Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1897, p. 2

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born anjahickih in acton on monday lltth april 4mrjinlliihtl a lliininliucltcr utlaulitoi- iuymond til likilnli on iuepilny tho lllth hint in mr iunl aih b 1 itifyiiioml of tlio alvocntoi 1m uniri aiiimntn- ihuuinh in hnekwond on tlinrn- ainvll lv jv juinuh kobtui marrln iinliiiof oractou to mibb m miiim of hockwootl imiviiksi5 sriksonin kt joiiiih church toronto oji tuuuilay iwtli april by hov- a williams m a joorro lawrouco to nohio muiiblitor of jnmcb hliuuou isnq all of hook- wood s j died vasmikit at hpoyhlilo on snndav ihtb jrint infiuit ilaughtor of albert vatitluet agod s wuuich umtnftn in kauragawoya on wodnuflday hth april maud only daughter of gonrgo gordon iiod h monllih f- thursday april 22 1807 notes and comments the country in breathlessly awaithik iho now tariff whjfili the gbvnruuitnt haa prsriubod to present tddiiy j tho dohjin ion government litra dooided to appoint oomnpercitil aiienta bimilar to tho coribulur bllicerh of othermjiibtfa in p6uth omntrioa andmexico departmental atgres must bo a burning lastio inuhicagp and ono which there ie apparently but one bide to in politics inas much ap both tho hepubltoan and demo crat ic municipal platforms contained reso lutions upon thorn both of which were in condemnation trance is gettiug back tit the united states in retaliation for its hostile tariff even if iu doing so- it makes it harder for its own people it bus increased by about co to 00 per cent the rates of duties levied on pork and other meat products chiefly fromllio united states nporied egypt at present adoording to latest census pobeasefuttia largest population in itrhfbtorylrlvas taxed population certainly siuce the turks isubliahcrl tnaitrnlo whatever outbidera may desire tho egyptian people should not want a restoration of unrestricted khediv- ill rule tho improvement is british in its entirety tho work of organizing the campaign against departmental stores is progressing rapidly in toronto- a lot of statistioal information showin tho offeo of suoh stores has already been collected and is being given to the publid saturday night is loading in tho campaign with effective work and tho retail merchants associa tion is perfecting organization the dominion government has decided to reduce the rate of interest allowed on savings bank deposits from 3 to 3 per cent this will rod ace the interest paid oh deposits aggregating 819500000 from ftl- 732500 to 51485000 reducing the yearly payment to depositors by 0247500 the roasou for this reduction is the general docrcaee iu the earning power of money tho montreal transportantion company is credited with having engaged a large quantity of american grain for ehipment aud also to have made engagements for wheat from fort william to montreal the quoted rates being six to six and a half cents one ahipper eat i mates that folly ten million bushels of grain will go by the st lawrence ronte duriog may jane and july tho g t r and g pi r have leaned two new tariffs which went into effect on april is and make redactions of fie per u pounds on many specified com modi tie such as bags twine icon and steel articles tho tariff applies to montreal kingston torouto hamilton winnipeg portage and brandon redactions are also mads on westbound freight- to kootenay and pacific coaat points war isjeglared turkoyvand greece have boon deadly combat for nearly a week where will the end be london april 17 turkey lias declared wufagainbt greeop claiming to tho con cert of powers that groece was tho ag- grosbor that greeco aud turkoy arc now in u bruo of open wuyfaro is no longor fn quea- tibu tho guogo of battle which grecoo offors hat boon practically accepted by tho turkish council of ministers whllo tho rival forces aro more or joss ilerooly en gaged all along thnlinp what will be the idbuo of siiuh astruggla what will bo the ultimate valuo of russias gatvrnn- teo jwffon behalf of tho powers that neither sltlo shall reap territorial advantage but that tho integrity of the tqckish eropirov will remain tho proaont condition of affairs baa not boon accelerated byany external act tho attitude of tho sixpwerattas been one of nomintbrfarenco with germauy supposed to be on the side of the sultan in tno oflloiai world of eurdpoih ie commonly noderalooh tbaitho unsboathlpg of tho sword by turkoywill presage the deluge a letting qbe df palidembniurn atml whibhthe various powers concerned will lind protext enough for looking after the main chaticj losnon april 21 the contest tnuafar has shown success for the- armies of both greece and turkey but latest despijtchoa favor tbe turks owing to their superior number of boldiera in the field theand grant s5o0o half an hour spent over a s3 oo account without settling it council met on moudayevoniug at oight oclock c member present roevo niuktin and gounoillolra browncsmith pennyand arnold y the committoe on pinanco presented their sixth report recommending payment ofthef6liowing account b jcbncoolr work 8 0i da grant flxlug culvort 75 adam cook hauling atono i 00 total fthio moved by w e smith bocondod by h t arnold that the sixth report of tho committee on finance juat road be adopt- edcarried mr j b cameron ittisdutod an account of 9300 for opening drairtfl on mill and o avoid deluge in his cellar guelph streets to avoid a thrdutened tho ontario license department is busy figuring on thb many amendments respect ing the application of the new license aot with a view to instructing magistrates as to its enforce men tr one amendment which has not been made pabllo is that providing that tho law shall not come into operation until joly iscinbtead of may 1b t aswabat first intended drdgglsu have that length of time to get rid of surplus stook tho ca of lioflbtiea nnder the new aot will take place on may 1st 18j8 r railway pass question has been set tled iu ontario in 1800 two ontario cabinet ministers went to montreal to arrange with the railways for some other means of transit than the uaaal pastes which gavo so much offence to the patrons their mission however was futile this year a special committee was unofficially appointed to look into the matter the rcaohed by wbicli the railways receive the miloago allowance of the members in exchange for passes alien labor legislation baa entered a now pbafp tbe principle of retaliation has been endorsed in a speech by the premier who w regretting the course the government had to adopt one forced ou thorn by the parsiatent illtreatment of canadians by the american authorities thought that parliament should enact a maiburo provision for provision with the law of the united state the subjeotbaa boon referred to a speolal committee wlh authority tot take evidence and to prepare a measure to meet the requirements of the oaso a bill for tho amendment of the ontario mitrriago aot has been passed by the leg- iahitiiyjo several importsnt changes were mado which will be gladly weloomed both by issuers of marriago jiceiiheiand by pfai rmlfnrhonrtnibspentlntlotlberar ing upon the matter the reeve and chairman of the streets and walks committee thought the account should be paid if the work was necessary mr arnold thought mr caraorond bill was jubt but he objected btrongly to eotab- liahing a precedent in thematter and said he was in tho council to protect tbe rate payers interests even if ode man might buffer the matter was diepobed of for tho seasion by tho following motion moved by wm brown aecpnded by h t arnold that the bill of john b camer on of 9300 bo laid over until next meeting carried the matter will bo ju9t as vexed o ques tion at next meeting a deputation from acton cornet band with wm williams esq as spokesman addressed the council in the interests of the band he stated that the band has just been reorganized for the summer and that they would be under heavy expendi ture for repairs to instruments uniforms etc and requested a grant of 950 mr williams stated that the band had decided to play outdoors every monday evening during the summer weather permitting moved by h t arnold seconded by wm brown that a grant of 950 bo mado to aoton cornet band it being an under standing that tbe band will give weekly open air concerts daring the summer weather being suitable carried the chairman of the committee on streets and walka complained that tbe cedar timber being delivered on contract would not square 10x12 inches as specified a letter from the manager of the boll telephone company gavo permission to the coancit to nso the company poles for their electric alarm wires mr hugh mann waited upon the coun cil requesting a street lamp opposite hia property 4 the proper commttteo will consider the inaueiv coming and aolng visitors to and from aotort and varlousother personal ncttos tho jjauck 1itkiih ltivitoii all itaroadors tocon trihnto to tlila column if you or yout frlutiila aro joiiik away on a holiday trip or if you have fiioiidh vlntlngynu drop u card to tho fiiise lillhb mish jil ahorn is visiting at mr i a mcgrailuo mkjohn mccluro of ilnttalo is homo for n few diiyp mr jool loalia vinittl frjoudd in xlmor aton thiaweok miss 1 patterson stent jvister ab lior homo in gutlph mr k j lurid smith of gait was homo for tho holiduys mit munooly ppout eiterddo with her sister in toronto mrs wm brown hpunt e mtcr with rel atives at brmitfortk i mr d d clirifltie of guelph wu hi town on good friday mrgeorgo beattle of guolph vibited friondaiero jnaj week i mrsdiir aiid mr park dill speht saturday in brampton v miss lucioboweh visited friend- at euforthjliniiigeuaer mrwuosabfrylsitedrieiydba morpduriug the hoi day s mrrjohu a mcgrairreiurpqd on tues- day from a trip tomontreal mr and miss kmtic of rock woo dj viai- ted oton friends laat week mr aiibou smith sr of hannon visited at sunderland villa this week miaa edna thurston left this week jor woodstock totake a bituation mr don t of brampton viaited hia bister mrs thomas eaatpn thij week mr and mrs frank harris spent easter monday with friends in torouto missjibyj3laruabpidinthjbboiidayfl with friends in penotanguieheno jmr t a ward epent a couple of days this week with friendb iu toronto mr p henry stephenson of fergus vibited friends in town on sunday mr w b l howell b a of simcoo high school waaiidme for eabter mr and mrs hiram hill of peru vibi- ted friouds iu town during the week miaa tfreoland bpent three or four days during tho wook with friends in town miss etta laird of the post office spent kastor with friends in hamilton mr r j edraiston and master albort vt si ted f r i endt miaa lillie halbtedis spending tho easter holidays with frierids in guelph- mies sarah robinson of millbrook is tho guest of her bister mrs p morrow masters fennell and arthur smyth spent tho holidays with friends in toronto mr j graham of toronto was the guest during tho holidays of relatives hero mr ronald johnsou of glbvorsville n y is eponding a fow days with friendb in town mr and mrd sumuol coleman of rock- wood were guests of acton friends this week miss mabel harm of port porry visited with mrs j e corry a few days last week mr r somorvillo will remove in a week or bo to borlin where he has sec it red a sit uation mr and mrs j w bews of milbsu wero guests of wm hematreet esq on easter miss bertie maun apsnt several days during the weok tho guost of friends in toronto mr and mra james firstbrook and master arthnr spent easter monday in toronto mrs l gray of palmerston was tho guest of her son at moorecrort during tho week misses muggio aud nellie matthows spent thoir easter holidays with frienda in parkdalo councillor smitruiipent a few days dur ing the week with his brothors at delhi and brantford mr4 thomaa c rmoorp went to gborgsr town oh tncsday to spend a few days with friends there miss ross of toronto visited her sister mrs booth at tho methodibu parsonage ihep col allen was present to appeal against bis assessment he was informed that tho roll was not yet returned councillor arnold informed the connoil that the g t rautborities had examined he mill street crossing and had agreed to baild tbe walk desired at that point council adjourned at img oclock rockwood sonbfcpniemplating matrimouy by the actfjorbetborbertieatohe i tended marriage were obliged to make affidavit cue of which affidavits at lease muat bw mado boforo tho issuorl the uew bill provides that before the issue of the liooubo the affidavit iwfore req aired to be mudo by both parties shall only bo neccsaary on tho part of one of them tho general provincial elooiiona took place in nova scotia- on tuosday ard a oonteht in ciloheater county for the duiniiiioii commons the result of iho provincial conleata was an overwhelming vioiory for tho libera 1p tho cbnaerva- tivos nnmber not more than four men and porhaps only three to the assembly which uoiiaiata of 38 members every m em bo r of the pruvinoial government who offered for reotcolion was returned for the llrsl lime in seven years halifax eleoted a full liberal ticket the dominion election is claimed by tho conservative and returns whioh uro reported completo givo mr mulr a majority of two yotes over ucclure the liberal however culin a rnjfrlty for mcclure mr wm mccarth has bought tho halfway houae7 r mr j e keough is building a brick butcher shop mrs d j johnson of toronto formerly miis emma strange has composed and published the shrinors waltz the title has reference to ono of the higher degrees of masonry itir said to be a very creditable production the kings daughters were at home to their many friends in the town hall on thursday evening the annual easter vestry meeting of st johns church was hold on tuesday thfl floanoea were found to be in a vory aalis- faatory condition mr j w kuowleswas appointed clergymans churchwarden and mr jshn lister the peoples wordejj nassacaweva mrs smith and edith roturned home on tuesday after spending a few days with toronto friends messrs lawyer mckinnon r j monabb and w a storoy spent good friday in toronto mrs ji a henderson and mra h a maapherson loft on tuesday for hamilton to attend tho womons fdroign mission ary oonvontiou mr and mrs tow fiend nf brampton acrippls for life so doctors fci a id concerning richard b collins ho spent months in the totorjfep hosptai wltiout any benefrtf plnk pills chi- hrn after all other treatment filled from hit advocatu yiartou out tlie kcho preacirh to its readers tjio fol lowing plain utatoment of fact with tho uirhpijo dominant that a modicino that can jiorform so remarkablo a euro is simply invaluable hoi it is no wonder- that the uggrcguto of ita aaloa throughout tho town iacnormoih i riehard b colins hcrcby niako the following atateinen whioh can bo oon- finiitid by any ntimbar of witnesaoa in this bcoiion of tho country i iirat began to cutripliiii about lvo years ago i hud then been working in tl tuw ahanty and wus wetbtliiiost tho wholo timo flu mm or and winter x vaatheu confluoi to the house for thrpq monihs thisiwafl my flret attack ftudon jioumg botley i com mo need work ugairi tlio first of tjio following february and centiiiued at jt until the jatxt januurywnen iiook a much woree otlicki tliododtprfl pfoiiounged jt vheuo naalian and after treating me for that diacasquiiiil abput ill- ilrst of miy- tboy dibcoverodtliarmy trouble was aisliast of the hip joint and advised to go to an hospital i wont to toronto and stayed in thshobpltal iive weeks and then returned hoino i however did not recover and woe compelled during tho following sura- mflr to fto back to the hospital where i reniainod three mouths geyjng worse all the time i was told i could not bo cured and when i loft waa only able to walk by tbeaid of cratobos- i then camo home and waa not there long before i was taken to my lod i continued in this state until january following when i was advised by several friends to try tc williams piok pilttj i took their advice aud before i had flnibhed theftbbwibrgbtftff arid by tho time ihad completed a dozen boxoa i wab able to walk without crutches andjiovfl nover used them since i was able to do light work in a short time and iu january last 1807 i commenced work ing in the woods and have no trouble from the hipunleea ovorexorted during the last- tbreo years i had spont 930000 in doctors bills and medicines trying every thing recommended but without any good reaulta until i ftied dr williams pink pills to which i owo my restored condi- tion aa tlio dootora gavo up all hopo of ever seeing mo out of bod alive and well i may aay that boforo i began taking piuk pilladuriug my last attaok i put iu many a nifilit ao bad that i never expected to be alivoiu ho morning rhoumatthm eoiatioa nouralgia partial paralyeia jpoomotor ataxia gorvous head- aobo nervous prostration aud diseases depending upon humora in the blood such as torofula ohronio erysipelas etc all disappear before a fair treatment with dr wiuiamb pink pills they give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and build up and renew the entire bybtem sold by all dealers and postpaid at 50a a box or eix boxoa for 8250 by addressing the dr williams medicine company brockvxllo oht do not be persuaded to take bomo substitute speyside unseasonable istether dont make mttcrrdifference with the crowds nearly 500 customers served on saturdaj- the millinery department crowded all day and till late at night ourmilliners had to work until dangerouslynear the midnight hoilr the whole week has been a busy one again we ask the ladies to let us be favored with their millinery orders early in the week miss griffin wants to please you and can give you much better service if you come early in the weekj and early in the morning she visits the wiiolesale markets again tomorrow to secure hie latest novelties ijin white hatsand summer millinery generally depend upon seeing the latest and best things in this department always an attractive feature this week some of tho latest riovel ties being skowif ifa single dress costume- lengths iijfineliatna wool andsil combination an3 one special- line of ten patterns8 inchw06rndsilkwortl gjoves and hpsiory arid blouse waists prices pull lines now in stock at par noted low every day is a busy one and saturday was a crusher our clothing and hatand tie bargains are greatly appreciated specially attractive bargains are daily offered- the ziegjtijjricjcpy cue cultured laifies with force of clianictttr nuerfiijk to earn t inonoy can luarn huw to do ho in a good oftudc- addroflp jauk7 oalloway toroiitoonii aghemts i am lust fiturtinu tho bust thing for innuuy 1 making von liuvo boud for many a day your a name aihl uudrurb will brluti tho noldon in forma- tlon it 4 ptjahgow toronto oirt 7 wanted industitlousvorbons of oithorsux with good oliaraotor and common bciiooi oil 11 cut loo can obtain oniiiloymoiit for two wombs in this coniiiiuulty s m fry toronto out wanted men and wouion who can work hard talking and wrlthirhrx hours dally foralx days a wook and will bucontuut with tun dollara wook ly adtlrobfl nkwideati co brantford oat areflt8 the dobtpopnlor tmofit hor majeatyi have oyer been writes lord loriio aboj quoeb victoria tiatos uuptocqddntod iahe j nialie nvo dollars dally hli outfit free to canvuiborn til gauketaoncoitx toiionto m hlfl commimiotu im tue blfadlby- ionto ont m m isil missis isi istiieel some say yes and some say no a man who is trying to sell a wheel which is not dust proof will say no but a man who is selling a cleveland will say yes because he knows that the has all bearings made so accurately and exact in nil their fittings that dust can no more enter them than into the works of a fine watch this is only achieved by h a lozler co having at their com- mand a factory used solely for makingf bicycles which is equipped with the finest most extensive and most improved devices known to the art of bicycle manufacture we would prefer you to mke a personal inspection of our wheels but if inconvenient send for one of our handsome catalogues which more fully describes the cleveland bicycle price 76 and si 00 showrooms 169 yonge st toronto hgnt k t brojtf n ircton vy wanted akacjieitb ilorrliturs llijbiclaupando otliera of similar tiainink for- uirtkolas k bolipltiutf- will pay forty dollarawoekjy apd- railway fare on douianstratiou of neoostary x ability the imadrey gaiutetbon oo i iitdtonon farm jobsale the undoraihdodoffors for salo tho farmiqtl flj con 1 ubriublne known as uip daltonrd farm tbo property oompriaea 100 aares fifty a acrea cloared balance timbered includfttff larne ouantlty of good cedar tbo farm u situ ated within about a mile of aoton pp john oumminsltockwood p o your spaee time men womon to conduct bu sin ops at bomb work la blmplo writing and copying liata qlflddlcflfleajflqfilyedjflmloctalai1vertlinib to bo forwarded to up daih ho canvaaeins no provloua oxnorlodoo rccjufrod but plain writers preferred formanont work to thobq content to earn 96 or moro woekly in bporo timo apply to warwenpub co london ont the public health citizens are reqltefitlfd to compiiywith the pdbiio heaith aot- notice ia hereby given that all residents of j aoton aro required forthwith to clean ther collars drains yards pla btvoi water oloiots and cither outbuildings and premibea and ro- wa a ai ailsii n n u substanco which may endangor tlio publlo j boaltb and to have tbo samo completed at f latest by thp 10th day of may next on which j day tbe sanitary inspector will commence ir senoral jnsnectioii and further take notlpj bat be seollon of tbe public beiltb actpfo blbltlng tbo kooplnr of bogi between tbe lfftn of may aud tbe 1st of novembor ezcopt tn pens at least 70 feet front any dwelling home and 00 feet from any street or lane with tbo floors kept frdo from standing watejrand regularly cleansed will be strictly enforced all citizens are oarnestly requested to heap their premises constantly clean and thoroughly disinfected aenickrrn itcova of tbe municipality acton april 13tb 1837 confederation ttptr assooiation and reliable com- confidence of the is an old established pny and enjoys the public policies issued oc all popular plans jrates always favorable j corbdfc john j lawaon generalagent local agent for- acton and vicinity j the wanzei lamp and oven justthe thing for summer 3af sure cheap tho very eudden death of a child occur- ed hero on sunday mra albert vanfleet and liar nixweeksold babe accompanied by hor fiister mra john vanfleet were driving to the homo of their father vjm mills on thebeoood line for easter dinner they liad not gone a mile when tbey found the fcabywks dead it seemed well wben they loft home and its death can only be accounted for through exposure to tho bigh wind whioh pro vailed at the time f f this is your opportunity to i get new spring goods every thing new and uptodate it is our sad duty to record tho death of mabel gordon aged eight months only daughter of mr and mrs gcortio qordou r- william amy of toronto spout j m aster holidays at tho home of hia parents at tlio parsonage nasbagaweya mra robert wilson pout eabtor with friends in toronto tria land iu this aeotlon seems to take a good while to dry up for the farmers to commence epiing seeding when the fields get almost dry there another rain storm misv juary a haw of aoton spent handay with frieuda at knatohbull mrwmalpxanderhaa bought the farm owned by tho late george lowry near knatohbul for a good flgme mr and mrs wm taylor of guolph apent sunday with frioudd in naobaga- weya mr abram kaaton of naasagawoya whoeomo years ago foil down ono of the dell co- elevators at guelph and waa crlp- for a long lime waa thrown from hia waonn last thursday at mr w kftchlnga and wai quite seriously hurt remaining nncoiiboioua fbr several hours visited at tho borne ol mr george vincent during the weok mr goodevo of wyoliffo college toron to spent easter at tho homo of hia father mr cr goodeve messrs ernest and georgo hamilton of fergus woro guoststhia week with mr wm carney and family mr thomas williams came up from canning ton last thursday to visit hib eon william and family here mr t jamoa mooro and msb perl of guelph came down on monday morning to spend a few days i if the old home mrs booth who has boon very ill at the methodist parsonage fur a oouplo of months is now slowly convalesing ueove nicklin who was in quebec on a bubinean trip for tho canada glove works for tho past month returned home last tbnrsdny mr a quaokenhutli of johnatown u y spent a day or two during the week su the iioirte of mrrtfamea mtttorniarrr stop thelehk you are paying loo per cent interest at windsor peter oneil bta been sun- euoedtii eight years in the kingston icn- itenturv for highway rubbery he wai en routo for tlio northwest rev j e howell m a wortt to berlin on monday to attend iho meeting of the board of exminers of the hamilton conference of which ho is a member mibb kitohie formerly house keeper for mr u mil nn left nil tuesday for guelph where ahn will officiate in tho oapaolty of governess in the home nf mr j goldie jlovfathcr haley had so far recovered- as to bo ftblo to return homo last week although uotru gb6d health ho conducted easter ecrvico in st joaophs church on bunday dr j ii dryden who has beeii hi now york sluco tho 1st of january atudyfng diseases of iho eye ear npso and throat is now acting as house surgeon 1otho man hattan eyoand ear hospital which wo understand is the foremost institution of its kind on the continent each human being lias hia bent jones very wily pitid ho when tbey pass tlio box in ohurult jonca alwaya bends bis head this sfienis a high rale of interest fox anyone tu pay yci a number of you aro paying it a good many have stopped the leak e6r instance you pay the tea pedlars 5c for io lbs tea 8450 why not pay lus 23c for 10 lbs saving over 10b per cent because ours is better at 25c than thelrs at 45c pedlars are gnod talkers plausible fel lows hard i o shake but if you want tn save money lcarn to say no tell ihcm as many oihers have done and are doing every day dont call again please we arc saving over j by buying from millman co tea specialists cuelph iv s drop us a post card for samples say what kind yon use we will guarantee ulir of tllh6y retllnded v we start tlie enlnrgiug ol ourpreniisea in a fow dnya until then wo will take 10 per cent off tho face of all goods purchases for cash everything marked down in plain figares the latest in dress goods trimmings prints ribbons cheftpns gloves parasols hosiery coraotsj small wares etc our own importation laces lace curtains etc all now just put in stock fine highclass tailoring gentlmenrisvhlbtryoul uppoitr hspring euit ono of the finest and largest everything guarautoed firstclass made by firstclass assortment of new goods outside of the cify workmou tho best procurable in extant our assortment is cnmploto in nobby neckwear shirts collars guffs etc best i la- 1 the world saves money work worry cheaper than wood or coal always ready one lamp with wanzer oven will cpok large turkey or ham roasting or steamingas ypu prefer we- will be pleased to give you infor- mation wanzer lamp mfb co 134 klne streets batttltoir acton- tryeri bus line tho undorfllgnodreapootfallyaoucltathepatroa ago of tbotubhoana informs thoin chat well equipped and styluh riga can all way b be seouxed atblistablos a eomfortable baa moots af trains between 9 am and 818 p no- careful attention given to every order tbo wantaof commercial travel- lersfnllyniet john tihhl pappnirtoa hats hats wo do tho hat trade this is proven by theenormous quantityx wo aro selling tho latest most stylish and bdst goods in the- market v we have readytoavear clothing wo have a largo rnngp in boys youths and mqns clothing wo are determined to make this dopartmoht a success if tho host goods at tho lowest prices will do it in fact we are bound to to make our storetho most popular if liboralty in mothoda oxcollonco of merchandise and lownoss of prices will do it wo want your trado call aud visit goorgotowii8 li vest store gibson im roeblock mhin st geo roto w f every day bargain pay slacks of this theres no doubt the black on these faces will never wash out for wool silk and cotton black diamond dyes are used without if ear by the prudent and wise he sbove u ukea ftom excewor rhyming abc book ultutntttd pm letter of the ajpilibet u 22 laches long j no two kttert of the biw color lint theibook for the uftlc ono sent for 3cent tamp to ny acutcie wells richardson co monirej fruit ornamental trees 700 acres shrubs h os si ml nes knd seeopothtoes wfi have the largaafc asiortmant and employ tbe very latest and moat improved meth od for propagation all atock oarefnlly packed under our personal anpervlilon and all now varieties tested atonr trial farms before belnn oaulogued these are tbe only testlngorohards eoideoted with any nursery iu tbo dominion agents wanted to represent us jbpmlal attention gitea to park cemetery no boqlevard orders estimates furnished for log entire orchards buy of foreign ooooerns or of-mlddlemou- on ean puronase s ipplying entire orehards wiion v got better value aecbesply from us and our ttook is canadian grown and aoollmafod catalogue bngllsb or french rco on applfea- on stono wol eonthl n to onto o tlio toadlnii oanadln troo mon robtngble columbia wheels gdluibia wmh colnirja g61ibia1iif ooliimbia wheeii sole agents for guelph and vicinity the highest lricefor whbkt pbhs okts brrlov at the warehouse aoton 8tatlon plour brrn shorts seeds and all kinds of feed at aoton floor and feed store try norval flcu the best family flour in tho market frank harris manager

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