Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1897, p. 4

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s iknutiful ejcs prow dull nntl till i as lues wllv ears bual ownj ilcmihfiil wallow j formso tdht i osc fnunchb u ttti tvcry tiny hut she ht 111 is quctu ami lioth ltirms to liar ho wears outha coronjil beautiful hair preserve your hair and you preserve your youth a woman ia as old as she looks soys the world no woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its nortnal beauty sou oarikeep hair from falling out restoring itsnormal color or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair by the use of ayers hair vigor he 3uton ffrig riss thursday may 20 1817 ffilje fjouitg olhs shooting bacteria rifle frovi a ono of llio latest and moht mnnllur x porimuitd with biotorm ia thut of 11 gir ninn mvjbhiitor moamlor who hurt proul thiit thoao niioronropio out into to liunmn llfo duel health ami be aru out of u m ultlioth butlrin any apparent injur iio hid inftcti 1 rillu i iillluwnh biclori i i ml tlun liroii tliu biillota into in inn lllltd with a ifulitino ircpiii iton miilublu for llio nniirinliimiit of niioro orkiumih upon wiiiliiiiii llio uhich inalo by tin buhuth ifi thu pripiration ho founil thut iho prtoihu foriim of butim with wlmli tlio uiiiuih hu 1 bto1t ctrarrclt nrpirlt7 ilovolopcil llnro although it wan known that naniuiiimiin omhiul ill tlio tcliitinu prtviotib to iho uxpcnmliit iio him ovlii fouuii til it a bull t mil pick up bacteria from the air during iti ilirjlit or from atolluiik through whiuh it pabduh and depomt thorn btill active and living in a golatiuo target truly science dis covtrb ihore wondera thau i lotion call invont his check good for hundreds of thousands of dollars he finds in paines celerv compound a new life bit johnsons opinions 1 yo alius nohssod follora hit s a risky thing to do to kulkalato aocordiu toliow things looks to ou tlio man at talks tbo nlcost don t help you up tbo bill tlio ono at prajo tbo loudest don t alius pay his bill bomo times tbo ulbsst hflbcfl illtob tlio buialloat kinds o baits an might ugly nluiinlu can make tbo bust o mates tbo smart ob t look i u f oiler may bo a roe lor tooi you ro alius kiokod tbo highest by tbo mookost lookin mulo atlanta conntitution just for fun candor madam said meandering mike wxifcn t want yor w misjudge me id conneotion with that proposition of yours ter bew wood fu mo dinner there am t rjothiu thot ud rive mo too re satis faction than tor bunoh myself up alangsidb 0 that stack 0 logs an spread sawdust all over the scenorj but 1 11 havo tor make a confession you havo a honest face ma am an 1 think i kin tract yon 1 that s raoro than i can do for you wiob ib precisely wot 1 was goin to re mark its a humihatin thing ter own up to im a kleptomaniac an of 1 was tor put my hands on that saw id be euro to steal it ib eball ho my ambiti6n said the young man who had finished hie education and waaoady to lift the cares of business from the parental shoulders it shall bo my ambition and my motto to keep tho family numo free from a tain all right n aaid the old man tell miko to give yon tho whitmg and ammonia and then yoa go out and polish up the biros humph i aaidmra partington this paper says that tbo presbyterian sinner ib going to try iron maclaren for what ia it h o r e a y 0 yeb for hearsay well i fuesa hell be convinced thats all these writers of friction pretend to write who were the debtors a btory was recently told of bow an american minister tested the effect of tho hard times upon his congregation at the conolneion of one of his sermons he said lot all in tho bouse who pay their debtb etndupr instttutlyevery man woman- and child with ono exception aroao to in one of our largo c uimdian cities thoro resides one of capada e merchant princes who can at any moment wnto his ohcok for hundreds of thousands of dollars somo lima a this morchunt prince was a verj sick man liver troublob headacho andinaoinma eruf aatp ulliugdo w na btroog physical frame doctors bestowed great care and attention on their wealthy patient but no euro camo to ahecr bim in fact tio perceptible bei eiit was felt after months of treatment a voyage to tbo faouth of europe was then undertaken and wcekb were spont at one of tbo most famous watering places but no ohango for tho betterwas oxponenc ed returning home tho merchant prmco received a visit from his faithful pastor who strongly urged tho uso of paine s oelery compound a nrd jino that had somo years before caruj a mo tuber of iijb family tho good advica of iho mimstoriul friend wab promptly taken the great healing compound was used with tho result tbat in five weeks tho nick man and hib family were overjoyed with proofs of recovery and new health bestfal sleep was restored digoation was improved andt a brighter look camo into the oyos and face aftor four montlib caroful u90 of patue b celery compound and proper dieting every deadly and treachorouh eymptom of diseaao had vanished and tho merchant prince was a now man what wondrous and happy proof of tho life saving virtues or paine b colery com pound 1 suroly the statement id powerful enough to lift all poor und holplese suffer ors from tho dark pit of despair this story of a truo cure was related by an intimate friend of tho cured man who gave permission to refer to it publicly without giving tho nama of the oncx dying merchant mamma eaid willie do you pay jen mo fifteen dollars a month for looking after me no mxteou said mamma sho is a good uurso and deserves it weill i bay ma i ii look after myself for ten dollars you 11 eavo six d6llare by it liver ills tike biliousness dspep9la headache constk nation sour btomactf indigestion are promptly eurod by hoodtf plus they do their work hoods easily and thoroughly brat after dinner pills 2fl cents all druggists frepnred by c i hood st co lowell mas the onlv rill to take with hood s sarsnparllu qiutli in u nutin ii impuro bluod in the niiturul ntmlt of oloti lonllnum nt in lion i roliooljioont or ahop dloi d h purilh d by hood i btirn iparilla and nil tho din iicoublo rosullh ut nn uro lilu id lilt- ippliir with the nao of ihi i nudi cim if y m wi ill t fj i uoll k p jour hi nod pun with hot i h irmijtlli i jioil 1ills art tlio ihhl ufar liunirpill uchist iliiihriaii curt hut ik he j cliitw iht ilovil a r at nnil ih to mil 10 it e my foi mi n to d vonu iuul hitnl lu ih riht sad forebodinps of autumn weather thousands who dread an attack of catarrh ap inters cold ap- pronchqpygt catarrh can bo banished undorthe mafflc touch of dr agnows catarrhal pow der this in not a dogmatic statement strong as it may tiecm lmdinf mombora of parliamont tho ui6st proinmcnt olergymeu of the lpibtjppul 3rlsbti n in methodist baptjst and hjtmui cuthblfc olhirchoo havo bofue testimony to lhoifteotivtnes8 of this medicine mr job mud diyatflst tho popular pursor of tlio cnudmu pacific steamer aithfibaxca is ono who was cur od of intense- suffering from cathurrlml troubles by the use of this mtdicino good bamartttin lihe ho has ever since recommouittd it to uny who suffor llend off an attack of catarrh by having this jnodiome at our hand sold by a 1 brown god noier eciuib a n un wherg it is not for his hilkht fool to fo uinloubtill i in hut geirn n n i wi h to siy thut dr fowler b lxtract of wild strawberry has proved a wonderful remedy in my family wcwonldnotbewitl out itfor twice-ie- price i bay it is tho best not merely one of the boat but tho beat medicino over broight before tho publio for summer com plaint or diarrhooa either iu children or adults john underbill lironso gommibiionor strathalair man 0dsh msmam imimm m nin hii iirrcti avcgctablcrrcparalionforas similating thcfoodandhcgula llig llic stomachs and bowels of inmntsi iiiluukn promotes digestion chccrful- nessandrest contains neither opiurnmorplime nor mineral jijot nabcotic xbjxcroiiinswvilntcnen fl8s6scr apcrrcctllemcdy for constipa tion sour 5omachdiarrhoea worms convulsions fevensh- nessondlossof sleep lac simile signature at new york see that the facsimile signature is on tbeii wrapper of eve1l bottuh of oastorla lo pot npia one she oottloa only it li not sold in bulk dont allow anyono to sell yoa anything olso on tbo ploa or promlpo that it 11 jnit ob good and will answer overy por- poio 5m3ce that yon get 0 as tq s la thb fw- d5 woods norway pine syrufc the most promp- ploaannb and pcrfoct curo for coughs colds asthmi bronchitis hoarbonoss sore throat croup whoop ing cough qninsy fain in the chebt and all throat bronchial and lung diseases thohoaling anti consumptive virtues of tlio norway fine aro combined in this modtcino with wild cherry and other pectoral herbs and bnl soma to make a truo apecifio for nil forma of diboobooriginatingfrom colds price 25c and 60c tho man who thinks ho knows it all puts out his eyos to begin with why will yoa allow a cough to lacerate your throat or lungs aud run tho ribk of filling a consumptives grave when by tho timely use of dickies anticoaenmptivo syrup tho pain can bo allayed and tho dan gor avoided this syrup is pleasant to tho taste and unsurpassed for reliewng heal ing and curing all a heel ions of tbo throat and lungs coughs colds bronchitis etc death from suffocation almost a fatality but for dr aernews cure for the heart strange story of a northwest lady a death to bo dreaded ib tlflit from euf focal ion and yot this is ono of tho usual phases of heart disease mrs j l ilillor of whitowood n w t came aa nerr to this dangerous point as neod be sho bays i was much afflicted with heart failure in fact i could not sleep or lie down for foar of suffocation i triod all tho doc tors in this section of tho country but tboy failed to givo mo relief a local druggist recommended dr ajmow a curo for tbo heart i tried it and with tho result that i immediately becnred caeo that i did not know before and after taking further doses of tho medicino tho trouble altogether loft me it lftnot too muoh to say that it saved my lifo sold by a t row n man with a rod iiofo is about tbo last d it out perfatnml i npih nee mr ii hindsou of ilindaon bros wat ford ont says 1 rom personal oxpor lenco i recommend milburn s heart and norvo pills for nervousness and gonoral weukneas of tho system andtau pay with out doubt i hoy aro the best medinuo i over used pills booiety women resemblo hens in that they cackle a great deal about their aet did it over oca at to you wlioao hair ih th mandconstant lyfol hnfi off- thu rm hi b cftu bo prevented nll b ttmr tinnnnor there wns joy in hell when tho first drnnkard rolled into tho gutter that hacking congh can ho quickl cured by hugyard s pectoral balsam prico flic tho dovil works hard to keep men from getting to god with their money we tell youi doctor all there is m scott s emulsion just how much cod hvci oil hypophosphitci gl cci ine but we do not tell him how t h eeaie corn hi itd voir have you i seci ts this is ours this knacls t i mak ing the vwiy bct thing has come to us from yeai of ex perience with just one thing we make only scotts emul sion all our energy is bent on making that better than any ot emulsion in the world we have no other business thought is it any wondei that itisthestandaidf lvory stop toward hoavon is a test of coura and lovo dr lowd pleaeaut worm byiup rtmov es worms of all hi tula from children or adults tin j do good work tho following letter tolls what people think about lax a liver pills diui shih i gladly testify to tlio vir tacs of laxa liver pills i used to bo troubled with sovero headaches aud con atipatjpilfor a loag timo aud look these pills hoping foiv a oure and my hopes wero rapidly fulfilled i bavo found them a never failing remody and heartily re com mond them signed miss s lawaon monoton n b painkiller penity davis a sure and snfo hemodr in ovory case and every kind of bowel complaint is painkeller this is fl true statement nnd it ennt bo mada too etrong or tuo uupbuiie it la a slmplo baco and qudc euro for cramps cougli ithouiiiatlsui colic colds iscnruleln diarrhoea croup toothachu two sizes 2sc and 50c the reason boasioi met mibs shap ely out shopping to day and i never boforo realized what a loud toned voico alio has jennie but you must remember my dear that bhb was abkiug for a pair of no 2 shoes burdock pills small safe and euro regulate tho liver and curo constipation hosiery news an unusual stock it very unusual prices whether the nc d be for ladies or gents misses boys or cfulcjrcns attne it is hot 1 ilcly that dollais will buy ou more honest hosier than the lion offers you today through thi modest little announcement youve experienced the annoyance of having liccls and toes peep through before their time buy our double heels and toes and save one half your darning i it lieu last black lltiavy cotton iioso floamlcba 10c ladiua 1 fno cotton iiiso 1 aat bluok hormudorf dye doublo hoola und toes loo luiliuu hpnvy cotton hone doublo heols and toob normsdorf pyo goad valuo at 18c for ujc luliu ian and black cotton iloao staiuluss double hoela nnd tooe hno quality mid looi i weight 15c 1 iner quality in gorman cotton noso taat blaok and stainless tan at 18a 20i and jlc ladies taney lmbroidorod i uat black cotton hose 10a ladieb i anoy bhiok iribli thread cotton hormadof dye lfio ladies black cuhhirrero hose ljo ladnjs blaok cashmero hfiao 22c special valuo in ladjea blaok cashmere hqao heavy and line 2fjo wo show a fullango of pnooa in tho bettor goods at 10c j5c 40o and 50c all special value our better goods aro extra valuo at goc and 05 c children asifcnru boyb ribbed and plain cotton and wool hose taat blaok and tao an all prices fromjoc to 45q speoiauatteution paid to strong hoso for boys our one afid one rib doublo knees heclb and toes i ast black we do not think can be beat at loo for gj in to ih for in lveri thing in the lloaiury line jou will fiqd hpecial vattio j d williamson co wynham and maodonnell stceets guelph burst the bank m thefrontotthe buildinglatcly ogcupie3 vy- tliq fradeis bank has been taken out and a new glass front will be put in and together with other uptodate improvements will be one of the finest music stores in western ontario the sale of pianos ungans small musical instruments will be continued for 8 days only all sheet music at half price small musical instrument and strings 25 per cent off pianos and organs new and second hand at wholesale prices for eight days only o w k6lly 95 upper wyndham street guelph telephone 178 railway time table crand trunk wailwny all xi roi 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 ii 1 a in 1 nr 10 17 n 111 7 nil mill 1 mix 1 1 11 10 01 1 in lull pi bols 1 mahs doliit wont ii 1 111 mil li 10 1 in oolhf 1 it i 1 un ml i 1 in thin tltm t i lo yciit nit komtli lm t on aloud 13 brhntford steel wind- mills iiitornal cov or ud oear vatont kollor and oall bear initb gnlvauxleil toiv era and wheels tlio beat hiauiorlca idpal fapray puiop iron 1uniub watur laukr nplng c v the ideal powor mill with roller and ball bearings is a wonder bund for circulars tin maple leaf 1 oiiumit i uavorslble- ai m mt latoa of special doelgii jhapley 1ja11 buarlobs or tlio yw rt0b it oaay g ilufi and fast oar 12 foot idoal powor 1 mill will run it satlefao torilj thlalbbyftllodds brantford can tb0 b08t grlulor made john wqueen agent for above also tor frost and wood binders and mowers a full lino of all kinds of farm implements and repairs w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uake a specialty 07 machine finished book papers and mh grade wllkl1 nlw8 if tho devil had to work without a mash he wouldn t leave the pit still anolhor triumph mr tho s buucn sunderlund writes tor fourteen years i was afflicted with piles and frc quently i was una bio to walk or bit but four years fo i was cured by dr thomas lrlcctric oil i havo also bcon bubjiot to quinay for over forty 3 ears but loleotrio oil ourcd it and it vyae a pormauent euro in bothcabos as neither tho piks nor tho quinsy havo troubled mo since younk bob was found by his father bob biug in a cornor whats tho matter youngster ho asked why pop blnb bercd tho boy i vo got a nickel aud there taltt any alotaround hero to dropltin aa pi mandrako and dandelion they cure liver and kidney complaints with absolute ccr tainty thoy utao contain roots and herbs which havo bpocifio virtues truly wondor fill m thoir action on tho stomach and bowels mr l a cairitcross shakes poaro writes 1 consider parmelco a pills an excellent remedy for biliousnesb and derangement of tho liver having used thom ray self for somo time christiau charity clerfe lady oub there with a flashy paste necklace wants to know wncther its puro diamond or not jeweller look like a married woman yes jeweller tell her it is then no ubo makm trouble for poor husbands these hard times o 0 w e 9 o relief for j m trozzbles f ifrcrvbinrii nnirniitt n tih 1h m11ttiv1i m llll the 1897 columbia bicycle when you come to guelph call in and have us show you the bearings of the 97 columbia bicycle they are different to any other wheel standard of the world savage fc co sole agents for guelph and vicinity cills attended to day or night f shops ind wircroonib loot of willow st j a speight co undertakers and embalmers acton ont latest styles experienced attention i firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture or all kinds a wellassorted stockat reasonableprices youi inspection invited j a speight co ortlcm icfl mih j n 8tin8on rockwood will receive immcdmto attention s tho papor usod in thib journal ib from ho abovo nllls wm babber 4 bros acton- livery bus line tbo nndorbltnoilrobpoetfally solicits tlio natron ago of tbo public and informs tbom that well equipped and stylish rigs oan all ways be seoured atbisstablob a comfortablo bun meets al trains botwaon flam and bia n m caroful attontloaglvon toovoryoraor tbo wautbtff commorolal travol lorsf ally mot john williams pnophiftoo murray lanmaf their feot ho seated the crowd and then said let every man who is not paying hib debts stand up a careworn hungry individual clothed m his last summer buit alowly aaaumed a perpondiaular pohition and leaned upon tbo back of a seat in front of him how is it my friend inquired the minister that you are the only man in in this larpe congregation who is unablo to meet hib obligations i publish newspaper ho itaoekly re plied and my brothorn bore who have juat atood op are my subscribers and timely facts about greece no part of greece is forty miles from tbo sea or ten milob from the hills it is the only country in the world whose armies are provided with tho gras gun and papor covered cartridges it has few rivers and many lulls nono of the former nro navigable and many of the latter are fortified only about 70 000 of the inhabitants speak any laosuago other than greek and only about 20000 profoaa any other religion than tbo orthodox its present boundary limits were deter mined by an arrangement among franco great britain russia and turkey oonolud ed at constantinople on july 21 1832 tho ohiof characteristics of tho average greek nro hii iihiuinitivncsb fondness for excitement love of dihctissfon doalre for knowledge and aptitude for learning and aggressivo pitriothm is a sure remody there is no hotter ballast for keeping tho miud bteady on ita keel and eavingit from all risk of orankiness thau buainoaa for big eaters dr agnews liver pills are a pleasant and safe liver regu latorthey stimulate diges tion and counteract the too commonerror of overeating taka one after dinner nolncon- vehlence they act pleasantly 40 doses in a vial 20 cents 4 0itou iohh of appftitr iiemiktlllin bcnenuoribls- v article aro m xt manircat f llyllnnll fttio di p i lul ilbtojrot a til of 1 1 a klijicoui1 will li i lu ull it i ufor over y r d 1 v ujii 1 c ilorally in ivrlit i 1 llud tl ii i- in 1l n no r l at jlad a wliuu ll o 111 ocin omruu ulwukalt iii l if vii cp mgntmil 00c nntl 61 per ooclio davis lawrehce co ltd montreal 6 9 novor havo that tired feeling if you keep your livor active auddr agncw a i ivor pills aro a hvot bpcciho the devil will not oaro who doos tho preach iug if his plans for raising money are adopted by thu church castoria for infants and children what was on his mind tho hartforl pont rocords a striking in ntaooe of pre occupation which occurred in that oi ty not long ogo a teacher iu one of tho publio bohools asked her pupiu to wrilo a oontenco eon taming tho pronoun i a binall colored boy responded thus mymother made a ahortcako it wag so short i didnt get any of it mammawhen papa i lora hlb down talri marnina whats ho doing 1lora hiri bioyclo s out of breafl and ho h giving it homo more hnllerf rn from pheioal and nervous debilnv hud urent rehsf in ilie uee of aaru surbuparillu rar better than nnv fiimuint tin effect is not trnn- hicnt and uicrlloivl hut deep and pertua nont it huitdu up the tyntcm by purify jug mi i minuhiuu the blood tbfw- unll ilbmtart 7 tirr tho deiil foe 1 8 at home in the housu of the- man who dots not put up a fonco that tcttirrrlntttrkgtpotit haiiilsome fuituicf somotimea uiibightl blotchefl pimples or sallow opaquo sbin doatroys tho attrac tivenohb of handaomo fcajiwb in all biioh oases scott h lmulflion will build up tho system nnd impart handsomeness and boauty the rjuobtiou with a good many of the ladies still is is it a lovo of a bnunet or a daokof a hat chrohio derangements of the btomach liver aud blood are speedily removed by tho active principle of tho ingredients entering into tho composition of parmoleo n pills thoao pi lie aot fpcaiflcally on the diseased organs stimulating to bouoii tho dormant energies of tho system thereby removing fltaquso and rcnowing life and vitality t tho ufll iciod in this llee tho rcat secret of the popularity of parmeltoo vegetable pilln tho dovil liken to bo culled by names the anols would bo willing to tuko jrjulpelus curul gi mi km s in thu spring of i8u i wab taken with erjbipelns m tho face which left mo in a vary bad state of health but having taken ono bottle of burdock blood hiltora i oan truly b t h a lit cured mn pat i toll you tho old friends aro tho beat after all and i can provo it dennis how pat where ii ou find a now friend that haa stood by you as long as tho ould ones havo norway pino syrup cures couglib norway pino bjrup curea bronchitis norway pino syrup heals the lunge rheumatism can be cured you aro at liberty to roftr an j oo to mo for further particulars us rrgirda thu woudtr ful mediairu jus h crocker south larmintoi anmipo ih n 8 the dovil leadn the man who hesitate about doing what ho know a is right tho surest way to becomo good looking s to behave that wriy httgjiiid h iluty oil iho great pain cure uaed externally cures rhoumatidtn bwellinjs sprains bruises rtittnosa pain und soreness of every descripiiou intornally used itonroj croup auldrj boro throat hoarscncbb iihthina bronohitia qiunvey ttu irite jjj all druggists a poor man has us much right to iiih own will as a king u pries itf nti erbriwirjftjwm li50 at drurruts or mailed on flecelbt of price by tmilburncontroohi purest and beat for table and ialry no adulteration never cakes over i0 residents of markhum lownsh p headed by mcsar j i grille aud wollinf ton mackenzie left monday niht by the canadian railway to found a colony in tho temmcnmiqiio district iiuhimiiii ih wi ii mm whi unmbly btlloville out cays my husband wai troubol with kidiwy ooniplaint rhcumatibin iosb of appotite bleeptebsucss oto and sould not got relief until i got a box of donna kid vpoy piuh for him iio has now used mr irnioa 111 all unl is perfectly 011 rod l3bi44cinoy pills aro tho ones that euro remember iho name doan s piles cured in 3 to 6 nights dr agnewfl oinlmont will euro all caics of itching piles in from three o six nihib ouu spplioation brings comfort lor blind and blending pi lea itispeorlosu also ourts tetler halt liheum uiema ijar bers i tali and all eruptions of tho skin tenle sold by v urown in january ibio i was attacked with sciatica from which i was a terrible euf ferer and i could tlud no relief for nine months iheu dr halstcds treatment cured uio and i havo novor had a rheumatio pain since an mnk sen ago 83 yfa actdn march lfith i87 w l sanford iibb been awarded the contract for making uniforms for tho can ad in 11 military contingent at the diamond jubileo fcjlivitiet in london lnglaud iliob sabm of 1 ghntorr sajb i have removed ton corns fron my feet with iiqi loways com cure render go thou and dolikowisc tho body of a man auftposcd to bo androw simpson of toronto wan found in the roar of a hotel atlort william dead from btrangulation thero never was and never will be a 11 in vernal pnnaccn in cue remedy for all ilia to which flcah is heir tho vory naturo of many cuiativoh lomg snob thit were tho gorma of other and differently seated diboaucfl rqqtdintliehbtcmofthdpaticni best steel what would relievo one ill 111 turn would ognravato the other wo havo howervor in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unndultoratcd btato a remedy for many and griovoua ills by its gradual judicious use tho frailest bbtcmb aro tod into con valesconco and strength uy tho influence which qnitiino exertb on naturo s own restoralivfb it relieves tho drooping spirits of thoao with whom a chroma stato of morbid despondent andlack of interest in life is a diseaso and by tranqmliing tho nerves disposes to bound and rofrcsh ing bleep imparts vtyor to tho action of tho blood which boinn stimulated oouraes throughout tho veins strongthening tho healthy animal functions of tho nystom thereby making activity a ncooaaary result strengthening tho frame und givipg life to the digohivo organs which naturally domand iucreasod substance result 1m proved appotite northioi lman of toronto havo given to tho publio their quinine wino at tho tiautl rate and gnagod by tho opinion of scientists this wine approabhos noareat perfection of any on tho market all druggists sell u jlfovehwirefehging cheapj cheap che thest foncings as weli ah mcmullens clipicc steel wire nettings for irclhs poultry yards liwn i lngings etc are bold much lower this year thin ever befort fll druggists perfumers and general de8lej tni ohtartio wirb fencinq co ltd natoa ontaok this year thin they are the best ask your hardware merchant for them paving ibrontodrif specially selected black or mixed half pound and one pound packets at ai t guoci ns 25 30 40 50 and 60 cents a pound the davidson a hay ltd wholesale agents toronto lardest salc in canada rigby waterproof goff capes are the most comfortible and convcrikii out of door garment a i ady cn m if jim nn not get one 111 onr ton 11 suggest to jour ilulu to write to h shorey co montreal who will forward iimples to any dry goods merchant frte of charge m4 bo yarb poolal t 80ientifi0 american tev munt a co 301 droadivn nomr york-

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