Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1897, p. 1

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r s is volume xxhvno 1 1 acton ontario thursday may i 1897 vllwk tiree cjsmis ib 1 uflllhui d evlry tuuiibday morning at 1uk irceprtbbstciim priiitlnp olllt c mluti st11let acton ont tenufl oirsuuacmjtios ono dollar fur unr btrtfltly tiiaihatico all ibhorintloiia dlboqu tluuod when tho timg fur wl loll tlioy havo boon paid has oxnirud fho dato to which ovory subscription is paid 1b denoted on tbjp addrosa label advehtiarsn hatkb trans isttt advortlbo moots ll ooiits for nonpareil liuu or 11 rat in nortloii j conta pur llnu for each subsequent itisortlon covthact luikstlio njllowitjc talho hiiowb ourratoa for tho iiibortion of adotiboinotfor bpoolllod purjods blaok llyu i0 jj mo i 1 mo few 00 i 9i5 00 i 2 qd i 7 00 1500 0 00 j3o0 300 j aooo ia oo 700 a so i 0 00 i u go f 2 00 i 100 iew wall pper vi days bookstore cuelph ont me sjll the host v ill piper fur cither 5c 7c ioc 12c 15c or 25c 30 tuoeoir loldohea 6 lngbbs lluoh advorttsouionts without specific directions will ho inserted till forbid and char ftod accord logly transient advertisements niubt ho paid lb advance advertisements will bo changod onco each month if desired for changes oftonor than 0000 a month tho composition mubt bo paid for at regulai ratos changes forcontractadvortjaonionta must ho in tho olllco by noon on tuoadajs h p mooite editor and proprlotor usincfis ffiimiorp 0 our borders ceilings mat6h oue papers o we-ire-fre- to buy where wc like be cuise ue pij cash for our goods ind therefore lne the choice of the american foctpnes lit mwtstgoods we buy cheiptr im sell i ouor thnn competitors idon t be deceived hv chtffan i chcel see day s stock the bil aluo he tjaes vi days bookstore ghtj3lph day sells cheap traders rank of canada authorized capital i ooo ooo paid up capital and 795 ooo surplus assets over s6 3o0 ooo llottrjj till im tticft widdzng 01 all me ltt xjbejivmd-cm- offlco and rosldonco cornor mill frederick stroota aoton as ejltiott m b m p actpu oltaduatb toilofcto unnehbitv office main street third door south or trosbytorian church actoh veterinary surheon lrbed p husband v s oraduato of tbo ontario veterinary college honorary member of tho utorlimry medical society opfici u kubbauds lot 21 con 4 nasa ngawoja callb day or night promptly attended to dental l bennettlds dentist aponobtqwn ontaj1io dr r p mercer dfntiki gractuato oftoronto university and it c d b office over drui store acton vihitimi da tu nnnvy and tiupay jm bell d d s ld6 pkstibt d110okvk1e honott olladuatk of tollonto ushfiibit work made satisfactory prices modorato vimiw dah tuesday and trlday of each wtok how do e these p stbike you m clean mclean harris ora sollcitora notaries convoyaucors sic prlvato funds to loan office town hall acton wm a mclean jno a mclpan i psoin silts 9 lbs for 25c or jo lbs for 5r 00 sulphur fjlbs for25corjo lbs for 1 00 f kecf wine ntl iron 50c 1 bottle syrup orhjpophospbites 1 00 a bottle lnrpc size pure crtim of ijirtir joe 1 pound io ijlick ivpptr pure 15c t pound 10 refined borax pure 15c a pound insect powder 50c a pound moth cimphor 15c 1 pound a blood purifier liken it tin sensonof thejeir y mi prevent a serious illness our burdook and sarsaparilla bitters con tuning celery buchu cisciri ind other vegetable drills constitutesaperfect spnhf medicine being a remedy for ill disorders of the blood atomich her ind kidneys price 25c 1 or 20 dijs from this dite we will sell it 15 cents a pickage in order tj more widily introduce it quelph branch 3 suma of 1 and opwardh roceivod s on deposit andl porcont interest paid or compouudod half yearly deposit rceoipta issued for larp sums deposited advances made to responsible farmera on thoir own names no ohargo made for collaoling sales notes if payable in quelph a general bunking business transacted a i- h jonrs j as a tin tier linoleums from 25 to i oo sqr yd ii iohh hisl lollalll oh we ldlngb waro plenty in the blusoti juat oudod i tit clrtaln that twenty or moro i attdiidod an i ho brlhob oro as louly ab bildus always aro and each boemod a bright and 1 articular btar ii11l trod bivjft of one that wo love toyocall it was loillj tbo prottkst wedding of all thoiu vma no 1 rofualon of jowoie or laon ol yarda of illdaiou uor figure to graco ilut tlio brldo was moot simply and tastefully dros t lu the stylo and the color ibat suited her boat ami trod hi v blunor b htood at my atdo s ltd j novor bohold a more beautiful bride i baidly pocd mention tlio fact i presume h hut nil my attention was fixed on the groom whoso face so reflected the joj of his heart tjhat in tho swoet scrvlco my own took a part and ob twas a scone wo romoinbor with prldo rorfrod was tlio bridegroom and 1 was thobrido sqtlttt 3familu bailing t alex j stewart family and jdlspens ing chemist t cuelph ont d ouglas a mthwbff- uaitmateith solieitors notahies pto oppickb 1g96 quoon bt parkdalo victoria chambera 01 victoria st telephone 297 toiionto john douqlab a g munitay a j mackinnon llallltlsten solicitoil coswianckh opi ice cornor mill and main strto t above kopmau a store acton rp g mathlson j b mcleod jl m aitmutens boiicirons coneyascnta qeorgotowu and milton mpnov to loan at lowest rates tj j monabb clark fourth division court county of tlal on convoyancor aguut 1 iroaud lifo aeaurauco ileal fcbtato agent mouoy to loan etc oppicib 1 orryman sulook aoton ont miscellaneo us h enky grist ottawa canada solicitor ut falu vim tlmr et prepare applications for tho canadian amor lean aud european patent olllcos and for the uocistration of irado marks tiand for 1 am pbiot thirty two years experience f ranci8 nunan bookbinder vvvudhamst guolph ontario ovor william b store vocount books of all kinds mado to order period leal of ovory descrlptloncarofullybound llullncnoatlvntii oromptlvdono isf arriagb ftnrnbefl ii p moohi ifhltkjl 01 maimiaoe llcfnheh prh ateojjlc no wiiiicebcb required isfeued at rovidenen in lho ovenlog i froo pobb olllco acton aoton machine and repair shops hevbyobindelii lrontiotor arewoll equipped with all tho machinery nooeaaary tooxouto all repairs to machln ory and agrloultural tmploniuntb and to do all kinds of steam fitting bona shoeing and reneral blacksmith in if woodwork ropatra poriormod id a satisfactory manoor wo can repair any maobino or implotnont of any wake haw gumming and filing dono woillnfiton mutual fire insurance company ebtadlishsd 16i0 imsuiiahob on oaaltand mntaal plan any coinmunlcatlona forward od to my address hox 638 or tolophone os will be promptly at tended to john taylor a fie nt guolph 189798 inzkjl phpgrs styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st qeorqb s square quelp h business college shorthand institute ovelpb ont suimuok iacilithb lot tliorourli and practical cournos of htudy bookkenlnft htftortliand aud tyiiowritinq couraob a specialty oraluatos ajibliitau to pobitlons 1 all 8f8s10n8 commencos sopt 1st write lor circulars j sharp principal m hemstrelt lloknbbd aootionebb for tho gountlos of wolllngton and halton orctorbloftat thofnea piieflb offlco acton or at my rosldonco in aoton will bo promptly at tended to feoe roducod to 96 oo for farm sales also monoy to loan on the most favorable sums and at tlio lowost ratos of interost in sums of 500and pwarda acton saw mills and wood yards jz7uris broj11zin mahuracrrunkit anp dkalbb in dumber iath 5ifntffov wo oil ito all kinds of wood in stock ami promptly dolivared to any part of tho town at r iiuonub j prices flnrdwool and slabs out a tor o length alnnjn on hand tolxplioua a imuititilcatloi w barber bros georgetown ont hake a spscaijy of machine finished book papers and high ouade weekly news tho paper used tn this journal is from ho abovo mils wm barber a bros more than half your life is spent in your shoes 3hen whynethave them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot shoe store mill street acton oilcloths from 12jc to 45c a yd japanese matting- for summer comfort unex celled healthful and inex pensive from iscts to 35cts a d special department for these goodsonst george x square ground flcor excellent hgnt j m bond co guelph lntrincc wjntllnn st or st gtorge b sq a- ecision s tvl1sh phinc uitincs our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection puces right also styles shaw tuiinek merchant tailors guelph the ij nstinsonstoral rock5i0od mens tweed suits to order for 700 yo lu l s in ii yvs thib wclk acton e0llee fl0ue mills jhm9sclhrk propibtor iii inpf lulled the nbon mills for i term ofjcirsltm in 1 pobitnn to supply the vvauta o publicwith t4iebobt-jufthtio9-of- roller flour cracked wheat mill feed ind all kinds of chopped i ctd required ah our flour will contain tho proper percentage of no 1 manitoba hard wheat my lonp experience in the milling bust neas enables mc to assure mtiifiction to lvery pitron i will be pleaded to meet ill old customers of the mlilaml nnny ntu ones i nm prcpircd topiy the lnghtst current prices for wheil onts ind pis for use 111 said mill telephone town orders from urovwi b drug store lxohangint when and chopping 1 specialty james clark job printing including books pampblots fosters iui lloads otroulars ifro 4o executed in tho boat stylo of tho art at tnpderato prices and on short do ice apply or address h it mookifl f pabh fnkss office aoton main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect arid contractor manufacturer of sash doprs i ramos moulillue in all stylos dfiessiifo ma tchino and moulding to orduron short notice wall assorted stock on han3 at prices tosnl tbo timob john cameron pr oprlotor -acton- livery bus line tho iindorslgiied respeotfullr solicits tho patron ago of tbo public and informs thorn that well equipped and stylish rlgi oan all ways bo beoured athlsstablofl a eomfortahle bus muotsal trains between 9am and 816 p m careful attention given to every order tbo wuts of commercial travel lors fully mot john williams pnornibton ibid cabe said the judge with a eerioup yet half tender glance at the papers before lura ia ono that cnlibta the ardent aympaihicd of the lamen and tho more ardent interest of tho lem studont to hear jude xlolbrook ppeaking thuu one mifjit have supposed that ho was beginning an uddreea to a jury its counsel for tho clai monta to a considerable fortune but in fact ho was in luu library ir inn own homo a oqe with his booki and his loirmru rttrfjyui beinj an advoott 111 the caeo at hand ho waj the presiding justlqo lie had been hdttiuini pttiently all diy to the beat eloquence that oalhoun county oould furnt h a half iozjii ltwyorh 11 each bide had lu i linn or etht hourd and all through that timeeoinchody h til boon talki tu hli 1 hoiiih lnwjtr i been endeavoring to co mnci hun ai to lie propor diipositi m of jonah iuliai r n enornioua forluno it nai no v tvininy jurist ii ilhrook had dined laisurely afltr a long etsai in andthonihtd taken up tho hi iff- with their hundre 1 rofcro 1 a fir t 0 i icion tious perbonul study tf the ioimih itiv lved it never for a muntin p incd hnu to render a decisiju ntaiihi a perfectly pre pared case ho uurrthi pud the law and it may bo ho txpen iilc 1 un added p otmnro in finding that tlio htntuies wrro proofd ayaidbt iho clpvertat httueka uf the ad vooatea ho took up the cmhq 111 haul with aa much spirit ai if he had not httttnrd to it alt day it wab hm habit to btm tlio con eideration of fine prohlonin liy npeakiti hia vtowd aoui f tt ho ha 1 been 11 famous pleader in hia jouugr do a und ho found that it helped him to eoucentrate hia atten tlon on his work to argue the matter aa if ho wub trying to convince a third party here m a widow a mobt ealimablolady whose lifo mtiat pisb m abjoot poverty if the law does not sustain her claims associated with her on the airno bide and similarly circumstanced are aoverul oung people end two very old ones and there is lho he liflio tbo loss of this suit mjuini t l nf in it- romance ah well all iheso are good peoplegood rood est generous and jet so situated that a trio of the law may make them miserable for life i cinnot help feeling forry for them tho judge taubod and glanced admiring ly at the pages of the brief judgo hoi brooked eyes twinkled with pleasure as be oame to a seiftouce of remarkable brevity and more remarkable lucidity the win veranda is grtatly excited tho huopieion in htd face had become- desperation softly ho pulled tho ourtajns asldu and stepped into tho room tho judge stoop ing over the lamp and volumo in tho alcovo uover taw nor hoard him rapidly and noidelesafy the intruder crossed tho library and parsed thruugh tho open door to the dark parlor ihoro ho pautjud an instant that nu e ea mihi acotlatohi themeelvej to its gloom then ho picked hia way pasr tho chairs and tables to the dining room und to to tho kitchen ihoro a colored servant sat doling tho intruder ahook him by the shoulder huh i vhar you cojjjgmrum ex olaimed the darkoy awajhng trom your maalor returned tho des peratb man harshly rrom do jedgo yob and hes tn a temper about you you lavy raadal 1 he wants some ico water got it ready at ouco do you understand x in bia dootor and he a not well horo fill this pitcher and talte it up to him i will bo preparing eomo modi cinq while you re gone llalf auloop tho darkey did not notice that the bolf styled dootor had poured a white powdor into tho bottom of tbo pitcher ho fjhod it with water and ico and started to tbo do on hfr way to altoona dow curtain rustled but the breczo failed to arouso a whiepor from the leaves of the troea of lho great oleanders growing on the lawn tho judge turned over a page of tho brief with a craakling sound of stiff paper and the curtain bhook with the was it tho breezo a genuine lawyer routlcdgo hump den exclaimed tho jude smiling his brief has put the olaimanth case in a nut shell and so bouutifully that it is almost suro to win ho ait down hthia big chair and turned over tho pagea of a musty volume in soarch of some of tho references in liwjer hamp dons brief tho curtains at his back stirred again they parted slightly a little wider a mand face appears there eager buapiotoua cruel repuuivo tho curtama fall again together with a quiver and the tree tops can just whisper timoroualy to gothor undor tho influbnee of a whiff of air that not stir tho oleanders near the ground 1 and to think resumed the judxe putting hampdens brief aside and taking up another of tho personality interested on tho other side no or minal over glared at mo from tho dock with more vicious vindicative 030s than roanoke walton old tthafors nephew a man of evil propsnbl tiep eolflsh hard hearted to whom the poaaesbion of a fortune oould confer no good hut ih cultivation of bis bid naturo his claim in natural equity oould not btand for 0110 instant before that of tho other lho cur divided again and tho name f i and pawiouate peered for an iuatant at the judge even as it waa looking the jadgo began again in a half declamatory tone that tho eublirao fabric of the law should uphold tho olalms of suoh a mon slcr ib 1s unfortupate judgo hoi brook could go no further than this onticiem of the law but if it proves that tho law upholds his claim he mubt be supported by tho benoh lor several minutes the judge bubied himself over ihb defendants brlof analyz ing the sentences consulting references and jotting down notes presently the judge robo to his foot thoro is another point i he exclaimed lu johnstone versus hayne i recall a rimi lar situation was disolosed and on my word 1 do bfbop jtoutlodgo hsmpden failed to bee tho bearing rn this caw it will tend stfongy in hia favor if my mem ory p the doouion la correal flow pleas ant it would be in this case to find tho law 011 ihosido of the iimocantl he found tho volume of reports in which johnbtono versus hayne waa rt corded and read iho points and decision with evident ratisfaction the man 011 tho seqse mo jedo ihati dont hear ye bosaid inafnghtened tone hear me pbilo repeated the judge without gtanuing up ho wb delightfully absorbed in applying the decision in john atone versus hayne to lho cibo in hand 1 yaab jedgo answered philo colloquial for philoatratub yere e de ico water an dootor ii tic ornuud livolv with the medicim lho judgo wab too intont on htudy to notico ihilos rumbling excuses tor a full minute the darkey stood there tray in hand befove tho j ido tooke 1np absently and sai i oh vei 1 ih lu t wniit lto vater but 1 ui obliged it will fhril guol beit reo to bed philo tho darkoy pone 1 his oycb 111 astonish ment blared ut hia tinjlojer a monuut and preoi iihtul sought the kitchen thero ho met the eouk su in treft ex citemeut wha j 0 1 done ou bruik nite th who txo aimed d t h r niui dun bl me en 001111 ut dtteuiiiali nu hf pit white stutl 111 do icl uhttih an liht ui fore ou joet gone an nn fore i c uld coti h him dat fixeh do jilgo anyhow mil ere yoovo boen an uvo do jango pien 1 with a ireat ijanp uf ftar pluto sturtcd again for the library followed hy suo as they stumblo in jn lo uolbrook was putting an emp led ulath upon the table to do l lai jedue crud philo eei ing the glttsa and piteher ou done drink dat pizen wutuh ohjlmaroy jedge say you done knowed all bout it an trowed er aiuft outn do winder i did 11 t know for ahu judi0 i toign ho wan de dootor oh oh 1 tl ojudgo roue from hia th tir in aatonnh ment tho juntt stared an tntt nt at hia tornfled servants put lua haiuu gropingly to his ojeb und fell heavily to tho floor it was tho morning after the judbs study into tho great will cslbo a physician stood by his bedstead while philo and sue mute with anxiety listened near by you areiu no danger judgo hotbrook said tho phjflioian there is no ueed to worry weve brought jou through all right thero isn t a paaticle of poison loft in your system and if jou want to get up and walk around to day you oan do eo and you can bo perfectly easy about walton ho has been identified as the man who put the poison in tho ice water aud he is now in jail awaiting jour action i am jjlad to hear it was the judoa roplj if you will lot mo get up i will go down to tho court beforo the afternoon session is over l the physician interposed no objection further than tp na him nrtt fn nvmriin wo read n touching incident tho other day of a swedihh young woman who upon landing in new york hastened from the groat steamship to tho station of tho pennsylvania central railroad and hurried into tho cur with a bundle in lit r arms coutainiug all her earthly posses aline 1 sho 1 heed horaelf on the edjo of tlio boat as if aware that she had reached the last utago of her journoy holding herttcket conspicuously iu one handand a letter fn the other sho could neither apeak nor understand english but wbn the conductor camo along handed him hor ticket and allowed him tho word artoona at the head of ier letter written in very largo and dia- tinot oharaoterh at frequent intervals when the conduo tor entered the oar to collect the tickets ehe invariably grasped her bnndle and rose to greet him saying tho only word in her inglieb vocabulary altoona with a strong foreign acoeut tho conductor shook hia head good oaturedly and shouted far off in bis endeavor to npako her understand the situation but with a puzzled anxioub look she would resumo her seat only to spring up again ab hie ra appearance with tho same eager query altoona after each d a careless petitioner himself tho judgo was perfectly calm and before leaving tho bouao ho glanced ovor the piperd ho had been studying wfaon the draught of poiuon interrupted his labor tho judge received the congratulations gravth and when j10 had taken hid seat on tlib benoh other business was suspended to hoar what ho hud tu aaj last night he bcun and everybody suppoaed ho waa about to refer to the ax tempt to kill him i took the papern in tho cae of tn itfer and otherb voratis wal ton i fave them careful ptudy 111 order to free myself from any sympathetic in tcresta with the contestants and to deter mine tho stnat bearing of the ihw upon the points at isiup becauao of ccrtuin 01 r oumstances personal to myaelf i cannoj redder now a complete opinion in writing an i had intended to do at this tinin this deficiency i will make up at an early day at present however i can announce my decision in briof which is that the law clearly shown tho defendant walton to be fully and indisputably entitled to tho estate of joaiah tehafer and judgement is accordingly rendered for tho defondant judgo holbrook was very pale as he pro nouueed these word a and tho crowded court room was as sileut as if a funeral oration was being delivered the judge himself was the unit to break lho rilonce as ho roao from hia chair to icavo tho place at that moment thero whs a commotion t t a flushed audaxcited man camo in and edged hs way to where tho county sheriff sat thero was a whisper ed mesrao and then tho sheriff rose with a startled air and sa d your honor i am crulibly informed that tho defendant walton has hanged himself in hia coll and is now dead judge holbrook uevtr stirred for a full jninnto while al ej b ero fastened upon him his face fn ltd aud his oyes glistened at liat hu at id in that oatr i uhall wi o out an opinion upon which 111 j recent dee ton was based deliver it to 1i10 court at an oarly day this event howewr will i avo lho plalu tlffd tellafor and othere 111 undisputed possession of the property until this day at issue the iayv4a vindicated aud if i may depart for one moment from my judical oapaoity i may say that i am glad that it has ooma about iu this way bos ton ohbr beat- herself again aadly open hor letter and read tt with the dee pea j interest the tears often fulling blowly down her cheeks her anxiety and desire to reach her des tinalion were bo genutno that her fellowl travelers began to watch her with eyrapa thy and speculate ab to tbo reabon of her impatience tho hours passed blowly on aud still the conductor shook hie head when bo saw her ee fastened appeahnly on ins face while biiq seemed ready to jump us tho train approached ouch station with muto lip- ajid ptlu tuisu faof she constantly referred to hor tetter ud if to taihor courage and ptiono3 for lar long wailing the sympathy of tho paiiongers waxed greater as her disaapointment dpopened with each deluy until at last lien the conductor beckoned iu her with a smiling countenance h tho tram nlaolm its bpeel t litre wan all ui nou an mih ri of mutisfaction throughout iheotr wlitn she oiujht up her bundh aiid hntoned beaming looks to tho door to ho ful led in a pair of btrongyoung amis tie a tall htal wart man entered tho oir b fire tho trim had f lirly atoppo 1 everybody was 1 hvrtjtttd ail q iduion ed tho conductor tthnit her ili 1 quired of thu people ai tho il pot wh told imn that thl4 poor young btnngor hu 1 crosgd tho ocean braving all itt crin nl 1 to meet tho piati whom tho i vu i nil hid promidod to marry in the ol i oouutrv tho pabsengere crowded to the windows to watch the happy pair jo huud in hand up tho hill trj tho littlo home he had pro billed for her where the 31 1 mat or woa wail ing to unito them in marriage 1 i saw iu one of the papers the other day said a gnswold street lawyer to a detroit free ifenn man duuioihnit about the oareloaa h iu which moat men eijn petitions and it reminded mo of a rutin r remarkable case in an ohio eity a shrowd but unacrupuloub member of tho bar fixed his ambition on a government oflico in tbo plulq und caused to bo ctrou lated atf quietly as posaiblf soverul peti lions asking for tlio removal of thoinoum bent of the post on a fairly pfuucible pre text duly sot forth theae petitions were placed in tbo hands of bo conbpiratora who found little difficulty owing to the oireloasnesa men tionod tn gotting numerous mgnatures tboy wero forwarded to washington und the head of the department to whom they were referred bubmitted thotn to the con grosbman of tho distnot in whtah tho oflico waa looated that gentleman being a warm personal friend of the ofhoml whose removal was aakedr aont the petitions to him without ab much as examining tbem but with tho suggestion that the official bean them corefully anil quickly fot up counter petitions 111 hib own favor the official reooived them in surprise for the soherao bad been bo quiejly worked that ho being a man deeply absorb 111 his duties had reawy notheard them on running over utiem ho was dumfounded information a conception of tho ingenuity involved in tho construction of some of tho floor tools now employed in various msnafaa turea may be obtained from the following fact a maobino for turning out watch acrowb waa recently exhibited at the inbti tuliou of mechanical engineers iu london which was eo complicated that several skilled engineers prosent confessed that they were unable to follow the train of mechanism even when it waa explained by the aid of working drawings yet this machine when tbo wire la fed by it goes on turning out perfect screws and as long ab the wire laata it requires no interference by its humau attendants the idea of hatching eggs by eleotricity may appear somewhat far fetched but electric incubation is not only being carried on in germany but is growing np 4nto a la md aiya lujluninfj london a strasburg electrician who iibb been experimenting for three 3 ears has found that with tho eleottcal incubator 00 chickens can ordinarily b counted ou out of pvery 100 oggs dealt with 1 by tho connections of several different linen telegraphic communication waa eatab imbed between derby and ope york auhlralitt a distance nf 7 2 id milos eaya tho scientific ameiican this is believed to be lho longest telegraph line in the jvo rid tho rate of transmission wua elcveu wordb a minute ihero were four teen repeating etaiionb a now half million do lar bridge is to bo built across tbo miaaiaaippi ut rook island tho illinois contrat has juxt ordered tweti ty four locomotives four big steel borfta aro to bo built to navigate lho lakes thq demand for heavy steel oasiings is enor moub carnage and waion makers are pre paring for the biggest yoar they have ever had thero id a strong movement in ungaud to unito the five mcthodibma in one lho names of thcgeare the wealeyautt new oouneotmii primitive treo church aud bible chribtian a narrow guage light railway is about to bo constructed along tho coast of tbo sea of azov from bcbastopol to yalta abont oiishty mi lea charity in judging character johnny you the mm est hatefulloat npitefuleat ttriug around tommy an youre thi u abbedest uglj lest father boys boya i you forget that your mother ib in the room hubty judgment of the notion of othera ib d andoftej upjuut wo tneaa uretoo much by r onto gnpetfaorai a anno aud condemn hastily whon if we but know and understood iho motives and reasons we would warmly approre we bomttimea say of bo mo ono that pain sorrow or iosh has not rteeply u tie c ted him but wo do not know it ia like tho death of a fow of tho soldiora in front tf a regi men the broken ranks close up again into tho solid phalanx and 4 ho loss is not app ont there may be no diborgantea tion no surrender no craving for pity no displty of deapuir it is like tho calm duzz ng play of the waves warmed by the morning a sun after a night of storm und disater thero ib no sign of tho wreck tho u lo has carried the debris away far out on tho ooean the treachoroua water has swallowed all signs aud tokens of the nights awful work wu see only the fair nfhflotlho morning not the suffering of the 1 ight let us be charitable in our judg tent and oondomu not when wo know not wiiium h honor joiiikim in may i tuli home journal seventy million peoplo know hoods sar saiarilu purifies tho blood strougthens the pyulem aud gives ood health to hnd his own name among them he then vaguoly recalled signing a petition for something or other without queatton und realized that he had been cleverly duped into asking for his sjffn removal hy a sharp fellow who knew enough about this failing of the average man to ruk hubmitting tho petition to him purely n a joke the official had no trouble letting stronger patitions ubkiug for hia retention aud ho kept the place 1 a story with a moral lie walked into hu ulhci hum up his hat and sat down at bid tlrsk but soma how he oould not work ihnnri hud gouo wrong with hm jus i uniness plans hud failed tho jcoplu who owtd him u debt of gratitude for kindly kervice had ehown themaeeb hoiiilu 1 r 11 liffereut and under 1 hu prtauro of vnrnul ills hu felt that iuh lualth wna hlunil u to tive nwv it is likely lhti but for inm limit he would have htd h b ue iu that one thing wart an urgent eall to visit a dllren el fnmily when it cnri- he wte at flrat miride 1 t ta no but on r jko tton ho couulu lu 1 that he oiuitt to g on reaching the h hihu ht to imt tliu father and mother both riuk in b 1 without pro or nursytof iiililiuoi mtteiiiion an i 1i0 mle ohllureu 1 oorly fupplltd with tool it beomu neeerairy f r hnn llirelore to turn comforter to rutd iht b ripturo uu i to prai i hen he went out nvitpttit uu hour 111 bringing tnu nebit f the fttnily to the utteniiou of kiud hearted f iuikih who wore able to give help and returned 10 his oflico with tho most u iiih burden loir in bkeung oiliers he had gained tu hlei lot for himself this cubo ia far from ihiil mi t tp tioual oue who of 11 j huh not luariud that the dieenchautmont of pergonal bur rows often coinos through thu cliauiul of dibtuttrreuted activity iu behalf uf ihone whose condition is wordo than our own when we feel the load growing heavy qu our hearts the thing to do id to consider whether there is uot some ono elde with a still weightier burden who is wailing for us to lend a b el ping hand the spirit of helpfulness is the bpirit of joy iu every sense it is more bleaeed to give lhau to reoeive till davh djmanv god fivoua mon i a tlino llko ttilu uu nmln stroukuilndh krtat llonrtb truofaltb nmt ruad hatidfi men whom tlio iubl of olllco km h iiol i1i1 mon whom tbo upollu of olllco caunat i u mull who pobhoflb owliiloiiti and a will men 7j10 havo honor muii who will nt t liu mon who can stand before a doiuauofuu and damn ilia treachoroua flutttrloa without wlnltlni tall 111 011 buii crowned whotivo uljou tho fu iu publli- duty and lu prh atu thluklut for wlillo tlio rabblo with their tbiunb worn crooda b ttiolr largo professions aud their little doojfl mluglo in aolflsh strife lo froudoin weeps wrong rules tbo laud and waiting justice sloops rdn j o jiollasd varieties a lump of sugir saturated with vinegar u highly recommended as a remedy for hiooougb tho foreman of a factory employing j 000 mon says that iu lino weather they thru out 10 percent more work than when it is stormy or otherwise disagreeable the iutluencejof temper upontho tone of tho voice desodvos much consideration habits of querultusueb or ill nature will commuuicato a cat like quality to the aing lug as infallibly aa hey give u quality to tbo speaking toieo nervo peoplo ohould eat fat food andvjvery tmtato t and exhausted nerve abould if possible be coated with fat his psescription when dootor john tubbd opened an office iu lexmgtou avenue everybody pro dieted that ihb venturo would be a failure there were already nine physicians in tbo block and only one of tbem bad any prao tioe to speak of but dr tubbs wat not discouraged to frisodo who ad him to settle in harlem or some country town his one answer was i will succeed here i havo discovered a prescription which will bring me aucaeia anywhere just let me get a start wub one piiient aud hun dreds will follow the flrat patient came two weeka after he had bunfc out his shingle she was a pretty but bored looking ouug woman ten miuutea after alio entered dr tubbs oflico bbe came out flushed and smiling and sho read tho prescription a dozen times on her way home each timo uttering low exclamations of delight next day nine women all frfouda of the flrat patient called on the doctor every one pat 1 her feu gladly and went away happy readiug the precious prescription over and ovor again ou tho fifth day sixty boveu women and youug girls filed in to the doctor olfioa beforo noun threo days later tho number of the day was just ode hundred iheu women began to pour in from brooklyn and new jersey and the dootor had to employ hoveral astudtaiitf says the now york journal finally in order to save timo ho had his prescriptions pnutod on slips of paper with blanks to be filled in with the named of the patiouts and every caller waa lad tu pay 83 00 for a slip tho predcriptioti was ad follows a bicycle udo after each meal mid at nfght before retiring john tonim m d just for fun mrs wei i me 11 1 but why dont you porgnbffithyoiirlov6rahiue hu drinking habits norah 7 norah araah mum oi hato t ephoile bis face before warriugo who made you asked lho primary toucher the little girl addressed evident ly wished to be accurate in her reply god mado me so long indicating the length of a bbort baby and i growod tho rest gilhooly wore 30u at lho bradley martin ball t gua de smith oh jes i wts there how wore tho ladies dress ed low and behold was the re ponae irish wit tho eleventh haaaare had arrived in dublin ono day and after a levee at tho cabtle one of their officers walking down sackvillo street in full dress was met by two irishmenfresh from the country quite itsggeredl by the glittering aud gorgeous apparltiou of blazing gold and blue the oil said to the other with a aljarp nudge iu the ribs and a look of ex rfttfrue fan w but sliouldn t i like 10 pawn him with the fat should be combined grain foodd and vegetables for strength and fruit to keep up a healthful couuibtenay of the blood tho oyeb will bear a high temperature up to a certain limit hue above that the difference iarvery m irked lor in stance workers in smelting housed can look at tho- molten metal without trouble uutil it reaches s oou degrees fahrenheit but aboio that ihej are obliged to wear a ored glasses it ii fai i that if a ttam 1 inohned lo pull inevt i iiil tn uhlo uiuy bo remedied by uiihiiehtug thr- in 1 le tmc a mil crcea un them to as t havo the kuiii 1 h irse at tuuh d 1 1 1 liu hu ui a end of eich ainglu tree to eel n 1 of ra s wet a rg in n htrouj soldi 1011 uf ojent pepper and hliiff into any hole where rain or m o 1 are iuj poa id tote cover the whole with morta or wr 0 und no rat o mote will ut unipt lo n nv through th tmi o gt 1 oar tho p nilrx dostdby proxy an english mibbtonary to uganda tho hev r p she thus rotates one of hia odd- experiences in prescribing for tho nativee a man came to me begging for mediaine he aemed to get seriously unwell and i thought best to givo him a dose of euod fruit salt which at the worst would pro bably do htm no harm i prepared tho mixture and seeing him hositate about tak u it i felt obi liied to orde hn tn do an an awkward turn well remarke i silvcrthnrn looking over hit spoctnoli b al g i t in 1 moment and tumuli vor mioth 1 pl of h s per at then uiie mini jmrihhani h tn become 1111 arl ronlly won lerful r true reiuruo i go dte n o ith iptimt leallj hb ho htriiggied agmit tho bn bza to turn n pilo of h piper alnn i kn of nuthinu elno in thin wurl 1 that hai mado thu pr nrehh journalism hn during tho nineteenth century i toll on thn newe pipor is tho mouldr of the wort i tu day iti it is indeed 1 exol mmed silver ihono 4 yol mty put it down for gnapel ilmt anything ono ottn 1 find in tho paper now is not of much ucuouut i aatiuce ou exactly exactly repeated goldetein it id just as i said iu my speech before the mokmloy club last night i eiid oh how didyou get uloug with your ppeech isbt niht splendidly bir several told me it wbh the speeoh of tho evening why i bpoko for over an hour you did why 3 os 1 that a strange now ia it not re marked silverhorn looking through hia paper again i dont boo any account of it in the paper at all it was eomo timo before goldstein oould get the rattle of his paper btopped and when he did bo ho merely remarked that he firmly believed if england were to pounce on to turkey now the other powers would immediately unite against her any way i at once while it was effervescing he drained lho oup and then i told ho interpreter that the patient might describe bia symptoms moro at length if ho desired then it came out that he wanted tho medicine not for himself but for his wife no doubt the mnn tuppoaed that thid was tho white man s usutj method of treatment church of england salaries tho salary of the primtte archbishop of canterbury is tho goo lly sum of 87 000 per annum punctually paid the archbishop of york has tsoooo tho bi hop of london 950 000 tho bishop of durham j5 000 the bishop of winches ter 934 fiuo the buhop of bangor tui 000 thebibhopof bath and welle 825 000 thebuhopof lly 427jlx of glou ceutor2i000 of chester 821000 of lxeur hereford l eh field livtijoul llandaff mtnehoator ripou fit aiuph 921000 each of carhale liucolu nor wich peterborough st davis 922 500 euoli oxford salisbtir worcester s2o ooooach newiasilu 10 000 itochuntlr 910 000 st albans 910000 sodor and man 90 000 bouthwell 917 o00 juror 915 000 wakefield 915 000 get what you ask for at tho present time when thero ia so much substituting and deception practicod by some dialers wiiobo life object ib lare profit it is absolutely necoafary to say totholadiev get what jou ask for unbqfupuloua doators aro using every effort tojiell inferior and adulterated dyes whenever tho diamondv dyrs aro asked for v to avoid fraud and deaepttob tho isdiea will pleaso boo that tbo namo diamond dyes is on every packet thoy hay boar iu mind that inferior dyes rum par goods therefore thoy are a boiirco of loss trouble and annoyance diamond dyes aro all warranted are moro than twico tho strength of lho com mou dyes and sold fir the same price ten centa

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