Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1897, p. 2

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e- aiaiih at ouolpli on monday the 2uh may huruli cotlflou buln viiil wifo of cliim m aduiith lroaton ugod 17 yoaiu aud20 lnyn t ttsnvit nss tiiuusday may notes and comments tbo bill to mtiku railway coj onrry bioyclca an buifto was carftod u tho fuilway commit too at ottawa by il m votes to 21 lb ia hardly ppobablo how over that tbo hilt will become law the lrukcnt figbbion a flection of tho cuuadian contingent hint will form tho guard of honor to mr luurier at tbo forthcbmiun diamond jubi lee celebration in lortdon nsaernblctl jli toronto tueaday arid proceeded to quebec whoro thoy will bo joined by tbo other members of tho osaort tlio lti rpv c c mccabo biahop of tbo method t episcopal church aaya that dr depowmttiroprobbhta american leelm in debcribiuu it us antibrittih the biahop has written to lord saljabufy at longthy assuring him of tbo kindly fool- zing iiitve united states towurda the molher country itw understood that tho imperial authorities have oablod approval of tho proponed coutrabt with petoreou tait oo for a fast atlantic aerviqe tbo announcement of the completion of the contraot will be announced in the houaa at an early date and parliament will bo aeked to ratify it tho pootmaatergenoral has provided for a singularly appropriate national cole- bration jubilee year by ordering the issue ofa bpeoial diamond oubftea pobiage stump in all denominations eighteen in all on whioh the head of tho queen appearb aa she looked on ascending the throne and aq aho appears today tbo engraving is done in a very bold etyle and both like nesses are correct and pleasing there will bo muob demand for these stamps aa stamp colleotorb will all want a complete bot the popottaa transmitted a ruling to the catbolio ohuoh in the united states the effect of which will be to make english the language nf that church the evident purpose of borne is to make english the language of the american church as speed ily as possible and thus to encourage the development of a spirit of more perfect union among the mombeta of the catbolio faith parishes in which a foreign lan- muae taused are tolerated as temporary institutions which will disappear as soon as the conditions making their erection expedient will have passed away l1mehouse aid john kennedy and masters dave and tom of guelph bpent queens birth day at tho home of mr john moore by the rearrangement of circuits the limehoube appuintmont is again left with out a regular pastor the responsibility for btipfrty is between the minister of aoton and the chairman of tho district itov v j gilpin will compioto his term hero next month mr john lindsay jr was eleoted pres ident of esquosing sunday school associa tion at the annual convention at ballina- fad last friday quite an honor to lime- house general regret will bo felt at the nowa of tbo sadden death at guetph on monday of mrs ohue m adamb oflrovtbb7or sev- oral years resident here milton no 7 co 20th lorno rifles has been drilling three times a week for three weeks and will continue to do so until it gooa to camp clarence field eldest eon of j m field baa graduated with honors from tbo ontario college of pbatmaoy toronto btanding fifth in a class of 110 a garden party nnder the an a pices of grace church milton will be held at the residence oftae misses pat too dempjey farm near milton on thursday evening jane 3rd f ghisbolm of milton has sold his threo flne carriage borsea to john stewart ot hamilton president of the bank of the tariff changes mlnlstor fielding annouhced them in the house of commons on tuesday 2iprocal trade debated oitawa mny hg although rhuiy mom- berahad not roturnod from tbo inltdny aiitvthoro was const ijiiontly u hither slim iioibc a matter of paramount interest the tariff changes waa brought down yoatorday fieldings statement embodying thoahang- ob coutomplated in thotahff resolutions as fv wjih rnrfhr wjtll ortfjitml much interest a fow incroabea and a uamber0f toductions aro nmdo tbo object being to removo cortain ambiguities and to relieve thu manufacturing judiibtrina whore- ovor poaaiblo tho changua nffoqt many business intereatb of tho country iu regard to preferential trade an oxtru olauao iainbortetr on account of the doubt which exists in regard to tho applicability and effect- of the belgian and gorman treatiea providing that the governorgen eral may by ordor in council extoud the benefits of tho reciprocal tariff to any couutry entitled therotoby treaty with ilio imperial government tho government however atill maintains thatthose treatiea do not apply and this contention waa advanced with much force by mr da vies in a closely reasoned argument treating the question mainly from a legal at and- point sir cjiarleatupper claimed that the action of the resolution would be a deathblow to the cause of preferential trade and when tho house was iu commit tee he moved an amendment to the efteot that that should bo offered to groat brit ain so soon as tho existing difficulties were remoyod nassaqaweya tbo lomonatffatiou and picnic- of tbo 1 o f at edeu miiib on ilto qtieons birthday was k grand huccohb tho woatherwhb all that could bo douirod and thero waa u large crowd to wituouti and enjoy tho aporta mr c 0 whale ono of iho chiof ofnuorrtof the order dolivorod uif excellent udilrlhh ono of i lie reui nil rue tionh witt thu buhuball nmtcli botwoen the edon si i 11b team and tho kub3iigawoyu or mill boys tho gunio wae an exciting ono and tlicro was bo mo good playing on both tiiclub they playidhevuu inntitg and tho blood john eatons destroyed this departmental store com- pletely annlhiilated by fire the john eaton- cos departmental store corner yongo and temperance streots toronto wab burned to the ground oarly last thursday morning losb ea- timated at 250000 which is covered by insurance it was about five minutes after the fire was discovered that the roof of the place fell in and in less than three minutes afterwards the front wall on yongo street collapsed some thirty firemen wero working in very dangoroua proximity to it when- a warning cry wentup from the crowd and thoy all rushed aorosd toward the arcade just in time to avoid being crushed to pieces the wall tottered first inward and then outward and then with an awful crash fell forward the rapidity with which tbo fire spread after its discovery can be imagined from tho story of policeman william wallace who pulled tho box atyonge and adotaide streoto he was with patrol sergeant dilworth who had jnst visited him he noticed a thin curl of emoko issuing from tho roof and then rushed down to ring the alarm before ho returned tho place waa ono surging sea of llamos board of education hamiuonjdrfl a garden party will be bold at the reri- denoe of goo- gastlo near lowville on tuesday evening june 1st tho queens birthday was celebrated on monday with considerable eolat the town was thronged with visitors the third spraying experiments in mr 11 e harrisons orchard will be conducted by supt orr on tuesday 8th june at 2 pm our boys defeated brampton in a base- ball match hero on qaoenr birthday score 11 to 4 georgetown capt moore is puttiug in full time with his company iu order to seoure proficiency for the coming oating at niagara st pauls episcopal chnroh norral has been attached to st georges ohuroh here the celebration on tho 24th was the equal of former years the morning at- tractianoonaisied of a laorobao match bo- twten tde excelsiors of brampton and iho actnaa of georgetown and was very olose- ly ooutested it brought out some unusual ly line play and resulted in a victory for the home team by 2 to 1 tho gamo waa rneroly of a friendly character and the excelsiors had therefore a weaker team than thoy will plnce in tbo field for iho championship matches the teams were represented by tho following excelsiors pearen jennings shaw peatter kirk- woaif bain glarrldgo mara miluer marshall hollia aetnaa watsqu irwin moore scott ttarwflod ijondewun cur- not sutton mckenzlo irwin sootr there was not much excitement over the racce tho firoworks and hioyole parade at night attracted a largo crowd but wero considerably bolow the expectations of the public muaio was furnished by the georgetown and glenwilllama bands rev o g ladgford b a and mr b dwarren of georgetown are attending tke annual oonventlon of baptist churches of ontario and quebec at london the frost of friday night did a great deal of damage to fruit in western on tario it is reported that a plot to murder king george lias been discovered at athena and that many arreeta havo been mado turkeys expenses in the war with greece are estimated at 0000000 whioh greece wit be required to pay aa an indem nity fn annual instalments guaranteed by tho thewallau revenues winnipeg was visited by a snow and sleet torm accompanied by a nigh north wind it rained all saturday night and the snow storm started about 9 oo sunday morning lasting till about to 2 p ro the school rooms to be supplied with jubilee pictures of the queen theboardoftrubteestifacton public school met on friday evening members present georgo hynds chair man jas mclam t h harding and robert holmes thefiuanco committee presented their second report recommending payment of acoounla as follows w h walker romovlagatormaaali s 1 00 j ajbpol8httcojcjialratphchbol rooms 1173 8ia75 the report waa adopted moved by jas mclam seconded by robert holmes that tho chairman and secretary be and arc beroby authorized to negotiate a loan of fivohundrdd dollars 8500 for the term of six months with storey ghristie co bankers carried moyed by t h harding seconded by jamoa mclam that with a view to foster ing eentimantu of love and loyalty to our beloved queen who ba9 retgnod over us bo joug and successfully the supply com mittee be and aro hereby instructed to secure copies of the queens jubilee picture have them neatly framed and ono bung in each of tho school roomb carried i the board then adjourned score wue 10 to a rimn in lavor ol iitett mills thoro waa nlno a fumihiill muthh botweon tho moffut and corwhin earns in whioh iho moffat tium won firnt money tho races and games rosiiltod as follows standing jump a malutosh ut prio 0 ft 1 in m forgtibon 2nd j in c hortop llrdi 8ft bain running jump w tuttrot lbtv47 fe 8jin amoiiitoah 2nd 17 ft i in 0 jiurtop lrd 15 fl 5 in ltuh htbp and jump a malntbtlr latj fill ft 14 in w talbot 2ndjj5 ft 11 in m fergiiaon ird il- ft uv in vauhiag with pole- yv talbot lat a mcintoah 2nd o hortop ijrd putting hoavyatone a crawford 1st a molutosh 2nd b wilaon brd light etouo aorawlord lat bwitbon 2nd a mcintosli3rd 100 yard race ccongdon 1st- wtalbot 2ridy a- mcintoah iifd smoriviis race jajsi roberts 1st m fergubon 2nd o congdon tfrd tsg race jas roberta 1st c congdou 2ud boys raco j grieves let p kuchiug 2nd b ingle 8rd tho garaufl were very iuterestiug and the con tests keen the committee of management deeervo credit for tbo way they conducted the sports of the day the brookville brass band enlivened tbo afternoon vith several fine eeleotidns and were loudly applauded there was auo a good string band the receipts of tho day wore 6125 which wasvinletujhrrto misa k kingsbury of toronto ia visit ing relatives and friends in nassasawoya misrea mary and lillio haw of aoton spent queens birthday with friends here mub m lind of aoton spent twenty- fourth with her parents at knatohbull mr wilaon hume of toronto spent queeosbirthriay at eden mills fa saontlal to health evory nocr and corner ot tlu nystem in reached by tbo blood and on ita quality tbo cor itlori of ovory organ do ponda good bled means strong licrvch good digchtlon robust- health itnpuro blood meansbcrofula dyhpophinrhouma- tlaniicatnrrh or other diseases tho surest way to have goad blood is to take ilooda saraaparllla thia medicine purifies vl- fuywtpntaniilnhiabtlin hlnnrf nnri ninit tbo olemonta of health and strength to every nerve organaml tlasup it createa a good appetite gives rofreablng sleep and cures that tired feollng nemembor rgreht- kenilsrant sjlle ilfita bbextistnbni cultured ladies ir with forco if oimiiictei nuodina to- earn uiotioy cnl cftunu addrohf uiotioy cnti louru liuwto rlo bo in a good laiih gaploway toronto out agents i am jiikt htnttiiik tto ixjflt tiiliin fur mniiuy uiiuliii you havo hooii for many inlay your naniu and uddrons will brlnif tlio uolduii fnfetrma- lion htaabgow toronto out wanted sarsafiarilla i tho beft in fact the one true blood purifier a remarkable case doctors could not agree as to the trouble a halton resident in cali fornia mr w s hall who wont to california with his eon georgo who ib in ill health a couple of months ago writes the fukf phehh thb following interesting jottings dkah enrron thoughts of esquosidg bring to my mind the township sunday school convention whioh will be bold i buppose on or about tho time you bat t nannot bo with you this year mnch aa i would liko to i have attended nearly alltho county and township conventions for 28 years past have enjoyed them immensely and havo been greatly pro fit tod by thorn always whon yoang teachers or superintendents have said to me that thoy did not know enough of the how to teach or of tho how to manage i have said to them bo sore and attend tho noxt convention i feel that i most eay god blobd the oonyeh tion work we are in redlands in southern california it is abont 70 miles east from los angoles and ia 1g00 feet elevation surrounded on three sides by mountains ranging from 2000 to 12000 feet high aa wo are sitting in our tjnt we can see thoir boowcajiped peaks tho water from these as the snow melts runs into a large dam with which they irrigate through tho aummer as thoy havo no ruin tho valley ia filled with oraugo lomou and apricot groves with a considerable amount of olives and prunes they have largo paoking hoousfor orangos and lemons and- aro building a largo bannory this year redlandh has about 6010 population but it takes in about 17000 acres of land tho real business part of ths town ib no larger than that of aoton outside of that eaoh house has its lot of 2j to 10 aores of frolt trees bo that tho city improvementtrnave to etretoh oat a long dibtsnoe it is a prohibition town and sunday is almost as well observed as it la in canadal there are abont 15 ohurohes representing 1 think all of the different denominations but i moat atop to be in time for the mail 1 will probably write again when i have aeen more of the waya and manners of the people george has improved a little since hefbame bore and i am hoping for a good deal more before tho summer ia over with kind wishes for all tho good friends in hilton i remain yours slnoeroly w s ham ilkimanim oat may 16th 1807 three departmental stores in tho oityof montreal wero each fined on friday twen- tyqve dollars a complaint whioh vir tually charged the defendants with conduc ting a drug business witbouta license and thereby endangering the public a new brunawlok lady the vlotlm- suffered for thirty years the attack paused partial blindness and a feellnffof semiparalysis from tbo woodstock n s sontlnot mrs e p rosa of ridley brook n b says i have boon a sufferer for thirty years and i am euro i would atill bo in tho lameutabio condition had it not been for dr williama pink pills i was married at the age of twonty and am now fifty ono years old i alwaya enjoyed good health nntit after my first child was born about a month later the illness attacked me whioh has binoo mado my life miserable i consulted different doctors but they did not agree as to tbo naturo of my trouble ono said it was a epeoics of paralysis others said symptoms of tits i would bo fooling very well when i would suddenly havo a sensation of partial blinduefls and everything before me would sparkle then my hand and arm on one bido would bo- come numb and after about ton niinutcs this senaatiou would pass to my lower limbs then my tonguo would bocomo affect ed as would also my heariog voices no matter how close to mo would seem dim and far away thoaj symptoma would last for about forty minutes 1 wouldhavfl avioient painover tho oyee- wbioh would continno for twelve hours or tlooa s klhs uike yauy tooperuto wc nbvvd of the dajy an epitpmeof tho worlds doings during the week xk is understood thatcanobraoicoti hab been appointed arohbibhqp of montreal about ten thousand tailora are out on strike innoy york and their number ib being increased- tho dominion government has drafted a bill to prevent extortionate raids of inter- eat being collected hon e j flynn tendered his resigna tion as premier of quebec to lieu t gover nor oh a plea u on saturday clayton a sons tailoring and clothing houboat halifax onooltholareqat in canada employing 100 persons was burn ed lobs 3140000 an item of 920000 to pay the expenses of canadas military representatives at the at tho queens jubilee wbb passed by tho housd of commons david rose a hunter on fit potors indian resorve waa caught ina trap which ho was fixing to catch bears and died next day from the injuries received the queenregent of spain has author ized the raising of an eight million pound loan to meet the coat of military operations in cnba and the pbillipine islands alex amos was visiting his bweothoart near little current on his return from a hunting expedition when hia rifle went off killing him boforo tho young ladya eyes tho united states senate passed tbo joint resolution recognizing tboexiatenco of a state of warin cuba and declaring tbo neutrality of the united statoa by a vote of 4lto 11 fred hartmao son of c w hart man banker clarksburg ont was accidentally killed on friday night near clarke burg while riding a bicycle ho collided with a aarriage tho bell presented to tho ohurohjat gat- inca point by lord and lady aberdeen and capt sinclair in commemoration of her ladyships rescue from dvowoing has been plaoed nursing the sick more notwithstanding all that was done for mo thoso spells wore coming moro f re- quantly a at unt t wnn sometimes bayetwoattaokeaay iwa8 with bronchitis whioh added to my misery i conld not bow or knit or do any work that required close attention to it ah this tronblo had never left me for years and at the age of 48 i oonaultcd another doator the medioino ho gavo roe howover made mo worso instead of better then i was advised to try dr williams pinlt pills i was uning the third boxbeforo i found any benefit bnt then thero was a decided change by tbo time i used twelvo boxes i celt as i did in my young days evory symptom of tho trouble that had so long made roy lifo miserable had disappeared- for eigh teen months i did not use tho pills and waeas well aa over i had boon iu my life then ono morning i felt a blight attack of the old troublo and dotormined to try dr williams pink pills nyain i got a box and took an occasional pill and havo never since had a symptom of tho trouble to eay that dr willliamb pink pilla havo done wonders for mo ia putting it mildly and i strongly nrge their uso on all who may be ill pink pills wore also of great boneqt to a nieoo of mino miss effto j everett her mothor died whon biio was rjuito yoong and naturally mudli of the care of the household developed upon her and as she grow np she became weak easily tired subject to hoadachos and l complexion was palo and wax liho a young lady teaobor who was boarding with tho family and who had used pink pills with jjreat success urged her to try them tho re sult waji that sho was soon enjoying tbo lady who ebowa no traces of lior formor illness- dr williams pink pilla cure by going to the root of the disoaao thoy ronow and build up tho blood and strengthen the nerves thud driving disease from tho system avoid imitations by insisting that overy box box you purohaso ia enclos ed in a wrapping boariug the full trade mark dr witliamn pink pilla for palo people v thomas gidloy was caught coming out of mr john mcquillana residence at ham ilton on saturday morning mr mcquil lan shot off a revolver and ordered tho visitor to stop he pleaded guilty to a char go of burglary in tho police court afterwards from new york i am a commission merchant doing boiinobs in the west indies i used somo of your putnams painless corn extractor when in canada and tbink it is the best cure for oorua i have ever aeeu please sand mb a fow dozen for friends anil custo mers in sonth amerloa and tho west indies wiiuu gooin new york city this is iho title of a most valuable and concise troatiso on the art of naming tho indisposed it deals with nursing at home voutilajion of the sick room bathing the patient arranging tho bod etc oto it also gives beveral recipes for liquid and aohdf bods and tetatn67kindlhat palibo used for the different diseases it also enumerates tho several diseases in whioh special nursing is aneoobbity and explains in plain words tho directions for tbo per formance of these offices altogether- tbo book is handsomely gotten up and is illus trated with a reproduction from photograph of the royal victoria hospital montreal on the cover and interior viowa of the hospital in tho body of the book the publishers messrs davie lawrenoo co ltd montreal will gladly mail this book to any one sending them a ono cent tamp syerylhing good and desirable in hosiery at away down prices oao kid gloves vthiob wero advertised some timo ago but which owing to tho ocean bteamer breaking tntio wero delayed in transit until now wo will pay you for tho disappointment by giving you 50a in black ojild tun colors all aioarfroni 5j to 7f- y a largo tablo bproad with remnants and endb f goods from evory department enough in many of them to mako drebses for children and to combine with other gooda to mko coatuinoa to make shirts and in somo oases full dreaaea for ladies somo startling bargains everything much leas than regular prices apd in many oases at half prico gooda oouuiut pf tweeds dreau goods of every kind prints crinkba cloths linonb shirtings flannolettcs ao tfco thi3 ualo atartb promptly at rf oclock saturday morning and it will bo a great opportunity to save money wo will alho sell 25 puira largo splendid blankets worth 9100 for ogo a pair j a lot of noweat washing matoriulh moubbouiuo rail dor lappet mulls grenadines guipuro lattice m6rrooo crapes annilino challies organdies buntiugs at half value ntco challles at go protty grehadinea worth ibc for 10o and all of them much under regular value we will sell another lot of best sowing machine oil oz bottles full 80o worth for loo wo will bhow the nicest btockoe laco mitts audthe beat values in the city wo will shov everything good and desirable in hosiery at away down prices vo will sell thoao 1 her ahoit in midatlanti speoial85c glove for 50p jiiisiaca nun aunijuium iu niairjiuiii v iw j- we will bell coo yardsof lacbb all the new kinds anawidths at half price those were bought from an ovorloadecl btock at 60o on the 8 rth vq vilusell another lotjuheae wonderful white qullta eflsjl inchop wotth 125 or85o w6 will sell water color avilpdow shadoe 25o each i wo wfll sell real oh cnoredyvihdow shades which will cloan with damp cloth or wash from 40a np j window poles alicompletesw v jvi window poles with oak ring aridbraokels ao all complote i6o each we wiirput any of thob6 up in ydnr house come and select what you what we send aman to measure your windowsand put them uplyeo then see what we will clo for you at the old store mna soita at d bavink of from 8150 to 68 to you on a suit bovh 2 and 3 piece soitb ct a baviog of from 75o to 82 on a suit mene balbrikrari underwear aorth 81 for 75o a suit bbt value in the city mena hata a lot bought at much lebbthan rorular valuo to be aold aa follows 82 hataor 8150 j 825p bata for 82 8150 hatb for 81 no wondor wo are doiugfiuoh a large clothing ilttt and oonta farniahinga trade at tho old atore our oufltomers moat be doing apme good advortiaing for ua thezegerfrimtsh an immense variety of elegant styles and qualities killed while swinging owen sound may 21 rethel mccart ney 14 years of ago the youngest daughter of andrew mccartney waa swinging with some nnmpanipqs in t he bar nof william boydvwhon she noticed the pole to whioh tho rope wb fastened slipping from ita place shooallodto thoso who were about hor that tho awing was about to fall but before thoy could atop it tbo polo came down striking her on the head inflicting a severe gash and causing almost inbtant doath it will go right to the spot i aycrs hair vigor will go right to that bnld spot and begin to bring the hair back it makes hair grow stop thelehk you arc paying loo per cent interest this scorns a high rate of interest for anyone to pay yet a number of you aro fiaying it a good many have stopped the oak for instance you pay the tea pedlars 45c for 10 lbs tea 5450 why not pay us 25c for 10 lbs saving over 100 per cent because ours is better at 25c than thcirs nt 5c pedlars are good talkers plausible fel lows hard to shake hut if you want to save money learn to say no toll horn as many others havo donc and are doing every day dont call again please we are saving over by buying from millman co tea specialists cuelph p s drop us a past card lor samples say what kind you uso ours or money refunded we will guarantee produce taken dress goods fancy american organdie muslins scotch zephrs lappets foulaid prints fine white lawns dotted and checked muslins all the latest goods in the market inour dress goods department smallwares new gloves new hosiery new parasols a choice variety in fact our assortment is now complete for the summer trade fine highclass tailoring j ust opened a fine assortment of imported scotch suitings fine english trouserings etc to be sold at close prices consistant with firstclass work manship now is the time to leave yout order before the choicest patterns are selected bicycle suits a specialty hats hats nobby new styles in mens and boys straws hard and soft felts the latest styles of the season gents furnishings new and nobby neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery etc readytowear clothing boys blouses boys fancy-sailor- suits every styleand in great yariety bicycle suits in all sizes neat patterns and well made a cordial invitation extended to all to call and examine our stock and tee our prices gibson milltoco roe block tut 7 in st ceorgefomn every day bargain day tub wanzer lamp and oven just tbo thing for summer satfai s cheap debt in tlio world havoa money work worry cliucrior than wood or coal always roady one lamp with waneoroven will cook largo tur key or ham aoaatiuft or 6 team lug as you prefer wo will bo plowed to fllvo aflfifll tel 40 wheelmen attention kigtby porou wanzer lamp mf a co 134 kinestraeir hamilton the campaign prepare for winds wo would oall your attention to tlio foot that wo are prepared to supply yon wth lumber of suitable length for yonr barn doora viz 10 12 18 qr 1 4 feet also sash doors frames mouldings eto for building storm doora put up at as low a rato aa pobblble ftwvfs repair your pumps or put in now ouca boforo it ia too cold wk cxn uo it shop at root of river street acton th08 ebbace manager watekpkoojbv bicycle suits are just the kind you want they are uptodate they are a comfort to wear they are waterproof they are cheap in price suits from 400 upward at rienbls0m leading tailor and furnitdier 99 wyndham st guelph i immoiih nfiltuiclx with un cliiiractur und coinmoii bcbool titlucutlou cn obtain employment for two months hi thin community h m khy toronto out wanted for a f robh milch cow young jersuy grado and n quantity of cedar poatb apply at onco donalb mcdonatd tlioroxighbvecl jet soy bull for service thivurriioralcioil liaa otvhlb premittes near actou ft thoroufllibrod j notice to vtrespasseis notice 1b hoi 0 by riven to tho public gonor- ally tliat trobpaasora 6u tho oant half of lot no 20 oou 9 kflquoblog by lalilng aboottug ctcwill bo nroaocutod accordiufi to lw johnshaw wanted vf en and women who can work hard talking ivi and writing six hours daily for bix days a weok and will bo content with ton dollars wook ly addrosa new ideas cqbrantford ont agents hphe doatronular lifo of hor majesty i have x qvor bocn writob lord lorno about quoon yiotorla salob uunrecojlontod eoay to mako flvo dollars dally big commission outfit froo to canvassers the bkadley gakhetson co ltd toronto ont wool the highest price in cash or trado will ho givon for any quantity of good oloan mer chantable wool trado will bo general dry goods clothing blankots flannols yarnb ac avm mcleod georgetown wanted teachers barriawrb physicians and others of similar training for hlghclsss soliciting will jiay forty dollars wookly and railway faro on demonstration of nocessary ahllitythb futadley qarhetson co ltd toronto ont public notice notice is hereby given that fiihliig and shooting on the stream running through the out part of lots 39 no 81 and tho weat part of lot 91 in tbo 7th concession nossagaweya aro prohibited trespassers will bo prosecuted under tho ontario gamo laws wstark acton april 97th 1697 for losses no trespassing the public la hereby notified that no fishing shooting or swimming on the crook running through tho properties of messrs robert wallace josoph lasby and william brown in andnoar acton will bo allowod all persons found guilty of trespassing will bo prosecuted as tho atatuq provides w stark acton april 37th 1q07 for losses farm eos bale theunderalgnedouors for salo tbo farm lot 20 con 1 esqubing known as the dal ton farm tbo property comprises 100 acroa fifty acres oloared balance timbered including a large quantity of good cedar tbo farm la situ- atod within auoutamllo of aoton t to ohn cummins bockwood p o your spare time men women to conduct business at homo workiaslmplo writing and copying lists of addresses received from local advertising to be forwarded to us dally no canvassing no provtous experience roquirod but plain writers preferred permanent work to those content to earn 6 or moro wbokly in sparo timo apply to warren pub co loudon ont municipality oe acton court of re vision notice is beroby riven that tho court of- revision for the villagi bold on ago of aoton will be monday 31st day op may is97 at tho town nail at 8 oclock p m all parties interested will ploaso govorn thomsolvoa accordingly tt moore clork acton miy 18tb 1890 seed corn for ailo ensilage or green fodder we curry the largest assortment of any seeds man in canada a11 genuine and true to name we supply the ontario agricultural college and leading formers and dairymen throughout the dominion and our prices cannot be beat our lisf comprises mammoth cuban iowa gold mine clouds early yellow pride of the north whjgcftain white dent cuban giant white c f aooibyb extra values iri silks prints muslins ducks dress goods etc in all the newest and best materials and latest designs also summer hosiery summer corsets summer underclothing a special line of taffette and silk gloves in black tan and cream 25c a pair shingles for sale c f g cotr j h hamilton dbalbb in marblp and granite hamiltons blook ouelph hiving ou liaad a largo quauttty of scotch norway swedish and russian grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchased i wi sell at a reduction of 20 per cent and will nllow nil expenses o customers i 10 n from our works i when you come to gu the 1897 columbia bicycle call job printing in and have us show lumbia bicycle they are i different to any other wheevstandard of the world inoluoina llookl pamplilou ruatorillll i heads olraulara p dec axoouted in tlio beat atyla of tne art at modarato prloea and on hortnollca apply oraddram ii p mooiib fajaa piikaa oflloo aotcu sage co sole agents for guelph and vicinity rural thorobrcd flint angel of midnight salyers north dakota hickox chester co mammoth giant prolific white cap yellow dent canadian white flint yellow horse tooth comptons early mam south sweet lied cob ensilage early mastodon early butler improved learning early huron dent longfellow stowells evergreen sweet tons of turnip seed twenty kinds to choose irom all away down in price gen uine dwarf esacx rape seed millet hun garian buckwheat etc and garden and harvest tools all kinds geo j thorp direct seed importer ilarkot square a maodonnell st ouolph go to for your housecleaning sup plies soap washing powder scrub and stove brushes large or small brooms all good and all cheap 3t business college amd shorthand institute dvblpbsont 8uperioh kaoilitik8 for tliotu4li and sraotloal oouraaa of study llooltkaenlniraj liortllaud and tynonrltlna oounoi a apoafalty il oradnato amliuid to potltroiiii iim kaii shbsionb oodimoocob sapt lat wrlto for olroulart t- sb asp prldolptf m

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