Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1897, p. 2

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born jaoo in 1 took wood oh thurmlnv tli april to uj ami mm v jao a tuiiuhtor ni ihos in lulli on humliiy 11 tu april to aid oiid mrs i v noluon n sou fiiiuii- at south lllvtr miiakoka on wcilium ilny 7th airll to mr uiil mm 0ooro smyth n eioii ma it kirn htoit mfiuonai d atouoliili on wodnosday it j h gldbbford o iiib t hcott to rubu mi dorm id both of tlio towilslilj of eequoolna guam moffat at bpftiui ilrldro hotol invor nohh scotland ou mgndtw uth march hy jlowd tjuthurlnnd i o jumna grant hdlu hurfcli to mary may youukcatdaurlitlr of tho lato folin molrat iuvoiuarrj and nlccoof mrs 1 otor mann aoton bmyili at south llivor miibkoka on wed hob duv 7th april tenuis 11 to of george smyth nod ii outh thursday april 15 1897- notes and comments mr r w hanbury rcptyink to quen- lion in tlio bntibb houaa o commons announced that tlio board o trmio iould aak tha government of thedomimou of canada to furnish i report on tha reoult of tho law prohibiting rurobltnk in fuluroa si new tariff next week minister fielding anuounoos that he will introduce the long- lookodfor measure on the 22nd commedoluk april let tlrtfr puininion lxpreus co reduced the rfrten or iponey orderu issued by iho company to tho following not over 833 cents over 3 not over 6 1 oenta over 95 not over 910 oconto j ovor s10 uot over 820 10 centa over 820 not over 930 12 cents over 930 not over 840 15 cuntu over 840 not over 850 18 cents over 350 not over 800 20- contb over 800 uot over 975 25 cents over 975 not over 8100 30- centa over 9100 at the same rates thrrdntywb i ohtheanroneati govern mont intenda putting on canadian lumber together with the threatened retentive export duty wbloh our government 1b urged to pat an canadian logo have a dis turbing effect upon the american lorn bar men jtt has brought home to tbera their dependence upon canada for supplies and the knowledge is bearing fruit one firm has determined to come into the country and manufacture here and othera are con templating the same step in the order lngounoit recently passed relating to tho quarantine and health of anlmala provibion is made that no animals are to be placed on board the cara until the litter from the previous load has been removed and the oar whitewashed with time and carbolic aoid shippers may object to place their animals in uoolean cftxb and may complain to the nearest in spector of quarantine who bhall cause aach cars to be cleaned at the expense of the railway company or prohibit their use until this regulation has been complied with limehouse easter holidays commenced ottawa april u the tiuanoe mmiauta announcotneut yebterday that the budget would ho brought down next thursday wua reooived with genuiue interest mr luur ler moved that tho dobato on tlio budgt 6 bhould bo carried on day by day from then until deposed of srjcharles tupper a a bed if there was no ohanco of having the tariflohangos before tho date of tho nova scotia eleotioub it was answered thatthe tariff would help tho liberals auywuy if it were anuouueod aenaombcring tho threat of the oppomtioii that thov would obstruct the rranohiso bill luoh by mch mr laurlor said that mr toator muat forego bis amendment for the withdrawal of the franchise bill till after tho tariff is revtioibir charles- t upperasked ftfrr foatertto withdraw bia amendment and tbo latter did o on oondition that che second readtag of the franchise bill will not bo taken up till after the tariff is settled mr laurter would not promise but would talk the matter over with the leader of the opposition inhtection oy the civil bkllvicr i on the tirst reading of mr mcmulleue bill to amend tbcolvij gprvjcqaot by the appointment of a board of three supervisors to inbpeqt the inside and outside servioo and diapenae with the services of oflloera found tobe inoompetenlor unncoobbary a very id tereati off debate ensued mr wood of hamilton said a claque should bo added providing for the appointment of all oivil servants on the english nonpartisan prin ciple r this remark was greeted with applaube sir charles topper declared in a mighty voioe that iho country was out- raged audj6diguant althowfly iuwlnoh the members of the service bad been treat ed by tho government hebaid this bill was intended to help the government to ward off an attack of that sort which was made on mr mackenzie by the pillagers of the country mr lauder in reply dc glared that it was a pity canada had not more aooh men indignant he asked who stood guard over the levis graving dock over the lingevin block and other works of the same nature a new regime had began ud under it civil servants were no longer henchmen of the parjjn power the tfabt atlantic b h icti 8irriohardcartwrikit announced es terday that acoptraot for fst atlantio service had been signed by iho govern- merit and it was now being considered by the imperial authorities a proposal had been made to the government but not in due form that a fast line should be run from mil ford haven in england to middle muford nova scotia pabxiauevrjaby jottint8 the indian famine fund contributions are still ooming in to the department of finance and now total 8152000 the fund is to be closed next tharaday and tress jacob deemert who haa been ill for some time id at st josephs hospital guelph for treatment mr james sharp ip quarrying stone for shipment the toronto lime co bad a buainess meeting here on thursday last another etorekeeper is to open here this week it j edmibtou occupied the pulpit of the methodist church on sunday evening rev mr gilpin was preaching in guelph erin at the ealo of henry dunbar second lino of erin on friday mr james mo crone of arthur brotherinlaw of mr dunbar met with a serious accident there was a two year old colt brought out into the ring and after it was sold mr joseph dunbar led it towards the stable it became excited reared up on its hind legs and made a ludge into the large crowd standing around mr mccroue was struck on the right arm and it was broken be- tweeathe wrist and the elbow and he was injured about the shoulder a man nam- mcdougall was also injured about the back of the head and the small of the book several parties were knocked down and elightly hurt mr dunbar had a narrow cscapo from being hurt as one of the colts hoofs slightly grazed his face had he been half an in nearer h would most likely have been instantly killed nassagaweya the following is a report of the standing of tho pupils for march based upon class work and written examinations in sohool no j mark obtainable 800 glass v wesley coxo 215 glaaa iv sr albert wilson 208 katie nickoll 1b7 minnie nickel 162 wilbert darby 159 cameron ramsbaw 121 ro3q haw 120 lily haw 113 urer courtney ia anxious for prompt re- mittaoces the colonial office will ask the cana dian government to furnish a report on the administration of the law in tho dominion dealing with gambling in fa urea whoever maintained that tho leopard could not change his boots are gratified from scientific reasons to learn that mr james momallen is in pursuit of the oivil servant whether he is with or agin the government rojckwood bo many of our citizens are loaviug for 4he west that the village seems rather deserted bat the friends of tho departed ones ant recovering from their sorrow a meeting of those who would be willing to help forward a lacrosse team in the village was called for tuesday evening there seem to be enough boys here to form a team and with the noted indian joe who played when rook wood bad a team to be prond of the soheme should bo a auooess it is expeoted that the poatofce will be held in the building at present occupied by j t wood and the public library the offiao will be placed in the room ocqupied by the libraryatproaeut tmd thelibrary will be moved into the rear of the premises on motion by messrs argoandmonabb it was decided at the last meeting ot era- mosa coo noil to hold ft mseting to bo addressed by mr campbell in the town chewsons corners tht snowstorm on friday last made people thiuk that winter wua loath to depart mr john co turn an jpfhoft last weiinee day for hamilton l ho hna uecuroi tho position of uiht ilromin on tho str maaaubik for the atimtntr mr j ahon of fcriih bptnt a duy or ho liiat week at mr geo cann u mr and mra jitmed lumahuw spent sunday at mr it ficlfottj nnspagunoja mra john cnpp of iho maplof who httb been seriously ill id repoieritig mrs ii damper who has becu ill ia also recovering ou wednesday afternoon miroh j lot a very huppy company uaacmbjod at tho robidenco of mre akx mtintoali to witneaa ho marriago of her daughter magpie to mr henry mnort lden milla j core mony wub performed by ilov mr buker of jjvertoti the ride who was very prettily attired in faun and cream silk waa giterfjaway tyy itor brother the groom was ably supported by ha brother mr jobn ijoore of walkcrton and tho bride by her cousin miss luzie lambarf of hespeler who waa also attired in fawn aqd cream bilk altogether the bridal parity preaeiited a boauitfulypioture after thai ceremony had been performed tberompony to tho number of ahuut 70 adjourned to tha dining room where a bumptuoua wedding dinner had heeu provided to which all did ample justice the brido was the recipient of many handsome anduseful presents which shows the high esteem in which she was held by her many friends here the happy couplo loft amid bhowera of ricp and good wishes for toronto and other points east the guosts were from ham ilton walkorton fergus and elsewhere mr moore and hia bride intend taking -np- their residence in waterloo mr j walker oommeuood ploughing on monday fith april he waajhejlrst toairt in this vimnity mra j f leahe formerly of nussaga- weja who has been in guelph general hospital foftho past nine weeks roturqed on monday to the home of her father mr b watkins near here muuh benefitted in health was sl dying the result ofan attack of la grippe and pneumonia the strange case of mr james owen of johnvllledoctora told him his lungs were affeoted and he could not recover now in good health from the bhorbrooxo gazette when a man faces what medical author ities toll him is certain death and retains health and strength ho ia naturally grate ful to the medicine that haa restored him such a man is mr james owen ope of the best known farmers in the vioinity of john- ville que mr owen tells his story of shattered health and reuewed btrength as follows on the 17th of decern her 180 4- i was attacked with la grippe a week hall book wood on friday may 14th at soolock afternoon and at oabtjo at 7 oclock p m good road a will be tho topic milton messrb jar via dewar of milton robert brown and harvey davidson of oarop- bellvllle left laat week for bat portage rodney matheaon son of grown attor ney matheaon left laat week for new denver britinh oqlnmbto later the trouble developed into pneumon ia lu its worst form and i did not leave my bed until the first of march 1805 and i then waa so weak that i waa unable to walk alone all wmtor my life hung in tho balance summer came and i was etill weak and feeble though with the warm weather i gained a little strength i had however but very little power in my legs and i could not ride more than a mile in a baggy owiog to the pain they caused me my lungs alao troubled me and i raisod a great deal of matter i then consul tod the best dootor we have in this section of the province he tpld me candidly that i waa past mod- ical help he said that my left lung was in a state of collapse and that my right lung was also affeoted this was in july 1895 for tho noxt three months every day soemed to draw me nearer and nearer the end i was so pressed for breath at times that i oould not walk any diatanco without stopping to regain it in the montb of november i began to take pr williams pink fills it was certainly a forlorn hope and i admit i did not oipect much benefit frbm them but took them rather to ploaao a friend who nrged me to do so i behove i waa surprised when i fqurid tfaeywere helping morfor i thought i was beyond the aid of medicine but help mo they did and i gladly continued their use tha result is they have made a well man of me i have nota pain about mo my breath comes aa freely as it aver did dark tf heeelate is a favorite color trrlradleay 8hoes yc have in hjxck a line of oxfords poi itcd toe toe caff turn sole misses sizes ii to 2 for 100 womans in 2 12 to 6 for 100 big stock of lunch boxes in our window and the price is lo w w budlong hills grove r i liuya al kin da of raw feurs filet ob boobwm goubidr living wild animala of all kinds price list of furs for noxtfio days for well handled btock inferior made day goods r bhlppod by oxprobb hoar dins to quality returns k all furs should be ottoi hoftvor sliver tox crobb fox ltod fox groy fox voff wolverine iivilx wild cat marten skunk kaocoon dlack kaccoon common badger door j mink musk hat 1k 00 to 2800 700 to 10 00 7 00 to jo 00 0 00 to 13 00 40 00 to 100 00 7 00 to h 00 idoto 100 to 2 00 to 4 00 to 2 00 to so to j 00 to lb to a oo to h0 to j 00 to 75 to 100 to jo to 3 00 150 2 50 boo 2 go ho 000 100 j co 100 send mo all your furs you want inado luto rurb overcoats capea robes oto prices roaaon- ablo ou olaaa or work turned out the campaign prepare for wincjs we wopld oallyonr atteotion o tho faot that we are prepared to bdpply you with lumber of suitable length for yoar born doors viz 10 12 13 or 1 i feet also sash doors frames t mouldings ototor building storm doors pat ap at aa low a rate a poeaible repair your pnmpb or put in new ones before it is too cold wk can no it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager and i am strong and vigoroua my case can be brietly bummed up in a few words dr williams pink pills have given me a now lease of life and i am glad to let every body linow it dr williams pink pills create new blood r build up tho nerves and thus drive disease from the by a torn in hundreds of cases they have oofod after all other medi cines had failed thus establishing the olaim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical soionoe the confederation life association is an old established and relnble com pany and enjoys the confidence of the public policies issued oc all popular plans rates always faorabic r j corbott john j lawson general agent local agent for acton and vicinity read cj great offer i the london free press 4- tlio hrco prrn rtonfrlnft to r iii illoronsolumiilimlrintioii 1m ninkeh i 5 follonlnkrcfdit otliir tn iliv f 1 iniioaii t atookmuu nf cm inula wlunl v iib fc saribertt to wooici iroo ireh will k-t- t one years paper free tho free pre lui nindu nrnuir- month willi tho viiiniir lini puiiiihiiiiik co fill i iiunilnii of tnplsof tliolr book hjhvvoiorfnn htloiiu the prlo of w limit lsn 1 mh book tronth full ntiri in pi tin iiiiiihii iho iatainj lilneanu-unil-1-itiiioiiliif- eastertide is rkfdjv hpprokch1ng and special preparations arc going on at cheapside to meet the demands for novelties sure to be wanted during tiis festive season our buyer is in the market this week selecting some of the newest things to be found in fancy goods small wares neckwear blouses gloves millinery c both stojes will beclosed pn friday good fiiday and special display made on sat urday and saturday night just a hint about milbnevy we are very busy on orders now bur milliners have to work over hours compliments are multiplying and number of visitors increasing orders are keeping pace with the compliments numbers of ladies from the country and surround ing towns will be here on saturday expecting to get their hats anil bonnets home with them we asjc as a special favor that ladjes in the city will leave their orders as quickly as pos- sible and if at all cop to cofne in the f you will consult your own best i terests and comfort besides conferring a great boon upon us by so doing t the old store devoted to mens and boys clothing and gents furnishings we are doing a steadily in- creasipg trader and are plefased and gratified at tha hearty respdnsegiven to our announce ments of special bargains- there are more attractions than ever this week a large pur chase of mens ties at a great bargain enables us tooffer you the greatest tie bargain to be found 3 nice silk ties worth 25c each for 25e- that special hat bargain and that special boys 2 and 3 piece suit bargains and those mens suit bargains together with the shirt bargains are continued all this week the zieglerhinch co guelph p s we have interested ourselves in securing a celebrated artist with her assistant teachers to give free lessons in art needlework to the ladies of guelph these ladies are sent out by the great silk manufacturers belding paul co and will be in guelph in theoperahouseblock fromapril26thtomay7th ladiesdesiringtojointhisclasswill kindly leave their addresses at cheapside as early as possible we have a new finely assort ed stock of the filo floss and sicilian wash silks along with the needles embroidery hooks and all requisites for doing this fashionable art needlework a very large number of ladies have taken advantage of thisjopportunity in other cities k 75 cleveland is intrinsically worth three times the value of any 50 wheel and is the peer of any other bicycle sold or listed at 100 it is the greatest value ver offered being the winner of the austrian gold medal for beauty durability and easyrunning qualitiesr- idelu abticrtirintmls want mi hohbr riiltnlilo for iisu on draj wulklit to 10 jlioo pounds apply at undo to johnhmivby vton dltesshaklng mlfifi nohlo ill rocoho ordorn for droshiimk inn ut luir n uldunot krtuiorlck btroot aoton mirb nolihn yoiuijr maples wanted a d07en liniuthy 6trallit amplce ona mid jcjl a half iiiclichln diameter at root bu table or shade troob anplyat onco 1 fllisn iltebb oiuco wanted- fajiubiib boni or otlierluduatrious pcraoni of fclr jhi u cation to whom sgo a motith would be an idduoemont l oouli also engaga a iqw lad i ob at thlrown honiea v t hinscqttyflrppto oat t t expert watchmaker amd jeweller j lias ononoda ronalr ihop in part of or hal- 1 toad b drofl storot for aliortnirpa watch ahd cipflk ropalrlifc at blf price watcliea oloadsd 60 cants mainsprlnss 50 jontf all work boarantuod y your spare time men woidon to conduct business at home work irsnmple irrltlns and copying lists of addrewes recelvod from jpcal advertiaog to be lorwarded to ua du no canvaatlnbr no previous oxpertenco requlrod but plain writers prenirred fertruuentworkto tboae content to omrn sflor more wtuilrln spare time apply to waitltgn pub co london out wanted intelligent men with flood education who want to hotter tbelr positions ind would bo content f or a j ear with 8600 00 and expenses write ui wltu detcription and occupation and wo will mako a proposition for now or the future alioneeded rellablsmenforauhtralla writ today for wo are in a hurry the manaoblm9rticbmopd btrwcstytoiou onfr to lease that very valutble farm coutlstiug of iso acres being tbo east lif of lot no so tod tho northerly j off lot no so conoeiblon 1 tf quoslng latolr occupied by henry townsand there are about 85 acres of fall wheat in tho ground and about b3 acres of jtall plowing la done h apply to r j mcnabd acton dated march30tfaa d 1887 for sale that valuable property on tho corner of gaelpband jobn streets in the tillage of georgetown at present oocuplod by j h jack- soip consisting of botwssn three and four acre of land on which sro situated a brick dwelling barn and other outballdings largo orchard ac fall partlculsni mioprlooaud trtns bo bad from h h8fbxb8 georgetown models 27 and 28 price 100 the pride of their makers the favorite of the dealers and the joy of their riders their success already demonstrating itself in tripled orders which we are rapidly filling model 29 price 100 the bicycle sensation of the year built for fast work on the road or a winning on the track the most desirable of all mounts for the speedy rider send for illustrated catalogue rush wanted earnest hon tod women to circulate tu sword of lulu or sufloriob armenia a thrilling book grapblo aceondt of tho eaatorn queition tho turk armenian nd mohammed anism with ita borrlblo mauaerh numerous startling iilmtratlon taken on tha soot 48 pages only 1 00 agjeutr mako 1500 to 3000 weekly books ou time proepootos free to cantessars therradleyaarretsonco ltd toronto onti wanted can queen victoria hex u and belgn hab captured tha brltliri empire extra- ordinary teaumonlajefrom the great mon t send lor copy free uarqnisorijorne bays the best popular ltfo of the queen i have seen her uajasty lends a iliad letior of eppreoiatlou selling by thodswid sires enthoslaatio saul- faotlon costs tnlut of mousy but largo oiroa lauon justifies iowretell sw0o lou of hlsterie lllostrauons ijatge bookorer all sigjuo lnehes hen and woruen of standing in the community making h to 0 a week er- olnale terrltory prospectus free to agents books on time the bbadley qarretson oo ltdtobohtoont the publrc health agent a t brown aoton h a lozier co toronto look lookt cooj this is your opportunity to get new spring goods every- thing new and uptorintft wo start the enlarging of our promises in a few days until thou we will take 10 per oent off tho face of all goods purchased for cash everything marked down in plain figures the latest in dress gooda trimmings prints ribbons cheffonti gloves parasols hosiery corsets smallwaresetc laces lace curtains etc our own importation all new just put in stock citizens abb rdtsuxsted to comply with tbb public sg a notice is hereby stven that al residents of aoton are required fotthifttb to olean their eellara drains yards pig atrea water cloeots and other ontboildlnflt ind premtsasi and nh move therefrom all dirt 01th manure or cthor sobs tan oo wblota may ondsngor tie publlo health and to two the same oompleted at latest by the 10th day of may next on which day the sanitary inapeotor will commence a seneral inspection and f ortnnr take notloe hat uo section of tbo publlo beilth act pro hibiting the kmpitift of hoes between tho 19th ot may and tht fat of notomber except in pens atleast70fetfroni any dwelling house and 00 feet from any itmmr lane with the floors kept free from atandug water and regularly cleanaed will be atrlotly enforced all eltisem are umestly requested to keop their promises constantly olean and thoroughly dlilnfeetod a h n1cklin atftouraprihstlilfot xteovo of tho municipality jnsisoostofei rockwood mens twoot suits to order tor 57 oo now is the time to buy special bargain in hats this week qlasa iv jr fred williamaon 183 george kuox 175 glaaa iii herbert carroti 183 alfred watson 1go janet borthwick 20 ecu- qat bortbwfok 154 ada alexander 182 mabol williamson 110 gertie nell fa 68 clana ii bpn lizrio leiihoiao 220 atonza carroll 198 mabel niokell 170 walt or borthwfok 165 bobbie nellia 105 jen die agnew 102 willie watson 100 class 22 jr weatoy gray 254 leon ard michie 218 victor watson 212 giara i sen- btfiel watsod 260 mary lumehaw 245 fred alexander 230 louisa alexander 225 clahs b izva leishman 280 percy curroll 250 closn t mamie near 200 fannfe ahxandcr 275 charles wauon 205 cotcna niokell xkva connib teacher mr jnhn taylor left laat thursday by tlioc r k from guolpli for kosulaud wo wifh liiro auooeaa in lia nndertakinn mr james hume left hero about a week ago hia family will follow to morrow walter m johnson ha arrived home from philadelphia with the degroq of d d b dr johnson has not yerdeofded whom he will locate the county court sittings wliioh ehould have been bold last week were adjournod d until monday there was only one caiio on the docket last thursday willie hamilton aged 10 employed in geo winn sons shoo factory milton fell from a step ladder against the ravolvloff abaft and the end of a coupling bolt caught bis clothing the boy was being whirled around tho shaft and woulovhavo been killed had not fore man knapp oanght him and palled so hnid that the coupling was parted and the shaft ceased to revolve the boy got a bad out across the paok of bis head and was con siderably bruised mr knapp bad ono of his arms badly bruised it won tho old story of patting a belt on a pally against ordors when the machinery waa in motion genuine pink fills are sold only in boxes bearing the fall trade mark dr williams fink pills for pale peoplo protect your self from imposition by refusing any pill that does not bear tbe registered trade mark around the box at windsor peter onoll haa been sen- onced to eight years in tho kingston pen itentiary for highway robbery greht china sale ionioritic anhmilri ifru 1 ronltn nlo contfiliihik ii fill hi t iljidonof muliuuo anil lloujiiw ho that ocij f vrtnurcivn bt lllrf ovim itorjimrj ls300eie200 the weekly frcu itenn mil karin and homo fomino jrnr prltn 1 fti and acopi of iho vol rlimrj hciliiui price 20u hoi 1 1 iii homiihd to n ml drotfri upon tho mi int of two dollars doiiot nilnaitrlh uiuihu wo ennnot afford to contlinm llilxnthi iniloflnitol ouroujoot in miikfiik h now il nlpuio an immndlnto rcrpoiinu uhch a leix ubernl oltor might fttl n nttrncl ho mombor b hrndtir iw for tho book yon got the vcoki kroo lruiwt an 1 varm and homo one yeail fpee akntm w anted oxeryvnoro addrum all com m union tlons to the erc press prlmlft0co london out mr willmtn laingp l 8 and c e left on taeday for bat portage lu tho absence of the pastor of the ebentzer churoh mr ianiel barbaree occupied the pulpit last sunday morning one of thevarmers near enatohbull being unable to work his ptaco hired a stranger who proved toooxy for tbe far mer leaving him about a week ago with some accounts to settle miae martha 1z liud employed at the residence of d henderson m p aoton spent snnday with her parents li6t friday was quite a roogh day and looked as if we were to have a second wln- ter tbo storm stopped the farmers from ploughing until monday mr pickett of lowville has rented the farm belonging to mr robt lalpg rev l w thorn late of arthur was inducted in the pastorate of fjasberton presbyterian church ou tuesday of last week the parhamentry contest in maodonald will be between mr rutherford liberal and mr mtkeuisle patron the conserva tives deciding not to make any lorn i nation the flour and fted store of mr geo hume of this town waa entered by bur glars ahont 1 80 monday morning an ou tran no being effected at tho rear the eafe was drilled through and the door blowd off a o umber of bag of floor seeds eta had beed piled around the eafe for tho purpose of deadening the sound of the explosion there wero two engaged lu the work one inside and the other watobtng outside nightwatchman downey hearing the ox- plosion hastened to the boetfe and fired severalshotfl at the oat aider who returned the fire the burglars escaped by the rear door but they secured nothing for thoir pains we have made up our minds tovgo out of crockery china etc wo hae a stock of nbout 93000 unci willing to take 81500 for it you hive n chance here you seldom get the minting art iomr tfrw good there ia a law prohibiting tho adultera tion ot maple syrup with brown sugar the fine imposed is 140 nagiio adamaon a young woman employed in a store in ottawa died sud denly nn monday an inquest is being held leading offioula of tbe transvaal speak openly of war with england as inevitable and mver that it will be carried riuht up to tahio bav 25 icnamolled gilt dinner setts 4 oo to 08oo o toilet setts 7bo to oq per aett solid brass lamps 4 oo tor 1 00 china sisottit jars boo to 7botor20o banging lamps complete loo glass setts 0 pieoos host goods 860 and 40o largo o lass dishes go and loo each no room to enumorate come and see t we are tea specialists ten pedlars mum die i hoy arc charg ing you too much profit we guarantee to sell you a tea at 25c pure ceylon or jnpan or mixed etlttal or better than you hao been paying 40c and 50c a pound for cnll and get a pound or drop a post card for sample at onco and save money international diction the ono great standard authority bowrttca jlonlr j itrawer jiwijco v b hnptvtoe court j htsend a posts lor specimen pages etc bucceatorofthe unabridgod skiudaral of the eniriuh govt in the imarfitr itopl inromoaihau h ho prrnm conrt nil the fstsbsis satjki ttaboolbooka por everybody bccsuc the best it is oay to find th wor4 muit1 it is easy to aulcsrtaln tb praaanctatlosi c it is nsy to tnw tb growth of word it is msy to i a w w 1 tamoard t tho toronto glohl spa hi ii tin inlfnwilinafl nvktfr frromtnw rmoanlaed nimtrvlmli itll li 11 ilimir inllwiic lllniilofitlnllliiinliarilniiinilliiictkinoraiuo llmlnlnriiiilliiiutl nintminnn vast amount or i informat of swat vnlns 117 ims o c- o jfbrjtm jf co pnhluhert snrlntflold iimju vsa tine highclass tailoring goutleraou this will be your opportunity to got a spring huit one of the finest and largest assortment of now goods outside of the city everything guaranteed firstclass made by firstclass workmen the best procurable in extant our assortment is complete in nobby neokwjsar shirts collars cuffs eto hats hats wo do the hat trade this is proven by the enormous quantity we oro selling wo have tho latest most stylish and best goods in the market readytowear clothing wo have a largo range in boys youths and mens clothing we are determined to make this department a success if tho besr jjoods at tho lowest prices will do it in faot we are bound to to make our store the most popular if libernlty in methods excellence of merchandise and lowness of prices wijl do it wo want your trade call and visit georgetowns livesf store gibson millhr go pwl a herald or the cross by mrs ftorenca m author of oitn sjod stephen pricepaper 60c oloti 1 post paid ssuon and of wbloli a million or mors copies onartb o of of oqr isfl sse uons nr p h rrls tlie story fur tbor snd with it lalerwotii soms aooonnt of tbo jrostiraru bajtonot u oonfldss of lh hoi rob block tcrcin st produce taken in exchange ceorgtosnzn every day bargain day timothy and mihman co direct importers guelph 10 cents lsys for bwutlful your faam on 19 biodbn mauk i oaroh lovejy ploturosor 90 fuadltow calling oards casta with ordar wmp taksn addross canada oalto koufib ingorsqll qnt clcrsrer seeds specials ai tjfpores this week 8outh cor mill and main streets acton and now tpl 40 a word with you about our new spring hats they are strictly uptodate they represent every leading style r they are made by the best makers they embrace every shade and color they are the nicest in the city they are reasonable in price need we say mare just this that our 100 hat is a leader r b nelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 vvyndham st guelph wilmam br1qos publisher 2633 rlohmona st wast toronto 189798 5fthl prpbbs styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for 1 presents c waters bros 8t qborfcuvs square qrjjblfb

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