Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1897, p. 1

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wht volume xx ik no 18 acton ontario tntjbsdav june 1897 price three cents otbe tian jfrw pxcss 1h i dill ihhi ii every thursday morning at riil tree pi hhstt urn lrlitiii01u i miltjstiilli vcio 0r tinsihoi suuucmi tios ouo tloll ir r tur strictly in adunco ul bli jrftrii lioiib illacon tluuod when ttiu tlmo foi hith tlioy uno boon paid lmu expired 11m da to to wliicli ovory aubsorintiou ih paid in denoted oil tho addruku labol advrmibisa haif s transient advortlnd niouta 10 oouts per nonpareil ilfio for hint in ber tion 3 conte per lino for oacli eubsorinent laser tion contract uatvb the fpllpwit y table biiowb ourrutoafor tlio insertion of atuortinoxiionts for flpoeiflod periods to clear the balance of oujt t wall paper c ii ic icduct i the price fo cost nd in solnt tubes below cost price tub- traoersbflliror 20 i u oil ob id iuoboa gluoliofl linen i 1 ylt i 0 iio j j q i 1110 eto oo i as oo 05 00 20 00 20 00 12 00 coo i j50 20 00 13 40 7 00 3 co 7 00 300 250 100 aavortisomoiito without bpoolflp dirocblous will bo idbortad till forbid and charged accord finely trauaiodt advertisements must lio paid in advanco advertisements will bo changol onoo oacli month if doalnd for cbaiiroa of toner than onooafnonth tho composition muat bo iid for at rogulai rates ohandosforoontraot odvortlaomontb must bo la tho oldoo by noon ou tuesdays h p moore editor and pro riotor kiisitttfih ffliraiortt- medical jp ur13 ntmdcm otqco and roaidonco corner mill a troilorick st roots aoton 1 lit si icl isl11 vsbortcd cuiubiinttoni pefeftet wl cin show ou tilt nicest an 1 cheapest 1 lpers in tic c1ij ou yic mom ccr time by ilnhnl al days bookstore guelfh day sells cheap as elliott m b m d acton grumiatr toiiojjto unnisrum opficd maiu btroot tliird uoorjeouth of troabytorlau church aoton veterinary surgeon 4 li red p husband v s oraduato of tbo ontario votorlntiry collono honorary luembor of tbo votorhifiry fiicdical socloty ofvilk win hiibbaudfl lot 2i con nana agawoya cuiib day or nlgbt promptly attended to dental ll bennett l d s demist aeonoetown omtabio dr r 8 mercer dl ntisl oraduato or toronto university aud bcd b ofllco ovor drug storo acton i vianino dah tiiunwdav and i j idav jmbell dps lds dlntiht bl0oe illt honoii ghaduati op touonto umeubity work made hutinfaotory priceo modarato vihitinu dab tuesday aud friday of oacli wtol m olean t mclean barristers solloitora notaries convoyancori sto private f unda to loan offlco town hall acton wm a mclean jno a mclean douglas murray babnibteiifl 8oiicitora notahjeb etc officeb 129g qaoon bt parkdulo victoria cliambcrb 01 victoria fit tolopbono 297 toronto joun douolab a q wimrtat a 3 maokinnon baitltlbten fiollcitolt conklajceil ornee mill street in matthuws illocb upstairs t r g mitheson si b mcleod annibtertfl faolicirobb c0nevjlkce4iu uoorgotown and milton monoy to loan at lowout ratos j monabb olork fourth dlvialon court county ot hal on conveyancer agout tiro and liifoaesurauco itoal eatato agont money to loan otc oitice lorryulau aolook acton ont miscellaneo us s enry grist tesyjotjsftojqpagjjijptts- a little entomolog wc wish to cill the attention of the liotibewncb of this community to i very destructive household insect winch ins alreicl done serious dinnkc in this district wc refer to whit is 1 noun as the buffalo moth or carpetrbeetle vuthrenus scrophiilinie which ittacls and is cr injur ions to omcn goods clothing carpets lpholstery etc how to know it it consists of an active brown hrrt a cjuarter of an inch lon or less clothed with stiff hrown hairs around the sides if ou are not faniilioj- with its appear nice we will be pleased to show you specimens at ourvstore in us three stages harv a pupa and adult insect how to destroy this pesl is the net question of importance having discovered it in vour house we have thd rem eel stewarts buffalo molh exlerrrunalor or liquid insecticide will rid jour house of them in a short time it is a guaranteed remedy price 25o a bottle alex stewart family and dlspons lng chemist authorized capital 1 ooo ooo paid up capital and surplus 785 000 assets over vi 6 300 ogo jjoctrji llllhi tuou11i1 cuelph branch 3 sums of si and upwardtf received on depositand 1j percent interoat paid or compounded half yearly deposit uotoipta jssued for larya bums dapowted advanccb mudo to responsible farmers on thoir own names no oharce made for collcjling 3aleh noteb if payable in guolph a general bunking buainebb transacted r a r u jonrs manager ride t bic cle 7 if not v why not cuelph abed more than half your life is spent in your shoesv then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot shoe 8tore mill street acton your friends do and enjoy it grcatl better try it joull have better health better spirits tho best of fun and splendid exercise wh miss it all weve the best value in all wheeldom at 40 50 60 better send address for catalogue j m bond co cuelph i o fot a lottjjr 1 aruon from my hon away out west an my ol liuirl its luavy oh all anvil in iu 1 ri nt to think tbo boy whoso fiitur i had 01100 bo proudly plnjinod sh6uld wander from tho path o right au colno to audi an cud i itollljim whon ho loft us only throo bhort voftra afo ho d find hluisulf a plowiu in a mighty orookod row hu i ijiiaillilh fathoi h oouuaola an hla mothusv prajoru too but ho ttrid tlie f inn uaa batoful an bo guessed bu d have to uo i know tharn hlq toiuptatiou for a joungator in tho woat but i bulioved qur billy had tba courao to rq bint r an wlion ho left i warned him q tho ovor waltln auaroa lliat lie liky hidden borpoutit u hfbs pathway overyvhorob but bill ho pcomlsod faitbfui to bo kodrful an atloivod lied build a reputation that d niako us mighty proud but it bocuis ns how inv couusot sort o faded from ills mind au uon tho boy b in trouble o tho very wustest kind i hi lottora cauio bo boldom that i flomohow sort o kuowod hint hilly was a tram piu ou a mighty rocky oud lesmona tlove mending dn au darn inf uud all euoli tediouh eeonomu a it whhii t hiioh a dibliureeuble kaleido s tyl1sh phino witiiscs our stock of new spring goods is now complete they are all choice goods and we would respectfully suggest an early selection pi ices right also styles shaw tubnek merchant tailors guelph i 89798 styles and prices to surprise you but never onco imagined bo wdul lbow my head in film me an in tho d 1st waller his ol daddy a honored muiiq ho writes from out in dotivor an tho btory b mighty short i juut tan t tell hla mother it 11 cruih nor poor ol hoait au so i rcckouod parson you might break tliu nowfl to nor bill a in tho logialatur hutho dooau t uay what fur select 3faimlu hcnbing i the qfpiess rain tho whistle had bounded its shrill refrain the train vvab on the evo of btartang and moli cent menvale snuglj enaconcod iu a beat ou tho shady bide hal just oponed the pages of a bowttchiu new book smelling of tpeand paper and mtorbporeed with thoduinty illustrationathatadd auoh oliarms to some of the publications of the daj bho wag a pretty bih bred looking girl with lurfo bluo eyep a skin as fair as a roao leaf and regular featurea while her travailing dreas of dove colored cashmcro her exquisitely fitting gloven au 1 pretty piquant little hat w boats browu boberneab waa relieved by a tingle ecarlet wiug btaidped her with the intangible binet of lady mel teen t liked to travel ahe liked a comfortable beat biio delighted in a now book and relished chocolate bonbons and hero thoy were all comblued in ne and she drew a iitllo aih of relief as she turn ed tho first page and bit her dainty white teeth into the oncp brown bub nf a bnrncd almond just then the dream wa die polled by js lhm eoat engaged melicentn brow darkened her lips in vol untanly compreaeod aa she glanoed up and hiw a lady in black standing in tbo oiale n no eho answered in precisely the accents which interpreted by a woman s quick ear mean i wish you were iu tericho aud ehe moved about three incites toward the window without lakiug down the rueia leather travelling bag which occupied the space of a well grown child at her left tho lady hcbjiatod cannot you make a little moro room eho aeked politely miss menvale without designing any verbtl reply moved perhaps an inch farther jlho bag might go in tho rack overhead -4nigtfeatd-uie-fttrftftrv- acopo of moutal changes wai it mra romiiald seymour mra julian aer achaylo seymour both woro delight fully romanlic names alio could not make in the matter she would wait ot fate aud cupid dccido tho matter between them vod ab for tho wedding dreaa it should bo w into aalin white satin ttiih a glenm and hbimmer like moonlight at oa ropp bilk mt b6 moro faahiouablq but then our meltcent bad an eyoto t fleet and philadelphia paasenkeia or ba4ti moreand yabhinton keep their beatb bawled a etentormu voice through tho aisle as the tram came tcr a piuse people started up graapmfi wildly af their varioua aruulcfl of baggage the through pau beugera sftt looking on vyi h mild and placid interest while molicent loaned baok iu her seat haste is vulvar eho bald to herself and 1 don t doubt that mm addinitona carriage will be bore to meet me at tfala instant a tall distinguished figuro entered the neareat door witlj a questioning look on its featured and as if by instinct mehceut merivalo know that this was tbo widowed brother in law of mrs addington snytnour 43ho half roao lnvoluntarfty he doffed hie hat mihb mertvale moticent smiled and bowed gracioubly but at tho same moment she became con soious that his face was brightening at tbo bight of some one elae as ho sprang forward i anny w it poaaiwe and ou two ladies havo come on in the same train how very pleasant it must have been i but pray pardon niy gaucliene i aeo you are unacquainted mibs monvale lot me mako you formally kuown to my biater in law mrs addington- seymour and melicent with a burning face and a seueatton aa if a jooj sized crack iu the floor would have btcn an infinite relief found herself bowing to tho very lady whom she jud becu crowdiug bo uumerei fully all tho way from new york mibs mertvale bad aomo tact in tlio make up of her nuturo and she decided during the ono hurried eecond in which mr sejmour was helping her to tho platform that npolpgiea would only make matters worse sd biio bivurehaud murmured apmofeeblo losauity of conventional ppoecli feeling the while that she had ruined her own prospects aud all for tho lack of a little courtesy fliioh as god a children should fio and take 68 freely as his sunshine she btajed just three days at the walnut atreot mansion and then went hack to the infant clabb at mudamo ardeau b a sadder and a wiser woman for that railway ride and the wedding wreath and vail are yet phantoms of tho future stories of the queen her majesty waa a severe another she insisted upon her children conducting themselves with perfect propnoly once in a parudo princeaa maud wob dispoaed to flirt with a numbor of ouug cavaliers the queou frowned at itbut the prineeaa would do it the climax came when ehe dropped her handkerchief over the oarriago aide aud a dozen officer a at once galloped up to rebtoro it stop you officers cried tho queen now you get out ond pick up that baud kerchief jouraelf maud blushed funoual but oboyed priueo albert took hia cue from the queeu in this respect and made tho prin cess toe the mark one day a workmg man baloted albert and tlio princo of wales who were riding the heir appar ent neglected to return the salutation prince albert ordered tho joung prince to turn back and raiso his hat to tho working man who wab amazed to see tho pcrfor mance which he did not nndoratamd at sir a joke on the- w1zaro a fow yeara ago jjiitlato bill no and herrm the m w recently announood met for the first ttmo in a umall ohio town i2aoh knew the other vory well by reputation and from peraoual charaotoriatioa but they never had beou introduced by chance they stopped at tho samo hotol on tho oocabipu referred to and were jtveu beats at the aarfio table in the dining rdpm ljhoy bqwqd politely and began talking abcut tho weather oach believing that the other did not recognizu lita via a vis juat as nye raiaed hia knifoaud fork to cut a dish of lettuao salad herrmann uttered a ory qf protest and buipnae nye stopped 1n aatgniahment velccuao rne air remarked tbo wward but i thought i aaw something queer there in your lottuco the hamorlit oartifdlly ooked over the salad leaf by leaf but fouud nothing and again raised his knifo to cut it again he wbb alopped by a sharp cry from herr mann who added apologotically i beg a thousaud pardonq but i surely could not have been mistaken this time there is aomothing there lxcuao mo and be pointed to a largo lettuoo leaf raised it and dtacjobed undcrueath a magnificent diarn ond ohiater ring worth bovoral hundred dollars nye slowly picked up tho ring and with out tbo aligliteflnnahtfobtation ot surprise drawled out 1 hia sort qlihidghaagonii get what you ask for just far enough i ra continually shoddiug diamonds wherever i go day before yesterday i lost a bolitairo in a sagar bowl in pitteburg aud in cleveland una morn ing the chambermaid in sweeping my room found three or four more it ib positively giving mo braiu fag to keep track of those thinga andjm going to givo it up as a bad 0b beqkoning to a waitresa he slipped herr manna ring into her hand and aaid hera s a triflo for you keep it to remera ber me by it a yours it took the owner of the ring about half a day to recover it none of his business philosophers huy men and turks have many qualities in common so at least it would appear from the reply of a turk ibii paaha to the british minibter at con atantinople who hud a for tion conoerning the population aud trade of a certain provinco illustrious friend joy of my liver i tho paahaa letter began the thing you aak of mo is both difficult and useless although i lave pasied all my daja in this place i haveneithor counted tho houses nor havo i inquired into tho number of the inhabitants and as to what one person loads on hla mules and another stows away m the bottom of his ship that is uo busincbi of mino o my soul 1 o my lamb seek not after the things that concern thee not thou com eat to ub and we welcome tiiee go in peace of a truth thou hast spoken raauy words aud there is no harm done for the speaker is ono and tlio listener is another after tho fashion of thy people thou hast waudered from one placo to another until thou art happy and content in none the robber robbed ireddio had the oroup and mr burton dressed hastily with the help of hm wife who insibted upon his taking ins revolver and rush out for tho doctor tho night wsh very dark and id going rouud a corner mr burton collided heavily with eo mo one and then jumped baok ward ijxcubo me batd the man and walked on burton grasped his weapon thought a moment folt for hia watch it was not there the man had taken it burton drew his rovolvcr and bhoutod ffrnp or iii sh thp in an htn certain drufffflstp who bring ro- proaohru non t by the piactlce of pnlmlng off substitutes on the public wben a person goes to a drug btoro for a standard romedy aud tbo druggist trios to palm off somo other preparation of a pre tended similar uature urging tho customer to buy tho latter aonaootiou on rhu ploa that it te just as good or really butter than the standard romedy called for it is pro per to avoid lhatdrug store over otti ward the profit to the druggist on tho standard preparations ta not laro tho fuw renj edfeb that the whols world reoognub us raeritonoua are prepared by able phyaioiuus and obqmfstfi with every facility of modern bcienco at their command from the formu las of tuavtdpst learned physicidhb that this generation has produced a tremendous amount of capital is mvoated in the labora torfes where theae remejies are made they havo gamed their repntaiioub by tho great good thoy havo dooo in curing disease and relieving pun it costs a great deal to keep np their neceasiry exeollence thoqusorupuloudand aonietuuoh jnorant drufgiat roforrod to seea a ohtnoo to make a big profit by mixing together a number of cheap ingredients giving the mixture a namo and taking advantage of the gulli bilityof somepooplowbo seetn to like to experiment with their health there is boml til l no jvj u tticroh bomothinj no v lit o ir homo l in b- rn faat a coucorn that supplies to druggists thib kind of atuff alwaya tho bume- and glvea a druggist his ohoioo of labeu to suit the druggists idea of what label will most eabily oaloh tho customer those prop arations are frauds and are never adver tiaerl becauae they will not bear the light of any public investigation tho phat mareiuical lra of december ii aab 1 dodruvjgists realise tho rop roach thoy have brought upon thombelvea and the ovil to their profession by the practice of sub stitution there ib no uso minciug mat tors aod carefnlly ohooamg words there aro druggiats and not a few who are guilty of substitution and it la timo for an out spoken denunciation of this dishonorable practice if there is agy business or pro feaaion which more than another should bo characterized by abaoluto honesty and in tegrity it is pharmuoy the isaue of life and death frequently reals with tho drug gist and any tampering with the physio lan b prescription beoomes a orimo tbo druggiat frequently argues that bis bubaliluto id iho eaniu aa or bottor than the article prescribed but even though thib were true tho artiolo is not what was ordered or expected tlie reason for sob btitutton by the druiet is cither for hia own convenience or his ouaucial benefit both unworthy motiveb there has been a great deal said upon tho subject but tbo real issue hab boon disguised by a lot of words and spaoioub ojid fallacious argu ments until tho qireation of nh- and vyrong seems to have boen lost eiht of druggieth owe it to uierrnoheh to frown upon thir practice to dialountonauce it in every way possible and to defend their profession by proof of their falsity aainbt the charges of dishonest which we regret to bay are brought against it and founded upon far too mil oh evidonce would wo could mako every druggist in the land aeo thia matter plainly for we are bure that every right minded and well meaning man would at once discover why it is that substitution is both dishonorable and dishonest boston mass globe not available the philadelphia ft me haaa droll btory about a certain funny man whoso name ib familiar to thoae who road the comio pa perb of the day ho wsh making a deposit of some checks at a bank when the receiv ing teller rerbarked oh well mr b i eapposo the hprd timea dont effect men of jour profession people must havo poetry i lake it yeb said mr b cheerfully we poet a thrivo in hard times or easy times i prebumo bo continued the teller it mubt be a pretty good bubinea i imagine that a poem of yours muat bo good for a hundred dollars any where you please to offer it y e c a said mr b thoughtfully ob of courbo of coarse he added two days later ho wont into tho bank again and handed a deposit slip to the teller it reads thus it makes i apa awful ion i althoiih lu hitih to show i tho thiul is not i o v ory 1 i bait i 101 i j oiil h t buy it ifnuj follow tliinki it loui 1 l iiikoiittt 1 im try it u b half a doon tiling ut oncct int t lo u ilowor mamma oalln it a htm in 1 u n iuh id new t u h ovory liour it is u little lutihie box uilli tun u f i tti mlnuto vou haven t ot one at pii iiouhc mil ho joa aro not in it it puokora up its wisu wm mouili ahil it n u n to whistle a gold mluo woigliod fltiinatit tlion ttoroljlitei than a thistle papa said so thoothai liiht i thought it fiotnul edbploudid and bald it to mjaolf until i full aaleli an 1 ended of course ou o guenfio 1 it bj this timo out gift that came from heaven mamma doolared tho d ulinsxhiiit nab ij the augela inon but thou aomo folks uiuvejry slow and noun ait btupld uioyho ipughttosay right atuvifclit an 1 i iviu come homo aud boo our habj just where he was kubiai discipline h strict some jeurb ago says tho atjonaut the kuaaian am bastiador at couatantinopto was entertain ing adfstrutuibried companj after dinner be benau to bonst about the exact obedience which was exacted in tho rushian army then by way of establishing the clainn ho had made he declared that ho could send bis sorvunt ivau an oil campaigner out on an errand and could trust in in s3 im illicitly as to tell within a few seconds when ho would return soma of tho ueitja looked incredulous and ivan was summoned ilia muster and to him i want you to go to tho tobacconist by the bridge and get mo a box of cigura here is tho money tbo man disappeared and tho ambaspa dor turned to his quests with his watch in hm hand now gentlemen he buid h leaved the house now after a pxtise he is ut the end o tho street now he crosses tho road now ho is being servo 1 now ho is roturuig then another puuse and ho replaced hid watch now gentlemen lie is here ivan 1 as ho uttered tho word the servant enter ed with the cigars there was a goneral txjlamation of ploa sure aud surprise but a fat pasha dtelurod that ho saw nothing go wonderful m a pro oaeding of that kiud turkish discipline wab not a whit boh in j tho ruaaitu as ha would engage to show bj h a ovvu servant the borvant wub called ah said the pualiu to to the tobccon iat by the bridge aud got mo a box uf cigars here is tho monov tho servunt withdrew aud tho pasha look out hia watch now gpntlemeu eaid he imitating the russian aud looking at ihb watch ho is leaving the house now ho id at the cud of the btrcet now he is crossing the road now he is being served now ho is return mg then after another pouao ho bald now gentlemen he is here ah 1 i am here lffendi a aid tho servant as he entered with a rofuaion of salaams well where aro tho cigars his excellency s slave bus not yet found his slippers answered the servuut the company roared with laughter and maater and ibervant retired for a prnato interview he had one defect the just ougaged eirl was tolling tho other girls all about it or mpre proper ly him tr yu biio aaid i m very much in love i know but not in the bhn 1 billy illogical way that most girls are im not so far gone but what 1 can see that ho has detects oh lot of them both in looks and character im able to rrgard him thank goodness 1 from a perfectly impartial and dibpassionato standpoint oecded to go into detail according to her impartial dibpaasionate standpoint ho waa it boomed handaomc amiable and olever aud courageous and charming and see hero interrupted one of the eirlb lii th r o those many defeota you eaid you saw bo plainly please mention somo of them well eaid tho jnat engaged girl heroically after a minute a biiouco ono of bu front teeth in just a trills crooked ottawa canada bolleitor of patents for invention etc proprca applications for tho cannllan auior lean and buropean patent ohiccb aud for tbo ltcgiatration or trado marks bond for itain pblot thirty two yoara oxporionco robt noble frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c tbanois ntjnan bookbinder wyodbam st ouolpli ontario ovor william btoro aoconnt books of all kinds mado to ordor periodicals of ovory doacrlntionoarolully bound itulinpneaclvanrl promptly dooo the hihcl lncc for wheht pbrs ohts b3triv at the warehouse acton station waters bros st qeoboes square guelph m arriaon licenses n p moore lhhitkn oi maimiaop licrsai b private ofnc no witnobbop rcrjuiroil isauod robidenro iu tho ovoning 1 rco probb ollloo aoton aoton machine and repair simps iienky guindlli proprietor altr woil oqnippod with all tlio macliinory nocosbary tooxotuto all ropairb to mftobiij ory and agricultural implomontfl nd to uo all kinds of steam flltlnr horso ohooinganil rtnoral blaoksmltblng woodwork ropalra porformort in a satisfactory mannor wo oan repair any maohlno or implomont of any make oaw gumming and filing donu wolllngton mutual fire insurance company bbtabtlsned 1b10 flour brkn shorts seeds ind all kinds of i ccd at acton flour and feed store scton e0ller flour mills ft is too large briefly answered meh cent growing moro and moro exasperated at what biio deemed this uncalled for inter foronco in her affairs on the floor then perhaps inaiated tho troublesome traveller miss merivalo made ro answer but opened her book again as if tho discussion wore quite at an ond and begau to read calmly tho lady bit her lip do yoo pay for two seat a she asked m l n nlftm of alt victoria a ministers nho liked diaraoli meat and gladstone kaat dis raeh mado her empress of india and aho matte him earl of beaconafleld he hat tered gladstone dictated it is said that once victoria objected to mgn a bill but you must madam urod tlie graud old man must air you forgo f i am tho queen of england j yoo are madame rotnrned gladsto now eaid burton givomothat watch tho robber banded it over burton returned and related hie adven ture only to learn that his wife removed tho watch before he went out a half hour later the doctor camo in bomewhat agitated and explained that while return ing homo from an urged t oaso he had been held up by a most villianous looking high wayman and robbed of bis watob one on doctor talmage jk7utes clhrk propibtor iry norvai 1louk the best 1 imilj i lour in the market frank harris manager inbuitanck on cash and mutusl pla any communications forwanlod to my oumronj box 028 ot telophono sb will bo promptly at tended to j0hntayl0b g uolph j h hamilton marble and granite hamiltons block guelph having ou hand a largo quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian having leased the itxne mills for i term ofyeirslam in i position to supply the wintsof the public vith the best quililicsof roller flour cracked wheat mill feed and ill kinds of chopped 1 ccd required all our flour will contain tho proper percentage of no 1 manitoba hard wheat my long experience in the milling bust ncss cnibes me to assure sitibfaction to every pitron i will he plensed to meet all old customers of the mill and many ntv ones i am preptred to pny the highest current prices for wheat oils and pois for usl in said null idcphone town orders from browns drug store ljchinfing whcit ind chopping i pccnlly james clark lion of her prettily penciled brows i have mado all tbo room i oan biio answered sharply you oan eit down or stand up as you please and tho new comer oolonug scarlet with raingld indignation and embarraea meut was forced to edgo herself in tbo fraction of space left by mibs merivalo and her travelling bag you are not disposed to be very acuom odating bhe 6aid miss merivalo th rugged her shoulders oh who should eay your opinion maam la a matter of perfect indifference to me ono nay or iho other 1 and a warlike silence ensued mehcont merivalo ate ohoeolato almonds until eho was tired and thou jrew her veil over her faco and muoed over past present and future past a situation as nursery governess at madamo ardoaus fash ion able vsem anary for young hiadica not much mtiney but pl of work and a porpetual long and i am tho people of england bhe bigned tho bill but that la one of the reasons she has no love and never had any love for the foremost of the democrats in england charity in judging character husty judmont of the aotioris uf others is dangerous and often unjust wo k uro too muoh by eome superficial appear anoo and condemn hastily when if wo but knew aud understood tho motives aud reasons wo would warmly approve wo sometimes say of some one that pain sorrow or obb has not deeplyaffeoted him but we do not know it is like tho death of a few of the soldiers in front of a regi mei t the broken ranks cloao up again into the solid phalanx and the iosb id not apparent there may be no disorgannaa tion no surrender no craving for pitv no display of despair it is like the oalm dazzling play of the waves warmed by tho morning s aun after a night of storm and dihhtnr there itt no mtfn of tho wreck as a boy talmago did not show marked evidence of a theologioal form of mind it is related that on ono oooabion ho attended church with his parents andi manifested such a rebtlesnebs and inattention that they had grave doubts of ills baviog receiv ed any benefit from the ponderous and loarnod discourse of tho good old fashioned pareon tho preacher spoke on the worda an anfjol camo down from hoaven and took a live coal from tho altar reaching home the parents queationed their bod did you hear tho bermon i yes did you understand it ob yoe can j on rcnoat tho toit 1 of course lot ub hear you young talmage triumphantly quoted an ingim came down from new n aviso and pulled a hvo colt from tho naltar that statomont removed all doubts as tq whether he hnd paid attention to tho nermnu cash checks tour poems 9 u8u 110 100 00 8150 90 but mr b s bank book showed depobit of only 950 00 the culture of flowers do not be in too great a hurry about sowing seed nothing is gained by baste and often all is lost by it at the north we aro pretty sure to have cold spells of weather until the middle uf may it is well to wait until wo aro reasonably euro of warm bettlod weather before putting beed in tho ground sow evenly and scatter tine soil over the seed then press it down firmly with a smooth board this makes the boattered soil compact and helps it to retain mois tnre uutil the seed beneath it has time to germinate as aopn as your plantn are large enough to show tho difference botween themselves and weeds bepin to pull the latter weed ten largest cities the ten largest citiea in tho world and their respeotivo populations aro i ondon i 2j1 000 tana 2 117 010 new york 1801000 canton 1 goo 000 berlin 1 570000 tokyo nh 1000 vienna 1104 000 philadelphia 1 112 000 chicago 1100 000 and st petersburg 1 0 lo 000 it is important that you have the best whon it is noceaeary to have an impor taut aud delicate suri al oparutiou ptr formed we eall in the very best surgeon when wo hue money to put away wo depobit it in the ah feu l and btrungeat bank whnn w iiwvn imriii ilnij lyprlf t w m hembtkeet licensed auction eed kor tho counties of wolllngton ud hal top ordoraloflattholnkb iiuchh offlco acton or at myrldenooin aeton will bo promptly at tondod to foo roducod to s6 oo fob farm sales also money to loan on tho moit lnvorablo urns and at tlio lowoat rates of intorcit lu umi of 500and pward grhnite and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring stock now purchiscd i wl sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and will dlow all expenses to customer to ind from our works john h hamilton acton- livery bus line acton saw mills and wood yards j3cc7wis brojrtjis mantjfaotuhkn and dealer in humher iath 8hintcn wood 1 tc all klndi of wood in utonk mil iiromptly jolivorod to any part of tho town at riationubo pricoh hardwood and blabb out stovo leirth alwuyi n hand tolopijuno ooinmuuicatioi moores for your housccleaning sup plies soap washing powder scrub and stove brusheb large or small brooms all good and all cheap tlio undorslunoilrobpootfully solicits the natron ago of tbo public and informs tliom tliat woll equipped and styllbh riga oan all woya bs seoured atblsstablos a oomfortablo bus moots al trains botwoon 9am and 8 ib it m oaroful attontlon blvon to ovory order tbo wants of commercial travol lersfully mot john williams pltol uiktoit ouelph business college and shorthand institute auelfil ont huif uioh faciiiltif 8 for tlinrmirh au 1 practical coiiraob of htudy hookkoepin hliortliand and tyiiowrltlnu aoursos a npec fully uraduntoa rufllatod to poaltloiih hauu si h8ions coiiunoiicoa sopt 1st wrlto for circulars j sharp principal ing for change for rocreation for oppor tunity my face isnt bad melicent would say to herself aud if i only bad a chance 1 believe i might do as well as that odious bebay carmlchael who has roamed a millionaire phkskst en toute from now york to philadelphia por oxprcss train to visit mrs addington seymour a second ooaain of her mother who is rlob fashionable hoapitable and moreover endowed with two eligible brothers in law one a faoolo nting widower with a house in town a summer residence at chestnut hill and no ohildreu the other a handsome young artist just returned from homo with wealth enough to paint all hia sumetb m liquid gold if ho chose thus to do oh i hopo shell like me melioent mused popping another cliooolato into ber rosy lips at at events it shall not be my fault if she doewt and thon shell ask me to epend the winter and it will bo so dohghtful and iitliie a oil a wreath oforango bloanom and a troueseau that should inako hossio carmiohael pale with green envy good bo t aching musio tho tide bus carried the debria away far out on the ocean the treacherous water has swallowed all bigus and tokens of tho night a awful work we aeo only the fair nebb of tho morning not the suffering of tho night let us be lhantabte in our judgment and condemn not when wo do not know wninji ot onor join an hi i allien home journal eccentric b methods from time l timo htoi a are told of the eccentricities of buitnosa pjople although often showing ant hods 11 t are unerring for acobraoy in uthei on t tho system of bookkeeping is only a weak stimulus to a memory that cannot always bo relied on in a town near eaatport av storekeeper had occasion to place his books in the hands of an attornoy for settlement tho attorney was boinowhat dfaheartenol at the job ho had u mhi taken on look it g over tho pages to find a memorandum o k charged to tho red headed lady wili mra and another to the nlim mm from gampo bello and aain to the erosu eyed man who works iu factory bueineaa colleges are not without thoir miaaiou eastport senfiiitl utilizing his college educa tion a tramp appeared at tho houso of j h barton throe mllobbouth of columbia mo the othor morning and aeked for cold victuals in qrcek he stated that ho was a graduate of prlnooton mr barton hunsijlf a greek scholar was just about to start for columbia and his horse waa hitched in front of his house 3 tingly ho offered to givo tho tramp tho hor u if ho could reaite tho greek alphabet will out a mistake tho tramp looked at tho i orao arid then at mr barton and then inq ired if tho bet included the saddle and bnd o mr barton buid it did and then went into tno houso to got a greek book hemming ho found the tramp mounted on the horso ab mr barton stepped from tho porch the tramp rattled off the alpha bet ithont a mintako and turning the horh s head disappeared iu a cloud of du the auimal waa one of tho beat brci ib in boone county uotedfor its blood nd s ook philadelphia prtw poo pi o buy hoods bareaparilfa year after year bent nan it does ihorrj good it wall do you good to taku it now ing ib tho rock on which most amateur florists mako utter shipwrecks of their attemptaat gardening they lot the weeds grow until they get the start on the flowor ing plants aud by that timo they havo so completely taken pouscbsion of tho gnrdou that it is too late to real aim it weeding muat bb bofiun as soon aa you oun tell tbo weed from tho flowor and it muat be kept up persistently as long as weeds oontinuo to appear it may not be pleasant work bat it 13 vory neoosnary work and unless it ib attended to jou cannot expect bucaesa boar this in mind and do not attempt gar denlng unless you are willing to pull the weeds that you will be sure to hnd spring ing up everywhere among your flowers by doing this at tho beginning mid koep ing at it you will soon become master of tho situation eiian l rpxroiiii in j he chaittawjuan for june excus1nq hersflfw may did i used to ory ab muoh as baby brother mamma yes my dear may well holl be awfully ashamed of it whtu ho gets bitf i would if i was a boy u is wisdom to iio tho tmfuat btroilust and fastest dyod years of tcbt work and exponent prova that diamond dyos uro tho best iu tho world the dyes that give the grandest and moat satisfactory results if you are unfortunate cuoukii to bo talked into buying tl a low grade dyta tho imitations that are sold for tho sake of large profit a your good will certainly bo ruined and our monoy thrown avvaj 8eo that your dealer livoh jon tho dia mond dj os when j on auk for them lvery package is warranted bo that you are fully protactul aunst tosi a westorn farmer wrote to has lawyer as follows will you ploaei tell mo whoro you loarnod to wnto i havo a boy i wiuh to send to pchool and 1 am afraid i may hit upon tho sumo nohool tint you wont to it is a great mutaku to nuppono that a bimple tonio uves strength it only mnuii laics the atoinioh to renewed notion let impart real strength tho blood twist bo purified aud onciehltl and this can bo done only by nuoh n st in laid alterative us ayurd suruapanllu n

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