Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 22, 1897, p. 4

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1 et ttmi jfm jrras thuuhday albil ij 1b97 fij poling mollis or lamotiffks pocket do ii run hn uiur h ooliut how woll i run urn bur how iimfiil it wii botli ui mloua and iloi i what qt i uiiiu4 what o hi tuino and things it 11 lut nuiubu i nm in that ockut at t i b uii it 1 in nh luvol uhittliub far butter tlyiu hj lllill 1 cr chiuilt 1 vvitliliih jiikkliifo to dam ago hlu tl umb in lths th in u ulnltlink and all without tolling i run ran iniothcra i olkot a nlnuur would iiiuiul if i aiu j or i i tt or miuy or kitty fit n inn i i 1 uttoii on fepwu or on nhoi n uol u a iwaiieoinu trip to thocliy in j nidniothur a iioutoctho article- grow i when ittnjlo tho pot for ida hum la adbiira lion r ills ill uli inuu kite from tlio woodplicd would briiih taa fcraudmotbor offurud tho solo adulatiu tna3 rraudmothor a pocket that furulshod tho airing if anynoro dumpish or nny jtrtrouble ifllbyumtoaworoioutv or tilings went awry f nonoto niaba poaoo lu mil housohold woro able a dear frandiirathqi b pockat a balm could supply o uht ib thu homo whoro a gran imotbor dwell oil 4 tiulituntud by ilia and uuruftlud b nolso i with bountiful hands and a pookot that awolloth with balsam and choor for tbo girls and tho bobl- m a maitlam answers to suit in seventy yearb of irish life by w r do funu it ia asserted that in fiivmfi anbwera tho iriah peasantry aa a rplebavo no grout regard for truth but reply bb they think will be most agreeable to the quee tloner an italian organ grinder weary after a long walk asked a peasant whom ho met how far he was from cork just fourbhort mileh was tho usswer what do you meau said a pnost who happen ed to pass at tho time by deceiving the poor fellow you know well enough its eight long miles sure your reverence baid tho other i been the poor boy was tired and i wanted to keep his courage up if lib a heard your reverence but im plazed to think ho didn t he d be down hearted ontiroly au iribh gentleman wib shooting with an english friend a mr b they had vory httlo sport so mr b bbid ill abk this countryman whether there are any birds about here no ubo to ask him said iiib com pamon hell only tell you hob i 11 aak him at all ovontb eaid mr b my good man aro tliero any birds aboqt here lotb of birds yer honor tell mo what borrs of birds wtji now ybur honor there e rousts and woodcocks and enipes aud ducks und all sorts of birds arikhim vhtnpered the iribh gentle man whether there aro any theremome torn tell me said c do you ever see any thormometers about here well now your honor if thorn was a nice frost ihu place would be alivo with them many jears afterward as the author drove with inn wife from killarney to ken mare hettold her this at or she coad hardly behtjo it he said i ii try with this boy and youll see that ha if say much the same so he taid to the barelegged boy who was running along by the aide of the car rtage what is tho name of the little river near us tib tho finntry your honor are there any fish in it there is your honor what sort of fish there do be throats and eels any salmon there do bo an odd one any white trout there do bo a good lot of them any thermometers there do be a good lot of them there too your honor but they comes op later in the season than the throuta unprejudiced advice a wosteru senator tells the story of a man travelling in a parlor- oar between omaha and denver who fell asleep and- as punch would bay snored profusely from the nose so that everyone in the coach was sorioualy anuoyod presently says the st paul dwpatch an old gentle man approached tbo b lee per and shaking bim out of his slumber with a start what a tho matter he exclaimed why your snoring is annoying every one in the c said tha nld gen tinman kindly how do you know i m snoring 7 why wo caut liolp but hoar it well dont behevo all you bear to phod the stranger and went to bleep again unfortunate a buffalo photographer lost a customer the othor day according to the courier when ho had everything in readiness ho aid now lady look beautiful and happy bo thats it there i havo you now you may resume your natural expression the kind that cures the great spring health relsfewer paines celery compound for men wqmen and children koad thu following testimony unit loiiioh from miss blake of 101 iltifchuon st net hamilton loryearb i buffered greatly and ivaa under the caro of doctors who unielly told mo i was goinj into consumption i wab becoming worao through tho uao of modi oines and i javo up my dootorh while in a vory critical loiulition not ublo to sleep orrobt alwaa faint and weak appetilo and digestion jbad aud my byhtom run down and little life loft in mo i commotio e5 to use paine s celery compdund after taking ono bottle i foltmuch relieved i have used in all seven or eight bottles and am now a new woman oaij enjoy hfe aud am as well aa i wish to bo many thanks for your great medicine did i qndoratnmd ybu to bay that thompson was a farmer good gruq loua not i said hdmftdo htamonoytir wheat you never hoard of a farmer doing that did yott tfever worry takthem andco about your business they do their work while you are doing yours dr agnsws liver pills are purely vegetable and act upon the liver without disturbance to the system diet or ocoupa- tlon 2q cents a vial thoy iya ayhteni renovatorb blood pun fiers auh bmldora ovary ulaod and tissue in tho whole anatomy is benefited and stimulated by tbo use of thorn sold by a t brown biliousness i cmued by torpid liver which prevents dlses tlon an j permits ood to torment and putrlly in the stomnoh then follow dlxzlness headache hoods pills insorolna nervousness and u not tellered bilious fever or blood pojsonlng poods pills stlmulato the stomach rouse tho liver cure headache dizziness con stipation etc 25 cents hold by all druggist the only imlli to take with hood s sanaparinjh she she is doing her best to faaci nate that widower of course he lias con siderable means he perhaps she thinks tho means juaify theend the people am convinced when they read tho testimonials of cureb by hoods sarsapanlla they are written by honost men and women and aro plain straightforward statements of faot tho people have oonfidenee in hoods sareapa rilla because thoy know it actually and permanently cures even where other med icinee fail hood s pilla are the only pills to take with hood a sarsapanlla lasy and yet efficient hc3ards bellow oil this old reliable medicine in use over a third of a centnry oures rheumatism stiff joints sprains broibea swollinge frost bites chilblains ohaflng nenralgiaand all pain or sprenesa in man or beast 25o at alldrnfrglstfl wt h flocp the infiraino medicine cam all blood diseases iron a commoa minpl to the worst 5crofulom 5ore rheumatism canbe cured in jane 1895 i was attacked with in flaramtory rhouamtistn with which i suffered under continued medioal treat ment five months the last five weeks i wan not ablo to get out of bed i then sent for dr halated his treatment gavo roe immediate relief and in a few days i was at my work and i have had no rhoum atism sinoe hi run soiinnunarii molntyre dec 2gth 1605 dr ftalbtedn kheumatic cure may bo had at tho medical hall main street aoton halt itlirmi curct gpntihikv your burdock blood bit tern cured mo of salt rhoum three ytars ago it wiih so bad that i lobt my finger nailn and lean iruly say that i know of ii o moro valuable motiiclno in tho world than b b b t have had no return oj salt uheum biuce mhh th hamniriin hmors ma ho who lives to no purpose live to i bad purpose d5 woods sywpp the moslprompt ploasnnb and perfect obro for ooafftas coid asthma bronchitis hoarseness soro throat croup whoop ing- cough quinsy fain in the phost and all throat bronchial and iinn dlaoaaes the healing anti consumptive virtue of tho norway plnorsre combined in this medtoino with wild cherry and ether pittond herbp and bal sams to make a true specific for all forma of disworigjriatlngfrora colds price 2scnd50c- they are fining to try ian maolnrcn for heresy he having ouo and said some thinfg in one of his boobs now editions of that particular book aro now in order the wry lliwt meihiih t mirumtn co dkxn sirh loan recommend dr woods norway pine syrup as tho very best med- icino for coughs and caldfl pora throat and weak lungs which 1 haio over in erf yourb truly wa 1 1 niiy blenheim ont a i if a of reverses your lifo iftiu been ono of many rlversts tni 1 tho kind old lady ycnm hnowered dihmii dawaon bout every place i torn up i a turned down where rheumatism is un known tre t not a rumor but ai ascortalnod fnot whaf a roportor has to sny about the case of mrs l n ostrandor 0t rcportor callcjlfit tho coay rcsidcnco of mrs n odtrandcr 1 rtnton und una mot at tho door by u britt b sprightly dud tit lffotiu imij u itu lurm d out tu uo no ils tlinii mrti odtiiin ilt hciit if und who told how pho was rtttor t fr in i oiuhtion of mitory to onn of iu iltli and ktrentb by llu h of milburn a he irt mid ntrvo pi tin bui 1 mro odtruiukr i huvu been u grt it sufferer for many yeais with my heart and nereo and was itlmoh a com ploto wreck when loineuround tho house i would utt soliiid that i had to lio down on th lutllijo until i eotild recover my breulh ihiboocurted heurul limes dur iiik tho da at njhtj eoulthkardly eki p at all and when i would drop off to b eep i would ftaliu up with aniart followed by u huffoautini fcelili uh if my heart imd btoppbd eatut forever 1 liavojhudt to havo myjfcet put in hot water and hav6 hot alptba lad across my body before i recover in faot this was almost a nightly ocourrepae pen cannot protry what my feelings wore i got very languid and weak had no ambition and thought that overy thing was loiuft wrong with me i grow mufblti inmindfldstmry apatite andhad to farco myself to oat what httlo i did i was reduced almost to a skeleton wcih nig only 0 pounds at the timu i oommenc ed to use milburn a heart andnervo pills and lean tell you i would havo liven but little for my chances of living much long ev sovoral dootora attended mo and i havo taken till kinda of propuetory medi oinep but without avail i got a box at labt of mil burns heart and nerve pi lid at bhurlea drug etore aud thought that i would try them as a last resort the ro bqhb were simply marvellous i began to improve from the first few dosos aud no ticed a big difforonco before i had taken one box now i sleep well the buffocating feeling is complotely gone i have splendid strength and my appetite ia such that i havo to restrain myself for fear of oaring too much i can eat anything that is set before me und am better now than i havo been for years am increasing iu weight nuht alon and feel that life ia worth the living thanks to milburns hoart andkorvo pills i recommend them very highly to those buifering from heart and nervo trou bles as i did no man wants to be a woman longer than it ould take to show hie wire that ho can improve on her methods only thaeo who have had exporicnoo oau toll tho tortttro corns oauso pain with your boots on pain with thorn jftpain night aud day but relief is suro to those who ubo hollowaya corn curo price so cents per box or 6 for saso at druggist or mailed on receipt of price by t milburn co toronto if you wish to find out the weak points in tho oharactor of any ono of your fomao friends you should praieo them to your wife lo years a sufferbr from kidney diaeasegravei and stricture an absolute cure found in south american kidney cure a remedy that never falls in the most distressing- cases the bolid ovidopco of experience is be bind south american kidney cure mr wilbur goff of chippowa ont ia aim ply one of hundreds who have spoken in equally strong termb he bays after taking six bottles of south american kidney oaro i am completely cured of etrioture and gravel having suffered from thoao complaints for over ten years i found great relief after taking ono bottle but con tinned tho remedy until i was perfectly cured and i am now enjoying tho beat of health sold by a t brown 0 m q n menthol fluster i hart pmadbrd uonthnl putr in a htimbar otauomot nouraljrla md rbmimauo nalni and m vary much plriucd vim tho afltu und nmntnmioritaa j ileal in wbojuusm tun uu haul oxford 1 union i liaifw bwrlmiint liil t ft in mttll fll kciiur rbe inmtlit ami dn i in oreitfnm utrftltfravnalnirmtlniiui 1 alt i mrmiincnlrauef j ii jttm kk 1 d u ml tnmnn l c it cures bclntlcn liiinboko nen- rnlfflit ruins in buck or hide or any muscular inlim prlca davis ruwrence co etd 8flo bga proprietor mohtkkal e avcgetablc reparation for as slmuating ihctoodfladltxgula- llnth5tana aandbowei3of imanisvi iiimkin profcoleadigeslionchectful- ness andrest contains neither opiummorpwnc nor mineral not nabc otic awm- apctfccfuemedy forconstlpa- tion sour slonvichdiajtdoeaj worms convulsions jeverish- ncss andlosof gu tocsurale signature of that the facsimile signature is on the wrapper of eveey cbottli oh and noist thl 40 y a word with 3 ou about oui new spring ilats they are strictly uptodate they represent eyery leading style they are maddby the best makers 1 hey emtrace overy shade and color they are the nicest in the city they are reasonable in price need we say moe just this that our i 00 ilt is a leader r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st giclph railway time table grand trunk hallway m wl sf golmi vat1 mall mill ii 1 in i i ri uh mi i xi rihh 7 00 1 tu m ill i hxotl 10 i7dju 0 11 1 m 10 01 1 111 t1mi ol lkihisu 3ia1ih golnt wo t i 1 11 111 and b40 i in oolnt luut 10 1 mn undrj4il in this timt tubli wunt into olfcct on montloj no wlh h ib main streel planing mills acton ont tt4444m94 0li 2 shops ind wareroonis 5 i 001 ol willow si cills illended to day or niht j a speighrt fc co outoria la pat up ia onsike bottloi only it 1 not lold ia balk dont allow anyone to noil ron bdytblng olso on tho plea or promise that it i jnrt as good and will onswor every pnr pose bee that yon got 0 ast 0 e i a allure impossible when nervillne nerve pain curois ap plied it matters not of liow long standing its penetrating nd pain subduing power ib auoh that relief is almost instantaneous neviline is a nervo pain cure this statement exproasoa all try it and bo convinced over 20 000 respeotablo mechanics applied for jobs at shovelling snow in now york last winter hnxuill johnston medioal men hospital treatment and a dozen different modicines failed to curo me of dropay i had beeu tapped seven times and was given only a few days tolivo when i began uaing doan e kidney pills thoy oured me complete and i am now in tho best of health signed mattirl johsbto toronto ont well now you are balk you can tell ub how much it coats logo to lurope ah you vo got and all yon can borrow when you et over there there are ho many corih mediomcs in tho market that it ib sometimes difficult to tell which to buy but if wo had a cough a cold or any affection of tho throat or ungn we would try bioklos anti con eumptivo syrup those who havo used it think it is far ahead of all other propara tions recommended for auoh complaints the little folkajiko it aa it ia aa pleasant as syrup pyny- pectoral poyilvely cures coughs and cold3 in a surprisingly short tlmo its a fid- t ut i tic cc rlainty tried and ti uc soothing and healing in its effects w c mcomiikr a soif lloucliottq que rrportlnul llirtlnt ii irrtorol irodllr uarcnaiur ii i lift 1 ntm 11 rotichtal t oi l al rund w a uccombcr or h luutl jin iold mn j ii lit ttv cliemlat 3 3 yc nro si toronto writes t n i c nl u eh n i lun iyr n vyor i 1 1 a ii vul 1 itt prrittrallnn h 11 n litrnm mill fur 11 in to 411 who ii y vli iolcnn to mo of tl o of in iu um intbrilrramlllna rmnryi ng ixtnitpleamtitlo irltli n fm benn won lerful it com n nd it m ft ufo ud 11 in itottle 25 wrence co ltd how did the surprise party go off last night double rjniok time tho anr prised pooplo thought they wero burglars and turned the hobo on them a lifo saved mr james bryson camt eron states i was conflnod to my bed with inflammation of tho lungs and was given np by tho physicians a neighbor advised me to try tit thomas eoleotrlc no matter hqw intense th pain south american hheumallouui wit rnturnrnd imrtonethi of hlghsate tells what it did for hei permanent cure ofa case of years standing iriian been cltolured byh0i nliatrt that overy dincaso 1ib a rtnipd aire diflluul ty lit to alwftn find tlio roini dy iti rhtii- matieni south amine in ithuifmuho tiru has been found a certain uniidott fur thu painful dihokhu it m alwuyn cffurtivo mrs n fortih wife of a well known rnttnu facturer of hijihgato out bhjb i wan cenoualy affected wilh rheumatic paina in my ankloo htid at timea was almoat din ablod i tried everything on i thought and doctored for j ears without imici benefit i was induond to uao south amorioan rheiimutio curo to my de light tlio urht doiio gave mo more rollef than i bad had for yearn and two bottloa have complotely cured mu h sold by a v brown mrs eaaton i understand that yoar husband cant meet iiib croditora mre wcbton i don t hlliovo he wants to ebpcoially iho merliciho for livor and ktdnoy complaint mr victor auger ottawa writos i take great plcaanre in reenni mendlnu to tho public dr vdrmoloe h 1illa as a ouro for liver and kid nny complaint i havo doctored for tho pant tliroo years with tho leading phymciunn mid have takeu many medlomos which wero rrcom mended to mo without rolmf but after taking miuht of parmaloort pills i waa quite rslioved and now i feel an free from tho diaoasn ai bufore i wa troubled tint mtipftimlnrv qnn t von and vonr htmrrjr mrk mtictly- no jour lu nor not hap pily purest and best for table and dairy no adulteration never cakes one reason why scnrts emukioncmcb wc k thjoits ivcik lung nikcs nch blood and strengthens puny and delicate children i be- cau e all its pai t are n xed in so bcieimhc a manner that the feeblest digc tion can deal with it this experi ence hii only conic by duuig one cttnieirly 25 y 11 tliis means pure t m gredents most evenly and delicately mixed be st adapted for those whoe strength has tailed or who c digestion would repel an uneven pro- duct fo im kkut at oil atrtlng that hlg wife had ti it f a throat trouble with tho beat rosultb act ing on his advico i procured the medicine and less than half a bottle cured mo i certainly believo it saved my lifo it was with roluotanco that i eonsontod to a trial as i was reduced to suoh a btato that i doubted tho power of any remody to do mo any good this sprlnc spring is at hand winter is nearly over aro you ready for summer ia your blood pure burdook blood bittors purines and onriahes the blood uures dyspepsia bad blood sick hcadaohe otc b b b re moves every trace of impurity from the blood from a common pimple to tho worst scrofulous sore family should know that every should h la a very remarkable remedy lv h fr in- tebnaxi and exlbbnaii uh and won- dorfollnlts quloli action to relievo dintresb painkiller n chlllh hrrlnrn ijmihtrtt craiuiw cholera al h howul con puluw painkiller svs hleknmm mru llpnilnrlu lntn in ilio uackorhido ftlicuuiuilmu nd nennilslu painkiller ivttnv painkiller xmra mchnlr rnrincr pliihif r hnllor 11 no sitirmwvrsjtcrlik sskitkuu tu w 1 t iu tkkkv dav if b0i4 ery 1 t jc bh uau- venrlatjo botu t dog fanoier yoa madame i havo all kinds of dogs here is there any particu lar breed you wiah old lady who roads the papera oh anything thats fashionable lcmmo aeo an ocean grey hound a dinner pill many persons suffer excruciating agony after partaking of a hearty dinnor tho food partaken of ia like a ball of load upon tho stomach and inbtead of being or healthy nntnmont it becomes a poison to the bystom dr par- meloos vegetablo pilla are wonderful cor rootives of such troubles they corroot acidity open tho secretions and convert the food partaken of into healthy nutri mant thoy are just the medicine to tako if troubled with ludlguutiuu or dyupupuia arthur i wonld marry that girl but for ono thing afraid to pop tho ques tion arthur no afraid to quoation tho pop castoria for infants and children thafae- ilmlla iliutaro ic on eton vrupptr a philadelphia grooor has this stn behind his counter tho man who trusts is out there never was and never will be u univornal panacea in one remedj for all lllu to whmh ileali is heir tho vory uatiiro jiiniuiy cumtivwr btnngetioh that were- iho jorms of ntlur and differently soatod dmoahob roottd in ho ajbtonu of tho patient what would relievo 0110 ill hi turn would offtfrtivalo oirtoibor wo have however in cjuiiiino wim when obtained in a sound unadulterated alato a remtdyiotmany and grievoun illn by its radunl mdialoub uh the fruiluxt hjhtcnih are led inio con vrtlescunoe and btreimih by tho influoneo which qiiuiino exerts on naturo a own rerttoraiivtq it relievea the drooping hpiritb of those with whom a citron io state of morbid despondent and laok of interest in lifo ia diaeaae and by tranquihzing tho uorvcb dlcpoboh to sound and refresh lug bleep imparls vigor to the action of tho blood whioh iwihu stimulated ooursos throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of tho system thoroby makim nctivh n rrcvhary result ntronllirnin the fmrne and nivicg lifo to the dlcoativo organs which naturally demand tncrearod bnbstsnoe result im proved sppotile northrop a i4unan of toronto have given to the pabllo thoir quinine wine at the iibual rate and nun god by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaches nearest perfection of any n the market all druggistsfell it painkiller rainy davis a snro and safo nemodr in overy case cud overy kind of bowel complaint is painkiller thlsfsatmontatomontnnd it cant bo liiauo too strong or too emphatic it is a olmplo safefind quick curo for cramp cough ilhoiimatlsui colic cnltlc istutralgln dlarrlirca croup toothaolio two sizes 35c and soc undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture or all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co i guelph john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saeb poors pramqe bxouldlug- in all btj lea dressinq matching andmquidwq j to ardor on short notice well nflbortod btook on ban3 at prices toaut f tho times john cameron proprietor j h hamilton marble and granite hamiltons block guelph the best is always the cheapest my stock of watches was never better every one thoroughly warranted i will not sell a bad watch if i know it i i d pringle gnelph mens hats the newest shapes and best shades iiiae are to be found in our range of hats for spring wear we have carefully selected the most tasty things- from the best english and american makers and guarantee every hat we sell wc are also showing a complete range of colored shirts neckwear balbrigau uiulerweav cashmere hose etc feb hendersomx co gents furnishings department vr y ivi linvlnbtjnhkinrnltttbratlinitltytj scotch norway swedish and russian grknite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring block now purchased i wi sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and u11 illow ah expenses do customers to tnd from our works john h hamilton w barber bros paper makerfe georgetown ont mike a sfecultt of machine finished book papers i and high grade welkin nfws the paper used in this journal is from he above mils wm babber bros e b collins butcher desires to tuank bia nunjoroua cub torn era for their liberal patronaga nlnce ho commedcod bauincbs last january and hopes that by caroful and conrtooub attention to merit a coutluuance of tholr custom a com ploto assortment of urntclatia beef mutton lamb poik fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard ac in season prices alwaja as low as consistent with the best qualit prompt duiycrj fat stack wan tod b n cot kins job printing including bookfl ramphleta fosters nil uosds circulars ac c oxocutod in the best style of the art at modorato prlcea and on abort rotico apply or addronn murray lanmans florida water ill druggists perfumers ind general oeileb a iendlral change mre tas graham hamilton ont sas my dootor said that my heart trouble could not ho onto 1 but i am happy to say ho wab mistakon for milburns hoart and norvo pills havo mado a complete cure in my case i hao now no heart pains sleopleesnobs fluttering or brcathlcssnoss and am entirely reatored to health and vigor jj clara i suppose tho brightest mom ent in your life was when jaolt propphcd cora brightest thoro wannt a par tiulo of light in tho room tcntrrrnrtirtfimtinr- scotts jmutston is cod livor oil ier footed and in prcpired upon tho prihoipal of nts digestion and assimilation m the- human system ionco it is tvon without disturbing tho atom itch few0 w1befemcihc cheapi ceap cheap thesc tm ontabio wlri cinoino co itu matoaaostmot fenlcings as wefl as mcmullens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry yards lawn tcnclngs etc are sold much lower this year than eer before they are the best ask your hardware merchant for them relief for liizrtg troubles fflulsion 1st comwmptioltf and all 1un masespfl1tin4lorniooi a covoh mhb or apprtits m 0 dbdi1itv the beneaiiorsbu w 0 mtlettfaroiuosimiinlftesu 0 rid ot ft hacking ootlah whlrh hnd uouwod w w oer jtmr snd dwi lood couildamblr in wetht t likad thu kimiulon m well i waa glut a wlwn he uiuaoama around to uka it w t iiwlhnuuueb uontraal ooe and st per bottle davis ft lawrence 00 lto t mohfbeal yant sweetheart likes it the reference is to the sweetheart thematf whowe a ult they all like it which is a certain argument iu its invoi dut the most convincing argument is that nil of tl im material used by this firm u spongut and fully shrunk and a guarantee of workmanship is given wilh caih hiilt is aaaa aaa so rich so pure so wholesome so delicious half anitone pound packets only at all grocers 2b so 40 60 and60 ctnts f pound t davidson a hay ltd wholesale agents toronto i anil ammi ptlqn tnu toe wltotnar an invmifonw communloatlona itnotly wrj miiio formour1niinitnu ylilllon osh notuffn ti mn poo 80ientifi0 american om pitintinlfrt munn co soi uroadwnv neir iwk

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