbkhvk 1und lotalabbbta board op j junstuakt 675000 886tuhju directors ag kam8av irosluont vicoitobuluilt jl un pnootoil ueq ltoach ia t wooi jr 1 lkk torouto wm gidhon miv tuiinhull cashier ii b btklhhn auah3iihhlur 11 m watkon iimioctor agencies hamilton barton bttfc east end alliaton iturllnchohlov georgetown grlmbbylltitowol lmckuow milton mouut foroat uraucuvillu oivon bound port lillylii hluicbo toronto winghani the news at home mortly of a looalt character and overv itenrilnterobtlrfi british correspondents ndon national provincial 13 auk of ltd american correspondents nuw yorki fourth national dank aud hanover national ltauk boston enternetlou- al trubtco buppjllo marlnouank cmoioo national bank of illinois and union national dank drrorr detroit national bank k vnba orrr national bank of commerce agents in montreal the bank of toronto qoligetpwn abngy nptoadlflcouutod anil advances made on auit- able bocurjties- collections nmdo aird drafts bouulit and aold iur- ioutluoutt 3iottfatorabl tortus great britain oa all aoooblblo polo la in canada buitod status anatubjqontluouttf kuropo upon artnitvr depwitaoiviii and upwards received and i uteres t allowed from date or deposit to date of withdrawal bpb0ia1 deposits also received at enrront ratos of interest nm livingstone afloat combs backcombs dressing combs c side combs t fine combs circular combs hair brushes 1 too t hbr ushes- fursies wo carry jhe finest stock geo hytfds aptpn ont wtt anm firm tmuiiapat april 11897 rt j 9 look at tbo data on the labor on your paper and you will soe how your subscript tlon stands benow promptly it will con for a avor- little local brieflets which cauaht the eyes or ears of firee press reporters this week i april first all fools day politfh yoar ppring tools spring moving time is at hoqd eep your eyeb wide open today band march went oqk liko a lamb rdjdntifr r yifit tbo glasgow ijouee millnery open j mm en saturday there bye beep several rood flows of maple gap the past woekr the fnke piusas will ro your way every week for one dollar a year steps are being taken for the organi sation or a junior epworth league in the methodist church a man who attends parties oc who is in loverahoald give one half of his balary baab to hie employer 7 a meeting of the executive of halton christian endeavor union will be held at palermo on wednesday 7th april again the floworsboot oloaves the clod again the grassfpear greens tho bod again buds dot the willowrod a mpeting of the executive of beqaea- ing sunday school association will be held at georgetown next wednesday to arrange for the next convention decide now how you will improve your premises this spring arange for that new fence that job of printing those shade trees yon need planted etc i a clergyman in a neighboring town who repeutly married a couple whose names were benjamep and aunie baid that they were anniemated and bennie- flttad itev dr moffat of porqpq represent ative of the lieligiqua tract society wi preaoh in knox titrarotrnext sunday morn- ring and in the methodiit church in the evening the confederation life association ode of the oldest and most popular canad ian insuranoe companies is represented in aoton and vicinity by mr john j lawson ilianqtooeiiljjlioppmmen02 olear- ing away the winters rabbiah from your premises the surroundings of a number of stabtea adjaoenfc to at reels in town re semble barnyards now tha tbo snow is gone pthe fiibe pdkhb received the following note yesterday rthe job jq9t received is the nicest piece of printing i have ever had done give me your price for 1000 and 9000 more done up exaatty the same way j a a druggist toronto miltons newindnatry the roofing and wire works co u getting ioo shape for buines and iht county town papara raka as muob of it as a boy with hia first pair of- trousers it it hoped tho people there wilt treat this industry more courteously than the last one they acquired the coanty town ha a dirth of manufac turers and needs all it can get tlio u ytu concert pobtcra uro out annonnoiiig fmrtioulars of tho concert in tho towu hull on friduy april luli to bo hold undor tho aueplosa of tho divntit young peoplua union f fullowinii will take part the haines quartot to cheltenham- miaa alma lroomun olpctitiouiot humilton miss muyttio forater boloiyt glenwillinmo and mr b moalpinop sootoh vooaliut toronto powerful t well as tiabjc tho ureatetroukth of uarvoyd dray horse hiuiclj who diod ti woek ago is frequently referred to when the steam fire eiigino oumo to town two years ago this lino animul huylod tho biygotfflaad ever tutkon through our sireetb by a single horso in iliia draught was his loaded dray followed by tho ijre engiue and two irojo reels filled with lioie the load weighed bevou tau3and 300 t pounds- sandy ra ralpod by john chiholm who bold hipruoaaxj3prdl iiuictde athurilpaion williimi hiirtli ihosoveiitooiiyoaroldsotl of mr hiranf shurdnuraermani ot burlliigtonfiot himself with a- revolver in hiafathcrtf 7 oorok jfriday rnoming datli bviug- almost i u stanton eou- ho shot lutnaelf beluild the left- oar tho tradogy oocurritui in his bdrooir ho was fonnil vtuw escomlt ufter the report of the pistol lyinji on the bod tho deadly weapon and a rrilrror beside him a cup containinfi paru green was foundiu the rcom indicating his determination toond his life no oiuao except a melancholy disposition oaj be assigned rovtcw and hnlly day tho reviow bervioes in the varioua sun day bolioolaluttt sabbath were very inter esting in tho mothodibt school a pictorial roviowwaj holdspeoialprotninenoewae uuo given to the home department a coraprcbenbivo addreed on whaf it is and what tt aims to accomplish being read py miea- speight the sunday school at knox church hold a prqfitable review the superintendent ftjr w- mophajl bbdj- mr john parnerqo brqughtjjiit bycarofcl uestiauihk tho principal points taqght in theicssona of the quarter- tbb attendance was largest both these schools thtian christian jsncfeavor meet in ft the beoond anion meeting o theobriat ian young peoples sooletles in towu will be held in the metbodistcbnrch next afooday evening the committee baa provided an excellent programme including essays on appropriate topics by six members of the four societies in town each to bo followed by brief discaesfon the meeting will be opened with a half hours flodg service and during the ovening miss nicklin will sing a solo tho members of the societies in the neighborhood are invited to attend the ocdabion will bo one of roljgfoua and abcjal proflt spijnjmes taj lor shot burglarised jrewsons cornerst tho rouda ure itiuv in u torriblo tttato there is uornd talk of gottingtlio liiall service ohahged from twice a week jib it now ts to tlirco limes u week wedding bells will ring hero this wool particulars noxt issue quito a number of young pcoplo from bore attended a uiirpriao party at tho homo of mr j p lonlio ntthsugftweya last fri day night and ppont a vory unjoyablo time mrs j it i chard ho i whom wanientionqd was sbriously ill taomo time ugn has been removed to tho guelph general iloapitul mr it oripps wh6 has btien undergoing trontmont in st josephs hobpitiil ham ilton for ccvernl weeks returned homo on saturday tnuah benefitted in health comingand going visitors to arid from acton at d varlbusother personal notes milton mr goorgo hume vho mccarthy ciudi- dato for t hia county bus joinod tho orange lodge oil thuraduy nigllt of lust week- mr hume entertained tfib looal lodge to a supjiflrat the bennett iioiipo professor clark o- tjrinity cbllqge toroutpwill ciejiver his celubtated laotura on bjirn in he tb mtltou o friday oveiiliig april jfl undor the atinptcu of gttico cliiircli tilocjuhty eoutioil hist vtuk phhed a gfeaut of twentyfive urtc u uhtiuito the regulafjpayieiito tlio volijnteeri for each duy drill- itk cuuip this your a doputalion from thrmjtlton agfioultura society waited pp tle council uhiahkjd tq have the annual grant of ftjoq increaaed tq 1900 the punoiladjoiiniodwithti tik iugany aptiop in thojnatter surrogate coqrtitetiii andrew robin son of trafalgar furmor died on 3rd february 1u97 iutcbtato leavii g toil ebtate valued at 81u00 and peraonity at f jj25 hfd w lowj sqphia robjniqn wag appointed udmiulstratrisf of tlu estate qp thdipth inar william ii ih q ville was an tho 13th inui granted admin istratjonjotho oat of m bteolo late of oakvillo bpuistor who diedbn 29th january 18d7 tho estato oonsiota of real estate 305q and personality 31207 rocwood mr jameaiiill fqroierly of ojspriugo jb at present ip ttio v jle and b facqilyiuteqd qturtngfor- ikota wen the weather of at statp bepoifles ftnor mrpqfrio and fanjjly started for tho canadian uorthwegt on tqealay mr g warner sot out for british oolqrqbia on tuesday mr john gibbons has a pair of brant- ford redbirds on exhibition one at pas nauros otore and and tho other at his own place ho is handling this wheel again this year and so far i doing well with it stephsn vestal who baa been mentally deranged for eorae time past became troublesome last week und was removed to the guelph goal on saturday fc ro 5j traohan of cjuplpli visited rwkwqod a9t weeft tho kings lfaughtcrs expect tq givoa social about easter at which all the fo- y seldom th a is yjsjted freshmenta wjll bo of a scotch character there has been considerablo of a hustle ho pabt weeij for the oco of noqtmagter ete rcqdered yaoant by tho death of mr paamore a considerable number of tho- faithful have been putting in their claims it is expected however tht mr hugh black of eramoja has as good as seourod the position ono of the pioneers of this township air samuel to veil died at hia home in era- mosa on sunday eveulng from the effects of a pnralyllc stroke receiveoqn wedneadityabtrthqdecqttbed his 8brd year he came to this neighbor hood in 1832 from suffolk england withhis father and mother nod the other members of family ho follow ed farming during the greater ppctjqn pf his life deceased leayos a famjly qf ten aixbqna au il daiightcrs all qt whom arc grown up good boodmp6w to baild them the b0t methods of constructing road ways is a popular topip in mqoioipat oir- clot in all parta of the province mr- a w campbell tho provincial road instruc tor is doing valaable service by holding meetings in order to give praetfoal dem oottraltod m me mailer of road bill id in gr wouldnt h be a good idea for osr coun- oilto invite mr campbell to acton at an early date pdbave the benefit of bis study and exjperlenoo al a meeting that might be arranged the puthmmatcra for 1897 the fphowicggentlerasn were appointed psthmastera for 1897 for divisions 4 arid 5 atlait meeting of the eiqnesing council division no 4 robert browi james bbuober 6 j mokonrie djiviq carty alex waldle thomas cameron benjamin watkioa henry say era nathan dredge peter gibbens robert kinnaird william mullio thomas mjoble cameron mamil- an hagh mcdjugild mirtin flynn john wadonald divibloa nofi william dubbfe joseph lsby tlipmai somorvillo james l warren brock swaokhammer bobt 6 hendewon john shaw john lfndtay fr jamos nickel sirauel lind say albert ken tiler ira hilts levi cole thorn mitchell if yuu want flrtolate guelph nash ami juok at guelph phoart t eddaok can 011 your order al hi planing mill midnight moohanioa but a gang called on nlonday nfytit and mr e x sohlirnma the new tailor js thojoaor tq a gonsidprable amount the shop onvmajn street was entered through tbe window fooiug mill street half a large pane being removed seven webs of ovorooatinga and suitingb wefo stplen also one or two garments mado to order a box of braces and a number of spools of thread the thieves were cute enough to unroll h40 clbthf rom their boards and detach the price tickctb no cine as to the psrpotralors t the work of worthless doga at the last mooting of eiqueslng council the following resolution was pissed moved by mr stalker seconded by mr near that the treasurer be adiborized to pay tbe following amounts being in each case thq twqtbjrda valqe of bbeep killed by dogs the owners theroof being unknown 1 angus kolth two fllioep s 5 00 fotof albubns aoe david carty i w alex flprowl ono i u3 rcarrled thirty doilara and thirtytwo cents in one neighborhoodfor the work of animals not worth their keep and a menace to the farming community i itapreautre memorial service tbe memorial service haying reference to the late mrs donald mann in knox church last sunduy afternoon was attend ed by a very large concourse of relatives and acqqaptances rov b a alaopherc son delivered a comforting address from zcoh h 17 at evening time it shall bo mght and rev o g langford b a who was pastor of deceassd spoke from 2 cor 1 17 for oar light afll lotion whioh ib but for a moment workelh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory muiy beantlfql thoughts were expressed and throughout the servioe empha8tswaaiaid qpontbeaodonhtedv wisdom of alrbifibty god in all his dealings with his ohildreql cttamjltm ilqrao wi6 tho third canadian boase bhow will be held in the armouries at toronto on thursday friday and saturday april 29th 80th and may lit entrhis dose on april 15th a largo bnnvber of residents and the breeders and farmers of this vicinity are interested in this event which so happily combines the fashionablo inter ests of tho city with the sgrioultnral in terests of the oountry in addition to the attractive haruega saddle and hunting classeb tbero will bo epooial features suoh as equestrian enanoevurei by tho ladies of toronto hunt and a musical ride by tho royal canadian dragoons entries should bo made to the secretary henry wade parliament balldinga toronto while the secretary for general busiqgss is stewart hoaatou 18 toronto street- reduced railway rates far pabaeogers and horses aro offered stcphcnuona rtcuw minw nol thecahor- mrwm stephenson has been visiting in guelph the past week and gare herald represent alive the following information thofiisnfnbsnavltoa all lta roadors tojcou t rib u to to tlilb ooluiun if you or your friouds uro colnii away oil a holiday trip or if ou havo friuuds viultluu you dropa card to tho puke ikitsa mr thomaa jqibbonf saddler left orj tuosday for winnipeg mr j j kelly of plattsyillc visitod friouds here list week mr dean craine of toronto visitod acton friends thla week miss hall from dirlin is tho guoat of misd corrigju at present 1 miflb jennie mucaualand of paris is the guest of aoton friends rev r b cook was so farreoovered as to bo able to walk up town yesterday mr albert willaouof georgetown made aotou friends a brief oall on tuesday mrs sanderson tot grand valley has been visiting at the old home this week mrs jones aftqdqnto vijte4 at tbe iqmo qf mr aroli motfibb dqrjqg the ptifltgeek y t c rov ir a maophprjon attoudjd the meetiugdf giofgotowu mtuiatcrial associa- lion oh monday i mrs beatiu o quoliii wks tlio giiet duting tlo week a he hqnje of liar ton ifr d vr boittie mrand mrs r d wrronandchitdror pf the fferatti gteqrrotown snant satnrday at the qtd riqrrje pptjar greek warm j officer graham who has not been well for a month past haq been confined to the house the past week with imlariul fever mr jbhuwihunid wjis up to dundalk jlijjweek tq vjt hia rqothpc wfl i eerjqaly ill lo ig iq- iep pjjdityseqond ypap v mra u thurloll and mrs niokliti of harriaton were gueuts of aoton frleuda the past weekthoyweutt6 on monday for a couple of days mis bollo pdters of toroqfq cfenqral hospital sptiut a tvf days this week in acton her many friends here were pleased to have her with tbem again ilov q f- gallon qft thqiflj has heeu rqadq t0 fegipfont of an nnoaqal lionop jje has been splegtedai lebtoret an art at the grat hiirnmei bohool at qliaqtauriua for 1007 mr norman williams of thecanuiogtbn gleaner spent a few fayii last week at the home of hw uuolt wm williams e he was ejirouto hit oh ell to take a situar tlon on the adooeatc there this ts the complarnt of thousands at this aeaflon they have no appetite food does not relish they need tliotonlng- upof thestomach and digestive organs which a course of hood sarsnparjila will give them jt nlso purifies and enriches the blood cures that dlstrcas after eating and internal misery only o dyspeptic can know creates an appetite overcomes that tired feeling and builds upand sustains the whole physically stem it ao prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspoptlcaymp- tomi and cures nervous headaches that it seems to have almost a magic touch suktejr shoes all wqu dressed men wear them i bapilia lbthobeslqrothoniefujnipodruplflcr slater makes a specialty pf gen ts fine shoes in three widths and halfsizes speoial price 5 slioes fob bi- j rii arc ho best nfjwdlnnor b covered ijanipi v apilcntian tyodq lie lrgoat wall itipcr liosincss jrt guelph our prices arcunexcelled depart mental values a great surprise what is it you ask that we are selling gli cieam for furniture at the marvellously lowphce of ioc when agents charge 250 for it r solvie more surprises scrubbingvbrushes 5 8 and 10c each wooden pails 15c each brooms 15c each universal- stove polish sc each 30 ft clotheslines 20c each everybody else has tried those christies sodas at 8c a have you c fgoqbebcq next post oiiice acllon lb r shops and warerooms foot o willow st rj calls attended to day or nifiht a window qlmplete with koller 150 fringe ditto and holler 30c extra cloth and roller 35c heavy lnce and holler 52c full size 3xg childrens carrlagesv- bik mock in all the new colors tind designs from so 00 to s2000 velocipedes millinery pqp the hnyay t h73 fo 9350 chasanelles city bookstore cuelph wbarber bros paper makerg qrqhabt6 wn ont hue 1 srioulti or on wednesday and following days oi this week we shall make our grand display of millinery silks capes laces and eincy goods to which we extend a hearty invitation you will find it as usual the best- mr stephodion who lived in aoton aod mftnufaotured plows for many yean and who took prizes for ao von teen years id fluooebsiobi loilieoonntyofhri sg culturaj plowinr matohefl ia in tho city he has inveotecf t steanf plow whloh will plow ono sore of prairio undid 43mlnntea it uses rrmbfot fuel and gathers it np aa it goesalong after it has bjon mowed wilh a mow in j maohioe the same engine by removing tho ran ft and plaoiuft a thresher on will thnah whoat out of the eltooke by traveltink around tho field threshing aa it goou tho straff drops olf behind and tho bags of when t at one eido tho ooat la only ohe qlitrtcr of any other system in tlie world for shoak tlirehhing mr stephuu- aon h now farming on a ery largo toilo having qlglit hundred acres of land in morris manitoba the property la known as the lowe farm he has now three hundred and seventeenaoreg of land inono field ready to bow wheat the boiler of a thresher engine exploded on the firm of mr mcqarvin in harwich killing james blouarvtn ibo engineer and badly injuring jchn houhton on monday at oombor a boy named david wfiley wftb ahatlrhd eorlouily wounded by a oom- pauiou who was shbotiug spirrows county treasurer wright o eiaex six or aeven years ago was requiroil to pay 13000 alleged ahortago tothe muoioipal- ity his nephew walter wright has discovered that there was no shortage but a mistake in bookkeeping and tho muni- oipality will bo asked to reftinl the 13000 yery often when wo think wo are tnv pressing people with our srriartnese we arc only muking a roputntion for being disagreeable brown i have bumo bud nowa for you old man your wife has olopod jonee how you frightened mo 1 1 thought eo mo body hai stolen my wheel the reckloss and improvident would soon bo abandoned if their friends did not eecrctly hope that uiey would in tino reforpianidpayforfftvorareofred spring seeds cauliflower cabbage tomato celery etc grqss seeds all kinds choice recleaned- timo thy very fine and cloant wed alsilce mammoth lucerne and crimson clover red top kentucky blue atrddtfc1rafatirasses all at prices away down come and see our seed catalogue now ready ceo j thorp seedsman guolph ont ibttbh thkn 6lvh and still the uest sold in laid paofeu only novor in bulk allqrooers wantbdhkvkiial vaitiivui mum ou wromu ta travul tor ruiiiiuiiilblb uiuli- itlinl liouia in ontdrlo halary 7u0 payable it wmikly aud oxpnmoh rotlttoti nariuononi lleforono ifimiot iiraldronflni rtamiiod ciitolopo thu national htar lliilldltih ctilcaito parasol sale on the days of our mil linery opening we shall hold a special sale of ladies silk parasols and umbrellas im ported by us direct from the manufacturers at the follow ing cut prices 24 ladies 23 in para sols regular 250 fbr 18 ladies 23 iiipara- sols regular 250 for 1 9 ladies 23 in p sols regular 300 for i8ladies 24 in para sols regular 350 fbi i 24 ladies 25 in um brellas regular 450 for 3 00 m 50 5i 75 f2 15 p2 59 these are all extraordinary values andwill go with a rush e r bollert 6c co 25 and 27 wyndtaam street guelph ont g corketpwijl electric works t j 8pbigut proprietor manufacturer of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams rjn and fltoam pitting and uoneral hanalr ing llolns omilpnod with agaa brallng maoulne rod onverted from d kotlflno orypofcoi keptlnatnoirbaurmldv am proparud to do trailng on itloyolm frmnm wlieala eonvertod from dlroot to tuni himkos llandla llari beut tu an doalred uw guaranted ulayolai auanlauwt in any oqor t j 8peiqht oeorgeto machine finished book papers 111qh qnadh wbtikly news tho paper quod big journal is from he above nills wm bahber ft bros loridpn barrie ibrantford lindsay woodstock brock ville guelph with peterboro as headquarters specials this week at staple and fancy groceries vinegar 25c a gal 4 canspumpkin 35c i can peaches 22c 1 can peas 16c fresh teacakes 10c pe lb tetleys teas acton 8team g eo peavoy proprietor firatclaso work guaranteed in family laundry work shiru coiiars- caffs efc work nailed fqr evsry monday and thursday and delivered every thursday and saturday ceo peavoy upertakea3 actort ont latest styles- experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges asfiass purnitur of all kinds avejtassbrted-stogk-at-reasonable-pricest- your inspection invited j a speight co w 1897 spring buying 1897 spring buying has commenced it seems earlier than usual at least the attractions of our new goods have caused a splendid movement of them buying entirely new and seasonable goods is one feature of our success new spring dress goods in dress lengths and trimmings to match present values will enable economical buyers to get just what they want r newamyalsi lace curtains at lowest prices special values in cottons sheetings pillow cottons lawns muslins prints etc we are leaders in gents furnishings a e gurnet fo co mill street acton is telling his watchmaker thai his i keepti me watch does not well how couldjhccp time in the condition that it is in hut the man says he has just had her fixed pringle of guelph snys hat it makes h great difference in the running of a watch and in the lasting pf it whether il ims been cleaned by good mechanics or bsomebotch who perhaps has juat picked up the business pringlc has been over thirty years steadily working at repairing watches and pays strict attention to every job that is done at his store livery article that is mended is critically examined by himself beforte ft is allowed to leave if you have a watch thatmhers have failed to make go well pringle says he will fix it for you and let you try it and if it does not run well your money will be returned g d pringle gnelpli and noist tel 40 a word with yiou about our new spring hats they are strictly uptodate they represent every leadin style they are made by the best makers they embrace every shade and color they are the nicest in the city they are reasonable in price need we say more just this that our sjiopvbrt is a leader v renelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph ifl flieiitc tav for ynnr nania anvl 111 bblll a lloaslllul 1iiddbn nau iu will iii oahdh ttttaiy rdotaraa or i handaama nailing cards cash with ordar htani taken addrna canada cajid iiouhk iusnrroll ont a cheap cheap cheap these fencingfe as wkli as mcmullens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn fencings etc arrtsoij much iowcr this year than ever beforo they are tho twst ask your hardware merchant far them spring openiixg on saturday the 3rd of april wewhl openforthennspection of the ladiesofacton arid vicinity the choicest display of millinery dress goods and fancy dry goods which it has ever been our pleasure to present inspection cordially invited henderson go ouse cor king and hnghsoa sts hamilton this is the dness goods reoeption week spring dress goods 6loatlomof tho neweit nnot wevea from 11 tbflhfng drew sooda mriten aro now to bo seenfllr eoanten our took i now aom- plot khq wo atk yonr lntpouoa colored oown stuffs tweed effecta 44 laahci wide bneolal at 5 and aoo canvm effeou 41 tnohea wide speoialat 65 05 and 75c bilk aod wool 41 inolios wide eiocll at 60 and 75c fanoy dreta ieubthi silk and wool mlitnro with tha now tanvuaud grenadine offocti no two aluo ranging from 4s0 to fiboo ror tmilormmde dresses velour bui tings cofort bulungs trvll jt hcotch bee oar ooo bootob tweeds ipoolal hlaelcoantai cloth 4a inolim wide 30o blaelt canvas oloth 44 tnohoa wide 07 00 and 75o i priestley fanoy black goods 44 inohes wldo 50o fanoy bilk warpmonnlng bpealaltlot fine french novoulm oauvaa effaou ilaln atrlnea and fanotes xfroelltnt linens our ijineui oomlng u they do direct fromthe roanafaotarere place ni in a position that our valnw are always light always a little better than anywhere eue we are careful that every uil of u jnat aa stated all linen does uot uiean amlte or jnte or cotton but puro uax 69lneb blenobad damask tee fittidch llleaebsd datnaak 75c 70lnch bleaebad damask 75o u104 unblaaehed oloth itn 0x10x4 fine uleaobad glotb ah5 to 5 tarkuh table eaddlur os inohes wide 0111 tbe now pollsblog cloth selvyt oqul to obauiolt tlireo sliee 1bj s3 and lie ai the wash dress seotion many exclusive lines for whloh we are sole mllldgftifunta in hamilton new french cambrics very josutiful blouse goods so s3 and s5o new cotton creuons 00 iitobes wide 13ft 18 audbqo f white cottons fcult of tbe loom and dwlglit anchor 10c lonsdalo lsac pinewngllsh cloth 10c now york mills prldo of tho woat wamsutta etc aft popular prices shirt waists nd blouses made from cropon now bishop slcoves white linen collar soft cuff 6325 made of lluen uatiato moral design yoke baok soft front laun dried collar jui fine muni in lllouaoa lauiidriod collar and cujtn yoke back wltli plaits 1 8115 135 amt eih5 pino cambric flhlrt waists bishop nleovoa and adjuatalilo collar and culfu 00c 75c 01 110 113 anllljj american underwear uownirtuekodryekerturndowiieollarrtrlm mod frill and insertion h5o qowns sanio stylo yoke largo polntod sailor collar bandsomoly trlmmod wltli ombroldory ei 15 ladlos drawors mado of lonsdalo tucks laco trimmed 110 ladies drawers lonsdalo mado vary wldu doop frllf trimmed laco anpnaerlloji 61 b0 corset covers bjuaro back and front trimiuod ombroldory and inaortlon 6bc mado from lonsdalo square yoko of lnco ami fine muslin insortlon muslin frill oilnoit with lace 116 new housemaids aprons opened today various styles prices from 45c fine siims are tboy too fine dont judo by tho look- ask prlco hare aro some of tho now comora kalkal 811k stripe and chock mostly ifgl shades s5o printed japanese bilks i7 inches nldo good variety of patterns 75a printed foulards navy and white otc 27- inch 75c- marvellleaux ilroclio 33 inch nnwnnt blindua liaudsoine c too in 75c il nuii ii5 new colored taffeta 1w inohes wldu 50c bamnloe on application fruight or oxpronn prepaid to your nearest railway utatlon in on tarlo on all purchasos of 10 and upwards tkomas g watkins march 13th 189a the right iiousk

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