Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 8, 1897, p. 4

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cij 2ut01t 3 ltss uiiullsday aluii ati jloung 3mhs 1 los w imj jilv tlr ja1kv not i i fluid tlio owl n 1 lie tuvo arfintjicoul aul hu wiped uitt tjo ai iuitliiiib jpwl iii uhno biiid thu dot 1 burk out loud ill ihudavi iloo od 1 bull tho cat ml juw 1 11 scratch any di romy tlmt i ilo tool afraid ml iuw ifjaid haiti tlio lnmibi of tlio dark in a lioubot hero mo tjckuir liatoor hiho niiutcr hquonk i tbuttlio lottfl jo his note and tho urit in tlio jrround thoy both bbook tljolr bends and paaucdflio wflrd round arid tlio blrdtu thu tree jjoflab and the boo tboy doclared all throo 1 bat you novur dtd sou v w oup of tlicui afraid rnthidnrk hut tho llfalo boy who bad rooo to bed juqt ruined tbo bodclothcb and lovorul iiib lipad art aged man i bco by tho ovenin paper that tho old eot mau in pipgy stato of rjontany or torritory whichever ti bjtb jebt died baid phoebe lincoln taking off herspeo taclea and addressing her husband well 1 m glad fer him that hqaone- romarked uacla liakiro promptly m thu old cat man in placo ia the last thiug i tjhould oler crave to he happen to me outlived hie nsefulncaa o course years be fore the poor crittur bed an morod likely wae ou his relations hands un they wjah in lnm dead and rodo it b a meroy hot removed at last baid undo laikim mor obely why i don trcalolato bo bad lost his fao itiee said annt pboobo with the aug gcstion of a twinkle in hor faded eyes it dont tay that ho was deef or tont juayl interrupted uncle laikim half toatily tvhata tho need of its bayin do you rookon it b likely a man of sense cau arrive at my time of life an sao all 1 vo eoen thout bnowin what comes to a man that a lived to bo a landmark like that i tell you that he waa probably deef an blind mostly an hed lost his grip on every thin women folks dont who their reaeonin powere over what b been give ora i sposo you d like to have mo live right along no matter how an com for tabic twas fer me jest as long as i coald bo kep from lettin go of my breath i you mean all right enough an i reckon i shell live as long as tho lord wills eaid uncln laikim looking severely across tho table at hib placid spouse bnt fer 1113 ecu l buonld let down 611 my huuuh this minute if i thought there was any likelihood o my living to the agool that roor man in montany there was a little pause and tbon he asked suspiciously after another glanco at aunt phoebo who to judge by the smile that was bteahng over her face was appar entty gratified by his statements mow old was the poor cnttur you was readin about anyway he was jet torned thurty five the paper saye responded aunt phoebe raildlj pisgy appears to be a new town an the inhabitants is mostly under twen ty i guess it a about tima i took atocn at that newspaper since youve bad your lit tig joke said uncle liakim with a dry chuckle after a moments reflection and ann t phoebe handed bi m tbo o sbeet and reached for her knitting i tie ethics of dress how fur is tlio noli prl who tola ihb fuahioiih responsible for tho owl liilhiifiioo wrought upoii the poor jirl bylitr tihoiim ting cxampll suoh ajubtioii cuiinot bo ilbtlj eot aaidl and overy nomnn may well ponder it leaving out lho qichhou of physical htalth and only considering tho pence of mind disturbed or ikatrojed by aroiiding an ambition which dun- never he autisilul what a pailiectio hint it ia to iind that your example liah nude another womunb or girl b itfo miaorjiblo i it in prchiinmhlo th no hqlintumnrtod truly thoughtful pereou can bono thtit f iah lonublo lifn is going to clibo in order to bet ter tho life of ho unfiibluouablo world nor is it necessary tho btbt that can ha txpeeted ni tho hpread or hamane and char itablo inilnoncoa to tho effect of obliloruting indifterenco where gentle and b mpathotio taut and thoufeblfulnoifl aro o ncooaeary tho poor need educating in aenaiblo clmu- nels as weu as cbe tlium to- dihoover that happjuoas doea not clothe itself in flying colore and hot itspu down to intemperate feasting conloiimont is not only a possoaaion of tho miluooairo nor doem it serve as thrall to the millionaires dauguterfaiina hunter barron in iht chuutauqumi lor march feelinohis way madern aafd hungry hawkina fanner ing ha tatterod jnpaaok an tho sharp nosed womuu opened the door i am in troduoing a new patent gun cleaner that is one of tho finest things you over aeo its tho very thing if your hubband oc 1 aint got no hnbhftnd nor no ftm well perhaps ou would like to look at our latest dog collar bilver plated name engraved free of cost selling at the low price of there unit no dog on tho place i dont want to boy anything so you jtiat lady said hungry haweiui tlien you want ter get o move on yer and hustle mo up the best breakfast yor kuow how or you u bear somotlun drop see truth in a nutshell impure blood is tho natural result of close confinement in house school room or bhop blood is punupd by oooda sareaparilla and all tho disagreeable resalts o impure blood disappear with the use of this modi oirie if you wish to ml vell keep your bloottpuro with hood a sarsliparilk hoods aro the beat family cathartic aud livor medicine gentle reliable sure miuister a wives are to bo pitied they caut toll their husbands what guott men their ministers are not that kind scotts lmujaiou does not debihtato tho btomach as other cough medicines do but on the contrary it improves digestion aiid strengthens thn btnmnrh itfl efffcts are immediate and pronounced 1 asy to take asy to operate are feature peculiar to hoods pills small la lize tasteie efficient thorough as one man manitoba mention miami m lho doan kidney pills go ioroiilo out i gentlomeil i jot tl ox of j our jlvidney pills from the miann driij stott ikternun cq to givo tlioin a elnuieo to euro niu uf tin kidney eoraplaint from whieh 1 haobuf fort 1 for upmc tirnt i u 1 uijilii has becomo ho bid latterly that 1 euuld feureoly endure il imay say that it resulted from a full whiuh 1 reecied u few months bade after ustiie several kidiuy pilio and euros of different hindu but without reenvin any henefu thereftuc i am fleusld to testify to tho eruat ben tilt 1 have received from doan a kidney pills i havo used onlj-ono- boxup to thin dato and tho uhaiihe i niy conilition is no rcat that i canno r from recommending ihem to any pqreou afilietod as 1 hayo beeii or troubled with any kidney disorueru for i behove that it they would curo mo thoy wtratdcureoliotttaiiyottim twill to rosumo my farm vsork now as usual and it unknot tho lightest work either p am sir c yours ratefuky saiibei rnaut miami mftu luxa liver pi mb euros oonstipation bihoutmeflb and eick headache 20 do6lor why id it that ppoplo aro so much moro pleased with boy babies than with yrls nothing eimplor niadain a boy baby never comeb amiss rheumatism can bf cured nearly thirteen years ago 1 was taken very severely with rhoumatum and ul though i havo bc6n tieated for it by sovorul doctors hero and elsewhere besides lining any amount of patent medicines and vaunt ed rheumatic cures i never found only tempore ry relief unullxjnauthlftgoj when dr hal a ted s ithqumatio cure cured me so that 1 liavo not folt anything of it since rout lbimhuw acton march lfith 3807 relief for ljizttg troubles id cossiiiiption anil nil ewno o iihtshy jmttintiot 1ilood oiii tohh1p mift1tf dlduitv ilio bonrlllhurttila lirlicloiiri t l maiilfint f lllkrl ii it t 11 n son i flci a a iltotikqlt t ii wrst if ill e v i lral wy in j lad a t ii mix uiji u r i tirral 10r nnd 81 per d tlllo davis lawrence co itj mori heal e eg o o o o o q conceit is to nature what paint is to beauty it is not only needless but impairs what it would improve right from the mines family ties may be broken in the grand rush for gold but whats wealth without health dr ag- news catarrhal powder is a wonderful cure it never falls to relieve in ten minutes uld ton neverknow you have taken a pt 11 till it la oil over 25c c i ilocd co proprietors lowell mass toe only pills to toko wltii hood nadariu pills is it true that pidger is financially cm harassed h ibawfn in ebtrbiit it-doefln-t- a thrilling story by j b cough a minister of the gospel told me one of the naobt thrilling incidents i ever heard in my life a member of his congregation came home for the first time in his hfo in toxica ttiti and bis boy met him on his door step clapping his hands exclaiming papa s come homo he seized the boy by the shoulder swung him around staggered and fell in the hall the minister said to me i could gtveryctorfafbrna if neces inpent the night in tho house i went out bared my brow that the night air might fall upooit and apol it i walked down the hth there was his child dead j thoro- wab his wife in strong convulsions and be ableep i a man but thirty years of age asleep with a dead child in tho house having a blue mark upon the temple where the cor uer of tho marble steps had come in eontact with tho head as be swung him a awtfeupon the brink of tb grave 1 mr gough said my friend x carted the drink ho bad told mo i must remain till he awoke and i did wherrb6 swoke- hopasspd his hand over his face and ex claimed what is the matter where urn i where is my boy you cannot see him stand out of tho way i will see my boy 1 lo prevent confusion i took him to tho ehild s bud and no i turned down the bhcet and showed lnm the corpbe ho utter ed a wild phncd o my child i that minister said further to me one j ear after he was brought from a lunatic asylum to hn hide by side with his wife in one gravo and i attended the funeral the minister of the gospel who told me that fact ia to day a druken hobtlcr in a stable in bobiou i now tell mo what rum wont dol it will debase dograde im brute aud damn qviirythnin that in n glorious seem to embarrass him any 40 redcoats put to route an army of for midable trespassers constipation dizziness pain under the shoulder blades sick head ache depressed feeling bloat ing after eating debility and insomnia result from an inactive liver dr agnewu liver pills 10 little ked coats at a cost of 20 cents will set you riflht in whnrfc nffl piiph of testimony to prove it sold by a t brown tred lawrie of trail creek b c writes i havo used two bottles of dr agnew b catarrhal powder and havo been wonderfully helped i can recommend it very highly to all sufforers from catarrh and hero isninother mr b l lgan haston pa saye when i read that dr agnews catarrhal powder would relieve catarrh in 10 minutes i must say 1 w as far fronvbelngconvincedof the fact i decided to try it i purchased a bottle a single puffof the powder through the blower afforded instantaneous relief sold by a t brown johnny asked his toucher what must we do beforo our blob ore forgiven sin replied johnny 3t i iiiimiii miimii ill m n iiiiiii ii niui i 1 im awec able preparation for as slmilatlng tlr food and hegula iirg ihe stom hs andbovelsxicj i nva ntsth i ei it i n see that the facsimile signature promotes digestion checrful- nessand rest contains nelflfer oprunvmorptiino nor mineral ot- oo t i c jasyo aromosmuurnvner jtmtist jllnrnfui ctanatdsuoar apcrfectltemedy for constipa tion sour storoachdiarrhoea worms convulsionsjtevexish- ness and loss of sleep tac simile signature of exact copy of wrapper is ost th wrapper of eveey bottxje of outorlft la put up in onftftlxe battles only it u not boh la bulk dont alw anyono to soil yon anything elao on tho ploa or promlao tbat it jnit as gooj and will answer otery pnr- poio bco tbat yon got 0a8t 0 e i a thllm- 9 i it holds the key inelarnlflcant boerlnnlngs but they steal on one as a thief in the nlrhtand before one has time to wonder what alls him he is in the firm grasp of disease south american kidney cure will break the bonds and liber ate no matter how strong the cords 4 the thousands of oases that havobeen helped aud cured by tho great south american kidney cute is tho best reoom mend of its curative qualities the remedy is a specific for all kidney troubles the formula is compounded on the very latest scientific discoveries in the medical world thero aro thousands to day who do truth fqlly say i am living because i ubod south american kidney cure it relieveh m bix hours bold by a t prowo i don t hear wrants declaiming against iilthy lucre any moro 4 of course not he hab inhorited a tidy sum of money one of tho greatest blessings to parents is mother graves worm imormmator it effectually oxpolb worms and gives health in a marvelloud manuor to lho littlo ono fvery 1 should i family should know that i iabii ja la a very rcmailcable remedy both for in- tbrnaij and external una and won- dcrral in its qulclt aotion to relievo dlatrcaa painkiller ca1z iht lift dlnrrlicru lmiiur3 cruiuii buleriuaitialluu ttoi m i- painkiller z lrsrif tff fttw fvj painkiller rmwv maiti it 1 rll tn m fri v a l i l s t 1 u itr irilfiiofuriilriiii ciiir iu hcicro lluriu tic painkiller i a irrm ii rlmil iiiriiir imiii nr h ihoi im 11 p i h u n iii lll ih 1 j isa 1 1 p inlet liu 13 oi liltrull3 1 i u wul r ti f j t b fampffaanftran painkiller phibt bavjb a 0nro and bnfo nomedrln ovoiycnse and every kind of liowcl complaint la painkiller tblft infl truo ntntomont nnd it can bo inodo ukwjtrong or too emphutlc it is a simple oafo and quick euro for crnmjmj cough hjioumatliiir- coiic col us neural girt dlarihrca croup tootliaclio two sizes 2sc arid 50c i castoria for infants and children thsfio- olmlla sjgnitqh tktf it eg otory lho amateur farmer who thinks ho can raiee chickens from egg plant is on tho wrong lay cherrys troubles were df the heart human skill was almost defeated when dr agnews curo for the heart fell into the breaoh and in a few minutes after one dose he fouttd orent rgttefrimri five- bottles made a bad hedrt a good one and godlike in a human being thoro is nothing that drink will not do that is vilo dastardly cowardly stieakish or helliuh wo are united comrades aro wo not to light this monster rum till the day of our death 7 the plumber a bill is a poem written in the gas meter thoje who put on too much style put off the bill colleotor beware of water drinks it was a sling that killed goliath it wan too liot for him tbo ono great tulvunthgo of long eogigc ineuts is that they shorten lho wedding period just so much it has never been dioided which is the motit popular american bird a great many persona bavo ohosena lark or a mocking bird but a much larger nomber liave picked a chicken purest and best for table add dairy no adulteration never cakes wm cherry of owen sound ont writes tor tho past two years i have been groatly troubled with weakness of tho heart and fainting spells i tried several remedies and consulted host physicians without any apparent iqticf i noticed testimonials of great cures mudo oy lr agnew a cure for tho heart i procured a bottle and tho ii rat doio gavo mo great relief 1 ho first bottle did wonders for me after using live bottles thero are nouo of tho bymptoms remaining whatever i think it a groat boon to mankind paines celery compound saves jsleepless nervous and des- poncfent jfeople from havo you lookod into tho case abked tho great lawyer of his managing clerk yes sir tho man is innocent beyond a doubt la ho tliononoof thu junior mom bora ctattend to tho matter thero never was and never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is hoir tho very naturo of many curatives being such that wore the germs of other and differently boated diseases rooted in tho systom at tho patient what would rchovo ono ill in turn would aggravate tho other wo have howevor in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated- ataio a reintdyoitlmtny and grievous ills by its gradual judloioub use the frailest systems are lod into con valcsconco and strength by tho influence which quiuino exorta on naturo s own restoratives it relievos tho drooping spirits of thoso with whom a chroma stato of morbid despondent and lack of interest utlifo is a diabuso aud by traiujuiliiin g the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the aotiou of tho blood which boing stimulated coursed throughout the veins btrongthoniugtho healthy amlmal f mictions of tho sstem thereby making activity a nccesiiary result strengthening tho frame and giving life to tho digoetivo organs which naturally domand increasod subbtauoo rebnlt im proved appotite northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho public their quiuino wino at th usual rate and guagej by tho opinion of sciontibts this wino approaches nearest perfection of any in the market all druggibts sell it hungry higeins said the uind lady of course that is not jour real name name anawered mr higgina its wot might be called an empty title mr thomas ballard syracuse n y writes i havo beon afllioted for nearly a year with that most to ho dreaded disease bybpepbia and at times worn out from pain and want of nlcep and otter trying almost everything recommended i tried ono box of parmolcoe valuable fills i attttjowtiearryweh believothey will euro me i would not he without them for any money if you would raiso yourself in tbo esti matiou of eorao mortals you mimt kneel at their feet tho best tills mr wm vandervoort- sidnoy crossing ont writes wo have been using parmelee a fills and find thorn by far tho best pills wo havo over used for dehoato and dobilitatod constitutions these fills act like a oharra taken in bmatl doses tho effect is both a tonio and a stimulant mildly cxictiug the eecrotions of tho body giving tone and vigor mr- pectoral v fosk1ejm coughs and colds inr rprlsli l1j miort time it a a acl c itilic rf rt n it ul i mliiin soothing li 1 11 ii l i 1 111 icc i r ncom ii sm h el ritl que rrirt li oi t r i 1 j t t r i trdirs t i art 111 nn hi nrl lat 1 iww 1 n 111 u 11 uuiur of ljajlullill i t m j it ii tr i i unlit i ijf si 1c r iilo writes il t ii llntf jf l liny i ii it ill w n noftl o insanity the great iwiedicine has no equal medical men of tho lugliost fltanthng and a host of others compelont to judgo doclaro that painos celery oompounl is the only effeottve medicine for the bauish ment or all the troubles that toad to nloep loflsnesa or insomnia in lho spring scanon ihoihandn nro reht lees fretful nervous despondent and gloomy 1 hey jlnd it impoaiible to obtain restful aud awctt sleep nnd noon hecomo physioally exhausted lomo alrcudy aro mere wreoksof humanity hueli sufferers cannot with aafitty trifle with hloeplessiiess mid continued nnrost all in such a condition demand immediate succor and aid before nmiiro become too overtaxed the weakened exhausted and irritated system must be strengthened for evory form of slenplehmipan or innoni nia thero is bnt ono renredy ouo heuter it is painos ctlory compound tho only medicine that acts in a truly naturul way to proluco steep and perfectvcst this wondrous remedy of nature should bo ii sed at onco it satisfactory and limned lalolpbultb aro desired do not allow 3 our run dpwn uertous hybioiti to lend jon to lho very brink of lho grave 111 spring time putting off will only complicate your troublei and d mibery will he yours vie pniuo it celery compound anil jou aro assured of perfect notion of the honrt htomaoh kidneys wud liver aud aweot slot p will bo yuur ufa blusaing got painos tho kind that cures re mom her that there are misernblo imlta hona- eolery preparatioiih that itro worth leva and dsnerouri a- well ask you dealer for paine a 1 nd take no olur if you seek fur fife and health n menthol plaster t have prawdw uonlhnl 11nmr in a number ofuttmot nmirtljrla il rl nutiinuo pmiil n rj m vnry mitrh plmitmt with lio aftrvu nnd i trsatlenu of iu 1 ii jltl fl w u oarnut trtt hi hotloxrnl ikion evrrr nil tlmtltpinblinftiiiini tkt 1 1 rnimnntnillof ltftii ii uw rk m i cares holnt ralffla phiib in frlnck 01 hido or nuy muiaular lnin price i dnvln riwronee c 1 tit 9 sttot j soluproprlcton moxti 1 al ul inn niu it cares solatlcii ltimhnjrn net- and now tli 40 r a word with ou about om new spring hats they arc strictly uptodate they represent evqry leading style 1 hey arc made by the best makers the embratee every shade and color they are the nircst in the cit they are reasonable in price need we say more just this that our 1 00 hft is a leader railway time tables j iiml ol kjslstl uah h f i ihwihl 11 111 mill 110 1 1 aioii t 1 uhl 10 i il 1 1 mill 11 r e nelson leading tailorancl furnisher 9g wyndham st guelph glasgow house acton spring opening on saturday the 3rd of april and following days we will open for the inspection of the ladies of acton andvjcmitythe choicest displayol millinery dress goods and fancy dry goods which it has ever been our pleasure to present inspection cordially invited henderson fe qo kellys music store headquarters tor pianos violins mandol mutes drums organs guitars banjos accordeons etc tc the only store in the city where you can get the best quality of strings for all instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner c ifil iceily 95 upper wyndham street guelpii a4mo i b shopb and wirerooms t oot o illow st cillb attended to da or ni j a speight co undertakers and embalmers acton ont florida water thf sweetest most 1 r grat most refreshing nd enduring of all vjjprfuales for the handkerchief toilet or bath all druggists perfumers and 8eheral0ealers if ou oontcmplttlo flhtin a duel you will do woll to elm no your mind somo pcoplo lmo unci moan littlo thoughts it would require half coot piccon to 01 an go their miuda the kroat domaml for a ploneant eafo and rchablo antidoto for all affcotioiib of tho throat and lunga is fully nict with 111 bicklos anti oousumplive syrup it ia puroly a vogotablo compound and anla promptly and musically in uubcluing all ooiiflhgoldabrjauouijibi lufltimmatio tho inlfferi ato it is bo pnlutablo that tt child will dot refu it and ia nut at a prico that will not exiudo lho poor from its bonctlts s somo poor fools aro proud boccuao thoy happen to havo poorer relativoh inflamrnatory llheumatism mr s aohorman rommernal traveler ucltevlllo writes somo yoara iio i uaod dr tlionias jjclcotrto oil for itiflammatpry rhoumaliim and throo bottle eltioted a complete ouro i hub the whole of one flummor unahlo in movo uilbout rrutoliffl oud ovary movement caused me excruciat tug phins i am now out on lho road and exposed to all hnrin of weather but have never been u ubutl with ihbuiuatlam hluop i however keep a bottlo of dr thorn fin licleotrio oil on hand nnd i always recommend it to others as it did bo muoh for mo wantedan idea ggg no other oil and no other medicine his ever been dis covered which cm tike the plicc or codlivci oil in all conditions ol wasting new remedies come live their little diy and die hut cod- liver oil hmainsthe lock on which all hope foi iccociy must rest when it is scien tifically prepared as in scotts emulsion it cli cks the pfo- jgics of the disease lie con gestion and inflammation sub side and the proccsot healing begins there is the whole truth book about it frei ocol luliam i uu 1 ont h h p n n i it 13 no onder that nib- iservwwct slnpc is the boot should be uncomfortable it costs mo ney to employ skilled pattern makers but tlic result 13 a satisfactory fit each car new patterns arc added to lit all the latest shoe shapes and granby rubbers are niu ijs up 10 date they are honestly made of pure 1 dont draw the feet rubber thin light chstic durable extra thick at bill and heel they fit the poot v rubbers crand trunk railway r in 1 h1 c oltirt 1 am mull 1 xu m lit 1 n 1 1 i a in i in 1 1 ri 1 h vlo 47 f in it 111 mull frolj in uixkl 10 t h 111 brhntfqrd steel wind internal cov ore r guar iateat jtouot- nud hall lioftc- guivqnfhetl toiir- erfftntl wheels tnotat lu incrlca woal spray vumi irpiv tuuna svftttr 1 alike ijplnn c the ideal power mill with boiler and ball bearings 1b a wonder bud for circu are the maple ieaf pouemjii 1 uu asr powna pnosi 2 ilfjtlkf to 20 uonsb toujucbrqy6lao r- l lntch birolal uoelsn lhapley a11 uoarlnss for tlio nlates ituos oasy grladi fine and fast our 12 fopt idoal power mill will run it uattsfac torllj thlblhbyalloddi rantfofto can tt0 bcbt gri1lor ma the campaign prepare for winds we would cull your attention tb the fact that wo are prepared to bupply ou with lumber ofbuitablo length for your barn doors viz 10 ly li or 1 1 teot also sash doors frames mouldings etc for building storm doora put up at as low a rato aa posaible repair your pumps dr put in new ones before it is too cold ws gas do it shop at foot of river street acton thqs ebba w e b collins butcher deal res to thank his numerous customers for their liberal patrouago nlnco ho commenced bubinohs last january and hopes that bv careful and courteous attention to merit a coutluuaco of tbolr custom a com pi o to assortment of irst class beef mutton lamb poik fresh and salt hamb sausages poultry lard 4o in season trlcea nlwajti as low aa consistent with tho best qualitj prompt deliver j i at stock wanted l b collinh job printing jncludlsgboolcajampuetajlafllfirb ii heads circulars tc arc executed in tbo best stylo of the art at modorato iiricos and on abort rotico 4pj ly or addrcrn ii p moore tlieepitkbs oulce acton rnni murray lahmans thecooicswswmend larbestsale in canada bo vsars msb dtttons bopyriohts up specially selected black of mfkedttalf pound and one pounu paeketa all grocbiis 85 30 40 50 and 60 cents a pound thc pavid8qn a havxtpwhole8ale aqents toronto eonlldenttal ojilost aireuor firueurtntt natanw in araorlqa wo havo a wnnlilnwton ontea patenutokoo uirouwll munc co reoulr poclal dotloo la tho scientific american beautifully ujuimitnd inreeit clrtnilbilon of my alantlfla jfiurnnl weekly torniawcu a jeari tlm ttx luontha hpoatimm cuplna and uams hook os ratknth soul free addrom munn co 301 llroadwny svw york

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