Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 15, 1897, p. 4

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shje jktttm jfm firm iiiuusday april 1807 ffljr oung 3tolhs- s ml a j il s 4 st k at j1m sill liua botlbhta lino uow mt j i no u on 1 ttbtur daj ai rmtta and nodding j lumoa mack m with nil tho uonorsox m i n lou in tho luiiu 1 cr wii mliuro iolutn nin mow while buttorcui mind riibuoh dirt with ribbons tucked bolow mi 1 undlrnualli tlio brlui lo sot a rbho of jlowlii ro 1 1 imt i roudly nustloh in tlio hull uj oil lior i rottj bond ho uliou tlio i amor bulls nil rliw tl o natil1 ty wot 11 to iirayor 3 ho brlon lu my jsollioa hat llio eoso ix ou lior hair ill miiigloin tbo worldly tbronji tlio gayest of tq fcdy which noll will wottr w ith halutly fcraoo unou tlio i as tor daj j maud tlsdali- the new spring bonnet it ia to bo- admitted that thero m eofoo uiiug oe tho euros qaiok delight lo the aoal of tho young woman in tho poaaeaaion of a new laator bonnot that ib to bo felt by all both yonng and old oyer tbo newly bprinr nifi oroctie and daffodil or tho dloaadm of tbo almond trbes april s gift to april a boos or that comes to ono from the porfcot repxeaeutauon of spring beauty with paint aud pcnoil it is in the first place bu object of boauty with ita dehaate fabrics itadelioato tints its airy lightness itb fresh fostfoub ribbons its plumes or its poeios itb general effect of being only a larger sort of bloom tteolf in tbo next place it ib the result of a high atato of manufacture not only has talent skill and aptitude of finger gone to the combination and harmony of shape and color there but now looms have been set up and now methods have been thought out and employed that those silken ribboba these lute strings and gaazoa might be woven and new inventions have exercibed brains for the making of these frames for tho eeting of these dyea the date of easter tho date of laeter is determined by the ecclesiastical calendar of the catholic ohurch it jb a very complicated and elab oratp affair invented by lilius neapoli tan bbtronorrier and aage under gregory xlllat the close of tbo sixteenth century it would ba preposterous to tax the brains of modern readers with tho abatraso oaloa lationb by which tho date of easter is determined but a few general rules might bo riven for their enlightenment the regulations of tho cpuncil of nice aro four first u aster must be celebrated on a bunday second thib sunday must follow the fourteenth of the paachal inoon third tho paschal ldood whoso fourteenth day falls on or next followb tho day of the vernal equinox fourth the equinox ia fixed invariably in tho calendar on tho 21st day of march this calendar moon it should be remom wed is not the moon of the heavens nor yet the moon of the astro no mere bat it ii an imaginary moon created for eoolealaetia al convenience from these conditions it follows that easter sunday oaqnot happen earlier than the 22nd of maroh or later than the 25th of april the bicycle on sunday tho biojole can no jonger be viewed as oraze it hub now come to be recognized as one of tho necessities of our rapidly moving ago wojejoice to learn of the many blessings that aro following in its train it is diverting the yontb of our land from iho theatre and from morally unhealthy eporta of various forme very remarkable also has been the decrease iu the ealo of tobacco and intoxicants every friend of youth rejoices in tbeso resultb of the extended use uf the bioycle bat tho bioyole can be made a means of evil as well aajpf tfoou and unfortunately one of the evils is causing much anxfety to many who are eeekiog the highest welfare of the yontb of our land we refer to tbo increasing prevalence of bioychog on san day the use of the wheel to attend oharoh or- d c no one will raiao borious objection to but the rojbubo of it as a source of pleasure or bolfish gratification is nothing insa than sabbath desecration in one of its most seductive forms thousands of young people and older people too alas i are soen spinning along with their faces toward the parks or tho country from morning till night all bent on pleasure seeking the law of god is ignored his house is forgot tou and ilia holy day is turned into a holi day here-is-atvoppoptanity-er-gbriblfan- thebgq brigade there ia no oountry wliero otga aro usocl moro laviahly than in atgorioi aajo tho detroit fur vw where- tho rrcal lout givoa thoohildron o washington tho froo doni of tho wliito iiouho grounds on lubtor monday and tboimanda ot thorn hjtnur thoro in au tgi rolling oontest wich yi aa democratic a festival iiuono could well linagiuo whore black aud white btrelt urab and urihtocrntio plav fido by bi ie ihatch1ufcttaor pickling them that ia cracking them toother till ouo biiuii bwaks thooturorboth aro craaktd and thoj beooio a tntiai of orumplud bliullu when tho cig part ia hoou aoaopud out and oaton with muchaatiflfaclion the oflga aro all the colors of tho latnbow ind are brought in baikola iupookets m inuu pore and in neth a grout many pooplo in aurriages and on foot atop and look on ibocuatom of rolling il8 down hill ia a very old ono and is practiced in many parte of 12 or and easter in thecountfty we who dwell 10 the cofintrj may mine many gpod ihlut which combiuo to in alto tho fullneaa of hfo for que brythr 1 ucbap dweller but ft3 a ecoruponbo we irtvyeone pkbaaro uiut never pallb that of watching tho seueonb as they come and go hro wo find that fnhnfto varioty that constitutes tiie boat rolish of hfo a variety produaed fay nuture endless over changing not subjent to tho finite hmita tiona that make tho contrivances of mpu of bo little avail to refresh aud rejuvenata the inner belf moutnllythe coming of upring begins with eabter sunday though after times in this latitude the weathor does not always boar out the promise of tho day critical condition op thousands op cata dians blood is foul and diseased palnes celery compound the croat spring cleanser is your blood impure and poisoued it is if you havo eruptions blotches pimples sores eczema oau rheum or erysiplas with suoh troubles the blood is fast carrying poibon anil disease to evory part of your system to he clean bound vigorooa aud healthy you must use pamea celery- compound its vitalizing aud health giving properties show at on co upon tho blood it ia tin equalled as a be tilth producer and clean ser no bitters nervines sarsaparillus or pills can pobsiuly rtraovo the dangers that lurk in your system at thib time for pure rich blood rosy uheeks and good dig estion you need palnes celery compound that has done suoh a mighty and wonder fnl work in tho past bewaro of the oabatjtutea that are fro quently offered for painea celery com pound those worthless imitations that are pushed on the unsuspecting for the bubo of the largo profits they bring iho retailor insist upon having painov the kind that makes people well constipation causes fully half u atckucas in the world if retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produce biliousness torpid liver tndl- geston bad taste coated tongue sick headache in somnia etc hood a fills cure constipation and all its results easily and thoroughly 28c all druggists prepared by c i itood 8s co lowell mass the only fills to tako with hoods sorsaparma pills tbo sin that looks tho safest is tho tar eat to kill pil there aro pills arid pijis but dr agnews liver pills at 20 cents a vial lead in demand the sale borders on the phenomenal sluggish liver constipation or ir- recfulnr bpyeb are the pracur- eors of many physlclal disorders these little wovdebs itehove cause they are entirely vegetable they act on tho liver and bowels without disturb ance to the system diet or occupation they never gripe they act pleasantly 10 in a vial for 20 oouts sold by a t brown bellevfllc truo to the lnat odo of the blht known und moat popular ehoointiktra in bollnillti 1voh uviduiuu in an important mattor mr william jvjrtp howoll known shoo malar miu my wifn hib botn a groat milurtr from iioroun and heart troubles for tlio lydt 20 jciir bho was in a very bad at iti had ur blip mid iiitho ro of tho hcartlxtlinliiiui ori liur sliouldoih ui ul ulio wuu to iithotm that hiio oouldn t ukrfp at niht llur ivppllitu wan almout oiil und although alio hid tiiktn many llni l of nipdunil both from doltoia and propuuory urtitlti ulio rtouvt 1 no relitf fioin thtm sotin au adver tint mint of milburn u heart uud noro piiih i tot a box vuli tho fuint hope that thoy would help my wife bho huu taken two boxeb and tho resulta aro bomuthinl wonderful tbo painf bao all but left htr her nppotito ib ood she ulcops well which is ono5f tlio rotrteflrrbuajiiita bho 1ms oxpor lencod anil uha ha improved in every vtay i coil rjiloiumliid them very hightyand feel that tfo olhtr remedy could hue achieved h rcuiilt in au abort a timo si william whip belleville oat laita liver 11iih mre couiitipation bllipubnosa aud sick heudacho uo when the devil oea to churct bo doca nob auvays take a back scat a toliil to lumunbir jf jou wibh to purify your blood jou should tako a medicine which ouroa blood disease iho record of cures by hood s saraapanlla proves that it ib the beat mediomo for tho blood ever produocd hood a bursaparilla ouroa the moat btub born caacs and it ib tho modicino for you to take if your blood ib impure hood s pills are the htbt after dinuor pill assist digeaton cure healaohe 25 cents jnlocks pll thee us ffvenucs or the bowels kidneys and liver carrying off gradual iwtth6uc weakening the i system ll the impuri i ties and foul humors of the secretions at the isamo time correct ling acidity or the stomach curing blll- lousness dyspepsia headaohosdlilness seirtburnconstlpa- dryness of the lj n ii ltioii skin now i dice dropsy dim i of vision jaun- salt rheum b scroftila ifluttcrlng or the iheart nervousness land general debility lull these and many other i spirillar comphmts yield i to the happy influence lof burdock blood i bitters ithilourn ao tobohto there is not a more dangerous alass of disorders than those which affect uie broathinj organs nullify this danger with dr thomus eollctno oil a polmon iq of acknowle lfed eflioacy it cures lame nes and bareness when applied externally ab well an enclled neck aid crick in the baok und as an inward apecina posesbcb aubstantial claims to public confidence the devil is seldom a loser when the preauher gets an easy place spilug llcqulics that tho impurities which have acoum ulattd in your blood during the wiuter ehall bo promptly and thoroughly expelled if good health ia expected when tho warmer weathor comes those impurities aro liable to manifest themselves in var ioub ways and often load to eerioua illuesa unkaa the blood ia rich aud pure that tirod feeling will afllict you your appetito will fail aud you wilt find yourself all run down hood s suraapanlla tones and strengthens tho system driveb out all im purities and makes pure riah and healthy blood hood a saraapanlla is tho one truo blood purifier and tho best spring medicine bo euro to got only hood a it ia much more important to bear good fruit than much fruit jnt cfiif hfnlarlnl scott a emulsion ia cod liver oil por fcotcd and is propared upon tho prinoipal of its digestion and abaimflatlon jn tho human system hence it is given without disturbing tho atomaoh hndoavorora to exert a strong influence for good it would be bettor not to uso the bicyole at all even to attend church than to give countepaco to desecration of the lords day this will afford a splendid opportunity of deolaring yonr allegiance to christ and nf exhibiting the spirit of self denial for his bake such self sacrifice will not bewithout its reward lf thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath from doing thy pleasure on my holy day and call thetiabbath a dolight tho holy of the lord honorahlo and ahalt honor him not doing llimo own ways nor finding thine own plesore nor ppoaking thine own words then thou ahalt delight thyself in the lord and iwll caubefheo to ride upon the jnh placoa of tho earth aud feed thee with the heritage of jacob thy father for the mouth of tbo lord hulh spoken it c a ihraul i astrr hlifih i oiif nfio n i hbtoroinhloiun 11 oni4l tho lilios tall and white i a b oloiiinhiu with ooluntial lifllit wni db if with prajir and fan ting ialo with watch i n k by tho dead near a rarilon tomb thoy llngurod low boforu it bonod tho bond foi tho annuls bllotit minors an tlioy itoftly wnitod thoro touohuil tho bwoot tho my tie lilies i ovliirly with toudor caro whlla tho world in nolo run stlllnoan wntohod tbo coming of tlio day of that fl rat that anolont i aator what the atono was rolled awav an i whtin nioriiliig dawucl r hi londont and tho earth its lory rho 1 1 uulud tbo illy holla in triumph chrlbl ib ribon from tlio load 1 a starving man will not find any fault withtha tablecloth character la measured by tho diatance travelled from tbo starting point and everything depends upon whether tho progress has been up stream or down rutnnms com fxtructor cures in twenty four houra this ta tho tostimony of tons of thousands who have used it putnams acts bpcedily without pain and removes corns in twenty four houra tho ahiftlesb man is always away from home when aood opportunity knocks thero never was and never will be universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to whioh fieahis heir the very nature of many euiativoh being suoh tha were the germs of other and differently healed diaoanes rooted in tliosystem of tho patient what would relievo ono ill in trim would aggravate the oilier we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a hound unadulterated state a rem fly lur and grievous iih by us gradual judiotouh yankee version teacher trying to iiiuuloulu a moral now children why wan it that ihe liana would not touch dan iel it in rtprlcd hat bixly niue poor fnmil- iea in new york were evicted durinit nnn of liat winlot a storms how far below icero ia it poeaiblo for some hearta to hink the talking machine in now mil oh uod in the woat in tpsohing fortfun innitnttgex und in ti nulling lluulifh spoiling and pro nunolaiion one ndvantaits of mat hiuh teaching i lh machine is endowed wifb cndloua patience uat ihe irailott ntcrrih uro kd into cob valtbconro and strength by tho iulluonoo which quitiiho exorts on nature a own redtorativis it relieves the drooping upirita of thobo with whom a chrouio btato of morbid dehpoiideiii- and lack of interest ui life ia a diaeaae and by traiiquiltzing tbo nerves diepoaen lo sound and refrebh ing sleep imparls vlffor to tho aotiou of tho blood which bomj stimulated courbca throughont the veins strengthening tho healthy animal fuuouonsl of tho syntom thoreby making activity a nenesaary rekult strengthening the frame and giving lifo lo the dlgestivo organs which naturally demand increased subbtanco result tra proved appetite northrop a lyman of toronto have given to iho publio their quinftio wmo at tho usual rate and guagod by tho opinion of scientists this winjpproaohen nearest perfection of any in the market all irufiiatsvell it castor i a for infents and childrcl t lmlls liputnrfl of vrifpit handinhand hoalth and hadplneso go hund- lnhnndwlth stomach and norvda all out of sorts health and happiness aro unknown 1 rank a gtulbqr coinwiill tnt i vwiu for htitral yc i utnat uufferor from indigestion dyaju m an i norvoutneaa i took mm fliniijfcb without any relief i hiw south amerieau ttt vino u ivortised i procurtd a b tlli and i c u truthfully aiy it ih the bout mo licinu i i uaoil and 1 btrotikb rteotiiiu n 1 it to anyone buffer iunn i d d w donei wonderfully hdp i iiu mid t hottlcb hiu nrulo a now nuui uf mu h 1 oureu by liriet aetiou on tho nerves it tree b l 1 by a 1 browil juhuny lio father n a politician onuio doy was fraid ofuttun dor tails twiatrd rheumatisivi can be cufep lu january 18jo i waa attuoked with sciatiaa from which i wai a terrible auf forer aud i could find no rofief for nine mouths then d n h trpatmont oureilmo and i have nevorhad a rhoumatio pain sin op ai vx jlvs ben ago 8t jw aeto march 15th lfl7 kiwi acbs raepaelie helatle luluh ivttwrnlklc latns piilu iu tuu hiae5ica i ro ni tly rdlorod w d ctircil hy thedl menthol plaster 1 y irdtl wont nl ploitflr 111 iln in km 1 1 mlafn i re i rnl in i dlil1 sit tl tly i i irntlilrfn nl inflict 11 cy a i ulti a laroint klliuluiuwiiont prlco 23e davis lawrence co ltd 1 ropriiton mohtkbal oue of tho numerous peddlers who infest tho country at this time of the year asked an old lady to whom ho had been trying to boii an artiale if sho could toll him of any road untraelled by peddlars i know of but ono she auid aud thut ia tho road to heaven piles cured in 3 to 6 nights itch- insr burning skfn diseases re lieved in one day r dr agnew a ointment will euro all cases of itching piles in from throe to eix nights ouo apphoation bnne comfort tor blind and blooding piloa it is poorlesa also ourea tetter salt rheum eczema bar bor s itch and all eruptions of tho skin behovoa in a duy 35 cents sold by a t brown pohteneea ib tho cheapest thing thero ib for its intrinsic value l yes that a tbo reaaoo its uoed that is why people put i am your obedient ser vant at the end of a letter wboro it costs nothinif and don t put it at tho ond of a tnlo gram thero are bo many cough medicines in the market that it ib sometimes difficult to tell which to buy but if we had a congb a cold or any affection of tho throat or lungs wo would try biokloe antt con bumptivo byrup tiiobo who have uaed it think it ia farahead of all other prepara tions recommended for such complaints the little folks like it as it is ab pleasant as byrup cert a n paimkmer f u painkiller the gkeat family medicine of the age taken internally itcarcs dtarrhaa cramp and pflln in tho stomach soro throat sudden colds cougha eto oto used externally it cures cuts bruises burns scalds sprains toothache pain in the face neuralgia irheumutism frosted feet the riht ho ug oor king and hughbon sta hamilton onrtl lirriual dto 1 uibnuioci jot lar 1 i nff a ui r t i i j to u 8 offl m r nr jl n i n r mbuhm tl it u rft u i i ol 1 tt tl rrit i rf w a iii u v ll lu lj ft ojnru iij-t- bnir i to fnl uht t 1 i i l no i tan ie ttut t erri j n iu u hi u i ill i hi rh i ul f l jtp tl ni ftt vuiubijio u lb tax n trl tan n r nllttl t tin il uv jy vl crti iutk vajurudollli 1 lyotily tl ngc a o rn uv mly tl n tin i atfcordiug to all evidence tho chicago negro who waa eentouceil to wo joufa im prisonment for burlaij debcrvcs to liyo out ids full term chrouic deraiigcmeulu of tho btomaqh liver aud btooil uro speedily rcmoed by tho aotivo principle of tlio ingredients ohtormg into the composition of parnielce h vefet able pi ha tiicbc pills aot apecifloally on tho dibcnaed orgaoa atimulaling to action tbo dormant energies of tho system there by removing diaeaso and renewing hfo and vitality to tho afflicted in thia lies tho groat secret of popularity of parmolees vogetablo pills i tho man who lives only for what he can soo lives a email life crampa croup 5 f draiiitira a nrsrotrnn and nil k01vx cowzaints a soro sttfo q ilck cure for theo troubles ia tpdinkihert rcnnt davib vied internally and externally i tiro elzpn 2tc and mc bottles t33h3 t t h t j break up a cold in tune py using pyhypectoral tho culoirr irn t r coitrils coins ami 1 1 ciiitis 110 ltl ni s etc emubsion is invaluable it you are run down as it is a food as well as a medicine the d l emulsion will biilm you ui if your glnoral health la in paired i the d l emulsion st the best and mou palitabla proparaiionof cod liver oil agreeing wllh tbo moitdell cats btoniuchi tho d flt l emulsion t is prescribed by iho leading pby6icinaof canada i the di 6c l emulsion is n marvellous flesh producer and will give yoji an appetite a 50c 81 per bottle no af you git 1 davis lawrence co ltd 11 u hi i i montreal iiuiiiihiniilmumihumuiluu mi f josn i ofci sotni i t tr ti nl ifty i l of l ot a tl o f rr npli rr 11 n ixit i t i 11 i ni 1 toi q awllluvoi iu jmtso jlotut f cta d vms tt i aw ulnch co td trop iciors iontrlal n al ii i i w w budlong hilu grove e i liuva all kinlfl of nv r irs sklna boohwax qouuinr li v lug will animals of all linda irlco hat of f lira for next 00 ilaya for woll handled atock inferior accorrtlnfi to quality itoturus madojlay goodb rocclvod au fura flhoud bo ahippod by ox iush as parmeleos pilla oontain mandrake and dandelion they cure elver and kidnoy complaints with absolute oertatnty thoy also oontain roots and herbs whfah have specifia virtnes truly wonderful in their action on the stomach and bowels mr l a cairnorobs shakeapearo writes i con ider farmeloes piiib an excollept remedy for biliouinasa and derangement of tbo liver having used thorn roysolf for somo timo thero ja no mansion in heaven for tho man who treats uia wifo liko a mule and oxpootft her to bo aa aogoj no man will over feel right unless bo doe a right tortured and helpless rheumatism has hprdee of vlo- tlms and is no respeotor of per- sona south american rheuma tic cure resists his cruel grasp and heals the wounds he inflicts rollof in six hours goo w p att m tuugor world h newspaper agency torouto aaya lam at a loss for worda to express my rceltuga of sincere gratitudo aud tbankfulnehs for what south american rheumatic cure haa dono for mo as a roault of exposure i waa taken with a tovoro attack of rheuma tic fover which affthted both my knees 1 suffered pun alniont beyond human en durante having hoard nf mtirvelloun oiireh by fionth american r i g iv it n trial aftor taking threo doeoa tllp pmil niitirolv left mp and m thrrnday i loft my i pd now overy traco of my rheuniiitib hat diatppoarcd sold by a t brown quif icry is ilvvay dicov- niiir icincdics which will act upon liic gc ms or disease lrcltly and kill them but hj drcovciy his ever yet been lppioved by doctors which will cme consump tion tb it way ciei ms can only bj killed by m king the bodv ation r en mi h to ovcr- come tbent an 1 the cai ly use of such a iciidy as scotts emul ion i- 012 of the helps in the chi war fare man keeps up 1 o wins best who is prjmdtl uih the needed stienth uch as scotts emubi n uupj iku one of tho greatest bloasings to parents is mother graves worm exterminator it effectually oxpelb worms and gives health in a mavellous manner to tho little one 15 00 to 8 2fl 00 7 00 to 10 oo 7 00 to 11 00 oooto 100 hilvor i ox 10 00 to 100 00 7 00 to 14 00 ltotl i ox 1 goto joo 1 00 to 1 50 wolf j co to go wol v or i no 4 oo to fl 00 00 to tt wild cut 50 to ho marton hkuiik r jto 100 lk 2 00 to joo moii bo to i oo badror jt 1 00 to 1 50 7r to 1 10 mink 100 to joo muulcyrat 20 to bond niaall voii r fijre you want mado into riiru ovorabatg aaneu roben ptc 1 rlcuaraofiou ablu on olasa ol uro k tumoa out splint dposs goods utaffyiem vcavi rn an 1 looms nocnj to linvf uialo i ooiul inatlon on bajialf of btauty an 1 loi rici h i liin h iboii h 7ihi 1 ty fir uuri anaos all iiuyio h titoith in turning out beautiful uo in at 1110 lorn to ricub iimiv 1 t v 1 mixturca ulnch 2t and joo iho no vc nwiib clotli 41 inch 50 umud70 hilk in i wool mixturofl u incb fioy luuiilri i iincy all wool u incli 5qu i unc u urlmit i iulrth jront vaiioty of 1 1 n itb ii iiili uh i 1 lo kc silks in nil tbulr tiauty arc ulai layod you 11 a1 mlru tlioho kooda no muob that you 11 almoflt forgot that our i rices aru always at tho low oat no tub htrltoh an 1 lliocka lvaikal bllkr 2oc v 1 lain japauoau hllk all nbadtbuio grout it umo of lanoy hllkn i oifeofly new hi color aud iloulgn prloua ranging irom 50c to 1 5 por yard llfffck puau do hole- at ecial valtio at m 00 miuinqry department is alwayb a loatler with us all our aalaiipooplo in thiu lupartiuqnt aro practical mill in or and can givo you suprihtl0ibjuj to how your head xnr should bo trim mod r htruw bailors in blaqk white brown navy and niixo i cojprh now sb apes prices from 2flu each children a xlroodbrim baltora4ribbou triuilnod wblto black oud navy from jit up uutrlimnod stntwh great varioty of ahapos all uuiv atyles and colore from 75c rriinmnil millluory frotn j children a head wear a opec laity now i towern ifoeoe itlbbona laces etc with our lardo atattof trfpimars our country friondo uiay leayo thoir ordora when thoy coma to thd city and have tboni oxocutod lu tiojo to tako thorn home with thorn tho sauio day ladies sprlue jackets fit ado ol tweed or contiur sorgc new eleevoo blazer stylo pearl buttons 2 d 50 ii 75 b ladloa uurlng capes iu navy cardinal and browu 31 60 ladloa capos fnwu browu and black volvot lily collars j 61 5 ladies blouses and shirt waists laundered collars and culta now 11 oh op bioovoh 0o 7jc 1 il jj tho staple department i ull to overflowing with the bout radon both canadian and imported canadian bhlrthifcu- c ho 10c 12i 1 lio l4o quality tho boat nuality mado color gu ir auteod uo iuolioa wluo heavy doublo wart i ugllab oxfords 17o cottotiades full width ood pat to rim lia ire ibo 20a 2lo prints ami anil rlca for 5c jin 10u dost quality rtifdifih lamlirlch ji luu icn wldo l4c hpoolal brio heavy urillutto bluo ritfuiarlc for ujo cotton gropoiia aud wash gootlu 40 i aticrna aauorttid now bliadou crlnklm ulmltiua oryan dius llo hoautlf ul printed goods for dresaua or blouaca iftc lkc 20c c now a ron muslin aud lawns plain checkud and tucked 10c to j5o yard i lauuolettea jo ipcllua wide fast oolora 0j yard i aney chocks 5c i uglisu iiaunolettea ss locbus wldo twilled ejo oottorquality loo lajo i5tf ic linajt table napery co inches wido unbloacliod damask 13c 60 iuchoa wldo uuhloaohod uauiask vevy heavy 4c oh lnehoa wido extra hoavy loom j74c 70jnohoa wide hneolal quality 700 ho inouuluacuod pfttnaak 40c to 55c oh inch uoavy uloachod pure liu on 7jc shoe tings 7j inch plain uubleached i2jc inc 7j inch twill unbleached lhc and fit aoiijoh plain unhloacbod lhc 80 luea twill unbleached 2c pillow cotton 40 inch plain 10c clrculariajo 42ibch plain lio circular 14c 44 inob plain iqjo clroular uh towola spoclal all llneu 10xj8 12jc white muslin underwear coraot covers apodal 3 for 2 20c lc drawers bpociaf 33c 82a 45c gowns epooial 4sc 49c uoc 75c children a droasos at ago from 3 to li jcare whlto 45c to 91 50 children s droabes colored o to 93 75 grand trunk evauway tints i l j iimi 1am mill i i 111 v ii 1 i 111 i i 7 k i t i mil i ml 1 1 17 a i i up l0li i ii losin i mxii s iii i ii 1 4 i u ylnj wcht i i gol i i intll 1 i in n i tj ih mm i hi w i t ji t no otl lh ir t i monday brrntford steel wind- mills i internal cov end cior latent hollei and ball hear i nee samples on application freight or oxproes propaid to your noarost rail way station in outario on all purchases amounting to 5 aud upward thomas c watkins the right house i- over 1 00000 miles of practical testing j standard i of the world savage aco sole agents for guelph and vicinity t i gttlvnazted tov- tr and wficc ih tro beat in mtrlca ideal spray pump iron pumps water 5oiik i ipint 4c the ideal power mill with roller and ball bbarings is a wonder bend for circu are the 1 maple leaf ponemit hapley muir brantfdrocan foil ant ioner itlom 2 hoithe to 20iionae ten inch itovorbiblo plates of special doelcn ball iicarliififl for tho plates kuna oaay grinds line and fast our li foot ideal power mill will run it batisfaa tori ly tills is by all odds the best grjudor mado the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your attention to the fact that we are prepared to supply you with lumber of auttanle length for joar baru doors viz 10 12 id or 1i feet sibo sash doors frames mouldings ete for building storm doors pnt np at aa low a rate as possible repair oar pumps or pub iu new onea before tt is too cold we can no it shpp at fopt of river street acton thqs epbace manager e b collins butcher debirea to tbank hlb numoroua cuatomoro for thoir liberal patronage since ho commenced business last january and liopca tbat bv careful and courteous attention to merit a continuance q their custom a complete assortment of first clans beef ffiittnw tdmh poik fresh onc salt hams sausages poultry lard o in spabon prices alwab as low aa consistent with tho best quality proppl doliorj fat stock wanted p cqilinf w barbee bros paper makers georgetown ont 1i1ks a bpecultyor machine finished book papers high grade wekklv news tho papor uod in thin journal m from ho abovo mils ww barber sc bhos kellys music store headquarters tor fiancfe organs violins iiitars mandolins banjos mutes drums aqqqjdeans etc eto ss the only store in the city where you ean ge gjwj- best quality of strings for all instruments ask for and see that you get j a peerless blend idassssife lead packets only- 12 and i pounds ylc tea b ea chirdena salooted from twenty blonds by tho ffreatest foa expert ib the world a tho finest fnroet bloheit and most fragrrant r cmoobba bell it sb so 40 do aud 60 cants a pound thc davidson hay ltd wholesale agents toronto pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner c w kelly 95 upper wyndham street gupjp ii job hunting 1ncluping baoltb pannloto rostors hi huads oirculara fco bc oyecutcd in the boat ntylo of tbo art at rqodorato prlcpa and on short cofico apply or addrosa ii p moohb pllkb p11k88 oqloo actot to cure rheumatism tsei bristols sarsaparilla it mi youj0gefcl ask jourdruggisror dealer for it i3ooowj0u look for this print in the snow ioooooo- it ii the pattern of the heel of the oranby rubber nud overshoe ihe nct tunc 3011 lm n pair of ltiblcrior ocrslioca sk for gianh aainl look for this p tttcrn 011 the iilci 1 iili c ih no need to ttil e a cinnhy that ii not hil snine shnpc ni your boot bet xi they nrc in ide to fit icry sh ipe of riiol a 1 nbher hint dots imt ot hil bo t will draw the foot ranby jiuhbcis nrc thin light fclosttc and ft itrfcttiy they wear like iron ococcccooooooooocoooooooooooooooooc if i were a mother t i would insist i on having shoreyb clothing for my boya i heir clothing la all stun with ltncii thread the mntennl is nl1 4 thoroughly hjkxicd imtl shrunk m d thcaorkiiiniihhipis guaranteed imt lo t rip milit juvtas well lmvt it hci it doesnt cost any more than inftrini makes 2 you cnn nlwnji be sure of etl4n it 3 by itvc on hetinj hit iiiir 11 te t utkct which is 111 tin jkxi ct nf tiivli 2 gnmiout 1j 4 j shops incl warcroonis cills attended to 1 oot ol willow st day or nitht jssjxeiglit co unpertakers and embalmers an ont latest styles lixpencnced attention lirstclass hearse moderate chargea furniturb of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight torontooirf iwwwwwwwtwwwwwwwwi q cheap i oheapi gheap fncinos as wbij a t mcmullens choice stool wlro noitinrs for trellis poultry yards lnwn ionclngw etc aro sold much lower this yair than eer before a they are tho beat ask your hardware merchant for ttiem lawttstsmcin canada 80ientifi0 american munn co 801 drendway new toru

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