Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxii no 17 acton ontario teluksday may 27 1897 price three cents ib luhliflhkd every thursday moknlng at the free pi ess steam printingojhut mill street cton ont tbusiboit suimaiiution oiro ilollur i or yoar btrictly in advance all mibbcrintionu diucou tlnuod when tho time for which tboy have boon paid has oxpirod tho ditto to which ovory subscription 1b uald la denoted on tho addrous label advbntlhino ratps transient advertiao mouto 10 cents per noiruroil huo for first in aortlon j cuuta por hno each bubaorjuent iasortion contiuct itarfb tho foil owing tablo shows our rates for tbo insortiotl 61 udvorliaouymtb for specified periortb dew wall paper days bookstore cuelph oht we sell tin best will paper fur cither 5c 7jc oc lac 15c or 25c j in rov our bpaqe jlh i u 110 j mo 1mo 20 lucboe u m i etm 00 i 831 00 i 820 00 i 67 00 loiuobob 1 jiool jo 00 1200 ioo fiinoboa aoool 13 do 700 g 60 llnob js0 jf0 3 00 1 100 advertinoiuentn without epociflc directions will bo inoorud till forbid and charged accord finely transient advcrtiboineutb must- bo paid fu advance advortlaomonts will be changed onco ouch month if doblred for clianroa oftonor than 4nooamontutuo compobltiou must bo paid for at rogulai ratofl ohangos for contract advortlsomontb muet bo in tbo olflco by noon on tuqb lays h p moore editor and froprlotor borders ceilings matcfi our papers we irt free to bu where we like be ciubt we p cash for our goods and therefore hie the choice of the american factories 1 hp ni wl si ooods wl buy cheaper ind bell i owor linn competitors don t he deceived by chid ind cheek see day s block the big value he pne at days bookstore guelph day sells cheap i tradfrs bank of canada authorized capital 1000000 paid up capital and surplus 785000 assets over 6300000 jjoctrg joving words usinbs fflirotorp j r ur15n m d c m oolco and rosidoncocorucr mill frodorick 8 1 roots aqton as elliott m b m d acton giuduate toronto umtnaita office main street third door couth of proa by tori an cburcb acton veterinary surgeon almed p uusbandv s oraduato of tbo ontario votorluary coiioro honorary mouibor of tbo otorinary medical sooioty offict win huobaude lot2l con 4 naba agawojo calls day or night promptly attondod to dental ll bennltt lds dentist georgetown ontario dr e 8 mercer dtntlbl graduate of toronto university and it c d s oolco ovor drug store acton visrma dvs thursday and hiiday jm bell d d s l ds dentist llrookilte honor graduate of toronto uniehbity work mado satisfactory pricob modorato vihitino dayb tuesday and friday of each a little entomology wc wish lo cill the ittcntion of the housewnch of this community to a very destructive household insect vhjch has already done m clean a mclean liarrlaters solicitors notarleb convoyancors to private funda to loan office town hall acton wm a molkah jno a mclean doudlas amdrray bawutlns solioltora notaries et0 offices lmcqueon bt parkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria st tolopbono 397 touonto john dooolab a g murray j mackinnon baimibteb solicitoh c0nv1 ancin ofi ice mill street in mattbows block upstairs tg mituesona j b mcleod aiuusteiia solicitoiib con eyakcliia m georgetown and milton monoy to loan at lowcat ratca r j monabb clerk 1ourtb division court couuty of hal on convoyancor agent h ire and life abburanco itual eatato ageut money to loan etc office i erryuiau aulock acton ont mxscellanscf us h enry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patonta for iuvoution otc tt fur tbu cauajla lean and european patent oiflcoa and for tbo nioglbtration faemtforpain pblot thirty two years experloiico f iranois nunan bookbinder wyndbam st guolph ontario ovor williams btoro aoconnt books of all kinds mado to order periodicals of ovory description carefully bound uulinpneativnn i promptly dono ultiffii arriaoj liclnse ii p atorjkn ifhiipn of maiuiuoe licfnsfs private officb nowltnosbcbrociuircd iabuod rouldurn in tbo evening froo press offlco acton aoton alachirie and rcpaif shops henri jnddll proprietor are woll equipped wtwdl tbo machinery nooobsary to oxoeuto alrflhjft to machln ory aiklagrloultural implomonts and to do all kinds of fltoatn fitting horse sboohigand general blacks ml thing woodwork ropaira poifprmod in a satisfaotory manuor wo can repair any maoblno or implement of any make saw gumming and flliiir donu wellington mutual fire insurance company ebtaslibited 1m0 insuhancn on cash and mutual pun any eoinmnnlcations forwarded to my addroas box aw or telephone 69 will bo promptly at tended to j0i1n ta agent guolph cttm hembireet por tho ooantlob of wellington and ilalton orderhleflatthopnkb pnkflb offlco acton or atmyroaldoncoin acton will bo promptly at tendod to fcoosroducod to s 00 for farm sales also monoy to loan on tho moat favorablo jims and at tho lowost rates of interest in urns of 600 and p words acton saw mills and wood yards jk7mves brojitfn mandfaotunek and dbal8ii ik tiimber inth sindcm wood eta all klndb of wood in stock and promptly detivorud to any part of tlietown at r laaonublo prleos hardwood and slabs entstovo length alwayn n hand tplepbono couiniuquatiop senaus imipe m this district f refer lo whit ii known is the buffalo moth or carpet beetle authrcntis scrophuhme which attacks and is ery injur ious to v ollen goods lothing cirpets upholbtery etc how to know it- it consists of an active brown inrwi i quarter of an inch long or less clothed with stiff brown hairs around the sides if you are not familiar with its appear nice we will be pleased lo show yon specimens at our store in its three stages lar a pupa and adult insect how to destroy i his pcsl is the next question of importance having dircovered it in our house we hae the remedy stewarts buffalo moti exterminator or liquid insecticide will rid your house of them in a short time it is a guaranteed remedy price 25c a bottle alex stewart cuelph branch 3 suma of 81 mid npwardh reaelved on debohitand percent interoat paid or compounded half yearly depoait itecqipts issued for largo sums deposited advances mado lo reaponbible farmers on thojr own namca no charge made for oolloadnk sales noteo if payable in quolph a general banking buaineea transa6ted a h h jones manager ride a bic cl if not why not your friends do and enjoy it greatly better tr it youll have better health better spirits the best of fun and splen exercise why miss it all weve the best value in all vheeldom at 4 5o 6o better send address for catalogue 1 ovine words will cost but littlo joarnoyiug up tho lilll of life ltut tlioy make tbo weak and woory btrouor braver for tho strife do jou count thoin only trifles what on earth aru auu and rain nevei uns a kind word waited novor was olio said iu valu when the cares of llfo aro many and kb burdoiialioavy row tor tho pnoa who walk besldo you if ycu jpvo tbotn till tliom so aviialjocrtouutof little value jiub an alinostiablo powor and bnoatli4belrcloorlog auiiahlno hoarta will bloasoui ltko a ilowcr so as up llfo hlrlll wojournoy let iib bcottor all tbo way kindly words to borveaaunslilno ii tho dark and cloudy day qrudgdno loving word inj brother as along through llfo you go totlw ones who joumoy wiuu ysu ifjou loyiltlmmuofl thorn bo ally look younger and mora beautiful than you did when wo woro tugcthor at simla 1 bho laughed welhtvettl a uty4iaiit oi- sc stelect jfamtlit iuaaing a go rqprorrise family and dispons ins chemist cuelph ont- y 1 89798 styles and prices to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st george s square guelph w w budlong hills grove g i ituys all kinds of raw furs bklns noohwax qiift1f ngwlldanlmalfl o all kinds 1rlco iiat of furs for next ik days for well handlod a tookj iu t or lor accord i nptdq ual 1 ty3etu rua made day goods rocofvou all bhlppod by oxprcbs furs should be hoar flaber otter beaver hilvor lox crobg i ox kod i ox groy box wolf wolverine rvnx wild cat marten m bkunk haocoon ulack kaccomrcomtnon madfior deer mink musk hat 15 00tos 2800 7 00 to 10 no 7 00 to 10 00 0 00 to 12 00 40 00 to 10oj00 7 00 to 14 00 lgolo 100 to j co to 400 to 3 00 to 60 to j oo to 7 1 to 2 00 to botor 2 00 1 50 j60c 800 1 00 to 000 1 00 j ft ioo 1g0 1 10 1 00 to 2 00 20 to 13 bond mo all your furs you want mado into rugb overcoats capcb robon otc trlcos reason able on olsaaof work turned out acton- livery bus line tho undnrblbnodroapoetfnllybollclts tho patron ago of tho public and informs thorn that woll equipped and stylish riga oan all ways be secured atblsstablob a comfortable bus moots al trains botweon 0 a in and 818 n m careful attontlon given to overy order tbo wants of commercial travol lera fully mot john williams pnopnikton w barber bros p ma bbsr georgbtown ont 1cakb a spboultt or machine finished book papers amd- high oiude weekly news tho papor nsod m this journal ib from hoabovo nilla wm bafber al bhos ouelph business college ak1 shorthand institute ouelpb ont bupkhiou faoil1tiish for thoroiiuh and praotioal coiithob of study jjookkotnilnft hliorthand and typowrltlnu aournas a apoolalty graduates annlbtecl to positlona t alu bi3bbionh common cos bopt lit write for circulars j sbarp principal j m bond co guelph s tyl1sh prino l7itings our stock of nev spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection puces right also styles shaw turnek merchant tailors guelph ropt noble the highest price ibr wheht fv pb7fs okts bsrlsv at the warehouse acton station flour i3f2kn shorts seds ind all lundb of 1 ced at acton flour and feed store try norval 1louk 1 he uit i amilj hour in the market frank harris 1 manager main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer or sash poors frames moulding iu all stylos dressing ind moulding to ordor on short notice woll assorted stock on hsna at prices losui tho tlmos john cameron proprietor the- j n stinson storeirockwood good kcd snlmon roc per c in corn 5c per can pintnpplcs 15c per cin necnrfncb 23c plr cm pcnchcs 23c per cin pickles 3 bottles for 25c ginger snips 5c per itn lxtnicts kcgulir 10c bottles 3 for 25c mixed candies ptr lb 5c gillett s i ye 10c cm georgetown electric works t vspjsjgur proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams iipo and fit cam plttlns and uenoral itonair ins jlolnnefiiilppodwlthaffaabrailntfinaohine 1 aiu prepared todobraalngon illoyelos frames o wbeels converted from direct to tangon hpokes handle liars bent to any desired auslo fall lino of pokes kept lit block 8atiraotio ruarautood ijleyoloa enamelled in auy color t j speight aeorgotown i had diued with st croix and wo wer0 now on our way to aotno uninterebting peoplo who wero gtvinfi a party since entering tho oab the conversation had slackened apparently wo both possessed ample food for reflection as we rattled over bomo atones st croix suddenly shouted in toy ear von 11 seo her to nijht ingram i had returned from tho country tbat morning still deep in my thoughts 1 replied nosuohluok slioiaa hundred miles from town and i stopped abruptly i caught aiimpoe of liia face lorluimiety he had not noticed my ohaervation so i continu ed grasping tho bituaiion jou havo once again decided that thefominiue mtereat in your hfo bijoum bo centered in 0110 4 ingram old chap he and bolomnly 1 its serious this time t had heard hub remark made before under similar cir cumbtances i sincerely trust it le i i replied a good looking wealthy irun pas 10 hue no njht to bo unmarried this has happened ylue i havp been away i added ho nodded and tho maijen is i begun st croix actually looked confused 1 well ehoe bardl lie aaid awkward iithat is of course ohoe joung well tho fact 19 she a widow i glanced at him rrproaohfully any er no no ho replied hurriedly of course there are no children why man ebbs only young heroolf huabaud died in india fever snake bito or borne otler handy thing of that kind oh no he went on nub a smile i couldn t do it if thero were any children i ilave vou actually proponed to her no not jot he replied liioughtfully but i feel that it is rq settled ingram ho continued with an air of outhuaiaam bhe a adorftble she my dear st croix i baud uheee con hdoncea remind me of the good old daya ah 1 he replied with a bigb this ia no boyieh flirtatiod by jovel he cried as tm idea struck him you two will get along capitally together having both been in india you will bo able to chat about ber husband 7 suggested st ctoix looked sertoatj poor child ho said in a compassionate tone bho must have beon very unhappy during that time it ia btraugo how men generally refer to their wives tiret roarrmfiea in this way wo aro admirably suited be continued his fuco lighting up i am thirty and she ttolt i should say bho is twtnty five a man nhoold be a your or bo older than his wife yoay i agreed she is very young for a widow speaking plaiuly to one another sr yes i agreed it saves lime sho gao mo a uorvous littlq glauco ob i ssid reabbunugly i am your friend 1 sho played with tho edges of her fan awoman is only as old as she looks bhe observed and i was married at an extremely early age 1st orols was perfectlv iu his estimate 25 ho told me i sald with a la ugh but tbat is a detail tho tbing that will eurpriso lum most will bo tho fact thai glara 1 she looked at me willi a smile- ah you have met her at the uohcoob yea x found my little 10 yean old sweetheart of simla bad grown mto a dainty joung lady of is how is it i continued that st croix is igooraut of her existence v well ho assumed i bad uo children and i i could uot summon up endugh courage to tell him afterward you seo what a difficult position am in she added plaintively yes it is difiioult i agreed ihe uuexpected appearance of a full grown daughter upou the scene might prove too heavy a strain at this critical stae of hie love a girl of 18is a rebpoubibihty i add undeb discipline much too young rcpiud hi ct6u thats oueteasorrw liy bho ahoiitdtrtalty again true i said how iouj baa it been going on ho considered for a few moments i first saw her said he slowly at 10 minutes to on monday last week my dear fellow i exclaimed you must hurry up matters tho lady will positively weary of tho courtship just then the cab drow up with a jerk ororx jomp out after greeting our host wo separated several people of my bcqaalutance were there and i had to go through the uaual number of duty dances presently 1 saw st croix coming toward me ingram ho said inking mo by the irm come with me there is no nobody bo cxiotiug as the raau 10 love she is waiting to be introduced to you bo said as wo mado our way to tbo con bervatory here in aacoladeo corner for st croix was experienced in these matters wo found the lad mrs fordyoo said bt croix allow me to mra tordyce 1 1 i looked at her then burst out laughing dr ingram i bbo exclaimed you know one another uried st croix with a puzzled look why i said i havo known mrs fordyco sinoo yob dr ingram and i nro quito old friends sho interrupted witli a glance at mo i understood that is jolly i st croix said heartily i am uot sure that mrs fordyce agreed with him entirely the strains of a walte otme through tbe open doors st croix looked at bis programme bother 1 he cried iii my danoo with tho daughter of the borne will you kindly look after mrs fordyoo ingram i should be delighted i replied and he hurried off aa aoon as bo had dimproared i turned o mrs tordyce what she queried that you ehould tarn oat to be ihe friend mr st croix hag boen talking lo roe about i smiled tho quaiotneai of tho whole matter seeming infinitely aoinaing to me she btuihod i gazed at her critically pon my word i exulairnej at length it is pobitivcly muvolioub to think doctor she inlenuptotjs- but my dear mr forlvoo you ootu all this time i had beau hugging to my self some spec ml lutelligonco i thought it was about time to bring matters to a head mrs fordyco i said do you really oa re for st croix she did not reply for a moment yes she bind aimplj i really love him oh cant you suggest something and she looked at mo pleadingly yeb i said quietly wo will help one anotljer have you heard from clare to day i continued her hand wtnt to her pocket whj ia hiio paid a letter came as i was going out i havo not read it yet would jou oblige mo by doing so as you have 11 wiib jou bli drew an envelops from her pocket opened it and smoothed tho letter out ae biio read it 0 umilo cm mo ovor her face my dear doctor she exclaimed do ou think one eo 3 oung a clare could makp you happy did sho not eettlo it in simla years ago that she would marrj nobody but tho doc 7 i replied havo i mammas consent she laughed happily really i said glancing at her 1 hardly know whether im talking to clare or her mother st croix rejoined us st croix i bald to lum quietly after a minute or bo i liave been moddhng iu your affairs with a eooi result i added he turned with a glad look of surprise to mrb tordyce it ia yes ho murmured its for jou to say after hearing tbo dootor biio replied softly the one condition ib i said abruptly that jou agree to bo my father in law 1 ho seemed to bo quite surprised i tendered a few simple words of ex planalion bt croix glanced at mrs fordjco sho was lookiug radiantly beautiful and thon did the moat intelligent thing he ever did in his life accepted my proposal sandy was saved perbspd because tho guest of the even ing wae a scotchman and pohsibly bo caubo one man in tho party had a scotch story to toll the oonversrtion wsb brought around to a dibcueeion of the scotch raoe it was while 1 was attached to the london hospital sari a physician that i wit cased a inarvelous oure of a scotchman wo mill call him sandy though that is uot his name one of his legs had been go bad ly mangled tbat we decided to amputate it the shock waa a bfevere one to sandy jlnd when h0rcbamedlcqnsoioubuebaaftul 1 ho operation it was evident bo had not vitality enough left to rcoover mon ahm i going to deo be asked we hope for tho best sandy i said but your condition 11 critical is there any scotch dish that you would like sandy eaid that he didnt want iny thing to eat bat if ho could hear tho bag pipes just onco more he conld die happy wo didnt havo a piper on our btaff but one of the nurses found ono in a club housb not far away when tho piper arrived sandy was eo weak he could not speak ho looked grate ful although it was not in accordance with our boipital rules wo hadnt tho right to refuse sandys dying request i gave tho mgnal and tho pipor began to play sandy smiled peacefully and at the end of tho socond tune bo bad gone to sloop his tomperaturo and pulse showed a marked improvement and because bandy was a good fellow and we thought he might call fur the pipes again beforo ho breathed his last we kept tbe piper two hours later sandy awoke and tho first thing bo a a kod for wbb the pipes again tho weird noiso filled the hospital and sandy once more went to sleep stronger and better than ever we expfoted him to be a third time sandy awoke and again tho piper played when sandy oncctagaw foil ableep to our amazement the crisis had passed and lio was on the road to reoovery he ia now alive and well the soot oh are a wonderful race mother was but i havent toll you tho aad sequel interrupted tho phybiuan we had been so much interested in sandy daring tho uight that wo had neglected otbor patients sandy did recover of ij14v0 said but when we made the rounds 111 the morning wo found all the lrjg1iili patients dead discounting in tbe old hsgltng wa of trado it waa cubtomary to deimnd great deal more than the aaker hoped to jut one time on the texan frontier a man came into camp riding an old mute how muoh for the mule aaked a by ffftder just a hundred dollaro answer oil tho rider ill give 11 vo dollars aid the other the rider stopped sho t as if in amaze ment and then slowly di mounted stranger said he i aint agoin to let a littlo matter of niuetyove dollars stand between me and a mule trado the mules joutn i tell you wbat tis men aro good furs they go but there amt ono of em but what needs takm down now an then remarked mrs sprout as sho unrolled her knitting work and prepared to spond tho afternoon with her sibter 1 s pose likoly they do responded little mrs peters who hvod iu oonbtaut auoof her titolid bpouso hut it aint always easy to know jeat how to do it miruudy humph i its oaay enough if you only set about it said mrs sprout witb a grim srrule aujl thon sbe settled down to her story ive just boou bavin a ueason with josiah hes been tellinmsiio rigk along that i looked kinder dragged an last off 1 spoke ap au says i its enough t make most any woman look dragged joaiedi to bo at audio over the oookustoyo tins liot weather j0biah ho looked all took aback an he suys why miraudy what makes you do aeoh a mess o cookiu jest take things oaay t carr get along with moat any thiuu you uo need to cook up beoh a variety o stuff fer mo now les start right out with breakfast tmorrer you jest givo 010 a plain wholesome meal i aliant be tbo fubt to oomplain well ho weut oor to ins brother jims an ho wubul homo tho rebt o that day i knew what he relished and craved tho most of anything but twas what give mo tho moat work an kep me tttl bet up7au so i jeat allowed that that two kentucky heroes tho loxington light infantry common ly known as the old infantry was organic waa what i d out short on seem joaiaii oaljated it didu t rati bo no diffrenco what ho eat well next raorniu come an ho bet down to the tablo as usual tttoro was a nice piece of pork an potatoes an garden sacs an doughnuts an raised biscuit an good ooffeo twas a real wholesome meu josiah he began to eat but he didnt say mcoh see him kinder looktn over tho tablo once or twice an he eoemed sorter disapp intod finally ho lay down his koifo au fork an looked over at me roarbeseechin eot i couldnt scusely keep my countepance whats the matter says i dont your food relish jobiah 1 ye e s sajs he but ua a kind of aehm breakfast aint it mirundy what ist you mis hijb i 1 woll thcro don i seem to be no pie on tho tahlo bays he lookiu fer all the world like a grot schoolboy i got op an fetched bira abig piece that 1 d saved from tho day 6ofore an set it in front of him an jou nover see a man brighten up the way he did 1 but right in tbe middle of it he looked up an ketched my oye an ho turned reglar poppy color i caliate it some work t make piee bo says real bumble an then i kuow hed come a realizin aenao tbat wab all i wanted of him con eluded mrs sprout twitching euergotioal ly at a refractory kiiot im willm to do for him but i jeat havo to take him dowu now an alin men are all mado just like that theyre an awful onroaaonable bet if women wweut heroto keep em where theyd oughter bo 1 like a bad penny captain kav of tho britah navy was at anchor lu aden harbor after three years in the eaat indioa bung now on hm way homo ho began to clear out his cabin among his traps was a bat case whtoh being opened disclosed a tile which had once been new and faahionabe but was now moth eaten and out of date loaido of it in indelible ink was printed itb ownore name tbo captain glanced at it and said to his servant tbfow it overboard overboard it went soon afterward one of the crew ot a boat from the flagship coming from the bhoro eppied tho hat floating in tbe water picked jt up road the namo insido and carried it to tho com mander of his bhip who in turn sent it lo captain kay with his compliments sup posing it to havo fallen overboard haug the hat 1 eiid captain ky and ho chuckefl it overboard again adding 1 toll your commander i m vory muoh obliged to him two hours afterward tho hat again re appeared this time with captain n a comphmenlb captain n was tho com mander of an american man of war lying farther down tho harbor and the bat hud been picked up by ono of bia boats cap tain n had dried it oarefully and then aont it to its owner tell captain n 1 am greatly obliged a boy of ton whose constant ory for chrntaid weekshad beerrf fora christ mas present came in from school a day or two ago and asked his mother if sho had over read holmoba pooma oh yeb bho replied i know many of them by heart do you ho cried well arent thoy nice havo we got them in a book no but i wieh wo had answorod his mother i feol as if i must have them 1 said tbo small boy earnestly dont you fiup pose i ooutd havo them for christmas now ill tell you what it ia with an air of profouud oonviqtion if i oaut havo both i bollovo id rather have holmess poems than a velocipede 1 indcodl exotaimcd his mother muoh surprised and pleased then turning to the boys father she remarked pleasantly really i dont know but what wo are going to havo a poet in tho family oh no 1 oned ho boy quickly im going to be a baso ball player wbon i grow up you know but ill toll you what ho addjiljiiddsdly r might bo a jqbw winters confound the hat 1 said captain kay i shall have to ask n to dinner here bring mo a lump of coal or somethingelso that ia hoavy a lump of coal was placed in the hat and the bat was takou down tho aocomoda tion ladder oarefully allowed to ii 11 with water and watohed till it aank thats the last of that i said captain kay two days later a parcel arrived address ed captaiu kay k m s s with fourteen rupees eight annas to pay tho money was paid the parcel opened and behold 1 here onco more waa the disoarded hat looking more disreputable than ever among the greeks colonel those greeks are standing tight up lo tho european powers aa if thoy werent afraid of anything arent thoy major bully for them i say thoy tronwerrtedrue now- ryganortmatjiaicuall their bttivo-lituo- land colonel how do you mean 7 major don t jou see it is tho only geeceo knowu that wont run when it gets very hot poor fellow i in somo aspects of tho case it scorns btrunge that children over live to grow up if they grow rapidly thoy aro apt to bo cnfiehled in health and on thp ot han if 1 hoy are in fooblo health thoy aro likoly to i o stiiuted ono of tho moat tragical cases is that of a boy mentioned in harpor s ilaar who said yes air ive been sick and tho worst of it ib all my alothca havo outgrown me too little j aaher l ten carpenter worked for tei days at seventy five cents a hiy what wonld thoy get v hiisdi theyd eet cheatedcanbo papa says tfto dollars a day jb their price ed iu 1789 when an iidim iuwaion was threatened it was ono of the hrst 00m panics to volunteer in tho war of 1812 and tho historian of loxington kentuckj rccorda au incident of tho march lo fort wayne which as he says speaks volumes for the principles which actuated the men a member of tho company found himuolf utterly overcome with fatigue on tho last day of the march ho sauk into the prafrio grass and as bis companions passed turn file after file ho was scon tcrbp weep ing an ofliclr atoprod tq help him mto one of tho wagons and to inquire what he was weeping fqr for answer the mun said what will they guy hi lexington when tboy hear that james hutson gave out during this war occurred the massacre at freuchtowu whore tho liglit infantry hist half its members the name o one of them charlgb seaples should uovor be forgotten with several other prisoners he was bitting upon tho ground when an indian drow- a tomahawk and struck wbat was intended for u fatal blow sorirlba lifted his hand and partially averted 1i10 urruko receiving it upon his shoulder umtoud of npon his heat then ho spruug to his fcot mmtched the tomahawk from tbo indian aud wuh ubout to take veugeauce upon him when doctor bowerba o i cillhdtihi hy 1 li a 111 ill a dams fioinutluioa i fancj in that lutid unltnuu 11 lh qttcrcr uttlii firrii nftt tv mtm fc be struck the mfdiau all the prisoners would cortainlje killed at tho wjffd searles dropped his lifted arm let fall tho weapbu and the astonished aavago pioked it up aud with ono blow deflp a toemfki m the other hero was james iliggmn a man who had always been regarded as peculiarly wanting iri courage a iirge number of indians had taken shelter 111 a tyarn from which they were pourinu a destructive llro upon the whites let ine go and smoke cm out said james higgius permission waa given and he coolly picked up a big blazing chunk from a camp fire and walked through a perfeot hailstorm of bullets up to the barn and applied the bluza the building was soon too hot for tho indians after that it was unsafe for any one lo say aught against higtins in tbe presence of the old infantry he hvod to a good old age and wai alwajs known as the man who smoked out the indians his candid opinion tho moat ordinary facts may bo present od m suoh a light as to bo scarcely recog nizkvble and thus presented they aro likely to oocabion highly original and unexpected comments a prominent physician of this oity says tho waabtugton star owns a farm in new england aud whenever he gets tired of his fashionable patients ho goes tbere puts on hib oldest ntothes lajs in a btook of coru- cob pipes and rusticateb one day labt summer ho wab jogging laiily along a country road in a rickety old oart drawn by a horse almost as rickety a country man walking on tbo eamo road as hoi for a lift and the two fell into conversation who are youworking for asked the countryman oh im working for dr j down thore answered tho physician wbatdoin ob went on the dootor i do every thing for him ii dress him and feed bim and i even wdtah his faco and put him to bed i do everything ho noods done how much do you got for it aaked tbe native my board and clothoa au you do all that for him wash him an dreaa him an feed him an all that yes yeb the countryman looked at tho dootor a moment in bilcncc then ho leaned ovor the wheel and spat solemnly woll of all tho fools i ever seo that all h sa summer and winter kate itpsou clark writing for tho wush ington republican about tio etcusiivo inter est now taken in ba90ball iu this country relates an illustrative incident this story is surely truo to nature in one respect for tbere are few persons joung or old who are not conbcious of being drawn in two ways by conflicting desires tiresome an exohungo prints another of iiiobo truo stories about niwly married vassar graduates you look tired my dear raid mr gay to his wife i am tired said mrs gay i board you say onoo tbat you liked rabbit eo i went to tho market this morning and got ono i moaut to enrprme you with broiled rabbit for dinner but ive boon at work on it all the forenoon and i havent got it more than half picked yet a matter of size is tho oaptain of your baseball team a vory good player bkd doxterb father no sir roplied dexter bat he said ho wanted it and as hes thobiggest boy in aohool he got it that hoods satsapinlla piirifloa the blood and relieves a vast amount of suf- erlng u not a ihoory but a well known fact tliu oyoa of blue tho attest linn all tuy o 11 uo bnbvfcot that 1 auao bt buiu my kiiuu i clasp tbe tluy form c tono to my bru ihi while round my uuck tliu dhnilol irum no twinod and fsr a few brluf inoiiiunth i uin lilus 10 1 lioyond tliu impjilobt of nil uoumnuiii 1 ob joy to klsa the iiohuiik ol 1 u htiul and whlbpor the anoot mordu that in miu know tho wot da that though a million iiuilh mio aaid wuhuvory auyiug ancut nu j awootor mow aud on myohouki foul tho bahyhioath and uoar tlie tones that uovor can tou culil for tlhiu uor space iiorchutryu oorcruol itujitli cau tako my dnrllrrt from my laving hold staffs and storms 1 much of tho beauty of the stars depends upon their suintihutioi the- multitudin ouff fltrihing of their tiny ras lives a won derful life aud h illmhoy 16 a winter a night the- great atar sinus excito tho moat admiration when lear tho horizon he coruscates with rainbow hueb but iho aatronomepvould bo glad if ho could ut n stop to tho kciutillating of the btarr 1 hat unbteudinehh of their i it lit is 011 u of tho chief obulnaleb ho has to overcome in stud ing them with the telescope scintillation iisb generally been legarded as due only to ehght disturbances in tho atrmrfr atmobphhru but us ruceiifobsurvat have shown that red atars aciutillato lots than white ones it has been aufcgeted that the causes of some of tho essential differ nueea in tho scintillations of different stars may be in tho stars themselves ihere is 110 doubt however that tho main cause of scintillation depends u0n the condition of the air moat peqple suppose that when the btars appoar to louo their liveliness of ltht aud hhine without twinkling us minuto bright points in tho sky fair weather ib in pros peot studies lately made in france ami switzerland seem to contradict this popular belief it haa been fotfnd there tbat when tho btars aro fceblo in their scintillations foul weather is at hand the utght before a most violent storm in france for instance tho stars hung so quietly in thd sky that they seemed to havo entirely lost their scintillating power tins is batd to be only one instance among many which show that an uuuaual ateudmeab in the light of the atars prcacdos tho appearance of stormp not as smart as he might be tho farmer was receiving the ineinualiug ministrations of a patent lightning rod man who thought ho had a sucker that ho ooutd land in line sbapo whenever he want ed him great thing this business of inventing is remarked tbe rod man so i understand responded tho farmer yes they are just inventing everything most progrebtdve ago in tho world so i undorbtand u yes and thoy re always looking out for tho farmer so i understand and the farmer wiped a little tmilo off of his faco with his coat sloeve yer you say theyve invented u machine to raise btumps another to raise bay from the ground to the mow another to raise 1 wagon to grease it another to lift water to tho top of tho hoube another to say interrupted tbo farmer ill bet you a heifer calf againbt a mile and a half of them lightning rods that they aint in vontod no kind of a maohiuo thatll lift a roorgidge theres the heifer calf out their iu the jard now eatin tho tail offou your now spring overcoat do jou want to bet but the lightning rod man was too busy getting hia overcoat out pf tho jaws of the beifor oalt to answer farmers donts bascasm is an effective weapon and with it a paper published for farmers tho staclman seeks to combat tbe tendency of somo farmers lot us sy a small minority of thorn to neglect and ill troat their wives tho stoclman publishes this list of dontb for the farmer d in t try tjjoaso your wife dont appreciahnssothtog sho dogs dontyflver plan your work so as to bo able to tako her to any entertainment don t help caro for iho children that is what you got her for dont fail to invito company to dinner on sundaywithout letting her know ao flho- oan have a day of real dont get the bucket of water from tho cistern whan asked any one can pump who half tries dont fail to ask your wifo if alio wants you to do all tbo housework when aho asks you to put somo wood in tho btovo dont neglect abkiug what sho has dono with all the egg and butter money for it will more than simply the table help pay tbe lured mart get tho childrens hooka and otothes etc dont wonder that joui fcolhaaa prcu liar flavor for it is seasoned with blasted hopeb sigha of disappointment etc don t jjo surprised to read that tho majority of insano wqmon aro farmerii favorites for long years for lonif ycrb diamond dyes havo been tho tavonto family dyes in tho dominion pfcunaria and although imltstion piick ago dyos havo been plentifully offered for salo their rreat inferiority to tho dia mond in btrongtb faatncsb boanly of color and baillanoy was known to iho nroat majority of womon and they woro con domnod and avoided by atl who valued good and bright onlors no sousiblo woman can afford to risk her goods with poor dyes whon tho diamond aro admit tedly tho worlds best a most important point lo remember ia that tho diamond dyes coji no moro than tho erode and common dyes sold by somo dealers for tho bake of largo prollis ask your dealer for tho diamond if ho values your trado ho will ho in tho poai tion to supply jou dont tell tho world your troubles you oant borrow 910 on them it ib a fortunalu day for a man when ho first disoovors tho aluo of aycra barsapn ilia as a blood purifier witirthl mcdl oine ho knows ho has found a remedy upon which ho msy rely nnd that his life long malady la at lst eonijuircd has cured others will curd yt u l

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