Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1897, p. 3

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v bank of hamilton headoffiok oalmlal iaiii u1v kkbkuvkkuxi total antfiith hamilton 1230000 l70000 board op diectors un stuaht a o hamhay lrcaidont vlcu1ruuhlunt un 1lloctolt olio ltoauii a 1 wool a 11 liub toronto wm cininon ml tuhnbull- oatlilor h b btklithn aaat ciuthiur lim watkoninuijuclbp agencies hamilton barton st j liabt kurt alllutoii horlln choftloyooorkotowii orhimliy ilhtown liuouuow milton mount jroroht oiiuiuvlllti owoti bound port elyin bimcoo toronto jvineham british correspondents liondonnatlonnl provincial hank of linr and ltd american correspondents nbw yon k fourth national hank and habovor nttlijnal liauk iiohton intoruation- rl trutco uupfalo marino llaok cuicaaa national hank of iiunolbaud union national ftanlc dejiioit dotrolt notional uauk itvnbaaolxy national uauk of couimorco amenta in montreal thouankoi toronto 7 geoegetpwifagely r notes discounted and advancoa liiado on buitr collodions madaaud drafts bougltt and gold von all acoebbiblo points in canada united statos great urttain and tile continent qf europe upon ttoat favorable torma v savings departmeift dopbalta of 81 and upwarda rocolvod and ibtorost allowed com ditto ordopouit f q date or withdrawal special deposits xiao reooivod at curront ratooofldtoroati nm livingstone acont the news at home mostly of a local qriaractor and overv item interesting- neighborhood news milton lrejmro for jubhcv vny lot evorybody niako propnrtttionn to decorate thoir homes mid bubuieea places on jubilco day a fev cento apont in lii4d unci bunting will transform the iippcumiico of your burfoundiunb theroll not bi unotjior opportunity tttitj cuutury vestrty the vesta tot1uy jliu cnturnilltira aro ulroudy attaaking windo s you want come new shades we keep the best nil colors mounted and unmount ed in fringe and lace plain or with dado we fix up free of charge all shades bought from us window blind taper in green and cream shades call in and see our sto handgun riers for waiil papers window shades curtain poles geo hynds acton ont fr look at the dato on tho labol on your l- panor and you will boo how your auuncrlp- tionataiiotrswnow promptly itwill confer a little local brieflets which caught theeyea or ears of free press reporters this week fair warmer weather the lawn mower ainga daily thcae balmy tiroes are wd to havo a atrootwatoring cart this summer t oar faojer toys will ko to niagara on ideaday 8th jane the prices of whiskey tobacco and cigars are advancing wouldut yoar lawn look bettor if trimmed up a bit thii week too many loafers on tho cor nor a in tho evenings again movo on boys mr w h storey has bad a hedge planted around franklin square pxiarga shipments of fat cattle havo been made from here again ibis week t it was with rernrkatefe coolness that jane made her bow on taeuday morning the boldier boys will feed on both bread and milk white in camp this time h p moore ipauer of marriaro licenses after oftlco hours at residence the prices of wheat ate down slightly this week wbto wheat is 70o red kjt- the straw hat crop has boon porcop- iibly injured by tbo recent frosts and cold spells aoton roust have fifty bioycles now if so that means an aggregate outlay of 2fi00 stephen boitell of spoyside hab rnoyed to acton and gone into tho laundry baa faces durham council has granted the village band ftboo for the porahaee of now band instruments fast records report more weddings in juue than in any other month will it be otheipresent month the bakerb and the bntchers aro now able to pat on considerable airs with their fine new delivery rigs a new crossing and sidewalk on bower avehne to the dwolling occupiod by mr h s holmes bas been laid tbopubliosohqol holidays will begin on wednesday juno sotb at i p m and close on tho third monday in august bev h a maopberson preaches pre- oommnnfon bormons in npjhral and union on thursday and o5f on fridav inkerebll has juattjmd 8i00 damages for injuries to a lady owing to accuma- lation of icoand now on a sidewalk last winter rev j 13 howell m a wih preaoh in the first presbyterian charob brant- ford next sandaj iu connection with tho confevcnce services catalogues to hand they aro flno you rnadd a eplendid job of them every one receiving them think they oil tho bill li mfg co toronto ualdmabtcr hill says bo gave the open air concert on monday evening under dit- flcullieo five musicians who bhould havo been there wore non eat oeorge ritohlo fell across a eehuto at the aotoh tanning cos works one day last week and ractared a rib ho was laid up the remainder of the weok rev h a mabphorbon will preaoh to the united methodist and presbyterian churches next sunday in the morning in the methodist church and in tho evening in kuox church a field of full ryo belonging to c t hill eea on the vacant lot on tbo corner of church and frederick queels e pbenomenal growth it is higher than tho fences and out in head the pretty outleaf birch which has adorned town hall bqaaire for the past fifteon years is dead tho injuries received from tho ice storms of recent years destroy ed it ffhe tree was planted by tho lato joalah adams when he owned tbo property if chairman smith desires to wiu the beat thanks of every oyclist in town let blm pot a man on the streets with a rake and a wheelbarrow for a day or two one man would remove more stones and tho act make more votes for thoobairman than a month of canvassing xhe sons of scotland of camp ivan- hoe attended dlvino service in a body at kuox church on sunday eyerilng bsv mrmaopherson preached an impressive and appropriate ssrmou from the revised wmon cl 1 fot 4 8 and above all btiog fervent in sour love among your- lehes for lote covcieih o multitude of sins xoremt the two vacant lots opposito orindrlls shop for the toxoeb a bkcobi iho irdit trees and ublulta prompe action id ttikeii by thefariners and othora who have fru it trcca- to doatroy tliem the destruction of fruit will bo great there is law agaiiiht uarelcnly allowing this peat to exiet and it in iu tho iutorcat of ovorybody thut it bo promptly audguiieiilly obaerved tkiti ienthcr tin no x3ull muit tlio tublcn wera turued on saturday ovetiing on tlio beardmore- a co team thejr former viptory was wipc1 out by an ignominious wliitewasli the aoton twn- uio co easily slu b them 3t in a uufi jnninjia game scoro an follows 12 ij 4 8jil4 1 ooo po and spoigbt rarnbhaw mclncoah and ilarwood uro- pirej bieiber 1 imurfti rluloit of ctinmptqitship series thoopuniug gtimofor the championship of tlio httllqnleol btioehall l mguo will bo played here on saturday next at 3 p m between milton and acton a btrong rivalary has always exiatod between these clubs thoy having tied for the ohampion- abip lust year milton winning tho tie by two runs so that this yoar tho fight for tbo supremacy will be keen and interesting nu bolli clubn aro considerably otongor than last yoar there will no doubt bo a large tho county council mot on tuesday tho principal buaiueas was tho cqualizutionof the uhuousmont of the intinisipulitiou of tho county tho rural doanorvof hauon met horo on monday antl tuesday on monday ovpoing his lordbliip bialiop sullivan lato of algoma anil now rector of tit jump cathudrial toronto prouahud in graoo church to a very largo congregation the volunteers luitvo for niagara next tuohdtty rev i wsuuicr and mr 7 s deacon p s i aro attending confurouco at brunt- ford our baaebill toum champions of tlio ilitlton und peul ijgnguo won an exhibition game from toronto junction on sit unlay coming jnd gojng visitors to and fronfi acton and varlousother personal notes rockwood thu fitick lltlchh luvitou all its ruaddratooou irlbuto tirtliin column if you or your fritnuls aro iolug lway on a holiday trip or if you have frlumlbvibitliib you drop a card to tbo fhkk riiuhb dr lowry of ouelph wan in town on monday rov father haley attended tho buzr ntguolplion tuoaday mr tbo8 j speigbt of georgetown vvaa in town lnntfrida georgetown acton tanning co heard more cov brtltoritfl mcdonald and her daughter resided iu lockport attendance a saturday game toeu wlioro-hor-dotttb-ocourroddraud-miaft- oourago tho boys in their endeavor to win tho championship for aoton a new flaa for jubilee day the union jack which has floated from tho flag staff of the town hall since its orection thirteen years ago became so dilapidated and abbreviated thai thorp was not enough of it left to hoist on tho labt queens birthday the authorities woro oeverely ecored for tho absence of an ofllciul cmblenvpf loyalty iuso loyal a town on tint augpicioue oooanion the counoil at last meeting however made arrange- montafor tho purchube of a flag of euoh excellence aud dimenaions that the reputa tion of tho tnombera will be fully retrieved when it- is hoisted on the coming jubilee day 22nd jane therell bo no furthur doubt expressed as to their loyally col allan it- reminiscences col w allan the esteomod resident of fairview iluco sends the toronto globe a copy of the london sun ot thursday juno 20 1838 ft is a copy of a special iflbuo devoted to the coronation ceremonies of her majesty printed in rold and was bold though consisting of only four pages at tbo price of ono bhilllnig tho colonel sent a note with the paper in which ho remarks i did riot havo tlio pleasure of eeeug the spones of that day in london being in toronto with my regiment the 03rd highlanders but took loyal part at that distance tzntjll see that i am no youth anymore than tny beloved queen being seven years old when goorgo tho foortb was crowned on tbo 19th joly 1821 j jubilee xay at the public school in compliance with tbo sugebtion of tho ihinistcr of education priboipal mooro is arranujog for a epeclal programme to bo carried out at aoton pubfio school in con nection with- theqneen jubileoan hiatorioftl review of tho ovenjfl loading np to and during the roign of queen victoria will ho given by tho pupils and opportunity wilt bo afforded the mndioipal and educa tional dignitaries and other public citizens to deliver loyal and patriotic addresses the occasion is one worthy more than a passing notice our citizens should in terest tbemselvob in making tho day an ovont memorable in the minds and hearts of the popila of today for half a century why notform committees and raisoa fund- to mako it pleasant for tho scholars a treat o somebjndand a presentation of a braall flag to each would both win apprecia tion and make lasting improesionb the day for tho event haa been fixed for friday aftornoon islb juno it pleased the bramptouinuti oar banoball team went to brampton on friday to play an exhibition gamo with tho team there brampton won in a acoro of5 to 6 and tho couservator jubilates as folio wa brampton ia not known as a ball town in the future things may be different the opening gamo justified the prophcoy of the management of the brampton qlub that they would biiow tho haltoniten how to play tho gariie- aoton basoball club fresh from the fleldaof many victories came to brampton- on friday last to add ono rnoro to thoir string of con- questb bnt greatly to their sarpriao and oonstornation woro defeated by a dooro of 0 to 5 tho gamo bb iho acoro indicates waa very closo and aometimes exoiting bo- ing freipaontly marked by brilliant plays on both sides tho result will greatly qdeourago tho homo dlub and increase in terest in ho game in town the fielding was clean throughout aud tho work of the umpiro aatisfaotory aoton boya are a rood lot and took thoir defeat like truo bportsmen varxiecl la tho far west tbo following from the lethbiidgo n w t tfewa refers to tbo marriago of mies oookman recently announoed in theso ooluaidb a most interesting event oc curred on monday evening on tho occasion of the marriago of mr a cotton of this town lo miss florence gookman daughter of tbo bev mr cookmao of burford tho contraotinft parties promptly took tueir places and tho coremony was duly porforraud by rev w p goard tho bride was attired in a most oharmingdove- ad now its major v- p moore if yon ploueo rev g a mitchell will return lioniq from conference on saturday to preach a sermon to tho yyaluuteerd on sunday oven- lug f the remains of mc frank mcslaater- only son of tho lato mrvr d momaator a- former moralmnt of thij place were brought hero monday morning from buffalo nv y wittird lie died on sunday tlio funeral took placo tuesday afteriioou from the residence of his uncle ciipt w p moore tho funeral of mrs moore mother of mr wm mooro of kaquesingi mid dr allan n moore of locliport n y took plaoo on saturday afternoon from her sous residence to boston cemetery decouscd was bi years of age and for many years whs a highly esteemed rosident of this neighborhood of late years she moore accompanied tho remains to tho homo of mr win moore rev rolph duff of st clair mich was a guest at the homo of mr wm mclood tho ptst week mr r b jormyn and liialittie daugh ters of niagara falls paid a short visit to the homo of mr xj w goodenow lust week a very pleasant union of tho oongregu tibual and baptiat aongregationstook plaoo on uunday iu tho ababico of rovt langford rov mr rogers addresaod the nuited bodies iu the brptist churah in the morning und in ihe congregational church iu tho evening nassacaweya mr a piokott rcoeivedlocases of italian becb ou saturday mr j marshall met with a mihfortuno saturday morning in front of constable atkinsons farm when goiug to guelph tho hind uxlo broke and ho and a lady occupant fell out they were- uuinjured and were driven to ihe city by mr t keleher ofguolph lowuehip tho horso was held by the driver rev t amy and mr wm kooning loft to attend the meotingsof tho hamilton conference at brantford on tuesday the edeu mills methodist suuday school hold their review on sunday even- iiig laht thcro was an excellent pro gramme and a hirgo crowd present the cprwhin choir rendered suitable musio for the occasion the ddrbyvillo football team wore out practicing on saturday evening thoy will likoly practice onco a week in mr chas rawsons field on the guelpu road tho caropbellvillo volunteer compiny will go to niagara on tho 8th inst they will no doubt bo away uotilafler tho diamond jubilee farmers aro busy preparing their turnip and corn land tho fruit trees aro fairly well loadod with blossoms and if tho weather proves favorabio there will bea floe crop in this section mr john hitching sr of corwlun is visiting relatives and friends in kincardine the township council voted tho volun teers slo for butter and in ilk while at camp john lowry has bold jg0 acres lot 29 con 5 to j alexander for 1700 limehouse tbo following are tbo names of pupils who obtained sixty per oonti and over on examinations held during may at lime h fl colored snit rlohly trimmed with cream chiffod paasemonterle and lace and car- riod in her hand a bouquet of cream rosea bho was given away by mr a southard a tasteful repaat followed and tho short time epont togother was markod by the most cordial good feeling xftor which tho couple ueparted for their now home amid a ehowcr of rice mr cotton who hofds a moat responsible position in connection in coodoolion with the a it a c co and who has gained tho esteem of all classes in town has the best wishes ot tho community to the wellbeing of himself and bride mrs cottons many friends in aoton will wish them happiness and pros perity the canadian publio are in for a genuine surprise a jnbileo portrait of queen victoria is coming oat that puts them all in tbo shade and a beautifully btruok medal of canadian design is mak ing- those who have seen it ask whats the matter with canada both the jubilee portrait of her majesty aud the medal aro boing turned by tho moutreal star a pretty good guarantee that they will bo well up to the mark and over it iv ben f mooro 212 a lopoidevio 200 m obmond 195 ivjun o marshall 2fl0j f swack- bammer 250 e scott 2u ill l garvin 274 c meredith 210 c lane 245 r marshall 102 ii son v swackhammer 282 j oneill 223 j hainer 221 ii jan s deomerr 167 b wheeler 185 part ii hi meredith 200 d sharp 188 n swackhaminor 185 c galbrulth 170 w dobbio 157 m oneill ml i b a dcemorl r scott f mo- dowel f scott f marshall i a w marshall k hainer c mc dowell wcanibh ida a fonn teacher mr tbomab ivans has removed his family from toronto to cliff cottage at glonlawaon for tho bnmmor miss barbara deomerf returned to corn wall last week the prospects for a baseball team hero this year are vory poor mr john mogill sr haa secured a posi tion with mr john kennedy at guclphv mr niuian lindaay of georgetown visited friends hero over sunday whllo making a olearance for a new barn on tho farm of robert brown a sknll anp pobed to bo that of an indian with toma hawk and bow and arrow was found tho other day small fruilb promiao well here this year mr albert dcomert has returned from hespoler and expects to stay some time mr walter carroll of toronto viaitnd actoii frionilbt lust week mr and airs alfred sopor vuited friends in sircotsville laqt week mr a xbrown left on tuesday after noon 9u a bioyole trip to torouto mr thomab izdraiaton visited friends in liid old hpmo at fergus lust week r miss laitd of hamilton is the guest of her sister mrs maophorsou at the manse mr luther lyman of toronto was in town during the yeek renewing acquatn cqb y v mr und mravwnij k dm is ton visited friends at elora and fergus the past week mrg fjjwatd ntckliu was the gnest the pust woek -of- mrs aid j r e nelson guclph misaos mary and lulu howell spent several days this wook with friends in torontos mr auatiu kelly and a friend from buffalo weut through town on monday on a tandem mr martin e mocinn of the llorw toronto spent u few days this week at his homo hero tho miasoi dled of toronto were tho guests of mrs jouuio smith during the past week mr j fyfo left yoatorday for rosaland b c iu tbcintorobts of the ethel group gold midiou co dr r j jdryden has returned frorai nevy york where ho tqok a vury important poatgraduatd ooutbo rev wa bryors and mr thomas enslon loft here yesterday morning for broutford- to attend couierence midbes aliigte ii mitthews und mina walker aro viaiting friends iu brautford thoy will remain for cotjple of weeks the cominliuity villi be pleased lo learn that mr w- u scoroy coutiuhes to improve and hopes shortly to be ont again mhh etta xjiird of tho post oflioe spent a wouk very ileusintly with friends at fergus returuiug home on monday b ven ing mrs tv jprost- of toronto and mrs s maaales of qlenwilliams were guests at tbo homo of mr jacob mubates a few days last week rov j k iloweil m a loft for braut ford on monday to- attend the meeting of the stationing committee ofhhe hamilton coufereuce- c j m brown had tho pleuuuro labtwcek of entertaining a bridal pair from mount forest mr aud mrs job cowan ruv john mcewen woll knowu to all sunday school warkuru has been appoim ed hospital visitor for the proabyteriah church iu toronto ou salary rev andrew j armstrong tou of mr p s armrtroug u former esteomod rosir dent of acton is secretary of tho nebraska hbliueab aeeooiutiontbis year mr r d warreu of the herald georgetown was eleatdd a member of the sunday school committee of the- baptist convention ot london on tuesday mr john yellis m p tho well known journalist of st john n b has had tho degree of l l d conferred upon him by tho university of new brunswick mrs h o olaoloan wife ot capt h c maolean of tne maoleau pablibhiog company toronto- died vory suddenly from heart fsitaro on saturday afternoon at her summertealbtoncooficefltro island a3hgrove the members of aahgrove methodist churoh intend holding a garden party at the home of mrs j murdook next mon day ovomnfi juno 7th au excollent mis wm niokcll ant family loft for barnia labt week wo wish them overy suooess in their now home thoir well- known faces will bo much mhsod here abouts local brieflets jubilee badges aro becoming much in ovidonce may had 11 vo sundays and it rained here on ovory one of them frost was threatened eovoral nights tho past week but no injurious ones wero exper ienced in this section lot singular of ouelph was fined 20 aud coota friday morning for allowing card playing to take plaoo in his hotak acton cornet band gave their first open air concert bo monday evening it was an earnest of tho cxoonont concert b with whloh our oitlzsna will be favorod during the summer monthr tholtttoat thing out for ultra-fashion- ablo young men hays an c xolango aro green shoss whoever started that srylu most have had a thorough appreciation of the eternal utnesa of things prog ram mo haa been arranged and good things will bo bountifully supplied mr will morrison is home from toron to after uniehing exams at varsity mr r nxxon has also finished his third years work at toronto medical and is ho ne for tho summer mr alex ashenhurst of toronto was vittitingat hi a homo a few days last week mr aud mrs packard of toronto wero visiting several of their friends in this vicinity labt woek miss clara mooro of aoton is upending a couple of ma hi with miss ida wriggles- worth miss m l hood spontthe twenty- fourth visiting in quelpb several peraons of this vfoinity havo had severe attacks of coldmre s kruddell has at present a very severo attaok and mrs f l thornton ii jubt recovering from a rather severe illness of plurisyand cold miss d haines of cheltenham spent twoorthroo days horo last week visiting friends around the grove mr and aire cantelon and herb of strcetsvillo spent sunday at mrs alexan- dera mrs graharn und mr w j graham spent saturday and sunday viaiting in trafalgar james hayward an inmate of tho indus trial homo newmarket committed suicide saturday night by cutting his throat with a jaokknif deceased was eightyeight yaara ot a t sp a melancholy accident occurred near here lust thursday evening bwhioh mr david day an old and reupocted rosidont of eramosa lost hulife he und his son oooar ourno to roukwood to get a binder thoy had purchaaedr thoy wero sitting oil the platform of tho binder and every thing went woll qntil they were noar homo whon tho horsos took flight aud pulled on the lines tho platform then slipped to tho front on tho horses and tipped both man out mr day senior wan thrown to the ground and tho wheels of tho waggon nt h eide near the hoartr orubhiug his riba iu his son fell on tho tongue whero ho secured a foothold aud managed to stop thehor see mr day was qnito consoioub ho told them be knew that be was dying and had only a vory short timojto live the accident occurred about six oclock and ut a quarter past eight mr dayexpired the deceased was 79 years of age the family have the bov- ers sympathy oftho community iu their sudden anji unexpected boreavonoent tho funeral tin saturday was attorided the- community en masflo the proabytopy cdniraitteo rsys dr torranceahdjvc smith bpofguelph and tl a maqpheraon- aoton melbe coh- grogations of rqokwbod and edon- millff here on tuesday the object was to con- aider the resignation of rovd straohau mrs twesb andmias h rqnt set oit for bqffalo on tuesday whern they ihtepd tq make a viaitof some weeks deration mr c totton formerly- nightoperator here is at present in buffalo where it is understood he hab found better success than in canada mr d stewart had a narrow esoapo on saturday he attempted to crawl under a freight train which waa across the roud and while undor it the engine started mr stewart was saved from his perilous pobi made and merit maintains thoeonfldonee of tho peopltfln hoods sarflariarillb if a medicine oures you whon slckj if t makes wonderful euros ovorywhorethen beyond allquostlob that medlclnoposdcssos merit that l just the truth about hoods bar duijurlttn iv o know it possesses merit because it cures not onco or twice or a hundrod times but in thousands sud thousands of cases we know it cures absolutely permanently when all othora fail to do any good whatever we repeat j tjhq right house i orof king and iruglisonsts i carpet special rices will rule this week in inn yaim n imi s rifla is the bost in fact the ono true blood purifier hoods piils ibllloiumoss sceoav lion by the prompt aotion of who pulled him from below the moving train mrr r hall held a meeting in the town hall on monday night to further the insurance branch of the r t of t mr hairentertained his hearers with reoita- tlons and songs besido giving- pointers as to tho adva of th order a number of rost dents of tho village moved away thia week to jettlo in other p m pike and arthur pike intend settling in new york city mr 0 strange set out for sudbury mr 8 soper has de parted for rut portaye mr p fahey is now living iu toronto the month ofrbsea june the jubilee month base ball ia hoomlnu agln now for the 22id of j mi jubilee day tho persistent advertiser tjota there every time tho tarmerti busiest dayb will boon be on deck eg tin haying will commence early xoocls the reputation of this business is founded on the beauty and freshness of the merchandise we sell add to that the fact that goods of equal character cannot be bought under our prices rind you have the key to the reason for the ever widening circle of our customers among many novelties received are black bfepohs in silk and wool materials almost the lightness of grenadine and made up over either a blacker colored lining make a singularly elegant costume pousse pte and why pot a piepusher as well as a coffeepusher its far more necessary do you suffer with dyspepsia ayers cathartic tills will cure you take a pill after pie bbttbr thrn omoh and still tub be sold la laid patkati only never n built 1 liarooo organdie muslins b most beautiful light flufiy textures in printing which is a triumph of art wc have them in differerit prices but the lines at 25c and 35c arc simply beautiful parasols added to our splendid stock of llain ulack and colored silk sup umbrellas are two lines of fancy silksone a shot silk with steel rod nnd fancy handle and one of a large figured silk with handle and trimm- ing to match they run from 75c 10 9375 each clothing wo have jusi opened a ranjje of hoys and youths j and 3 picco suits in excellent value also bicycle suits which are marvels of cheapness also mens light summer coats and vests in alpacas and light tweeds aisolfiiik dsstem nelles 0rellh enormous business in this season price and quality did it have a- glance over our stock if you require wall paper we can suit you window shades -glpthr3-hrcoipleier- frame brussels carpet regular price 135 now being sold for ftioo lsj made and laid this is an unparalleled opportunity for you to secure jn a handsome carpctat a prlco that in nil probability will not occur gl again wise people will take advantage of this great oiler while it pi lasts 1 j fh housefurnisliings new art muslins ast colors choice dcigns curtain width- jusi o the thing for beach cottages s cretonne 36 inches wide new designs fast colors special price 15c- regular price 20c a very at tractive lino of rope fort iers u10 very thing for summer decorations with roller 25c felt paper ditto 15c childrens carriages price and quality everyone wonders at their great value sporting goods books etc remeniber the name chas l netles in all sizes and styles with pillow and valaricc price ranging from 87c to375 s- new white quilts very special at 90c india seats veryncw rind novel in oak birch and mahogany 8150 and 8i-75- r screens in oak and mahogany from 3125 108500 new japanese tamboured and colored bead curtains 350 8450 and 8550 wvvv wwww ww w vw thomas c watkins the right house hamilton city bookstoie cuelph seed corn for silo ensilage or rreen fodder we carrythe largest assortment of any seeds man in canada all genuine and true to name we supply the ontario agricultural cojlege and ledriing farmersand dairymen throughout the dominion and our prices cannot be beat our list comprises mammoth cuban iowa goldmine clouds earlyycllow pride of the north wisconsin white dent cuban giant white rural thorobred flint angel of midnight salyers north dakota hictiox chester co mammoth giant prolific white cap yellow dent canadian white flint yellow horsctooth comptons early mam south sweet red cob ensilage early mastcdon early butler improved learning early huron dent longfellow siowells evergreen sweet tons of turnip seed twenty kinds to choose irom all nway down in price gen uine dwarf essex rape seed millet hun garian buckwheat etc and garden and harvest tools all kinds ge6j thorp direct seed importer market square maodonnoll st ouelph stop thelekk you are paying ibo per cent interest this seems a high rate of nterest for anyone to pay yet a number of you are paying it a good many havestopped the leak for instance you pay the tea pedlars 45c for 10 lbs tea 8450 why not pay us 25c for 10 lbs saving over 100 per cent because oura is better at 25c than thelrs at 45c pccjlars arc good talkers plausible- fel lows hard to shake but if you want to save money learn to say no tell themas many others have done and are doing every day dont call again please wc are saving over j by buying from millman co tea specialists cuelph p s drop us a post card lor samples say what kind yon use we will guarantee ours or money refunded produce taken new tweeds the ordered clothing department has just received a case of very nice newsuit- jngsut prices varying from 815 0 822 a suit made to order in our wellknown elegant style e r bollert co 62 and 21 wyndham street o0blph ont tfl nrjutc vt yor your num on if 1 w n w qaxpa lovu viotum or at hanjimmo clirnj orda ouh wlui ordw hump tn aililnu canada oa1id uovbe iuomkiu ont hello llierel neills shoe sale is a dinger th6bl64 is the qreatf- attraction no laughs all smile and wonder how mil jfhe shee fl sells so cheap our 4 big bargain tables make people smilo when they know they new veilings and silk laces t our grocery dept italtie and j itaiiety j in fancy printed goods such as french laffenettes organdie cloths light prints c special value in black large range pi summer hosiery gloves mitts c mens readytowear pants at low prices leaders in genls furnishings a e curney co mill 8treet acton t sizes in summer kellys music istore will be found in future on corner of wyndham and quebec sis premises lately occupied by traders bank the public are are invited tocall and see the finest music store in western sriiaife c ifil kelly telephone 178 guelpii mens hats the newest shapes and best shades are to be found in our range of hats for spring wear we have carefully selected the most tasly things from the best english and american makers and guarantee every hat we sell we are also showing a complete range of colored shirts neckwear balbrigau underwear cashmere hose etc arc saving money one table at 50c one table at 75c one table at 1 25 henderson fe go gents furnishings department jh iqf c f goodbve co acton extra values in silks prints muslins ducks dress goods etc in all the newest and best materials and latest designs also yp summer hosiery summer corsets summer underelothiiij a special line of taffette and silk gloves in black tan and cream 25c a pair shingles for sale c f goodeve co acton

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