Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1897, p. 4

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v considerably llke icecream fifty years ago rresiileit rolk in the white ilouiie chair while in lowell yrna doctoraycr doth were busy for litiinnu weal one to govern and one to heal and ns n presidents power o will soihoilmes depends on a llvcrplll mr id k took ayers pills i trow tor his liver 5p years ngq ayers cathartic pills were designed to supply a model purgative to people who haxhso long injured themselves wiii griping medioines being oar ef ully prepared and then in gredients adjttstedto the exact necessities eie powels and liver their popularity was in stantaneous that this popu larity has been maintained is well marked in the medal awarded these pills at- the worlds pair 1893 50 years of cures thursday may 27 1897 ij antq jolks the slumber song my aunty lil boo tolls mo thiurb somotluios to keep mo still sliosaytjsuo will if ill bo goodp and tkou i nay i will bho told mo all bout diftilul onco was in a llonb dou uut homothlng cot right in my throat and jnadomo cry oraid and tbou alio told bout iuitsiuuootb aud bouio bout jauk and jilu thero isnt any one that knows moro things than aunty lil and thon bho said if i was tirod bhod sing about bopoop and thou i guess that auury lil forgot and wout to sloop sew york world a vibitor to tho worlds ivir was very tirnd a id hungry t no liungry to wait for hju hinohcqii anil too tired tdsturch fur for auything to cut uqha wont up to a iimn who waa boiling poum and uukud him if thoy wore good yehm ho repponded thoy bo fust- rate tlioyro so tfooii i cant hardly keep from eatintin tho wholo tinio myoolf how many will you hev slio replied bho would talto htilfudoon and bh lio who putting thttn in a bug nnothcr tired looking woman camo a lout ftuu you lull nio where 1 can gol homo ioocrcam 1 bhe uukod nom brittkly replied tho fruit man i dont know of any plaoo near iiero whero you oau gotifuy but ive got uorno mighty njco pcurs here that tuato conaidcrablo like ioacroum ab that momout be handed ida firat aua- tbmer her paqkago which aho bdya flho re ceived with bomodiminutiou of confldeuco in thb wisdom of her purchao after ten long years of mental and physical sufferings aind failures r with coratnn medicines like her elders edith who ie eight years old was invit ed to a childrens party her bloudo hair is perfectly straight vat was becomingly arranged and she started off evidently well pleased with her personal appearance on her return her mother asked did youhave a nice time edith there was a moments hesitation and then the little girl responded yes i had agood time but i should havn bad abetter one jf it hadnt been for my hair why edith what waa wrong with your hair well it dont ourl and all the other giru hair was kinky 1 abant go to another party without my hair oanbe fixed in kinks the next week when another invitation camo fbrtvo littiogfrtiier baifwo8carled and fluffed out in the moat approved style then her mother led her op to a mirror aod said thero edith what do you think of it edith regarded herself soberly for a moment and then taming slowly around bhe said its vain bat i like it the wrong turn among the many stories told of absent- minded people thero in one about the dreamy mother of a young american author which is well autnenticated but boemb almost tnoredible one evening when her son stopped at the tho door of her room on thoway toliifl own to deliver a message which had been sent her ho disco tbe old lady i the pitchy darkness hold a match under ttiecoi6t paines celery compound completely cures mrs hopper of thorn- hill ont what a blusbiug it would bo to humanity if all buflering men and women know- just what pal nesxojeryxom pound jaabletol do the work that cauuot bo done for the sick in long years of exporimeuting with other medicines iu successfully carried to victory by painos celery compound in a ow ahort weejta the cure of mra hopper fully proves the absortion made abovo after yea o failures misery agony and despondency painos celery compound made a new woman or ono who had become a mere wrook one who was fast uoaring tho grave havo faith batterer a strong deliverer is ovor ready to help yiixl from today let your hope bo couterod in paines celery compound and ub power to euro it has never disappointed any it cannot fail with you bead mrs hopporla wonderful tobtimony with very great pleaeuro and satisfac tion i wish to add my testimony to what has already been said n favor of paines celery componnd for a very long timo i buffered from general debility and run down system having heard l of painos cblory compound i determined o give it a trial and i am happy to aay it has dono for mo more good than i can express for ten years i doctored with other modiaines without any good roaulta but after using paines celery compound i am porfeotly restored to health can oat well digestion jb good and my bleep is sweet and sound altpgotber i am a new woman i alwayb recommend paines celory compound to my friends load yourself in the life coursri and you- will lead others for prevontion orbaldnebs and to renew and tbiaken the growth of hair uao halls vegetable sicialian bair renowor physio- ians endorse and recommend it ghthny havm flufigjed bard to keep up appearances he yes r that is juat what has kept them down could not turnin bed terrible sufferlnff of nn elora lady from rhaumatlernflftoen years a sufforerbut ouroci by two bottlos of south arnerlcan rhou- matlo cure f nocn can desenbo ihu intotisity of suf fering ihut intiy coiuo fioin an attack of rli6uinntlnni kor 11 ft yen years byb mih john keaiunoiit of jiloru out i liifvo liuon riioru or iomh troubled with rlicuinutiani which tcok tlio form of pains in my lack oftlii cuulhiin mu tb my bed and rendering mo pivrtol tho time wholly uulllfiir indllliki at liinnn i biilttrd hii asy to take asy to operate are features peculiar to hoods pills email in flze tasteless efficient thorough as one man said you never know yon bare taken a pill tul it u all over 250 c i ilood jb co proprietors- lowell mass the only pliu to tak with hoodajrsadrllla- intensely ihut i could nut turn in my bed aud tho diiaoiiho wuh fast roauhing a point where both in yet if unit lnyhuubaiul had bccomu thoroughly discouraged of recovory a friend reconiniotidud bouthamoriean rheumatic cure und after tho tirat bottle i was ublo to ait up und butoro four bottleb wore tukon 1 was ablo to go about ub usual and ijavo been in excellent hcultli sold fay at browuv vdooutcnjoy novel goading mjhh belln- aa olivery rnuph j oho oun associate with pcoplqiti uction that opu wouldnt daretb hlioftk to inreal life- wliy wll you lillow a cough to laberate youc tlitoat ioclaiigii aud ruri tho risk of tilling a couaamptivea gruve when by tho timely uao of brcklob aiiticpnsumplivo 6yrup thb pain can be allayed and tnolan fjorn voided this syrup is pleabanttithj tusto and uneurpaeaed for relieving heal ing anil curing ajl affecliona of tbothrout mid lungs congtia colds brorchitie etc pa am idesctnded from the monkey aaid tommy tucker r not on my bide of the house replied mr tucker vvilh muoh pobitivciebb that hacking cough can he quickly oured by hugyardfl pectoral balsam price 25c there was n young maiden named grace once tho prettiest girl in the place c but ahot oltangnd a great deal since eho took to the wheel for she now has a bicycle face undoubtedly the hcrl geniiimin i- yrroh- to say thit tr fowlers jextract of wild strawberry baa proved a wonderful remedy in my family we would not bo withoutit for twice its price i say it is tho bcbt not merely one of the beatbut tho best medicine over broiglit before the public for summer com plain tor diarrhoea either- in children or adults john underbill licepso commibflionor stratholair man a loliil ueiumitbcr if you wihii to should take a me disouhufl- tin ivi- saraapiirilhv prov iiiediuinu for tlm ilooiia surtmpiihl born cascu und it i tuko if your bluud purify your blood you iciiio which cureit blood i r 1 1 of ajurtjd hy iiooih that ili ie ii tho buht utj ovor produocd v curib tlio most utub- tliu medioino for you to j impure hoods pills urd thu host ufror dinner pill ivsbiut digestion cure hoadache ii5 cuilth ho who drops his polo to pick tho tempt ing brry catches no tiiv prrfiiiiinl kxihrlnn mr it iliiidsnn f hindbon bron wat- ford ont says from pereonal oxperr iencu i- rccomnun 1 milburns heart und nervo pills for uervoumnjub and general weakness of- tho system aud can say with out doubt they urn the bet medimuo i over used disappaihtmeiji l the lash toaccomp- lihhmeut iiiifilaml is vu mrs wrii hunibly belicville ont eayfl my husjwud wa trpiibled with kidney compluint rhennliatibnv loss of eppetite slooplebbi 3s etc aiicji baiild not got relief until i got a box of downs kid- noy pill for him he has now used our boxes in all and is perfectly ourdd doaus sidney pills arc tho ones that cure remember the name doann and nerve pills for weak people at all druireiats price oo cents per box or 3 lor 150 set by mall qn receipt of btlce t milburn il co toronto my paws fioiu into tho chicken raiain bobinofla said johnny hoa coin dwn town tomorrow to boy an inoubuaor an indicator i forgot what you call itt -no-useop-hislecs- 7 l doctors could not help him but two bottles of south american kidney cure removed tho dls- ea8ethe story of a wlnsham farmer water faucet r- when ebo oamo to beraolf in- response to her eons hearty laugh sho admitted that she hod lighted five other matches and treated thorn in tbe same way i was thinking about something else she said naively and all 1 knew was that t had to turn aomethingon before 1 could light thegas and then alio added i dont think it was buoh a queer mistake after all 1 dbeapfulvow in w k jjo forms seventy years of leish life is a reforcuce to tlio visit of georgo iv to ireland iu 1821 which was enlivened as much as a state visit may be by tho following inoident the king entered dublin in an open carriage drawn by eight splendid horses and attended by a numbor of grooms and footmoo in magnificent liveries he wan in military uniform and constantly kook off his hat uniiling and bowing to the people who enthusiastically obeered him at one point a mat oloao to the carriage btretcbed out hia hand to the king and baid bhako bands your majesty i tho king shook hands heartily the man waved his hand aud called ont begorra ill never wash that jhand jigftinj fond mamma bobby bobby wbat- e vecmuoayb n boro8tresa bpbtiyh avf ing-to-koep-atih-eo-muehpl-fluppoter- ifandsome fcntuwl sometimes unsightly blotches pimples or sallow opaque bkin destroys tho attrac tiveness of handsome features in all buoh oases scotts emquion will build op the system and impart handsomeness and beauty biliousness constipation sick headache liver troubles burglarsseized a music box in a house in conneotlout but it began to play johnny get yonj gun and frightoned them away dr lows pleasant worm syrup remov es worms of all kinds from children or adults you never will be sorry por jiving a purq life for doing your level best forbetngk i nd tothepoor for hearing before judging for thinking before bpeaking for ptandiig by your priuoipjes for stopping your oars lo goabip for brtdlitu ahlanderoui tooguo for beinu square in buainosa dealings for giving an unfortuuute person a lift for promptness iu keeping your promise for putting tho boat constructions on acts of 0 there a witty answer queen caroline of england once inquir ed of mr pitt the elder what it would cost to shut up tho london publio parks and make them into private grounds mr pitt knew that tho people wonld never submit to this but his answer wb polite three crowns your majesty was his reply the sugar coating on ayers pills not only makes them eary to take bnt preser ves their medicinal integrity to an indefi nite period it dissolves immediately on reaching the stomaohi and- thus permits the full effect of tho physio to be realised he reasons in- a circle ab that accounts for hia arguments never coming le an end norway pino syrup cures couhba norway pino syrup cures bronchitis norwaypine syrnphealsth l r j of all tne nervetonics bromos celeries or nervines your doctor will tell you that the hypophosphitcs are best understood so thor- ougwvrelated is the nervous system to disease that some physicians prescribe hypo- phosphites alone in the early stages of consumption scotts emulsion is codliver oil emulsified with the hypophosphitcs happily blended the result of its use is greater strength and activity of the brain the spinal cord and the nerves lit ii tend you a book all about it sent frc scott uuwnb it elk v lilt- unl kidney disease can bo oured mr john bneil a retired farmor bfwingham ont says for two years i suffered untold misery aud at times could not walk and any standing position gave intepbo pain tho result of kidnoy disease local phyai- olans could not holp mo and i was con tinually growing worq which alarmed ed family and friends boeing south american kidney cure advertised i grasp ed at it as a dyeing man will grabp at any thing result before half a bottlowas taken i was totally relieved of pain and two b entirely enro m to cure tttttttttrttttttrrttttttttttttt thepl i mh ll emulsion is invaluable if you are run down w as a medicine the d l emulsion wilibuilil you up ifyourgencral health is impaired tho d l emulplon is tlio best and most imumblc preparation of cod liver oilocrcdng with the most dell- cato stomachs the d 8c l emulsion is prescribed by tho leading physicians of canada the d 6c l emulsion is a marvellous flesh producer and will glvo 1 you an appetite 50c si per bottle lie sure you get 1 davis lawaenoe co ltd a llicgetiuiuo i montreal h u tho peerlesa language of tho psalms ro veals the actuality of tho being to whom they uro addressed tho medicine for liver and kidney complaint mr victor auger ottawa writca i take great pleasure in recom- mondiok to tho general pnblio dr parrne- lenb ptllpas a cure for liver and kidnoy complaint i havo doctored for the laat three years with leading phisioians and havo taken mahy medicines which wore recommended to me without relief but after taking eight of parmelees pills i wae quite relievod and now i feqlas free from tho diaeaap aa beforo i wab troubled note a new thought at once uncaged it qeoa ub a bird of the air if your children moan and aro restless during sleep coupled when awake with a iobs of appetito pale countenance picking of tho nose etc you may depend upon it that tho primary oauao of tho troublo is worms mother graves worm extermin ator effectually removes iheb posta at onco relieving iho little snfforer strang points about b b b 1 its purity 3 its thousands of cmes y its licoiioniy lc if b b b regulates the stomach liver and bowels unlocks the secretions purifies the blood and rcinuves all tht imjjutitles frum a c01111116u pimple to the worst scrofulous sore and dvspepsia biliousness constipation headache salt rheum scrofula heartburn sous stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases viow nod thvaucebp olyour nolghbort wltli envy hut with roaolution y 1 v tlicy ilu woodwork tho followinu loiter toils what people thinlt about laxa liver rillfl din siiihj klauly tobtify to tho vir- cucb of lain iiiver lilla i used tobe troubled with hovero hoadaohea aiidr coo etipalioufor aloogtirno aud look thobe pilla hoping for a euro and my hopea were rapidly fulfilled i have found therii a ueverfailing remedy nd heartily recom mend them signed ftliea s laweoii monoton n b thiukof tho william mokiuloy blank and tho garret hohart dubhoa who will bo epeaking piecca from grammar bchool tob- trnma a dozan aud more yeara houce burdock pilla bmall aafo and euro- regulate tho liver and cure conatipation and now littlo children auid the sun day bohool buperiutsudant if you are good children aomo day you moy weir a golden brown paa got ono now on tho top of uia tooth chirped the amalleat and rioweat boy rheumatism can be cured nearly uiirteen yoare ago i was taken ery aevoroly with rheumatism and al though i havo been treated for it by bovoral doctors hero and oleowherb besides ubing any amount of patent medicines and vannt- ed rheumatic cureb i never found only omporary rolief until aix months ago whentr halbtetla rhouroatio cure cured mo bo that ihavphot felt anything ofitbince rout l binoham acios march loth 18il7 gastoria for infants and childreu cor king and hughaon sts hamilton railway time ajglj rugs carpets and house furnishings ahdcndid collection the whole of our third floor riven over to this department specials for this week crossleys hesttaslry- carpets regular ooc quality now 75c crossleys nine- wire tapestry carpets regular 75c quality now 60c heavy make tapestry regular f5c quality now 50c thu prices in each case includo the making ijaoe curtains our spring stock is complete including irish point swiss tamboured urussellnct iiuxttinfthiniligoguftinti umlknfelmninft 8ie fepv 41150 for 8850815 for sio whitijguilts 104 marseilles si ui satin finish 225 cotton blankets for summer use 104 and 114 plain or twill 81 to per pnir specfaii dress goods offerina press tweeds 42 in wide 25c a yard 44 in wide 30c yard special line of dress tweeds 46in wide 45c and 50c silk and wool dress patterns at bargain prices reg- ular 8g50 for84 87 8750 and 88 for 5 810 81 1 and 812 choice for 80 each make yonr selections early navy and black serge special valub all wool at 25c 35c 40c and 50c a yard- mens purnishinob ivlcns merino underwear all sizes shirts and pants special 50c- g5c and 75c each mcnscotton upderwerall sizes shirts and pants special 25c 36c and 5c mens flannelette top shirts made of good quality of english flannelette 50c each meh3 hlaclisatqeh shirts warranted fast 50c mens dresden shifts a dozen different pat jerhs collars and cufis detached xjbc 81 and8iio- s hbaibotjusi gloves v lmhes black ancl coloredtqffeta gloves 25c and 35c iadics all silk gloves 49c and 50c the celeiirnttkl couversler kid gipves all sizes black and colored regular 8135 tor 81 every pair guaranteed bbys heavy kib cotton- hose double knees hepl and toe 25c ladies ujack cashmere hose seamless foot 35c better quality fiili fashioned 35cjor three pairs for 81 ladles cotton rib vests cream or white- with or without sleeves 5c 8c lod and 12jc wash drep3 goods r mew jress musjins fancy dresden patterns last colors- i2icblougc material in cotton crepon muslins dimities in plain or figjired 15c t8c andjoc yard scotch gingbiiafc new pntterns fast colors 7c 8jc 10c and i2c por scbpoi dresses plaids and checks have all the appearance of best wool goods i2jc yard ordered millinery dept new shapes instraw hats sailor hats leghorns for ladies and children new flowers ribbons etc with our large staff of experienced milliners our friends from a distance may leave their orders in the morning and receive the goods the same day readytowear wraps ladies cloth capes fawn or tan color velvet collars plaited backs 8250 83 and 84- ladies black clotlucapes full circular velvetcollars 8250 and 84- samples by mall on application freight or express prepaid to your nearest railway slat jo n j n qnj axioqnallpjirch a sesji moiintingtq 85 aqd upwards t satisfaction guaranteed thomas c watkins the right house mens hats tha fio ilailo igsitarej wpptt kidney diboaao a lipoid medicino must bo taken und- one that is a aolvent and can thus iisbolvo tlio flandliko particles in tho blood sold by a t brown old gentleman do you mean to buy that your teachers novcr thrabh you 7 littlo boy never wo have moral bubhioii at our school whats that oh wo get kept in and locked in und locked out and blood up in coruera and made to writo ono word a thousand timch and bcowiedatnnirittwodttt7antllrat a all kryhipelus curcil gkntlkmes in thobprihg of 18113 i woe taken with erysipelas in tho face which loft moiija very badatato of health but having taken ono hottlo of burdock blood bltterblodn truly say that it cured me you aro at libbrty to refer anyone to me for further purticularu us rcgarde thiti wonder ful medioino jaa b crookor south farmingtou annapolis n q the name of my lawyer said tho burglar who bad just been convioted 4 necesaity bureho no law ihigynrdb yellow oil tho great pain euro -ueod- externally enrcs rhenmatiqm swellings eprainb bruises atiffneaa pain and soroaesa of every description intorhally used it cures croup oolda boro throat hoarseness asthma bronchitis quinaoy etc price 25a all draggiato croupj cmmpt colic colds coughs toot it ache dtabrirasa dysentery tuualbovji coairjuntstfc a sure safe quick curo for theso s troublea is i 5 tstiivffitte pewit davis -jr- used internally and externally jpe- tivo sizes c3o anil boe iwttlcs jj e i h a h j dont prioyo over spilt milk whilo theroa a cow in tho pasture a dinner pill many persons suffer excruciating agoiiy after partaking of a hearty dinner tho food partaken of is like a ball of load up tho stomach and healthy nutriment it dr par- instoad of being becomes a poison to the system melooa vegotablo pills are wonderful cor- rcctivea of such troubles they correot aoidity opon the aeorotionsand convert tlio food partaken- of into healthy nutriment they ttrojuatrthernodlclno to take if troub led with indigestion or dyspepsia thero never- was and novor will be a universal panacen in ono remody for all ilia to which flesh is heir tho vory nature of many cuiativoh being such that wore the germs of other and differently beatod disoaues rooted in tho system of ihopationt what would relievo one ill in torn would aggravate tho other wo have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated btato a remedy for many andgriovous ills byits gradualjudicious uao the frailest tfyatcmb aro led into con valescence and btreugthby tho influence which quinine exortb on natures- own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of thoso with whom a chronic btato of morbid despondent and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilizing the norveb dispoaes to sound and refresh ing bleep imparts vigor to tho action of tho blood which being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening tho healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity aneceasary result btrongthening the frame and giving life to tho digestive- organs which naturally demand increaaod bubatanco reaph im proved appetite northrop lyman of toronto havo given to tho public their quinine- wine at tho usual rate and gnaglbdbythropinionofbcientibts tbjs- wine approaches noaroat perfection of any on the market all drupgistb aell it ono day the children woro having an object lebbon on ho blue heron tho toaohcr called attontion to its small tail baying the bird baa no tail to speak of tho next day she abkod tho scholars to write a description of tho bird and a lit tle german girl wound up by saying the blue heron has a tail but it must not bo talked about skeptiofifintutribn of skepticism but thoro 1b ono point upon which persons acquainted with the subjoot agree uamoly that dr thomas eclcotrio oil is a modicine which can bo relied upon to cure a cough removo pain heal sores of varioua kinda and benefit any inflamed portion of tho body to which it is applied the atipondary cant you and your hurfbanil livo toother without fightiug mrs mulcaly no yer anner not hap pily a broken down lumberman not a financial but worse a physical wrackpaat doctors sktllput cured by south ameri can nervine 1rofltmiioi by liervoua debility mr e mr mit in mnrn nifi tpi pwnnr of merrick villp out waa forocd to with draw from tho activities of buainobb he bays i tried everything in tho way of dootortivrkilf and profirietary niedioincb but nothing lml pud nle 1 wmb jnlluuncod to ubo south american nervjnound i can truthfully any that 1 had not taken half a bottle boforo i fonnd benoflcial elloots aa a result of eevoral bottles i und myself to- dayalfong and healthy and ready for any amount of buaiaoari wbcro beforo my ner- uous eyatem wus bo uuderminod that i could florrcoly aign my own narno with a pan or paiioll i say feelingly aud know ingly got n bottle of this wonderful med ioino bold by a t- brown dont fay tlio world ie getting worao when you aro doing nothing to make it botler enjoy your outofdoor sports by wearing one of shoreys kigby waterproof bicycle or golf suits they admit the air lint keep out the rain the feeling appearance or porous pro perties of ordinary tfvecdare not changed by rigby it simply renders goods repellent to water yet the cost is not increased 0oosicokhoioj0rjaooooooooo the newest shapes and best shades are to be found in our range of hats for spring wear we have carefully selected tbe most tasty things from the best english and american makers and guarantee every hat we sell we are also showing a complete range of colored shirts neckwear balbrigan underwear cashmere hose etc henderson fe co gents furnishings department hcoo0wooi shops and warerooms toot of willow st calls attended to day or night j a speight go undertakers and embalmers acton ont- latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges fvrntfvfye- of all kinds a wellassortei stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left tviih j n 8tin8on rockwood will receive trnmediate attention mutt kxpruih mull grand trunk railway ini1 wkhti i01nc1 kaht i lit pm i iiroh ix p in mutt mlxul ll i1 a 111 10 it nm 011 till 10 ul iim wav ov ilosinm 11aijh iolnfl wtht lfliltn uiiilimlimii goliif hriht id 11 11 in 11 1 id 15 pm tijib tluin inljlo wuut ilito ltruct oii mflutla nfjv do job ratmriug rngludtng hookh pamiiliuth roblorbhh hoada circularb c do mocututl n tlio bobtntyki of tlio art ut moduratu iricob and on bliort uoticoiiiply or uddronh if p moone paiife b11k6b ofllco cton acton roller fxouiw mxlli propibtgri having leased the above mills frir a trra ffji of years 1 ani a position to sujiplythesa wants of the puhlic vith the hes tcjualiifeaoxy roller flour cracked wheat mill feed and rih kinds of chopped feed- required all our flour will contain the proper percentage of no 1 manitoba hard wheat my long experience in the milling busi ness enables me to assure satisfaction to every patron i will be pleased to meet all old customers of the mlil and many new ones i am prepared to pay the highest current prices for wheat oats and peas for use in said mill 1 telephone town ord from browns drug store exchanging specialty wheat and chopping james clark brkntford steal wind- mills internal gov orod ooar ifttcut ltqller mad ball bor- lnet galvavxted tow- croand wlieel a the best in amorlcft ideal spray fuuip iron pamitt wato tankr 1iping e the ideal power mill with roller and ball bearings la a wonder bond for circulars tub maple leaf brantforqcan ron ant powsn niou a iiqltbe to aouorse ton inch reversible- pint ob of special doilffd- ball boariobb for tho plates liunsoimygtintu fine and fmt rr our 12 foot idoal power- mill nill ran lb sauife- torlly tills 1b by all odd tho beit grinder mode johnwaueeni agent forrabove- also for frost and wood binders and mowers a fall hoo of all kinds of- farm implements and repairs i bri3tol3 i- i bristol j bristoll s ftfw pills the greatest of all liver stomach and blood medicines i a 8pe0ifi0 for rheumatism qout and chronic complaints ess blend for tafilo ond dairy pww ask for and 8e that youge lead packets only- 2 and pounds direot from tlio tea oardena saleoted from twenty blonda by tho frreatoat toa bxperta in tha world aa tha pinont purot blohoat and moat fraernnt axij qboobba 8eu1 it gb bo 40 60 and 00 oonto a pound the davidson a hay ltd wholesale aoents toronto cheap cheap cheap these p6ncincs as wlili- as tacmullcns cholco slccl wire niilllngs for trellis louliry ynrils lnwn loncinss etc urn soki much lower this yciir ihnn ever before thoynrolhi lical auk your hardunre merchant for them to a beginner in business a word to the young man preparing to open a store of his own when you get ready to do business tell the public what yon are going to do use plenty of adver tising space to tell your story well and thoroughly but tell it simply dont whoop dont turn verbal flipflaps dont n jn o tue b-ngliall- languagc dont tear your har and froth at tile month just get down to business and tell people in short simple words all about your ncwrf store and your new goods act like a solid business man not like a- flybynight fakir the man who merely jumps up and down might just as well stand still soft and fair goes far in a day work up a good solid business by solid business methods coax and wheedle and suggest and argue dont try to yank trade in by ihehnlr as bill nye onco sagely observed when you want to kiss a girl dont grab for it take your time its there the c an k the j blood all druggists and general dealers jviskoblkavipli tor t whntyshvbn zh aes try an ufy in t1ibfrbb pss1s wmmmmmnmd largest alc in canada k iwmr dopyriohtfl 0 inteh and detorlptlott miur flwhotlior an invantlpli communioatiom trlotin uaouoainido 80ientifi0 america boanttfollr llinftrated lnroent ofmultlon of any olantlfla jnurnitl weekly tonti bxl a yeavi ilxonlx mohthn hpoclmon otpli and llaato luok on 1atkmth oiit froo addruu munn a co 3u1 braatjwpy now yoru-

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