Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxii no 13 acton ontario thuksday may 13 1897 price three cents ib podliburd every thursday morning xt thh free prebsstcam printing ofitce mill stredt acton ont tanmh ov buiisouiitios ono dollarpfr oar triotlylir advance all kit aurlptloiib diacou tluuod whun the timefar which thoy liavo baou li aid lias oxpirod tho data to which- ovory subscription ib paid la douotod ou tllo uddrons label advehtisxno iutfb traublout advortlbo meats 1u conta por nonpareil lino or 11 rut lu ortlon a cents pur lluo for oagh bubsoquobt iubortlon a 7 contract batbb tiki following taulo bliowa our rate for tbo iubortion of advortlauiuojilafor sneoifloit periods iew wall paper at days bookstore cuelph ont l ujhtiym will 1 nper fc r ithcr 5c ylc ioc i2c 15c or 25c in i own oub- yll i 0 mo j j mo i ia 100041 j 35 oof ao 90 00 12 i 000 00 li krp moo j300q 1 87 00 1j od i 8 00 700 on aool 100 advpttfaopiouta without spociflo dlrootlonn wljl bo inserted tin foruiip and ohargod accord logly tranaiont adyortlionatnini mubt bo paid la advance adtortlootaentg wlfl bo cltangod onco oach month if doslrod for ohnnkos ottoner than onco a month tho composition must be nald for at regulai ratoa ohangoi for contract advortfbomontb must bo in tho oldco by noon on tuoadays h p mooke editor and proprlotor ftusmtaa bimtorp medical tp tjbuntu d c m bulce and roaldonco corner mill a frodorlok ntroota aoton as elliott m b m d acton gnidoatt touojjto unimzusity offior main btrcot third door bouui of i reabytoriau church acton veterinary surgeon a lfited p husband v s oroduato of tho ontario votorinary colleco honorary mombor of tho ctoriuary medical bocloty ofpjckw m huabaud b lot 24 con i rabb agawoyo calls day or uight promptly attended to dental t l bennett ids dentist aj obonoetowh ontario dbfs mercer hi ntihl gradffbo of toronto university and ii c d s ofneo oveyjrug store acton 1 vlbititia datm tliukhnvy and tltlday borders ceilings match otjr papers we ire frel to buy where we like be cnipe we piy cish for our gaadiiajid therefore hnc tho qhoico of the americin hctbnesthi m wlsl goods yc buy chcnper ind sell i ouer vhin competitors don t belleccivedny clfifl ind cheek see day s stock the lug vilue he gives at days bookstore gujelph day sells cheap thb- traders bank of how do these pjiices strike -you- j m bell dps lds plst18t bllookville hqnon glladoate op tonosto uuehbity work madu satisfactory prices moderate vlbltrsa days tuoaday and i rlday of oach week leol m oleak mclean baxrlaten bolloltoro notarioa convoyancora ac frivato funds to loan offloe town hall aoton wm a mclean jno a mclean douglas murray bahiu8te118 solicitoeb notahlfeb etc offices 1296 queen bt parkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria bt tolaphona 397 tononto john douglas a o muniur a j mackinnon baiuiibteji bolilitou convelahckk opi- ice corner mill and main fitrco t abovo kopman b btoro aoton t q m4theson j b mcleod i amubtliia solicironfl c0meyanckhb qeorgotown and milton money to loan at lowest ratob 3 mcnabb clerk fourth division court county of hal on convoyancor agoiit tiro and liloastmrauco uoal instate agunt money to loan etc office perry man blilook aoton ont miscellaneo us a enry grist arrfiahapar r lpsom silts g lbs for 25c or 40 lbb for 81 00 j sulphur rlbs for25c or4olbs for si 00 dixf iol ind iron 50c 1 bottle syrup of hypopbosphites 8100 1 bottle large size pure cretm of lartir joc t pound to black ptpper pure 15c a pound po refined borax pure 15c 1 pound insect poudlr 50c a pound moth cimphor 13c t pound a blood purifier liken it thk scison of theyear uny prccnt a serious dlness our burdock and sanmparilla blttera contuning celery buchu ciscira ind other vegetible drugs constitulesa perfect spring medicine being a rlmetlyfor ill disorders of the blood sqom her and kidneys drteflbc tor 20 dajb from ihis date we will sell it 15 cents 1 package in order to more widely introduce it alex stewart family and dispons tag chemist i cuelph authorized capital 1 oooooo paid up capital and surplus 786000 assets ovor 6 300 poo cuelph branch 3 sifpia of 1 and upward received o od deposit and 8 percent interest paid fit compounded hulf yearly deposit rocofpta tbbticd for lorq stun a deposited advaucoa made to reaponmbo furmcra on their own namea no puarge made tor coiioniik3nleb notea if pajabla in guotph a goncral bunking buaineas trunsacted a f if jonls mttnngtr jloetrg linoleums from 25c to i oosqr d in the homes merchants thit t where io push your business people hive time to think there they hucn 1 at your counters make the silcb tlilre how ask at the i kel pkess offico the i kce phi ss goeb into the homes of the buying people ind the best of theni lery bub scriber pays for his rnrl prlsb in id- incc our reiders ire of the clabs who pay promptly do you catch j h hamilton oilcloths piom i2jc to 45c ad japanese matting for summer comfort unex celled healthful and inex pensive from i5cts to 35ccs a yd special department for these goods on st georges square ground floor excellent light j m bond co guelph lntrance wyndham st or st gcoigc s scj a ma day bjio vi r imrdu aroalugluji hojlu aro ringing phildrou brlil oarlaiida fulr ma i 1b aro hcorniiifj clou la of warning qay adorning on may morning onlh will wear it linln tailing hoarta appal in y homo dues calllug homeward bkf 11 leiibijlus kutha and jclla b maudu andstella a wot umbrellas how thoy drjpl hat and foatlior alto6tbir tti oilodby woathor ilutli bomoaiib drmaand frilling saehand quiniug allboklllluh maud unwillloh y ituiuoll owns hay dayl hoy day ciioobo not may day 1 or a plftj jay outofdoora x or proiiaro yo now gour spare jo ol 1 clotucn wear j 0 novor c iro o whon it pours sflect jfanuly ifrrding s tylish phing uitincs our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection puces right also styles shaw turner merchant tailors guelph 189798 atfhil pkpers- styles and prices t o surpriseyou ut of the rre the little town of graham wua thrown into considerable excitement when it waa reported tlat george staploton one of its leading citu and moat prominent buei nesa men jiad fuildd for a largo sum add had commute i suicide 111 consequence gruvo ohurea hud buen wlnaporod agaiuai him for bomo moniha in couneotiou with some of his onerfftioua in the buninebh world and now bud come the rmn and collupae of tho firm immediately followed by the tragi a ending of tl e erring nud tin fortunate man a life micro ucro but ftw who ventured to rano voicea in cxtrnuaiiou of stapletou s orrorb or oiler n word ot kindly human bjmpithy to his heart broken widow and aon i hi ae 1 united out the fact thnt his bookkclpir un 1 oltrk taking advantage of hu imployer a uubouudod confilenco and hid frequent abeenceu from the city on bubinoda had mismanaged tho affaira of the arm for bo mo time precipitating the rum of the houo which all stapletona efforta failed to inert it waa known that the bookkeeper jumea gillii had thrown up his pomtiou blddeo ly bqiiiq montba beforo tho final crabh and betaken lumaclf to parts unknown but those who had lost money by the failure would hear of no excuses uud much bitter nesa of seutimeut prevailed even atnong thoho who had no direot iobb to complain of but who merely looking on tho surface of tliinjf passed a condemnatory verdict in general some dayb after tho fuueral mra staple ton eat one immpug in the dining roonof her opco happy home gazing blankly out at tho aunht scene presented from tho win dou her pale haggard face and sombre attire looded out of keeping with tho bright summer day and alio seemed to realize it for alio lowered the curtain there was a slight noise- at the door of tho room and bho half turned in tho great armchair his chair into which bho had thrown hereolf and tried to bmilo a poor frczen attempt at a smile as her bou ltaredoo entered the room ii 0 had a crumpltd newspaper in his baud thcro waa a atom look- about his beardless mouth and alnn whlob gave him a atrong resemblance to bis mother tho pictured face of tho dead husband and father which looked down upoh tbem from tho wall bore tracts of temperamental him to bupport himaolf and hta molhor maraton had been his father a friend and had atoodby them through all tho lima of thoir nflholion and rovlrboa ho aurvejed the joung follow with an admiring blmoet fatherly gase aa ho put a few quobtioub to him relative to the matter of omptoymont you would ndt object to a httlo hard work i prastimo he presently aid with a searching glance into his joutig fnnda face and thon at his shapely well kept bauds laureuce smiled and his frank gaze met that of tho older njan aa hq hiibyvetjtd no air you mayijut rife at ah thing within the limits of my strfftigtb- i am not asking for a sinecure but will rarneatly ondeaor to fulfil any duties 4bat may bo assigned me whether requiring lffort of head or hands or both a ploaued uniile canjo oven maratona faco at tbia reply and it waa soon decided that laurence should take his pluco in tho works at an early day he left the oflico feeling hopeful for tho future and resolved that ho would make hia way up the ladder of auccobb if there were yet virtue inhuman effort sucocbe generally follows unremitting industry during tho years that followed young stapleton b adent into the business world he juatifled all belief aud hope centred upon htm by hia friends ry the timo ho had attained to mans estate ho had become aniroportant factor m tho- concorn with winch ho waa connected and marston felt that he had dono a good thing for himbelf when ho secured hia service bo is the most remarkable joung man i have ever aeon ho declared to his wife and daughter hib character has develop od exactly in uocordance with my expecta tiotia holou mardton a lovely j irl in her teens locked up brightly i have always udnuroj liuronoe s courage bho buid why does ho so seldom como to see us papa he ib more than nelcomolicre i fancy ho keeps pretty buey his mother tells mo he utu lies evory evening but i 11 pp uk to him abont it oh uol cried helen with a vivid blush l must pleaeo himaolf iu tho malt or nu doubt ho will como when ho feela inclined and bhu hastened to chaigeihe autjett leaving her futhor a trille ptiled by what ho onsilerti her contruditory word afain and unn was laurence promoted by tho firm until 1 0 becamo foreman of a lare diviaiou of the workb aud found huh self at tho age of 21 tho recipient of a haudbomo salary ihoro were some re monbtrances when maraton mado obo ce of so youug a mau for a position requiring in its incumbent bo much judgment aud practical kuowledge but ho repliod to thora with oharacteriatio blunt nssa and cmphauib that oung fellow eaid he knows more about machinery even the most complex than any other man iu the place do you bupposo i would have kept on pro moting him for no food camo aud by the way he hab been working for nearly two j earn on an mvcntion of his own that should ho succeed iu carrying out his ideas ia debtiued to work a revolution in one branoh of obr buaiucsi the saving of material alone under its opcratior would amount to ihouaanda annually it wab true that laureuce stapleton stood on tho eve of making a great mech ameal discovery over which ho had worked and btndied for many long months and upon which his hopes wore becoming more and moro fixed tor should he aucceed did it not mean wealth tho ability to pay every dollar of that old indebtedness he had always dreamed of eoino day being able to dear hm father a namo entirely from every hint or shadow of reproach it meant also comfort for his mother s de olining joars bis noble paifnt mother whose life had been bo etnokeu with borrow and misforluue aud last of all did it not promise happinoea for tumself hia faco grewbfight t m thoug la- my daughter and she has refused you bocaurfo of your poverty i no 110 i replied lawrence i have over mentioned my love u uolon though suroly elio muat know something of tho btnto of my feeling- how ooold t aoem to take advantage of j ours and her kinduees to mo by oflt ring myself as her husband bho who may look bo much higher i gco i see 1 hind mr marstoo thoughtfully i understand just hew you felt ifiy dear boy and jou love helen liul want her for your witc eh heaven knows how muoh 1 answered lauretiao i am upworthy of her as almobt any man would be yet qlvyca jaat bo interrupted the older man with a eliht smile mover mind that laurence but go to her aa noon aa jou villi youjuvo my rood wishes lor jqur fiuccosa you are a geutleman bir and i shall he glad to claim you as a boo two tnonths later gruham bociety waa thrown into a etato- of cxcitemont by ihe announconieut that helen maraton the dauibterof tbo millionairo manufaotarer had married her father e foreman laurence stapleton 4vho was himsolf on the high road to fortuno beforo the end of tho j car liurouca had paid up tho lubt dollar of hia fathers debtn bought back for hia mother her old home and built a small but handsome residenoe for himeulf and helen as time pasbod an tho world saw that dame fortune con walrushuntino tinued to smile upon tho stapletona many of the friends bo called who had turned their bocks upon them in tho days of thoir mibfortanoe and biruklea came fluttering round them again but the widow could not forget the past to easily and the young wifo understood her fechnpa and aympa thuod 111 them to such oxtent that tbo re turmg favor of the world waa acobrdod a very cold welcome my btory ia a bimplo and uneventful one hut it convey a a moral too often lost sight of 111 thia day and generation that only by unremitting and honorable induaty can a man aclilovo lastingsucceas wondfcrs of the bacteria the moat interesting faots of aeienco are bometionea concealed under hard and repclleot names who would suppose for instance that huch wordjae phototai is and chcmiotaxib really cover very faboinatmg dincoverieb for the enjoyment of which no profound scientific knowledge ib required phototaxia means the intlu enco of light on the simplest living organ lams the facta that it moludes are as surprising ae they are interesting there is a kind of bacterium shaped liked u minute rod and of a purple color which exhibits ita intluonoo of light in a beautiful manner indeed it has beon named tho light measuring bacterium if a drop ot water containing ihoao bacteria is placed under a microscope and a narrow beam of light ia thrown upon any part of the hold of view the organisms immediate ly flock to tho illuminated spot until by their groat numbers thoy turn that part cf the water to the color or wine thou too they dieonminato between colore for when lnglemann threw inatead of a beam of white light a microscopic hpeotruto iiitasuoh a drop tho bacteria avoided tho purple and crowded mtohht of that color which is ubsorboi in passing through their bodies juat bo another bacterium the cnglena which is red or orange colorod at tho for ward end always advances toward blue liftht when a choice is ivcn to it among tho colors of iho epeclrum chomiotaxia ib another j henomenon depending not upon hjht but upon the prcbtuce of chemical agents an instance of this is furnished by tho behaviour of the common bacterium tamo when iu the water drop containing it a little oxygon ia disengaged immediatly tho organisms tlook to that part of tho water where the oxj gen ia binr liberated similarly other organibma are attracted by sugar or some acid qua o w in an account of some yachting t xpor loncebin tho lonely norflrrn fn litnunt ehowa bow difficult and often daugtroua is tho attempt to capture walrus early one morning after a night in which he and ins orew had been badly knocked about by tho heavy aeas a walrus was discovered asleep far off amongst the loose ice a boit was lowered and aftcr a jong row the animal was discovered to be a bull of prodigioub bizo heletadt one of laments man had always predicted that tho first really big bull thoy- tackled with the scotch io its would pull tbom under water and ifow jrom varioub significant proceedings on bis part it wab plain that bo was very un easy bays lamout hojook uuusuul pain3 to cod hm line fastened thoirgn harpoon head toitshaudle with great deliberation gave earnest in junctions to mathias the line holder and most aiguifioaiit of all moved hn little axe to a handier place forward that ho miht be able to cut the hue without delay if necessary at this last aujgeative prechiiiini i ro marked to him a very bij bull 1 to wbioh ho replied that it waavt ry and that wo muat bo careful ii11 eeitlmg of of the axe reminded mo of old afncm tx penances where the kaffirs always gave notice of danger by tukm off tlicir man dais mt1i1 it tho monster lay ualoyp vvith his broad baqk to us and i am bure the heart of the boldest mau in the boat beat more quickly as cautiously and gently pad llin we atolo on biru from tjie leowurd i with my riflo cuoked and kneeling in tho bow and heutadt olose to mo rttnping his harpoon waited bretblcsuly as each moment imeen ed our distanoe for lhvulru all at onco aud without auy upptrent reason for i don t think bo could have been heard or auitlt ua tho bull alowlj raued iieb head from the ice and made a deliberate eearoh an round with 03 es ours and nose certainly tho last suiff was not satisfuatory for although 1 don t think he saw uijot ho seemed to have a vaguo suspicion of danger in the air he would not ho down again so we paddled ou and i determined to shoot htm if i got a fair ohauce when we wore about twenty yards off he showed such a hue bide hnad shot that 1 tired the shell crashed into hia bkull and intantly ho full over on hid side and lay kicking aud gromiug ou tho ice hurrah row quick row quick i row i row 1 shouted ovoryuno and the three men pullod hko mud to roach him fearing he would tumble over into tl o water an i bink we reached him in the nick of tuna for just as heutadt drovo tho harpoon deep into his sido the bqll rolled ovor iuto tho deep water up to this moment i thougfit the shell had gone into bis bruin and tbut ho was doad but the oold plunge soemed to revive him for he went off under water with a rush that drew out every fathom of tho line aud tlwn pulled the baa t nearly bowa uuder i began to think that helatadi a fears would be realized and i noticed with some concern that tho walrus had towed us into open water he remained for tt louj time underneath aud when ho noma up showed so little head and for so short a time that it wab impossible to get a becoud shot again ho dived and made a furious rush forward then baok under the boat the most dangeroas thing a walrus cindo for should he aeo tho boat above him he is very likely to put his tusku through it or even try to capaua it whon he came up again i fired at his head but the misste only plowed up hib scalp he was now getting blown and at his next reappearance i gave him bis quietus by a ball through the brain he waa a big boast and we could esimato hid weight by the diflicnlty wo had in got ting him on tho ice we qve with two double purchase blooks and tackle found oqraelvoa almoet baffled aud only succeeded after an hours arduous labor i ifo in ovor death ia oweot 1 ay tliu lilies at her fuut may they runt u on her wor hho who walked among thorn hur gontly fold hor waste i liands bmootli the hair in silver b 111 lu 0 or the brow wlioro hues of caro jtlnio hath wrought so aiilly fair calm and still no wild alarm stirs the hoart ulioao flwootoet charm 1 loa boneatli tbo churchyard hod hho bath known tbo widow a god woary brow hor fives and dim mourning day by day for him wliilosho watoliod an 1 waited long 1 ar the ungol 0 greeting noug oft whon worn with sriof and pa u could fl fol her touch again it would calm tho dobinfi brow hut no elgh alio boodoth now wlfoii wo bink in deaths last slojp ouior oyca the watch uitfst keep o or hor cbll iron a dreamloaahed othor eyes tbo oarb muat bho 1 hut wo- v ould not call liar back moro lo tread ii o b dusty trflok bho hath done bur life work wolf lot the lily potuls tilt the boy and the man gultndgirpattchan u acholar at lion one of lujjand a fumoaa hint inc bi1iuuio wai a high apirned lud and a great favor lie 111 tho cricket eleven of tho school for ho was an uncommonly good player at tbo olubfluppera colo us the b callid him vva disturbed by the queationablo jeata and stories of some of tho members and at luuth declared publicly that ho bhould protest ogaiuat anyihiug like in decency 111 the couversition or u tho songa that were btiog nutwithatiudiut this at the next rueing one of he boys boun to biug ablflacioua ditty and coley rohe iu dignantly to hia feet if thib sort of thng goes on i ahull icavo tho room ho bud the binder continued and coloy marched out ihe tiext day ho wroto to the captain of the eleven aud told him that unless he receive an upolocy ho should quit the club ho wai too import ant a man to lone and the apology was sent tho trial o feeling to tho young fellow who made it oould have beou uo greater than tho trial of demundmg it and risking a refusal for liko all enthusiastic cricket play ere colcy whs paadioualcly fond ot the game hut ha loved character better limn criuk t and tho outcome waa a violory of principle here was the kind of boy of whiuh uiartvra aro mudo the bpint that emboldened him to reuent vile iiebb aent him afterward to present christ iauity to a pigau people a troup of islanda uorth of new guiuea m the south paoitio became the bravo mua field of labor aud there he full a victim to heathen cruelty but death has not erased from the memory of earth his example of manly oourage and loyal disciploahip the story of the boy of lton and martyr bishop of melanesia ie told here and will be old jor many a year to come to kindle fear iobu virtue in othor mitids aud impress or noble lebson of chrut like sacrifice do trees know it in bomotimei hard to understand how the roois or shoots of plants are able to do what tboy do in their apparent eearoh for water or light without bpeoial oonsaious ueas or intelligence aud yet we know that they poaseaano each qualities there are fow farmers who have not seen tho sprouto of potatoes in their collars find tho way to a knot hole in a board and extend their iirowtb through it in search of sunlight tho following case recorded by a california paper tolls what a root did the root of a tree followed the bnok cas tug of a aowor until it reached a high brick wall in which eoveral feet above tho lovel on which the root was growing wab a small hole loading through to tho other side for this hole tho root made a bee lino passed through it and ran down on tho other side where finally it found the water it sought j thoqugfltion are asked by tbo journal- solicitor of ra tents for invention etc pronaroa applications for tho canadian amor lean and european iatent oiqcca and for tho registration of lrado marks bond for 1 am pblet thirty two years cxpcrlonco marble and granite hamiltons block guelph f irancib nunan bookbinder wyndham st guelph ontario ovor william b btoro j acoonot books of all kinds made to ordor periodicals of ovory description carof ully bound uuliuenoativn 1 promptlydone having on hand a largo quutlty of scotch norway swedish and russian grknite and in order to dispose of it to malc room for spring stock now purchased i wi frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st qeorojbs square guelph m akriagn licenses h p moork luaniui op mannuoe licensfb private offlcft no wuooebcs required issued at roiidonon in tbo ovening proo proas office aoton aoton machine and repair shops henry giundelii proprietor anrwoll oquilipod with all tho machinery nooesaary tooxocutoall repairs to inachin orv aud agricultural implomonta and to do all kinds of ateam fitting horaa abooing and general blaokimltblng woodwork ropaira porfprmoil in a aatlafaotory manner wo can ropair any maobino or implomont of any make caw gamming and filing done wellington mutual fire insurance company ebtabuflpbd 1m0 1n8u11an0e on cash and mutual plan any cormntrolcationa forwardad to my addroaa vox 028 or telephone s8 will bo promptly at tended to tayii0 agent ouolph scilira rcdncrionof 20 per cent and will nllow all expenses to customers to ind from our works john h hamilton go to m hem8trmwiv koor6s for your housecleaning sup plies soap wasliing powder scrub and stove brushes large or small brooms all good and all clipnp tho campaign prepare for winds we would call our attention to tho fact that wo are pruparod to supply you with lumber of suitable lonfjth for your barn doors viz 10 12 ib or 14 fcot also sasr doors frames mouldings oto for building storm doorb pnt up at as low a rate ae possible pu7w5ps repair your pumps or put iu now ones before it is too cold wi can do it shop at fobt of river street acton thos ebbace manager the- j nv weirknefls tbatwaaloobed formvoin in-ibe- frank clear out face of his sou he was but a youth scarcely moro tban eighteen years of age but thero waa already promise of a grand manhood about bun his mother thought aa she lifted hor weary eyes and survoyed tho supple young figure and handspme face of hec boy ho btood with hia back to tho mautel facing hor for soma moments in silence uvidontly seeking to btiflo como inner feol tngt sbo saw that eomothing was amiss butwatredfoiilm 10 speak hib volctr vibrated with anger and pain aa he said with a geblure towarda tho newapaper which ho had thrown abido i suppose yon know aometbing of what they are saying about him mother yes i know she rejoined sadly they do not understand ihe oiroumstan oea of tlio case your poor father a greatest fault was too great a trust iu others in gillin tho unprincipled villian i exclaimed laureuco fiercely would that i oould moot him face to faco and deal with him as ho deeorves 1 but never mind little mother ho continued in a softer tone we will make the host of tbioga wo must givo up this placo to the people who have lost monoy by tho failure i know ho would wish it we will begin tho world aiiow jou and i penniless to bo sure but you shall never know want as long as there is work in the world for the hands and brain of a willing man i havo bocn thinking said mrs staputon whoso sad turned to air sweet helen maraton stio who h d been tho admiration of his boy hood aud was now the secretly worshipped idol ot hie manhood not that ahe would look upon wealth as a necessary qtiahtica lion in a lover he knew her better but he was too proud to go to mr murdtou with empty hunda and ask him to receive him as oaon in law and bo ho etrugglod and worked on in bilence while other suit ore for helen a hand como und went at herjfttharabqhe- holeu had alwaya been a great favorite with mrs stapleton and in her vieitb to the coltagn biio eometimeb mot laurence and if her ejea bought his at timoa iu wiat ful questioning when alio rallied him on having foraakeu them eo rarely did he oall be feared to believe what they aecmed to say on the subject of hn own hopeless love honor bade htm to be silent and so he worked aud waited hot ing for tho day when he would be frro to beck tho woman be adored and win her for ida own thua matters btood when one morning laurence surprised mr maraton by burst ing into his private oflico with an unusual ehow of animation and almost boyish preeipitatton cotne he cried como and see it i it ib wonderful it is perfect 1 maraton tried to question him hut tho oung mau half dragged him from the room repealing come andncoit i aud maraton followed him to an apartment adjoining tho main wing of the works aamailaidgular looking machine atood ofakind of pluotooattutntcallcd badhamrrr hii orguniim that conaibta of transparent btruatureleaa living material whioh spreads itbolf along a wet burfaco when near the edgo of this flat bbapeleas yet living thing a bit of fongub is placed that part of tlio b idliamn whioh is nearest becomes exoited and btraaras of living material begin to flow through the mass toward that point then tho organism commences to grow oat towards tho fungus and gradually envelo 3 it and t operation enda wit the absorption of tho fungus tiese curious phenomena aseumo a new interest when wo learn that what wo call lnflmmatiou lu a result of chomiotaxis whonever disintegration takes place through injury inflicted upon any of tho living tetanies of the body certain organio colls ihioli exist in tho blood and other flnida congregate at tho inflammatory cen tro and feed upon tho products of disinte gration it has therefore beon auggeaud that theso chemiotatio colla are like soaven gera in tlio blood which tend to free itfrom infection wiiiouracojdflljiflflabea how did the treo when willie went walnuting licensed adotiohkkb ivor the oomttlerfcf wellington and halton orderajeftattbepbbb pnksa offloe aoton or atmyreiidenoelq aoton will be promptly at tondod iq fees roducod to s6 00 for farm sales also monoy to loan on tho moat favoraplo urns and at tho lowoat ratea of intoroit in aurabof oeoand pwardi acton saw mills and wood yards e b collins butcher deslrob to thank ills numerous eustomors for thoir liberal patronage ainoa bo eommoncod bualnobi last january and hopes that by careful and oourteoiib attention to merit a coutluuinco of their custom a comploto asaortmont of ilratalaas beef button lamb fork fresh and sal hams sausages poultry lard ao li beaaon prlooa always aa low u consistent with tlio bobttmallty prompt delivery t at bock wanted l is b coihlnh 8tore rockwood good lied salmon ioc per cin corn 5c per cin incnpplcs 15c per can nccttrines 73c per cin peichcs 23c per can ilcklcs 3 bottles fjr 25c j ginger smpi 5c peril lxtracts hcfeuhr ioc bottles 3 for 25c mixed cindies per lb 5c guiotts i yc ioc cin hanuraotunan and dealer in lumber hath shingles wooif etc all kinds of wood in stock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at rtoionublo prloos hardwood and slabs out itovo length alnajn on band talepbono communication business college and shorthand institute austph ont bupeuiolt facilitieb for thorongh and b radical coursea of bfetidy bookkeeping liorthand and tynewrltf ng couraoi a apocialty qraduatea anitited to positions pall beshionfl oomtnencos sept lit write for circular j sharp principal georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams plpo and h loam pitting and general itopalr log juoing oqulnnad with agaa brazing maobino i am prepared to do braxingon hieyolea pramoa aa wboela eonvarted from direct to tangou bpokaa handle hara bout lo any desired aiiglo pull lino of apokei kept in stock batlifaotton guarantoed uloyolus en am oiled in auy color t j speight georgetown httlo ac hor bod a brave manly words that it nugut bo better for us to leave graham bolter for your futaro i mean doar i d6n t think ao mother let uj stay if wo can and live down the misfortunes that have como upon un i dont like the idea of flying before disaster and unmeritod condemnation i would muoh rather re main here but if you prefer no no laureuce i was but thinking of jou she interrupted bo it was understood that they were to remain in graham where the widow re fleeted theybad jet a few friends who re taiued the kindest feelings towards them and boon after thoy moved into a small but decent ooltago in the buburbs of the town whore they were themselves as comfortable as possible under the circumstances and took np the battle of lifo from this new and strange standpoint with what courage and hope they could mostor early one morning liiranoa made his appearanoo iu the tfllce of herbert mars ton tho head of the hading manufacturing business in graham and requested em ploymoot of some kind that tfoutd enable on a rough ubleto whioh liurenco direot ed hta atteutlon it was a working model of the invention over whioh hd bad labored bo long and ho now began to illustrato to hiseroployer us perfcot aueeuflbful working marston looking on was struck with the ingenuity of tho machine and roalicd that it wbh dofitined to bo ih means of famo and riches to his fiand uo took tho young inventor by 1 lnd and warmly congratulated him with cvry exprcseion of pleasure that will bring 3011 wen th and famo my boy ho nil h thc wero loav ng the room but we ahnll iobo you i suppose hi tho works i moan aud i have oome to depend on you ub though you were my son laureuco impulalvolyyoized his baud mr marbton my friond and benefactor if only i might bcoome your boo in reality 1 this ha been the n veotest dream of my ufa may i seek h inn and plead for favor now that there i hope of my havinn something to t ffer 1 ui something to offer v repealod hia frisud blanklyi then nolleoting his wita a little lo you mean lobay that jou love not sq crazy as he seemed at b loo mi 11 gd ale asylum they have among tho assembled lunatics many who aro not too violent or too misohiovoun to be allowed to roam about tho grounds re oenlly tlio auperintendont has given occupu lion to some of theso truslloa by ntihz iiigtheinla carrying on tho improvements about the asylum grounds some of them hay bp brioka in wheel- barrows a few days ago one of tho attendants saw a greyboarded wheelbarrow man pro menading solomuy through a aide path push iitf beforo liim a wheelbarrow turned upside down here you cried tbo attendant hold on well hoaaid what 1 it wi it are you doing with that wheel barrow 7 li ml replied tho orazy man with patiui t courtesy if you had watohed me oarcfu ly ou would have boon what i waa doing with tho wheelbarrow i waa push ing it friond i will now push it some more he started on holdup a minute protested tho at teudant dont you know that it ia fool ish to 1 ush a wheelbarrow that ia wrong bido n ft llnh said the lunatio not on your t fa is it foollih i i am not ao crazy ka i lojrt friond yentorday i kept my wheelbarrow right aide up and a pia faoed irishman oume along and filled it full of brioka i know batter now wiconaiu a wild winds were whistling whon willie wade went waluutting warmly wrapped waa willie with woollen wrapper wadded waist coit with warm wristlets winnie wade wondered why willie wouldn t wait warmer weather when wiu me would walnut with willie willi w where walter weat was wheeling wood with wonderful wheel barrow wishing walter would walnut without wasting worda walter whistled whew 1 watuuts will wait while wood wont where walnuts wero woodmen were working with wabbly wheeled wagon with worn woary wretched work horse which was wasted with weaknoaa whioh waa well worn out with work woodman wheeler waginshty wrenched willie h water pail whereupon wntor wet willie a wiukora willie woefully woodman waa worried why weep willie weak women weep with weo woes whlatlo wihiol when wlukers were wiped woolimin wheeler went with willie where wilnuu wero willios woo jen water pil was well filled while wee wrens warbled wood pigeons whizzed tvilmoavanly watohed while woodman waged war wltti wasps which wasn t wise waspa were waxing warmer jwhereupon willlewiihwaterjpail wont wnere widowwa1md wluniein woman was who well washed woollen with warm water with washing machine wringing with wringer illlo went within wash room whore widow walmau wetcomod w1ii10 with warm wbeat waffles with wholeaomo whortle borrios wanhod well with water wheu wolt warmed w1ii10 wandered where water was willowu waved wbeie whou woathor waa warmer white waxen water ulios wore wituossed willie wudod whore web footed water fowl wouldn t wait willie welcome winnie was window watching wopdor- ing where willie waa whereupon willie with well 11 1 led wator pail was witnessed winnie warmly welcomed willie when wooda whiten with winter when windows wear wouderf ul white frott workp winnie with willie will welcome walnuts will want warm walnut oake www lxperlonoo proves tho merit of hoods baraaparilu it cures all forrob of blood diseases tones iho stomach builds up iho know of tho hole ui tho wall bow did it know of the water on tho other etdo the answer made by a botapiut ib a very simple one tho tree did not know any thnij hbouctlio hole or the water for trees do not know anything but thoy send out their roots 111 every direction th which hud moisture and nutriment grow aud thrive aud thoso which find none die and waslo away tho root i iho qas in question was pro bably turned upward by tho wall so that ita difoovory of the bote was purely accidental bntonco through that apcr ture ub diaoovery of tho wa er bolow was porfeotly natural tho roots of treea do know not of their own conaoiousness bufaa tho result of countless sgea of growth in thoir kind how to push on in tho direction of water show them up to the public as the public piriicularly the ladies aro so often aw udled by profit loving mer ohants aud dealers it is wo 11 that pooplo should have an eximplo of whit ia done in tho aalo of certain package dyo for homo dyeing tho makers of common and adulterated package dyob sell thoir crude colors to the retail morohautb at a coat of four oenta por paokago and tho publio who buy these decoption dyes aro mado to pay ten oenta onhom a liandaome profit indeed mr storckeoper 1 no wonder he uses ovory endeavor to bell and substitute lua poor dyoa for tho famous and rolmblo diamond dea the diamoud dyes that all livo and honorable dealers 1n canada handlo and soil cobt a good deal moro money yot tho publio get them for ten oeutf which only allows tho dealer a fair profit but mark the difference ladies i tho oheap dyes aro roally wdrlhleaa and aro made for tho profit of the manufacturer and tho dealer while diamond dyoa arc made for ihe profit pleasure and hloesing of every homo dyer sympathizing lriond where wero tho remains of your lato husband interred tho widow sadly there wore no remains ho ho raei a bear don i wear fatso hair while it u possible to retain your own ayera hair vigor tho best dressing nourishes and invigorates ihe hair roots cures aoalp diboaatk pro venta the hair from ooming out or turning gray and promotes a new and luxuriant growth j

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