Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 3, 1897, p. 4

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do you use it itsthc ybcst thing forthe tiair under all circumstances just as- no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature so no preparation can make hair the utmost- that can be done is to pro- niote conditions favorable to growth phis is by ayers hair vigors it ke- motya dandruff cleanses tire scalp nourishes the soil in avhiph the hair grows and just as a desert will blossom under rain so bald heads grow liair vlieu the roots are rioiir- ished but the roots must be theretttyouvish your hair to retain its normal color or if you wish to restorethe lost tint of gray or faded hair use ayer vigors- thursday june 3 1897 ije oung jfolhs do ou believe it that wo ahqfild doom tbatlapkit tho thing that will to us our blessing bring and gtvotus honoy without etltig 1 ttont boliovo it i hut tliat oiidoavor woll applied a will that will not uodoulod do much litob problom to decide 1 1 do boliovo it that our groat world as soma folks say has still grown woreo from day to day wliilo man and morals but docay i dont boliovo itl llut that as history will show the good old tiinaa of ioiir ago llavc hattor grown will bottor grow i do that wo are hero to sorrow born aro given lifo to jivo forlorn havo inoro ofnigbt time than of morn i dont boliovo ltl llut that a healthy cheerful uiiud and thankful heart oau lioro may find that god moans only to bo kind i do boliovo itl okoikje dmijheyei just for fun- a georgia newspaper man is going to givo up journaliera beaauue bo thinks edi tors aro badly treated a ohild is born ho gays the doctor in attendance gets 91q tho editor notes it and gets 0 it is cbria- tenod tho minister gete 84 tho editor writes t tip and fietb 00 it marries tho ministor fots another fee tho editor gets a pieoo of oakoor 000 in coorao of timo it dies the doctor cote from 85 to 8100 tho minister kota another 84 ihe undertaker gets 825 to 10 doll are tho editor prints it and recioves 0000 and tbon tho privilege of running free of charge a card of thankb kdttli tho little datirhter of a physician in trenton was very much impressed by her first aiht of a boy choir each member wearing bis white surplus when she reached homo bho rubbod to her father with tho startling intelligence that a lot of boys had gono to church in their nighties and they didnt mind it a bit bot jnst btood up and sang as loud as they cooifl miatah bowen what do plus mean askod tho old man plus why it means something additional gnebs ill hab toe stand it den pat dah xehtrjandat bote me dia mule bay he kin go a mile in twothuttysebben plus an 1 am too much stuck op to epose my ignoanco befo an iahraan too ast him wat dat pins mean tho fororaan of a large printing houbo nnn mnrninp rpcpwqii thn fallowing nnte did not1leep jackpots an exchange vquahon for tho truth or tho following no ipanm hiiid tho trocor making a olaiteriimong tho tins iliavo cuff do and teapots but iheru innt a jnekppt inthobtore im to sorry wailed- tho young wife wo havent been married long and my htihbamva mother always cooked for him and when i hoard him talk ing in hie steep about a jackpot i thought id got one tor lie mentioned it so often that ho must bu uecd to it could jon tell mo what they cook in it fibh huckeru paid tho grocer and sent her to tho ttnuhop in tho next block thero is one groat advantage of coming or a good family you may in- course of timo become ancmbczklor but it id impos sible for you to become a thief man and wife in distress from chronic cectarrh but instan taneous relief follows tho first application of dr agnews catar- 1 rhal powder dont neglect the simplest cold in the head it may develop into this disgusting malady su most bqforev you can realize it lev dr bdchror pf buffalo eftytu my wife and i wore bath troubled with dia treseing otarrh but wo have enjoyed f rco- dom from this aggravating malady siuco tho day wo first used dr agnowa catar- rhalpowdor its uction was hietaiitunooua giving tho niost grateful relief within ten minutes after first application wo con sider it a godsend to humanity and bohevb that nocasq can bo so clironja or deeply soatcd that it will not immediately relievo and permanently euro sold by a t brown maggie ive made a mistake im not an author- im a born chemist why do you think that why every bepk i write becomes a drug on the market the be cu reran blood dlseas cora common pimple to the worst scrofulous 5ore mrs gray ispt that lovely how much did you- pay for it mrs green two and a half a yard hrb gray what an odd price yotraresare it wasnt 8211 or8251 the icoplo ni convinced whehthoy road tio toritiinoniiin of uurcu yby hoods barraparilla they aro written by honorable nun and women and uro pliiiii htrntklit forward htutuimntt of fact tfio puoplu have uoniiloio in tlopda har- saparllla huoausu thoy unow it actually and permanently enrcn yviw when other mudicinrti fiul f hoodi tills cure iiiiiihou nick licadaohe iudigcstiun bilioiibiirai all diugists 25 cents i tho oubhier u the cial oilice has icit bin jbb h di he-rtwhed-lnto- tho offico and told his employers lio hud heard a robin rheumatism can secured in jtmo 1si5 i was til tnckiil with in 11a minatory rhciiuiiiiibm wilh vvhich i buffered under continued lucdiuul- teat- nieul live montlirt ttu last five weeks i watt not able lo gt oulof bed i then sent for ir hulsted hit treatment gave ma immediate relief uhd in u few duysl waa at my wxirki aiul i have hud no rhiiuiii- atlsm since llinwi soiininiuiiit mciutyreusoy0th 1b05 lr halatodsrhcuraatic curo- may ho hud- at tho mbdfcal llall mttiny street acton- ilobsoii vlmttlo youthinkof tho part the powers are pluiug in thecrctan prob lem dobsanthink its a kind of a continuance performance tnat ad fare for nervous prostration and anaemia thereis no modicino that will eo paomptly and infallibly restoco vigor and strength as scoltb emulsion an open mouth ia a suro sign of ah empty head s i g n ao f wo rrav arov a r i able ap pel j let itching at the nose etc ur lows vorm syrup is tho best worm cxpotler your hte has been rincofmany reverses said the kind lady yio answered dismal taw8on bout every placo i turn up i git turned down er o ufitubcc p rjoi th p acting bpeciucally on tho diseased organs stimulating to action tho dormant energies l thereby removing disease in fact so great is the power of this medicine to oleanso and purify that diseases of almost every namo and nature aro drivon from the body mr e cars- well carswell ont writes 1 havo tried parmelees pills and find them to bo an excellent medicine and one that will sell well 11 now a i am gonvinced that paines celery compound has ipeqiiai the only medicine that produces positive and per manent cures the deolarnrronsttboveare made by mr charles b holman 2i2 king street west hamilton out a young man known to hundreds i a tho ambitioneeity mr holmans declarations aro honest and from tho hoart aftor a siego ofsick- ness and greatmangor and fuiluro with other medicines friends who had been oared by paines celery compound reoom- mended him to uao the same lifo saver and health restorer mr holman who had boon bd often do coivod had yet faith to do as ho was advised and a glorious reward was his the dangerous cough his debility his weakness and depression of spirits that ware dragging him to tho grave were all banished and ho was mado a new man ho writes about his euro as follows in tho spring of 1895 i was troubled withoi qooghobility and general depres- sion of spi durin the summer and autumn i used a numbor of medicines but roceivod no benefit from them about the beginning of november i was advised to ubo paines celery compound i procured tho preparation and began to use it with woudcrful benefit i am how conviucod aftor using several bottles of this unequall ed medicine that no other can compare withit in anyrespeot i am now a changed man my health is renowed depression of spirits is gone my appetite is good and i sleep well i will always gladly say a good word for paines cotery compound itohlfir burning skin disease cured for 35 cents dr agucws ointment relieves in ono dttyvaufqbtqttor salt rheum piles soald head eczamb barbers itch ulcers blotches and all eruptions of tho skin it is soothing ajid qdietiug and acts liko magio in the cure of all buby liumors- 15 cents sold by a t brown first burglar run for your life second burglar whats tho matter first burglar do lady of do house is cummin wid two hat pins rapid heart bunt miih jah gnitn blenheim ont says i was troubled with rapid beating of the heart and a strange sinking feeling i took milburns hoart and nerve pills and thoy- havo cured me the heart weakness and throbbing together with tho ncryousnefls which it caused have completely disappeared and i iim now strong and well nice dog i have you taught him many tricks since i was hero last oh yes bo will bring your hat if you whistle said sho sweetly- why will you allow a couch to jacerato your throat or lungs pud run tho risk of filling a consumptives grave when by the timely use of bicklos anticonsnmplivo syrup tho pain can bo allayed and the dan- ger avoided this syrup is pleasant to tho taste and unsurpassed for relieving healing and curing all affections of tho throat and lungs coughs eclds bronchitis eta l from tho wife of ono of the men in his employ please eggscuao my husband for not coming to work today he is ded studying a woman remarked a corn- fed philosopher to a bumptious young man is much like lookiug into a mirror you hcem to be looking into tho inmost depths of her mind when in reality you see only yonr own reflections how oamo you hero said the visitor to a prisoner in tho penitentiary i was brought here by my couvigtions was the firmly bpoken reply mr oldstylo i can follow any tune they sing in church mr nowbtylo yes what a terrible hing it would bo for the tune if you nhduld over oatoh up you aro pretty fly aront you said the old ladys complexion to a fly who had lit on it yes roplied the fly with a wink i o onto a now wriuklo hero overy day mrs freshly la this all you are going to givo mo for my birthday why mr lopley gave his wife a diamond necklace mr freshly henpockod so would i if uho woro my wife a land of gold suro if any land on the faeu of the earth nan bo called a land of gold that land is imada from the shores of the atlantic to tho coasts of vancouver and from tho boundary lino between this country and tho united states away up to within the ftfticoirolgtuift ia-gold- in a there is not a provjneo or territory within those enormous limits that does not con tai this tho moat valuable of all minerals iu greater or loss quantitfes at present the largest fields aro in ontario and british columbia in tho first named the riohest discoveries are being made in the north hiibtlnga district and in that comparative ly unknown region in and around the lake of tho woods iu theso seotions the pros- poote aro so very encouraging as to attract tho attention of british and amerioan capiialistn who aro so satisfied with the outlook that they are iovesltnfr thousands of dollars in the purchase of mineral rights in british columbia the diacovor- ioa uro bo wonderful as to lead to the be lief that that province will in a short time eclipse the woildrenouned gold field of california australia and booth africa pointed noses generally belong to med dlesome people biliousness and liver complaint head- aohe otc aro cured by burdock pills a doable chin is invariably a bign of a lover of tho table constipation causes fully liau the sickness in the world l retains the digested food too long in tub bowels and produce biliousness torpid liver intu- geatfon bad tastecoatdu tongue sick headache in somnia etc hoods 11119 euro constipation and all its resnltaeasilyandthorougliiy prepared by c i hood co lowoll mass tho ouly nils to take with hoods sarsaporuui tell tho deaf mr j f icellook drug gist perth writea a customer of mine having been cured of deafness by tho ubo of dr thomao eclectrio oil wrote to his frionds in ireland telling them of bis curo in consequence i received at order to- send half a dozen by express to wexford ire land this week diecaso is cored not by magical incanta tions but by medical science hence it is that aycrb sarsaparilla cureh and that it proves bo eminently successful it is a skillfully prepared and btrictly scientific blood purifier and tonic tho only ono admitted to tho worlds fair smith what a curious thing i heros jones been walking around all day holding his nose brown why his wife told him not to forget to order somo smelts fpr din- ner norway pino syrup strengthens tbo lurrgs and cures all throat troubles coughs colds otc er you bco governor said the youdg man as tendorly as ho could you bco father you are just a bit of an old fogy i sup pose i am admitted the old gentternan its a port of family failing my father was tho bttmo way when i was your age an insignificant nose means au insignifi cant man a slimmer h ecllle dr fowlers extract of wild straw berry cures cholera morbus diarrhoea dysentery o ram pa colic summer com plaint canker of tho mouth and all bowel complaints of children or adults it is a soothing effeotual aud uovor failing rried ioioc which givos immediate relioi speedily off opts a euro a dry oyo meana a hard heart a pouting upper lip indloatos timidity coarse lair indioatebjoorse organisation bitld he mb are- becoming too frequent among the middle aged tbu can be prevented by the timely nee of halt vflgomblo sioilian tfanrbairewer there doesnt seem to bo very much the matter with your child he doesnt ac tually lose weight but there is no gain he belongs to that large class of children that dont seem to prosper you look at him a little more thoughtfully than you do at the rest and say he is not doing well failure to gain in weight in a child is a danger signal scotts emulsion should be takery at once it puts on fat where fycalth demands it strengthening the digestion scott bownb bilviu oirt j nerve pills for weak people- or 3 for 150 sent by mall on receipt ol price t milhurn a co toronto mflnt painkiller perny davis a buro and safe itcmiody in overy case and- every kind of liowel complaint is painkiller this is a truo statement and it cant bo made too strong or top omphalic it is a simple safo and quick euro for cramps cough rheumatism colic colds nournlaln dlarfhaio cronp toothache two sizes 23cnd50c n wabjoigh bicycling will never become popular in south africa crosaout why not wubloigh becauso they havo bo 4nuolmmb two dottles cure pinidcs gkntlkmkn for a long time i had pim- plos breaking but all over my faoo i was told about b b b and started its use after taking one bottlol was much better aud the second bottle made a complete oure i have recommended it to others of my frionde and they have foand ib uni formly flatiafuctory bachelor do you think a man will havo bad lnok if hogots married on friday benedict oh i dont think itmakos any dijtorenco whether its friday tfr not llronchltls cured mhssiib t miliiuiin it co toronto ont dhaii sum i havo used hagyards yel low oil for my children when thry had bjohchltis and always with great success i use it ajso for sore throat aod can say thoro is nothing to equal it as a sure oure miih jam kb obhicn huntsville ont in liis vegetable pills dr parmelcehas uiven to tho world tho fruitb of long bcientiqc resqirch iu the realms of medical science combined with now and valuable discoveries never before known to moil for delicato and dobilitatod con stitutions parmulcos fills act ukoa charm taken in km all doses the effect is both a tonictind a btiinulant mildly exciting tho aesretiods of tho body giviug tone and vigor o 0 relief for lfizng b troulbzes emulsion- when you come to guelph call in and have us show you the bearings of the gy columbia bicycle they are different to any other wheel standard of the world satage co sqle agents for guelph and vicinity roil any pow1 ii fiiom uollhu to 20 uouhk lhch novflr6lbto platef of bpoclal doelon hall- bcariobft or tho glatos kuns oasy grinds no and fast our j3 foot ideal power mill wijl run it batlsfac torilv tliihia by nil odds thebest grinder made in ctoxhiilirtion niii u 1 b li dieah3hitrixti ctbiooui iirii eon4 vr appk tj dkimity iii hnionihui iiiu nnlcluiiroi it miuilfcttl llj f iinll of tim i ktitiiuuni 1 liirn pro rhoriumlchibroiiku win li itiul imnhld inofi lvrr irar ftiiit liivu jiliivl fimnliniliy in- ttulit ultfj till dimllijuio hj i mulai t lien tlu llmuciino aioiuil totiko it t ii wise ham ck slmtri it 6c nmrflt per cottle davis lawrence co ltj moii heal o- d pay weddipga are nut uncommon in some oftbemra parts of germany all tho guests pay a fixed bum for the entertain- men t and tho receipts aro u bed to furnish a h for tho bridal connlo notliing looks more ugly than to bee a person wlioao lmnds are covered oer wilb warts why have theso disbguremonts on your persou whoa a sure romover of all warts corns otccftri bo found in hollo- waya com cure l is your baby intelligent intelligent why say if tho wapnt shed never bo able to undorbtand tho language my wife talks to her a triumph won boforo taking doand kidney pills 1 felt that diabetes had its grip- upon mo now i hnow that ib has been mot and uofeatod i havo used tho pills for somo timo and now eujoy good health i shall always bo fjladto testify to tho merits of this triumphant modicino 1 sifinscl iticiiuii- lvjiax st john n b making acquaintance marvin to blrange boy are yon tho new boy who lives next door strange boy no tho now boys only three mouthb old im tho old one hearts healer mrs muersror wife of capt charlos mugger of sydney c b got re lief in 30 minutes from heart disease of four years standing and declares she owes her life to dr arnewe cure for the heart belinda how do you troat a stupid nmn who admires you itofialind really i dont know when a man admires mo i never do mybolf tho injustice to con sider him stupid nothing ilcttcr miss emily cham almonte ont says i havo never found anything better than your fowlorn extractor wild strawborry for pajae in tho stomach or diarrhoea a fow dosb cured mo of sovero diarrhoea after utliur mpijifllhoti hail lailod wo always keep it in the iioubo and have overy eonudonco in its virtues d5 woods gciielph is always the cheapest my stpek of watches was never better livery one thoroughl warranted i will not sell a bjad watch if i know it g dpftlngle guelph hares th6 bsst jyiirertisexiierit in todhvs free fre5ss boat not fropi a literary btaudpoiot for typofiraphioal oxccllence but best because it tolls of your ovary day needs and how to get tbem without spending tho last dollar you havo in tho world clothing ordered pants 8310 other btorss would think they woro publio benofaotors for jelling them at 8150 to 8f cures cosjchs colds hoarseness asthma bronchitis and all diseases of the throat and luncs price 25oor5 forsioo for sale by atl drucoi8t8 gastoria for infants and childrei ilalli teuton is n nttf it affords mo fireat pleasure to recom mend dr arocwb curo for tho heart i was sorely aflllclod with heart trouble adoompanipd with dizziness palpitation and smotherinr aensatious for over four years twaa treated by bestphysioians and used all remedies known to man i deter mined to try dr akhowh cure for the heart tho first doie rave mo reat re lief intide of thirty mlniitep i used two boltles and feel today i have been com pletely oared bold by a t drown larjo cars are found on tho heads of eoarso people usgyards pectoral lialeam cures coukiip cold asthma bronchilifl and all throat and lung troublos vory full oherks i dicio powers rca d kobert rliss swcotq paid mo yuito a ooiuplimontlabt evonink iliohard ilm opo of thoeo you loaned her tho evening boforo tli ero never was and never will bo a univoraal pan a con in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh is hear tho very nature ot many cuiativch lointf buq1i that wore llio orma of ntdor and differently boated diaooiucs rooted in the syslom of tho patient what would relieve ono ill iii turn would nfiravruo tbo other wo lmye howovor in quinine wine whan obtained in a sound unadulterated btato a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judioioub ubo tho frailent by h torn a ore led jo to con- vftlescenoo and strenftth by tho influonco whloh quiuino exorts on naturos own restoratives it relievos the drooping spirits of tftobo with whom a chronio btato of morbid dcbponden- and lack of intorcst in hfo ia a disoaeo and by tranquilizing tbo nervce dlppoech to sound and refresh ing sloop imparts vigor to tho action of tbo blood t which boing stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal funotionb of tho by atom tlioreby makinfl activity a necessary result strenrtlioninjtho frame und giving life to tbo dioativo organs which naturally demand increttsed mihatance roaolt im- rirovod uppelite northrop a iimip of toronto havo nucn to llut publio their qulnlnu wluu ht ih ucual itite and ruagodl by tho opinion of foientists this wine approaohofl noarobt popfeotion of any on tho nmrket all druggists sell it bicycle suits forder very special at jsso thats about the prioe of ready- made goods j wo can give yuu readymade from 8350 ordered suit 3 7 epeoial suits neat dark patterub all wool extra good wcarora forjll00 10 scotch tweed suits worth from 18 to 24 our special prioe 1250 12 tweed suits scotch english and french very bpccial value very fins goods our clearing price 81500 anothor 5 dpztip whita uolauudried shirts at 25c 12 dozen bibbed suraraor underwear at 10o per suit 12 l2c prints at 8c it you aro to bciioyo eonio advortiscru wo aro every thing thats bad for making such a statement but we trust to tho good souse of tho publio to place a truo value on buoh libellous and angentleraanly assertions of disgruntled politioianb john mqugen agent for above also for frost and wood binders and mowers a full line of all kinds of farm implements and repairs w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uake a bpegialty of machine finished book papers high orad weekly nlw s tho paper used in this journal is from ho above ailla wm barber sc bros e b collins butcher doslresto tbauk his numerous customors for hoig fber itt h eommenced bublnoss last january and liopos tbat by caroful and oourtoous attention to merit a coutluuanco ol tbfalr cuatonj acomploto asbortmeut of qrstolass beef mutton lamb fork fresh and salt hams sausages poultry lard o in season prlcob always as low as consistent with tbo boat quality prompt dollvory fat stock wanted j3 b collins 6 a imaijpi acr v torontoont j d williamson fc co wyndham and macdonnell streets guelph so rich so pure so wholesomc so delicious eylon sarfritrrriiii murray lanmans florida water the sweetest most fragrant most refreshing and enduring of all perfumes for the handkerchief toilet or bath all druggists perfumers ahd general dealers m 1 h n hi blapk- or mixed in half and one pound packets only at all grocers 25 30 40 50 and 60 cents a pound he davidson 4 hay ltd wholesale agents toronto rigrby waterproof golf capes i arc the most comfortable and convenient out- ofdoor garment a iady cn wear if you can not get one in your town suggest to your dealer to write to h smorev co montreal who will forward samples to any dry goods merchant free of charge for twentybeyen yssar9 i fencing cheap cheap i cheap tkese f6ncincs a3 well as mcmollens choice sled wire nclliiuis for trellw poultry yards lawn fencings otc are soli much lower this yenr than ever hefovo they are the best ask your hardware merchant for thorn thecgwsbeswrtend labot sale in oanada bo years jtmti in ainno naurai wmhliuiklon omfl iawsffi mu oq w 80ientifi0 american bnntlfallr ulnitnito hnnl olrraillon of tkntmlontil1ojniirniilweuklrtomamriiatourt manx motttlib himnlnmn coplf ana ilino iook oh iatkyt mnt frua addros munn a co 301 braadnny nsit york

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