Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1897, p. 1

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j volume xxh no 4j acton ontario thursday april ii2 1897 price three cents h itott jfm press is pulllibhkp every thursday morning at the freeprcsbstcimn lrhltiiljr stneet acton ont tuiimfl oir buliacudtion ono dollar per year strictly in aflvaiico all hiilibcrlptious dfnoou- tlnuod whon thu timo for wiucfi thoy havu boon lald- lias uxnlrod clio dqto to whioh ovory subscription in paid 1b donated ou tlio addroua label adveiitibino iutijb transiotit advertise ments 10 pontfl par nonpareil lino for flrat in sertion 3 conts por lino f or oaob subsequent iubertlpq t contqaot lutebtbtt following tablo sbot oarratofoc the insertionbf advortiaqinoiitsfor i apecinod periods t our new for 1897 is the finest and best in the city- from 5o to 6sc a roll perfect combinations day has the largest and newest stoqlf in the city antlhls piloos are by fariholowost space yh 1 ttlio i 3mo llmo uoinohas j lolaofaes ainoboa 40000 3500 h000 600 63700 3000 1900 360 w00 1300 700 300 700 000 300 100 tjl b0 i tu1 orbib ms charged aoeord- 5 tr advortiaonipnta must be paid in advance advertisements will bootianged dries each month if dosired for obanpoa oftonoi than enoe a month tbo composition muat bo paid for at rogult ratos y ohangoafor contract advertisements must be jx tuo oldoo by noon oqtuoadays h p moore 1 editor and proprietor days bookstore boy sollsr cheap traders bank of authorized capital paid up capital and surplus assets over 1 000000 785000 8300000 guelph branch 3 witbitksb bireriorp j tjren md cm offloo and resldonco corner mill frederick utreota aoton as elliott m b md aoton opiduate toronto university office main street third door south of irosbytorlan church aoton youre veterin surgeon lfred p husband t l bbnnett lds dentist oeonoetown omtabio dr fs merger dentist graduato of toronto university audllcd offlco over drag store acton vlbitino dath tlinithdav an1j fllldav m clean mclean arrialers solicitors notaries conveyancers io private funds to loan offloo town ball aoton wm a malikan jno a mclean sumaof vland upwards received ondbpbbitandnj per cent interest paid or tjohipouudod halfyearly depobit receipts iabueos for large sums deppsitcd advances mado fb rebponfliblo farraerv on their own names v no charge made for colleotingsales notes if payable in guolph a general backing business transacted -4- f jones jjartri tin- lifackhiitxys sojsig graduato of tbo ontario votorinary coiioro honorary tuomborof tbo votorinary medical bocloty officewm hubband8 lot 24 con jnass- sgawoya t calls day ornigbt promptly attended to probable cost of new barn or perhaps a new house wed like you to write- us about die hardware required we want your trade and can save you money no doubt about that j m bond go hardware i guelph j m bell dds ldis pestibt jjiwokville honoh ohaduate op toiibsto university work inado satisfactory pricos modoroto vhitimi 1av8 tuoday and friday of each d 0ugla8 a mgrhay bauibtehb solilcitokfl notailleb etc opficha 1236 queen st parkdalo victoriacbamberaql victoria st tolopbono297 tononto john douolab a g mnniur j mackinnon bawiibteb boticiton conveyakceii ofsice corner mill and main strcot abovo kopmana store actou waldo tralulalu tbo blackbird eauj ab lio bwudr on tbu topmost 8lray to stay with you tho huuimor tbroiiyb ive oouio from ar away ho morrybo and wulcoiiio mo tldbj6yoju3 apl day traiaiam i tbo day is air and boft tbo april flky apdjivb a mato tbougb rather late tlma oomllig byaiid by tciiiootmo boro j is drwinfi near ab bwift aawlnjihean ly tralalalel 1 know aapot wjioto waving riibbes grow aiiiddeniiook bcbdo a btook that only sunjjfoamfl know or waudtirjbg wiud may obaflooho flbd and wberowu foar no foo trftldralo i from rosy dawn to dusky ovptm swlug tbo uost above tbatboldsmy lovo and prompts my heart to sing tjieu lummer through no longor two liut six woll southward wug 1- elect yamitg lejiabrng roller jktwes clmrk ihopibtob t g matheson 3 b moleod ajulibtens sozjcirobb conveyxnoeits georgetown and milton money to loan at lowest fates r j monabb ulerkfoirtta division court county of hal- on conveyancer agent firoand lifo absuranco koal estate agent money to loan etc ofifioit ferrymans b look aoton ont miscellaneo us h enry grist ottawa canada- solicitor of jtatonta for invention etc amor- p a lean and european patont offices and for tbo hegibtration ol trade marks bond for pam phlet thirtytwo yoara experience having leased the above mills for a term of years i nm in a position to supply the wants of the public with the best qualities of roller flour cracked wheat mlufeed and all kinds of chopped feed required all our flour will contain the proper percentage of no 1 manitoba hardtwheat my ipnp experience in the milling busi ness enables me t6 assure- satisfaction to every patron i will be pleased to meet all old customers of the mlil aridmnnynew ones l i am prepared to pay the highest current prices for wheat oats and peas for use in said mill telephone town orders from browns drug store exchanging wheat and chopping a specialty james clark the campaign prepare for winds wo would call yoar attention to the fact that we are prepared to supply you with lumber of suitable length lor yoar barn doors viz 10 12 18 or 24 feet also sash doors frames jmouldings etc for building storm doors pnt np at tyl1sh princ uitlnos gur stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection prices fright also styles shaw turnek merchant tailors- guelph 189798 styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists rose f erxiberton s jest oh dear i l wish i could be a heroins mjbelf pouted rqbo pemberton tosing abide the novel she had just finished with a deep sigh of discontent im pretty enough im shre casting an af peotative glande at the mirror opposite in which ber piquant face and curling golden hair were pleasingly refloated but nothing ever happens nothing ever will happpenv either eo far as 1 can see that has the least bit of romance iq it jast the same old humdrum kfo im tired and flick of it if something startlingwould ouly oaaui i if i could even fail desperately in love with some onet here the low discontented murmur of robbb voioe ceased and a faint bluwb crept into her pretty elieetts aatir thdughls drifted away toward n certain dome one who had never for moil a part of that hum drum life or wliuli tihe bad bo often nnd so bitterly complained 1030 had numbyrlcsa iidmireia as the jthliiebt tirl iiithu village alwuyb will have ami alio qoulil recall tin rqual num ber of llirtatiuna wliich had nerved to brighten ilio munotojiy of her village life but- they wore tame utttird her heart had nover been relly intcrehteii for a moment as for tho grund pabion it eo knew nothing of it aave her day dreuina and in the pages of her favorite uovelo bhe had laughed at her wouhlbe lovora and declared her conviction that there id no biich thing aa love in real life but of la to pretty roau had begun to entertain a flomewlmi difturont opinion oh that subject a handuomp intellectual face and a pair of laughing brown eyes were the direct cause of her ohango of heart yet their owner aeomed in no haate to enroll liiniself on the liat of her admirers indeed roto knew him only by sight for wilbur severance was a strauger in the village bhohatl 6ceuhim in ohurob two three times and occasioually on tho btreet but he had never bought an iutrodtaation to the belle of the place and beyond a pi8iiog glance of admiration had not evinced any npeciat notice her attractions perhaps that was the very thing which had awakened iioeotf i merest in him at alt events bho often oaught bsrbelf dream ing of those handsome brown eyes and wondering what bbe should do if mr sever ance were ever to toll her be etory of love which bhv4tad often beard from other lip3 bavtbe w aa little danger of ibatr- appirently rose bit her lip in onagri n aa that thought forced itself upon her even while bhe wao oootemplating her gracefal imago in the mirror and catching op her widebrimmed garden hat she stiddenly quit tbo room and wont harrying down the path with a kind of desperate determina tion iu her heart to get away from the dallnebb of everyday existence and ring in adventure of some sort from the unwilling hands of fate i imlgo downto the river sho said of crimson that bwept back hiutloly1o bor wiijtu chcekri rrd effurod- but fniut objrcikrib and tbue begn tbo atquaintancq which was destined to provo bo evontfnl tb-both- ani robs waa happy it was juat in tho fliihh nf hor huppinorc that it 030 met at a vilugo hotel whoso landladys daughter waa one of her friends a lady who had coino thero hoping totte- gtln her ipbt battb puo dpd delicate but still very lovely was caryl stewart and very b0b she and thvvillaige belle were fab frlenda my phybieiansbay that my ammeut le ojnbujpnption hitd odryl stewart cue day milling v alpwbad smile that wont otruight to roses hoart but i know better than thoyrqae iknow that j am dying of a broken beart fctomedayi will tell you you wul come in rfgaibtbvmorow alio qnestfonnd lifting ber dark eyes with a wjelful jook j vobyyee rqturnedrobe wuia bright smtle i como in any day- every day jliep stewart- she was thinking ofubat conversation when wilbur severance came to see her later in the evening but bho could not remain molanoholy long in bis presence now particularly as he had come for the express purpose of ashing for her beart aud hand rose bad often pictured this moment to herself and she had resolved to be all s weeicebaandei neeri tytol h isni n whom- she loved with all hersoul bathow it was she could never totl somehow her old wilful epint of coquetry seemed to take possession of her all iu a moment and sho laughed teased and evaded her lovers questioning with a per sistent wilfulness that amazort herself i will answer you tomorrow even ing was the reply he anally coaxed from her aaucy lips i muatia little time to reflect upon so dreadfully serious a mattermr severance but there was that in the happy blue eyes that belied the wilful lips aud wilbur severance went away with a cheerful heart in spite of nil the follouing day re paid her promis ed visit to miss stewart aud it was then that the invalid made hor a confidante caryl stewart had been betrothed when aaaraely more thin a child to a youth- a littloomer thivnlicslf the arrangrmt nta bml been made eutirc ly by the pirfntb df the two but as they grew older with a better understanding of tho situation caryl realized that her wh le hoart was envolvol in tho matter while her nance prove 1 iudiflurent and finally reltdrtell outright againtjt the bondi wliich bo had no part in creating in her pride caryl had grauted him hia freedom though thu broko her own heart by doing ir other suitord hho had had but she would never love again to her dying day and that will not bo farofl bbe ended pathotically unless i ami win his love and i dont quite despair of doing that yet ro3e away from all rivals and tree from the buriucsclike fetters that oncn prejudic ed him more than all when he realizes at labt that his love and only that can ewo my life do you think doar littlo rose that my hope of yet winning him ia aucb a wild one after all l no indeed i dp not mibs stewart she earnestly repliod dont think ho could help bat jeain to lovo you did he know all the truth if be could bo here to seo you ho ia here aud i have mot him several- times though he docant know the mad hope that brought me here a9 yet i have merely told him that 1 name here for my health i think you know him also robe she added slowly watching the girls face from beneath her long dark laehcc his name is wilbur severance wilbur severauoe i one moment rosea littlo hup d was pressed tightly over her heart and hor breathing seemed jo ceaeo then she spoke almost iu her ubual stea t yebi know mrr severance wo are quite good friends she said and i think he will como back to you yet miss stewart indeed i am am almost aura he will aud rising quickly the murmured a fow parting words then touching her cold lips lightly to caryl stewarts brow hastened from the room oh why didnt i tell him yes at once last nigbt when i loved htm sol cried robojnarjgai8hofboartaabho harried bume then it would all have been settled and nothing could have changed it hut now her resolve was already taken aud when wilbur called that night alio gavo him hib answer promptly enough it was no you cannot meanroaarthat you have deliboratoly intended to deceive me he cried surely no woman under heaven oould have a hrart so hard and false as that i do not trifle tbia time rose whatever yourauawer ia now it must be your final one it ip rinal she aubworod atoadily i bibbed until her heart was ready to burst i havo him to liur and surely ehu can find someway to win him bok again sho moan od as alio thought of tho desola tion aho had brought unou her own hap- plnefjs how long olio sat there weeping roje never knew but ages artervbo it seemed a atop sounded be bide her and wiiburv awn voice wus tenderly on ii ing hor name lotk up my rodo and let mo tell ypu what has happohed he was eaying badly yet with a deep undertone of py in hia ovipg voico- i executed yourerrandand before i could leavo curyl in some way mado me underatand the atate of her feelings toward me ypu know the whoo story rose eb i need not repeat h then ip my pity for her and ray bitter anger toward you i was weak enough to dfler to rronew thafr old ebgagement i rieednot tell you that bbo eagerly accepted andthbn ijo her joy or the agitation of the mbment sho fell to couching aeveroly and- ruptured a-blood- veasek yes in answor to robea hor- roified ory she is dead now my darling butuot before bhe made me understand tho sacrifice you- tried to make for ber she knew that you loved me rose and now i shall not ask you for that answer doar i shall take it thus and hoxkisbed her quivering lips my lovo my hero ine 1 be added proudly roso had nover once thought of it in that lightibut no one uownqw everheara from hor sweet lips that olcftime foolish wish oh if i could be a heroine dublin world outwitting a customs officer these are wicked times a goutleman called in at the hop of mr abraham levi laaaos with a violiuoaso under his arm ho purch w i a neckiio for which bo paid thirteen cents and hen asked permibaion to leave hia box while lie did a few errands in ftie neighborhood mr ibaaos iad no objection it is a violin paid tho loimiuiiiu whioh i prize very highly it wub uiven to mo by an old italian who died at my fathers house i beg you will ba otrofnl of ir mr ibttaoi promised and tlio owuor of the precloub violin- departed r toward noon while the oldoloilua deal er was deeply engaged intbijhock of bull- mig au auoiont and limobouored suit jh bauiredap rbroadoloth a btranger entered tbe shopa remarkably well dreasod niau with a distinguished look the viplihcase vaa in sight upon a tihelfand as no ond was near to prevent htm the hewoomcr slipped around and opened tho case and took out the a very darkhued and anctentlooking one hallol cried isaacs when lie heard ioht s uir thuruh boniutliiiiti that ivi tiiti i wltih youd hirjalu to inn avhy whuii tho woatheri wurin tboros loavon on ovory true and wlion tlioyueed tlioin inoht to koop thorn vaiut aiiilutco thoy lose oft all thoir clolliou aud loold as cold as ict of courbo its right for folks j jut im thinking bout tho trutf idliko to wrap thoin up in nlmwld for xuhr tboyro going to froujie a l k cliittaulcn in the ottttuuk the famous hungarian count ziohy who lived on a princely income in vienna was in bis younger day well known all over eoropo ou acoount of the beta he made and generally won once when there was a heavy duty imposed on every head of cattle entering tho austrian capi tal be made a bet that he would carry a lamb freo of duty through the gate of vionnaand that tbe gatekeeper who wsb aoling as imperial officer adjusting and rotioivisg the duty would be glad to let him pabs next morning the count disguised as a butcher his butoher knife in his band bis aiirt bleeveb rolled up and carrying a heavy back on bis bhoulder made hia way to one of the fashionable gates of vienna but tho watohftil officer soon espied him what have you iu that sack fellow a dog eir a dpg dog yourself dawn with that saok 1 i know felfbwa like you some times carry dogs iu ruoiu through the gates aud bqii them for mutton in town down with your back but its nothing but a dog and a bad dog too i will never mind what you will down with your back i tho officer pulled tbo aaok from the supposed butchers shoulder out the string and sure enough out jumped one of the biggest dogn in vienna thedog rushed at thd faithful government seryaut landed him several atopt away in the gutter and then loft for parts unknown after him wont the yonng butcher shaking his knife before the eyes of the frightened officer andexolaiming ill bottle you after i catch that dog about two hours afterward the face of the butcher agttin appeared before tho raised window of the giteofftcer 1 have just caught that log again wonhryou like to look at hiro get away i get out you and your infernal dog i and with a crash the window went down and the smiling but cher entered vienna- but no dog was that timo in his taok but the faltebt lamb that could be found in tho suburbs of tho capital a question of deportment here is a nnt for the authorities on how to be a goatlemm or manners in six- easy lessons to oraok when mr johnson o rea le p mrs feeuey the other morning to take an order for bread rolls etc he discovered that the ladys skirts were on fire and without a word ho piokod her up and throwing her into a deep snow bank rolled bor over and overrun til- the harass were extinguished instead of blessing her pre server mrs feeney gave him a fearful goatherin for treating ber most un- gen tie ma iily even when shown tbe charred skirts she declared that she would rather bo jjurned to dsoib than man handled in that unoermonlous fashion tho question is was mr johnson guilty of nngeutiemanly conduct is it correot form wben a gout discovers a lady on tiro to put it otis before he has had an intro duction or before consulting the lady b to her choice of style in suppressing the fltitnea j of boor e so far as mr johnson andmra feeney are concerned the case is oloaed mr johnaon will never feel war ranted in interfering with her dieng here after in any way bhe may seleot buffalo commercial the sound of the violin what for you touch dat eh the btraugef explained that 1m was a pro feasor that be jwna the leader of an oroheatra and that lu oould never seo a violin without tryiug it and then he drew the bow across thostringa playing a iflmlpflaaagfih of a ann old gnrmaruwaltz my soul 1 he cried affer ho bad rnn bid lingers over the iubtrumout u while that ia the best violin i over aawfethere is not a better one iu england a perfectly genuiue old cremona i will give you twenty dollars for it isaacs said it was not hjf ill give you fifty i hundre 1 1 mr laaaos was forced to explain how the violin came vo bo left in bis shop tbe stranger bad taken out his pooket- book and drawn forth a roll of banknotes he put them back remarking i must have that violin if money will buy it when the owner returns will you ask him to wait for me if ho cannot wait ask him to meet me here at six oclock if he calinot do that tell him to call a tho office of the treasurer of the aotdemy of muuio and inquire for the director of the orchestra will you do it idaaos said ho would but euggedted tho stranger you need not tell the man what i have said about his violin nor wlmt i havo offered because fie may huvo no idea of what a treaaure he posh6sher you will be careful and cir cumspect the btrauger went away and abraham levi idaaca reflected in the ooureo of mi hour the owner of tho vipin roturnb i an i asked for hia box but the old iv man hail been cuptivated by the golden bait what would tbe gentlem m bll his violin for at first the gentleman would not listen to the proposition but after a groat deal of talk he ooufossed that ho was no him self a professor and could not well afford to keep suuh a valuable instrument be would sell it for fifty dollnib not a penny lens v mr isaacs p lid the inonov and became the legal porsobbor of iho violin ready to take auything from two hundred to two hundred and fifty from the director of the orchestra as he might bo able but the dirootor did not come at the eiid of a week xaaarrs carried the violin to a professional fri and asked him what was its real value before calling on the profeeeor five dollars without tho case i abraham levi isaac i was strongly of opinion that tbe gentleman who left the violin in his oare was a swindler that the director was a partner iu tho budiuoss and that together they bad mado htm their victim that night old clothes went up ten per cent thanks to the bear almost a hundred years ago two young aonjwho li in a k f w t oat a poet who was a coltlier in all the annate ofliterury history there can scarcely have beeiirecordetiaiifestory moru unusual and atlirat view inproiiear- lyincredi table thuii that of joaeph skip- fleyibo collier ppotil js well wothy the consideration and tbo emulation of those to whom fate has boon kinder ha jrvaa born at north shields in the black country da that par of knglaud la called in march 1032 r his father was shot dead in arfmo mining riot wheii the futuio pool was only four monthb old ho was tbe younget of eight children and tho widowed mother waa hardprosbcd to keep her littlo ope fed and clothed joseph was only boven years old when ho tvas oent tu work in tho cohi pits of the percy main near north shieldt aud from that time until he was past fifty almost all his life waa- spent in the dark world underground as a little boy hib business wob to btand beaide a wido door opon it wlieu be heard the rumble of an approaching cart of coals and close it again when tho aurt had passed through standing there in tho dark ho said in telling his story to a friond i saw things wonderful and strange somoumes i seemed to see- a great ball of light liko a gigantic egg and as i watched u it seem ed to open and i a aw shapes with aureoles round their heade it was by means of this door which he guarded that ssipnoy taught lumself to read for ho had only learned hismetiers when he was sent to the mine candleends were priceless treasures to him he ueed them to light his darkness while he traoed on his dour copies of any placards or advertisemeuth ho could pick up thua teaching himself to form letters into words until he hat learned it rend and write before ho was eleven years did bo bud formed a serious resolution to commit tho wholo bible to memory and ho could probably even now ropeat more chapters of holy writ than any other person alivo somehow ho got hold of slthkeppearo and mdton end burns we will not pity him that dime novela were hejoiiil iu rouuh he printed a fow of hiri lyrics in 1859 and in consrqueuce of the inltrist they exoited he was made bublibrariau of u literary society newcaiilooutyne but the salary was pitifully am all uild otter a brief experiment he returned to his undergronud world where lie uoiid eru six or eoven lollttrv a wutk mi whfch lie managed to kuep himself and hib fmuily iu what a miner connidtrn retmociiiln com fort from timo to lime bo pubihhod one littlo volume of pdems af lor anutlier nnf with each new idbue ho won new friends among them rjsbottithe poet and william bell scott poet and painter in 1830 he wont to london for a brief vinit nnd met not only itotbetti and suotr but also william morris burno jones and tbeo- dore waltb in 1882 ho onco more left the mines and was boou after invited to edit walter scottsseriob of canterbury poetb and the first six of the boriqs oamo out under his supervibion and with admirable pre fatory qhaayb from his pen ill health compelled him to resign thin congenial work then for a timo ho was puratdr of shakespeares birthplacetill his wifes illness obliged him to resign that position al ho but he haa always found something to do and no difiloulticb have conquered hia resolute and buoyant bpirit fancy a life pf which nearly fifty years ranoisnunan f wyddbamj account books of all kinds made to order feriodlcali of every doiorintion carefully bound bullnpneavrt promptly done bookbinder quelpb ontario as low a rate as possible repair your pamps or pat ia now onea before it is too cold wkcandoit shop at foot of river street actn thos ebbace ntanagef jvi abbiaoi3 licenses nrr moobe ipahpit op mannuob licekbe8 vy w budl0ng7 hills qroye b i prfatoomo kowltdmsearoqulred isiuod retldonrn lu tbo ovenidg proo probb omco acton aoton machine and repair shops henhx obindbtt proprlotor days all kinds of rav purs 8kinn boohwax gonblns living wild animal of all kinds prico hat of f ura for next 60 days tor well haodlod atock inferior according to quality returns mado day gobds recolvoa all fure abould be elilppod by oxpresi allb woirociolspod with all tbo maoblnory uooeaiary toiteiute all ropalra to maobln ory aud agricultural implojuontii and to do all kluda of ateamnttlngboraeaboolng and general blaokatnltblng woodwork repair perfonnod kalatfafactpry manner we can repair any maoblue or lmplomont of any make baw gummlug aud flllug done fife wellington mutual insurance com bstabubllkd 1810 pany any boar iw mvoo io 2h0o flbbor 700 to 1000 otter 700 to 1000 heaver 000to 1200 fillvor fox 4000 to 10000 croab fox 700 to 1400 ltod fox lmto 200 groy fox 100 to im wolf 200 to 2h wolverine 400 to b0o tl00 to 200 wild cat so to w marten poo to ooo skunk 7610 100 ltaccoon lllaok aooto 1u0 ltacooon common mto 100 badger 100 to 1j0 7tn l in mink 100 to 200 jnbubancb on cablumuumutual plan ooinmunloatlons fofvawkvo my addre llox 628 or telepbono 68 wllldo promptly at tended to tayloh ageut ouolph mubkltat doto 2i hon 1- mo all your furs you want mado into ruga overcoats oapes rohos etc prices rooaou- ablo ou class of work turned out jx- m hembtrbet lmannxii anclumkbs kor tbeoountlob of wellington and helton ordoreloflattbofnubj pinsee offloe aoton pr atmy realdence in aoton will bo promptly at- tendedto feoa roducod to 8j0 for farm sales aleo money to loan on tho moat favorable bumeand at tbo lowoat ratoa of intoreat in auinofs6e0and pwarda acton saw mills and wood yards mahdvaotuubll and dhaik11 1m lumber lth sfifnjflea wood xta all kind of wood in atook and promptly doliverod to any part of tbo town at rnaionablo prloea hardwood and lab out itote length alwaya ou band telepbono comuiuulcatlor georgetown electric works t j gprxght proprietor mnniifaoturara of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams plpo and hloam fitting and uonoral ilopair ing doing equippod with a gas braaing inaoliloe i am prepared to dobrablngon blayaleaframos 6o wboola oonvortod from dlreot to tangen hpokoa handle llara bent to any desired angle full lino of spokos- kept in stock batisfaettobi guaranteed biayolse enamelled jn auyaolor t j speight georgetown acton seam geo peavoy proprietor first clsas work kuaraneed in irtmily laundry work shirts collars cults etc work oalled on every monday and thursday and delivered every thursday and saturday- 1 i v j ceo pexvoy supplies headquaxters for presents csc waters brqs 8t oeoroes square guelph thje to look for a strayed horse they wander ed hither and thither through the woods until toward evenlug they found them selves in a wild valley six or seven miles from borne here the youngor of thtim francis downing by name landed that he heard the snapping of twigs behind them- some indians wore dogging their footsteps he believed his companion yates treat ed tbe matter a btkstajra offered to insure downing soalp for sixpence downing was uotoatibuoo aud finally as have boon passed underground and yet out of which has como the evolution of a poet nothing could bo more touching than his own simple story of his boyish days and of the visions with whioh ho peoplod bin darkness sunday was literally sunday to him for it was the only day on which he ever eaw tbe aun he has published in all some five or bix volumes of verse and has now a recognizee position among english poets roaeetti said of him hia realjife pieoes are more jnsti si- rogkwogd mens tweed suits to order for u700 now is he time to buy spcciil bargains in hats this week business college aki shorthand institute quxlpr ont suikhioil facilities for thorough and sraotlcal conrses of study uooltkouplng liuitbainlaiit t bpumuiiy orfuatew awsiatejifto positions all uuhuiunu odbimobcob uopt ht write for elronlara j sharp principal a change of business w having bought the tailor ing establishment lately car ried on by mr h strasser i hope by strict attention jto business to share a continu ance of your support i shall put into stock choice suit ings pantings and over- coatings ready for the spring trade e schlimme late of waterloo acton after a moment of indeoibion at the gate and if i can find a boat ill row aboue in the most dangerous places i can find and i hope something will happen but it wont she added sarcastically unices i upset theboat on purpose turning into the winding road that led but ofths village- she soon cam 0 to tbe fiver and fouud a fragile shed of a boat danojnu at anchor on the waves as it left there by fate for hor especial use uobo unfastened the chain and was soon shoot i pi swiftly down- the stream keeping timo with her oars to her own restlebs thoughts aha once aaoundrbreakirtgtbeatill ballirethelosofour friendship ness of the sceue drew her attention toward the shore and willi that glance roaos heart gave a mad bound and thon seemed to stop beating tor there on the bank ouly a few feet dutant busily arranglug a pile of fishing tackle sat tbe hero of her present thoughts the haudsomo stranger with the laophing brown ey and they were quietly laughing at her new rose thoaght as a blush of aonf uaion dyed ber cheeks the sudden start she gave jostled one of the oars out of her grasp and reaching to recover it the something she had bo reoklcbbly wished for happened for the next instant to her dipgust she fouud her self overboard and floundering about in the water looking as little like her ideal heroine aa oould be imagined mr ssveranco- hastened a once to her reacu and whon ho bad brought her pale and exhausted to tho shore rose glancing shyly upward baw those brown oyes no longer laughipg at her but full of grave anxiety that filled her hrri i am not at all injured she said rrpy- ing to ihe look and i hope my boat isnt gpno for i must try my luok again with 1c by starling home at unoe but your strength is quite exhausted he said decidedly as she rose slowly to her feet i ftbtll row yoa back to the point from whioh you started and then if yoa will permit me i shall accompany yoa to yoar homo i really think 11 unsafe for you to go ulobebo added soeing tbe tide dangerous missles never bo your wife mr that is my deliberate fiual but i oi severanoe answer and i hurled baok the he in tho teeth of all those who tried to warn mo against yon for what you are a soulless coquette he said with a bitter langh i nihdit ha q m hnppinw hnl t wnnldnot and woll i di- servo my fate for being bitch splendid fun seeing the procession said billy to sammy who didnt go they wore sitting together on the fence yeosi drawled sammy yeb klephauts and camels an horsea an wofjoiib foil of indiana and roman warrior an jockeys on horaca an piles o thiiikh l yl v he continued to bear tho auspiouous noises ho fell behind yates sonme twenty or thirty paces and at a favorable epot sprang sud denly aside and dropped in to a thiokpatoh of huckleberry bushes yates who was singing continuod his course and waa soon out of bight almobt at the samomntbnt two indians pnshsd aside tho btalkb of a cunebrako and looked cautiously in the directioo that yates bad taken poor downing fearing that his owu movemeulb had been observed determined to fire upon the savages but in his uervousneabe-was4iatdlymonhhan-a- boy lis let off his gun without taking aim thon ho started to run very boou he met yates who had been alarmed at tho report and had hasteued buck to see what was the matter the snemy wbh now iu full view and tho two white men ran fur their lives y ales who was the f ah tor of the two would lint leuvo downing iu tho lurch 1 t iiia4thjatttduimu the steadil bastainectvnd decided than almost auy- thing i know he ia a poerof tho people and has liked what he describe skipsoy himself would not 8poatte4- li itf life as sad for it has had tho glamor of imagination the excitement of aspiration and endeavor ho haa won friends among tho beat and noblest and he haa proved that a man is stronger than bis environ ment more powerful than what we foolish ly call his destiny a lucid explanation 4 aimtll boy whose early education bad been somewhat nekleotod and be felt tho ncod of improve ment what kind of a horpo car is a patent horse car wy replied tbo mother alwaya will ing and ulad to toaoh her children iin ono of them that aint pulled by iiuvmch prison iiihpeitor that man over there bocms poaitivoly to enjoy tholroail- a fool heturnod on his heel to go but roso stepped quietly befne bim bhe had a small b fiktji l fruit and flowers in her band f i should like to ask you to do mo one little fatjr she said uuldly not aeemitig to have noticed hi bitter words i bavo a friend at thu v l whioh you will piss as yoa 0 bom p sho i ill very ill indeed and i wishlu ssud hor tliso promised but as i could nut go mwelf i muat ask yotvto taku tbutii for mu and this note he added offering it dont refiibo please she will bo so disuppolnted and ir jou will kindly take them np to her parlor yonraelf i novr trust these thins to the oarolsas servant there it is tho only ervlee i shall ask of you she added with a ball pleading utile smile ns she saw bim heaitat oiooorm be haduo nlndce but to aocept the trifling task and w h a oold distant bow he took both bokut and note from her band and went his way and when tbe door bad closed behind him rose sank back into her chair and billy wan determined to arouse till they oamo to a deep gully yales hia stupid companion an a tumble crowd of men and boys rushin after and throwiu thinfch at the indians an roman wiirriora gracious t exclaimed sannmy what did thoy throw bill lots of tgings replied bill solemnly mud an tomators an ono fellow fired im precations i you dont say in a tone of awe i nevpr buw them was anybody killed medicine glasses quo of tho small things desirable on occa sions to know ia how to prevent confusion in medioino glasaea where homeopalbio rctnodies aro used a trained nurse gives a blmle rule easily remembered al ways sat the just given medicine farthest away from tho patient then no matter what the arrangement of spoons it ia tbe forward and nearest glass that is to be tak en from next when yoa are weak tired and lifeless 3 ou need to nnriob and purify yoar blood with hoods sorsaparilla olearc i it cattily enough but downing be iug pretty well exhausted fell tthort and after striking tho farther bank dropped to the bottom tho fndltmh luomutimo were croihiiig the gully a littlo farther down and seeing yates making off abend they took chase after him v downing crept along the bed of the gulfy till it became too b hallow to conceal him and then looking np paw one of the iudiaub returning evidently lo look for him again he took to bis his bouts and tho ludiuu followed all hope of en capo was dying out of the young follovv heart whon ho camo to an over lured poplar- tree ho took one side of it and tho indian took the olhor just ibcn the indian yell ed a ahebear it appeared was suckling her cubs tu a bed whioh she had made near tbe roots of the tree she greeted tbe indian with a hug and downing did not tarry to see how the interview terminated new hope put new life into bia legs and be reached the fort in safety where he was welaomedby yates who had arrived two j hours before mill warder- yee ettumothth mo tion hi was a bioyolo thief apparently a hopeless case kincardine banker who buffered distressingly from indigestion apparently a hopoless case of stomach troublo until south american nepvlno was used his words are it cured mo absolutely what 4his wonderful remedy for nil forms of ntomaoh trouble can do is bibt told in the wordb of john uoycr banker kincardine ont about a your ago as a result of heavy work no doubt i btcamo very much troubled with indigostioii abjoeiutod with it were thobo terribly dis- t reus ing feelings that 0mii hardly lie describ ed in any language i had triod various methods of ridding mybcif of tho trouble but without success until i waa influenced to use south american nervine tbn re- bolt and i gladly bay jt for tho bonefit or others this remedy oured me and i nevor hesitate to reborntnend it to any person af- feoted with any form of stomnch trouble sold by a t brown

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