Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 29, 1897, p. 2

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horn mrlaininin on buntlftvi lhth aiiril to mr itml airn nolkon muliiuikliltn ft tlivuil t mctavimi in njihwikawoyu oii wiliitiuliy2lht april to mr nml mrh aligns motiivihii a non icrrniimifii nannugawovft on friday imrd aprit to mr ami mix john kilulilng jr upon preferential trade feature iooiimas at liiglmvoori on flmuliiy april aryth iiuatliiii ii 2411 ightor april ultli editor or tho uiul mm v11ll li tiootlum downiiv 1 liiulpli on kut unlay to mr uiul mrs jl downoy hiiiiul u d might ur joiinhos jiiikiiotm at tint rouidoucn of tlio lriilh pnriiuti on woihiohday ovoniiif bhtu april liy- hov ha mftepliuroii him a idhiihon of jolumtowii n y to ada ortvco ritiughturof john ohluliolni ctmi ii iv kiusrli at luorgitownontunhduv april 20th utuigu fruaor tigid itl yourn 10 tnonthn uiuwl days hmitii in iluutlfortl wont worth co on wort- nuwliiv ulfit april niiiiovi wife of aiihou hmilh kmi nml mtitlilir of mrs w h storey aut n tiged 711 tuuusbatapniii2o mi v note5 and comments tho london erjg timing cabled- coo- rratulft lions tq premier laurier on tho nowtariff on monday z ilnipororyillittm doea jjbtbeliejre the turlogreok war will remain ioottlfzod verylonk and that the priucijttu hiiropean powers will bo involved drlreid of south greuvillo lias iveu notice in the hoqbo of commonu to regulate railway freight rates he proposes tho establishment of a cofhmiasion the results of the byoelcotlons for the house of commons on tuesday are the return of three liberals mr jamesons majqrityjnjiyjnnipekvyab 1 in mao doiiulci dr rutherford is returned by about s00 and in west prince mr perry is seven votes ahead authority is now given every munici pality to expend affixed sum for advertising information as to the advantages of tho- mtirn educational or residential centre cities and towns of over 5000 population 500 other municipalities hot exceeding 9100 by the legislation of last seabfon ft mar ried woman for the purpose of recovery from her husband shall be deemed to have been deserted when she is living apart from bet husband because of repeated abts of cruelty or because of his refusal or neglect without cause to supply her with the neceeorriqa of life whou able so to do a now provision was aqded to the mun icipal act at last session of the legislature providing that a member of the municipal counoil may become a candidate for olection as a county councillor without resigning his office as municipal councillor but ho may not sit in the county council white continuing to be a member of a municipal council in tho british hoiiao of commons bu tuesday sir charles e h vincent con servative member for tho central division of sheffield announced he would move the following resolution a mouth hence the house expresses grateful and frater nal recognition to the government and people of the dominion of canada for the generous fiecal changes in favor of british trade and labor announced on friday by the parliament at ottawa and already in forcqand hopes this first stop towards a commercial federation of the empire will bo followed by anstralabia south africa and the other colonies great britain highly pleased with canadas new tariff and us preferential feature london april 26 the timja says editorially today tho presentation of tho canadian is beyond doubt tho most remarkable step yet made towards fiscal federation in the british empire we much regret to see the attitude mr foster has taken toward it the si james gazette regards it as the most important news of tho day and as prtjbentingmait agreeable prospects to great britain the otobe says referring to the recent speech of mr fielding mr fieldings speech will cause a thrill of patriotic en- thubiasm in a million hearts canada canadas new tariff i with few exceptions business men are satisfied with the new duties imposed leads the way in her thank offering for the blobiinga of liberty and security which she enjoys nndor british rule her action will not bo in vain the dominion parliament yesterday witnessed a volte fao unparall eled since tho days of peel the vail mall gazette sayb dingley threatened canada and this is canadas reply erin mr ric hamilton was last week- elected to tho village council to fill the vacancy caused by tho removal of mr j d leitoh 0 p it agent the band concert on friday evening was a gratifyinguocasb tho death of mrs peter bonnie an old and respected resident took place at her home lot 10 on theothjine on the 16th inst 8 ho was 71 years of age mrs biunie was a very intelligent tllonghtfnl woman and the kindest of of mothers slio leaves behind to mourn deeply the lohb sustained three sons and- three- daugh ters cwo of the bods aro iu tho north- went and james on the homestead t with hiu two unmarried sisters crewsons corners on tuesday morning last while goo gmhura was preparing to go to rock wood with a lead of grain he had occasion to leave bin team for a fow minutes in charge o a little boy tbey took fright and rao uhyrcompldtolydemoltbhirjgtfaewaggon and harness and running into the 10 oclock passcugcr train which was passing at the time both horses were badly injured but bad they been a moment sooner thoy would ito doubt have been killed the services of pr a e rnnisuy of eden mills wero required to patch up the injuries mr ak-x- cripps has started his saw mill flu hs quite a etook of logs this eouhon tmrti jos iuwkiiif of guelph spent last vvcik nt her ntbterri mrs thou- ram- sliiiws mr r gripps returned home last friday uuer spending n week with friends in fergtm mru w moore or acton spent sunday nt mr n forbes thero will bo no nor vices in tho eburoh hero next sunday on acoouutvf quarterly meeting being held in eden mills ottawa- april 2t of coureo tho new tmicf and budget uobutohavo bean- tho nil- ubaorbing topio ut tho oapital the piot week libt thursday ub announced hon mr fioldiug finauoo minister introduced tho inritljh a spoeoh of groat length and mmuteuowof detail tho gallorieb wero crowded wlionmr fielding robo ho estimated the deiicit this year botweun- gooo000 and 91000000 noxt yoars revonuq heatimutcd at ttt und- expenditures i820000 the net in- cronao ot tlio debt this your would 6o slsboooo anduext yoar 8a250000 the new ta11iff in presouting tho tarilt bill ho suitl that tho government adhered to tho platform of the lifioral party- which- was tariff lor revenue aubjeot to buou ohaugsas varying conditions may require the moat important and intoreflting foture bttho new tariff proposals is tlfe- prefer- entiarrraugemont by which great britain and coutit rfca which fayoccanada wilpbo aocbrded speoialiy favorpiblo treatmerit imports from thoao countries will bo -claas- edin a upeciul hchudtvlo and the import duties on thorn will bo oneeight lejbthtiri the duties charged ou similar gooda in tho general schedule v after june u0 tho duties on these favorod goods will be further reduced by ouefourth of tho general rates there is doubt in borne quarters as to whether this preferential arrangemont can be adopted but tho government olairnb that tho way is perfectly clear favors the iallmellh thore has boon a distinct effort to plcaso the farmer although it is unlikoly that ihu ta w of his implements it will teduco the price of several btaplo articles that ho mubt buy if it be admitted that that ib always tho effeot of a reduction in import dutioa coal oil has been reduced from 6 to 5 cants cents a gallon- indian corn has been made free except to distillers and this change will ploaae stockraisers more important to the farmer js the placing of wire fencing on the free list immediately and hinder twino after january 1 coal i hon etc the e i pec ted changes in the coal duties have not taken place as yet the policy of tho government in iigurd to this impor tant item is dependent on what tho u 8 tariffmakers finally agreetcin tharon and steel sohedulo there are material redac tions theobjeot being to bring down tho price of pig iron and scrap so that manu facturers who uae iron as raw material may got it oheapor this is a form of pro teotion to tho manufacturer but i order that those who have inveated capital in tho smelting industry may not suffer iobbdp the bounty on pig iron entering into homo consumption is to be conriderably in oroascd whihkev as1j cigars etc tbo slight increase in tho exciso duty on spirits and tobacco will not be greatly felt while it will add to tho revenue contrary to expectation the government uafl decided not to obtain any revenue by a tax on tea the uty on refined bugar has been slightly reduced bo that the poor mans breakfast will be at least an cheap as it has been mibcellankod3 the way in which tho government pro poses to oheok trusts aud combines is to promptly place on the free list all goods which may at any time bo artificially en hanced in price by the operation of a com bine this plan is fair and commendable and ought to prove effective a noteworthy feature of tbo now tariff is the abolition of specific duties while this change may be favorablo to the i as portation of the cheapest kinds of litera ture it will probably raise the price of good books and will be regarded as a tax ou education and culture upon a whole the new tariff regarded as compromise measure will probably bo received with favor by those who believe that conditions in canada aro not ripe tot free trade and do not warrant high pro tection 4 calital comment all tho principal offices of tho fabric works have been transferred to their old quarters aud the department onoo more fully installed in tho west block whence it montihai april ithrrtple who uppourto know what they aro talking if bout declare that mgr merry del v tils report willbo uh follows 1 thtit tho governments of canada unci imuuitobn did not invito mm to oomo horu and sottlo tlio echoul qiiustioii 2 that protchtmits completely ignore his mission to caiiadn ij that tho bihhopb did not intorfero and are not ilitcrfering m political quea- tioiibwliyro rtdigion hnbno rolo topliiy 1 that it id tho duty of iho bibhopj to look lifter unfl protect tho moral and relig iouseducation of catholic children fi that tho bocallod nottlementof tho muuitotfil school quotation is imv uoceptalilo to thocutholio cotihciencc 0 that the clelegrtto htrongly recom- mdnda that thucpificnpucy anil the calholia clergy abstain from nmking allusions to monoftb purely poiitioiiliueatibtib in the pulpit y- 7 greece surtfers reyekses revolution immlnerit- ot athens resignation of cabinet was driven by the lire of last february it is stated that mr laurier has invited colonel domville m p to accompany him on the jubilee trip to england aa a raom- ber of the premiers btaff the government policy for building the crows nest pass railway will bo settlod upon next week- there itnow evory likelihood of a bhort session and probably prorogation mdy come before mr laurier leaves for hog ian3 milton a hole opened on main street last week and bwallowed a horse bianding at tho jgommeroialhotel completely a quantity of old cribbing gavo way part of the plant of the milton wire roofing co ltd has already arrived tho engine and boiler will be horo this week and it is oxpooted that the works will be io full oporation in a few days the annual convention of tho hal ton teachers instrtote will bo hold in tho model- school milton on friday and saturday may 21 et and q2nd mr s i was in toro to labtrweek attending the annual meeting f the ootariomdaoational aeflaiitttiofh- ho is president of the ibspectors depart ment tho c p it authorities have decided to build so new engines which will kebp the montreal staff busy day and night for about tvvo years all tho heavy repairing for merly done at montifml will now be done at toronto junction which will necessitate an increased staff and tho shops btiug kept busy night aud dy limehouse wm nickel i returned to sarnia on friday last the family ib cxpeoted to foirow him there shortly miss maggie martin of fsquesing spent a few days vorypleaeantly hero this week the presbyterian sabbath hohool reopened on sunday the attondauco was small on account of the wot weather the lime business is very encouraging at present the public school opened on monday tho scholars ijavo enjoyed tho holidays and the abundance of wild flowers and fine weather afforded plenty of outdoor exer- oiae local anglers are preparing fur the open- fug of the trout seaoon itdxt monday mgr del vals report some of tho things the papal delib erate will say recording 1 mission t his athksh witnessed april 2h thd pabt week- bas a- suaconsiou anfortjmate reverses to tlio forcee of greece tlifcro i reason to beliove tht greece will- with draw her troops from crete and appeal to the powers to settlo tho disturbance the fall of tho ministry is certain and popular feeling poiuts to a revolution in favor of a republic a detective shot bya tpamp chatham ont april 27 provincial uetectivomahonoy lies in st josephs hos- pital today dying from a revolver shot- fired at him yesterday by a colored tramp charles brown rebidenco rot known brown was alao bhot by provincial detec tive fred campoau who with maboney was engaged in affecting his arrebt and that of hia partner cv o moore a white man charged with robbing a city storo at tho point of a pistol detective mahoneys wound is on tho right breaat he suffers from shock also- killed by lightning tuiionto april 27 during a thunder storm on thursday avillie the second son pt mr david youmaub of scarboro was btruak by lightning and killed instantly he was standing near tho door of tho stable his father wab btandiug some threo feet from him at tho time the hired man aud also mr7 youmans eldest son were iu tbo building at tho time none of them beomed to feel any of the effeot a of tho it ash the circuit rider christianity owes much to his zeal and endurance his life during the earl days of methodism in canada was often oneof great hardshlpthe story of one now enjoying a ripe old age from tbo bimcoo hoformdr in the early days of methodism in cau- adutho goapel waa spread abroad in tho land by tho active exertions of the circuit rider it required a man of no ordinary health aud strength ah iron constitution and unflagging determination to fulfil the arduous duties incumbent on one who undertook to preach salvation to his fellow- men it was no easy task thattbeso mon sot themselves to do but thoy wero btrongin the faith and hops of ultimate reward many fell by tho waysido while others struggled on andproapered and a few are today enjoying a ripo old ago happy in the knowledge that a lasting reward will soon bo theirs moat of the 00 old timers are not now engaged in aetivo church work but have been placed on the superannuated list and are now living a quiet life in town or on a farm free from tho cares of the world they await tho call to oomo up higher rev david williams who liveb two miles southwest of nixon ont in the township of windham norfolk county was one of theso early days circuit riders ho was a man of vigorous health and al though without any udvantages in the way of early education bo succeeded by dint of hard and constant study in being admitted to tho ministry he wothe first born in th flist h buil in gl nwc- georgetown mr geo kennedy tho founder of georgetown being a brother of his mother today be is seventy years old and for tbo past 20 years has lived in this county for many years ho has boon a batterer from kidney and fondrod diseases he tried all kinds of remedies and al though sometimes temporarily relieved he gradually grew worse until in october 1805 he was stricken with paralysis from this he partially recovered and recovered his fh b of thaj b ing was gay ou saturday night with roueio of the guards orchestra and the merri ment of nearly five hundred guests of mrs pol le tier wife of tbo honorable the speak er of the upper chamber the hosteaa was assisted in receiving by captain and mrs pelletior wrecked and his memory was so poor that ho could not remember tho name of tho person to whom he wished to speak with out thinking intently for several minutes one day driving to church bo wished to speak to a neighbor who lived next to him for twepty years but ho could not recall the name for an hoar or more in addi tion to his mental trouble he had inteubs bodily suffering pains in the head across the forehead in tho temples and behind the ears across ihetlbwer part of the skull and in tho joint of the neok he had groat weakness and paius iu tho bauk hips and legs in fact so much did he suffer that sleep was almost an impoiibility and be fell away in weight uutil he weighed only 145 pounds by this timo deo 1805 be became debpondent and felt that if ho did not boon obtain relief he would soon bid adieu to tho things of this world- on the 20th of december ho road of a euro in tbo lie former by dr williams pink pills and being seized with a sudddeu inaplnuluu at nnnft wrntn tn yt vjllfl f a bup of hev g r turk patttorof grace metho dist church winnipeg has boon lined for riding a bioyotoon the sidewalk mr a d hardy of branlfunl will succeed judge jones as county judgo of urautford that marvellous remedy immediate good results followed thoir use and he has im proved wonderfully during the past year he has recovered bis bodily health and strength is comparatively free from pain and hia memory is nearly ns good as it ever was atod as the improvement aontinuoa tho prospects aro very bright for opmplete recovery ho lias gained 20 pounds in weight hince beginning tho use of dr williams pink pills mr williams says i can hoartily ondorbo tbo many good things said of theso pills iu tho papers and strongly recommend them to anyone suffer ing as i was dr williams pink pills aro a blood bulldor aud uervo restorer thoy mipply the blood with its life and healthgiving properties thus driving dieoaso from the system thero aro numerous pink colored imitations against which tho public is warned the genuine pink pills can bo haif only in boxes tha wrapper arould which bears the full trade mark dr villisnisfink pills for palu people refuse alt others serious flooo at morris man people living in barns and the upper storeys of their houses rowboats used to got about winxiieii aptil j tho hood situation at morris and 90 tit i ments along rod river botweuu thero and winnipeg io reported to bo vory burioua j it rod river has risen to a higher point i in in iso yeutfqiid tho whole town of monib ih undor water tho water is up to the tops of debka in the schools and to the tops of storo countora people aro livinij in barns and upper storeya of thoir houaen aud can only moyo about with rowboats tho manitobagav- ornmont sent a btoamer from winnipeg to relievo any distress that might exist but tho people wero all found well supplied with proviiorb though of course suituriug many discomforts tho high water may lust a cnupto of days longer and thfifi winnipeg will got it however winni pegs locatiou is high and beyond the flooding of tho electric power iioubcs- and putting the oity in darkness it can do little harm nassagaweya sevorar- farmers in this section havo commenced seeding operations z mrstfohn taylor left on thiirbday for clifford to aeo her- mother mrs rennio who afod oufriday april 23rd agod years- the funeral ioqk place on monday mr bcndio bortuwickiofpn weducsday with bovcral car loads of cattle for messrs v iv stewart of fart moleod alberta and richard gibon of delaware ontario thq cattle are for mr stewarts ranohes in alberta north weet territory the regular quarterly communion and sacramental service of thokbenzor church will be bold noxt sandaytfmorning at 1080 oclock this will bo tbo last communion service in the conference year several farmers in this vicinity have received samples of grain from tho central experimental farm ottawa for bowing 60 trial and reporting h the regular monthly consecration meet ing of tho e l of c e of the bbenezcr church will beheld noxt sunday ovening the topic will bo given by mrs daniels aud the sunday school lesson by miss adamaon it is reported that mr l s alljbon has resigrjed the position of pbstmabter of knatchbulb his fiacceabor has not been appoiuted yet ashgrove easter holidays being over all around tbo grove have settled down to the quiet routine of life mibb w thompson of stewarltown bpent a fow days last week vibiting frionds in this vicinity tho frogs have been obliged to lay abide their musical instruments various times of our roadb which wereina deligtitfu condition after being levelled are being sadly out up again miss m nixou spent a few days last week with faiends in toronto mr matthew howson is at present very low again a consultation was held laat wednesday by several of tbeprominontlncal doctors who camo to the conolubtoo that there wero no hopea for hie recovery this news was recoived by all his friende with a feeling of deep regret aud much sympathy is extended mrs howson clipped horses and oveu cattle aro quite numerous in this vicinity this epring in former years it was quite a rare thing to be clip animal b after experiment- ing tho farmers olaim trie animals thrive much better a new gondron bicycle has appeared in this vicinity but will perhaps be aeon more frequently in acton and vicinity georgetown the following is the prize list of the annual spring fair held last thursday imported heavy draftlst j hainer 2nd n smiths king ardniorosa canadian draft 1st p rosss knock down king 2nd rutherfords jim fisk carriage 1st w hulls btarlight 2nd crawford glen coo readbters 1st j lambeb jupiter 2nd mccbrmackrt canadar the judgea of light horses x moorei brampton c smith guolph of heavy horses w hull erin j hamilton rook wood mr onnrgfl frnho an old and respected resident passed away on tuesday mora- ing of last week after an illness of some mouths from paralysis his funeral took plaoe on thursday he leavos a widow to raoufn his idas mr john modermid jr and mr l kennedy have purohabod the grocery stock of tho late mr john modermid and are carrying on tbo business at the old stand mr j j allen intends opening op a new grocery store at an early date in the pre- misefl recently occupied by mr d m mo- hndfri6mds dermid mr l kennedy has sold his t bakery to mr andrew adams who is now in posses sion rev o g langford u a oxohaogod pulpits last sunday with tho rev l perrin ju tbo morning and rov g a mitchell in the evening messrs kicklin a smith have dissolved partnership mr nicklin will continuo the tannery here while mr smith goes to acton to ran arnold bro leather tannery are invited by the home art society of decorative neecllevctk of new york to view an exhibit of silk art needlework and arrange for a scries of lessons the exhibit and lessons are free of charge miss ehlick artist and teacher is now at the rooms in the opera house block where stie will be pleased to see you and give all necessary information the compliments of the ziqrlerhincll co we have all the materials silks linens c necessary to do this week specikl ittclu j atiiwlisenunib cedaii pots wanted rpiuhty roiiikl finooth colar lioau ftvo x tncliuh in illiuiiulnr ut hiimll uiul apply ot apply 1 iipmoonh ill fined ladies a wlvfl tovcti of rljurnctor nklln to nam liionoy cn loam liowtotlo bo in a road cauho adurtme jahka galloway toronto ont agents i am jiiwt htnrtitik tho biht tiling for mouoy tuakliik ynuliilvn wcii for inmiv a day your una will hrliik th ijdltioti fnformtt- thchiak0ovtoroiitdont wanted ft indubtitlouh inirnoiih of ultliorsuxwlthfiooil ohnratilor mid comtnoii bcliool oilucatlod can obtain tiinployiuuiil for two months in this boininunlty smfhy toronto out very special values in dress goods silks and linens special value in 32 inch biadc silk mantle or cape velvet specialvyalue in velveteens and silk velvets fj we are selling 3 papers bestneedl6s5crejular5cy each v weare sellirig 3 papers good large pins for 5c ware selling 32inchinannelettes we are showing the very latest things in triirirned millinery and- millinery requisites- v w are giving very special value in hdsiery and gloves v ladies fast- black ribbed cotton hose fcr ioci a pair ladies better quality hose 2 pairs for 25c ladies nice quality mixed cotton hose worth 10c a pair 3 pairs for 25c at tile old store d we are showing the latest in hats and in wonderful values we are giving special bar in little boys blue serge sailor suits gold brajd and white c whistleand everything complete nothing wanting but the boy to make a coln plete little sailor you furnish the boy we do the rest for 100- older boys 2 piece suits youths 3 piece suits mens suits large assortment and all bought at such discounts as will enable us to give you any of them at wholesale cost the zieglerhinch co gue results prom exertion is what a person- should consider in choice of a bicycle those who ride clselkhd bicycles enjoy the very essence of hygeiiic fornfort and luxuriant pleasure thats why many people bide cleyelands models 27 28 and oprice 100 models 22 and 25 price 75 new improvements agent a t brown acton h a lozier a co toronto send for illustrated catalogue t this is your opportunity to get new spring goods- every thing new and uptodate we start the etilarging of our promibos in a fow days tjnti theu wo will take 10 per cent off tlio fuco of all goods purchased for cash everything marked dertwi in plain figures the latest in liresb dopda trimmings prints ribbons cheffons gloves parasols hosiery fj crretrtbrsrmrrhvor csjetcr s ijondon iihb iliia yaur tlio lilklienti rato ur unktloii in hurliiatory i miilk stop thg lehk you are paying ioo per cent interest- this srums a iiikii rale of interest for anyone to pay yd a number of you are paying it u ood many have stopped the leak for instance you pay tho tea pedlars i5c for io lbs tea 450 why not pay us 25c for 10 lbs saving over oo per cent because ours is better at 25c than their a at 45c pedlars are good talkers plausible fel lows hard to snake but if you want to save money learn to say no tell ihem as many others have done and are doing every day dont call again pleas we are paving ovqr j by buying from millman co tea specialists cuelph p s drop u9 a post card for samples sny what klna you use we will guarantee ours or money refunded 1roducc taken laces lace curtains etc our own importation all new just put in stock tine highclass tailoring gentlemen this will be your opportunity to ot a spring suit one of tho finest and largest assortment of new goods outside of the city everything guaranteed firstclass made by firstclass workmen tho best procurable in extant our assortment is complete in nobby neckwear shirts collars ouffseto hats hats wo do tho hat trade this is provon by the enorrious quantity wo aro selling wo have tho latest mobt stylish and bust goods in tho markot readytowear clothing wo have a largo range in boys youths and mens clothing wo are determined to mako this department a success if tho best goods at tho lowest prices will do it in fact we arb bound to tn nmkn our atore tho moat popular i libcrnlty in methods excellence of merchandise and iowdcsb of prices will do it wo want your trndo call aud visit woorgetowns livost store m wanted en and women who can wrjlt hard tlkug and wrirhb six hours dally foreiz dfcya a woo- and rllluo content with ton dollar weok- iy adcfrobb -r-r- r j- 1 kkvidiaa6braiitford 6t- afjptsv qle tloht 1opular xma ol jrler mjcty i hav i- tivor bociii wtltob- liord -lorn- about- jucoa viotorta baloo uiliirocodontod easy tu nikb live dollara dally dir corumlbioti outftt red- to oanvassora thfcj jhajey- oatibejtsonco tdt toronxoont wanted teachers ftrrltori iliysiclaiib and others or similar tialnlnc tor blabclab aohcldng will pay forty dallanr weakly and railway fare on dotuonatratlon of nocosaary ability the j1uadlky qahiietbon co ltd toronto ont public notice notice is hereby given tliat floblng and shooting on tbe stream rudning tbroagb tbo oast part of lot 29 90 at n tbo west part otlot 31 fn the 7th codcbbsiou nasbsgawoya are prohibited trespassers will bo proaooutod tinder tbo ootario kauiolawfl atton april 27th 1697 w h totiosbos no tbespassing the public is hereby notided that no flbbfng bhootlng or awlmmiug on tbe crook running through tho properties of mesirs itobert wallace joseph laaby and wilum brown in and near acton will- be allowed ah persons found guilty of trespassing will bo prosecuted as tho itatuenrovidcfl w stark actob april 27th 1907 fo farm 0j sale the underalonod oftors for salo the arm lot 2fl con 1 biqusing known an the dal ton farm the property comprinoa looaoroa 1 fifty acres cleared balance timtjored including a large quantity of good cedar the farm isbhu ated within about a mile ot acton apply to john ouuiinb hockwood po your spaee time men women to conduct bublnossat home work is simple writing and copying lists of addrossos received from local advertising to be forward od to us dailv no canvaaalng no previous oipevlenco required but plain writers preferred pormaneot work to those contcuc to earn 6or morowakly in aparo tlmo apply to warren pub co london ont the public health citizens abe reqtj8ted to compiiy with the ublio health act- notice ia horeby given that all residents of aotonaro required forthwith to cloan their collars draius yards pig styoa water closets and other outbuildings and premises and re move tberofrom all drtflltb manure or other snbstanco wh lob may endanger tbo publlo health and to have the aamo completod at latflflt by tho lqth day of may next on which day tho sanitary inspector will commence a sneral inspeotloa and further take potlco at the floouon of tbo lrjlio bomth act pro- hlbitlug tho koobing of hogs botwoon the loth of may and tbe latof novombor excopt jo pons at least 70 feet from any dwelling houae and 50 feet from any street or lane with tho floors kept freo from standing wator and rogularly cloanaod will bo strictly onloroed all citizens aro earnestly requested to keep their promises eons tan tly clean and thoroughly disinfected a e nicklin rcovo of tbo municipality aotou april 13th 1897 about that wheel dont makothomiatakooc going out of town to purchase a wheel i can give you hotter value than yon can possibly got elsowhore if you want tho best got a stearns aak where sou will of rider dealer mechanic they will sll you the samo story stearns bioycloa aro above criticism possessing more general grnco- anddaslrablaqualltiab boaatlful linos stylish finish yot perfect strength oaeo of running than anv ohor bicycle six modola wd throe pricoa for a good wbeol at a low prldo tho ohio isadnilttod by the trade as the boat value on the markot for tho money strong and durable w stabk agent bee samples achaviua store the ij nstinsonstore rooksmooxj mens tweed suits to order for s700 now is the time to buy spocial harfiaina in hats this week confederation tjitpjg association is an old established and reliable com pany and etijoys tho confidence of tin public jjolicies issued oc all popular plans ralcalvnys favorable r j corbett john j lawaon gcncralaont local agent for acton and viclnilyt gibson 7vti llmr gg roeblockhin st krpduoetakrrln exchange ceoroetown every dayrbarkaln day timothy y anu cloirer seeds specials at rloore vrr t is w eek south cor mill and main streets acton o f goodeve 8c co acton new summer goods we will open up on saturday a fine new stock of summer goods consisting of hose underclothing hats corsets ties gloves collars dress goods shirts laces etc etc r a bought 1ok cash also crockery fruit and confectionery c f goodeve co acton warizer l 134 jcingstroetx wanzer and ovn jnit tue uilng forinnimor safe sure 1 chp dbbt in tho w hvm monovi work worry checpor tbku woodorcoali aiwyi roady onri lamp with waqmrovonwill eobk largo tur- u kov or uam liloraatlnnor btoamtng aa you nrorar wo will ho ploaaoil to glvo youinlonnatloii mfti co hamilton acton- livery bus line tlio uikloralgii oil roaiootfullyaolioluthiilroni ago of tho publlo and informa thorn that a well equipped and styllth rg oan all waya be seoured at ul table a oomtortalils bua mootaal trains botwoon 0 am and ilprn oarolul attention glvon to overyorlor thowonuof oommerall travwi- leri folly mot john wjtlums paopaieron

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