Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1897, p. 1

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volume xxil no 10 acton ontario thuksday june 10 1897 price three cents ghtt jetton jvtt fhfss ih i uhmhhh every thursday morning biki pribsstcam printing oillu mili btuli t acton oni ttliiiaoif suimciuy i ids oho doll ir 1 1 r yoar strictly iu iul imu all hubs rli tlohu dimou tlnuotl whon tlio time for w liiili tuoy havu boon paid baa oxplrod tho dato to which lovory auborinttou ia paid la douotod ou tho addroba label aovfiiitiatno iutps traiibiont advertise uiouta 10 couta per nani aroll liiio for llrst hi bortlon 3 couta lor hub for oacu subsequent lusortlon gontivact hatha the following tablo shows our ratua for tho innortkm of advortlhomotits for peciflisjporiodsi to clkah the balance of ouit wa pape c h il rcduo d the price to cost ml in sunit cisei below cost price i 1 yll iijgooo da 00 20 00 iux 6 mo t mo i st 00 0 00 3200 i w 20 001 13 00 700 jiqol advortidomtrntb without bj ociflc directions will bo inserted till forbid and cbargod accbrd lubjy transient advcrtisoiuonta must bo paid in ad van co advortthomonts will bo changod onoo oach month if donirtd or ahnngoa oftunor than onoo a month tho com pool tion luuatboialdfor at regulai ratoo chances for contract advortisotuonts must bo in tho olll q by noon ou tuo8daa h p moore editor and proprietor fiusitwss biraiorp ihcstucl is well xsiortltl combuntions iurttct 1 e mi show ju the mclsi incl clitipest pilrb in mil cn uii bit hh ik iauj tunc b denhiif u days bookstore cluelfh day soils cheap -thfe- traders bank of canada authorized capital 1 ooo ooo paid up capital and surplus 785000 abbgta over e300 ooo cuelph branch 3 sums of si and upwards icomvod on dopositaml jj per cent intorost pan or compounded hulf yearly 1 j f urln m d c m othco and roaidonco corpor mill a frederick btroota acton as elliott m b m d acton glladuatt tollokto un1liisit1 office main street third door south of presbyterian church acton veterinary surgeon a lpred p husband v 8 oradaato of tho ontario votorlnary collcpo honorary member of tho etoilnary medical society oppici win nuabands lot 21 con a naae agawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental ll bennltt lds dentist okoncjetown ontario df t s mlrcer dl htjbi graduato of toronto uuivoralty and 1icdh oflloo over druf rtoro actou vl8iti0 dayh tliullhda and pliioav j m bell 1ds lds plmibt ullo0k ille honor giiaduate op touomo usivunsity work mado satisfactory prices moderate vihitiso xab tuesday and friday of oach legal m clean mclean barristers solicitors notarlob convoyaucera 5io privato funds to loan offloo town hall acton wm a molkan jho a mclean douglas murhay baiuubthhb solicitoib notaries etc offices 1200 quoon st parkdalo ylctoriachambcrs ci victoria st telophouo 207 toiionto john doiglab a o aiuiuiay a j mackinnon bairisteb bojpit0 convliaicxn qvticelhh street n mftuhowb ulock ypatars t r g matheson j b mcleod anniflteit solicitons conetanoeiiu goorotown and milton money to loan at lowest ratoa j mcnabb clerk fourth division court couuty of hal 00 convoyancer agent j iroand ufo asauranco koal lbtato agent money to loan eta opvioe porryman ablock acton ont mjsgellaeqtfp h enby grist ottawa canada solicitor of patonta for invention oto prepares applications for tho canadian amor lean and european patent otflcos and for tho hoglfltration of trado marks send for pam phlet thirty two yoara oxperiouco f iranois npnan bookbinpcr wvndham st guelpu ontario wyb ovorwilllama store aoconnt b6oko of all kinds mado to order porlodioals of ovorydobcrlptionoarofully bound ttullnpnea promptly docb m arriaol licen3es h p mooite irhufp op maiuiiaol llcfnheh private oflloo no wltnopgcg required isauod roaidonco in tbo oyoulng proppraas olllco aotow faumeb8 if yon wish to roduco your intoroat or bocuro a llrauslass loan of monoy at low intcrost and on easy terms of ropnvmont call on mo i make a specially of lending monoy and have plonty of funds i also lend on village property w c jackson convpyancen amd m0e 11 nijeii office wyndbam st near city hall guflpii welllngtoxi mutual plro insurance company bbtadlibded 1u10 inhujianoi- on caah ami mutual plan any oouimunioatlona forwardod to my adatoaii uoi l28 or tolonhaua 08 will bo promptly ut- tondodto joun tavloil a guolph m hembtreet j lloknbbd auotiohebb por tho countlob of wellington and ilalton ordorsloflatthofnek pufhb ofllep acton or at myresldonooiu acton will bo promptly at tondod to fees reduced to 5 00 for farm sales aibo money to loan on tho most favorable urns and at tho lowost ratos of interest ip urns of 500 and p wards w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont if akjc a specialty of machine finished book papers and man anxpt wprityi nkvh thopaporuaod in thia journal la from bo above nilla wm babbxr bros a little entomology we ulsli to cill the nttcntlon of tlic hoiistuncs of thibconimtinity to a cry dtstructnc hqiisehold inbect mhtch inn ilreidy done berrous d iniire in this district we refer to whit is known is tlic buffalo moth or carpet beetle vuthrcnui soaphuhmo which atticksand is er injur ioub to wolkn goods c loihmj cirpets lpholsilry etc how to know h it consist- of in nclue brown hrn iqutrter of in inch lon or less clothed with sfiff brown burs iround the sides if jou ire not finiiinc with its nppenr inat will be plciscd to sliow you specimens it our snore in its three stages hr i pupi ind adult insect how to destroy i bib pcsl is he nct question of importance immp diecovered it in votir house we hoye the remedy fr stewarts baffakp moth exterrnmator v liquid insecticide will rid your house f them in i short tipit it is gyanplppd repit dy price 25c a bottle alex stewart fatally and eispens ing chemist cuelph ont 189798 styies and prices to surprise you framo picturo supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros st qeoroe 3 3quabe quelph the campaign prepare for winds wo would call your attention to tho fact that wo are prepared to aupply you with lumbor of suitable length or your barn doora viz 10 12 13 or 14 leot also sash doors frames mouldings etc for building storm doora put np at aa low a rato aa poabiblo 1pj7uvis repair yoor pumpa or put in new oneb before it la too cold wc can do it shoe at foot of river street acton th08 eblbace manager fruit ornamental trees 7q acr shrubs rosgs vines knd seera potkto9s w r havo tlio larflobt anaortmont and employ tlio vor latest and moat improved moth odd for propagation all stock carefully rackod tindor our poraonal bunorvlbion and all now variotion testod at our trial farms beforo boing cataloruod tin bo are tlio only tobtlnroreliards connected with any nuraory iu tho dominion agents wanted to represent xts special attention given to park comotory and boulovanl ordorfl lbtimntoa funiibhed for bupiilylng outtro orchardb why buy of foroiun oonoornii or of mlddlomou wlioii you can puioliaao aa ohuni ly from ub and fjot better vnliu our block ib canaliaif rrownatitlaoellmatt 1 catalohuo lufjuiili or ironcli frco ou applica tlon stone wellington fonthlll nurseries toronto ont tho leading canadian troo men e b collins butcher doelreb to thank hie numoroao oubtomorn for tholr llloral patronngo since he com men cod buuinohr last janqury and lom 8 hat hv carof iu and courtpfliie attomtlou a merit a contiuanco of tho li cufltqlp a comploto auhorlmont of flrhtolam boof mutton lamb fork fresh and salt hams bausaees poultry lard o in season prices always aa low as consistent with tho boat quality prompt doll very fat stock wanted b b coll1nh i quelph business college shorthand institute quelpb ont ddpoeit itoloijts issued for luro annib depoeitcci aflvaiicob mado to roaponbiblo farmers on their own uamca no charge made for colleilinr sulta ntea if imyaole in guolph a general banking buaineba transaoteri a i if joneis m nungcr ilannairb syav hllq ll ls ft hi id of a bqy pf ft a hort of a hind of auinunor a kin 1 of a uort of an ovory day yot a iooty way has hannah 1 tiu way alio tonal ea oaid tasaca bor head an almkob bur bangles out 1 hjlo jior moutb putt on a comi ormiro liutwixt a smile mi a pout i np othor girl i d druthar havo toother tlrl i 1 drutlior ou accounts an bomuso or thiiifb or tljis hort an ouo thintan anotliof sliu jma a bort of a kind of a rta a uoi t of a klajl of a luauuor i hoat of a wiy that you can taay lhiua iay j 04 can fuel hna nailnah an hoi laugh ib bo bwoot bu lior oyoo is so brihht t bur nays an lior talk so cuto au oho lma nucli a way jou can t say llmlaklud of a way to suit i uafn t got no mower language to tull uut nho boath ovory girl ov ry othor qn aocount au uocairsaor thlugsorthis sort an one thing an auotliar but walter toyn must bo a rood story or it would not bo accepted of course said hugh nodding his head didut 1 toll you bo 6ohettywroteieoomltor3tandsnat ride a bicycle if not why not your fnen clsdo and enjoy it greatly better tr it youll have better health better spirits the best of fun and splendid exercise wh miss it all weve the best value in all whecldom at 40 50 60 better send address for catalogue j m bond co cuelph light summer tweeds fliat look cool and feel cool stylishly cut properly finish ed and generally well tailored not high priced but high enough to ensure every satisfaction to 1 the wearer the pleasure of first choice is yours ifyou buy now shaw tub nek merchant tailors guelph robt noble 1 he vlighcar 1ricc for mewsm pens okts burlsy at the warehouse acton station flour brrn shorts sesds ind all kinds of 1 ccd ax acton plour and peed store try korvai i lour the best lamll 1 lour in the market frank harris manager the j n stinson store rockwood good red salmon 10c per can corn 3c per can fineirplcb 15c per enn ncclirincs 73c ptr can peiches 23c per cin i ickles 3 bottles for 25c ginger snips 5c per lh ixtncls kiu1ir 10c bottles 3 4 forec mixodcnndieh per lb 5c glllolt j ye ioc can acton saw mills and wood yards jktutes bromn masufaotuill i and dpalbr in lumber lath shinglci wqtuf he dett jfantily iuamg lfoc uqdei the lrindi ens 11 am handolui latbor said hetty plumer 1 wwb you woujd lot mo jojnto thejactory into tho faotory baid mr plumer dropping his poo into tho middle page of hie account book and btariofi up with eyes of round surprise nonsense child non aouao what do you want to go iuto a factory for the rosy suuaet was gilding the anoient roof treo of laurel tarm the merry babble of tho brook in the ravine sounded preter naturally loud in the stillness and the grand blackbird who always came to the milkroam window to rooeive his veapr moal from hetty u own plump fingers was swinging idly to and fro on tho branoh of the apple tree uttering a flute hbo noto now and then mr plumer sat by the kitchen table grim bald beaded worn to a skeleton by hard work hetty stood at the opposite caeomont picking over jot blaok chorriea for tlio toa table a dimpled fair faced girl with solemn bluo eyea and brown balr curlod in a knot at tbo back of her head i should hko a little money of my own baid hetty timidly don t i ivo jou a dollar a week as long as the cit boardors stay demanded mr plumer m but you put it all into tho savings bank complained poor hotty and i uover havo a penny of mv own to spend all jou need all you need said tho farmer authoritatively and be wont on with thoao endless accounts antil poor nuty folt ab if all the world must bo rep resented by numbers mr plumer owned tho farm aunt jemima managed tho household and hetty wad at every ones beck and cell the oity boarders to be bure made a pleasant cliaugo in her monotonous life bqt then biio was afraid of thomof all exoept hugh hairo who helped her with tho flick ohiokeus picked blaokberncs with her on ihu duwy aagqat mornings and told her how to manqflo her oamelliae pinks and drooping bogonla plants no bad 00 mo down to laurel farm in charge of an invalid cousin and hetty soon begaa to miss him during his occa sional absences and to rejoico at his returning in a decree which was b no raoanb accounted for by tbo oh tokens and the pinks and truly hngh allaire was a frank honest young fellow who would fully justify any girl a partiality poor ijottyl qlfirfou that sho was shabbily dressod and many a timo bhe bad stepped behind tho lilac hedges to conceal the contrast as the gayly attired oity damsels tluttered by in search of foroa or upon botanical expeditions into the cool woods and yet said uotty to herself i should be as good looking aa any of them if only i bad their silks and ribbons and laco frills 1 and whon farmer plumer absolutely vetoed the faotory question hettys activo mind turned in other directions mias edgett teaches iu a fifth avenue school b ho pondered as mentally the summer boarders passed in review before her they pay her liberally people say but i couldnt teach i am not wlao enough for that mrs arblay is an artist and paints miniatures on ivory for fifty dollars each 1 can t paint mjsa folhott writes for the boston magazines i wonder if i could writo for tho papers but aunt jemima threw cold wator on tins bchome stuff and nonsonao i said aunt jem ima who was outting up pigeons for a pie folks has to bo born with a talent for that sort of thing but bow do i know that i waen t born with it queried hetty pereibtently i guess you d havo found it out before this eaid aun jem paoking her pio crust lined pan with tho tender legs and wings of pigeona and raining a liberal shower of bait and pepper over the laer thereby formed and thus repulsed hotty carried hor qsory to mibb folliott horaelf mary lolliott who mado laborious trans lationa for very little remuneration amilod sadly on the young aspirant you might try said bhe tho field is open to all i would not willingly dis 4u kill dm of wool in fltook ami 1 romptly dollvorod to any part of tliotown at riasouubo prices harlwool and slahb outntovo length alwayn 11 band tolci liuiio couumtulcatfop acton livery bus line tho wail nrtlji noil roonoctf iilly hoiiciu tho natron age of tho public and informs them that woll equipped and stylish qlqs oaq all ways bo soaurod hlurlllok iauitjitiish for thoroiirli ami practical courrob of htutly uookltouuliir hhorthand ami tyiiowrltlntf couwos a specialty oradiiktes amlitotl to positions paul flhbbionh coinmenoos sopt lit write for circulars j sharp principal at laipaulpa a oomfortablo bun inoeta al train botwoou 9 a m and 8 18 n 11 oaroful attention nlvon toevoryorilor botwoou 9 a m and b 18 p m jul attention jlvon toevoryorilo tlio wanti of oomtnorcial fravol lers fully mot john williams it and thia also was liberally paid for miss tolliott was a little surprised at the brilliant success of thia cntiroly inoxper- leaoed debutante mr plumer stared aunt jomima wiabod she had thought of wrilwig for the papocs before hor knuckles had grown too stiff to bold a pen but tho vedefrablo oouplo were still moro aetonfahed pne day when hugh allaire bbkod pretty hetty to marry hinv mo i cried hotty turulug ptnk and white are you quite sure you don t mean ono of tho city girls yes quite l a u id hugh and be seem odhq certain about it that hotty questioned the matter no further and confessed hat aho did like hlra just a little you know i rf the noxt day miss folliott a sister arrived from new york to spend a fow days in the country hetty herself con ducted her to her room and bhowed her the delicious viow across tbo mountain crests so you ve got the young editor here eaid miss georgtna folliott what editor eaid hetty of tho wcevy leader you know eaid misa georgina no said hetty her heart beginuiug to thump nervously at tho moro idea but you have though noddedthe new comor i saw him smoking a pipe under tho big ohestrut tree as they earned my trunk upstairs that was mr allaire said hetty blushing very rod ludeed well eaid miss georgina adjusting her curie and that is the editor of tho heelly i eader hotty btood still fu blank amazement didn t you know it atud mibb fol liott is it really truo said hetty of course it if said mtaa folliott and hetty ran away to hile hr burn ioc blushes in tho cool little dell behind the bouse where the spring bubbled up among tho tall greon fcrus thoro a httlo later huh allaire found hor crying hetty ho said mv little love what is the matter you have deceived me said hetty a never 1 baid hurii you didnt toll mo thattyou were editor of of faltered hetty you never asked me retottod hugh and it was you who sent mo the checks for thoao atones of coureo it was baid he why shouldn t i x never would have had the courage to read them to you if i bad known you wero an editor cried hetty 1 x know that said mr allaire x kept the droadful truth to mysolf do ou think hetty darling it would bo euch a terrible thing to bo an editor a wifo hetty looked up laughing through bar tears i dont know 1 said bhe but i think i shall try it she waa married wbon october painted all the loaves with scarlet and love underneath tho lindens became a reality lp her own bright lifo but bhe doesnt write fotahop5potflauy moro bho baye- bbo hasut time his experience it am t 110 sign of bravory tor abuse folks ovor a high fonce or from tother bide tbo river flnh mm nunum tiling tlm hntf on which bo wab bitting so that hia baok might rest against tho fish house his companion eat by moudiufltbo nets now when i was quito a lad he wenton 1 had an experience that bhowed me what uncommon poor policy it ia to bo too funny even at a distance ixow waa that well i was put in alternate oapn on one of thos steamers thaltruasin french- mans bay an beidg young au tolerable sncoobsful i got to thinkin i kuowod pretty much the wholo of it one day we was layin at the wharf loadin tho freight on an i see a little man walkin up an down wuitin ter go aboard he was a pompons looking individual an follenn an bangin on his words weje two or three men that seemed ter consider what lie said as golden speech j kept thinkin that i wished it would como time to btart when he waa way up tother end of the wharf an sure enough jebt aa he got much aa a rod away it was timo ter pull out x pulled tho whistle an waited full time but ho turned round mighty moderate an como toward tbo plank tbe men 00 m mencod ter haur it on an we fell back from the wbarf then be broke inter run flnlwavedjua hat anahouted j when we waa clear of everything i hollered back hurry up little chap or you 11 bev tor walk an a lot of aeoh talk when i got a signal from the capn that was jongside ter put back an findin bometbin unusual waa up i hftd to 1 the men lowered the plank an the little man walked on board and come right up ter the pilot house an passed me his card ho was tbo owner of the whole line of bteamera an be sayb very slow an kind speakin of walkin p r ap3 youd better go ashore now fore they draw tbe plank iu we sban t need you on this trip what did you do do why x went of course an my assistant run the trip the matter was fixed np but wbon i niako a joke now x take koer it a ono that aint oomin home ter rooat a little tpaveller a pale httlo lad in a westbound traiu glanced wistfully toward a heat whero a mother and her merry children were eating tiresome work thoro arofnw men who do anything of imporuqco in tbe world but havo their shave of what may be called drudgery even the president of tho united states has to bhako bands with strangers by the hour and what is perhaps still more irk aomo heoauso affording less variety to sign bis name by the hour a cortain share of this latter work however can bo done by proxy thoro ia one clerk who earns his salary by doing nothing else but bigu the xreal dents name to land warrants drudgery routine work of that kind may bo easy bntr l w th that u mus u times grow monotonous other government officials do practically nothing but write their own namos the rpgibtrar of tbo treasury for example may be busy eigoiog documents fiom nine oolock in the morning till four o olook in tho afternoon and tho assistant treab urer of tbe united states in tho aamo way aits at hia desk aud signs warrants for money these are honorable occupations to be bure but ao is farming and tho day laborer 00 tbo farm has at least tho advan tagoa of tho opon air and a measuro of variety every man is somotimos tempted to think that othor men havo an easier lot than he and it is well therefore to look sometimes at tbo seamy side of what are called deair able situations companionship in married life courage any ono although my own expert onco has boen trjing so hetty sat down and wrote a little story a story of country holds and swoot bmollwtf woods with ouch simple element of lovo as hor girlish experience had taught her nnd bhe read it to hugh allairo do you tbiuk tho weekly leader will publish it said slu of course it will said hugh and bo bho aent it in and enoouraged by mr allaires cordial interest she told him all lior hopes and fears with luuoaent openness uotty aaid he its all nonsense your not looking as well as thoao puffed and painted oity girls you aro a roso in a garden or poppies a diamond in a heap u glass stones you are prettier at this moment than any girl in the lot of em but uotty laughed and shook her bead x know better than that baid bhe jlut if once lovo unjor the lindens la accepted x ii have a new bonnet of white split straw and roal leuoh roses in it aud thou you ahall seel iu a week or so a check for a liberal sum arrived drawn to beater plumer i here cried triumphant hetty it if you wish to be a good companion to your husband atudy to make eaeh good morning that yon say to him an incentive to a better life ia both aahmorea advice to young womon whom she addresses upon tho profession of marriage learn to make each good night a benediction of lovo for tho da a work tho days loving and tho day a sympathy look for hie good qualities ho ib like you in having faults with very httlo troublo yon oan find those faults and by talking about them and by reminding him of them you can make you rroacrid life uuondarablo you oan a boys courage a correspondent of tho london globe vouches for tbo truth of a good story of ten yoar old courage an old dutchman had bold bib possessions in the cape colony aud accompamod by his grandson had gone to the oountry of the maahonas proa pecting ho had encamped not tar from fort salisbury when his herdsman brought word that a lion bad kijled and partly cat en ono of tho oxen tho old man pooh poohed the idea no lion would venture ao near the camp he felt bure lot a go and see said the boy he had heard wonderful things about tho kill ing of bona tho grandfather piokod np hia ritle handed bia cartridge belt to the boy and the two aet out truo enough the carcass of tbe ox bad boen partly eaten tho dutchman and tho hoy boat through several patches of dried grawfi hnfc pa nnfr f big ant hill he might bo behind that ant hill bag gested tho boy tho man inspected it on three sides but saw nothing look into that bunch of tambookio gtjass said tho boy hardly had tbe man faced that way when a splendid lioness bprang out she landed upon bis shoulder her weight car ried him to tho ground and sho fastened her teeth iu hia shoulder he lay fiat with his rifle crosswjbo under him the boy neither ran away nor blubbered he went down on his stomach crawled near enough to reach the rifle drew it out looked at tbo cartridge took tho best aim bo could and fired tbo bnllet took effect in tbe loin of tbelionesa and with a snarl bliu ha r hmue umio thu l that was only for a moment however ho inserted another fired again and killed her some natives now came running np an ambulance waa made tbe wounded man was removed to camp and a doctor summoned tfn dollars a lesson farmer t a careless easy going man bought a handsome new harness for a few weeks it looked new but ho took no car of it never once wiped or oloaned ltjjlud the result was that in tbo course of or bo under the action of sun ram and dust it beoamo to look decidedly bbabby and worn one day be mot tanner m a fellow townsman and with a clean black harness on bis horse howll you swap harness said far mo rarmor m looked at tbe grimy bhabby harness on hia neignbor s borso and roptiod five dollars co boot ita a trade i farmer t baid so the harness changed hands but farmor t treated tho seoond harness uo better than the first and aa it was an old ono it soon looked disropu table after bomo months bo again met farmer m with a now barnoss on hie horse i say howll yo trado f he asked sames beforo five dollars to boot tanner m answered the bargain waa ntede and tho harness bring about heartburnings you oan oauao strife and beforo you know it hatred may take tho place of love look for his vir tuoh and seeking always for goodness you will grow better every dn just bb certainly aa you would grow bid if you looked only for that which was wi ked remember there is muoh that will havo to be forgiven in you and whonever you feel inclined to remind tom of a weakness read tho book in whioh is set down your foibles and your follies a woman who even after hor marriage oarefully atudi 4 hor profession oan mako htr huuband what bho wishes him to be lver thin that is good is ooutftgiooa and the rlgl t kind of a wife makes the right kind of a hubband iuepeot tho rights of jour husband ho ia a man not a child and how can the world honor him when you who are bia closest companion do not do not oven in jest derido or underr tto him people are slow about deoiding nniiou one is joatiug or when one ia in earner and what you meant to bo funny ran cause aomo stupid person to bay how horrid tom must bol why his wifo says dreadful things about him i again ohanged hand by tbo way eaid tarmer m aa he was driving off youve got tho same harness now that you had in tho first place you don t say boi farmer t ex claimed with chagrin then it looks aa if id paid ten dollars to havo it oleauod just so aaid tho other laughing lot us hopo that the lesson did farmer t ton dollars worth of good inncb the tears gatherod iu bis eyee though he tried to koep them baok a passenger cam and stood b bim whatb the troublo 7 ho asked havo you no lunch yob i havo a httlo let and i m so awful hungry what is it theu 1 tell mo perhaps x can help yon its its ao lonely and thorea such a lot of them over thoro and ai d thoy they ve got their rnothor thn young man glanced at tho black band on tho boy a hat ah ho smd gqoty and ou havo lost yours yes and im going to my uncle but x ve never seen hfra a kind lady tlte doctor a wife who pot up my luuchjjjung this card to my neck sho told mo to show it to the ladies on tbe car and they would be eo kind to mo bub i didnt show it to anyone yet you may read it if you like tho young man raibed the oard and read the name and address of tho boy below were tho wordb and whosoever shall give drink onto one of tbebo little ones -a- cop of wator only in the name of a disoiple verily i ray unto you he shall in no wise ipse hia reward tho reader brushed his hand aoross hia eye and was aire f n moment t i ootprints qn tim1 hut yesterday it hooihh to hit 1 ho waltod un luriioath thu lit 1 light 0 tlio tarlor clini toiler i or hor to conn an 1 tlmn in 1 1 111 j ii como back very poou he said and madej his way to tbe mother and her children and presently little goorgo felt a pair of loving arms about him and a woman s voicofhalfsobbidg calling him a poor dear htle fellow begged him to como with her to her children and for the rest of that journey at least motherless georgie had uo lack of mothering i he fell among borrowers acaordiug to the sheridan oregon sun there is a schoolmaster in that btate who has had ouough of boarding with people who treat him as ono of tho family he wishes to maintain a brotherly spirit but says that there are certain personal effects properly bo oalled which he prefers neither to borrow nor lend let ua hope that tho sun exaggerates tho atory of hia afflictions he waa boarding around and in tho courso of his peregrinations arrived at a houbo where there wcro several grown up sons and daughters he was taken at onoo into intimate fellowship on the second morning william ono of tho boys came into tbe new boarder s room and borrowed bis toothbrush the schoolmaster demurred and went so far as to enter into particulars about microbes and miorobio id feat ion but william took tho brush i aint afraid to nso it after jou if you aint after me ho said tbo next evening samuel another eon borrowed the master 0 best white shirt to wear to a dance and maria ono of the daughters while trying to extract eome of hib perfumery spilled the greater part of it upon her olothea so matters went on with increasing friendliness and when the teacher took bis aocks the girla had begged hib tooth powder and tbo remainder of his per furoery the old man had worn out hia ulster hunting deer and the boys had on two of his wbite blurts two pairs of bib eocke a vest and a bat one of tho girls had made love to tbe boarders four dollar silk umbrella but though tho fact is not btatcd wo aro given to understand that ber suit was unsuc oeeeful welcome to it occasionally tbero cornea a reminiscence of the runaway darky which shows not only bis humor bnt his irropreabiblo long ing far tbe boon of freedom beforo tbe war tbore camo into tho public room of hotel in canada near tbe frontier one day a bright looking negro i spoae youre a runaway blave aaid one of the men in tho room looking bharply at tho now comer feoling that be waa pretty well away from bondage tho darky responded in the affirmative w3ii wore glad enough youve got away t but yon dont boem to look very poor have good clothes down south suttingiy aab same olothea a my masaa but yon got a good many thraah ings eh nebber had a whipping in my life bab jnover thrabbod 1 well but i aupposo you dont always got enough to eat do you always had enough gemmon nebber went hungry what i aaid the persistent interroga tor good olothea no puniahment plenty to eat now just think of it he said addressing a group of loungera this fellow baa left a position whore he onjoya all theeo privlegea for an uncer talnty graen replied the darky all ioe got to bay rebpectin dem privileges is dat if any one ob you wanla to avail hiaself ob cm do situation am atill open 1 hwoot volco callc 1 to hi ihbm thu ht ilr and nald sweetheart 1 11 rq m h lliurit hut yofltorday yu its ivfttr ym ho stumbled homo iti v ifjuo tlltttr hb and wonrlod to tlio vory uoul again her voiito a rrtotiiii borit tbatnllod him with ouibaraaamont it aaid uriiif m a pail of coal hufrycbtordiiy hdw fust timo ilioa it booms ho looked iuto hgr ou aud dumb withlovo rcacliol for hoi imn i to try to hiako hor un luretaii 1 thoy liiigurotj by tho larjo frout dooi au thoy had often dono hoforo but yesterday can ho forgot ho cllmhbd tlio stoj b futluo 1 and nit and lad toloavo tlio muddy btiuut and aha fltoort on tbe fr oiltdpor sill and scroaimid in acqoatu sharp and fihrill vwiy aou t you wipe your dirty foot i a bit of lrfsh wit spme time ago whilo x was trading in a village atoro one of the clerks came to tho junior partner who was waiting on moand baid pleabo step to tho desk put llynn wants to bcttlo hia uccouut aud wuuts a rereipt the merchant was evidently annoyed by what doea he wuut of a recoipt he bald wo never ive ouc simply crosb hia aocount out of the book that is recoipt enoughs so i told lnm answered the clerk but ho ib not satisfied you had bettor see him so tho proprietor bteppod to tho desk and after greeting pat with a good morn ing eaid you want to settle your bill do you pat replied in tho affirmative well said tho merchant there is no need of my giving you a recoipt see t 1 will aross your account off tho book and suiting the notion to tho word bo drow his pencil diagonally acrobs tho account that ib a good receipt and do you moan that that bottles it exclaimed pat that settles it said tho merchant and yo re suro yo 11 never bo askin mo for it again 1 well never ask jou for it again said tho merohant decidedly taitb thin said lat j 11 bo after kapin me money in mo pocket for i haven t paid it ob well x oan rub that out 1 faith now and i thought the fame baid pat it is needless to add that pat got his recoipt too attentive politeness is a good thing but some times it s wearin raloly baid mr brown seems so it almost borders on sarse to foller any one up bo an poster em with kindness as they do at these big hotels what are you objecting about now asked mrs brown woll x was only thinkin how them porters foller you up hko a parcel of detec uvea when x sot my foot mono of them hotels np to new york a foller looked at me jcbi as pry in an says can 1 1 carry up your baggage it seemed jebt leaveheunotberwaa-wearing-a-pair-oi- 4houghhakoawall ibad waa my paper collar rolled up in the top of my hat his manner was kind of twitting like seems ef ittlq well i aaid you ougbtor carried a ohange began mrs brown in her most corrective manner now that ain t tbo point said her husband i m jest aayin x don t like to be spied on an follered up i got the beat of em once though when i got ou ono of them ferry boatb a little chap in brass buttons como up and aaked mo if my baggage was aboard i baid very digmgod that it was right in frout of bim whereaboute he up and asks well x m standm right in tho middle of it namely my clou says i and that settled him a canny scotchman lord justice clark brax field of scot land was a fflflnrfowotulptfdhlittte- businosb habits in courting j-jmv- arftfmor- wtfe hia prooeodirro waa entirely illuetra live of the peculiarities of his character calling on tbo lady ho said to her without preliminary remark lrizziq t am looking out for a wife and i thaqgbtyxfu jubt tho person that would suit me let mo havo your answer yob or no the morn aud nao mair about it the lady tho noxt day roplied in tho affirmative perbapa be repentod hia pitianoy for when a butler gave warning on account of mr brayfleld a soolding propensities the judge repliod lord mon yovo httlo to complain 0 yo may bo thankful ye re no married to her a vain attempt a glorious opportunity a middlo aged wn with what appear od to be a load on hie mind visited an nrtif tmi nfl bnamed interest in what extreme modesty 1 think bald the ministers wife that vou ought to oultivato more vehemence in your elocution you meau that i ought to mako more noiee x believe that might holp to mako your sermons more popular i doubt it very muoh in faot x am afraid that method would have the opposite effect and send aomo members of the oon gregatiou away with an unfavorable im preaslon i dont bos why yon know my dear that most peoplo aro liable to bo ill natnred when they havo just been awakened from a sound sleep ho saw x say ho said to the officer on dook id hko to go on the noxt expedition it b awfully cold up tho re romarked tho officer diacouraglngly i dont oare about that youd have very little to eat and might have to starvo 1 that viouldn t bo pleasant aaid tbo visitor i ahould bay not rota mod tho offioer and yoa might bo eaten by yoor comrades la that so that would be diatinotly bad and then oontinuod tho offioor you wouldnt see your wife for throe years and pobsibly longer you know you cant take take her with you well returned tho gentleman after a long pause i think you can pot mo down on your booka yoar last argument oaptured me holla pimples and eruption acrofou salt rheum and all other manifestation of impure blood aro oared by hoode sarea parilla father that cat maojo an awful noieo on tho baok fence last night aruold yes sir i guess that siuco he ate tho canary ho thinks ho oan bing many women deceived at the present timo many manufacturers of orude and adulterated package dyoa aro making lively efforts to induce tho whole salo and retail druggists and yroccru to buy their dyea these common djea aro quoted at audi low prices that aomo profit loving dealers are tempted to buy thorn tho profit lov ing dealers thon take caro to soil these adulterated dyea to tho inexpononced and caroleea at tbe same price aa tbe popular and rehablo diamond dyesecre bold for this iniquitous and decoptivo work has caused avast amount of loss and troublo to many in canada and will continue as long as womon aro fooliah ouough to take anything that ia offered thorn if home dying work is to bo a successful and money savinj worki overy woman should see that sho eta tbe diamond dyes aa thoy aro tho only guaranteed paokage dyes in tho world a projeotiug under lip shows malignity and avarico lvery step towards heaven is a tost of courage and love xor one dollar you may buy a bottlo of ayers saraaparilla which if taken 111 time and aooording to directions may save a great many dootorb bille and thus exemplify the truth of tho old mux im ireventiou ia better tlmn cure

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