Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 10, 1897, p. 4

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before retiriilg tak ayprs rills and you wih iilecprjieltcr and wake iii better opnditiortiortlie days work aytis catertic pills tiaveno eqiiijlas pleasant and-effect- ual rejiietly for constipation bilibusiiesssiclsltcadache and aillimltroublfs they arc kuareoated and so perfectly prepared that tltey cure with out the uunoyaiices experienced in- the lise of so many of the pills on the market ask your driijryist for aycfs cathartic pills when other pills wont help you ayers is the pill that will ljfmtatrfr5r thursday june 10 1897 ij ouiig jolhs i bit of advice uy fubn eexfohd sen lioro my little follow 1vo boinotliiiig for your oar vhoh mother nays tho woodbox is empty qulto i four dont wait lor hor to ask you to fill hup witu wood hut fill it without miking and alio will say thats good 1 and wbou film bq tli at to you i know you will be glad because it means elios proud of hcrbolpfulllttlolod wlioii father comosliouio woary of louij bard toil or day twill givo you botb roal ploaauro if you to biin call ay tbo cboioa arts alldoiip father i know his oyos will sbluo and bo will eiuilo a thankyou that tntmus this lad of niino in bolpful trusty willing god blcsb tlio littlo man lovo father boy ami mother and help tlipm all you can sunday school times when wglcritice oub friends vthero aro too kinds of mistukoii mis takes of moment and trivial nilutiiltet wntoji edwfiyj wjndk in tho fjtj home jonrtim undouhtuclly tlio bent aorvioo wldfvh one fr lull d out render to another ys to oavo him from a mistuko liable tobo seriouh iu ita rcflulifl in such an act lio truo friendship but in uicho days of criticism when wo uro apt to oriticieo everything and ovary body r we aro all uptto corroot miotakob whiith nro ubsoluto ly trivial and not worth corrunling andyot in calling attontiou to thorn wo often hurt tlio feelings of our heat friends not ono of ug ovon tlio most goodmturod lilies to havo hie mistakes pointed out wo may not appear to miudcorrectiouh and accept thorn with a omile buyrtislnimart nature to bmart under correction although some of ub may bo oloyer onough to conceal tbo ainart honco tho fewer miatakea wo call attontiou to in others the bettor two- thirds of the mistakes wo make uro trivial their correction is unimportant why then notice them yet aomo people do anddo so constantly a person epoakr of having done a certaijh thing oh thursday wfian in roality it wasdono on wednesday if no important point is involved call attention to ho mistake ywhat good does it do to havotho exactday set right xtiaa niattorof no importance ao why insist upon correcting- the trivial- error 8tauaqh fnimdships have often been priokedby this i tieedlo ofnbeloas cor rection it ie a groat art this art of learning to allow others to bo mistaken when tho mistake is unimportant few learn it but those who do aro among tho most comfortable friends ono oau havo new method a man who was for aomo yeas iu tho log and lumber business on the shorek of lake michigan tollb a httlp iooideut of tho irishmans nnwiinngueasroffo1inowlettgrr his ignoranco of any subject onedaya young irishman appliod for work ciny6 and boom loga asked tho lumber merchant av cooreo sorr returned tho unem ployed with cheering promptness well then baidtho lumber merchant go upon the gap above tho railroad bridgo and boom alt tho iorb you can find with my mark any of the raftbtnon will tell you about the mark tho locality of the gap and so forth the irishman haoitatoa a moment and then with an ingeniotib smile he said ill be afther goin direotly sorr do you boom tho logs as wo do in tbo owld counthry i dunno la it wid a shovel ye boom em borr or how in spring timegev pure blood by using bbb no other remedy iiosscsscs such pcr- fect cleansing hcalini and purifying ii as burdock lmood lhttcis- it not only cleanses internally but it heals when applied externally all sores ulcers abscesses scrofulous sores blotches eruptions etc leaving the skin clean and pure as a babes taken internally it leinoves all morbid effe o wi matur from lln- systnn md thoroiikbly regulates all the organs o the body restoring the stomach liver bowels and blood -to- healthy action o tiiftt palo fare- fpr- uervoqa prostration and anaemi theroiqno medioino tiiatwill so pnomptjy an i infallibly restore vigor and strength aa scotts bmnjaioi solldepepliouiaonoof tlio most deadly oialldarigcrf r sifttifl of iworms arajarrablo appetito itching at tho nbso dr lowa worm syrup is the bobt worm expoilek aman with a red nose u about- the luat to find it oat fever and aguo and bilious dortihge- monta aro pobitively cured by the usoof fajmeleoa pills they not only clpanao- thofltomacb aud bowela from all bilious matter but ihey open tho excretory vea- selfroauaing them to poarcopiouacfilb ions from tho blood into tho bowels aftor which tho corrupted mubh is thrown oat by the natural passage of tho body thoy aro used as a general family medicine with tbo beat results take no risks he went to walk there is a story of a french dog whose breakfast was forgotten whereupon he ran ont into tho garden and returning with a sprig deposited it at hia masters feet it was a sprig of forgetmenot the truth of this story is perhaps open to question but a story almost ab reraarkablo cornes from a florida correspond out whose veracity is uudoubtcd jack is a kandcome newfonnd- lund dog every evening at oineoclock he is taken to walk by bia mabter who has an orange- wood walking fitiok which he par- tiuula kverymivening on the strike of nine jack rushed to the hat rack in the hall nobes about among the walking sticks and umbrellas until he finds the orange wood btick and immediately afterward appears before hia master carrying it in its teeth ho waga his tail and prances doligbtedly about and shows aa plainly as possible that ho will be a broken hearteddog if his friend and master omits the uaual evening stroll one evening the family wore in the bitting room with aoma quests a shower had come up and it was raining bard when the clock struck nine the btrokoa had hardly died away when jack danced gaily into tho room with tlia orangowopd stick in his mouth no jack said his master wo cannot gu tuu it ia ra t ha jo listen to it rain jack with that tho host turned his attention onco mora to hia gaebts and presently thoy heard jack pulling- over the things in the hatrack they enppobed he was putting away the walking btick clever dog that he was a few niinntcb later a beseeching little bark was hoard there in the aittingroom door stood jack iio had an umbrella in bis mouth kvery ono flow for the rnbberu the w a tor- proof and hat of the man of tbe house and that gentleman bearing the umbrella so persuasively offered him took jack out to walk without farther delay do not foolishly experiment with medicines that have no standing or eepu- tation paines celery compound the only medicine that cures and blesses the sick iii matters of health and life no man or woman can afford to take risks or experi ment foolishly a wrong move or follow ing the advice of tho careless or ignorant may result in serious oompliaationa tbia is especially tne in regard to the uao of medicines when peoplo are in a low con dition of health wpftn thn phynipftl pnwnrn tir irnpaired if a newspaper man minds his own busi ness and doea not mind othor peoples busftjcfls how ia ho to mind his own bufiinebb when his businosb ia to mind other peoples bueinesa asumiiiftr seclllc dr fowlora extract of wild straw berry cures cholera morbus diarrhoea dysentery cramps colic summer com plaint canker of the mouth and all bowel complaints of children or adults it ia a soothing effectual and novor failing med- ioiue which gives immediate relief and speedily effects a cure biliousness constipation sick headache liver troubles ilrid nervous hid hioiiiiohb mon anil wotnuti how krulofully thoy writo ubuut hoods sttraaiiirilla onco holpuhh mill diituoufnod hiving ibat till f ullh in nvidiuiuo ablo to do my own work bcaauea iloodd suraupurilwi ha powtr to onrloh uiid puiify tho bo 1 mid make tbo weak htrong this id tho cxpurienco of a boat of peoplo iloodti pills tiro tho bojt raniily cathar tic aud liver medicttio gentle reliable suro tho mill and elevator of geo ilbgers and tlio electric light pi tit in tho town of car- berry were burned ftlonday nroriuug iibau on olovator s1000 insurod for 15000 tliorfl wat no iuelutfnco6iithnoloctrio lifiht plant no avail adam soper of burls falls found alt remedies for kidney disease of no avail until he used soith american kidney cure today ho la a well man andclvo8 credit whore it la duo for a long tlmo i havo beqn a great buiteror from dihoahd ofthb kidieya the puina i buffered wcro the severest i had tried all kinds of renicdtes but all to no avail i was persuaded to try sotfth american tidney cure have taken half adozeri bottles and i can qoulldoutly say that toiivy i ajn a cured man and 0 jiighly recommend this groat medicine to all sufforora from kidney trouble bold by a t brown tbe ridge of the porfect noso should bo broad and almost btraight castpbia for infants and children the fte- lolls ilpiitatfl mi rr vrtppir itnpltl heart beat miis jah gnirit blenheim out aaya i was troubled with rapid boating of the heart and a strange sinking feeling i took milburna heart and nerve pilla and they havo cured me the heart weakness and throbbing together with the nervoueuesb which it caused have completely disappeared and i am now atrong and well ib ho an actor inquired tbe young woman well replied mjbb cayenne thoughtfully thats what ho calls himself in tho city directory uagyarda pectoral balsam cures coughs colds asthma bronahitis aud all throat and lung troubles thcso spraying exhibitions dout open with prayer although a wag informens that tho manager before btarting to operate aaya let ns spray a new man utter howatrango i but a moment ago i had an idea and now it haa escaped my mind putter dont say it must havo been a vory narrow escape uao tho safo- ploaattnt and e0cctuat wohti killer mother gravav worm exter minator nothing equals it procure a when yon aro weak norvoub irritable despondent bleepless or weighed down with that dull and tired feeling that aaually commences at thia season of the year it is wse and prudent to uao the medicine that has given health vim and activity to thousands of weak people in tho past this safe certain and- healthgiving remedy is paines celery compound which is now so extensively prescribed by tbo ablest doctors iu canada tho indorsora of paines celery compound besides thoso in the ordinary walks of lifo are clorgy- men lawyers judges members of parlia ment and bankers hundreds of whom it baa rescued from buffering and death avoid the numberless liquid medicines that are worthless from a medical btand- poin and t ha fi 1 bhadow of a reputation put your faith in paines celery compound and when you parch abo bo sure you are buppiied with the right article bee that tbe bottle and box bear tho namo painoa celery compound and tho stalk of celery this ia the only genuine make the kind that makes peoplo well ebttlo and takek home it ia an awfully smart man who knows enough to know when ho ia laughed at ilrmichufh cured mktfsns t mihhujin a co toronto ont dhau biith i have ubed hagyarda yel low oil for my children when they had bjonchitia ana always with great success i use it also for bore throat and can say ihoro is nothing to equal it as a sure cure miib jamhb obuien btuntaville out i heard the othflr day of a young man who had boon talking for a long time to a bored editor and at last auid there are aomo things iu this world that go without saying yes eaid the editor and there uro still moro persons in thia world that aay without going norway pino syrup iitrongthena tbo lungs and cures all throut troutjteb cougha colds oto q c chapln jeweller of burks falls says he is a new man since uslnfr tho great south american nervine his testl- mony is endorsed by thousands of others price so cents per box or 6 for fa 50 at driikblsts or mailed on receipt of price by y m1luukn tu turunlu there-is-uo- hotter ballubtfor keeping tho miml steady on its keel and biiving it frotn all risk of craukinesi than buai uesh a tiiuuiplt won before taking doanb kidnoy pills 1 felt that diabeueb had its grip upon me now i know that it huabcon met aud defeated 1 havo used iho pilla for aome timo and now enjoy good health i bhall always bo glad to testify to tho niorita of thia triumphant modicmie signed kiaiminljiman bt johnj n b the eurest way of becorniilg good look- iiigiato bdiuvo that way- fagged out nouo but thoao who havo become fagged out know what a depressed tnlaerabfo feeling it is all atrongth ie gone and depondency has takou hold of tho bkfferor thoy feci- na though thero is nothing to livo for thovb however is a cure ono box of parmelcos- vegetable fills will do wonders iu restoring health and strength mandrake and dandelion aro two of the articles entering into the composition of parmoleob pills ood never sends a man whero it ia not for his good to go biliouanesb and liver complaint hoad- aoho etc are cured by burdock pilla crninjs croup 4 totarrirasa dysentery and oil ii o wei comfea ints a buio sawqulck cure for thcso 3 troublea is s- piinnt davis used intornnuy aatl externally 4 twoblzcn clc and boc bottlih jjj jj for years i havo been greatly troubled with nervous debility and affection of the kidneys i believe i tried every proprie tary medicine under the sun bnt none bccmed to give me any relief until i bad tried south american nervine to my burpribo tho first bottle gavo me fercat relief i have persevorod in taking it aud can bay that i have not felt bo well for years- i do heartily recommend this great o soldb tnrnwn t tt tttt t ttt t xt thedl emulsion is invaluable if you are run down as it is a food as well as i a medicine i the d l emulsion i will build you up if your senoral lioaltli i liiipaircd tho d l emulsion l the best and molt palatabla preparation of cod liver oil agreeing with ibu mostilell- caio aioniacha j tho d- fit l emulsion la prescribed by tlio leading pbyslclana of i canada tho p fit l emulsion iain ihnrvelloui fleslt producer and win tjivo you an appotlta you an appall 50c si per bottle tho man who thinks he knows it all puts out hia dyes to begin with why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat or lungs and run tho riak of filling a consumptives grave when by tho timely tiso of bioklos anticonsumptive syrup the pain can bo allayed and the dan ger avoided thia syrup is ploaaant to tho tasto and- uuhurpasaed for relieving healing and curing all affections of tbo throat and luugb coughb eclds bronchitis etc there was joy in hell when tho qrbt drunkacd rolled into the gutter two itottlcs ctirc pimples gestikmen for a lonfcimo i had pirn- plea breaking out all over my face i was told about b b b and started its uao aftor taking ono bottle i was much better and tho second bottlo made a com pi oto earn i havo roobmmended it to others of my friends and they havo found it unt- lormiy satisfactory ijj iie liight house cor of king and huglison sts i i carpet special rjj very rare prices will rule this week in oo pieces of best five ho frame brussels cmpel regular price 8135 nqw being sold for 8100 hi made and laid this is an unparalleled opportunity for you to secure n handsome carpet at 1 price that in all probability will not occur ngaim wia pe will in nd o th g of hotisefurnisliings new art muslins fast colors choice designs curtain width just the thing fair bench cottages cretonne 30 inches wido new designs fast colors special price 15c regular price 20c- a very attractive line of uqdc iorliers the very thing for sunihier decorations t in all sics arid style with pillow and valance price ranging from fc io375- i j j newwhite quilts veryspeeial at 96c india yeats- very new- and novel in oak birch- an j mahogany- fti50hnd s175 v screens in oak and mahogany from 125 tosoo new japanese tamboured and- colored bead curtains 350 845 and 8550- r- thomas c watkins the right house hamilton icellys ivliisic store will be found in future on corner of wyndham and quebec sts premises lately occupied by tradeis bank the public are are invited to call and see the finest mdibfe stere in western bntarie c w kslly telephone 178 guelph 3vcens hats a poor man has as much right to big own as a king thoro over was and never will bo a universal panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which flesh ia heir tbo very naturo of many cuiatives being such that were tbo gormb of other and differently seated dieoatiea rooted in tho system of thopatient what would relievo one ill in turn would aggravate tbo bthor wo have however in quinino wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stato a remedy for many and gciovous ills by its gradual judicious uao tho frailest systems aro led into cou- valcbconco and strength by tho influonco which quiuino exorts on natures own restoratives it relieves the drooping acurious ceremonial it is not generally known that there is a strange and striking ceremonial by which the vatican anthorities aeanrj themselves that tbo popo is dtmd the cardinal chamberlain approaches the bed of the dead pontiff and bearmn his band a little hilvcr hammer he prostrates himself beforo tho bed and calls tbe dead man tbreo timea not by hia name aa pope but by the name that was given him at hia baptism then he toaohes him lightly on the forehead throe times with tho ham mer tho ilcuco which follows thia appeal by voico and by touch ia final proof that he who makes no answer to it is beyond its reach after tbia formality llio cardinal pronounces to the waiting prieatsthat tho popo lias ceased to live a dimple in tho chin ia pretty but indi cates weak mental organization the board mustache and eyebrows may be made a desirable and uniform brown or blaok by an occasional application of buck ingham a dye for tbe whiakora tbo npper lip when projecting bhows arrogauoo snd want of shame bloodpariflere though gradual aro radical in their effeot ayora saraapar- hla is intendod as a medicine only aud not a stimulant exoiiant or beverage immediate results do not always follow its ubo but aftor a reasonable time perma nent benefit is certain to bo realized always with us ttachor now children tho letters on tho blackboard advertiaement spells something whieli lias always been ii over and will bo published in every nowa- papor and every magazine in thia country what i jt smat boypleasfl maam iu tbe 3iothorinlaw joke i jhink pick me up- fopu sino qua non means something you cannot do wilhoot little frank oh a wheel indian agent well what do you want now 7 poor lovaut to change pony for biko ugh 1 but yon said she sang beautifully no i didnt what did you bay 7 i said she was a beautiful singer speaker my fellow citizens i am speak ing to posterity voios from tho audience and if yon dont ibou got through theyll bo hero do tronblo bout er man makln fault aid unole kbon is dat he gilsrooro an more expert at bis buiineso and de demand fo his goods rita lebi and less asking questions of an editor is a great deal like standing on a railroad track try ing to eoare a locomotive nothing hotter miss emily cltain almonte out sayu i have never found anything better than your fowlers kxtraot of wild btruwborry for pains in tho stomuelu0 diarrhoea a few doses ourcd mo ofiovero diarrhoea after other medicines had failed wo al k it iu the iiuuh and hrfw ev oonttdenoe in ita virtuea iliousness iicaoied by torpid liver which preverita diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrlf y in theatotnaob then follow dizziness headache iniomlno nervousneia if not relioted bilious or blood poisoning hood fills sllrmilato tho stomach rouse the liver cure headache dlklni tlpatlnn oto 23 cents homby all di tlio only pills to take with hoods barsaparllu eon- ruggtsts men make laws and women raako man ners rheumatism can be cured in january 1800 i was attacked with bciatlaa from which i was a terrlblo auf- f orer atfd tootndi n dnotfllioff ornino luontha tbeu dr hals ted a treatmont cured me and i have never bad arhentnatlo pain since aikx mann sen ago 811 jra acton macohlfilh 1807 you think of scotts emulsion as only ibr those who have consumption or who have inherited a ten dency to it almost its greatest use is for those whose conditionals so im paired as not to he able to get tliegood they should out of their ordinary food in nearly every cilse with these scotts emulsion of cod- liver oil brings back appetite stimulates digestion restores color and plumpness and controls the diseases of thin ness book about it free t he sure you get i davis lawrence co ltd b hc gcllulllo 1 montreal 3 willie i told her my love was bo great that my brain was on flro charlie what did she sav to that willie tpld me to blow it out try it it would bo a gross injustice to confound that standard healing aent dr thomas e electric oil with tbo ordin ary unguonts lotions and halves they aro oftentimes inflammatory and astringent this oil is on thcobntrary eminently cool ing whon applied externally to relievo pain and powerfully remedial when swal lowed bpirita of thoso with whom a chronic btato of morbid despondent- and laok of interest in life is a disease and by tranquilizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing bleep imparts vigor to the action of tbo blood which boing stimulated courses throughout tho veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activitya- necessary result strengthening the frame and giving lifo to tho digqbtivo organs which naturally demand inoroasod subatance robult im- provod appotite northrop lyman of toronto have given to the public their quinino wino at tho usual rate and guaged by tho opinion of bciontiats this wino approaches nearest perfection of any on tho market alt druggists sell it 50 eli ainlifo scott ft mm- faith never wears a- long faco from aqonyto joy acute jitie sufforjnera t from acute nt pflllftvflfl hy i hi south american rheumatic cure when hope had well- nlffh gone mrs w ferris wife of a well- known manufacturer of glen- coo cheerfully tolls the story of her cure i was for ycarh great sufferer from rheumatic affection in my ankles aud at times was so bad that i conld not walk i triod every known remedy and troatcd with best physicians for years but no per manent rolief although my confidonco iu remedies was about oxhaublod i was in duced to try south american iuieqmalio cure i purchased a bottle tho very first dose gavo mo relief and after tab log two bottles all pain had vauiulied hd thoir has been no return or it i do choorfully recommend this groat romedy sold by atbrown ak your grocer for for tabic und dairy vvvvvvvvvvvyvvv for divers reasons j the every day suit that a man wciirs to be comfortable in to ho busy in iik hiiit that iiu is fceu most iu should- hi m j atrong goodfitting well made siilislnii 3 tiul suit in n style tf cut niul fabric that i 3 up to tin tinici- this dots not ncccssa- a rily mean nit expensive tut it menus 5 one of shoreys ready mndo suits which are guaranteed jii every rcsptct by oiicof their guiirnntce cards in tlkikkct if it does not turn out nsiiarantfld briij it back and get your money refutulr no other nianufnctiirer of keklymnl for and see that you get shoreys make 1 0 waakaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa newest shapes and best shades tie found in our range of hats for spring wekr we hwe carefully selected the most tasty things from the best english and american makers and guarantee every hat we sehv we are also showing a complete range ol colored shirts neckwear- balbiigan undevwear cashmere hose etc railway time table crand trunk railway lioind mnil lixiiioh ioinll hast hxiii m nil i kxiiroca mull mlxul llmi 01 clolilnil siaiis tlolnu wont u li 11 111 11ml li lll pm aoiiiu iiiatiii lrtilm uthi ri ipin thin tlniii lilblu wuiil it uuwt nov ilotli iniij ill 17 n hi 1111 11111 10 01 11111 1 moliilu georffetowu electric woiks manufacturers of dynamos eltectric motors water motors and hydraulic rams llmi aiidrleaiii flttliikaild uonorariloimtr- iun- uulninililppoilvit1i niaiitiraziuiiiiiicbiqo 1 am proimruu to do lirazinoq illayclofl kramoq ao wjiuoih couvortoil irom dlrfcct to tanijod spohofl hmidlodarii liollt to illiyuimlvqil hikui iuil llupaf bpolmsliopt in btbek hfttlbfacttob riratautacd xlloyclos oiialnolloa 111 any color t j speiahtaocogotpwn main stre6if- s acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of saali doors frames mouldlug in all stylus dressing ms tohinq tmamovlmitg to ordor on short notice woll assortod stockton hand at prlcosto cul tlio timob john cameron proprietor brkntfojrd steel wiria- mills internal cov orod goar iatont ltollor and hall bor- liics cajvaaxted tow- crti awl wjioals tiio beat in auioricn idoal bpray pam i iron puiniib wator taukflmiiliiy c- the ideal power mill with roller and ball bearings la a wonder bond for circulars tiie mapls leaf vbiisvun ioii ant powan pnom h j -tv- jioiihe to aouonsif looldj ton inch hovorslblo platen o snociiil doeign ihapley hall uoarinqs for tho zm- plates uuqbqaaybriuaa imuirm sno and fast our iu foot ideal jowor coutffjm mill will run it satlnim- vf- tbrily tlrislbbyahodda bpantfordcan otonudermado jqhn mqu66n henderson go gehts furnishings department i qji refencihg roeb 88lva0b fwnoinaoo matononuiui ip i c these f3n cinqs as wlihl rf mr-mcls- cljojcc sice vvjrn nclliilks far trains iniiliry varils livjj jtjicinks utc arn hoij much lower this rar np over licforu they nro llio liost ask your hanlwnro merchant fur ihcni aoent for above also for frost and wood binders and mow a full lino of all kinds o farm implements and repairs etter than the best c fciebesx mixeohalf and pne pound packets retailsib 30 40 60 and 60 cents a pound the davidson a hay ltd wholesale agents toronto fjo a peqi qsfbg 3 word tq tle yqinjg rnaq preparing ffl open a storo of his own wljcrt you gpt roacly to do buslaoss tell iho public what you aro going to do use plenty of a4v9r tislng spco to tell your story well nnd thoroughly but tell it simply dont whoop dont turn verbal flipflaps dont uuikc u jumping jack of the lngl f ah langunge dont tear your hair nnd froth at the mouth just get down to business and tell people in short simple words all about your new store and your new goods act like a solid business man not like a flybynight fakir the man who merely jumps up nnd down mjgljt just as well stand still soft and fajr kflps far jij a dny- work tip a floqd qljd bnnjncss by spjcl business moth oils cqiv and wheedle ancj suggoai nnd argue dont try to yank trade in by the hair as bill nye once sagely observed when you want to kiss a girl dont grab for it take your time its there to cure- rheumatism brlstol pehal6 and nbver rails it will yotj well m your drusrdr dealer for il i msniii fob twentysbven yb4b3 try ii ucf in tue fr ex pxev3 ffl vkm disions ro6pvriaht o btqhanddoi n rto wo ho wiuiiiiimton omco 80ientific amerlofln look on 1athmtiloiarnio xcmroh munn co 3ul droadwnv new vvrk

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