Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 1, 1897, p. 4

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r l thursday apiujj 1 1807 itic hmnr jollts t7 of womaa siail iiolkftl plannili f tt u n 1 nili ini i iiiouii down tlio ulihnnoyiio lit tlui owlttofithur uonmii oubcar riiifiby hiiili tl o cdd tutor bdimt off flic fky 1 t blench and trow wbito in tho field of tho aim bwinhhik tlio front from tliq shooting troo vnd bii tlnhhtn work a way uong morrily i or tlio old vuitutr mdiiiru would laugb if obo knew ii ur ell tint bad boumlod like moaning to you llio luironrly honors rejolcn at tlio sound anl rimli up thilr f n bii baby liantin tbraugb tlio ground an 1 loaves tltitly tucked in tbtli fei tig wllitor a catastrophe bialb awjikun uud dy to lilt up tbolr woo liuadg aiitn lieii tired wlbtful ojcb foieaking tbolt bookp f ubrmgc roun uud brlylitlq tbo wild lower jinolfa ml children tidon bumnitrd wltb aims ladtm qulto lv tbo old w eatbor woman wlifiknolt outof blgbj just for fun geat scott ia tiro numoofa merchant in baltimore when he was born ilia father exclaimed j scott and tfion burden ed tho child with tho abburd name in mi advertisement for a unfi geulle man who hft bis parent it aii stated that if master jaoky will roturu to hla dieconsolate parents he shall be allowed to sweeten his own tea mrs goldstein ikey i key 1 felix iiob bvallered a cent mr goldstein vot a gread poy i alrctty ho vants to shtart in peezooae ub a penny in der slot maohiue when be was megyp mark twain hired two arab guides to tko bim to the pyramids he was familiar enough with arabio he thought to understand and be understood with perfect ease jto his consternation he found that he could not comprehend a word that either of the guides uttered at the pyramidrinjmet a friend to whom h niade knpwn his dilemma it was very mysterious twain thought why the explanation is aira pie enough said the friend fleaao en lighten me ttien said twain why you should have hired younger men these old fellows have lost their teeth and of course they dont speak arabio they speak gum arabio a builder observed a man b tan ding on tho scaffolding with bis hands in his poo beta smoking a pipe he went gently up the ladder and stepping in front of him said now i ve caught you well have uo more of this heres your four days pay it heing friday and yon can con eider yourself discharged the man pockoted the money and went away rather quickly jubt then the foreman came np and tho builder told him what he had done why said the foreman r man wasn t working for us he was only asking lot a job a btory has gone abroad of a lady school teacher who having an inordinate dread of contagious diseases sent a little girl home hecaiwo she said her mother wan eiok tho next day the child presented herself at tho eohool with her little bonnet swing ing by tbo btring and baid weve got a baby at our bouse but mamma told me to tell you it isnt catching the teaaher let her stay a hibernian gentleman told a friend studying for the priesthood i hope i may jivo to hear you preach my funeral sermon another expressed the grateinl sentiment may you live to eat the chicken that scratches over your grave a physician said oracularly of a murdered ma this person was bo ill that if he had not beeb murdered he would have died a half an hour before the tram was roaring along al out forty miles an hour and tho oouduator was bus ily engaged in puuehing lioketh full of holes whan little thin old man who mil in ono of tlio oornor benin pjuokod nt bin hicovc mr conductor jou bo euro and itt mo off at spcctb at el t ion you bcc tlnu u tlio ilrat tinio i over rode on steam car ami i dont know anything 1 lliom you wont forgot it eh ah rijjht bii i wont forgot the old man brushed back n stray lock of hair and ating toning lumbolf gized at tho flymr lundacapo every now and then eiolaimmg gracious i by gura etc suddenly there was a crabh and aher a number of gymnastic moves thu rnadp jumthink of his school days hp found hlraaclf bitting on the irusa of tho cinbauk mont alongside tho track fa seeing another passenger sitting a short distance away patiently supporting var iotia parts of uio oar aoroja hs leg ho iikioircjl ju thlb pdire crobaing7 the nasseuyer jwho ivaa a drpmmer and notaltoeihor nev to euoh experiotfcoa replied with a smile although it consider able pale no this is a catastrophe 1 is that ao he irritably cxotaimed now i knew that conduotor would pub me off at the wrong place she was very practical it was a very difficult matter to mako up my mind which to accept said the girl with a practical mind i understand they are both very bright yes theyro inventors there ia soroetbifag n in that pro fession i cannot tbiqk without tbo profouiidesfr admiration of these men who haruesb that giant force of nature to do the lidding of the human will yes that sentiment applies to william hou at work on a hying machine and a now electric engine but one cant buy moouette carpets and dining room nhnirw wth flnq ihnnnpq joq know arent yon rdmg jo marry william no i accepted john hes going to be a rich man he has tan invention under way for fastening on buspender buttons eo they cant come off two miserable men the most miserable man alivo is tho one who lives in constant fear of death and the one next him is the poor follow who opposes every public enterprise lest hia taxes may be incroabed a niokol or two and him eel f finally sent to tho poor farm when a man has so much property that his taxes become a burden the wonder is that he does not got rid of noma of it btrunge as it may seem the poorebt map in the land who pays his tax pays more luproportioa tow hathebaa than a rioh- man how girls should consider proposals my dear girl when a man abks you to become his wto you ought to put some questions to 3 ourbelf satisfy yourself that you jove this man well enough nob only to be happy with him but if need bo to suffer with him decide for yourself if this is tbo man of all others in whom you will find your ideal companion for com pamonship means aa much in marriage as in friendship then yoamuat thinkof the future abk yourself too whether this man brings out in you all that is best whether be provokes all that is little and mean in you or whether be piques you into makidg light of that which is good deoido whether this man ib the one with whom you would be williog to grow old whether this man is tho one to whom you would without hesitancy submit questions rheumatism can be cured in june 1895 i was attacked with in flammatory rheumatism with which i suffered under continued mediaal treat ment live months the last ave weeks i wan not able to get out of bed i then eent for dr haleted his treatment gave rao immediate relief and in a few days i was at my work and i have had no rheum atism sinoe hiram sonnouiuikn mclntyre dec 26th 18 j 5 dr halbteda luieumatio cure may be had at the meaical hall main street aaton for you for all the great lifegiver paines celery compound xtemov3t3e l and burden it is foremost as medicine a spring it makes wondrous cores the iroinitiao a 111m find happier oxia tec co is pirsotml and tnerut it is for 5 oil i it ib for all i men and wo a ol en into tlio flpruig ucufloil with a variety of diseases that arise- from a faulty or irn- paired nervous ay at cm- these fitments causa raaro sufferipg and earlier deaths than all others and tht is why so myob attention and prominence has been given to pal nee celery compound of all medicines faiubs celery opm pound stands first as a cap id and sure euro for all nerve diseases bucii as nervous de bility ueurultis rheumalibm and sciatica sleeplessness net vpuaneeb and dynpepam originate from an imperfect condition of thojaervoub system and a perfect and por rnanent euro oan only bo looked for from painea celery compound in tho spring soaeon when tho blood il impure thin and impoverished fainoa c compound lbthetigeut of life that quickly oleanses and purifies tho life atream bringing strength vigor and rohpstnesb the use of ono bottlo ot painea celery compound will quioklyconwnce tbobutfer r that he or biiu has truly luid hold of a spring medicine that leads to health and a new life thousands in the pabt have thrown a bide ihoid iijb and troubles ou may do the eamo if joil get tbe mcdfciuo that cures jaineb celory compound and it alone can meet your expectations take no othor media wo from yunr dealer no matter how strongly ho may recommend it good wom nbad heart when could tho life of a loved ono ba more uncertain than when attached b heart dlaoaao lf you hnvo a hint of it havo ipr affnewa juro for tho hoart always on t ind it is tho onis remedy whkli oan rollevo you in 30 mlnutej and cure yon per manently v ihia ib too cuitify thut my wife iiub btmi a auiferor from heart uiacao for over twenty years after having tried doatars and remodioa innumerable without benefit i procured nn botl ub of dr agnow a curo for tio hoart utul rho haa iccoivcd moro benefit trom it ihicn from all tho dootora and all tho nurpi 1 ad herltoforo i am plcaaod to certify to the oxcolkiao of this wonderful remedy auion nlchblh petorboro smith tp sod by a t brown t ihe public dobt is said 10- be our great est national owed a ahortrottd to health wtn opened to ihoso suffering from cbrouio coughs aath raa bronchitis catarrh iumbjgi tumors rheumatism ex0ricate4 nippies or inflarrjod breasts and kidney complaints by the introduction of lho inexpensive and tfiec ityo remedy dr thomas xicieotriaoil hiickach faeeacbo hllio ininit nournlnle rnlnx pain lu tho hide etcj rromi tljr utllerod uvl curwi bj- thedl menthol plaster lurtnffiiltiurd 4 i- menthol riartor f r vnrautlnli il a bo k an i lumbago i 1 i mltntli jrly rrrnn nirntl m if inni uailum nly tin ftict ihpjra tllko oiatflu a latutk ellubfithtown o11l prlco 23c -davis-ft-lawrfnce-cofrltd- 1roprletora montreal a lady writes i was enabled to remove the corns root and branch by the use of hollo way itcom cors others who have tried it have tbe bamecxperience wonderful piles cured in 3 to 6 nights itch- rner burnlner skin diseases re lieved in one day if a man would register all hie opinions upon love politics religion learning oto beginning from his youth and bo on to old age what a bundle of inconsistencies would appear at last swift ufc fr filifsi ij break up a cold in time by using i pyhypectoral i liver ills imke bmousneis dyspepsia fieadache eonsuv patlon sour stonaach indigestion are promptly cured by hood fills they do their work mi wmo easily and thoroughly r bt after dinner pills ss cents am druggists prepared by c i hood ft co lowell mass the onlv i ill to take with hood s sarsaparllla that troublo your conscience then toot you must ask yourself what seems per- hapb like a trivial question whether this man is ono whose name you will feel boo pred in boarlng not because of any mater ial wealth he may possess bat became of hiebetng an honestentl think out all those things ask yourself questions not only as to hs fitness but a to yours and then if you give him the loving ans wcr that he wibhea try to becomo thor onghly acquainted with him the new millionaire i rap across a new millionaire the other day whose name j b not yet seen in the papern i found him and his family in a littlo room from whose windows one could bee the lake tho living that my friend midas needs many servants and a palace to mako passable goes grandly on here in ono room and aolove three servants love willingness and good mature da all tho work gratis on the looking glass was printed this littlo poem of lacy lar corns all things abb mink do not own an inch of land irufairrflolrmtno tbo orchards and tho moving floldn tho lawn and pardons aim the wlndi my tax collectors aro they brlug mo tithes flevltie wild nconta and auntie emoncob a tribute nro and free and mnro magnlnaont thau nil my windows keep for mo a bllnio of blue immensity a littlo atrip of aoa chi cago jlceord men arrested for drunkenness in mexico are made to clean tho streets lifes a burden- tlio quick curo for coughs colds cltotr ilton- chiti3 iio 3lnlss etc mis join i i of cj sorau lh v rrt i i i y mllr f if in fninl r i 1 i r u i i i r ti i uii i f r c v lie rv i c t i 1 1 1 avc i y ii 0 1 toii cr will i vo uu on ur t iargo bottle 25 cta d wis i wvklncb co ltd prop ictora mostrlai i l tbdk a tnad for an nnexpeotcd favor abd then watoh a preachers story ip the stomach right is not is there nausea la there consti pation ib the tongue coated are you light headed do you have slok head aches a anp all of these denote stomach and liver disorder dr aijoewa liver pilw act quickly and will cure most etubborn and chrome casea no nnpleaaantneaa no griping thane little pills are little wonder workers and are far famed 40 in sold by a t brown vial for 20 cents dining room plants no ono qtiilo knowh why biit every one iloia know that the table fernerica left piraibtenlly in ihe dininit room dry and rust or urow in straggling fashion or other wise fail of their original beauty very qnickly floriats say gaa furnace and vnriona thlnge in explanation ii ia a good plan to have two or three of these center piecus growing at once and change thorn about from an upper room that is not kept at top heat all day to the dining tablr in thia way the life of all will be much pro lonnert bninltnaskou the aire of tho fern dish may hold thodnpllcateb while tho devils messengers were tcllinu job i very thing had been lout ihe lorda monenger were on the way lo say hia ijaln had been a hundred per cent scrofula is a word you dont quite understand but if you talk with your doctor he will tell you that it is generally believed to be due to the same cause which gives rise to consumption it appears mostly in those who are fatstarved and thin usually in early life a course of treatment of scotts emulsion with the hypo- phosites wherever scrofula m itself w 1 prevent the development of the dis- llke other morale he fell victim to disease dr agnews catarrhal powders was the agent which restored him to health and he oladly allows his name to be used in telling it that others may be benefited too rev chas e whitoombe rootor of st uatthewa episcopal churoh aud prmoi pal of st matthews church sabool ham ilton was a great bufferer dr agnows catarrhal powder curod him and ho now proolalms tothe world that as a bafe eim pto and cortain euro ib has no equal it never fails to relievo catarrh in ten min utes aud cures permanently soldby a t brown dr agnows ointment will ouro alloabos of ltohimng piles in irom three to six nights ono application brings comfort tor blind and bleeding piles it is peerless aibo oureb tetter salt rheum eczema bar bora itoh and all oruptionb of the skin relioves in a day joconts sold by a t brown did you get auy uowb over tho tele phouo no bopeloesty whate tho matter buby no buzzy i the great demand for a pleasant safe and reliable antidote for all affeotions of thethrost and long8-ia-fnllymetwith-in- bicktes anti consumptive syrup it is purely a vegetable compound and actb promptly and magically in bubduing all ooogha colds brouclutia luflammation of tho lnigseto it is eo palatable that a child will uot refuse it and ib put at a prico that will not exoludo the poor from ltb benefits itfadgc how proud memo is siuco bho ordered her bicycle tom well you know pride goes before a fall jimmy id like to bo a doctor when i grow up tommy what for jimmy so s when fellers mothora brought cm to rao i could say to beep em home from school a week or two castqr1a for infants and children emulsion is invaluable if you are run down as it is a food as well as a medicine i the d 6c l emulsion will build you up if your general health la impaired the d l emulsion i is tho best and most palatable preparation o cod liver oil agreeing with lllo most dell calo stomachs the d l emulsion is prescribed by tho leading physicians of r canada the d ft l emulsion i f is a marvellous flesh producer and will glvo f you an appetite boc si per bottle do suro u get i davis uwrenoe co ltd c tho fciiuiuo momthbal the great family medicine of the age- taken internally it cures diarrhcoa cramp and pain fn tho stomach sore throat sudden colds coughs oto eta used externally it cures cuts bruises burns scalds sprains toothache patn in tho face neuralgia rheumatism frosted feet nfinrllrlfivtirnlull d to uul itwundfjil mj ilar ity n u tf i i hm nlic r intl inytft ii 6 tm n t tr lift in il itkiu r wouvaii n l tk rltm in til j llr frvnmiti 1 1 andwiowu ttrbo il ftrtl jf t n j n mukjilixctinhjsinmllk tbujatllsl ljljt ttinl oltvluufatilom 11 ednuollijwliniio tin euc oil in a it 1 nn rwl jnirlt rni ft rt tni or rni nvlnjr iwl i mll nimbi ti ilrr in rriuutluiim 1 ut 1 orry uv 1 j killer irp itself i 1 fwfcr rin lutlnni imyonl tl fni alco rkbnr ilalh a ii vnry rlmroil trjralh mi so vrjlhrurlatluo cw r fogfd out none but uiobo whp have becomo fagrod out know what a deprpbfied miserabto fltpg it m alt btrength is ronaflnl ddepondonoy baa taken 4o1d of tlio sufferers they feel aa though thqro lbnothjnp to jive for there however ia a euro odb box of pajmeleo b vegetablo pills will do wonders m rentormfi health and btrobga maudmko and pandetiou are two of the articles entering into tho com poaition of puryneleo a title traveller ib ireland i dont bee how it is you people keep in ouch good humor irish man lsbure we do niver have- enough to oat to get bitioub not that kind boottu emuleiou does not debilitate tho etomach ttbolher cough modicmea do but ob the contrary it improve8dgebtion and strengthens the atom nob its effects are immediate and pronounced h shorey co of montreal have raised the standard of ready made clothing so that the best dressed people in canada are now wearing their make kvcry gnrmeilt is guarantied to the fullest extent mid will be tujeen oaclc if not up to the standard their dicycle suits and spring overcoits nre nil rlgby waterproofed which menus they will keen out the wet but not the air all firstclass dealers keep their goods aslc for and see that ou get si4 shoreys make hello there stewart cosstoek of gents furnishings amounting td 3 obo boushr at 3fetooritfl thursday morning march 18th at stewarts old stand neckties collars ind cuffs shirts sox and a slaughtersale ofjeiatb and caps umbrellas ac will commence no room ro quote prices come etrly and pet hirgams at stewirt co a old stand r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph prospectiire housekeepers a borious qaestion for proapeotive honiikoepors ib tbe great original outlay ifioaary for the purohao of appropriate furniture and furniahinga we can be of service to all auob theyll be borprleed to learn upon bow small ap investment they can begin with if their selection is made from oar stock older house keepers can find many articles they need thib spring at very low pncea in our warerooma undertaking 1 oar stock is oomplete an excellent assortment in all the city styles in trimmings and finish prioes lower than oyer cofflna or caaketa delivered within five miles of acton first class hearse at reasonable charges shop and sbow rooms cor willow and asaos suwls j a speight co thi fu ll milt ilguittir ten irtry vuppftr hunker kvor buce i oan remember misb flypp 1 havd searched for the beau tifnl the true and the good mi6riypp oh mr h tinker una ia ao sudden but you may speak to papa grief and worry cause heart trouble time trembling violently and in a cold perspiration and could not get to bleep ease let us selld you a kftin that nlghr my memory beorae book free scott u i own luhctlllt onu potato patches propagate practical plul obopliy ily ndslilmr johl lo about hoodi saraaparilla and ndvibpd mo to uib it this is the kind of ndver tiaiog which fiea hoods baraapsrilla the largest sales in the world friend tells friend that hoods barsaparilla cures that it gives strength health vitality and vigor and whole neighborhoods use it for a fam lly medicine hoodd pills aot easily and promptly on lite liver and the bowels curo sick head ache a well and favorably known lady of at itch oil gives an account of her suffering grief at tho doath of near and dear relatives a few years ago can bed nervous trouble and general debility prior to that timo i was in excellent health qnito atout and very strong with my sad bereave- menta i became excessively nervoav my appetite failed i lobt flesh and btrength and my mind and nerves were in such a state that i found it almost impossible to compose myself to sleep when i did drop int a om w op in aabort por table and dairy clouded mid floklo i had great pain tl rough my u mplcs and my heart wonld rre- qucnllyjuon ub piiutuionn then again i had fainting h polls m that my friends thought j won r hypochondrlho rortnn- aty i procurod a box of millmrnd heart and nerve pills from mr 8 a hodge tho well known druguittt of thn place nnd commenced taking them int br 1 my gmtittide thfty performed a compktt euro my appelate js now good i havo gainod in flesh health and and feel cheerful and happj i aleep well and have now up troubtb with my hftt or nerves whatever tliero pillar lira a firoat cure for heart and nerve troubles as well as a splendid tonio for tho entire sjaeem and i am very glad to recomnfond them 0 all flutterera from similar cemplninta sign ed miph w mibiiihchiunt mltohoir ont there never was and riovor will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tho very nature of many cutatives boing buoh that wero the germs of other and differently sealed diseaaca rooted in thfrbyhtamof the patient what would relieve one ill in torn would aggravate tbe other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound anadalterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioious use tbe frailest b stems are led into con valeecenoe and strength by the influenco which quinipe exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping bptritsof thosrwlth whomfa chroulctbrato of morbid debpondoul and lack of intoreat in life isa diaeaao and by tranqniiizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whiqh being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tbe healthy animal functions of tbe system thereby making activity a neoebhary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand increased substance resnltan proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho publio their quinine wine at the ubual rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists thia wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market all druggists bell it lawyqr investigating clients btory now yon must keep nothing from mo client i havent 1 paid every cent i bad in tho world for your rotatner m1cn0u get tired of dosing yourself with ohoap pvrgativo pills that only act on tho bowels be advised and remove all jour buffer ing by using a common sense treatment that acts direot ly on tho liver kidneys and stomach wrights liver and stomach pills do tbo work the coat is 50 cents for a completo treatment ask a t browp draggiet aoton about them sample box sont on receipt of bit cents m stamps the lero pili co toronto can try dont headache powders they give immediate relief safe successful bure 25 cohb a box sexton to a divine who was spending bis holidays in tbe country and who on tho sudden illness of tho village parbon voluntcorod to take his dutieb a worao preacher would haio dono for ur but we couldnt get ono 1 tever and aue and bilious derange ments are positively cured by tho use of parmeleeatilia they not only el6anso tbe btomaoh and bowels from all bilious matter but thej open the excretory veagola oaunmg them to pour copious effusions from tho blood into tho bowels after wbjpj the corrupted mass ib thrown oubytb natural passage of tho body they used as a general family medicine with the best results 1 kellys music store headquarters tor pianos organs violins guitars mandolins banjos flutes acoordeons drums etc etc the only store in the city where you can get the best quality of strings for all instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tune r c in kelly 95 upper wyndham street guelpii glasgow house acton crnmpsx colio coms diaitrikba dysenterv iuhlntttowbiftohl7afm j a sure safe quick uro for thcao 1 troublluls j pocmkiuer pktlrt davis j vsctl itttcrnaijy and externally tn0 sizes cc nnd boc bottles j spring goods nweing placed instookvdaily bnfe sure painless just what jou need if von are troubled byaohinfz corns potnams painless corn extractor actb in this way it makes no sore spotb aots speedily removing tho worst corn in d twenty four hours put nams corn extractor the only sure corn ouro grower in the finest tea gardens in the world blended and tested by experts m pronounced the best at all grooers lead packets only 25 30 40 50 and 60 cents a pound black en mixed 6 thl davidson hay ltd wholesale agents toronto xnxa ftlvcr pills cure consllpaliou hiliousnihi and eiok hordftoho 2a wantedbevbbai paitiiftl meif oil women to travol for roationslblo eatab iiliad home in ontario halar 7h parable is woekly and axnaniea i oaludn iiermanont jiererunoe duelom self addremed luuilied envelotie tllu national hlar llnilillaa otiloao p som cv secure an early choice from our pretty range of dress goods railway time table n grand trunk hallway iqist hf 1 oind i ah1 mull l i n in i 1 xprirh tl u n in i xi ro h i rti 1 i xi tifih io 47 o ni mull 7 w i in mull i 11 in 1 mi xc 1 10 01 1 in hsu ol lominu maii h coliiu vnt dirum anijriloi in goltif uhtk 11 a tn unclg 4j i m thin tiini tiiljlu unt mtu olttlt on mouilnj no wth lh l brhntford steel mills galvanxled tdv era and whecltt internal cov orcd ilev patent uotlor ud dalcijat idcftl spray puinii iron punipi water inlihr liiilnb ac the ideal power mill with roller and ball bearings is a wonder bond for circulars the maple leaf pou charley muir bronjtfordtan kon ant rowbb thou 2 uqhhk to aonodse ton incb itoveralbla riatoa of special doflcn ball boarlqua for tbe nltctf jtuna oruysrlndi quo and fat our 12 foot ideal power mill will run it satlsfao torlly thia is by all cuda tbo best orludor made acton roller flour mills j3c7uves clrrk pkopietor havinr leased the above mills for a term of years i am in i position to supply the wants of the public with the best qualities of roller flour cracked wheat mill feed and all kinds cf chopped feed required all our flour will contain the proper percentage of no 1 manltobahardwheat mj lonrexpencnde in the milling bus ness enables me to assure satisfaction to every patron i will b ple meet all old customers of the mill and many nev ones 1 am prepared to pay the highest current prices for wheat oats and peas for use in said mill telephone town orders from brown s drug store lxchanping wheat and chopping a specialty james clark georgetown electric works t j speigbt proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and ydraulic rams pino aodbteam fitting and uoneril repair tag being equipped with a ga brat lug machine i am proparud to do brazing on bicycles frmmei ac whuoli converted from direct to tangen spokes handle bars bont to any doalrod auglo poll line of a pokes kept in btook satiafacttoi guaranteed bicycles onamellod in auy color t j speight georgetown i bri5tola bristols i bristols sarsaparilja and jfowft pills the greitest of ill liver stomach and blood medicines a 8peoifio for rheumatism gout and chronic complaints they cle inse ind purify the blood all druggists and general dealers henderson co stbmeris tailoring thats what wo like to call tbo class ot ilresp tanking we dot dont contuse it with tho ordinary dress making this department is now open nnd is aain under the management of miss chos8- l and ho has jiibt rotunied tfom newjtork with fho newest nnd brijitcst american ideas the clas9 oi work we do is distinctly difleient froni thnt dono in other stores havo you over examined our woik it will be n revolation to you it jou havo not thorough i tho word that expresses it wjo ciiit mako everybodys dressos it wo could wis dont sup pose wo could get them to make although in all our experience wo havo yot to learn ol ono person who hns been disntisfied thoro ruuat bo bomo wo havo never mot them while wo cant mako every bodys d reuses we can make for tho firstcomers we back up our dressmaking with ono of the finest stocks of dress qoods in tho provinco all the latest tasto of the lion was brought to boar hi tho soleution of this stock variety style and extent are important tuotora yes tho most important in a dress goods stock but in these hard times tho prico feature- is not to bo lightly over looked and wo commend to intending purchasers an inspection of tlio qualityvalues ot our goods fob ttobhlypvn xhars lkidyiza j d williamson co wyndham apd macdonnellstreets guelph wi anil description mar nullior antiivaiitloii la tj toiiimunlimtloiib mriotlr trif poolal nouoa in tti 80ientifi0 american ijrbftjrssrbbia munn a co 301 draailwny now yru

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