Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1897, p. 3

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bank of hamilton he ap officii hamilton- gaiirallalll u ucbeuvj kuml totai ahbkth tiuiooo fcti75oou board of directors hinstuaht a g ramsay prutiiiloiit viuulruuidnut tun ritgtrioit uio roach a t woou a li jliku toronto wii uiiihon ml tullnitumcabhlor ii h hllsillbn aahtctihlilor h m watbd inaioalor agencies uuuilitoii illartottbtja east eml alllbtoti ljorllnglijblivaoorutowu ofimuby lihtowdl luukuow miltun mount foraitt oraniovlllo owou kouiid lolfjln buncoo toronto ivlidlmai british correspondents london national rroviuoliil hank ofkni- uud ltd s american correspondents new yoiik fourth nutiotml oauk and hanover notional i3fink -uobton-nlntoruation- altruatco buffalo marino hank chicago national itauu or illinois and unlou national dank dgrnorr dotroit natioual it auk xinbabcijit national bauk of commoreo agents lit montreal tho bank of toronto b qilorgfetown agency notob hacouutgiatoil advftuooa mado on ault- iiiloboourulaa oolleotlona niado ttml drafts uourht ami sold an all acoosslbu points fticaiioda united titatuo qreac britain anatba continent ofiuiopo1iiio uoit favorable tonus fv-vayfibpeparbment- deposit of 81 rand uiiwardbitfocalvod and otorost sjlowoov from dtfto of deposit todatoor withdrawal special deposits alio rooolvod at current rates of lutoroot nm livingstone acont windo s you want some new shadua wo keep the best all colors mounted and unmount ed in fringe and lace plain or wtflf dado we fix up free of charge ail shades bought from us window iblintfl paper in green and c shades call innnd see our slock the news at home mostly of a local character and every item interesting headquarters lor wall papers- window shapes curtain poles- geo hynds acton ont jpj look at tbo dato on the label on your f patier tlon btanus paper and you will boo liow your ouubcrrn- he now promptly it will confor a mt uioit nt fms thursday may 131897 little local brieflets which caught theeyes or ears of free press reporters this week the miplea are in loaf ayaiu j- wonderful growth at present couucil meeting next monday evening the woods abound in wild flovfera now onottdvertisoment in tliofnkk pbehs is worth a pqoro on the fence riii wanted- in the methodist cburcb next tuesday evening new biayolea are ooming into town thia aprinr in coneiderable riumbera guolph district meeting in tho metli- ddiat churoh next tuesday and wednes day i tbo pink apple blossom is just out of reach though you atand on the tips of yoor toes the tint dividend of the select knights has been annouced by tho liquida tor to be 40 per cent aoton beoma to be ttio favbrito jbj2o tive point forgeorfietown cyclere scores of them have been hero tho past week f arbor day was observed at tho public school by oleaning up the school yard no trees nor lowers were planted luiayoar e xco vat rone are being made and lum ber delivered for another extension to the tan yard of the acton tanning company mr o e boubtielov has purchased from mr miobie of acton the residence former- ly pwned byhim on mill street fufornwr listen to tho birds those mornings such lively- chatter foretells a- bnay-day- whatismoro cuchantinr than a morn in may knox church y p s c k is having its codbtituliou and byiawa printed in auf- ficiept qaqntity po that each member may -have- cop it ia claimed by observant agrioultur- ista that owing to the frequent raiua this spring there will bo nofiranahoppor post tbo nmgbimxunfir tho foliowingr ontario government to halt on hih echoola payablo for tho year ending june 1807 oakville 40545 georgetown 800605 the farmer man from oar ly mom muhsb sin in t w n tho goldtn grains of ccro and the grab worm does the roit to a conaiderable por- ontage of the grain rth last leoturo of tho oourao under the auspices of tho kpwoith lcaguo will be given next tuesday evening in the meth odist church by eev g a mitcholl b a- georgetown subject men wanted lcwas rumored last week that a syndi cate of local oportb bad arranged to leaee uendcrsoua pond lot a term of years negotiations however appear to be off the ooniideration u50 waa aorrjewkat of a determent in compliance with the requirements 61 the llcenso gommisnionerb new front and back italrwaya havo beeu pat into tbo oorornfrcml hottl 1ormerly thore was bntono in tbo centre of the building and tbu the com mi pb toners deemed unsafe in euse of flro to let three lots for gardtnpur- a tit wannel fruit culture is more profitable to the farmer now than hia othor cropi brown brns gov the most extensive nursery house in canada have a vaoanoy in thlb motion write inem at browns nurseries pq ontario- fo their terrni rices and fireworks grand time at georgetown may 2ith7 laoroise and baseball forenoon lioreeracoa ooarly 000 in parses sfternoou grand fire works demonstration evening under the direotlon of jpiofeaior hand of haroilton a iioo stleetion the people in this looal- uy should spend the tilth at georgetown half rates on rail way a a do t v boreell 4 co will open ropoe- itory atijd aaotfun mart tit 7b0 to 740 dor- cbtsier strcei montreal with atabhng for about 100 h or bob auotlon sales will bo held twice a week and private aalos every day they have the beit lino of cuitom in oauadft and want hoiarb of all grades for export tomlhormf trade special faoilltins r are given to pmrona to dispose or their horses to bet advautage charges mod erate write them for terms and partion- lars holidays ntltiierotw shortly- wiihiu tho next seven weeks no leas thuti three public holiduya will uko pluoo a- wcok from monday will ba tho juceivs dirlhcuy which cunudiuna dotight to honor tho 2jnd of juiohas boeu de clared a dominion holiday by tho ottawa govuriiout on account of tho juoend diamond jubiloo thou ufjaln another week inter vb imvo our niuionul birth- jay lat or july minis sprinjitimca reveries tl11 mo yo winyod winds that round my pathway rmtr do you not know soinu upot wlioro wivta clotiii houso no to ore eotno lono ocquoatorud loafy dale bouiq island awn girt whero iifo id not ono ceasaloiib war vfittx aobwobs and with dirt whero only nnturos cdrpot sproadu beneath tho tired fotttud whither man is neor compel lod us tireaomo foljato bca tho lighbbreezs fondled my face and said beat on theroeap auoh place avir bears ofjheepworth ienguc tho oflicore of the kpworth loagub for tho ensuing year wer elected on tuesday evening aa followa president tbos j edujiuatoii vicaprca cbriatiai jjadeavor deptiyliaflt clara b- mopro vicepres missionary deptmfa jdaio oam vice- prea literary dept a t brown vjoo- pros social dept chab jonrier secre tary a e gufncyf trumurer miaa makgio h matthewa orguniatti miatfes hizzio mclam and auuio stophenson editor georgo vincont the aoth jjnttnjioa to go to camp at tho annual moating of tho otlioers of tho 20th bait loruo ritles held at milton lieut col kearns m p p who presided announced that the regimont would go to camp at niagara in juno probably on the txholuiatrqaath fllttjorappolbora port- od that the battalion band was in a satis factory condition and that tbo balanco on baud or tho band fund was 918587 tbo following committees wero elected band majors appelha and panton and paymaster barber regimental major goodwillio and capta beatlio and cullingworth meaa paymastor barber- quartermaster grant and major goodwillio canteen major fox capt noble and lieut macdonald a committee was appointed to procure extra forago caps and halmeta funeral of tha tatqjohn white cxmp as tbo late mr john white of milton waa perhaps the oldest- mason in tho county been initiated in barton lodgq no g g r c in 1811 he waa buried with masonic houora as be retain ed hib memberahip in barton lodgo up to the lime of his death the fnnerul was undor the direction of that lodge w bro a t freed its w m conducting the ceremony usstbtod by w bro mccrim- moui w m of st clair lodge no 135 milton tho religious bervicoa which wore hold at tho residenco were conductod by rov ai mahaffy the following brethren acted as pallbearers col d campbell james a fraser william molood george town dr buck palermo elijih dixon and j h mogollmrh bro william pan- ton was marshal hnltoupccl itaae ball schedule the various teamb of the hal tonpeel base ball leaguo are now practicing for the seabons matohea the schedule for 1897 baa been arranged as follows neighborhood news news items suppllocl by correfs- portdentsanci exchanges nassagaweva naitiuuwoya court of itttvidion will bj htfld in the cotiuuil roomxtroukvilll on tuondtiy lifltlimay at 11 oclock u m mr vrn armour on tho guulph road lost a lioavy draught homo from pinilytfij tuat week valued ut sll mr thoh crane working for mr james mithon had tho pulm of ono of inn hundu punctured last we ok by a runt whilu mak ing a btump fence ashgrove comingand going visitors to and from aotoh anb varlouoother personal notes mis n fi liudhuy of acton was visit ing at her former home mr uiuhtird grahiuna on sunday miaa ida wrigleswortliwam tho guobt of mifla whiiloy of four comors on sun day mrfwrijglcbjvorthand mr f alex ander epent sunday vfsitiiig fridnda of streotbvillo yiaiutty r itev f av thompbon ptguelph was homo fpra ahort timo uafe week and on sunday flllojl the pulpitaof rev vj gilpin bi evertou clrcnit umpidk kitou acton acton milton brampton mlltou milton u ram n ton fitanns acton milton st anna aoton datk ticaua may 21 st anns and milton may 28 milton at ll ramp ton may 29 aoton at bt aims june 5 miltonlat aoton juno 12 brampton at ac ton june 19 brampton at st anna june 33 st anna at acton juno 23 brampton at mlltou juno 26 milton at st anna july 1 acton at brampton july 10 acton at milton july 14st anna at brampton exinurnok qaweh fo tiioniy july u milton at aoton brampton july 21 acton at brampton milton aug 8 brampton at milton acton aug h acton at milton brampton aug 18 milton at brampton aoton aug 23 brampton at aoton milton aa exhibition game willbo played in the park here on saturday afternoon between tho aetnaa of guelph and the actons narrow escape from drowning ft lastfridayln tor noon master eruio gurney in company with a couplo of youthful companions whilo playing on a raft near the dam on hendersons pond slipped off tho raft and bank in about five feet of walor lie rose to the surface once arolrrr andrbt b tu uih but turn arthurs dfthe tliird line and a young man namod balaon wero working fn mrs smiths garden near by when tbeyheard tho commotion tbjfsthwiaia ed in afverrteftsrbbr minutes wero spent in aearoh for bira with out avail and ho waa about to give up when it was suggested that ho make a dive for the drowning boy in this ho was a uooesd f ul andbrouxhfchimd pf-more-dead- than alive dr urou was fortunately at mra smitha at the time and after a few mi on tea work be succeeded in reaaacitating tho little fellow and restored him to his distracted parents and frieoda who had been hastily summoned next morning ernto beomcd to have entirely recovered from the effects and was around gain as uadal an old scholars reminiscence mr jamea warren pls of walkor- ton a native of ac top called upon tho frkk pnksa last thursday morning and during the visit asa hall esq bur oldest resident dropped in tho conversation naturally turned upon oldtimo incidents and events and a delightfal half hoar of aohool dajrreminiscenoes was spent dar ing the conversation mr hall reouod a verse of the poem below and- referred to his recolleciou of tho amusing attltudo of mr warren during iborecital of tho ver- soa by the tcoehorthe late alex mouinnon ono day at school mr hall wie a truatoe at the time lb4jvpd mr warren a sohol- ar and 1 he school building was on main btreet near whore the old presbyterian church stands i liatojtosooahujunco wko dont got up till olfilit i como alowly moping into sobcol i into toaoe a boylu shabby dross with buttons oif lila olothos and blacking on his bands and faco inatoad of on his ahoos i hato to aeo a sobolar in hla clna i aleanlng on hla neighbor aa it o liofdjilmaolf uprlftht was suob prodigious labor 1 bato to aba at aeliolars doak tli toa and playthings f u play at rattletraps with aiif top was afl ho did at aohool mr warrtn says there were several other versaj but tbeae ore all he can recollect aftor nearly fifty year he buggesta that parhsp soma of the readers of the fbbk frk8h will be able to supply 4be missing verses for the benefit of the boys and girls of today we shall be delighted to pubiali any that may be supplied the oloar and vivid description of events which tranpired nearly half a century ago by theie two esteemed gentle men waa as lemarkablo as it was interest ing and they enjoj edit as rcmpletely ag did their mora youthful auditors ballinafad nptwithbtandiug tho wet wcitthor many o the farmer here uro through seeding fall wheat and rye havo wiutcred well and promiao abundant crops house cleaning and gardening aro in full blast on all tideb wo would advit6 evoryr good neighbor to get hid honcoop ready and thus save trouble mr hitchcock haa tliomatoriul all ready for his now luvellintf our citizpna uro onditig in mr hitahcock an honorable neighbor mtb maggto thompson has purchaod art excellent bicycle this makes thenum- ertotia lyri jori iti tlu firrojr oc lij tho presbytorians are making groat v parations for the esquesing sunday school convoution on the 2ut they aro having- the churoh repaired aud genorally improv ed list wednesday eveuing there was a joiut mooting of thd methoiibt ani prohy- terian s s- committees to mako urthur arrangements for entertainment last sabbath rev mr campbell ex changed pulpits with rev mr fowlio of erin in tho evening mr- fowlio addressed the c e ou tho westminator aaajmbly georgetown at tho meeting of tho qiiarttrly board of walkertou mothodist church lust week a very complinionlary reujlutiou to rev d a moir bd waa paierl hb well us a cordial reijueat to the annual conference to return him lohia present ohargo for another year mr t ruston waa eleolod prosident of tho druggists aaooiation of halton peel and wellington ut guelph on monday mra mscdouuld and her little daughter of tacomavwaalk terr arspeiiding a few days with her bister mrs jamca hainer mr and mrs johiiaaud family of vic toria b c aro visiting mrs john a mother mrh john priiice ar mrs w h maadsou is isitlng friends in marmora ont dr freeman and his little gruudtiou maator brook barber arrived jn town ou saturday from rook springs wy whero thoy havo bcen spending a few weeks among ihoso who woro successful in the recent examinations at the school of practical science wore w- w stull who pasbed with honors w monda and a e shipley all were formerly pupils of our high aohool enid tho little daughter of mr a ii gibbardj principal of pur high school has been very ill with dipthoria at the homo of her grandparents mr und mrs ham in port perry we understand she ia pro gressing favorably milton tho socond bpraying experimouts horo will be held by supt w m orr iu tho orchard of r e harrijon on wednosday may 2th mrs haddnw last week for waterford where her husband rev rhaddow ba waa recently inducted as paator of tho presbyterian church judge hamilton has boon buffering from erytipolaa in one of bis lirnbs tho past week the annual reporit of tho librarian labt week showed that the books taken out of tbo public library during tbo year woro as follows roforencik- 22 biography 10 history tjfftadvcnvqro and travel 753 jpqjihtjpna drama 88 fiction 012 science a aqiawflgpeopj 802 literature 52 nugineal pefibdlclilp 557 agricul ture 22 religious books 178 tots 3021 tho citizens generally regret that they are about to loeo from their midat mr ninian lindsay and family who aro mov ing to georgetowu tlifi week during their brief stay in milton they havo made a host of friends who sine iroly rorol their departure one of mr lindayo chief reaaousfor going to georgetown i to be near his bone vho havo farmt near tho village milton will loyally rocogniz ihs q jnond jubiloo at loat sebnibu of tho town oounoil tho following rejomi m waa unanimously passed on molion of j s deacon booondod by r l ilematroot that this nouncil ducms it a oausa of re- joicidg that her gracious majebty qaecn viotoria- his ocoupiod tho throno for a longer period thin that of any oth r britiah boveroigu that hor roign has been wl30 apd bjnoqoout and that her vast empire is in the oujoyment of un examptod peace and prosperity wo there fore considor itutting arid it is hereby re- sol vbd that a publio mooting of tho roaidenta of thij town apj vicinity bo hold in tho town hall on friday the 18h of jane to oelebrate by- brief addreaaes in eonooction with cxecciaca- prepared by- sohool pupils tbo diamond jubilee of her majestys aoceaaion to tho throno aud that coauotllor bbbtedo the mover and seconder bo acommittoe to complete arrangements acton roller mills market report may 13th wj7 wlioatwhlte porbllbll70 to 72c whoat reel gflto70o whoat apring g5 to 63o ioas iih to 40o oati 20toq0a iiaaloy btittfooo klour ontario whoat pur 100 lbs 1 ho flour manitoba mlxod s 2 00 flour manitoba turo s 2 30 grackod wheat j co 0 rati am flour 9 oo bran ior ton 610 00 shorts 11 00 mid in hb tiaoo death in u moat awful form overtook anglo char an italiar on friday after noon while working in a quarry near bohaw station a siok of dynamite ozploied before th time the unfortun ate feljov was bk wn f ally fifteen foot into the air aid wai torn to pitoii tlio iiiik 1hish invites all its vendors tooou iilbiito to tljio culumn ii yqu pr your t riemlh aru ioitii away on a holiday trip or it you have friondu vluitluy yvn lrop a curd to tbo fiufe piuiih mr chcdter j muttliewu vibitvd frjouda in toroutoduring tho week mr j j kully of plattavitlo viaitod frieuila in hia old home over sunday miaa maud brown of medina baa leeu u gutititut ililizon pjacu the piut weok mr lioward liood of aahgrove7 spenfa duy or so during tho wcok with frieuuaiu town mr percy mitchell aud mjbq mitchell of gtorgotuwn paid aoton a dying visit on saturday rev 1 a maopherson is attending tbo uunual aosaiou of tho synod of toronto and lindsay this week mrs joltp bennutt ot milton waa tho gudat lust thuraday of mrs- jerlnio b gariieron roao cottuge mra revj j e left on satar- day for gudprjcli to bpebd a couplo of weeu willi friends thoro w h storoy esq has bqen coulined to his room thepaat week with a severe attack ofxongestion of the laoga mr aud mrs moarbine of the mcgreg or helping hand misaion of detroit wore guests last week of mr and mrs r b johnson mr h p mooro went to toronto yester day to attend the annual meeting of the general couforouco book and publishing committeo mr a x brown attended tho meeting of district no 7 of the pharmalical assoc- iution at guelph ou monday he was cleciedonuoftbeauditora talk with hoods sarsapa- rlllasaloa talk and eliow that this modi chio has enjoyed publlq confidence and patrynngo ton greater oxtont than accord ed nny other proprietary medicine this la simply because it 083cflhes greater merit hihi produces grenler cures than any other it ia riot what vo tay but what iloodti bnranpnrllla doeh that tella jliohtory all ridvortinomenta of iioodh flnrmninrinn like hooda sarflflparllla it self aro honest we hnvo never deceived tho public and thih with its superlative- medicinal moflt is why tho people havo abiding confidence in it and buy robtnoble the ililicm 1iicotor pers t 07cts bkrl6v at the warehouse aoton station plouh bhrh shofillrs seeds j and awkinds of feed at aoton flour and peed store news try nouval flour family plour in tho market the beat f almoat to thu cxfjliiiloii of all otlicra try it prepiircdoiiiybyfeliiooifaco koweil mass ej- jr rsff are inn oniy pina 10 taice nooa s hlils witiijioods saraaparltl walls mupt covered samples applicafion wetlo the largest wall paper business in cfhelph our prices are unexcelled depart mental values window 8 hades mtsjrs w 11 storoy and w a storey attended tho twentysecond annual meet ing of tho cauadian manufacturer aaaoo- iation in toronto laat week mr jamttt clark of the roller mills has during tho week removed his family to aton from dundab our citizous will extend them u hearty wejconio and thoy will no doubt aou fuel perfeotly at homo iu town local brieflets mays beautiful moonlight uikhtu uro much enjuud by prmitunadera tbo h1 ou diatriut beekeepera abbi q- iaiiou will nit o t ut the bennett house miilpn on siiurday miy 1rh tho- ilulton ftriiiern itihlituiu will hold ith annual lxuuriion to the guelph model farm on the 21 rd of june a bubu ball match between toums from the ihriicub umi eule leather tanner ica eicaiod euiaidrriibte interest on sat- urday the aoleloathera won with a tcoro or 7 tuv tho avi aaya that o pi aud j a chiaholm willcatablidi a cauuing factory at oakville withii capacity of 100000 cans per day the intent improved machinery will be mod tho g t it anuounces return tinkers between all utationa good going muy 23 to 2iand return not later tbau the 23th at binglo firbtouas fair and ood going ou the lust at faro aud a third tbo motion to pay mr juo b cam eron for work in opening draiua at last seaaiou pr tbo council waa moved by w e smith chairman of streota and walks hot by councillor deuuy as appeared in thchgcoiurunb r donny was the seo ondor tbo how electric fire alarm put up jas weok works to perfection iu awaking the caretaker and driver of the fire team the flro gong for tbo cast end waa however a dismal failureoiid has been returned to the electricians it could riot be heard in councillor dennys store a single block away thib is how the guelph advocate explains the matter nothing bo satisfies a certain class of fault finders as to discov er a bluudor in a nowspaper recognizing this faot wo occasionally allow an unim portant typographical error to appear it really docs no great harm and in certain circles ia sure to meet a long felt want in short wo fetrivo to please sevenyearold girl hanoeo t ke jan who lives d short distance from this village was burprised to find the body of her adopt ed daughter beaaie hanging from a tree tho girl wasnot aoven years of ago no explanation of tbo fatality can be fonqd it is presumed that tho little one being tired of play lay down on a box under the treo and in order to keep from rolling off tied ber apron btrlnga around hor neok and fastened them to a limb of the tree and that in her bleep bhe fell off and was raogledi mrn margaret pknkett of ottawa com- nnited hanging herself with a ulotbesliue to thft btairway of her residence t- l08ltlvclyi ilttlo pills tlicy also rcifcvedistrcssfinom byspcpsb indigestion and too 1 icarty eaung a pcr- icct rcmctiy lor dizzmcsa hlausca urawsl- hess had taste in the mouth coated tongue tain in tho side torpid xiyer they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small phi small dose small price substitution tho fraud of tlio day sec you get carters aslc for carters insist and demand carters little liver pills bbttbh thbn su9r and itilt thej sold to auoroosrj complete with koller 15c fringe ditto and roller 20c iitra cloth and roller 35c heavylaccandliquer52 full size 3x6 childrens carriages dig stocl in all the new colors nnd designs from 8600 to 82000 velocipedes for the bos 83 00 83 5p 8250 8275 chas l neiles city bookstore cuolph stand frank harris manager seeds sjye inflney by buying your garden seeds inbtiikv we have cvcrytlilng in seeds fgrthe pldwer and vegetable gnrderis aisoioot seeds for tho farm turnip marjgel rope etc ffshing tackle secure yours before monday and before doing so see our new flies and casts etc srowirdfiugtorer mill street acton fruit ornamental trees 7o acr shrubs hoses w1nbs 7cnd s9d pothtoes we lmvo tho inffiofit aaaortmoiit and employ tlio very jatcst and moat improved meth ods for propagation all etock carefully racked under our noraonnl buervieion and ail now variotioa ten tod at our trial farms before being aitaloguud tho bo are tho only touting oroluyajm couuoctod wjth any nureory lu tho dominion agents wanted to represent us special attention riven to park cemotery and honlovard order estimates fdrnlehed for bupnlylnr ontiro orchards why buy of foreign conconib or of middlornvn wlion you can puroliaoo as obuaply from un aud got bottorvalup our ntock 1b can ail i an crown and acolimatod catologuo bughsli or french froo on applica tion stone wellington fohthlll nurseries toronto ont thd loading canadian troo moo w w budlong hills grove b i supreme in dross kaods our position is the result of years of hard work and faithful effort ve emphasize the fact that nobody can afford to fail seeing our dress goods and silk offering the department has just one fault nt present too many goods abojit double what we should have however thats to your advantage vveve fixed the prices to hurriedly reduce thcstock thats what we want to tell you about tocjriy from this out there are daily dress goods nnd silk offerings at 20 to 30 per cent under regular prices this applies to black dress materials as well were not resorting to screeching adver tising the goods and prices tell the tale 7k cts r prints and zephyrs none of which are worth less than ioc and few more than 15c but most of them regular york shilling goods they are worth your seeing as the best washgoods at the price in the trade cotton fa in the most beautiful designs we have ever seen french organdies perfect works of art silk striped grass linens very rich materials printed swiss muslins bright and beautiful jubilee crcpbns very hchrirettydjmmitties silver silks lawns and cotton dress materials of a dozen other kinds all nt prices to hurry their sale look elsewhere if you will we are sure of cither your compliment or your custom e r bollert co 36 and 37 wyndhams treat gublp1t ont- 234 ksttfspvotx turn wanzcr lamp and ovj1n jatt tho thing tiriainmer safe sure cheap 1ibst in the world haves monoy work worry choluer than wood or coal alwiyi ready ono lamp with wanserovenwih wu laraa tur- rtivrofharu boaitlpr or mwunlogu yon wo will be liloaiftl to lva yoi intonnatlqn mfff co hamilton iiuvb all kinds of raw purs bkitib boouwax qonfling living wild animals of all kinds lrico llbt of f um for noxt tv days for well imndlod btock ioforlor according to quality itoturua in ado day goods rocoivod all furs should bo ehlppod by oiproee an unusual stock at very unusual prices whether the need be for ladies or gents misses boys or childrens attirept is not likely that dollars will buy you more honest hosiery than the lion offers you today through this modest little announcement youve experienced the annoyance of having heels and toes peep through before theicwtimei buy our double heels and toes and save one half your darning ladiea fast jqiaok heavy cotton hose beam leas loe ladipavfinb cotton hose fait blaokhermudorf dye double heels and toes 10o ladioa- heavy cotton hose doable heelb and toes harmsdorf jdye good value at ltcfor 12ib vrtv v ladiea tan and blaok cotton hoao stainleah double boolri and tooa ono qoality and flood weight igo r finer quality in german cotton hobo faatbiaok and stainless tttn at 180 20o and-2ic- v w ladleaffanoy embroidered bi blapkcotton hose iloo ladtea fanoy black iriehthread cotton jlormadurf dye 4sc ladiea bjaok caabmprehoe 19c black caabmere hose 22o speoialyalae in ladiea black cabbmere hobo heavy and line 2gc we biow a fall rangeotjprioea in the bettor goodo at 10a j5c 40ov and 50o all special vtlne oar better goods are extravalue at c0o and c5o ohildrenfl girls and boya ribbed and plain coltori and wool hoae fast blaok and tan in all priceb from 10o to 45o speolal attention paid to strong hose for boye our ono and one rib double kneea heels and toes fast black we do not think can be beat at 10c for 54 in fro 12o for 9j io 1 everything in the hosiery line you will find upeoial value j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnell streets guelph the be hoar 1500 to 8 2800 flblior 700 to 1000 ottor 700 to 1000 llonvar 000 to 1200 biitor fox 1000 to 1000o crob fox 700 to 1400 ltodlox igoto 900 groy fox 100 to 150 wolf 200 to i50 wolyorlno 400 to h00 lynx yoo to u50 wildcnt fioto b0 marten iooto 000 skunk 76 to 10o ltaccoon ltlack 3o0 to uso itaccoon common b0 to 100 hadgor 100 to 160 door 75 to 110 mink 100 to j 00 mubkltat 30to ii5 bond mo all your furs you want made into rurbovorcoatb capca robes etc 1rlcos reason able on ojobb ot work turnod out websters iiiiernational tho ono great standard authority 1 hotvtttwriionntrtrnwywr i gvsend a p01ui for specimen pages etc j stcceororae it of nearly nu ilia hcboolbootui 1 warmly cbmnieiuscd the best for everybody stcauar j it is assy to find the word wanted t it is easy to ascertain the pronunciation it is easy- to trace the growth of a word j it is easy to learn what a word means m wrbatlb thb standard the toronto ftlobo sayai in intgnmuonnrh rnpldir ikwmlint rtopgn i ihiulillilontoriilfllujiiriiionrlmnryftmclionorndlox f loimryilwlntentntiofwt onnudniinniptamonqtof v ilnd informat of nrattnln 11 1900 i a c merriau co publishers sprntfflem mass usa xl uuit u liiiliuiuc c great offer jff jw 4- tho l pros doklrlnff io urcntly incrcnho ltd riibhcrtptlou met iimkun thu iollowluif grcnt oftcr to 1 ho farmer and btockmon of canada vhcrobytratk scrluera to woolly fruo pre will got 1 one years paper free tho freo protw hiw mndo arrankc- meittii wltli tho vrtnrhmry cloucn pnblihliliitf co for 0 ntiuilkir of coplox of tholr book tho votorlnary hclonce thu prlco of which n ww tiiih book treat fully and in pluin luiikuniro the anatomy dihoalmw and trent inont of dotiiohtlo anhnaltf and poultry alho oonlalnltigafiillloscrlitloiifmcnluhio aad itecoipu ao that uvory farmer can b3 his onn voterlnary i300or200 t wmklr froo iroi nnji kami 5 ui homo for ono your iprico fl0inu 2 a ctpy of uio vot4iriiinry bolenoo otrloo u botli will bo molloil to nny lul- orrxi upon thorocolpt of two dolurt lo npt mlm thin oliiince wo unniiot nltbrd to coiitlnmi thlxntrcr iniloflnltolr owr object in nmkhik it now ih to hvoitro an immedlnto rvflpnitrto wlilcli n low ubornl olfor mlitlil fall to nttrnct ito- morabor by nonrtdilt woo for tho book 2 you so tho wooklv froo lrom nnd agenui wnntod avorywhera aildrom mil mmunlcltuon u uis free press printing co london pnt nmpbttowffanwnitiiwiiwwi iii fljciitc ry fori yoar nmo on is iii ufhia bointlful ilindbn nauu v ff t oakdu loroiy ptotarw or 00 bandlnmo oalllng oudn cnall wjili prrtor stamp uikm addrou canada cakd 10vsb lugtnoll ont is always the cheapest my stock of watches was never better every one thorough warranted i will not sell a- bad watch if j know it gj pringle guelpli the 1 897 golunibia bicycle when you come to guelph call in and have us shaut you the bearings of the 97 colnmbia jgjc3 they are ftiffcrpnt t whpel stan1arrio sattage fe co sole agents for guelph and vkjinity btist- b the front of the building lately occupied by the traders bank has been taken out and a new glass front will be put in and together with other uptodate improvements will be one of the finest music stores in western ontario the sale of pianos organs small musical instrunents will continued fo 6 bsoistlt all sheet music at half price small musical instrqmentf and strings 25 per cent off pianos and organs new and second hand at wholesale prices for eight days only g ml k0 be 95 upper wyndham street telephone 178 guelph g f goodeve co acton hats wo have a fine assortment of hals in stock boiiklii ni n bargain which wc will retail nt the following low prices plain slraw hats at 8 io 12j nnd 15c each childrens hats at ao 35 and 30c each men and boys fancy straws at 25 nntl 50c each mens soft kelt hats at 75c 100 and ti2j each all these hats are of thelalest styles botirhl in joronto ihik spring also a lot of slllf felt hats at a bartioin c f goodisve go acton

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