Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1897, p. 3

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y bank of hamilton ulau orfiak uamilion ualllai 1 all iju- likhkhvk i un1 ioial ahhlib tfl jflooou u7ft 000 h guj ull board of directors jihnsluaut vo iumsvy 1 lubldont t iuu i ruul lont kits 1 iiuwoit li u itoacii a 1 w0014 a 11 ijki loruuto wm ohwon 1 1 idiimiuil cusniur 11 h h lll hi n ml lihlilci h m w vibon liihiuctoi agencies hamilton barton st it tuat tml alllntou ilerllu ci jhiov georgetown urliutiby ltutowi 1 ljickuow milton mouut 1 oroht oraiihuvillo owoil boun i t wiibbaui i ort diii biuitoo loronto the news at home mortly of a ovefv looal character and item interesting british correspondents london national 1 tovfuclal ilatilt 1 i nj uutl ltd american correspondents nfw yoiik lonrtb ivuliunul linnk and hauovor national bank uobron intornation al trlibt co buitkalo marino bank cinbaoo national bank of illinoui and union natlouul hank dbthoit dotroit national bank k vhsa8 city national bauk qt commotio agents in montreal tuo bankof toronto gtforgjstown agency nototr discount 1 ulid ailvaucos ni lo on ult btblabuausltliib colloctlouhuiadoanrtdrafta boulit oul hold 011 all acceaalblo irointa in t aiiada uuluilstauu qreat britain audlhocoutinontofl uropi upyji 31 oat favorable turuiu sayings department j deposits of 81 and upwards rocolod aud tutorost ullqwod from datu ofdoposlt to dato of withdrawal special deposits also received at current rates of iiitorobt n m luinostone acout bargains already we haae some remnants in will pipers just enough for smill rooms seven and eightjcoluots 15c piper for7jc oclaper for 5c another shipment of beautiful gilt will and ceiling papers just armed nowhere else can you find such an assort mint headquarters for wall papers window shades curtain poles geo hynds acton ont look nt tbo dato on tlio bjbol on your h- pftpor and you win aeoliow your aubflcrip tlon btauda ltocow promptly it will confer a favor t juton jfree fires thursday april 22 1897 little local brieflets which cauoht the eyes orears of free press reporters this week tho aped air ib f ull of tho bottnonb of spring suudaja wtudd dridd up iho roads aonsiderabl schools re opoa next monday after tho latter a cation the eiater iloral deooratious were exc odinly pretty in all tbo churches nuw holqot your bioyalo you pays yont n uui y aud j ou takes your ohoico winters done aud april a in tho akiee earth look up with laughter in vour eyes i the raymond company guelpb have gone into the manufacture of bioyolea show wmdowa iu town are at a prom jam for exhibiting bicycles of tho 07 roudtl a section of march wind aoemod to havo blown over into april onsuuday and monday tho excavations have been completed and the masons are at work on gnu doll a new machine shop this is tho season when the winds obauge fifty times a day aud ho who lajs his flannels off hkoways is laid away rev w q charltons sermon in the i iho pies church ou friday evening was much enjoyed by hia former congregation here johnnie has a wealth of maacle when he swings tho bttso ball bat but when ajked to beat tbo carpet ho ia weaker tho a oat laatertide is the bud that unfolds the biau ties of spring sunday revealed many new aud beautiful creations in spring bonnets etc the peel banner has adopted tho eight pago form and patent inaide tho banna- was always a newsy sheet and its re it a h printed calamus by tho middle of april laut year sum mor weather had set id but tuero bad been no warm and bright march to square torn perature accounts with nataro ia a great maker of averages wont the council pleabo give tho lamp poata a coat of paint this spring if we must continue to endure coal oil atreot lamps let the paidtera improve on the ugliness oft the lamp posts the executive of halton christian hudevor union havo accepted tho invlta tion of the united yjonngpeoples sooieties of aoton and will hold tho abnual con von tion here on wednesday lltth juue the annual easter vestry meeting of st albana charon wae held ou monday evening thnhurch wardens woro re elected viz mr geo statbam for the clergyman and mr t b harding for tho people the finances are reported in good condition the mitchell advocate baa achieved a uoiqao position that of entering on its thirtbeighu volume onder tho control ot its foooderfl mr davis appears to be good for many years more of active nowapaper work the fbre pbebh wishes the advo eate continued success r a frequeuter of elgin street suoslu that when the slrcet and sidewalk com rnittco are louktog after sidewalks the coming summer they removo that portion between tin ufa ii udtl mill to lll flaflt filuo thisbtreet -this-woulovbe-a-ooutiiuia- tidn of tho walk between oburoh and aynea aud agnes and queer streets it would alao avoid tho three stables which the sidewalk at presont passes and whioh uro most offensive 6 1 loam 1 he sabbath sohool on easter sunday proved tu be of unusal interest some now arrangements havo been made wbioh pro iriiie to be of grearad vantage ine atten dance is increasing aud deeper interest is being taken in it by the congregation the patter took charge ot tho bible clabs lust rfabbatb the pastor rev v j gilpin preaohod un excellent and appropriate sermon from john 11 5 1 am the resurreotion and iho life whiob was muoh enjoyed by tho congregation mrs e cleave who bin boon very ill fur the past mouth u ncoveriqg mr joel w leslie spent suuday with rrlundfliu palmerstou the epworth league last week wad uou diiutud oy miss dora m wordon 2nd vioe pres iso hi intintt 1 ur llurlty mil xoronto rniu dcalurii h ivq toui out uoircilar atlviam farmora against tho eowinf gf barloy thia apring owing to tho luro atok on hinj the low priced and do crousiiij iloniiu d from tho states whilh will lov wordo unlor tho dingley hill ihuy btliuvu thut it is impohbiblu to row birky to iijvuntago in canada over tho home requiriincntu at thia timi iho cptrtu hmu dropped from jl 50 i 8j i 111 imo 10 911b 028 in 18jl iotul lionrd of health iho incut iu of tho jlourd of health wan held on muu lu uvtnin for oruumition fllcmbursprctout klovo niukhu sflcrotary monro ai d mussrc 11 v moore w it kjhuo ami ujbtrt wuiiulu on tnotiqii of me moore and wallace mr w r ken no y was elected chairman for the current ear the sanitary inspoctotwaa matruotcd to commence his house to houso inspection ou monday 30th may tho hoard then aqjuumcd tp meet at tho cl lot the chumnan j hxtt r ut tlxo clturchch ihoiittunduiico itt ull ho churches on suttduy wuit jurlr ilmu unual every qihruiii tuwrrwad bautlllod with floral decnratinua and eastor bermous wore goneral st alban e had bpecfal eorviqee at 6t jubeph s the ceremony of bless mg end distributing palms luok aaa m addition to eaater mass rev mr mac pheraou preached an impressive sermon on tho resurrection in knox church rev j if howoll m a improved tho occasion with a fitting easter discourse the easter music was specially meritor loua iu the evening mrs j w be we of milton assmted the choir and aaug a solo at tbo plode of the aormon with her old lime excellence- eabler aermona were alflqpreached at the baptist churchby rev o j langford b a and at the dibciplth church by mr tovell rvv d w snldera lecture wben tho epworth league arranged a cdurse of iectafa a couple of months ago they announced their pnrposn to be primarily tho providing of educative as well as interesting ovoniogb for tbo young people at very email expense thub far the caurae has been admirable from this bt and point rev w f wjlsona leoture on character was crowded with valuable thoughts and suggestions the same may be said of the lecture last wednesday oven inf by rev d w snider of miltou his topio was how to develop tho graoe of giving all bis deductions wero based upon iho scriptures and tbo arguments were logical and convincing the central tbougbt aroand which clustered tho impn8 si ve and beautiful periods of the address was the three ply consecration 1 giving 2 giving to god for service 3 giving re strtcted in this connection to the giving of substanoo or money tbo third leoture of tho course will be delivered some time next month by rov q a mitchell b a pl rev mr mon macphtrsons scr- on amusements georgetown pretty glrla and oood iiccr rbrsooth many enthusiastic cyclists will not foi1 flattered by the moral tone ovidenced by the representatives who attended the meet ing of tfte canadian wheelmens an bo cm tion at toronto last friday to decido upop tho point for tho annual moat for the present year london brantford and chatham pub in their claims and as au inceutivo to voto for their rospeotive cities each speaker according to tho toronto worhl promised pretty girls and good beer for the boys and each speaker was cheered to the echo by hts partisans such a promise as far as protty girls are concerned will surely be considered an msqlt by tho self respecting girls of tho good oities named they will resent the wholesale banding ot them over to a mob of beer drinking oyolibts or being named in snob company as for tho good boej tho thousands of total abstainers the wheelmen will by their abbence from tbo meet protest againat being olusaed with the beer drinking crowd tho manifest approbation of the delegates to the uniform offer of pretty girls and beer is not compli mentary to tho character of the canadian wheelmens association promotion examinations the pupils of aoton public school promoted at the easter examinations tbo easter examinations in tbo public bcbool wero held last week tbo results in the variou departments wero as follows vjiom sev 111 to jlin iv john artbors wm pearson charles holmes jos bwgbam harry loveya ernebt wilaon tred wilda wm ritchie lottio moore mabel moore rebio smyth hattio noble benie wallace laura ryder minnie arthurs lithe halsted kate russell rnosi jun iv to bbn i editbnioklin jenniogurnoy bortio speight mary harvey lva perryman bennett clark t t moons toaoher kltosi 8kcond to hiiht ijppiltment noiboq rydor george oram ettie mcdonald mabel sopor jennlo mclennan bertha williams blanche dills laura plotch myrna mclntoah charlie hynds eddio holmea wesley bingham george arnold oliver cook a m smith c mopiiail teaober fllou thud xo akconu i rilltmkst tlhuio moqueon pearl stewart jennie mopherson maud henderson edith willfams mary abraham myrtle matthews roy arnold charlie campbell willio taylor i e maggie wilds ethel coleman m hlldenbraod maud chambers annie campbell mahal ebbage howland brown willie clark john mullen kenaal priest patteusos teach lr j noii rountii to tinnd depahtuknt hilton jo thfttpf ernest gripps peroyroutou artie ramshaw mabel edmlston myrtle cook annie watson carl mason jrtnie svmons ernest gurney edwin perryman fiobbio ilolmes ruby clark h daniel ritchie m m trank holmes annie harvey edna stewart osbarn warden willteballantlno marcus perryman willie plant vida foliter frank havlll annie gorry e mcnkbiy teaober acton roller mills markot roport april 32nd ib07 wlloal wlllto perblllli 70to78o whom rod 60 to 70o wheat spring 67 to 70o vom i 0u j an tq 40o lstbpto hurley jmtaboo v lour onurlo wliet por 100 lb7 1 00 flpwr anltiba mlxod 4 10 monr manitoba pnra oraokoil whoat 100 drahatn flour too hrnn nor ton 0 00 niiorta fin 00 mldllnns 14 00 iho foil nvmj goimmiuicu 1u11 uppjtrd in tho uuulpli 1 ul mtintiju a ihurtdiy cvoiliiif lo nil i i noit oi i ii mi itc i itv bir o u ian 10 i v ril 1 uli ntilimir l in loi iu 1 from tint v l u i it i 1 iu h fa into i 1 raohu 1 on l illuiii hiiu 1 i i i our ihtui uov li a macplilitiuii ah u muni ur f kn hiiiuh l i iu 1 h om wl 1 it 1 u n i tt r ihtj i in mi mucj ulio i hi co bin in iucti n i i m not nil in tto iu it tu i l lth ut u i 1 i 1 a01 1 ol tw 111 llf n 1 t t lhotoxt lii huh f r tiiu iliif i n i 1 li i 1 7 h 1 bo hi u ill h ii 1 il i o iuu to in ti 1 roi ur tlihif t i t f w v x 1 lon tl u hi o ot amiuoiuimith u ir fa tit no mon ul tl u jtiiir whon many no lool in j fornutil to thu ltijoyuiuut t out looi lo lhui oh 1 w ihii t ultlt to uhu tilt vo 1 iii 11 hilllth ill ith 1 iuht ruilh i inclu lu nil luiea li it i ooil i i ij i uij j tlimijiulvuh at i uitii tho lioiao i itort ni 1 low lovii oiilrn nos in hi ir 1 to mm u inontti u 1h hoi 1 b 1 1 my tl it tliliu it no n tai on ism uutwucn clirlnti niitj ai i oiijoj incut of tb cm lint tlittio thiifri whitu in ij bull norilil unouli in thmiiuulvob i ticomu olnful whou thoj lutoitoro with i uoilouxurcldlnttliouiiolvua tmto goilllncsa ituro i malto no uutlnotidn botwouu tlio ploaaucciorduicitib clinl pujinj ami roinolo now tih i litoi jouwill oo howni fulrly tho i m ti 1 iti t4 h in ro orttl om mlniitoi ii ntui 1 of plrcn i tl iti i tl inf f tiiu c it jmj of in no t nt u ittii its mr mi nil tn n i iti oi hii t h til at tlm urn ill u u tfnl to liiumu liu i iuy co i aid or thum iiinocotit inliuniaph otr in rtrurd torfi arrli thu onltft i mr i i 1 liernon luivo bcoiinout iulou ly ntidloitrtio 1 uoro aro tho orda it is to bo rt gu ttyj tint tlio oiiod manly art of fliiarriuk htui hucomo bo dogonoiatud that no man who li ail any rcnr 1 for bin ood uamo will cauntauancu it ft ifliulto true na tliu i itet i itikh sntt that mr mao horaoli oxprobbod aluilratlon for ath lotfc bporth otiocally baseball rut it is not truo that he said tio honod it would bo continued lioro uotwitlibtan liut tlio objoctlona of aoina straight lacod pooj lo iloro ftro thu wor la of tlio 8 oak or if tlio jouug inon who pi iy bano ball tliluk the can t aloiij without tbo bunt pooplo in town tboy nrnko a roat mlattko ioa ujuat on luavor to bo pi vy that llioao who ore qpioaod to tbo iiiuo will boo tliat you arc- givluf clean and puro sport coutinuing mr macpboruon hoped that whan tbo club uont to other towim tho niomhora of it vvpuul rufra neighborhood news nowa items supplied by corros- pon dents and exchartaeb 9pewsons corners 1 jhetpkiii hu faf hai ben very back ward u n 1 prlnfl work id nrorobbiiik s owl mihhaijio an urbon lift lit thurada foi iuronto whoru b has auuured a hiuiutiou flliflu anderson will to nitioh iniahud by htr many fritnds htro mr 7o alomau loft for hamilton hub wot u mru jis clutk apuit tho 1 aster hoh dujs with friends in toronto mijs ii lumshaw of rookwood bpqnt tho li iluiahftt iicr homo in tbis ioinity miss lotus caun of oton fpent eastor at her home litre mr and mrs trick of aoton spent e iittr ut mr u gibbons mr r gibbons linpojod of his hand somo toilm of roadbtcra to hhonff mckm of guslpb laat week for a splendid flurp mossrs avn usssel and andh akins aud mabter will ohiiholm of aoton spent eaiter at tf n torboa mr and mrs jaf lumehav hpent 1 ihter with friends m lawiilo from anything ubich might mar tbo good lianio of tbo towu in whlob ihey lived in cloalufc mr macpliorson ual 1 if young mon play tlio gauio an it ought to bo plajol if tlioy niako f or i urity an i cleinnoaa in tboli ganiott i hhall btand by tbuni booor qomo might objoct 1 ut if tbo llujortj do otlioiwlao tlioy will not rocolvu my buih ort norsympatlty from tbo boimiiiig tlitio uas liheity of con bcionce advqcdtott but no ucoqao and if tbo i ooplo of aoton tollowcd out tho to icblng given iif tho sermon by our mlniator tboro will bu no roll oo tion on tbo cauao of rightoouanoaa ieriuit mo to any it is bard lor many of us to un dors tan d why nueh n misleading roport of a sermon buoujd bo ion by our i kei pkfhh tlio artlclo is a gross mjustlco to mr maopbor hou slnoo coming bore mr macphoraou lma given no uncsitahi oxpiesrion to all gnmtlona which coucurn tho poojilo ot our town and community thankingjou for tbo bpaoo allowed i remain yours eluooraly a mkmueh of knox cuuiicit acton actou april ij it may enrpriso a member of knox church to learn that the em e phehs in its anxioty to aoid any error qr miequo tation in ite report or any mjumiee what ever to rev mr macoliersan submitted tho report which appeared in theso oolumnsto thatleiitlemau bcioro publica tion requesting that if nny s atemont wae erroneous ho would piiut out the error and it would be rectified o oflored further if mr maepherton thought it likoly tl at any reference wo mado to tho sermon hi our report inilht bo construed in a way thut would result in injury to him to erase or ch iulo suoh olanso rov mr macphereon after perusal of tho report replied your roport is a correct summary of my nerrnon i would not liavoou change anything thoufth it might havo heon better lo havo inserted my opouing soutouces upon which much of what followed wae baaed does that look as if tho tiili pm 14 was railty of any intention to maka vicious or misleading statements wo hao too much reppect for tho road mime of tho ihei pulhh for fair honest uud straight boej forwarcttkmdoot to be guiltv of n suoh 9rltonr charff3 havo too much roflpeot for rev qfr and his calling to do anything that would hnug reproach upon either it may surprise the memberbhip of knox church and tho publicenorauy to know that a member of ifcnox church failed in conrtcsy to request publication of uib letter in the 1 hfe pnbss before sending it to a paper away from homo was that fair to the tiite phehs or to mr macphor son 9 ennon the pheshj how the great relay race was won tho famous century relay ruco which was run last saturday in ban 1 rancisco according to advice just received provod on of the greatest struggles that ever took placo on this continent nspeoial ly in tho winners turning up in tho bay city wheelman as they wore ncvor at any stago of tbo racb whae be called favorites basides ritht ut tho boiu ing their hard luok started the race was ran in ten relays eaoh contesting of ten mtlo i which ton olnba competed- in tlio first reay davidbctn tho bay city man had tho mistorturo to punoture his tiro at tho eighth mile whito well in ad vance and only biiccedcd in fluishing in eighth place in tho second relay noo nan the bay city man succeeded in mak ing up some of the lost timo and succodud in finishing inflfth place ihey improved still further in the third and mxuagoi to finish first tho fourth on aotjouut of an accident left them in second place which they maintained in tho fifth sixth and soventh tbo eighth saw them gpipg back and thoy just managed to wriglo in third plaos by about two feet but iu tho ninth with c a kraft as tho upholder of their prowess by his migmucant riding they ran to the top of tho troo again but it was reserved for tho tenth and tlnal relay to provo the sensation of the day and it foil to tbo lot of knna to bring honor and lory for all time on tlio day city when half way through keuna who mounte on a cleveland model mo ud punctured bis roar mi log on his rim but notwithstanding thin misfortune ho succeeded iu maintaining his load though hotly prebsod to tho tape and won midst tho greatest excitement while great credit is duo to kenna for bis wonderful rido it speaks worlds of prmso for the strength and easy running qualities of tho cleveland whioh notwithstanding a shaltored tire should still he able to carry him first across tho winning lines spend your money whoro you mako it tho town that is lood enough to afford a man an opportunity of making a decent living ia also a good enough placo in which to epand the money thus earned milton tlu iiixod of ib are not ull collected yet tho aollletor lias boun given until 8qtb april to aomptoto his collection j w l torsler artist toronto has tono to luropo and will be away some months during his absonco mies bastedo has charge of his studio tho epworth league has been re orgnl ed with the following officiary hon pr qs rev d w snider prop ahiggin bo lutn four vigfl prehidents wore oleo ted whoaro tho hoids of tho following depart incuts of work respectively christian lndavor miss janet little missionary mrs inroau literary s r bows social mlbs nellto j roc secy r d galbraith cor sooy misa mary holliurake jtreas miss edna carl eaater vnitora to and from town wero numerous tho spraj im experiments will take place boro next 1 nday joth lost in r e harribon a orchard instructions will be given in tho preparation and application of insectioidoo and fungicides by w m orr superintendent of provincial experimental bpraing 9vlerit mode and merit maintains tho confidence of tho people in hoods sanrnparltla if a medicine oureb you whon sick if u makes nrondorf til cures every w bore tl en boyond all question thatfiiodfqhiopcsjeecqflnicrit ivlade that is just tho truth about i rood a bat- bqparilla wo ki ou it poscc sco merit becauio it curci not onco qr twico or a hundred times but in thct sands and thoubanrls of eases wo know it cures absolutely rcrmnnc itl wl cu nil others fall to do any good whatever wo repeat hoods sarsaparilla is the best in fact jhe one truo lllood purifier dark gogoiate is a favorite color in ladies shoes vvc liave in stodk a line of oxfords pointed toe toe cap turn sole misses sizes ii o 2 for 100 womans in 2 12 to 6 for 100 the right house cor king and hughson sts hamilton hcod5 pills siiui ci io nmiipii hi liidlrestloay unu limehoue miai mary a scott and mi m mo djw 11 r turned fr in toronto lat week mr w knn of uluulawson vutted frieudt liere on good 1 nday jtiuob daamert returned from the lies pita thu week looking muoh improved miss louio deemort of dt mtryii and mr alhort of hespeler visited their par unts thu weok mttb belle srott of ouelph visited her mother on monda mrs titzgorald of uillsburg is visiung at mr c meredithd androw dobbie blaokpniitkthivsfy busy as the f armors iihvo conimenced their bprinj work jamea sharp is bnsy ylnpping mono three oirs wore shipped on monday tho boys uro anxmubly waiting for tho 1st of may they must remember how ever that fishing will not legally coramouco this year until monday 3rd may miss ida tord teacher is visiting her homo at omftrh mrs john moore mrs john hendersqn and mrs o t coo are attending the annual convention of tbo woroau a foreign missionary society at hamilton this week rockwood tho seotchoutertainmoutgiven under the aospicos of the kings daughters on thura day evoning was a thorough success the i baggib proved to bo as much of a draw ing card as tho lut of entertainers on the programme 1 he talent supplied by the villuto was composed of the following mr j strachun mihb n traoy miss b murray eno and may wood vera strange and mossr pike clanoy and jollitto miss j weatberstqu and the btnng baud of ojpringe wero tbo only ones procured outside after the pro gramme the supper was served it con stated of all tbo scotch dainties to bo pro cured on thursday last mis m hlggins and mr m gardiner were married by rev mr kcdtle the following visitors were in town during easter the mlhfi curktou auot mrs clarkson bolton mr f bailey and wife acton mr n strachan of guelpb e stout berlin mr a smith and wifo acton mr and mrs h bolton guelpb messrs f and b hill of stewart town mis9 f strachan guelpb it is qnderstood that a branch of pas mores store is to be opened in wm mccarthy s old stand mr j strachan is spending bis eaeter holidays in london mihbdtb cnmmlns- f lee ohher village visited in georgetown this week walls jwus be covered suinplcs oh application we do he hrgest will pipof husincsu in guelpb our prices are unexcelled depart mentnl values window shades big stock of lamcli boxes in our window and the price is 12 l2c regular wall paper childrens carriages complete with roller 15c fringe ditto and roller 20c extra cloth and roller 35c heiy lice and roller 52c i nil sire 3x6 i big stock in ill the new colpn and designs from 6 00 to 820 00 velocipedes for the bos 9a 5q 2 75 3 00 3 30 chas l nelles city bookstore cuelph easter week everybody will want somethinn new to wear for easier especially so 111 millinery we have in add preparations for an unuuu ally lartu tradn indications so far are for the largest millinery utason wchave eer had we havo just received tho vory latosi new york eabter millinery novelties lvery lady of taste will waut to see what we show before she decides what to fot wo havo jnst one favor to ask will our friends leave us their orders as early in the week as possible this will enable us to give the utmost care and nttolion eastee gapes and jackets here are the prettiest styles from tbo very lowest to the very beat silk capeb with chiffon and laos velvet capes with jet and chiffon cloth capo plain aud braided from 95c up wards easter grloves p tull range of our well known kid gloves at 81 and 81 25 eyery pair of uhioh we warrant they aro in plain in fancy stitching with large buttons laoes or clasps in dresbcd and undrebbed kid and chamois every style of a good glove that van could wish we havo others lower in price- but the beat kid glpves aro the otivpest easter parasols just opened some lotoly steel rod and fancy bandied parasols direot from the maker prices are lower and qualities better than you arc accustomed to see and dont spring is h6r6 you want 8ebd3 thorp the seedsman r cuelph sfcrfcta bbttbr thrn 81262 and still till best if you want first olaaa guqlph nash and doors st oaetpli prions t unmet oin niljour order at bis planink mill sold la load peokeuorily nover in bulk alforooers itldcloicrit 5 25lo j 50 auiko clover it 4 50 to j5 lucerne clover at 75 to 9s crimson clover at ti 50 timothy seed at 2 mso itcd lop and orchird gnss it j2 siberian seed oats at 25 to 30c joanctto seed oals nt 25c now zealand oats at 23 to 23c danner oals 23 to 25c seed pcis at 42 lo 48c bced barley at 35 10 40c seed wheat at 68 to 85c seed corn at 38 to 45c manrel seed 12jc a ib or lo for too lbs turnip seed 12jc a lb or jo lor 100 lbs knpi seed 15 lbs for i 00 or 5 00 per 100 lbs everything in seeds we carry the i nrrest slock indwo tho only direct importers in the city rumjmbur thr 1lacl geo j thorp seedsman market square cjtjelph forget tho boys a better rsngo of boy fl 3l it w h tu h snittr that are suro lo pleaso and pnccb that leave no question as to cheapnorb mens and boys shirts mens dnd boys ties mens and boys collars mens and boys hats mens and boys caps special prices for easter others may indulge imnuittod advertise meula that cover the fuco of the paper but here ou find variety stylo quantity and valuu with winch tho loudoat pretcn der fuils to ooiiipote just arrived spring stock newest designs stylishpatterns r rom canadian and american manufacturers call and see our samples a l brown phm b drug store mill street acton timothy cloirer seeds specials at moores this week south cor mill and main streets acton more than half youi life is spent in vjatir shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on thematerial and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring and best quality at styles w williams boot shoe store mill street acton brhntford spring dress goods don i hugh woavotb ami iooiub attain to havo mado a coinbliiatiou oir holmlf of 1 entity hi 1 ion iirlcoh lliia uuason a dlnnluy far hui neuon iiruvious iirorta lu turning out buuutiful gooda at moil u rut o j ricoa frunoyiwood alikturra kl lucll an i ifk tho no cauvftb cloth 4iiitili 00 iuuii70l 8111c and wool mixtures il inali ujq lnoudti i aucy all woo i lucli got i unoys lirlfint kluish groat vailoty of bhadofl iirrcliob wldo boa siljis in all uiolr beauty air llf1nr1 ou 11 ad uilro tlinao goodfl bo muu i ti ti vtill almost forgot that our prices aro always uc the lowoat no tab htrluoh aud chooku kalkaibdka 25o 1 lain japaueuo hllk all sliadoa iio groat kunqo of tflticy bllke petfoctly now iti color and design pricoa ranging from 50o to 91 io pur yard ulaok ioan do solo nporul valuo at 1 00 millinery department ib always a leador with ua all our aalosiwople in thia dtipartmontaro practical uiillltiejrit and can givo voubursoatlonsabto bow jour bead wearabouldbo trimmed straw bailors in black white mown navy nud luiiodoolora uov sbapus i ricoa from a eaoii oulldvon a ukoadbrlm bailors ribbon trijuuiod whltot black and navy fgoilija u utttfl mined straws groat variety of bliapob alt uow stylus nod colors from 75c ivltuinnd millinery from l children a hondwuw a simolnlty now flowers holes itlid ous lnooa t with our larfiu staff of trhiiuiorb our couutry nundsjnay leavo tluilr ordor iviioa tlioy como to tlio city and bavu thorn uwiouttd iu time to tako tbom boinu with tbam the uauio diiy lididtf spring jacket s mado al twaod or caatllig sorgo now hicovub blase r stylo pearl buttons j d3 50 91 7j f iadloa bpring capos in navy caidlual and brown 6150 ladies capes fawnbrown and black volvot illy collars tsj 6t 3 ladies blouses and shirt waists laundered collars afiid cuffs now disliop bioovoh soo 7e 1 91 tj tho staple department i ull to overflowing with tlio bust rndis i oih cunnliau ati 1 itnj ortol cunaliau hli1rtliihgc c 10o 14 lb lic luiility the i ont jiulity hi ulo c i jr j mi uutuuci tu luclioh wile heavy uoublo wull 1 iihllbbuxfprdh 17t cottouadob fu 1 wlhh kuol pat torus 1jj 10c lfic joo iu 1ijiitt atil aiiilirius loi o hjo 10e heat quality i iijuhu canil rlc u iiciioh wldo iujc hiuqlnl hue huavy drilluttt blue regular joe for ue cotton oropous and wiitth oooih io iatttiri rbbortod nuw hhaduti crlukltn dinltich ork in dloa lajo uoftutiful printed goods fordrobhlh oi bloimt h 15o iko 20c o now apron filufllin and i awn i 1 iln clitclio 1 and tucked 10c to 2jo yard jbladuolattob jj inchon wide taut tolt r yard 1anoy chocks 0a i u1ib1i jiaunolottdb m itichoa wide twlllt 1 eja hotter quality lot ufa 1 a lhc linen table napery fio luoltea widu unbl achod dnthnyk 2 fki indies wide uubloaobed jjutn ibk v i j lioavy 4jo ghtucbos wldo xtrrvhoftvy loom t7ic 70 lucbos wldu anootal quality 7uo 60 inch hlqaohod duiuaak 10c tofjjc j wlholi heavy illeachod puro lirioii 7 c sheetings 11 luch plain unbloaoliod lijc n 7ilieb nvjh unblunobud lr and hj li ofi plain unbloaoliod 18c wlnoli rwiiruubluaebldujc pillow cotton 40 inch plain wo dircular 1 ja 2 iuot plain lie alicuiar lie 14 inch plain lijc elronlar iro towulti sppcial ttlllluqn fox m 1jn white muslin underwear corset covora special 3 f or 2c 0 c drawers bnoclnf 3 c 45o t gowns special 45a 4 te wa 7jc children a drosaou lit ago from t to u yuitu white 45c to 1 50 children a droasob colorod re to 75 ramplos on application froirlit or ox proa u proi al 1 to jour nearest railway btatlon in oi t irio on all i urebastb amountlngto 5 and upwar i thomas c wat kins th erihthol fee- kellys music store headquartehs tor pianos organs violins guitars mandolins banjos flutes accordeons drums etc etc the only store in the city where you can get the best quality of strings for all instruments pianos and organs tuned and repaired by a firstclass tuner c in k6lly 95 upper wyndhani street guelpii stomers tailoring thats what wo like to calltho clues ot dres making we do dont conla8eitwththoordmaryires8 making this department is now open and lsnuain under the managomeut of miss ckoss- land who has just returned lrom now yorkwitii the neweat and brightest american ideas the class of work wo do is distinctly different from that done in other stores ilnvo you ever examined our woik it will bo a revelation to jou it jou havo not thorough ia the word that expresses it we cant mako everybodys dresses it o could we dont sup pose we could get them to make although in all our experience v havo yet to learn oi one persoir who hae been dieatisfled there musl be some we havo never met them while we cant- mako over- bodys dreases we caft make for the first comers we back up oui dressmaking with one of tire finest stocks of dress good in tho province all tho latest taste ot tho lion was brought ti bear in the solectionof this stock variety style and extent m important actors es the most important in a dicss goods stocl but in t har time tho pnoo fontur i not to bo ligh o looked and wo commend to intending purchasers an inspection c the qualityvalues ot our goods j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell streets guelpi- steel wind- mills interna 1 cov orrd uoar patent hoi lot and ball bur in e r bollert go 25 ana 27 wyndham stroot oueilph ont wgb f nrtlto for yu imino on 12 iii llrnivt lioiutlful lliodktl nauk w null 1ai1dh itwoiy vldtnrx or iw handlkuie flitlltliu oitrdc omii wlul ordur htamp lakcll aildrex canadl c vllu houau luutnoll out internaiional didlioriary the one great standard authority ho wrltss lion l jlrcwtr jiullra i h iiprenm coott sand a postal or pccjttin page ate svcecuorefthe unabridged standard orthafcurmillottln itilwlf 8 iloyjtl rlnt- j iuu omop liw u h h m iim conrt all the s i hi tu httpmne fyirti ni t of nmrly nil tns varnily c ommended bf tata fliiiwrlnteml- nlm pr hrhooln and c ouier hlmniom nlmort i wluiout munuar rhitiist for everybody it is my to ami tlw wu wanted it hi uy t atcwtaln the prananclatlon l mijr to tries tlw rrowth of word ib cy to i myhc i word man wiiituthi ctandard tho tomato globe 1 a ittort ruajaf iiuhiui l ti mnry i iiltiimin i t lunitlorainillnkllio 1 mrj lunciloiiarfiille- timianr uif fntorjwihijnl t m lnavmininonnior 5 gttmiuiuiorioa or gnat vnhtt 11 uou g cr o mbrrtasr co tuhuaher sprtntttleld mena va- gnlvnnzted tow- era nod who elm tlio boat in america ideal spray pump iron pitmii water 1 ankr ilpliitf c the ideal power mill with roller and ball bearings ib a wonder ho lid for circulars tiill maple leaf rooldl tobf smuir brantford13an jn ani powitn aon 2 lionnr to flononsb ten inch hovoralblo plfttcbof 9poqi1 poilbn hall jionrloda for tlio l at ob kuna oaay erlnrlb kiie and fait our ia foot ideal power mill will run it satllfao tori i y this is by all odds tho uoflt ortndor made john tuvqvjeen aobnt por above also tor frost and wood binders and mowers a full lino of all ktnria of farm implements and repairs chpicc teas nncl coffees kster goods easter cloves veilings and hosiery leading shades in chiffons large range of spring vests special prices in groceries for easter easter price temptations in black dress goods mens furnishings easter hats ties collars in leading styles am colors i cidera in onm riirimhingi a egurneygo mill street acton newest designs in lice curiam c f goodeyg fe co acton wantsdan idea wlio can think of kinio almpla thlditjpatntr bays wmblnfftno d o for tbelr mjkto prtao otter and lut of two buuorotl iuvcnuoaa waatod special sale of tweeds and worsteds thu week only no kill nuke a spdoial viscount of 10 x on all twocila and woratsda bicyclists who want n nobby hint ihould boo our tweeds boforo piiroliagnif olsowliero gentleman who want a nice lllaok worstod bull ahonld ret ono ot onr mado lo order bulls regular 125 ou for 15 00 black wonted paula regular v 00 for tl 00 extra another lot ot thoga 1 reill sudan llioilb get a may taahlon sheet fuel c f goodeire fe co acton

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