Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1897, p. 3

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bank of hamilton heaejoffioe hamilton uailtailaiu ul ukhbiwh lund total ahbiib 81250000 070000 board of directors iin btuaht a g itamfiay 1ruultlont vicavrohiilimt t 1in 1hoctoh uho itoacii at wool i a 11 likk toronto wm uidhon mv ouitnliull uanhlur h b utellikn anat cuuhlor ii m watbon iiibiiootor agencies vr unmil ion diirton st lit hunt lind allluton liorlin olijblovioorkotownoriuibby lucknow milton mount vortrnt onuifjovlllo owen bound tort elgin blmooo toronto vliybaui rbritiah corro the news at home london national trovlnolul uuulrof eiig- aud lw american correspondents nkw yon k fourth national bank and han ovor natl jnal hank uohton inturnatton- h trust co buffalo marino hntik ciifcaao national bank of lllluola aud utilou national rank denioit detroit national dauk ftvnflafl oitst national dank of coaitnorco agents in montreal ilioijaukof toronto v qmorqetown ag13ncyc notoa diooountod aud advaacoaujotlo on auit- fcbloeoourltiob oolleqtionbiuado and drafta boufiht aud sold dauni outiuon ttjojit favorable tonus on ntl accessible points in canada u qreat britain aad tho continent of eurojio upon montly of a local character and every torn interesting ltov t 11 iorhva surprlhetf tliu churchill congregational friondu burjiriacd lliu uuutor unci iiih wife iu luyimj h0ild lo their now homo on dower avonuo on friday ovtmiug lunt aftor ft very- ptcabunl uveniiig to tljo iiroceedinga of which nil contributed tlioy wt the lioino with tunny proofs of kindnena and good will ltov mr iorboh hint won a warm pluce in tlio hearts of hib poanlo christian fellowship exemplified tlio union of tho congregations of tho presbyterian and methodist churc iiob lust qaylnga departrnentv dopoblb of 1 and upwards roooivod and cntocoflt allowed from tlato of doiioait to dato of irithdrawal- special deposits j aibo roooivod atourroutrortob of intorobt n m livinqstone acont windo s you want some hew shades we keep the best all colors mounted and unmount ed in fringe and lace plain or with dado we fix iip free of- charge all shades bought from us window blind paper in green and cream shades call in and see our stock hcadquariersfor wall pa window shades curtain poles- sunday wua most cordial and profitable owing to the iibao of rov j e howell at conference thiu plan waa euggoated- arffd tbo conrteny of rev mr maophorsou in actiuguh puator of tho united congrega tion b for tin day waa much uppreolatod by pautor uud rftotnhera at uioflietor ohuroh the congregations were vory largo they worshipped in tho methodist church iu tho morning and in knox church in tho even ing tho sermons by rov mr- macpher aon were- able expositions arid peculiarly flttg to tho occasion jlih new field at tho conference juat oloeo j rev j e howell- m a wbb appointed to tho church at waterloo duriug hie pabtorato at berlin mr hoivcllaud hie familymade many friends at waterloo and they will remove llionco under many pleasant aubpiocs tho fact that after a pastorates at berlin a point so contiguous to bis now fioldf tbo appoiutmont of mr hbwoll ii bo generally acceptable to tbo charcb at waterloo ieaauporior oomplimont to bis ability and pantorai qualifications general ly it alao speaks well for tlio diacrjpiiaa tion and observation of tho people of waterloo the members of tho congrega tion hero will unite in wishing rov mr howell every ancsesittheret thoexchange will take placo at tho end of tho preoeot neighborhood news georgetown at tlo meeting of thoiiigli tfuhnol board laat week mr a ii oibbard b a head inawtbr of tho ilih school tendered liia real nation to tuku effect at tho ciujo of the present teem the rebignation was accopted and tlio accrptary iiibtrtietitd to ailvorliae for a tenchor to iill tho vauanoy a now wire fonmand entrance gntcn tiro to b3 cemotery mr g ii kennedy was tho lay dilogto to conforenco at brantfoid ddring the week crewsons corners comingand going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes qeo hynds aoton ont s look at tlio data on tlio labol on youil j janorandj0uwilloouowyour bubacrlp- tlon btandb lie now inoinptly it will confer a t jlctan xit fl xtss thubsdav june 10 1817 little local brieflets vhloh caught theeyos or ears of 1 free press reporters this week month lqiillixcti ashchhiuent anil county unto at tbo mooting of tho coanty goanoil laat week tho eqoahzed atbenamentfor the y ear 1800 was adopted for the proeeut year aa follows traralgarquullzod valuo 8 3515000 hsiiuoslng 3a28100 kfllaoq 1758100 kaisojuypjd psflqoq milton ii ii 860000 oakvlllo 1700 acton 214300 goorgotown 310000 ltiirllngton raooq yp sce conycdtion uoxtwod- pepdny about time tbo corporation hay makera were at work let aoton look her prettiest during tbo convention next week the county conncil have granted tho county agricultural society another 300 give the cbriatian eudeavorers of the cooely u hearty welcomqnext wodneaday burlington wants 830o from the county council to absiat in improving tho beach road tbo golden rule nowadays aeoma to read eometbing like this do others or they will do you mondays hoavy rain btorm left its mark in innumerable channels in roads fields and gardoos the prettiest boaqnet of tho soaaon fcprn the garden of mra 8 a secord adorps the editorjal tabic g rind ells now machine shop ia now in tho followingaro the vates levied for the oxpensca of the county for tho year trafalgar s229105 earjuoaing 9209529 nelson 3158319 naaaagawoya 888701 milton 832100 oakville 939088 georgo- town 927900 acton 19287 burling ton 28980 total 883256 aptou defeats stiltau in their first qamo tho first of the aoaaons ohampionahip gamoa of tho haltonpeel league waa played on tho park here saturday between milton and acton and web won by tho home team in tho ninth innioga the tllire lto quite u limnbur on tlio hick list hore at present rthcnnvobtio sorvice in thoclinrchhcro on sunday rev mr kcstlo being away o conforonao mr john sopor sr met with a eorious acoident ono duy last uotk ho line tho contruot of building- a barn for mr j burns near rookwood and was engaged in laying iho hlippera dnd mils jvjjen tho accident bconrred mr soper btbei monhtid jnat completed tlio layiugof tho mud aill whon ho found that it waa too long ho8larteilto shorten iji ahdivad working underneath itwhen aomo way ono end slipped out of itsplacb and alighted pu liiabhontder oruahing hinx bouoalh ita weight had mr soper been working iu a stooped position the aoaident woqld no doubt liave provedfatal as it is it will bj eovorat weeks before ho will bo able to be around again mrs alox crippa is tecovering from a severe attaok of lagrinpo micggo canu ib alao confined to tho hoobo with ah attaok of tho grippe mr and mrs ii moore of wulkerton- aro pponding a few days with filenls here mrs j parker and miaa j stevonsori of ferguh aro visiting frionda hero tho fjibiaipjtkhh tuvitob all itaoadoratocon trlbiito to this coluuin if you or your friomla aro koine away on a holiday trip or if you have friumla vlnltltid you jdrop a card to tbo fnbb iliubb mi w ii storey contiuuos toward cotnpleto couvalodconoo mrs robt flanagan of xowoll mioh ia viaitiug relatives hero min3 anuid smith viaited relatives in brautford tho pabt week miss lmmam mooro of toronto ppent sunday at her homo hero rockwood complete running order the temporary building baa boon removed at last meeting of esfjaealnp council jobeph lsaby was voted 9900 for two hlrda valuo of a lamb killed by doge jr the volunteere to tho number of 08 left on tuesday morning for niagara tho own is lonesome this week without them the halton county c e convention next wednesday will provide a programme pf infenep interest to tho cbriatian com- vn unity tho new evorgreona planted in fair- view cemetery this week add to the general atlraotiveneaa of tbla beautifril resting paoe of the departed rev father haley iibb arranged for a grand picnib jn jonathan oakes grove fpr thursday 24th inst proccods are for the r c church at ouatic tho poster for tho jubilee colobration at brarflpton iseuod by tho brampton fanner ia a mastorpicoo of oloan well- balanced and artiatic poster printing the annoafpionio of tbo patrdha of iudnatry will bo held in modongaild grove on taeiday 22nd inat jubilco day a programme of spqrta with mabic etc has bcon arranged a ten or twolve year old boy in attempt log to gat oh a moving freight train on sunday was thrown and received a vory qftly m n noad lighting on one of tho raili he was considerably dazod foreomo minntea but afterwards recovered and waa able to walk home make no other engagements for next wednesday arrange to spend tho day at the christian endeavor convention in tbfrjtf ethod iij0h ureb -it- wil 1profi tan d intereat you your presonoe will mabifoat yonr interoat in the work of tho young people of the county the eduoation depart mont has juet ianed tho time table for tho high school and university matriculation examina tions this begins as follows form 1 frldayi july 2nd form 2nd commercial special lata monday july 5th forma 3rd and 4th wednesday july 7th elaowhore in this issue an advortiae- moot of the diamond jubilee concert of hill pn tbo evening before jubtleo day scores of the people of aoton and vicinity will visit toronto that day the concert will bo an historical ono and should bo largely attended there will bo special jubilee services in st albans ohuroh on sunday june 30lb in the evening the canadian order of foresters will attend in a body- tho offertory at both services will be tlmoka giving offertories to be devoted to tho parsonage debt all are invited to tho thanksgiving aorvicea garden party a garden party will bo given at tbe homo ot mr john stalker ander the aaspjoaa of tbe ljios aid of kvoox charoh aoton on thursday 17th jane aoton cornet band will be in attend anw arthara string band is alao ejtpeotod and other parlor entertainment admission 25 cents children 15 cents oonveyanoes willba at tbo ohuroh to take all who wish to go to renf the two vacant lots opposite grindellfl shop for tho toxoa s a sscobd play on both aides was sharp and clean tho gamo being ono of tbo beat exhibitions of ball oyer played in tho loagqe score i 12 8 45 17311 aoton 00 2 200011 0 milton ooaoooopa 5 batteries sleaber and rydor and elliott a local poot says tho play was clone dollglitlug all for equal fortune kopt them tied till murray mcdonald hit tbo ball- aud victory swung to aoton b sido the next gamo will bo played brampton on saturday k o money order busiuem the report of tho postmaster goneral for the past year is beforo ub wo givo below 13 4 10 7 qpqsl with mrs wilaon was found lying almost qncaliacioub on tliu floor at her homo last tutaday end la in a very weak condition owing totho ohill biio received she had beon lividg alono and it in suppojed had lain there hojpleaa tlje grnator part of tbo day until sotnsjiqighbors seei no move ment about the liouso iu the ovoning-force- an entrauco and fouud her jn thiqcoudir hon lira wilaon ia being cared for by her daughters mra tilt and mre stewart of gucjph rdv h a muophoraon of anton bpl precomrnnnion bprvicoa in it ho irebbtr ian church on the uh inst mr hugh blacjt wus titteuding tho juno meeting of the diaciploa church hold ttt sotbomas dr drydon called at rockwood last week- ho hab ibst returned frpm 6oy york where ho togk a bpecictliot course iu disqaaea of tho oyoand ear mr h gutfillttn had a narrow oscape last weafrt his horse ran away throwing him out on tho road wliero bo was found some time later and removed to his home hoia doing as well aa can bo expected mr w jago has qbtained a position in ileapuler aucij pays in tho hopuler ball team of the waterloo oqqnty league mr jus magee a native of thja villago met with a fatal accident at oraiuord mich last saturday which caused his death shortly after mr arthur smith of buffalo ie visiting nthiflhpmo falrvlowlljiaqb mr d l jauos of toronto i a guoat at tho homo of mr arch monabb mrs thomae somorville ia visiting her sister who ia very ill at woat lome messrs c h mooro and a e gurney visited frfcndb at rockwood on tuodday mr n lj wordeh of hihsbnrg upont djovr days last week with friends in town mr l colon of aflh spent a couple of dayo during tho wcok with friondsln towtft mi aud mrs william brown and child ran visited friends in brant oni during tbe wock rev t albert mopreof palmexbtortr mudo a flying visit to moorecroft this week merit ulta7ti intrlnnlc tilas of m mw hooddbaraaparllla cljl t9 morlt in modlclno means tho power to care hoods ssrsaporllls po6neaes 0 and unoqualled ourotlvo power and thoro- ore it laa t ramlt when you bay hoods sarsaparlllnsnd take it according to directions to parlly your blood or cure any of tho many blood diseases you ro morally certain to recelvo bonollt the powor to cufc fs tboro you aro not trying an oiperlmont it will make yonr blood pure rich and nourishing and thua drive out t g otd s welles guelph enormous buslneias in this season price arid quality did it tho narvaa and build up tho wholesyatoi window shades lirtvc a glanco over our slock if you pcquiro wall taliik we can suit you cloth 3xg complete wilh r arilla is the besuri lact too ono true blooil purifier mparei only by 0 1 ho co i mass hoods pills xidrf chlldrons- fclt paper ditto nassaciaweya a glance at tbo money order business tranaactcd in tho county during tho year ro 1hhueij tam i1evenuje aotol ei3 12800 01hki 42155011 uroo 770 b33j1 2134a llurllligtoii 70313 flis8fl12 130355 clirarllollvlllo sw705 80335 33170 frooman lcjalq 02301 30932 goorrutown 1455157 721119 397150 milton 17871122 10k733 35079- koesagawoya 61541 1ci508 36080 norval iw7l 119890 38505 onkvlho 1101770 fmoii 901821 palermo 33310 08378 20970 j sdit totalb yyalh li00l 300ou this littlo county has bat eleven post ofilco money order offices yet thoao turn over a money order bubinfiaa of tbo very creditable aggregate of 91252g505 tho public school jubilee celebration the vhvm lukah referr0dla4t we6k to ihi desirability of making the queens jubiloo an event memorable to tho pupils as long as thoy ijvo arrangements havo been completed for just suoh an occasion the members of the school board the teachers aud scholars will celebrate this jubilee of our beloved queen in a right royal manner as previously stated the afternoon of priday jane 18tb has been set apart for holding tho deraonatatioq tho scholars toachers and members of tbo board will meet at the publio school and headed by aoton cornet band and with flags and banners march in procession to iho town hall where tho tirao will be spent in sing ing patriotio songs addresses by tho clergy men leading citiaona eto the board intend making this event one to bo long rem om bored and aasisted by tbo teaohora are doing everything to assuro the affair a auocoss a cordial invitation is extended to tho parenta and citizens to be present farther notice regardiug the hour etc will bo givonia next iaauo of fkiik pniua the no w pautor of the mctuodlut church rev jam 38 a mclachlah m a of waterloo the now pastor appointed to tbo methodist charoh horo ia not a atrangor to the acton ipeoplo tlireo years ago when a new paator was to bo appointed the official board submitted a list of four names of pastors to tbo stationing com mit too any ono of whom would be accept able tho first of whicli was ltov j e howell m a and the aoaond rev j a molaohlan m a ho preached hero abou b- i woyearsa goandbi eeer rooueeio- mnob onjoyed by tho aopgregatioh mr molaohlan is a graduate ot victoria university ho entered tho ministry in 1880 and was ordftinod at tho last aohslon of tho old london conforonco which met ot guelph in 1884 at which dr w c henderson was the president since or dination ho has bad vory aacceasfal paator- atea at harmony near stratford moore- flold wrozottor tooawator and watorloo at teeswater hia labors wero bignally bloaaeck about a hundred converts united with the ohuroh and a debt of 9 m 00 on ohurch property was wiped oat daring his term at waterloo tho last tbreo years about 91200 hab been paid to clear off tbe dobt on tbe ohuroh there mr molaohlan has bean much beloved on all his fields ho is an oarpest worker o popular preacbor and indefatigable iu pastoral duties a hearty welcome awalte him opon his arrival at aoton it waa officially announced in tho do minion hojqhe of commons monday that tho temporauce risbisoita bill will not bo proceeded with this session mrs aahdown and mies miua lingrill of knatohbull spent sunday hiafwoeu with relatives ip bovorly mrs thoscampboll of milton ia visit ing friends in nabaugaweya- mr l s allison poatrriowor khatoh- bull haa resiued that poeiucn and han moved tbo ofiioo to tlio rcbidenco of mr thos wilson whore it will bo kept miss e g wilson of guolpb spent sunday last with rblutlves at knatobhull some of tho farmers aro sowing their turnips this week there was a very heavy tain storm on onday afternoon which washed out great ditches in the heidi thia was one of tho heaviest this beason mr daniel barbarco of corwhin occu pied iho pnlpifc in tho beneer ohuroh laat sunday morning jn plaoo of rov t amy who ih away to conference road work has cpmmonced on some divieions in tho townbhip and by next week it will bo the general order of tho day mr kabort wilson of nnssagawoya left on saturday fpr a two weeka vitit to friends in wawanaah company wo 4 was granted 915 by tho township council to provide milk and bnttor while in camp the ladies aid of boston churoh will givo a garden party at tho homo of arch mogibbou lot 0 con ti naseagaweyaon friday pvoniog juno 18 the earn of 91007 was orderod to bo paid to robert akiur for two sheep killed and one worrtod tho same boing cortiflcd to as twothirds the valuo of tho eamo at last mooting of tho township counoil tho following is a report of tho standing of the pupils of s s no 9 based upon class work and written examinations class iv sr minnio nickel 197 al bert wilson 189 wilbort dirby 178 katio niokell 150 rosa haw 111 class iv jr may camp l0 jcbaio mcgregor 110 class iii erneat borthwlok 202 her bert carroll 185 janet borthwiok 171 mabel wilhambon 125 ada alexander 110 oerlio nollis 09 i claaa 11 sr albnzo onrroll 211 mabel niokell 217 muggio rtpharddon 215 willio watson 195 walter borth- wick 189 lizzio loishmun 1g5 leonurd maltby hi jenny agnnw 101 class ii jr leonaw michio 197 wesley gray 185 bortha bilton 180 viotor watso 177 roy towusend 170 class i sr alico richardson 210 mary ramshaw 235 victor anderson 2j0 ethel watson 225 oians c eva loiuliman 2jo ita tie gray 211 loui6a aloxandcr 235 poroy carroll tio fred aloxander 22 marks obtaiuablo 800 class b honrytownapndmamio near sidney maltby colona niokell wilbort ilaw charles watson john bilton fannio aloxander robbto bilton class a gertie agnew zollu dampor john coxa george damper annio ander son mamie motaviali tkna cumtib teaohor if you want flratolasbguolph sash and doors at guelph priook t eniuok can all your order at his planing mill bbttbh thkn busr anu still t1iu ulist sold la lead paokets only nover inl bulk all grooers councillor john stalkor and mr ross left yebtcrday morning to visit frionds in kilross lilr mcleod of hamilton wheeled hito- town on friday and spont a few days with friendb hero mrs- dr scott of soutbampton bpont a few days laat week at the homo of mr arch mcnubb moasrarartrbrownrehestormatthowb and will mcnubb wheeled q blqra during thc mr h p moore went to brantford last thursday to attend couforouca as a dele gate from aoton mr aud mrs anson a smith attended tho fuuorul of mrs smiths brother at rookwood tbisgelj mr haokett of toronto spent a couplo of days during tho week at the homo of d nonderaon m p mra flobt bjngham left yesterday rooming for qhealey to visit her slstor-in- liw mtm dobbin who ia very ill mr j s lmqnelly m a barrister of carlutou pi a c hpnt a couple of days in town last wvokwith his aibter mjg moneelyrv- ifr adiyfra 03eph qoloman visited tberapii at braptford durlflg tbe week they enjoyed several heealons of the oonferenoe during their stay miss steele aud mibs warren aro attend ing tho annual mooting of the womens bftptiat miebionary sooietjoa of guelph association ttgld in st marya this week miss jenulo steel who spent tho winter with friends in youngbtownohio returned to aoton last week- 8hp will opond sever al months in aoton and other points in ontario miss ida fernley- arrived in town on tuesday evening from brantford oalled hero by tho borious illnesa of her mother who has been stuying for some time at tho homo of robert johqaqu ftsj mr- e b jackson teaoher of tho school between acton and rockwood eang in fine voico tho beautiful solo tby will ba done in dublin street church last qqnday morning in tho ovpniufl aorvioothe eang twlco both aelccuoua being giyon in a wont artatio mannorqnclnhjlfruyj choice goods many a jonerav btrcoc railway strike ib in pro press in vienna all tho employoca in- eluding tho rebervo men have gono out r b mccopncl tbo de4u1tinf presi dent to tho cutout of too000 of the do- funot merobante national bank oomniit- cd suicide a warrant had been just ser ved on him ho abked tho odlcer to allow him to get a coat upbtaira aod there- killod hirabolf positively ciirsffits xlttlo pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsl ncss bad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pill small dose 8mall price substitution llio frauil of tlio clay sec you get carters ask for garters insist and demand carters little liver pills seed corn for silo ensilage or green fodder wc carry the largest assortment ot any seeds- man in canada nil genuine and true ta name wc supply the ontnrio agricultural college and leading farmers and dairymen throughout tho dominion and our prices cannot be beat our hat comprises mammoth cuban iowa gold mine clouds early yellow pride of tho north wisconsin white dent cuban giant white rural thorobrcd flint rangel of midnight salycrs north pakoia hickox cheater co mammoth giant prolific white cnp yellow dent canadian white flint yellow horse tooth campions early mam south sweet red cob ensilage early mastodon early butler improved learning erly huron dent longfellow stowclls evergreen sweet tons of turnip seed twenty kinds to chooso from all away down in price gen uine dwarf eaiex rape seed millet hun garian buckwheat etc and garden and hnrvcsl tools all kinds geo j thortp direct seed importer market siuare 4s macdotmell st guelph- r the reputation of this business founded on the beauty and freshness of the merchandise we sell add to that the fact that goods of equal character cannot be bought under our pricea nnd you have the key to tllq reason for the ever widening circle of our customers among novelties received are black crepons insjikand wool materials almost the- lightnessof grenadine and made up over eilhera lilaok or colored lining make a singularly ologanl costume organdie muslins mostbeautiful light fluffy textures in printing which is a iriumph of art we have them in different prices but the lines at ssc and 33c are simply beautiful parasols added to our splendid stock of plain ulack and colored silk sun umbrellas are two linos of fancy silks one a shot silk with stool rod and fancy handle and one of a large figured silk with handle and trimm ing to match a they run from 75c 10375 each clothing we have just opened a range of boys and y x and 3 pitce quits carriages pricii and quality everyone wonders at their great value sporting good books etc romunbcrtlic name chas l nelles city bookstore guelph h6npbr90n st co readytowear clothing boys anfi mens in all qualities and styles a very serviceable suit for men all wool only 500 shirt waists we are constantly receiving additions to bur stock of these goods and the speedy way in which nice stuff is picked ujj shows- chat our taste in these goods is appreciated hello there i nclll a shoe sale is a dinger thsbic4 is the great attraction no hdghs ill bmile and wonder how the shee jraii sells so cheap our 4 big bargain tables make people smile when they know they are saving money one table at soc new lacesembroideries muslins sateens prints etc in selecting wearables for the comihghot spell give us a look it will pay you full lines of gloves mills collars and cuffs hosiery etc four spools for 10c a best roll butter only 10c lb henderson co acton wlaere ignorance is not bliss tis folly hot to be wise it costs but a few minutes to read the iin- more news ignorance of it is not bliss just a little better ju6t a utile newer just a little cheaper just the little somethings make this the place to buy dry goods one table at 75c one table ats 1 25 gstten dress teds many interesting lines of muslinsand linen effects go on sale loday a pntes to meetlhecold and backward season wc might wait for warm weather the prospecls are all in favor of it warm weather would have sold these goods a monthago at the reduced rates one week of sum mer weather will clear the line if we could print mental pictures of these goods on ypur mind we would quote prices we have them in fancy stripes as low as 80 and better goods run as high as 20c these latter were originally 30c v hesier special values in childrens east black cotton hose from ladies fast black cotton hose 10c 5jc to gc j d williamson co wyndham and maodonnell streets guelph value cellcut also bicycle suite which are marvels of cheapness also mens light summer coats and tests in alpacas and light tweeds also lone dusters new tweeds the ordered clothing department has just received a case of very- nice new suit inga jit prices varying from frig to 82a a suit made to elegant style order in our wellknown e r bollert co 52 and 27 wyndham street guelph ont aoton machine and repair shops henry qrindell proprietor ark well equipped with all tlie macbtnory nooobbmy to ozobuto all ropeurfl to maoulu- ory aud aflrlonltural implements aud to do all klnda of steatnntttoff honsaboolng aud cenoral bloksmlttilnff woodwork ropalra poriormod in a aatlstaetory manner wo oan repair any machine or implement of any make saw gummlngand ollus donu more than half your life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all g of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot shoe store mill street acton just arrived new designs in window shades lower prices than ever before field seeds rape turnip mangel and carrot also seeds in bulk for the garden browns drug store mill street acton j0b printing including booki fampblota postoradu hoadi oiroulara 4o ao oxooutod in the boot style of tho art at moderate prlcon and on abort cotlce apply or addroiii h p moore faebpnbas office acton convention groceries jubilee j goods j jubilee goods latest styles and colors in gents jubilee ties large rangeof jubilee flags newest styles in jubilee hats assorted range of umbrellas pringiie guelph look for new ad next- week the best is always the cheapest my stock of watches was never better livery one thoroughly warranted i will not sell a bad watch if j know it tt d peingle guelph the 1897 columbia bicycle when you come tb guelph call in and have us show you the bearings of the 97 columbia bicycle they are different to any other wheel standard of the world sayage co sole agents for guelph and vicinity tel 40 wheelmen attention rigby porous waterproof bicycle suits are jnst the kind you want they are uptodate they are a comfort to wear they are waterproof they are cheap in price convention croveries our grocery department has allthe require ments in the grocery line for the ce convention to be held in town on the 16th new corned beef salmon fancy biscuits canned goods oranges lemons and banannas leaders a e cu rn e y co furnishings j m street acton jubilee flags suits from 400 upward at renels0n leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndhamst guelph hats hats did you see the bargains in boys soft felts mens soft felts mens stiff hats a full line of straw hats at all prices look examine price and you will buy c f goodeve co acton

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