Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1897, p. 2

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hi alton on llhirtnlay juno jnl to n iii i h lixjklnj on fan lid u j mny ilrd ati i mru john mtuin u dfiujhtor iiinu t lliiilnorri milii on ralunjay fib lainuh miiou formurly of ilookwooci ifij jkcitiii vet vts uiuitsday junk 10 1897 notes and comments sir hiohatd cartivrifjht m tho grout man of tho laurier ministry at present iio liulrts tho poaitian of minmtlr of trado aud coninilrco acting minister of militia uot inf irubidont of thodcotiuail and net wig premier x ho number of post office a in tho domm ion moroabed from 7215 jn 188g to 9103 in 18 tho number of lottora m the same period increased from 71 milljonb to nearly ik miltious and tfie rcvemio from 2 4g8 717 to w 005 000 uio governor general haa received a letter of thanks from tho viceroy of india in whiohit ia stated 4 hat canada stood not to great britian m hoc contributions to tho indfa famine fund tho worbt of tho futtiuo ia over it iiib beon ouatornary for eome years paat for queena honors to bo distributed in various parts of clio empire on tho 21th of may this year it was decided some titno hq to distribute usual queena birth da honors in conneotton with hor ala jl3ty a jubilee this month i ho arrangement with tho c p r con cerning tho crows nebt paaa railway hoe was announced at the liberal cauaas at ottawa tho bonua la 811000 a mile and tho c p r makes large reductions in bon voya to england premier laurie r given a hearty sendoff at ottawa and montreal address to the queen on juno 9 amidst tho cheers ud liurrahs of u 1irgo and ropresontativo fiathoriutf at tho contral depot last 1 hurts daj tnormpg tho mont real train e tea mod out bearing tho promier and mud urn o laurier aud party hound for liugluud to attend tho diamond jubiloo fcutivitioa scores of ottawas ciiiona including cabinet mimutorh membora and senators braved tho luolomcut weather to bid adioti to canadas ronrohontatno and ihh cateom freight ratgb and gives several other lm portant concessions in return under tho new tariff articles by mail or express valued at not more than 50 conta are now exempted from duty the overhauling of the mails by oubtom officials and tho holding of such small articles for duty was a vory mincaturo business tho duties being too small to bo worth cal culatiug it is now stated that with tho starting of sunday cars in toronto tho niagara navi gation co will inaugurate a sunday boat acrvico botweon that city and lewie- ton while existing law prohibits boats running on buuday between two points m canada ii pormitstheir running between a can udian and foreign port mgr del val is now in tho northwest it is said an understanding has beon reach td between mgr merry del val and tho dominion and provincial governments regarding the future attitude of the catholic ecckejaatioal authorities towards the manitoba school 1 iw and that all hostility to tho law ou tho part of tho catholics will soon ceabo bir william whiteway tho premier and attorney general of newfoundland will bo the senior colonial premier in tho parade on jubilee day it is understood thntrwmlein london bo will open nego tiations for tho settlement of tho french shore questions as a preliminary to arranging for tho federation of newfound liud with the dominion a leading london paper had this item a fow days ago we are requested to oon tradiot tho rumor that the duke of leeds n ill succeed the earl of aberdeen as governor general of canada this will be welcome news tp many canadians who could not relish tho idea of a liquor manu facturer iiko tho duke of leeds doing placed over this canada of ours it has been announced in parliament that the civil servtae superannuation bill and the franchise bill to which allusion was made in tho governors speech at the opening of the session will be dropped it is understood this determination was reached by tho government in order to allow tho premier to leave for england to attend the queens jubileo celebrations ed lady aud to wiah them god tip cod in thoir journoy across the wateia jiint previous to their departure hon j i tarte pre sented mms laurier with a magnificent bouquot of roeos and lady marjory gpr don brought good wiahcsfrora their lxcol- lencies for their safe journey tlio party included many members of parliament who accompanied tho premier to montreal and a number of military gentleman who will act on tho staff dnring tho visit as the train pulled out fiom tho station the prennor apd mme laurier bowed their acknowledgements for tho enthusiastic bend off by tho mauy present the xddrl8s to tilt qclen the house ot commons last thursday gave fitting and sincora expression to tho loyal sentiment which pervades it as a body and which 1111b tho breast of its every member by unanimously and enthusiastic ally acquioboing in ho address of oongratu lation to queen victoria upon tho comple tion of tho goth anniversary of hor aubpioioua reign which had already been passed by the senate prime minister laurier in moving concurrence in the address briefly eummed up tho events and achievements in all departments of human activity in thelast three anoro yearaand prouounced an eloquent panogorio upon her majoaty emphasizing her virtnea both as a ruler and a woman sir charles tuppor who beoouded the motion made a brief ayd appropriate bpeech tcormng with loyal words of congratulation and praise the passing of the address was followed with tho singing of the national anthem i lit kdk fl uei iltseitati e mr laurier baa started on his trip for the jubilee festivites apd canadians gencr ally wilj wish him bon voyage he goos not as tho leader of a party but as tho accredited representative of tho dominion and for once political criticism is silent there can be no doubt that tho hon gentleman will disohargo the ploabiug duties of his mission in a most affable and happy woy tul illidlhcitl before leaving for england mr laurier stated that if ho had not to go away ho would see that tho prohibition plebiscite thomas p prry go to college bill would bo introduced and pushed through tho premier statod this at tho oauoua before leaving it is however very doubtful if this can be done in his absence as the temperance people are not agreed as to how the qnebtion should be submitted but oven if it were introduced nothing nan be done in the way of taking a voto until the voters lists are revised the 11 c 60fcitnoiishtr8 there is an interesting struggle in pro greas for tho ltentenant governorship of british columbia when senator mo innea of victoria who had beon led to believe that he would be given a seat in the cabinet was thrown down labt year he was placated by the promise of the lieut governorship of the province but thero are now other aspirants in the hold mr templeman proprietor of tho victoria times and who was ono of tho defeated liberal u in v lust juuu thf hamilton conference annual mootlndurlnp tho wonk in the beautiful city of brarvtford i he uunual session of hamilton coin foronoo ot tho methodist church was licit in brautford conimonomg on wednesday j ml mat und closing on tuesday evening i ho uttondunco wuu vory largo uourly 109 rniiii3tcib aud lav men answering to their names at the opening hoboioii ilia olhcora elected were prehident it w woodsworth woolbtotk blcrotary j w cooloy st georo assistant sloretuneb p alboit moore palnicrdton and a l gee pli p hamilton journal secretary v ii llurvoy b a clilxord gratifying in mauy respects tho number of members m tho conference- iail011i an incroaso of 171 numbor oj ministers 171 probationers i superannuated 61 super mimerary t nino probationers who had completed their terms were ordained within the conference bounds thero aro j3g local preaohora ixliortora 1102 olass loaderb 12ibbtawards 1151 booiety rep roboutativcs 280 presidents of up worth leagues oud 117 sunday eohool aripenn tondonts tho fmnucoa raised for cirouit purpobtbvas 9107 l20 31 and for minister ml support 9127 to j tho counoxional funds wore siistuinod us follows mfebioub jm0 j superannuated fnjnietere 38 517 il education ftjjii gj general con lorenco s87 ib union ofinroh roliof fund 8018 90 contingent fund 8tl 93 sunday sobodl aid j77 15 bustontatiou fund 38 fl 19 womans missionary bocioty 81 892 07 lp worth league 8j05 10 total oouncxional funds 852 10 2q total raia od for all purposes sju7g1 77 following ia the final draft of stations for tho districts in which oar readers aro mobt largely interested ovhhlll disflllct gnfolph norfolkhtroet john g scott v s griffln d d t of tho superannuation tund toronto john hough william savage and david catta nacb superannuated guolph dublin street samuel sellery m a b d jas harris superannuated guelph paisley stroot f w tbomp son ponsonbyjudson truax lnnotville elora jamoa awde b a pergus thoa w jackson matthew swann superannuated eraraosa diton sharps aberfoylo samuel couch orton j e s baillio bellwood hobert doff nftssagaweya it w saanlan pl d kookwood jamea kestle v limehouae to bo suppliod acton j a mclachlan m a wm brvers suppraunuated erm william h garohain b a and arthur h crosby robort j mclntyro iotor j gilpin and neighborhood news news itoma supplied by corros- pbndents and exohanarost lorne tho honor rollx lorno eohool or may la as follows -r- clabs ahco brown 212 minn gambia 211 magio bnrno- 182 subjiats book koopiog grammar and compoaition claob 1 snj der 211 claaa iii harry rjid lu fcltulb 1 lonie gambto 2 ml ahco ida tohnston 2u sr tumod mcdouuld 201 22 clinton swackhammor ibr-ifrrwflt- amu quantic 212 arith iclio spoiling and com- bnydor 219 subjects position class part jl iiuol gibbons 251 lizzie laaby 187 marks possible 300 claasll dollie modqnald ldl clahs i stanley swaokbaromer 108 1iarka posstblo 200 jshib medonain teacher limehouse and dr milne also piranta of victoria are as the disciples convention officers eleoted at the meeting at st thomas the michigan central has put on a train from chicago to now york com posed of a buffot library oar stocked with books and periodicals a barber abop and bath room smoking room and baggage compartment a handsomo state room oar two doable stateroom cars a standard dining car and a day coarh with everything about it brand now complotcd tho equipment this is claimed to bo as lino a railway service as any in tho world in the debate on the tariff last thursday mr henderson moved that item 1g fresh mutton and iamb 115 per oent bo struck out ho tho duty on those products would then bo a cents per pound the efloot of this amendment if adopted would have been to placo mutton on tho unennmeraied hat at threo cents a pound several hours of discussion involving tho general subject of agricultural protection followed the end beiug tho defeat of the amendment the annual convention of tho disciples of christ oloaed on monday tho follow ing officers were elected for 1907 presi dent john campbell st thomas vice president thomas whitehead walkerton recording sacretary j w liilgour guolph corresponding secretary p baker evorton treasurer john mckin nan guelph board hugh black rock wood william to vol 1 everton joseph thompson hillsburg s woolner mars tef london didnt know it was loaded vounar barnes pulled tho trigger and found one cartridge in condition it is now btatcd that arrangements be twoon tho dominion government and tho g t r with reference to running special refrigerator oars are about completed tho sohome embraces a system of cold storago accommodation for tho shipment of produce from canada to great britain cirs with refrigerator accommodation will run frommeaford goderiou sarnia wiar- ton and point edward into toronto wbero tho contents will bo made up into oar lots and sent throagh by fast through train to montreal toronto thus becoming the oen tral point for western ontario uio half yearly meeting of tho general ltecuiive of the provincial sabbath school association was held in toronto the cohmvall juno 8 while several young men were amusing themselves in a grovo on the sooth branch near hero yesterday afternoon one of them produced a revolver aid a lad named barnes uot knowing that it was loaded pulled tho trigger a couple of times thero happened to bo ono cartridge in the oylindor and wlnui tlis oamo round thero was an explosion and dan mcmillan had a j2 calibre bullet in his left shoulder he was taken to martin town and the ball probed for and removed the wound is berioua but not fatal 3ihton libtiitll miltou david w s udor oakville john kay thomas m fens superannuated burlington robort j elliott william peek superannuated lreeman l b stevenson b a watordown j e hookey georgetown gcorgo a mucholl b a palermo t wobstor kollej b a trafalgar tliemas r clarke oraah and r w paoey oniagb norval jabez ei dyko lowvillo j edgar ruaff carlialo john stewart treolton henry e hill david koarno maple creek man superannuated walter l sheridan austin p misouor collego thomas w poole ligt of reserve other minihters wollknown to our read ii r u r htmluuml uu ful jiuiol is howell m a to waterloo robt davey to stoney greok g w calvert to thor old john c stevenson to niagara tails south c cookroan to cainavillo t w nolhnrake b a to washington robert phillips to canboro thomas amy to oak land c r morrow to alma 1 m mathers b d to elmwood notls 01 tdj conhilenctb the now president of hamilton con ference ia rev r w woodsworth of woodstock tho atatiomug committee has removed georgetown aud norval oirouits from the guelph to tho milton districts these circuits havo bceu in oonncotton with guelph district over biqco tho union tho ordination clasb this year was as mr m mcdonald ar of toronto bpent a few days m town last week mr k whcoler sr has agaiu returned to sarnia he ia engaged with mr now ton for the season mr r wheoler jr and jl gfftnt have juat returned from a trip to tho west they report it a very pleasant trip a number oi our joung men left for niagara on tuesday with tho georgetown voluntoer company wearoborry to hear that mr ninian lindaay jr was suddenly taken ill again on tuesday an operation was performed on wednesday by drs peters of toronto sutherland of georgetown and lindaay of guelph he has somewhat improved since tbo saw mill horo has beon running tho paet weok miss mary lawson of acton visited friends hore thia week mr h mcdowell of the sootoh block visited at mr l sunday ashgrove reports showod progressive work in every department and the flnancos are 9800 better thau a year ago but still show a deficit of 9 100 however there aro 91000 in pledges still unpaid the program mo for tho annual convention at hamilton on the 27tli 28th and 29tu of october was partly outlined and promises to bo au oxcellont ono it was decidod to bend tho genorvl secretary and an assistant into the newly opened torntory of ontario aa far wost as hit portage for s s missionary work during the months of july and august it ie reported the philadelphia a road ing railway is seeking an entrance into toronto mrs l s large of toronto will leave for japan at the end of the present month as au independent missionary mrs large was formerly in japan under metho dist auspices mr j hr moleons will was probated at montreal and disposes of an estate of about 92000 000 devided among relatives and friends also a number of bequests to pnhlio iuatitulious including 9100000 to mogjil university jealouy and death cuno iii jane 8 richard caldwell of memphis shot aud killed mary jenkins yesterday because he was jealous of the favors she had bestowed on others iro mediately after the shooting he fled to a lumber yard back of town where ho was found two hours later by tho ofnoors he was ordered out with some difficulty when he opened are on the officers his first shot passed throngh the wrist of dopaty sheriff georgo w moore who returned the are jtilling caldwell instantly moore was acquitted of all blame by a coroners jury last evening 7oilows morley c peart b a t w thompson honry monsingor edward shepherd richard railton g trances morns alf g lavello b a a j ter- ryberry and g i swinnerton feeling reference was mado by numbers of emulators and laymen to the death last april of the late president rev james vunwyck in tho conference memorial sorvico the visit of tho conference was mobt enjoyable to the members tho hospitality extended wau of tho most cordial character and the citizens generally beemod to accept tho delegates as guests of thojr beautiful city tho conference will meot next jear iu guelph on tho lirbt thursday in june rev stephen bond at one time a ratn later at aoton was eleoted president of london conference tho transfer of rev isaac tovoll from hamilton to london conference wbe effected labt week rev jabe b saunders m 0 d d waa eleoted president of the montreal confer enco on tho second ballot rev w h bparlmg was elected seoretary of the eon ference on tho first vote au exceedingly interesting seaeion of halton district division sons of temper auce was hold at hornby on triday last tho diviaiona throughout the county were well represented a lively discuaoion on the plebiscite took place during the after noon session among the moat prominent mom bora of tho order present were moat worthy patriarch caswell toronto grand chaplain j h oliver cookaville mr edward curswoll preaoott dr buok palermo at tho opon beaaion in the evening a programme of musical merit was given by tho mombers of tho divlbionb proaent misb irwin of brampton is the fiueat of mi oa b dick mlsa l henderson of toronto is a guost at reeve wrigglebworthe mr ojid mies cantelon of streets villo spent sunday with friends horo mr c cook and tho misses cook of st catherines are visiting at mrs j murdock s miss kelly of norval ia the gaeat of miss m thornton mr j h nixon lost u valuable boree last saturday eight of tho young men of this vicinity went to camp on tuesday morning owing to wet weather tho garden party which was to bo held monday oveniogt was postponed till thursday tho pro gramme has boen re arranged and an exoollont time ib expected weather per mittmg miss m mokinnon of teeswater spent l week v th vi we regret to cay that mrs h willson ib very ill with rheumatio fever a thank- offering extraordinary passed- into stock wc have just purchased and oyer 1200 yards of laces the very newest makes consisting of point dq venice duchesse honiton valenciennes breton ne point de paris chantllly chiffon effects orie point dlrlande madeira dalencon maltese ana torchons 35c these were bought nt about of their value and we will sell elegant point venice lare regular 100 for 25c elegant point venice lace regular 60c for 15c 1 all over iiomtonlace regular 100 for 25c all ovprduchess lace regular 60c for 15c valenciennes butter color regular 17c for 10c bretonne laces regular 10c for oc point de pans black silk regular 60c for 30c dentette chantijly silk regular 75c for black chiffon vvith bretonne edge regular 60c for 30c a fine colored chantllly regular 30c for 15c beige grey and cream orientals regular 70c for 15c cream orientals regular 30c for 13jc white bntonne regular 18c fort2jc point dirlande regular 60c for 15c madeira lace regular- 30c fot i2c this is without doubt the greatest lace bargain ever offered in the royal xity we have also great bargains in lace curtains silks dress goods etc too un good val alloveilboth- stores rv the zieglerhmch co cuelph ilcui aurrtismitmth cultured ladies with tatco of lhaniclor iniliiii to oarn lummy 1 111 lo iru how to do mo in a goad can bo a i in hp jaw ci llova toronto out agents r i am just rtittini nmkhir v mlmvo houii lor manv nday tiiiino ami u jdrobb will bring tliu old on in forma tlou it v gtaflqow loronto ont tku lost tliliif for innnoy k y m nuvii houufor many nday your wanted indus jtlouh 1 nrhoiih of olthor sex wltli rood charictir an 1 coinmon boiioc i education can obtuln u 11 loyin for to moiitiie in tills uuiinii unity h m i jty toiouto out notice to trespassers vtpticc le hoioby rlvon to tho public conor li ally tliat trobpqbaora ou tho oast hall of lot no 26 con s fcaquofllng by llahlug ehooting etc ivill be itrohocutod according to law john shaw wanted woman it bo can work bard talking ritius six irourfl daily for aix days a weok find wlll bo cqhtont with tou dollars wijok y address nl vidras co brautford ont mw wool the hlgliobt jirico in cash or trade h1 ijp giton for any quantity of rood clean mor obauiablo wool txado will bo genoral dry qooda clothing ulankots flannals yams ac wm mcleod georgetown farm foe sale the nndorslgjdod oftora for salo tbo farm lot 26 con l eaquning known ao tl 1 arm tho property comprtneb 100 a 8lgd0 26 con l eaquning known ao the dal ton 1 tho property comprtneb 100 acres fifty acres cleared balance timbered inoludlna a largo quantity of rood oodar the farm u bttu ftteu within about a mtlo of acton apply to john cummins itookwoodp o yotjr spare time men womon to conduct business at homo work loimple vritiugand copying llsta of addresses rocolvod from local advertising to bo forwarded to us daih no canvassing no previous oxnexiddce requtrod but plain writers prefcrrod formauout work to those content to earn so or ruoro weekly in spro time apply to waiiren iuu co london ont dont be deluded a clergyman writes on be half of grateful people dr williams pink pills restored their health and they wish other sufferers to know it- a letter that will brine hope to many no other medicine gets suoh voluntary praise the following letter written by tbe rev wm lawson methodist minifltor at rtohibuoto n b attests in tbn strongest mannor tho moritaof br williams fink fills and a perusal of it will suggest nby this great mcdlolno is bo popular in thon into buying shoddy bicycles made by unknown manu facturers when you can purchase the world renowned dust and waterproof cleveland for 76 and ioo protected by a strong home guarantee no vexatious delays and expenses for repairs h n lozier 8t go 169 yonge street tor9nto agent a t brown acton narrqwe tiir itioliard cnrtwrikut has oxprcflsod tho belief that an adjournment of tho imu jhondewiu b re o w mononoaiieui ia june 8 by nn explo sion of flae in tbe blaok diamond mlucs of the brown coal company two tmlos boqui of here yeatorday morning boveral men were injured and 000 barely osoapod with their lives the explosion ocourred about 7 oolook a rencuior party wont immod lately into tho mine and all of the men were taken out before they wore overcome by tho deadly afterdamp news of the day an epitome of the worlds doings during the week josh billings said noit to a clear conscience for aolid com fort give mo an old shoo putunma pain less corn extractor removes the worst oornt in twenty four hours putnams is the only sure safe and painless corn extraotor tho damages obtained against the ouy of victoria b o aa the result of the vjo toria bridge disaster of last jear now amount to 180000 with only two eases tried tbera are sixty two oasea to be heard from and unless oheapor settlements can be made the total cost to tho oity will probably reaob 9400 000 bntween j00 and 400 delegates will attend tho meeting of tho preubytenan general anaembly tn winnipeg on juno 10 the grand trunk railroad in tho now lime tablo juno 11 will annoutico n re duotion tuna of two hours in tho day train from montreal to toronto mr gueoys bicycle lull was put through committee at ottawa without amendment on monday and received it4 third reading and will now go to the seuato while dr 11 o lngela and dr n it lngclti of chiaaifo wcro out sailing on lakonipissing monday their boat was up sot iu a hfjnftll dr l o ungole was drowned elizabeth doyle was sentenced at god- erioh thursday morning to throe years in kingston penitentiary at hard labor for arson tbe judge said he regarded tho woman as being inianc tjuo seventeenth annual meeting of tbe ontario medical association was held in toronto a resolution passed expressing unqualified disapproval of- the aohemo for tho founding of a victorian order of nurses eands of hogoee throughout the dominion it oures when other mediomes fail ricmnuctq n b april 20tb 1897 dr williamv medicine co dlar sint i am glad to fornlbh you the following voluntarily given testimonial with the fullest permission to give tbo namcb and place they do thia as a thank offering to god and your medicine mrs wm warman of molns river near here bays her son alden was sickly from birth he could hardly ever retain food and hlb parentb bad bat httlo hopes that ho would livo long and tho dootora who attonded him were of the same opinion till eevoq years of age bo continued in that oondi tion then tbo nseof dr williams fink pills was begun and under them he reootf ered and is now a strong healthy boy mr warm an tbo boye father also addshia testimonial to tbo great value of fink pills baying i suffered for years with a bad back until i used dr williams fink pilltt and thoy cured mo miss aunfo war in an adds this evidence with euthu siasm and freedom i waa weak and sickly and did not knowl the blessing of good health till i tookrwilluamb fink imib i used eight boxes and have slnco enjoyed tho best of health in frtot i am nevor siok now ilere you havo three members of a family restored to health by tbo use of your mod icine and you would almost oovot their good health and genial ways largely re- suiting from good health thoy wish you to freely uao theao facto to help other suf forore and 1 am able as iliolr pabtor to cor tify to the facts above stated sincerely yonrs w lvhaon methodist minister new summer wash goods an immense variety of elegant styles and qualities dress goods fancy american organdie muslins scotch zephrs lappets foitlaid prints fine white lawns domph an checked muslins all fw infr cheap pasture illdjf aa aciif8 good pasture land never mhoj ij creek running tbrcugb salt provide price s2 75 foryoarlinga fortboaeaion 375fd older animals or can ho taken by tbe month at 75o to 81 00 per month at no comfortable dwell idr house with btablo to rent cheap apply to ii 13 ilton on tbo pre tn luce orowoons corners or mbs a waters ijondon itoad guelph agents new cdltlou of quoon vlotorltt now roady enlarged thirty two full pago platea added boat hlfltory of tho queen ana tho victorian ira publish oil tho only canadian book acoopttid hy her majesty baloo eqor inoas oanvaasora knocklnr the bottom out of all recorda easy to make thirty dollars weekly from now until diamond jubiloo particulars free the bradley garrbtsov co l to toronto ont her maje3tys diamond jubilee carries qucou victoria hor lifo and llolnn into every homo forsons who never bold hooks tako ordora fast rrofaco tbe moot eloquent of lord du florins achievements mo book so highly pralaod we need moro can vabsors easy to mako 15 00 to 30 00 a week hooka on time frobpoctua froo to canvaoiers a trial will coat nothing aud it may nil your empty pocket hook the bradley garret son gq ltd toronto ont ghhnd atriotic concert da the toronto philharmonic ma88ey muslo hall toronto monday june slat at 8 ociock goods in the market in our dress goods department smallwares new gloves new hosiery new parasols a choice variety in fact our assortment is now complete for the summer trade fine highclass tailoring just opened a fine assortment of imported scotch suitings fine english trouserings etc to be sold at close prices consistant with firstclass work manship now is tbe time to leave your order before the choicebt patterns are selected bicycle suits a specialty hats hats nobby new stytee in mens and boys straws hard and soft felts the latest styles of the season gents furnishings new and nobby neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery etc readytowear clothing boys blouses boys fancy sailor suits every style and in great variety bicycle suits in alpsizes neat patterns and well made a cordial invitation extended to all to call and examine our stock bee our prices this la tho opening entertain men c of tbe diamond jubiloo celebration and will bo nndor tho following distlngubnod patronage ills exoolloncy tho governor goneral of canada and lady abordooa his honor tho lieut governor and mrs klrkpatrlok liout col sir coslmlr gaowflkl mrs john morrow hli worship mayor flaming ami city qouncil of toronto the first part of the programme will bo sacred including uaudel b coronation anthem and mr augora song of thankglving the second part will bo do voted to popular niaslo mostly patrlotla english irish scotch and welsh bj loading vocalists a bnof patriotic address will bo delivered by bon g w rosa minister of education toronto phllharmoala orchestra cboraa of aoo voices porsona taking afternoon trains for toronto will get single faro jubiloo rates good until tba rd reserved seats x oo 76o and 50c general admission 35c hon conductor j humerey auger muh bag oxon any oddltloftl li nftn 1n nhtnlnna by oddroasiug wm campbell 15 beorotary of tho tor 15 pronto street onto rbilhrauionio the- j- n stinson store rockwo0d special bakgains in ordered clothing and mens and boys hats and gibson millhr co ceorggtown roe block 7mv75in st every pay bargain day oo to beautys bane tho fading or falling the hair luxuriant trciscs aro far more to the matron than to the maid whose casket of charms is yet uoriilcd by time ileautiful women will be glad to be reminded that falling or fading hair is unknown to those wbo use ayers hair vigor moor6s for your housecleaning sup plies soap washing powder scrub and stove brushes large or small brooms tmiiiii shops ond warcrooms i ool ol willow st calls atlendeld to day or night j a speight co i undertakers aid embalmers all good cheap and all wgotedan idea ww who eon think of soma ilmplo thing opatctitr brloa vcu wealth otter wanzer ump anp ovjjn just tho thing for no mm or safe sura cheap best in tbe world saves monoy work worry chocpor than wood or cos always roady one lamp with wander oven will cook large tur key or ham roasting or steamilig as you prefer we will ht ploaaptl to wanzftrl 1s4 jcinrsfroet you intormatidn i latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges purnl op alif kjnds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co orders left with j n8tinsqn rochfwood receive immediate attention j o j h hamilton irkalbn ra marble and granite hamiltons block que having ou bknd s urgeqaautlty of sootoh norway swedish and russian grhnit6 and in order to dispose of it to make room for spring slock now purchased i wi sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and mi how nil expenses lo customers to and from our uorl s john h hamilton 10 gents your namo on 1ft ii1upbn nauh btndumo cbiiihb cards cmu wltli ortor aismm taken aildrou canada gaud ii0u8e iugcnoll out

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