Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1897, p. 1

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voluife xxii- nmj tp acton ontajmq thubsday may 20 1897 ililce three cents t kttan jfm fhws lb ioilihukd every thursday morning at tue frco ircbbstciuu printing office mill street acton ont tbumh of bunaoitiftiox ouo dollar per year strictly in advancoa all hubaoriiitiona dlrcon- tlnuou whon tho tlumfor which thoy lmvubuon paid has oxplrod tho date to which every subscription is paid in do noted on tho addross label advkiitibino it atub transient advertise ments 10 ooiita por nonpareil lure for urst in- sortlon a cents por lino for oachauhaoquout insertion contliaot luxkb tlio f oil owing tab lo hiiows outratoa forthoinaortloii of iliivurtlbomouta for specified periods ljfjimov ajib7jjsuo soooo as6qjefig6 8700 asoo saw iat aoo 2000 laoo i 700 aco 600 a 50 1 q00 100 mlnohos 10 inches a inches unoh advertisements without bpcolflc directions will be inaorud till forbid and charged accord ingly- trans lout advert a omenta must bo paid in advanoo advertisements will bo changed pneo each month if doslrod for changes oftonor than ertco a month the composition must bo paid for atregahu rates chanffflb for contract advorifiomohth must bo id the offloo by noon on tuosday-b- hpmoqlte editor and pronrlotor wiihtikss bimtorp t p uren m d o m iew wall paper at days bookstore cuelph ont y we sell the best wall taper for cither 5c7jc ioc 15c- or 25c in town- our borders ceiling match our p wis are tree to buy where we like be en use we pay cinsh for our goods arid therefore have thdehotee pfthe american factoriotthlinlvviisfgpops ye buy cheaper nnd- sell eower thm competitor pont becleceiveti by chaff nnd clicclv ee idays stock the big value he gives at j day1s bookstore hjelipb day sells cheap traders bank of olhco and roaldonce corner mill frodorlck streots acton as elliott m b m d acton qkaduati toronto university office main street uiird door eolith or lrosbytorlan church acton veterinary surgeon alfred p husband vs oraduato of tho ontario votorlnary college honorary rhombor of the veterinary medical bocloty ofpic win husbands lot 21 cod j nobs- agaweya callaway or night promptly attcudbd to dental ltj bennett lds dentist georgetown ontabio dr f b mercer dentist oraduato of toronto university and llcd 8 offloo oyer drug staro acton vlsitjxo dayh tliijithilay and flildav j mbell dds lds dentist dncorville uonon graduate of toronto univeiibity work inado satisfactory pricosmodorato visiting days tuesday and friday of each w0t- legal m clean mclean barriblorbsolloltora notarlob convoyancora jto privato funds to loan oflloo town hall acton wm a molsaif jno a mclean douglas a murray xlaiuubteils fiolicitocb notattleb etc orrioeb 1230 qucon st parkdalo victoria ohamberbol victoria 8t tolopliono 297 tononto john douoiae a gmtinttat a j mackinnon baimiateii bolicitoit conykyancen orfloe mill stroot in matthowb ulock t g mathebon jb mclieod aniiibteiik bolicrronb conveyances uoorqotown and milton monoy to loan at lowest rates r j mcnabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agent firo andllfaafiburanco koal eatato agout monoy to loan etc 0kioe porryuianaulook aoton ont m1scellanbo us h enry grisi ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invention etc prepares- applications lor tho uanadian-anior- ican and european patent oulcoa and for tho heglstratlon of trado marks boud for paut- pbfot thirtytwo yeara experience f ranois nunan bookbindeb wvndham st quolph ontario ovor willijimb storo aceoiint bookj of all klndfl mado to order periodical a of ovorydobcrintioooarofully bound bulinpnoacvnnd promptly done m arriaoe licenses h p moofle lwbitjn op mailhiaqe llckkhes private ofllo no wltnobbcb rcqtiirod iasuod robldennn in thoovonlng frooproab oinco acton agton machine and kepair shops henity grindeli proprietor aub woll oqulppod with all tho maoblnory nooosnary taoxeiute all repalra to machin ery and agrloultaral imptomonth and to do all kinda of btoamnttlnbboraa bbooingaudflonoral ulaokbdiithing woodwork repairs performort fn a batlefactory niannor we can repair any machlno or implement pf any make baw gamming and alius done wolllnfiton mutual fire insurance company ebtabubdted 1810 insurtance oncaah and mutual plan any oouimunloatlona forwardod o my address box 6r or tolopliono 58 will bo promptly at- tondod to john taylor agent ouelph w m hemstreet -llobnabd-adotiohbhu- kor tho counties of wellington and hjatton ordoraeftat thofrrk pimna ofllco affton or atmyretldoncoln acton will bo promptlystt- tondod lo fcob roducedto 8500 for farm sales aibo monoy to loan on tho moat favorablo utiiband at tiio lowoat ratos of interest in aumaof mo and pwards acton saw mills and wood yards jhwes brown manuraotojibil and dealkil in xuiabcr jiuii shiiijtlch wood ijo all kluda or wood in btook ond promptly dollvored to any part of thu town at rlaaonublo prices hardwood and blabs out stove lungth alwuyn n hand telephone couluiuulcatlop i a little ent0ji0l0gy ve wish to call the attention of the housewives of thiscommunity to a very destructive household insccrrw h tc hh35alrendy done serious clttnare in this district we refer to what is known as the buffalo moth or carpet beetle authrenus scrophulnriac k which attacks and is very injur- ious to wollen goods zlothin carpets upholstery etc how to know it it consists of an active brown larva n quarter of an inch long or less clothed with stiff brown hairs around the sides if you are not familiar with its nppcar- ance we will be pleased to show you specimens at our store in its three stages larva pupn and adult insect how to destroy this pest is the next question of importance having discovered it in vour house we have the remedy slewarl5 buffalo momi exterminator or liquid inbeglicide will rid your house of them in a abort time it is a guaranteed remedy price 2so a pottle alex stewart family and dispens ing chemist cuefph ont- authorized capital i paid up capital and surplus 7s50oo assets ovet 6300000 cuelph branch ii 3- sumaof si and upwards received jj on doiioeijandii poroont intorcat wyjpnict r compounded huifyqrly tjopoait rccoipta ibbipd for ihro eurrib depbaited advaucoe i3iatl9 lo rcbponflibjo farniow on their own naracfl r nb bharcemnde lorgolloiliti 3utea noiee if paynbleln gublpli a general banking buaineas tranaaotcd a l ii jones s ijoitrij mnnnfior linoleums from 25c to 100 sqr yd more than half v yoiir life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit tliat is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot shoe store mill street acton in the homes merchants thats where to push your business people have time to think there they havent at your counters make the sales there how ask at the fiihi pitiiss onice the fkke press goes into the homes of the buying people and the best of them kvcry sub scriber pays for his kitkii ikiiss in ad vance our readers are of ihe class who pay promptly do you catch on p j h hamilton dkauctt in marble and granite hnmlitonblook nuelph llaviug on hand a largo quantity of sootoh norway swodlbh and russian grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i wi sell at n reduction of 20 per cent and will allow all expenses to customers to nnd from our works john h hamilton quelph business college ami t shorthand institute quelpb ont hulehioit kaoii4tikb for thorourh and practical cournoa of study uookkotiplnu titiortband aud typowritlna courses a specialty graduatos analstou to pobltloiia yalaj 8kbb10ns common cos bopt 1st write for circulars j- sharp principal oifcltrth from iacio 45c a yd j japanese matting lor sumnier comfort uiiex- elled- healthful and inex pensive from i5cts to 35fts a yd special department for these goods on st g eorges square ground floor excellent light j m bond co gvelph entrance wyndhnm st or st georges sq s tvl1sh uitiiscis our stock of new spring goods is now complete tliey are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection prices right also styles shaw t ujinek merchant tailors guelph 189798 isnikil php6rs styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st georges squahe guelph the campaign prepare fo winds wo would aull your rtteution to tlio fact that wo aro preparod to supply you witl lamborof suitablo length for your darn doora viz 10 1213 or 14 foot albo sash doors frames v mouldings otofor building stortn doora put up at as low a rato ub possible fv7uvfs repair your pumps or put in now ones boforo it is too cold wx can do it shopat foot ofrlvor street acton th08 ebbace manager georgetown electric works rjtsretghfmoprletor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors ond hydraulic rams thto antlhioam flttlti and uoiicral hopair ing ilolnff oiulpicl with a kfta hrarltiff niaohhic i am proparotl to dolnls on itlcyaloa frame a whoola converted fronrdlroot to tanifott hpokoa hatiillo haw uoiitllo any dcnlrod nuglo full lino of apokoa kopt inl jtook batlaracttop tuarantcod lllcyolos otiamollotl in any color t j speight georgetown sow r sew j so this la l ho way my fathor bows as up nml down thoflolci ho goon walking fast wulkliifl blow itlgh t uud loft tho grnln to throw fathor known whllo 16 goof that tlo rrdlu tljrown hpro and thoro lty aodby fiood croiia will boar all ho lovoi will have jx aharr if tljo rraln lo throwa with care so hotbrowb v aa bo gooil bowl bow sol this iallxo waylny mother aowa a workiug alyfilug bqit and low whilo bhofl alttiog thoro to bow mother kuotve aflbhobowff juckutfl trouaoraaprotib too johnnlahttt andbabyiiauoo iatchiiieoidqr inpjjlufl now lovo runs olj this btitcbeatbrbupb tlifb boo kuowfl 80 bho borfe bowl sowt sow 1 can neither bow nor 80w7 whun 1ui hlg v lonru tbom though but while llttlo aa i grow lutlajjlu of lovo ill ahow for 1 know aa i go tondfur baby calling nan k turning orranda llko a uiuu helping mother all i can love will grow whoro it begnu all i kiow soortlaso llttlo bltb ofjovu count up liko drpps ol wator iu a cup fill it bo i twill overflow i sol sol so eva lovett in youth n companion select jfanjrily icaing tinkling g pring the baltimore and ohio train goes at a rather leiaurejy pace down tho beautiful valley o urgiuia a il it would give you tiroo to gaze your tih upon the blue ridge on your left hnd and the ecceatrio epura of the allehuny on your right one of itu pascngerd hat in the parlor car on a fair june dny nazin through tho wido win lowd with ervruodt eyes yet with that uir of abstraction iu their dept ha that ehowej plttinly huw littlo blip was thlnkii of thoqq bluu titann a i in y benton wuh in fuct absorbed with plans and prospoctri for tho cominy earn- mer sho belonged lo that great migra tory flock which risen up from oily homes every juno and settlta by the boashore by tho lakeside on ho mountain top und elbe- whore for tho aummcr ailfly had tf around with her family to theao places year after year oyer binco she had worn long dreaeoa and chewed on a cdral rattle and now in hor bixtecnth year haviog a turn for originality uhe had bogged 00 arid olectod to epeud her anmmer in the deepeat seoluaion her mother was too much exhausted with tho fatigue of decid ing tho yearly quoation where shall we go to opnteud she wrotb to a distant cousin iu virginia i mean that oouaioahip wqb distant not the location and engaged board for ailay iii the- farm houao of this relative it waa in what was called the tinkling spring congregation for there waa no village within a radius of elxoraeveu miles around the old proabyterian church built in colonial daye when hia majeatys council tolerated dissent west of the blue ridge but by no means oaat tho ehuroh was otill distinctly tho centre of the com munity a plain equare brick buildibg under whoao roof it wotild aeem impoanlble to preach anything mora frivolous than calvinism thoy will bd simptemindod people of courae aho waa eaying to herself juat raetics in fact and i moan to btudy human nature among them tling springgl the eduud of the oondaotora voice in this doubtful announce ment mado ailny cluoh wjldly at hef b bhawlatrap boob and urabtellar-rbatbbe- nood have felt uo aneaflinoba paaacngere aro gueatb as far down in virginia aa thia station and the gentlemanly old conductor would not even let the porter earn the tip ho bad reoqivod but carried hor trapa him- aelf helped her down hoped she bad had a poaaant journoy and waa alio buro her oarriage would meet hor thoro waa indeed no carriage in sight but a little apring wagou waited a few yards from tho track with a young tgirl drivingi who waved tier hand and nodded to the conductor ho understood that hia passenger was in good hands lifted hie cap and tho train was gone is thia allay aaid a rich sweot voice aa tho littlo wagon rattled up jump right in pleaso i i couldut leave bod- eye or i would have been on tho platform ailay looked askance at tho young horse curvetting about reatlesaly o you neednt be a bit afraid there is no harm in him he ia juat kittcniah i raibed him mybelf the mule wugou will oorao by in a while and pick up your trunk exulaimed tho young driver will it bo aafe asked wilay aomowhbt anxiously for there was no station house and not a soul in sight o- yea perfootly aro you tired and hungry aud homiuk i am only one of tboda throo thiugr ha id ailay amiling i leave you to guoaa wrtatrotio with an impatient aigh but you have not told mo nbout bob bob ia our big brothor the liandaomeat bmnrtont doarcat fotlowiu tho world ho ia at collego ibnt this vacation yeb butuot for bob it was kila time to sigh uow wo havent seen him since chrifltmaa ho got a place as aum- mer tutor inathona to coach aomo boys from thmnr south bo hofolt pbliged to fltay ahtb la old unole bfo excuao me a minute andehorolned up her colt to hoil an old nagrooptherroadaide a few more turns brought them to tho odgftpf jpframont faring and kt eagerly pointedout what were t6 her abjnota of deep intoreat all thureet of tho way 0 what a dear placoi oried aildy impulbiveily the house anavyard oam9in sight yv kits facr iiuahed withgratificalion it is tho dearest placo iu tho world sho said boftly i am bomotimes afraid i wont want to gotdlieaven it would be nardto say what there waa in theplain farinhouboand tho old-fubhiori- odyard to call forth ailays exolamation but the air of uoatueew and care and simple decoration gave it a charming aspect of homo aud comfort u the mother and tho older daughter wero atrikingly alike with a dignitysf look and maunor curiouely unlike kits free-and- eaby waya and equally remote from ones idoai ttnxam and bustling farm wtvear tbeybotb had a irok of oare and anxiety too from which kits face was atill free thia careworn look was yet more marked on tho futhern beamed brow and hia silence waa only bavod from moodiness by his evident enjoyment of kitj aillioa ailny hud herwiah she atudied human nature amohg thtswrualica but of aaimple atroug unworldly anl unselosh typo quite new to a oitian of vanity fair if hardly seems fair to my home folkp she aaid to kit one day ua they sat out uuder the miiplo tree stoning cherrija for preserving huti ulmot wish i could stay hore the year rouud o but wo are not half so nice in winter confoflsod kit lightly the roada aro horrid and work is twice as- hard in cold woathor your imudri get rough and yoiir njso red iiilfrpdtatcea and hoininy aud turnije eeem everlhrting this teemel lo ailsy u good opening for ii little scheme which hud been brewing with her kitty dear she- bud eagerly i want you to promise tocoino to boo me jiext winter for along viau- all tlio things we do in iho winter would be so nine if i had you iu them and really and truly i want to try to be moro comfort to my poplo to bo as much of a kit as i can in our home wont you come kit drew a long breath and colored high with pleasure there was nothing said for a minute or two and then hor voico had a tremulous bound like tho vox humana atop in an organ you must not tempt me eaid presently it ia almost liko allowing me tho kingdonibof thu world and tho glory of them but 1 could not posaibly do it there aro many rcabpns that you aan aeo would mako it impobsible money reabona and olntbob rettsons and so on but oven if some fairy godmother- would furnibh tho ball droaeand the pumpkin coach i dould not go vou boo i could not loavo father i dont do half aa much for him ab mother and rosa but there ia ono thiug that i can dp better than anybody and that ia to cbeprhim up bear old daddy 1 tliore he cornea now ho has been to tho pput office and howtiijed he looks l you jubt fiuish theao ailfty theres a dear while i run and got him a glusa of cold tea tears of ajsappoiutment blood in ailsya oyoa thia waa a thing fihn had so set her heart on but perhaps coubin ellen mod rosa would managp it yet binco it would givo kit so many chances of improvement and thou ailay seoretly wanderod whether kit needed any improvement she waa ao altogether dear and sweet db aha waa tho oherrioa being uuiahed she carried o to- tlioro was already laid for hia tiwii work next year ho knew uho of a ohanco for rosa or kit as companion for a sweet invalid girl who would give a lovoly homo aud many advantages of study and improvement he was ovidently not a man to mako a scene or talk much about what ho felt but ailays heart thrilled with loving admiration for ber rustioawhon ehe heard bob ba to kitty think kathleen ma- vourneou how mqoh bettor off wo arehhan tho poor be i 1b suppose ii wasour fathers mpmory left with this btain ouit i fc our fathnr indeed 1 cried kit making a littlo secret doh at her checks toget rid of a tear pr two you might aa well talk about qoorge waaliiugtona statue getting down off iiflj pedestal to cheat at pjaylng marbles iemzauijthpiikston allan in presbyterian bnnnet relieved at last d- a childs qenerositv atqhia lime when the english nation a rejoicing over the loug aud prosperous reign of queen vioioria a simple little in cident of her phildljgod told by mr alfred story in tho quiver ia not inappropriate allowing aa it does that the qualities which have made ber beloved as a queen were already manifest in the little princeae when she waa seven or eight years old this littlo-lady- wna particularly fond of dolls of which she waa allowed to buy a goodly number always provided that bho for your own bake i hope you artr tttbi e b collins butcher poairca to thank ills numeroua omtonieni for their liberal patronae binco ho common cotl banlnobb laiit january and hoiion that by careful anil oourteoui attontloti to uierlt a coutluuanco of their cuatoin a aomploto assoitnaout of tlratclass beef mutton xnmb pork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard 4o in season irlcoa always as low b couautont with tho beatnuallty 1rompt dollvory ft stock waittud ji w coltinb hungry aa you will be expaoted to oat an enormous supper it is rosas week to cook thank goodness 1 and it harts her feelings if wo dont stuff ourselves now my week but i thought you wore rosa inter- runted ailsy oh you did well dont tell her so that all it would bo hard on hor beauty to bo taken for ar freckled faced thing liko mo im kit when youro iu a hurry or kitty or catharine i have another name but i dont ibt anybody but bob call me thal who is bob kit gavo her now acquaintance a blight atare and laughed with a pretty ripphng sound you are evidently au explorer of a dark continent biio said why i know all about you and tho little brothers and slstere nnmos ages and all but i sop- pose city folks have too much to take up tboir at ton lion jo bttttow any of it on country relations i dont see tbut wo think much of any thing at homo but ourrelves aaid ailay flie kitchen door fcstrangot nobo ly there though tho sugar wag on tho fire aitsy sot tho bowl down and went into tho bittiugroom but started back aa sho reached tho door como in dear it was her cousjub voice wo noed you to comfort ua they were gatherod about the table whero tho father sat gazing dumbly at aa open latter kit whispered its contents to her an old friend for whom her father hadgpuo security sppu after the yav had died suddenly leaving his affairs in hope- leas disorder hia boudsmon would now bo called upon to pay his debts and tho family at iufriimunt hot having a dollar ahead of their careful economical daily living would have to soil the farm rosa waa sobbing passionately but the rest wero calm my daughter said the old man in a stern yet tender voice- smn you not boar tho aflliotionb god sends movo bravely i do not oare for myself eobbed tho girl but bob will have to give up hia education a epftsm of pin puaaed over tho rugged face of the father and kits heal dropped but tho old christian rulliod promptly ia ribert left oat thou iu the auia ordering of gods providence ho said rosas tours ooaaed aud sho went round to her fathers side and kissed the top of his white bead 1 will try to remembor father biio sui i patiently im euro bob will not doubt gods love ail fylooked on-ln- theaewere her- htnnbho bad nieanrto- patronizo and do good to why they wore giania and buo fell herself a pigmy among them how bravely an i patiently they bore this trouble how forgetful oach of self how tenderly thoughtful of one another 1 it rauat bo iho sit low of old tinkling sprjug churot nh sid to herself that grows auoh pcttplu an these but hor thoughts were suddenly 1 roken off by thu opening of tho outer door bob o bob i scream id the girls and a abort thickbet fjow uilh kits freckloa and reddish hair oaine ii and took his mother in his arm aiisya vlaions of bob aa a knight of romauqojvero instaut- y anaffed outs i see you havo all hoard tho news ho said sitting down among them after a brief grrotjng of hie new relative i got word of it yoaterday sn i look the early train thia mirning to b i in thia family disouaalon he had seen ultwr and had found out that iufrtjjiuiit would not have to be old that the interest on ihe debt would satisfy iho creditors and his piano were took good care of tbero washing arid dress ing them hortself aud supplying them with the neatest and mobt becoming clothing the clothing she bought with money earn ed by steady application to study on ono occasion she took a great fancy to a doll displayed iu a shop near her home uuforlunately sho had spent her allow ance for the month and no rooro would be dne for a fortnight but the priuoesb was uot discouraged having explained tho matter at borne ahe was permittod to ask the storekeeper to put tho doll aside for her the storekeeper who kuew her willingly couaeuled aud thoittle lady felt that thodoll was safe it was a happy day when with six shill ings in her hand she went to the bhop after the treanurej the money wus paid anattho dollhanded over to the new mis- troris and then the child turned to tho door before aho could atop outside how ever her eyo fell on a miserublelooking tramp who opened his lips as if to speak to her uud then fhut them agtiu irreso lutely he btood nbide to lot her punty a muto appeal in his sunken ohceka mid quivering lipb did yu wish to speak tb me abked the princess i aro very hungry said the man in a trembling voico if i wore not ready to sink 1 would uot aak for help lam ao sorry rophed thu child i huve uo money or oibo his lips trembled forth a humble thank you lady aud he wub shuttling off when tbo obildibh voice oriod stop 1 sho topped book into the shop oh would you roiqd taking the doll back and keeping it for me a little longer the asked certainly i will take it back and re turn you the monoy was the reply the child took tho money and turned to door she placed tho whole of it in the hands of tho starving man he starod at it for a moment aud his eyes filled with tears please go quickly and buy something to eat bhe baid yea mibs i will and may god bless you all tho days of your life and prosper you in everything you do baid the man then as lie hobbled off ho murmured f tho almighty made you a qneeu it would not be moro than you deserve sontinelb hove accomplished wonders of faithfulness and enduranco bqt the sorvtce of a eentincl on tho island of h tcn as re ported by himeelf ia a unique example of patience a detachment of tho french general davouats army was stationed on tho littlo island of rugen an order to leavo itimmediately waa received arid the soldiers embarked and bailed away with tho greatest haatp oue majitwaa tor- gotten ho was on aentiuel duty back und forth he marapod for hours after it avaa timtj for some one to reliove htnir finally ho lost patieaccabd rettrrnedtoheadquar- ters and found the pot deserted ilia com- pany had departed iuobddiencoio impera tive orde i am loit ruined disgraced liij lamented y i shall be aout for and shot as a deaertpr 1 his dtstrefstouchodtiio heart of a good fellow who witnessed it and ho took him home with him cheered him up and adopted him into his family as timo passed and uo summoua came from france the soldier took huartand becauao a good citizen of rueu ho en deared himaolf to his udoptud family and married the daughter of hie protector five yeura after the departuru of the french soldiors a sail was sighted from the island and if was eoou discovered that the men on board tho approaching hliip wqre tear not i will help till- for i tho lord thy god wljl hold thy rlfjlit baud haying unto thor funr not i will liulp tlieo ia xll li i will holp thubhoaf thopioniitjo ot tho ouo whorulgiih ubovtc though im wuak and heavy ladoti ho will till fny hoart with iovl- led by him nud trusting cvor in bla graco frcini day to day i shall bosocuro from daugor from him ehall 1 uovor btruy keep mo ovor near thoo jusuh with my baud onclobudln tliino thou wjiun duty calla or datigur ijl not murmur norrcplno with tliy constant loving presiiieo evor near to holp boatow i cuulaborin thy vineyard audncod nover foat the fou jiyrfia m artwl4iiichtiiitian ministering to others is a privilege tho privilege of giving cheer to sjme weary fellow pilgrim journeying with us toward the blessed homo of eternal rest should always ho au occasion of heartfelt thanksgiving it wafl thus with the apostle whnnhn srvd vnoapririnond father of our lord jesus christ the father of mercies and tho god of all com- fort who comforteth ua in all our tribula tion that wo may bo able to comfort them which are in any trouble by the comfort wherewith we oujrsclvos are comforted of god when wo are called to administer oom- tort at the bedeido of soma afflicted one we aro never propared for this holy ministry in tho highast sense until tho privilego of such service is our inspiration an lriapira tion that i the prodnot of our own exper ience of divine verities when wo arei truly in this bpirit words of comfort may bo wholly unnecessary thoro is a silence that uudor certain ciraumstanccs is more fitting and hejpful than words in auoh instances the ability to refrnin fronj audiblo uttoranoo for the sufferers good is the ovidenco of a truly spiritual ministry whoso ohief characteristic ia tho power or a loving sympathetic hoart does your dinner add your weight to careful with cents a gentleman standing in a hotel lobby whio taking a match aifo from hia pooket ace lontly dropped a cent on the floor lie piaked it up carefully and aa he did bo baii i havo only lately realized the value of a cent i have a bmall acoount with a trust company and tho other day i recolv- ed my book with intoreat computed at ftlsft i worked at the figures quito a whio and found that tho exact amount wat 9limh then f argued with the boc tary that it ought to be h but ho wo id not dtfriuent to tho tucrease so 1 came lo tho conclusion ft hat if a com pany with a oapital of ftloooooocan figure on half cents i ought to be careful with centb french uuifornm they have como for me i ciied the ex- bentinel a happy- thought btrock him ho run homo hurried into hia old uniform seized his anils and by iho lime the frepoh wtro readyto didlinbtrk he was solemnly nmrcliing back uiidforth on thu shore who goes there he dciimnlpil in a voice of tbuuder ay the soldiers weje about to land who goes there yourhelfv replied the astonished frenchmen who are you any way a sehtinel how long have you been on duly five yeurs an mightbo expected suuh a mojel of patience and persbverauce wai reliovtd from duty until his case could be inquired into and when tho matter was reported to geueral dtivouat ho laughed heartily and sayiug that tho fellow mutt need rent tave him his discharge substantial handshakings it was yearshince in the ozark region wherqi wue riding a circuit that i saw a minister enjoy a moat hubstuhinl hand- bhuking paya a writer iu the globs ieuo- crat shaking hauda waa his pecularity ho believed in the potency of a cordia grasp to win men tothechurch but though successful in getting souls ho wan unfortun ate in the matter of getting dollars in faot poverty continually btared him in the face he owned a littlo farm and mortgaged it aa long as it would yield a dollar the mort gages were falling due but there was no prospect of paying them- but thibdid not bother him a bit he shook hands moro heartily than ever i have unbounded faith in handshaking to bring everything out right he often said until bis penchant oamo to bo tho talk of tho town at lust came tbo day when the mortgages mast be foreclosed that would deprive him of the little that sheltered his family on the eve of that day a kuook at tho door of hia houso called him when be opened the door a whole orowd rubhed in and without eaying a word commenced shaking hands ho felt something cold in thepalm of the first man and when the hand was withdrawn it stuck to his own thats the most eobatantial hand shako i have ever experienced ho said as ho hold up a five dollar gold piece but tho next man stepped up and a silver dollar was left in tbo preachers pojm no one would say a word in explanation but pressed in on him as fabt as ho oould stick the metal illajntobiapockota t w ti ptiau6e hough fort h ovlbrfotstcaoh ono or whom deposited from si to 810 in the outstretched hand each left the moment hia littlo errand was accomplished and not a word could be had in explanation except tho last one who as he turned to go remarked we wanted to play a little joko on you and we havo the eeveral jokes nottod iubt 871- his homo waa saved and a neat balance was left in williamstown reside two young men of a poientitio turn of mind they have tteen discussing whether a than woigha more tifter eating thtu he fore and havo decided that eating add nothing to the weight while drinking makea itbelf known in avoirdnpoia monday they weighed themaelueb juat heforo going to dinner mr porter weighed 101 poundb and mr whelde 105 t abpweighed t w for d a t axporiroont i pa by t i t r bhowod that the smallor man was tho tame duck muoli tho flavor of a wild ono better feeder for according lo thb boalcs ho got away with throe and a half pounds of ratablorf while hii companioua capacity was only two pounds the men weighed themselves again directly after dinner and both declare that their weight wrb not increased at all boston ifeconl the proper way to roast ducks and geese fc prime duoks must be fat aud youug the lower part of the legs and webbing of the feet soft and the lower part of the bill buffioioutly soft to break eanily writes mrs s t rorer in her cooking leasou ou the cooking of poultry in the may latuai home journal the ubjual rules for roaatingand baking will apply to duoks and geese they contain however much more fut than either lurkoya or chickenh thn muttiug whilo they are roasting may bo styed for frying purposes aud used in placo of butter ii4tead of using breadcrumbs as dreaaing for duoks or gecso uao potato for a medium aized duck allow four goodaizod potatoes or two oupfula of mashed potatoes while the potatoes are hot and light add to ttum one aup of bhopped english walnutaateaapoon- f ul of satt half a cup of chopped celery and a aaltapoouful of pepper when thoroughly mixed put thu dressing into tho duck or goose sew up the vent and it is ready-to- roabt- the peculiar flavorhm enormou8 consumption of paper tho ntw york worlds great christinas number wvs bold to iho enormous number of g8i08tt copies this repreeentod an output of 5000000 eight pago sheets weigh ing at leant h28 tonb which would represent at least 425 cordbotapruoo wood or a pro duct equal to eighty aorea ot average growth of spruce lands the fame day tho new yor herald issued 403700coplee of an 84page paper and the new york journal published au enormous edition oaob issuo carrying- sixty eight pagea of printed matter and undoubtedly consum ing between 350 aud boo tons of paper here then wero three new york papers which consumed in one day in their ohriit maa issue upwards of 800 tons of pulp the product of 1200 lo 1400 cords of sprue o wood greenland delicacies grcenlundera have ho regular jneal- i times but eat wieu- they jaro hungry they seem abloto go without food for a rofnarkahly long tluje aud aldo to out at a sitting tho moat usbonfihing quantity among their principal dainties ia the skin of different kind of whales they call it matak aud look upon it as tho ucme of delioioupneas it is tukuu off with tlio layer of blubber next to ft nnd i eaten ruvv without ceroinonyj filr najisen di- clarts that ho nust ufer thu ehkimos his siucercst congrutulutldus on the invention of tbiadish j i aan uhure fhlf reader that now ni 1 write of it my inouth wateru tit ho very thouirht of matak witli itd indescribably delicate lantu of uutauud oysters mingled and then it hue tliit advantage ovor oysters thut the skin is as tough tis indit- l ubhrr to muslicate no that tho enjoyment cuii he protracted ip any extent ofyegetablo food iho primitive green- lundorh uacd several sorts i may mention angelica rlandeliotir florrel crowbenis bilberries and different kinds of sstiwtol one of their reuiertt delcaciea is tho contents of the reindeers htoiwicli if a greenlfinder kilhjji rdii m huiiable to convey inucli nf it homo with him ho will i believe seuuro the stomach lirt of all and- the lant thing itn eckim i lady enjoins upon her lover when ho sola iff- reiudeer hunting is t hit ho must nhcrve for her tho htomach of hi- prey it imm dniibthuhuo they ktrfiid in in c i of vegetahlii foorl iliitt ihov prize thitt ko highly and a iho bouno it ia in rothtya very choice collection of tho finest mos- and grasaea which thut yen r met tho rein deer picks out for himself tt haa under gone 4 fiort of- stowing iu the process of bemididesmon whilo the gtbtric juice pro vides a somewhat sharp and aromatic bauoe many will no doubt make a wry face at the thought of this dish but thoy really need not do so i huvolasted it and found it not uneatable thongh somewhat sour like fermented milk as a dish for very special occasions it is served up with pioces of blubber and crowberries some new cqmmandments 1 tjiou shalt not go away from home to do thy trading thou nor thy eons nor thy daughters 2 thpuflhalt patronizqthinppwn mep chants also the printer and thoy shall patronize thee mako baste therefor and purchase that which will causo thy countenance to ahino with intelligence bring prosperity to both thou shalt not ask for credit as goods cobt much money and tho merchants heart ia wearied with bills his children olamour daily for bread and hia wifo abid- eth at the home for want of snch raiment aa adorneth her sistera thrice blessed ib the man who pays cash 4 thou shalt employ thine own mech anics that they bo not driven from their home to find bream for their littlo onee thou shult albo consider him that ia thy neighbor above them that dwelleth in a strange town 5 thou shalt not aak for reduced prices for thy influence for behold guile ia in thy heartdiidtbomerohantreadelhitlikean open hook ho laughed theo to acorn and bhouthith to his clerks hs ha i g thou ihaltdo whatever lieth in thy powprto encourage and promote tho wel fare of thy town thine own peoplo 7 thou shalt bpeud thy earnings at home that thoy may return from whenco they oamo and give nourishment to such aa may como after theo 8 thou snail not suiter tho voice of pride to overcome thee and if other towns entice thee hearken not unto them for thou mayeat bo doceived 0 thou bhalt uot bear fiilbe witness against the town wherein thou dwcllest but spesk well of it to all men jogging his memory dogs are wonderful for their intolligonco aud owners of dogs arc perhaps equally wonderful for their fuith and versatility every one of them iiub a now story hero is the latest tho other day rtayn mr gordon i forgot to givo bruno hid dinner and in my prooccupation paid no attention to him when he heuan to beg fur it he went away at lata mid wh gonu for some lime then hu cuniu in from ili garden briugiiigsomethiiig in hjs tnomli and what do you think it was a pprig of forgetmenot i a special warning to ladies hoods sarsaparilla is knowu to bo an jioneat medicine and it actually oores when nil othara fail tnke it now tho proprioldra of diamond dyes are tho only people iu the world that mako specialdyes for coloring ooltona and all mixed goods it ia now admitted by all iho boat color oh em i bn that a dyo prepared specially for all wool goods will not color cotton or mixed goods successfully when diamoud dyo pink purpto orange garnet navy yellow blue scar let turkey rod green cardinal brown dad blaok for cotton and mixod goods aro used satisfaction fa always guaranteed beware of the dyes that pretend to color all wool goodsnd cottoir with tho uamo package of dye the vordiot of millions on thin continent ia diamond dyea are first and boat itll funny but you never find near as many things is you lose ten people out of a dozen are invalids says a recent medical authority at leabt eight out of theao ten it is safo lo allow aro suffering from a blonddittease which a pereiateut uso of ayera sarsaparilla would bo sure to our e then dont bo air invalid

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