Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1897, p. 4

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after taking a course 01 aycrv pills the system is set iii good working order aiid a man begins to feel tuat life is worth living he who has become the- gradual prey of constipation- does not realize the friction under wliicli he labors until the burden is lifted from him r then his mountains sink into inolp hills ltfs mbrosehess gives place to jollity lie isa happy man again if life ddes not seem worth living to you you may take a very different view of it after taking ayers cathartic pills mwtian xiiits thursday may 13 1897 mht 0ung jolhs quit a sp tlicro is a larmor who is yy enough to tako hla ee and atudy nature wltb biftjl aud think of what ho cc helioara the chatter or tho jj as thoyeacb other tt and boos that when a tree dkk it makob a homo for bb a yoko oroxon hitwill uu wilhmany hawb and oq and their mistakes ho will xqq when plowing for his pp ho littlo buys but much ho soils andthoreloro llttlo qo andwhon ho boos his boil byapolli ho also bolls hifl hose on a peruvian cliff expvters have found a great many mummic in oaves in oliffu among the peruvian mountains how tho indians who eu tombed their dead in this way reached the oaves bundreda of feet down tho aide of steep cliffs is a matter of con jecture a french travoller m wei nor narrates a vibit to one of these sepulchres and the serious dadger he was in of ending his travels then and there i went with two indians ho writes to a point 6a a high plateau below whioh was ono of the cavosp and had th indians lower mo over tho proaipico wuhleather ropes a journey of a hundred metres straight downward made in auob a way is extra ordinarily long t arrived at last at the tomb it was halfcloaod with rooks i went in and found twoaoulloand a mummy i lied the skulls tomybelt the- mummy in my arms gave the signal for tho indiana to draw mo up they obeyed and gradually i beared tht lop of tho precipice tho indians had not looked over it and had no suspicion of what i was bringing in my arms whan the yellow ukoll of their ancient ancestor appeared above the edge of the cliff the indians were terribly frightened and let slip the ropes i cannot describe my feelings in the next second the awful terror of beginning to fall in my fright 1 let go of the mummy and it waadaabod into a thousand pieces at jhe bottom of the abyss j3ut the ludianb had not lost their bold of the ropcq they d row me up again andin a moment 1 stood in safety at tho top of tho prcotpicn -i- life was a burden four years of agony anti misery a marvellous cure by paines celery compound throo bottles suffice to make mr flnter woll and strops tho hopclcbf deptiriiii ml nil w imagine thoy uro lost bocaimo tho doctors lucvo failod should rrjoico to know tin paiuuvcplury compound fully meetu tho worm catfof uud nuvor fiwla to ronttro lost lioaltl v it ia no vain or idlo bonatmvhtu the declaration is macio that plii olery cawqimdcuria wluli i other mounu fail todaj inrand nrniy of miii ancf wpmon in our owucanudu can voifeli for tho truth o the otatemcnlr made- t as a proof- lliat paiiioajlory odropound ouroa iuthodarkibttlmeaof diaeasoaiid minory wo nivo tho- testimony of mr f flnter o ottaabiit who win i aaved at ajmost the aleyroth hour ho sayp i cotjuidorht adoty to acknowlodrfi tho groat rood that i derived from your valu able remedy painob celery compound for four yearn i endured terrible arony and misery owing to paiha in my head and cheat lifo wab o burden to me and iio hviok mortal could doaoribo my buoeriura i was troatod by doctors and ueod many patent medicines but nothing rave mo jolief until i uaed your painob celery compound i thank god for the day it wttafarough t to m nation in t ottawa papers i have taken three bottlcb of the medioine and today i can trnly bay that i feel like a now man 1 feol certain that if tho buttering people of canada would only try paiuoa calory compound thoy would bo cored i will recommend the remedy whenever 1 have the opportunity aa it ia the beat evor riven to sufferers much in little la especially true of hoods pills for no medi cine ever contained so great curativo flower in so small space thoy are a whole medic ins chest always ready al ways efficient always sat isfactory prevent a cold or fever euro all liver ills sick headache jaundice constipation etc 2flo the only tilli to tako with hoods sursaparllla pill points dr agnews liver pills are a purely vegetable compound- a scientifically studied formula theafter effects of the medicine have been given asmuch consideration as the immediate results not eo with many of the ancient formuiaspalnful pursers and no healing powers think of these points if you must use medicine look for the moat pleasant safest and surest to take br agnews livor pills are aupremo in cases ofsiokladacbeybiliousness sallow skin constipation etc jo doses 20 cents sold by a t brown i my superstitions indiana explained to motuaf when ehoso good people the mummios are disturbed by indians they 60120 them in a fatal embrace and thoy assured me that as this mummys head rose into their sight it opened its tnoul and wpuld have uttered a fearful curse upon them had it not just then been dashed to the bottom of the abyss do not wet a lead pencil the practice of wotting a lead pencil the tongue boforj using is an unci habit id flavtlle leafltrfttup dangerous one recently a woman of fine bearing and elegantly dresaed stepped into the counting room of one of the local papers of a large city to insert an advertisement having no lead penoil of her own she picked up a pencil which was tied with a string to a pad used for writing at onco sho moistened the lead with her tongue and began to write an elderly woman who was stand ing by reminded her that the penoil had just heejlubcd by an old man raggod and dirty greasy and filtjiy who also had con tracted the name habit of wotting the pen- oil on his tongue ovory time he wrote a word tho disgusted woman flung the pencil away and soqlded the young mm be hind thn counter until ho sharpened tx brand liew penoil for her ubo audbenejlt the hnbit in a fooliahone instead of mukinu tho pencil write more freely and cinjiy it harden tt and makes it write blurred und irregular nevvhphpor men and thoao who uao lead pt n ri n dam pop tho lead a little girl being atked by her grand father where oqtton grow replied in old gentlemens oara wnnt wc inherit we are not to blarao for wo cannot o held responsible for the dispositions and tendencies wliioh wo derive from our ances tors nor uro wo responsible for the geims of disease which may manifest themselves in oar blood as a heritago from former generations but we are responsible if we allow those germs to develop- into beyoua diseases which will impair our usefulness and destroy our happiness we aro re- eponsiblfrif wo transmit to our dooendautb the disesse germs which it is possible for us to eradicate by thetibo of hoods sar- saparilla the one truo blood puriller this inediornrhbbowor6mblnrtich7todblddd and establish perfect health in place of au tlto htriiiiith of a btiiutiiij depands upon invthwity or it foumuiinn so health ilcinnha upon tlm unnilition of the blond tu cpl inipui ihi i and chuho tho vitul iluiii to bicotnit viijorouh uul lifo- giving ayrrti hlrrinpirilliv ir tho moat poworful und ifivotivu muihciuo in uflf mualcr woll tommy ymi were not presont yesterday wero you detuintd at homu in coiidtijuoncu of tho inolemenoy of tho ueathvr omniy no sir canao of tho ruin rnieffromilie rcnplc mr quo lluhkin inibaionary for tho interiititioiiiil mintjioii in alomu mid northwoat ilewritiia 1 winh to aay that dr fowlers kxtraot or wihl straw berry 1ms been to mo u wonderful soothing speedy and tfteutuul remedy it has been my companion for several- years during the labors and exposures of my mihtionary work in algoiuk woll it ia for outatid young to hao it in jtnit- against tho limb of need- which kd trfitmi cohiph without earning gkqjjihkinmiusiohaty toronto out yoara ago cbuuucjritirt kloljlonjania casb addressing jiitfiieo dyip- said you know jour iorddhip that the medical jiror feasioiv hov goiiorally recogniza kleptu- tnania as a dthuilo nor you a deseasc yoa responded tho judgo jand fam soul hero to curoit- dr lowa pieahut yormsyi up remov es worms of nil iuucij from children- or adults minnie haabepu in toseo mo today said a littlo fiveyear old and alio behaved like a lady and i hope yu did too said her motberr 7 rqcspindecdxdidi tucuodsomeriieta oh u16 bed the wonder of tlm age dkau suth i must honestly say that i bavo tried your valuable mediciuo j3- b b for the disease called prairie itch and have found this remedy to bo tho wonder of tho ago i took only three bottles and to my groat satisfaction was completely cured i cau highly recommend it to all who buf fer from any sluu disease or impurity of the blood hahom dix rat portage out healths paradise roralnoci aftor twontv yoara tor tures from that droad disease catarrhhon goo taylor of scranton pa tolls tho world what dr agnews catarrhal powder has done for him i was a martyr 10 catarrh for twonty years triod every klown renrady but gjt littlo or 110 roliuf was troubled with con stant dropping in the tfirpat terrible paim in my head and my breath wiw very oucn- sivo i was induced to giva dr aguowa catarrhal powtlor a triil nrnltho roauh sores ulcers abscesses scrofuloiissorcs was magidal tho fir ut application cleared my head inatuutly i porsited in its nao and today i lim a cured man and it afford a me plcuuuro to lend my testimony sold by a t crown not till iho cliililrid are rltattttite of rov- ercuou a little girl wrote a composition abouj tho cow wbieh t lio wub to toad uoforu iliu minbttir it- run thtia the cow ia tho tnot useful ituinml in the world tcepi rcljgjon c mjfeibhuuptiiliimu abqut hoods saraaparilla and advtqod mo to try it thtia ia thakind of advertia- frig whioh gives iiooda sarbip tho largest sales in the world friend tells friondthtrt hoods saraaparillacuroa that it gives strength hdalth vitality and vigor ftpd wholo nejuhboi luode ubo it as a family raedioino hoods pills act easily and promptly on tho liver and bowels cure aiok headache selfdeception ia oncrof tho moat doadly of all dungers you may get over that slight cold- air right im it lias left its mark dnthe iniii- what two boautiful children are thoy twinb eaid an old bachelor to an austin lady with two children o yes thoy aro twinft rephed tho lady excuse my cariosity madamo but are you tho mother of both of hem in reply to olt repeated quebtlons it may bo well to state scottnemuleiou acts as a food as well as a medicine build ing up tho wasted tiaaues aua restoring perfect health after waiting fovxr do you think that it ia ladylike for a woman to ride h bicycle eho injuired yes ho roplied unloss sho iusiata on ridirig liko a gentlemajs ciiurer caii lie cured for six years i suffered from cancer and got uo relief until i used burdock blood bitters i used seven bottlea faithfully when the cancor gradually dried up and finally disappeared i am now entirely well and rejoice that by using b b b i have oaottped death cither from tho aur- geonk knifo or fromltio cancer itself signed mnherizaj tufkoiip paris ont- castor i a for infants and childrei tiofio- imllo ilffutora brants lining your throat you arc liabletbtakeanother cold and the secondone will hang on longer than the first scotts emulsion- is not an ordinary cough specific hut it is the ounce of proven- tion jt guilds up the system checks inflammation nd heals inflamed mem branes slight colds never bring- serious results when it is promptly taken book on the subject free- scott downe uetlcyllle out tho kid pa youro a blockhead aint you pa whiit do you mean sir the kid why ma says im a blockhead an you bay im a chip off the old block mr thomas ballarcf syracuse n y writes i have boon afflicted for nearly a year with that mosttobedreadod dis ease dyepepaia and at times worn put with pain and want of bleep and after trying almost ovory thing recommendod i tried one box of parmclcea valuable pills i am now nearly woll and behove thoy will cure me i would not bo without thomfor any money in spring tlmo get pure blood by using bbb no other remedy possesses such fccr- ccct clcansini hcalintj and nurjfying properties as liurdock bloocf bitlcis it not only ciciinsch internally but it hgals when applied externally alt blotches eruptions ejc leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes taken internally it rcmovcsiilt morbid effete or waste matter from the system and thoroughly regulates all the organ of the body liver bowels action restoring the stomach and blood to healthy sohoqf teubherrand now jameoaoypb kuow the tignitinaucoflf tlio weeping willowwo have been reading of jimtny ycbbum weve got a tree in bur yard and father iuhkcb rrio weep wid do branohcoof it when i need lickin mum nniuros medicine naturotfmedicino for constipation hvor complaint sick hoadache biliousness jaun dice and sallow complexion is laxa liver pills thoy are a perfect laxative never griping or causing pain one pill each night for bo days will cure constipation unanswerable policeman ybu liad betlerconio along quiolly and not make troublo plokpooket gyarn not giv y troublol whered your job bo if it warnt for the tikes o na v there aro so many cough medicines in tho market that it s somotimos difficult to tell which to buy 1 but if we had a cough a cold or any affection of the- throat or lungs we would trybiokles antucoh- sumptivo syrup those who have used it think it is far ahead of all other preparay tions recommended for such complaints the littlo folks ltko it as it is as pleasant as syrup slio i wibh id never married you 1 heso do i you did bomeqiher girl out of a goodhusband piles cured in 3 to 6 nlghtsi dr agnews ointment will cure all oabee of itching piles in from threoto six nights ono application brings comfort for blind and bleeding pilos it is peerless also cures totter salt rheum eczema bar bers itch and all eruptions of the skin 35 cents sold by a t brown 100 hctter ffi4 wlppl mr walker why did ho jump into tho lako miss calker oh i supposo thero waa a woman- at u10 bottom of it a voice from vinlen disease gicntleman i have naed ttagyards yellow oil for the past ten years and find it a splendid remedy for colic neuralgia bronchitib croup pain in the backiiilcerat ed and sore throat spruins chilblains etc 111 fwrt wft nan it fny nfrm nvnyy piip npa it always relieve a quickly i can safely a ay i know of no othor remedy of tho sort that can erpattl it wo always keep a good stock irijtio house miih j- 1 maikih virden man johnny who isallowed to aakouly fifteen questions in an oveniug say paw how many questions have i asked alroady paw that makes just fifteen that hanking cough can ho qnjckly milburno heart and- norvo pills aro curing heart und nerve troubles in every city town apd village in canada mrs f abbey toronto says milburuni heart and norvo phia cuved myliuabahd who tor fifteen yoarb suffered with weak nerves caused by heart trouble ho was bubject to pains in hta head dislnees fainting spelle sleeplessness otc ho in now freo fromrtheeo troubles and feels 100 better than when ho began using the pills is 3t3-3- 3 s- dtarhjiosa mvsjjjvrtj and all bowizr compitjts asurosafoi qnlclc curo for homo troubles is fttinkuwvi pennt pavts h vbcd internal iy and externally t two sizes kcnndlioo hrtttlm j burdock pills small safe and sure regulate tho liver and core constipation qfe otise ycor king and hughson bts hamilton r0gs carpets and housepurnishinas a splendid colleclionthe wjiolc of our third floor given over to this department specials for this week crosshiys best tapestry carpets regular 00c quality now 75c crosslcys nine- wire tapestry carpets regular 75c quality now fioc heavy make tapestry regular 650 quahtvnowpc the prices incach case jpclude tho making xiagb ourtahjfs our spring stock is compleic including irish point swiss thmhoured brusscu net and nottingham lace curtains tamboured curfains regular 7 for 8550 ftio for 6 81150 for 8s50 815 for 10 rf wihteuiltsio marstlilles i 1 14 satin finish 22 cotton blankets for slimmer use 104 nnd 11 4 plain or twill 8110 per pair special dress goods offebinq dress tweeds 42 in wide 25c a yard 44 in wide 30c yard special line of tweeds 41 in wde 45c and 50c sifk and wool dress patterns at bargain prices reg ular 865ofor84 87 8750 and 8h for s5 810 n and 812- choice for 80 each make yoor selections fcarly navy and black serge special value all wool at 25c 35c 40c and 50c aiard t mensffurnishiwgs v 4 meps merino underwcar- all sizescaliirtsanujpants special 50c 65c and 759 eoqh mens cotton undcrwer 11 sizes shirts and parits special 25c 30c and 330 -wens- flannelette top shirts made of gooc quality pf english flannelette soceachmeris black sateen shirts warrairtecfjast soc mens dresden shirts a ilozen differentpat tcrnacollars and cufia detached qoc 81 andiio v hosniry anb gl9ves ladies- bhck and colored tafletrgiove925c and35c ladies ah sjjk gloves oc and 50c the celebrated coiiversier kid gloves all sizes colored regular 81 3s for 8i every pair guaranteed loysheavy hib colfon hose double knees heel and toe 25c ladies black cashmere hose- seamless foot 25c better quality ull fashipned 35c or three pairs fdrftt ladies cotton rib vests cream or white with or without sleeves- sc 8c toctind 120 wash rress g00d- new dress muslins fancy dresden patterns fast colors izjc blouse aratcrial in cotton crepbn muslins dimities in plain of figured 13c 18c and 20c yard scotch gingham new patterns fast colors 7c 8c 10c and i2jc ftfr school dresses plaids and checks have all the appearance of bestwool goods iajc yard ordered millinery dept new shapes in straw hats sailor hats leghorns for ladies and children nc flowers ribbons etc with our large staff of experienced milliners our friends from distance may leave their orders in the morning and receive the goods the same day readytowear wraps ladles cloth capes fawn or tan color velvet collars plaited backs 8250 83 and 84 ladies black cloth capes full circular velvet collars 9350 and 84 samples by mail o appli freight or ex p to your nearest railway station in ontario on all purchases amounting to 5 arid upwards satisfaction guaranteed timh of clohind ma1lh 4toinff woat mtntnanj 0u0 pm going last 10 15 a in utitl s 15 pm thin unit tmilu wont into direct on mondai nov 30th lhlfl thorrias cvyitm ki ns the right hoitse new veilings and silk laces t italiig anct yariety in fancy printed goods such as french laffenettes organdie cloths light prints c our grocery dcpt special value in black large range of summer hosiery gfoves mitts c mens readytowear pants at low prices mamma now teddy we must all try and give up something whilo times are so hard teddy im willing mamma what fiball it be dear teddy soap norway pine syrop cures coughs norway pine syrup cures bronchitis norway pino syrup heals tho lunga itftttttttttr mttttttttttti thedl emulsion 50 at ortuzttuts ormailed on receipt of price by i mil 1umn co toronto faitbuisver wears along face rheumatism can be cured- in tho mouth or with a sponge beaidea hoiug tnjurions to the lead it i a danger- oiih imliir inaamuoh ai dlneaao has been luiowti to he convoyed in tht way into the hyalum injunol8 i was attacked with in flammatory rheumatism with which i suffered under continued medical treat ment live months tho last tlvo weeks i wan not ablo to gat out of bod i then sent for dr ifalstod his treatment gavo mo immediate relief and in a few days i was at my worlt and i have had no rlh-ufn- atiam hi nee hiium boiinminorcit mclniyrir deo 3lili 16u5 dr halateds itheumbtio curo may ho had at tho medfcul hall main street aoton oared by hugyards pectoral balaam prico 2go ingenious toaclior if the clock were to strike fourteen what timo would it be intelligent pupil timo to send tho olook to be repaired tho beet pillh mr wra vandervoort sydney orosbingont writes wo have been using parmcleos pills aud lind them by far tho bebt pills wo over used- for xjolicato and dobilitatod constitutions those pills aot like a charm taken in bmall doses tho effect ia both a tbnio und a stimulant mildly exciting tho aocrolioob of tho body giving tone and vigor is invaluable if you are run e down as it is a food as well as f a medicine i the d fit l emulsion i t will build you iiii if y general health it p impaired i the d l cmulftlon 1 f la tho best and mast pahtabla preparation of f cod liver oil agreeing wlih tho mostdall- t cata ntomnclia thed6tlrenriulslon t is prescribed by iho leading pbyolcians of p canada i the p l emulsion e is a marvellous flesh producer and will give f you an appetite 60c s1 per bottle tno sure you get i dayi8 uwbenoe co ltd t tlm genuine monmiau cujii qertrude i seethat mrscaahor has got tho alimony auntselina doardcar im afraid it will gq hard with her shes such a frail ncrvoua thing thero never was and never will be a universal panacea in on6 remedy for all ills to which flesh is heir tho very nature of many cutativeh bbing such that were tho germs of other and differently sated dibeaucs rooted in tho system of tho patient what would relieve ono ill in turn would aggravate the other wo have however in quinino wine when pbtaippdin asqund unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ilia by itsgradual judioioua use tho frailest systems are led into con- valescence and strength by tho influence which quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relievos the drooping spirits of those with whom a chroufo state of morbid despondent and laok of intoreat leaders in gents furnishings i a egurneyco mill street acton all sizes in summer corsets s5 mens hats railway time table grand trunk railway 10ini wkhtj iolno kaht mail u i am i 1skru3h loxniott u 21 p in iixiiruss mull 7 xi liui mall i s1ix0l a n a in li n ii ll piii ii 0i iim brhntford steel wind mills cptarital cbv credaiar atontf holler na pu b5arv i gnlvnnxletl toikt ernnml wheels tho best janovca idoal sprny tump iron palntib water tttukt- rilling ito the ideal power mill with roller and ball bearings la a wonder hcnd for circulars tiik maple leaf iouevliu ten inch rovorsibla hapley ul111 boirlass for ae zrlvj platos rons onsy grind muirk4t nno and fast iiin our ia toot ideal power folujh mill will run it satlatac- awjt torlly this la by all odd brantford can 1 johntuvftueen agent for above also for frost and wood binders and mowers a tall line of all kinds of farm implements and repairs more than half your life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction ah in lifo is a diaoaeo and by tranqutlizing the norves diepoees to sound and refresh ing sleep impartb vigor to tho action of the blood which boing stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tho healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a nepessary result strengthening tho frame and giving lifo to the digoativo organs whioh naturally demand increased sudbtanco result im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho publio their qbthrnbwino at tho ubual rate and gu aged by tho opinion of scientists this wine approaohca nearest perfection of any on- tho market all druggists sell it the newest shapes and best shades are to be found in our range of hats for spring wear we have carefully selected the most tasty things from the best english and american makers- and- guarantee every hat we sell- we are ajso showing a complete range of hose etc grades of boots and shbes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot shoe store mill street acton to- cure rheuiviatis1vi the greek flag ia a white cross on a blue ground the bavarian colors aud tho greek cross hay wilkinw that live dollarbill you lent mo laat niht was a counterfeit woll you said you wanted it bad between life and death timely facts about greece it has h jopulntlon of 2187208 it iri called hollab by its poope it hatt an area of i 1977 aqua re mtlon tho mean temperature of greece ia u fkkrcqi fitrenheit ahnut onehalf of tho populntion are hmriculinrinth and ijhepherds the clinmio ban two striking poouliari- lieatho heat in summer und the cold in winter uru fur more intenae than those of uny other country in the world lying in the htimo laiilude gel once romarksd that id rntvvliiw ihrounh the more in maroh jio found bummer in meiiiua prlng in jjiconm himi whiter in arodi without lihvini moved n beyond radius of fio milee the hafr of the hjad to be an ornament in ilia wennr hould rrcelvu piiiilakfug tore 11 id if iw color is fadd hhiik ilnir llenowev hiiuiiiii be applied for twenty five yoara says mrs j d stoddard of aabury park n j and two bottles of dr atrnews cure for the hoart re stored thelost treasure for twentylive years i havo been a great sufferer from heart disoaso palpita tion dizziness and severe hoidachea i saw dr attnews curo for the heart adver tised and determined to try it two bottles havo done wondera for me tho dizziness and palpitation aro gone tho headaches have disappeared- i never cease telling my friends llio wonderful benefit this great cure has beon to me and i elieer fully recommond it any and ovory whqre sold by a t rrown biliousness constipation sick headache liver troubles a pe blend a perfect tea pure sceylon grown cured and packed by the qr0wer8 in the finest tea gardens in the- world blended d tested bv experts aud pronounced the best tat all grooers lead packets only 25 30 4060 and 60 cents a pound black on mixed 6 thcpavidsonahavtutdtwholesale agents toronto henderson fe co gents furnishings department c 1 cr 11 dis attended to day or night x shops and warorooms j foot oi willowst j speight g6 af k ypur grocer for for tabloand dairy ntlbest oh that dont count a mule hai no faith in a veterinary surqeon yet bo gets cured all tho same the brightest flowcm must fade but young iivcb endangered by bovoro cougha and colds miiy he proaerved by dr thomas eoloctric oil croup whooping cough bronchitis in short all affections of the throat and lungs uro relieved by this sterling preparation which also tmedio rheumatic pains eoret bruiaoe pilos kid ney diflloulty and is moat economic doctor i iihvo ho ni for you although i confoss that i have not iho ft f bleat filf in mbdern mediaal nciecce mother qraves worm exterminator lr no cipihlfor ilestroying worma in children and adults so that you uol tho kenoln rthen piirchabiiitf 0kxoohhkxo0kkkokk enjoy your outofdoor sports by wearing one of slioreys rigly waterproof bicycle or golf suits they admit the air but keep out the rain the feeling appearance or porous pro- pcrticsofordinary tweed arc not changed by rigby it simply renders goods repellent to water yet the cost is not increased choock00och00000ooch0ooc000h0 undertakers and embalmers latest styles experienced attention i firstclass hearse moderate charges furnif ofallkinds avellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited 1 brjitols srsprillt it is prompt reliabue and never fails aitjotrpra8ifiefpr ll i bristols sarsaparilla jaspeightco orders left with j n stinson rockwoorj ill receive immediate attenilon and nolflt cheap i cheap these cheap fncincs as welles mcmtillens choice steel wire nettings for trellis poultry ynrdsrfnwn fencings vtttc am sold much lower this- year than 6ver before they are tho best ask your hard ware merchant for them a word with you about our new spring hats they are strictly up-to-date- they represent every leading style they are made by the best makers they embrace every shade and color they are the nicest in the city they are reasonable in price need we say more just this that our 100 hat is a leader renelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph miinn a 0oj f

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