Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1897, p. 4

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p- t jictmr iffras tuuitsday may u 1897 wt hnmo jollts wrong aiin out blio ilioni like tlio morning a ml aliuknaw that it would rfilu hho dlilun liko l brcnkfaut aiidnnnliort it back again atuooii tiaa worno titan ovor and alio urlud forcnkoa and liiu sho wouldnt ont liar illuiior audjdio would bit still anil vyy hho iwtitod till tlio ovoulnk of tliih very horrid day and all bconustfho oarly bbocotun thowronsvay varieties window shopping poverty fair g rasping money make8 woefully tired hands j ofalltbofthimalh tiiau iathp only born innate the niorohciidal ib spread out tlio thick er it gute wisdom alteivaijiceto introdqjcepitentb- to tlieir children j when one wbnrnu mceu- another theii f- comes tho tufiof war tho rouble with the liorn of plenty is that- most folks neglect p plug up the small end big words unflno clothes baid unole ebcn js berry frequently alike iu uo kib- bennmucb tbat rely mounts tor auy thing kobeun saya that ho novor had but one early dame and that ono baa made blm keep old timen in remembrance ever since by kindling tlio fire at six oclock ever try oub of thoee rubber flab- otfflbffqtrcduethateiirr rr only one said tho abu liar tuey ar no rood tho flab after bo finds ont bow he has bfleh taken lb diea of mortifi cation bo fore he can bo taken out bilkiua say old man i hear that smith is engaged in a bueineba that wont bear thb light of day wilkina yob dont mean it i counter feiting eh bilkiua ob no hos bniydeveloplrifl photograpbe why didnt johnny shovel off the walk demanded mr simpkine ab be bruahod the buow tiff hia trousers and dug aomo lumps of it out of bia ahootops tho poor boys back was eo lame i hadnt the heart to make him do it oxptainod mra simpkine apologetically huhi vhore ia bo now demanded hor lord arid master t dout know im sure igueaa yea thats liim over with that williams boy rolling tlio bo big balls to niake a fort lock tho door boforo tho boreo is atolon 1urify on rich and vitalizo your blood and build up your physical by fit cm bcfi ro disease attacks you aud bcrlotia tiokncs4 catnih iloodri sar- saparitla will mako you tronn and vigor ous aud will vxnol from your blood all ini- iuritioa and germs of dieoaae takoiioode sarbaparilla now hoods fills are ihu favorite family cuth artie euay lo take gentle mild iu uncle well robbie how did you stand at auhool last term itobbio aoinetimeijwith my fnco in the coruor and ubmetimetf up at tho teachers desk j i tantleep is the dally wall of thousands of humanity- who have suffered aa wm proudfoot ot huntsvllleha3 read what the great south american tjervlno did for him i was troubled with general nervonfl dobihty indigestion and aleepleba- nobs i tried a number of oucob and con- suited best phybicidndwithoutanybeueilt- twaw finallyinduced to give south ameri can nervine a trial t had heard of bomo greataureaby it i took it got relief from mybufferiuga and uftor ubing ono bottle aweet sleep pame tomr ifcpt like a child- six bofctlea have- cqmplotoly cured me sold by a x brown much in little is especially true of hoods rills for no medi cine over contained so great curatlvo power la 10 amnll apac6 tuoy aro a whole mcdlclu runt ntgaji ready al- ways efficient always sat bfactory prevont a cold or fever cure nil liver ills sick licailacho jaundice constipation etc 25c tbd only till to take with hoods sarsaparflloi cnhccr can be cured miracles today wlulnm h white of portuguoso cove racked by the torturon pf rhoumntlsm o quickly ro- llovod i and permanently cured by the great south american rhourpntlc cure i was a martyr to ucuto rhciimatim for yearn aji thr known rtmidiea and bent docltrtf were ivtn ictrial but rothiii over gavo mt any neruiauf nt rolipp tintil i obtuincd your gieatsotitb american lllieu- matio cure it huu done mo much for me that i gliumy ive my totimonythat pther htilfererh frotnstlio ugpiiiea of- rheumatism may taliu my iidvico uinl try thin great remedy i am hutibtitul it will cure them uh it ban mo bold by a t brown if be lombatothh were reliable tho devil would aoqu be weaing mouniug ridiii fumi the ieiijile iir geo buhkin rnisaionary for the luternatioiial miniiioii in algoma anjl ortbrweat lie writo i wiahti aaj- that dr fowlcra jlxtrnct of wild straw- berry haa been tdtnp a wonderful aoothlug apqcdy liud ijfeutiml remedy it has been rriy companion foraoveral ycara during tho labors- and cxpqsurtio of my rriihelonary work inralgomu- wou ttja or old- aud young to bayo ft in bturt agaiiist tlie timo of need wliicb f often cpmpa without warning s gko brhiun miaaionaryi toronto ont now or never iio that resolves to niond hereafter resolves not to mend now wtaero theroya will theres a lawyer dr lowapltasant worm bynip remoy- ea worms of all kimu from obildren or adults awilmng cent goes fnrtltor than a en iky dollar hollowayo corn uurodeatroya airrhtdt of corha and warta root und branch who then would end urn them with such a cheap v flcctual remedy within reach for bixyeara i suffered from cancer and got uo relief until i usehbhrddbk blood bittera i used sovob bottlee fuithfully when the oancer gradually dried up and finally disappeared i am now entirely well arid rejoice that by using b b p i have escaped death either from tho bur geons knife or from the cancer itself ai m z j t together just right hobaon dont yon think that martin girl is- frighlfally dull jobaon well hardly yon should have son tlio way abe oat me on tho ft venae yoeterday best and cheapest may a christian dance a st thomas roader of ttur fake press roiug3ta iasertion of the following para graph bob burdetto aubwera thiff question in his usual unique fahion may a ohris- tiau dance of course he may ho might swoar aud lie too but it would not make him a better chrialian surely christian you may dance but dadoing will hot iden tify yon afl a- christian what puzzlea as is that you aak the question ao often christians wjio donlt-dance- newer aakit yes chtiatinn ditneo if 6q oant live without it join hands with salome hero jinn and herod and circle to the left but dont bo surprised if you are mistaken for goate that in the aide they are on -why- the dodtor- coutdn op in a lady had been ill and under medical treatment for a long timo aa bho grew no better all thojwbile aba beaamediatrditfal of her physicians skill and did uotwibh to son him and yet wan not bold enough to jtolhimbo she communicated her state of- mindto her maid lavo im to me mam lavo im to mo 1 said the girl by and by tho doctor caroo to the door and bridget opened it about an inch isotlf bfr eaid abe but ye cant come in the day doclhor cant come in hows that v the mistress do be too ill for to see yo tho day air vtitltiis never was atreater truth than when aald of dr agnews liver pills 20c a vial little priced little doses but little terrors to drive out impurities jnd leave you a clear brain and a bright eye one loaf of bread may be light sweet and digestible you may use the same ma terials for another and haveit heavy sour and soggy the knack is in putting the in- sbflft avcgclabjcpreparalionfor as similating iherood amlrcg ula uig the slomochs andbowels of i n 1 a n iss c ii 1 li h kn promotes digestionchccrfd- nesandjtestgontalns neither opmmmorphinenor mineral kotnahcotic jittvt afpmsrsxmca ntojen ctmhui sugar is apprrcctnemcdy forcqnsiwi- lioivrsdur slomachdiarrhoea wormsconvulsionsffevcrisl- ncss and loss of sleep tac simile sig of exact copy of wrabperi that the ifac-simile- signature is on the wrapper of eviet bottiie oip loastflria oaitoha is put up in onoelio bottles only it lit not sold in bnlk dont allow anyeco to coll i too anything oloa on tbo pica or promiso that it 4ijnbt aa good and- will answer every pnr- a- bco that yon got 0astoria retlf in six hours do you suffer from coobtipation or other disorder arising from this caubedr agnowliyerpill8area8rfo and pleasant cure at all druggists 40 dosea in a via bold by a t brown v carat all blood dtseuei from common pimple to the wont 5crofulou 56re something of a poet g f rtqira mrvbtttabment recently appeared in a wtbtern paper julia my wife baa grown quite rude sho has loft mo in a lonesome mood sho has left pay board she baa took my bed she has pivep away my meat aud bread sho baa left trio in spito of friends aud church sho hue curried with her all my ohirtb now ye who read thia paper since hiiooui tide luoklesb cauer i will got pay one single fraotion of any debt a of her contraction editors table a new and improved form marks the opening iaauo of the ninth volume of tho canadian magazine this may number is exceedingly bright from every point of view and showa that the proftreso of oar national publication btill continnes ths whole u umber is an bxcoodingly brilliant ono dud will repay tho seeker after cither knowledge or pleasure alt who remember mr stephen bonsais brilliant snrvicea last winter aa cuban war correapondont of the new itork herald will bo intereutod in his atatement of the boal condition of cuba today whioh appears iq the may jieview of levities this ia tho latent atfthontfo snmmingop of tbo odban bitaation that haa been given to tho press and it ahonld be read by all who oaro to know tho facta horrible aa many of thorn aro connected with the heroic struggle for liberty whioh gomez and hia bravo compatriots are maki mr- bon- moat ofns bavo bomo occasion to envy the man that oan rcsfioot himself norway pine syrnp cures coughs norway pine syrup cures bronchitis norway pino syrup heals tho lungs there are persons who if they owned the earth would never bo happy becauso they did not alao hold a mortago on the heaveub a voice from vlrdcn- a substitute for scottsemul- sion may have the same in gredients and yet hot be a perfect substitute for no one knows how to put the parts togethr rswc do the se cret pf how is our busi ness- twentyfive years of experience has taught us the best way two irv i e tv jiml 103 scott llowne uellcvllle ottt the wonder of the ago dkak sii i must honcbtly aay that have tried your valuablo medicine b b b for tho disease called prairie itch aud bavo found this remedy to bo tbo wonder of- tho age i took only threo bottles and to my groat satisfaction was completely cured i can highly recommend it to all who buf fer from any skiti disease or impurity of tho blood hahom dix j portbeevxnt- ceo sealea a wellknown contrac tor of niagara falls completely restored by the great south american kidney curethou sartds more oan bear the same testimony i was a great suite rer for years with aoutd kidney disorder and pain in my bides when almost all other known reme dies had been fairly tried and had failed i was adviaod to take south amerioan kidnoy care one bottlo did mo bo much good i purchased two more and i am now completely restored- feel better than 1 have for live yeara its a great cure will givoteliof in bix hours and i delight in recommending it to others sold by a t brown xutureh mtdhiiic natures medicino for constipation livor complaintj bick hoadaclie biliousness jaun dice and sallow complexion ia lain liver pilla they aro a period inxativo nover griping or cauaing pain one pjll each night for so days will euro conhtipation sh i exclaimed tommy listening ut the door theres company in tho parlor how do you know inquired willie mammas calling papamy ipve 100 wetter milburns ileart arid nervo pilla aro curing heart and norvo troubles in every city town and village in canada mrs f abbey toronto says milburns heart and norvo pilla cured my husband who for fifteen years buffered with weak norvee caused by hoart trouble ho was bubject to paine in his bond dizziness fainting bpollt sleeplo39ucbb oto he is now free from thceo troubles nnd feels 100 bottor than when bo began ubing tho pilla nothing cuts prices like a a harp compe tition lit reply to olt repented- questions it may bo well to btate scotts emulsion aots as u food aa well as a medicine build ing up tho wabted tissues and restoring perfect health after watting fever- honoaty is tho easiest eort of thing to counterfeit burdock 1ills emull bafe and sure regulate tho liver and oure constipation g t 1 lfirgyirrdr yellow oil for tho past ten yoara arid iind it a splendid remedy for colic neuralgia bronchitis croop pains in the baok ulcerat ed and sore throat apruiua chilblains etc in fact we use it for almost every pain arid it always relievos juickly loan safely say i know of no other romody of tho sort that oan equal it we alwavn itoep a good atook in tho houee mna j i maikik virden man adversity doeanot harden-men- ittakoa- proaperity to do that castoria for infants and childreu that backing cough can he quickly oured by hsgyordo poctorol balaam price 25o p ainktfler rcniit davis a snro nnd safo remedy inevory case and every kind of dowel complaint la painkiller this fan true statement nnd it enntbo uiado too atrodtf or too ompbatlc itla a dlmplpi safo and quick euro for cramp co u gli jllieumatlsm colic colds neuralgia dlarrhmn cranp tootliacho tw 23c and boc faiv1ily should know that every should- k is a very romaikabla remedy both for in- tiernaii and kxteenaij nao and won derful in its quick action to ruovo diatrofls painkiller fitjzrsizi ii1ik lxurrlian liiiiiry lrniuiw lltulerut and u uuul couiulalnw painkiller sick noun hlrlt lonilnrlio lnlii in the ink or hltlc itlieiimulihiu anuntinriilain painkiller asfstfitlskk rialkc illrltct hitkiiv jim ifiihaskst ufiirr n mi cam or llrulmn uti hprulni hevero uunih vfc painkiller b kiidhafktti tirb uler will or tsxtcr nully- with mfulnirof rcllrf ikiwiro r liiilulinns tiku imn but tlo biiiuib ikliliy liavu holiuvitywiiftr- bleliulu tcry lutro botll- frt miatrehs who rang the boll then katy katy a boy mum lookiu for the wrong numbrir rheumatism can be curep iiljjtnuaxyjbijo with sciatica fronl which iwa3 a torriblo buf- nerve pills for weak people at all druflfglsta price 6o cents per box or a for siwo sen bv vjallon astcptm- mflcc t m1lourn c co toronto when a man goea to lying for pooflt he is beyond reformation fagged out nouo but those who have bcoomo fagged out kuow what a depressed miserable feeling it is all etronfith ib jono and despondency has taken hold of tho sufferers thoy feel aa though there ia nothing to live for thoro however in ono curoono box of parmeleos vege table pills will do wonders in restoring health and etrength mandrake and dan delion aro two of tho nrticlos entering into tho composition of parmoleos pills forer and 1 could urid no rolief for nine nioulhs then dr unlbteda treatmont cured mo and i bayo never had a rhcumatio pain finer aux mvnn ben ago 83 yrs acton march lfith 1r1i7 the man who cannot bo boneat cannot it tho long run bo probporoua prosperity is tbo handmaid of honesty fever and ague arid bilioua deranrc- menla ar6 positively cured by iho uao of parmelees pilla they not only cleanse the btomachnbowolhfrbmnninrou7 matter but they open tho excretory vessels causing them to pour copious effubtoua from the blood into tho bowet after whioh tho corrtiptod mass ia thrown out by the natural passage of tho body they are used as a general family medicine with the best rcbolte as tho hurricane swept the deck and upset a fow yachunun u breezily remark od i gufss i oan turn an occasional summer 4 thoro aro ao many cough medicines in tho market that it is bometimcs difficult to tell which to buy but if wo had a cough a cold orufiy affection of tlio throat or lungs we would try bioklea anti-con- enmptiva syrup those who havo used it think it is far ahead of all oilier propara- tiona recommended for bucii complainta the littlo folkj lilto it as it ia as plcadont as byrup- oven wire fencing wmbropk8elvaqe cheap cheap thiise cheap f6ncincs ftanqfaetared and bold br the ontario wire fencing co f letoak oauruc fas wkii as mcmuliuns choice steel wire ncltjiiks for trellis poultry yards lawn fenciiiks etc an sold much lower this year than ever before- they are tho bust ask your hardware merchant for thern the finest of teas pure and rich in lead packets- only 12 and 1 pounf 2 30 40 60 and 60 cunts a pound at all gfiocefis 5 the drvidsan a hay ltd wholesale agents toronto and now tel 40 a word with you about our new spring hats they are strictly uptotjate v they represent every leading style they are made by the best makers they embrace every shade arid color they are the nicest in the city they are reasonable iri price need we say more just thisrthat our 100 hat is a leader r enelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph calls attended day or night shops nndwnrerooms foot uf willow st j a speight fo co undertakers and em balm ers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furn rruire of all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co foroers left wilh j n stinson rockwood will receive immediate attcplioh crand trunk i- ailway iixli wllhvi flolm jiast mnil 1 ii uiiki ickiiimh lmion j ui itii kxmoart mull 7 liuimii miill imixol it lli q iii 10 17 a m 0 11 llui iu ui pni timi oi ciomno mattih iojiirfwlht j ir 11 in mill hmo itin gnliii kiihtin jt nm nmr jr t tlilh limit utu wtu into tikct on montlai nov 0lh 1kk1 j e b collins butcher dcaireh to thiiiiu hi iiuintrouh custoiuoni for tlulr lljifil luuroimo hiuch lio commoiicoil uuhinchh iiikt tmtuiiry nnd lioi tothat bv cnrotu and courtcutm iitttnuoii to nurit a couthiuanca othvir ctiufoni x roniphti aisrirtinoiil ot lint chhb beof mutton lamb poilt tiosh pd salt hams sauaagu poultry lard c in sooaon 1 rh ittiihwih im low tih coiralbtint willi tho licit quality i lonipt uolltrj i at stock aiitod c cojlinh room for spring stock now purchased iwi sell at a reduction of 20 per cent arid will mlow all expenses to customer to and from pnr works john h hamilton bhhntrord steel wind- mills internal cov- urfd tioar ratoat- itollot and 13a 11 boar- lnr gulvaazlert tow ers and wheals tho best in america idonl spray pump iron pumps wntur tankr lipnib c the ideal power mill with roller and ball boarlngs is a wonder bond for cucuiars the maple leaf yontvii ion ant rowen pnou hoiihu to is house tori inch itovoralbie plntlb of hpdiftl dobird itnl uonrlobb for tlio platca linns oasy grindi fljio an fabt 1 our vi foot idoal power mill will run it satlsfao torlly tlilalabyalloddl brantforo can i beflt grli agent for above also for frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of all kinda of farm implements and repaihs ip t lf murtsiy 9 0 far litzrig- troilbzes 0 e 0 0 0- 0 aalb nrtiola given ue ii realizing boneopf thgtrat tl w havu mu a vory doors held up on the street by cramps giddiness and weak- nessres from dysp cure8 c0uch8 colds hoar8bne8 asthma bronchithiand all di8ea3e8ofthe throat and lunc8 price 26o on 8 ran 100 or 8 alb by alt druooiits paines celery compound delivers mr rose from every trouble emulsion ivrr 0 jrif riblil illfcod lilt k tlio uiun aunt wli lily in tikoll t ii wlnfllli cmmiiitriil t oor niitl 81 prr hihtle davis lawflemor co ltjmch oo o o l o o o o i the story of mr william y iloio of montreal ia tlio oxperitnco of ttioiibnnds of men and women who arc living a iniberahle ufo owinu to tlio aonicn of dyepopidn mr iloauri exporicnoe with riifteriu waa along one from lih joulh iudlncalion and at6mioh troubles mibjectod him to daily torturen arid oniitinnod np to hie nuiyfuurili year alwuya inorcaain in inteiihity and danger afier a lifetime of- fail urea with medi cines and doctor a friend who had used pafnetf celery oumpouiid with yrcat uto- 6fb induoch mr iwru to ivo it a ufa the roedli win nml hik nntv mr itline joyfully ihmdlaof hcallh and a now lorianof life mr itoic with a view of hrittitiiin all dyipeptiu hnflereni writen an followb for a lon timo i wan a great enlterer from dyspepsia and whh ofton nompollod to btop on tho htrect until i could recover from orainpp puins nnd aitnokh of tddj neftb that wero brought on ty the terrible diaoane t liudliiiln hlrenylh could not bleep much urid a ho run diwn i hut i thought 1 wnuld nevrr yet better i used many kiiuu of nfeiliuine but they did me very littlo ood at tuht i wbh recommenrlid to nao lainah cilrry com pound i tried a tiottle and h did me more ood than anythtnu i hnd ttiltrn be foro i havo tihtd fonr hutiltn hhi have completely binjhlicd ilia flistreefdutf puinn hi my ntomich ind i fev well after having had dhppphja tor nlmnat it lifvtimoi think tho cum in a wnridprfu one tlio difference between a bomnambulibt and a moaienor boy ia trifling ono walks in htn bleep aud tho other bleeps in his walk btroet car aocidontrrmr thomas sabin bays my eloveu year old boy had htb foot badly injured hy being ruu over by a oar on tho street railway wo at onoo commenced bathing the foot with dr thoqpv eolectrla oil when thodiecolorti tion nud swelling were removed and in nine days ho could ubo hia foot wo always keep a bottle in the hmie ready for any emeryenoj in cohvptiov arfil nl ivyti 9 dihealirs titxinm oi ii loo i 4 0itn iohhof aiipktitk deilitltv ii- bntioflhurililn 0nrtlcienrrri hirtnirchir tln siiia stolen things aro apt to bo irascd there never wab and never will be a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ilia to whiolrilebh ia heir tho very nature of many curativeh bointf buoii that wore tho rorma of other and difforeutly seated diaoanes rooted in tho eyptcm oi the patient what wonld relieve ono ill in turn would aggravate tho other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a eonnd unadulterated btate a romedy for many and grievous ills by iteurndtial judicious use thofrailcht syrtoms aro tod into con valescence and strength hy tho influenoo whioh quiuino exerts on naturoa own restoratives it relieves tiio droopirig spirits of ihoflo with whom a chrouio stato of morbid dcbpondcnt and incltof intoreat in lifo ia a diaoarc and by trauqnflizing tho nerves dipoaehls aound and refresh- is always the cheapest my stock of watches was never better thoroughly warranted i will not sell a bad know it every watcli one if i lahmans florida water the sweetest most fragrant most refreshing and enduring of all perfumes for the handkerchief toilet or bath all druggiststperfuhers and general dealers k ik i i k 0 d peingle guelph blood whioh hpin stimulated courses throughout the veins btrongtliomng tho healthy animal ftinctionn of tlio system thorohy making activity a noeessary roault fltrenthenihq the fralne nnd riving lifo o tho digestive organs wliioh naturally demand incroandd rtibutauce rosult im proved oppolito northrop lyman of toronto incvo given to tlio publio their quinino wine at thg upiiat rate and gnagod by uio opinion of acionliata this wiue approaohoa noareat perfection of any on tho market all druggists sell it purest and best lor tableand dlry no adulteration never cakes q 11a i menthol m li plaster i nv0 pnwedbptl uanttinl rimlnr in nmntxr l5ts nwiralirlo nut rhminntle hmiim and jittw much pknrd wllh tho cflwi htiil iltii pin ii muix tkit md ifotel tlxronl in- tun i twr jimtd iff nthol 1uitrrm in ietnl cmm mnnitarfiiiiiwittaiil mini ami iu mvtnrjiui it cure scltttlcu tuuilmiro neu- ralfrln pains in back or hide or auy jdttuoularrnliib davis a lutfrflnoaentltd soto iroprlctom monxhk prtco m we were mistaken we oxpccloinherc would have been a reduction in the new tnrlft as compared wilh the old of about 25 per cent wc were mistaken jt only amounts as nearly as we can estimate it 10 about 12j per cent t v q are rlad it is settled as we arc no longer working in the dark tho reductions alreadymade in our goods will alandnsthoynra -t-jte-pub- lic have bertin to appreciate the fact that there is a great difference in the price of nur im roods na romparml wilhnllur clnr from our having marked our goods on tho basis of a 25 per cent lower tariff dress goods on monday wbtnok out of bond n largo shipment of british goods which coming in under the new tariff will be considerably cheaper than 1 stock held in the city and imported under the old tariff the bods that fill our shelves arc fairly aching to have their good h unlit ms and keen values placed before you in the papers worthy ol special mention arc dress goods dressmaking and millinery these departments we nre almost afraid to advertise as wc have had such a iremcndonh rush in them that to make them any more prominent might so crowd the channels of business that justice could not be done to all we tnislthe good will of the nuplic to do their shopping earlier in the week and if possible earlier in the day and thus give our milliners who aro working to distraction an opportunity of getting out their work without coining so dangerously near to working on the sabbath we ask this in the interests of humanity nnd wc feci sure the indies of guelph and the country generally will heartily respond fti trayvj tw jvtt grhwtewq j d williamson co wyndham and maodonnell streets guelph the coot best frien lar0c9tsauc in canada ipo yiatir jftf iff oopyitlq it8 ao ich anil deaerlptlor nay free whether an invention ti mo cnnimunlemtlnna itriiatiy protmblr pt mmudotuul oldoal affenoy fomoeurlnirpavanta in amartem we tiaro- a wanlilnatpn 6ma mtl 6m t roovtre patenu taken tbroukb munrt a ipooial notloe la tbe scientific american beautifully hlimratal inrtrimt olroulatl n of nnr nntonti do journal weekly trtni9cu a jreari iuw lx montlit upoalnmn ooplo and uahd iuok on iatknta writ free addrh munn co 301 itmndnny ng tnih

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