Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1897, p. 1

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volume xx it no 30 acton ontario thursday tunis 17 1897 price three cents ib i ofilibjlkd lvlry thursday morning at tul frr p ofli re mill stitret acton ont- ti kmh ov huimcuhriov ono dollar 1 1 r jbar strictly in advance all subuorli tioim dbaou tlnuod wtion tho tiino for whlcb tlicy have boon paid baa oxwrod tho dato to which avory subscription is paid 1b do noted ou tlio uddruas label ajivjcntiaino iiati a transient- advrtino moots 11 ooutti pur nonpareil lino f r niat in uortiou j coutb tor lino for each bubaoquout iasortion ctontiuct jtarks the following tablo sbowa ottr rates for tho fhsortiou of udvortlbumoiitafor hpoolneu ported e y j mo a mo 1mo 8w 00 r d3o 00 ft20 00 i 91 00 j5 00 30 00 13 00 jw 20 00 i 100 7001 2 60 cool a 50 a oo i i oo 10 cleajl the balance 0v ouii wall paper- wl imc r iiicd the price to cost and in bonil lises below cot price aoiobbes 10 tnoboa 5 inches i inch ajvorunqmonts without specific directions will bo losorted till forbid and charged aooord insly translont advertisements must bo paid in aavanoo advertisements will bo changod onco each month if doairod tor clmufioo ofteuor than ouao a month tbo composition niustbopaidfor at regulai ratoa changes for contract ad vortisomouts must bo tbo olll q by noon on tuesdays h p moore editor and proprlotor mxmms jkratofp medical t r uren m d o fit offlcmnidtobtdoncoco m o rmnrstro3orictt 8 1 roots acton as elliott m b m 1 aoton qltaduatf toitonto unilr8it office main stroot third door eouth of presbyterian church acton veterinary surgeon a ltred p husband v s graduate of tho ontario otorinary tolloco honorary member of tho votorlimry medical hdolofy pffice win husband b lot uj con i nobs pgawa polls day pr night promptly attended to l bennett lps dentist 4s aeoboetowv omtabio d r t 6 mercer ocntibl graduato of toronto university and ii c db offlpo over drug btoro acton vlbittko davh tip i1kpa1 and i ii i dai rm bell dds lds ienn8t blwouvillk uonoh gltapuath of toildnto uimrnblty work mado satisfactory prices modorato vihitino dah tuosday and i rid ay of oach wfcok leoa jtf clpan mclean barristers 6ojloifofb notaries conyoyancors tp pjjvotofupdbtplopp m tew flrr aptrp w 4 mojjpav jp a mclean douglas murray bahitlhteilfl boucltoi b notaiuks etc offices 120g quoon bt parkdalo victoria chambers 01 victoria st telephone 307 tqiionto jodn doudlas a g muhbay j macliirtinuin 7 uaoinihten holicitoi1 convlvacen off ice mill fitreob in matthews block yotirc rp u m40heson j b mcleod j jpnjfitf iia bolilirons convevakeiib jporgotown apd milto ioppv tp ipp m iptppj rajpfl r j mokabb glork fourtb dlvlfllon court coauty of hal on conyoyaiicor i ire and uito ansurauco ucal cstto agant alouoyloloan jtc office 1 orryinau aulook acton ont jdlscellaneo vs ry gbist i otttawa canada uo q e pato forftiyenilofirgtc proouoa apnllcatlona tor tho canadian amor toun and euvopdan patont oulcos and for tlio itpelmratron of trado marwl bond or pam f bahoib nunan bookbindeit wyndhamst quolpb ontario oor wllllaml btoro account booia or all kinds mado to ordor rorlodlcalbofotorydosorlntloncarofullybound ruljnpnoatlvad prompt v dono m llbbiafln llobnseb ii v m0obp unnrn ov mannuae vwrxure prlatoollc fjo whuobiiob roqulrod imiioii roiidonro in tbo ovonlng free prcfa olnco acton ffp havoplohty otvunda i vmo l n yfllago prqporly w c jackson jhnyeyancell an monev hndfi pplpi wyndliawst near city hall ourw woulngtoo mutual fire insurance company tibtajllibiikd 1m0 imburanod on caab and mutual plan any ooinmunlcatlonb fonrardad to my bdjroiib box 638 or tolophono 68 will bo promptly at tended to taylob agent quolpb 1 lit- st id iswcll vyuipicd combimlion perflct wl can bhou j on lilt nicest and chcipctrt lipcrs 141 i he cit ou tni mono llr tmlc ly dcilinp 1 days bookstore quelph day sells cheap a little entomology wc wish lo cill the ittenasfl the hotiscwiicb of thiscommunu to i ery ticbtructue household insect which ins ijreid done bcriotib dinncc in this dibtrict j wi refer to whit is known is the buffalo moth or carpet beetle m fau wtircli attacks md is ery injur lous to woilcn goods clothing carpets upholstery etc the- traders bank of canada authorized capital paid up capital and surplus assets over 1 oooooo 785 ooo 0 3ctoooo aftig how to know it it consists of an icthe brown hri iquirter of in inch lontf or less clothed jvith stiff brown hnirs around the sides if jou ire not fimihar with its ippeir nice vc uill bo pleased to ihow ou specimens iit our store in its three stages lira pupn and adult insect- howtglestcqy this nesl 1 thp nct questlop of impohincc hanp ducotered it in vopr house we hve e remptly stewarts buffalo metft bxiermtnaier or liquid ineectiglde will rid jopr house of them in a short time it is a guaranteed remedy price 25c abattle i alex stewart better try it jouil have better health etter spirits the best of fun and splendid exeicibe whv miss it all weve the best valtio- in alj yheejdcim at 40 50 60 better send address far catalogue j m bond co cuelph cuslph family and dispans ids chemist il ont a8 8fr9 styles and priees to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters tor presents waters btw st qeobrb sqljaifb uklbh main street planing mills acton ont jn 9ffi arch a c manufacturer of saab doors trapcb uoiqiug in wps nrkssfwq m w to ordor on bhort notlco woll assorted btook on band at prices to lul to times john cameron fro prgtpr f tifiitnhkn anotii kd i0pmkd 4tjoomeejl tho countlos of wellington and ilalton jfeleflattbofnee rbs aplep aoton or irp6idpnoojaotflp vrl bo proniptjy at ifdp lppsrpdopdtq 588 also mpppy p loan qn tpp mpf layqrablp kb and at tlio loobt rafpb qf lntorost in mbof500ant pwarilb w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont mark a bfecialvry of machine finished book papers and llul oijajik fkk viwk ho pappf qood hli ifv ft jp 5ppyp pi wm bappeb hob j h hamilton bealen ik marble and granite hamiltons blook ouelph having on band a large quantity bf spotcft pay bit4 a russia grknite ani in order lo dispose of it 10 mnp room for spring sook now purchased i wl sell 11 a reduction of 20 per cent and w lllillow all expenses lo cuslonu to ind from our works johk h hamilton cuelph branch 3 suttib ofl and upwarddiecoived o on dopoflttanh jj porcont intoroat paid or compounded half yearly deposit receipts laeuod fur lurgo euna dopomted advaucea mado to responelule firmera on thoir onui names nojbarje made for colloitinfi snitb notoa if payable in ouolph a oenornl banking buainehb traneivctcd a 1 it jonfs m nuugcr ride a bicycle if not why not your friends do and enjoy ifgreatly light summer tweeds that look coo anc feel- coo styishy cut propery finish ed ani generally welj taiqipd iof high priced but hh enough to ensuie every satisfaction to the wearer the pleasure of first choice is yours if you buy now 8hay tfjrnek mprohaqt tailgrs gflelph the campaign prepare for winds wo would eall jour attontton to the faot that wo are preparod to supply you with lumber of suitable length for jaar barn doors viz 10 12 10 or 1 1 feet also sash doors u j 1irameb j a a etc for building storrn poors put up at as loty a rate as posbllc pups- repair yonr pumps or put in new qhcb before it is too cold we can do it shop at foot of river street acton th08 ebbace manqggf o rp 7voorbs w for your housecleaning sup plies soap washing powder scrub and stove brushes large or small brooms all good and all n cheap georkcfxnvii electric wrts y spprp pru mpnmfapturers rf ovnamps electbtc mqtops wtep mqtqrs qnfl hybraulic rams i no and blcaiu i ittlna and uoncral ilonalr ins iloiim oiiuippod with a uaa braaiiir niaouloa 1 ani preparud to do braslnaon hloyolmprauips lo wbfolb coiiyortoil from plreot to tanen uiwkpa handle bars bent to any dplra aualo i ull lino of anokos kept in atook ratlafaetloi ruaraiitecd illoyolob onamellod in auy oolor loyolos t j 8peioht ooorgotown e b collins butcher dotlfti to thank tliu numoroui enitomeri for tliolr lihoral patron aso since ho aommonaarl buiilnebt lout january and iiopob tbat by carofnl and oonrtcoiih attontiou to merit a couiluuanco of tboir custom a couliltti ttbnortuiauf of 0r class qeef mutton amtj poik txfuh ano salt hams safuages poultry lard o in betuon prioafl alwayo aa tow as oonnlitcdt if uh tlio cutnqaly t robipl dmuory a v topic wantpff b colijn3 the j n stinson stoftf rocoop vp in till iol t vl in tho loft in id boontod clovor tivu o u3 poi abd tdlkod it ovur tulkud of tliu yoriru tbat laggod and waitud i nil of tbo ol 1 of fancy jmlfibtdd i ull of tbo joj8 that hopo was hvidb joy a that tlio world is bot n dlvltifl t i ull of tho honors youtb cua sproad ovli1 ia ovmi fairbtaj loin watt a rolanol btavu an 1 comolj diitiy iu hlu woratod garuiouts homely jnok w m a doctor all wore booking jim was u law j or ftlib of sneaklnk 1 rod as a morcli ipt bought aud sold half of tbo world for loavop of hold t 1 1 wan bailing ibo yidoiib ovor uiorolu my nbipof boontod cloor up luuho tomb of tbo bloshoius gbobtfl of tbo past ivoro rotiud ub flittfnfl i orum that mritcaldoed8 bad dcuo cuuiq to ub oho by ono all of tlio tul oa wo bad board and road jfow woro sung or swd u toui af tlio k oil lit a with bulmots glahciog uudor thfifr snow wbito plumage dajicfny jim of thogonli wolrd of inibslon jack or tbo sago u cold ambition j- r 1 of tbo lamp which dim and old lighted aladdiu to famo and gold i and i was at heart a slndbad rovor gathering onb iu a valo of clovor up in tbo couab of tbo grasses lyiufl there an tbo winds outslda wero el fib in a tboro iiiiihat hold of fragrant olovor un lor tbo baru roof s trubtod cover ah or ub wbiflpoiod lorna swootboart nauo hai ly no tno tbosamo all of us murmured oocroto tboro oftiiiymaidotrftfnjr in that cbajol of scouted clovor each of us vowed bimsolf a lovor how did tbo cast loo wo wore building pall with the auurlflos fragile gilding how wero tho ho oo dosiro was giving orubhod iu tbo woar and toar of tbo living how in tbo nooutldo b steady glare qono aro our maidoub fair tom s in a fow abort years sedately marrjod ajudgo sovoro and btatoly jack bad fbo mutou proniaturoly tiu lias a wifo ho lovos unsuroly i rod bos ouo who dainty olf married bis monoy and qt bimsolf aiid ttbo wiiooo imaijo tbougutfuuy gay lit brlitost tbo loft pn tbat wittar 4ny fioopb wlpn tfo summor yylnda y qvor otpmnly npai moomiufj olqver will oanlhtox 1 why don t you utik dr ajoll to join your boating club booaueo ho d bucii a ooufoundoj hum bugl bui l mr tuou warron snipping away at tho bit of paper with tho widow a tkzt 3fantilu jlcafting i iue ol ors 1 i v kasuol1 ii a bubacnption said doctor angoll his frank faco all amilcs pray walk in ladies i am dohfjited that my poor little baobolor a den of an office ib bu btghly bon ored i yod aa i often aay charty iii ono of tbo fey luidtiea in whioh we atruggliug profoaeionil men can afiford to indulge tray bo acated by the window sisa alia tatio ho oofa mrs eatcaurt t t ud all vpry wel for doctor anjl fa call hi9 uao a poqr lttlo haebelqrigdep i3u uo quo glao woutl bavo ventured to aflu any nuch uomenclaturo to it tho floor was covcrod with a tiny patterned persian carpet tho wind owe were draped with japanese ohml all lettming with oldyi been and buttertlies ou aroond of cniribou the bookaase and eeoretary of mloid walnut were orcated with alabaster atatuettea aud expeoaivo bronze trinketf and a painted china lardtmnc ppar the bunsluio ias ullod witb fdaily crt bo house roses and erus pnoy eatooqrt looked aroqud wi ratppipjj ijej ahe liked pretfy tbidw aud the exquisitely ordered plac gratified her benbes as one of palmer a marbles or churobd paintings mifaht boyo donp n4 fllanoo walbo sepretly vowed wtbm heraairto have just suph a move of a jardiniere in ber own boudoir before she was twenty four hoars older 1 yea aaid mr a ustcourt who was the spokebwoman a joung widow wo aro collecting funds for a homo for ifldiren widowa g iuire ajlatl baa promise us his old btonobouae by tbo pine glen free of all rent or cbartjo an oqr idea now is 1q 4qwialhtrftadeigftk a fflajt w soibbors do put tlioaa somsora dovu lack aaid luoy a iittlo impationtly buk 1 dr angell a regular dead beat i nodded jaok good looking but ehujlow amooth but fals jack 1 well ft d tru said mr wacren em phatiqalty how do yoij know n rorb tho fellow a loo to be sure i now jack hatd mrs ibtoouft flush mg upo the roots of ber golden hair tbat is all jealouhvt nothing m the jworld bat jealousy just as you ohooae to have it aaid look aeconely it don t matter a pin to me either way only mark my worav lucy the stiver tails people will find blm odt after a while tiod him out liaotty noddod jack ho b running old dr jeonina out of praotioe now people prefer his soft votao and wavy yel low hair to the old fellowu bru9uo ways and rusty witf but therell ho an end to bis popularity one of these days he gave me u ten dollar bill for the indigent widows home 1 cried mra cat coort indignantly jack only whistled ho a a hambug for all that said be poor jack i ho was no reader of femi mue clmraoter else be would never have fanned the flame of bia pretty cousin a evanescent fancy with the gales of qppaah tion he would hayg agreed with her in pifl be would have loaded the young doc tor with praiees and eoboed every word of commendation tbat she epoke but jaok warren had nl way a blqndered thrnqgb q wqrld ond he was tre tq hm oharap jef in thjq instance hia frnmy forehead and jouovv balr and goft vqiqd don t make an angel gabriel of bim sui 1 jack and so you 11 find oat and lucy eslcourt was bq nottlud that bbe fflfie up and wbisled out of the room work basket and ail it was tbo afternoon of the next day tbat bhe took it into her capnoious little bead to visit a favorite old pensioner an ancient toothleeu crone who lived in a tenement house in the very diufiiebt part of tho town of silver falls and who was destined to occupy ono of he rooms of tho homo for indigent widqi ftbyifl tbat bcriuc waton becatne a qertamty wei rre midgeston and ow are yqa eaid mrs pstooart ruljlipg flftftly mtft tp rtoorfl a apjjaciton ol s ard gpep ha fid attftr q tow rs ijdgotan rpped her knitting and turned a man hu pair of sllyer speotaclos toward tho new comer 1 worrited mra midgctson with the soolding deary ind tba qqw fusion next door yjiu a partitiou between teury as is no thicker than a sheet of papr lib ten youraelf sweetheart and 50011 hear lacy eatcoart heteued and bcoame aware of a vague conf ubion of v6cqh etttbt s-itr-m- a a ahe jialf alarmed ta pqor izio wftdo dear as is dying pf coaauuiption and bhe amt beer able to pay her doctor s bill as how bhould she poor thing and the doctor hes a taking away of liqr owing maahino by main forpe tho only thing as btood between ber and starvation the old wretch i ontd out mrs est court excitedly why will people employ dr jennings when there is euob a noble generous physician aa dr angell in town 8h2 sojd lrs mdgelibon tariag through tho bge silver epeetaclcs but it am t pr jonnmget cbildie ta fqcy held p hor foreftnger with an sjecialbar0ainh ofdgre qlqthlrs and mens and boys hats ouexph business college and shorthand institute quelpb ont bupfhiolt taoiiitirh for tliorou and practical courses of htudy lluokkooplng hbortbaud and tynowrltlnif coiitbob a specialty uradnates anblbtol to uonltlons fall hi bsionu conunmicos sei t 1st write for olreulnre j flarj prlnvip j0bpr1ntinh os tors ttil ooniod in tbo rjepn and on p mqoau faasptiktft offico aton loss of tjme jjnly tbmh how mnofa good we can apcqropih 1 1 it ii a noble idea i said young dr angell with kindling eyes r yeb said tbo pretty widow adjusting tho links of her jot chain 1 think its a capital plan myself 1 and ft you gentle mon will bjolp is with a little ready money we ladies will undertake to furnish ijnon qhina and hquseeepmg wares 1 dr angell imied tdsar ladles qaid ho i shall not attempt to disguise from you the faot tbat i an poor i but as i enld before charity is tbo ono extravagance in wbiob i delight to indulge ruyeolf pray allow met and taking a ten dollar bill from 0130 af the drawers of tho ifilaid tarctarie he laid i in mrs estcourls hand i only wish it wero more said ho with a graceful deprecatory rroiion as slip in ad a baa to to thank bim bnt t hope you wdl accept it in tbo spirit in which it is given 1 oh dootor smiled tbo young widow if every gentleman in silver lalls wilt give ns as much we ehall be ablo to open the home at once 1 and as the two ladies walked away their conversation naturally turned on the gen tleman whose elegant httle sanctum they bad just loft there lacy said mimj walls trlurft phantly what did y you 4 pon t be look exactly iko papa a picture of st john with that noblo forehead and the wavy hrjiwnjiairbrahi from it said mrs jstcourt and how beautifully he expressed birqself aboqt the luxury qfglvmg i jdqlikparnau tq quo aolect language uibtpad of plqnging hoad long into all manner a slang hko poor oousin jaok i and his velvet smokiug cap tasbetod with gold added blanche enthnbiastical ly dldjou bco it on its pqg and tho oarvod swiss glove box on themautel aud tho sweet turkish chibouk with its onamoled standard and amber mouth pieoe and oh luoy tho perfectly fitting boots that ho wore my dear blanche what nonsense you are talkinu said mrs estcourt with iu superior amilo which becane a rflrrje woman and ftno whp was full eigbteon mouths older umu her companion but for all that the pretty widow thought a gooj deal about dr angell and bis deop bluojsjea auol st john forehead aa she sat ojt liar needlework that aftgrngorj jftcri slip aaid to the hiucli enduring cousin who had boon hopelessly in love with hor ever sinco she waa a fccbool girl in a auu bonnet and bronzed kid boots mockingbird music mr theodore koobovok oxproeses tbo opinion that tbo muaiaal vcputatton of the mocking bird suffers groatly from its habit loty ou ordinary oooftthot an oapocially tho daytime it playa tbo barlo qtiin bu at nilit daring tlio lovo fieason it haa a 6oag or rather aona win oh are not only purely original but also more beautiful than any other bird raaalc what ever onoe noar naahvillo he heard a noaking bird emg in a way that be can never forget ho thus describes bis ex porienoo jtho moon wfto full my boat ktbdly asaigned mo a room tho windows o which opeped oa a great magnolia ireo whore i was told a mocking bird a ant every night and all night long i wont to xny room about ton o cloak tho moonlight was hiniogiatbrough the open window and be mocking bird waa already id tho magnolia the great elm was bathed id a flood of ahmidg silvor i could boo oaott jiwi und mark overy aoiion pi the singer who was pouring fourtb bach a rapture ofrlnglng melody as i have never listened to before or alnco sometimes ho would porch motionless for many minutes lna body quivering and thrilling with the outpour of masiu then ho would drop softly from twig to twig uutil the lowest limb was rcaohed when ho would rise fluttering and leaping theoufibthebrancbesibisbongnevercoab ing for an instant until be roach tbo sum mitof the tree laancbed into the warm scant laden air floating in spirals with outaproad wings until as if spout lio aank fieqtly bank into the txceand down through tho branches whiltfijis flongjeo into an ecstasy of ardor and passion hia voice rang like a clarionet in rich full tones and bis execution covered the wideat pasbiblo oompaes themo followed homo a torrent of music a swelling tide of harmony in wbioh boarcelyany two bars were alike fc x stayed until rnidaigbt batoning to him bo waa singing when i went to sleep he wabbtill ajnging when 1 woke two hoars later ha bang through the livelong night have strength to sav no moat of tbe yodbglnon and women wbi aro lost in our citic aro ruinod bocauso of their inability a say n to the tbousaud thare rather awkward many a abaft at random bont hits something or other wbioh the aroher iittlo meant to torcb wo have heard an anec dote illustrative of tbib truth wbiob was told to as as a genuine history it bap doned in a largo city nover nipd what city ihertt wove two pretty albtera who bad marriod one an eminent lawyer the other a distinguished literary man literary mftn ticn and loaves youngor slater a widow soma years roll away and the widow lays aside ber weeds now then it happens that a certain author hud critic has occasion on a brqiunjday in nmrnor jta call ciq ho eminent lawyer husband of uho older b later lie finds the lawyer pleading and swoltoring in a crowded court bees that tho lawyer is battering dreadfully from tbe boat pitioj htm rejoiaoa that ho himself is not a lawyer und goea for a oool baonter under tbo sholtoring trees of a failbonalilo park and garden among tho loo eating fanning crowd thera he meets the younger of tho two sibtors and for a moment thinks ho la talking to the elder oh mr nays tho lady how dreadfully bot it is here 1 yes madam replies our luokloea critic it 10 hot hero but i can assure you the heat of this place jsnt a circumstance when compared with tbo beat of tbe place wbero yoar poor dear husband is suffering to day a hqrror stricken expression comes over tbo face of tbo lady sho rises from her chair and qounoos indignantly away aatnoralivear for at tbat instant the voico of dr angell himself was distinctly heard utteiing tho words theres no nso whimpering or making a scene yoa owe me forty dollars and i willbtpridtoahoven t got the mouey very woll i can sell tbe raaobino and as for starving i bbould starve if overyx body swindled mo out oj my bill aa you bftvo done here oartman tako this thing downjitairs doctor 1 dootor 1 pleaded a faint voice pray dont tako my daughters only bread wlnnor away from ns 1 navo a iittlo compassion and wait until wu are able to pay you t and that will bo when interrupted the dootor with a coarse laugh oart man do you hoar take it away at once before these women have aohanoo to make any more sqoneg at that moment luoy etuoourt openod the door of mrs wade a apartment and stood there like a beautiful avonging angel cattman baid she to tho sympathetic irishman who bood vacillating in tbo mlddlo of tbo room put tbe machine baok into its place hero doctor angell is tho forty dollars owed you by that poor invalid take it and enjoy it if you oan and here also as the apostolic looking young physician cowered bjpeojlh to dignant nre of hor eqs is tbq donation yoq yesterday gavo us for tbe indigent widows homo vo want no coutribu lions unless they are givoq in a spirit of i try chari icaiy avjfay audi wades tearful thanks or dootor angelpa ready apologies she went baok to mrs mjdgetsona snuffy smelling httlo room and began to cry and this inoideut wat dootor athanabius angella deathblow oointly and profeb slonaly speaking in the town of silver tails at the quarti ti end ho took down bis sign and lei tho place to dootor jonnlngs aud hia rusty wig aa for coumn jnok i my was so sweetly graoioua to him during ho nsxt fow days tbat be actually took courage to ask hor if she would havo him aid bo never was more astonished iu biu life than when sho said ytqll mr oratebar on happiness la what does tho greatest possiblo bap pinesa consist aaid mr gratebar inter ro re the question r tbat depends coming home to night beforo 5 oolook but it was after dark in thebo short days i met threo small boyc each abput ton years old walking along the sidewalk abreast the middle boy had a harmonica wbioh be played very well surprisingly well for one of hia years and the boy on his right was singing in a swoet clear boyish voice tbe song which thebarmodjoa boy was playing tbo third boy tho boy on tbo loft af tho harmonica boy was play ing along silent proud to bo in the other boys oompany and listening to their mneio with delight and tbe delight of tho other two in the music they made wat heighten ed by tbo silent ones evident appreciation they wore all aa happy as they could bo happy np to idje limit of tboir capacity for enjoy men t juan wo ever at any time of hfo be any happier than tbat 1 errrenta- tuh wh to thoir weak passions u tbey would only flhawajittlo decision at first ono emphatic no might siknce their solicitors forever but they are weak they aro afraid of offending thoy don t like to aay no and thqa they throw down tie gadntlet and are soon ou thp broad road to rum a ltttle roaolution oarly in life will anon conquer tbe right mind one a qwn business to indolent pbiftlessj lisileaa people jifo becomes a mere shnflls of expedients they do not realise that tbe habit of put ing everything oil puts bf their manhood their capaolty their success their oonta gion infects their whole neighborhood scott used to caution oonth gainpt tbo habit of dawdling wbicb creeps in at every crevice of unoccupied time and ralna a bright life your motto mast be he says hocage do instantly this iu the only way to check the propensity to dawdling how many hours have been wasted dawdliug iu bed turning over and dreading to get up many a career has been crippled by it burton could not overcome this habit and convinced that it woald rain his snooess made bu bervant promise before he went to bed to get him ap at just snob a time tbo servant called and ooaxod but burton would beg bim to bo 4ef patlittlo longer tbe servant know ing that ho would loao hia shilling if be did not get him np then dashed cold water into tho bed between tbe sheets and bur ton came out with a bound when one asked a lazy young fellow what made him lie in bod so long i am enoplojed baid he in hoaring counsel every rooming industry advieeb me to get np slotht be still and tbey give me twenty reasons for and against it is my part as an mpar tial jndge to hear all thati can be said on both bides and by the time the caube is ovor dinner is ready there is no doubt tbat as a rule greats decision of character is usually accompan led by great constitutional firmness men who have been noted for great firmness of obaraoter have usually been strong and robuat there is no quality of tbe mind which does not sympathize with bodily weakness and especially ib this true with tho power of decision which is usually im paired or weakened from physical buffer ing or any great physical debility as a rqlo it is tho strong physical man who aarries weight and conviction any bodily weakness or lassitude or lack of tono and vigor is perlmps flrbt felt in tho weakened or debilitated power of decision nothing will give greater confidence in a young man and bring aaistance more quickly from tho bank or from a friend than the reputation of promptness tbe world knows that the prompt mans bills and notes will bo paid on the day and will trust him let it bo your first study to teach the world that you are not wood and straw tbat thero is some iron in you lot mon know that what you cay you will do that jour decision once made is final no wavorinr tbat once resolved you aro not to be allured or intimidated some minds aro so constructed that ibev arc bowildored and dazed whenever a re twlht alt clxhr right ob mauy ib tbo sorrow wo aro called upon to moot and many is the bittor that ih lulnjjed with tbo swoot spouaibihty is thrust upon them they havo a mortal dread of deciding an thing the very effort to come to iramodiato and unflinching decision starts up all sorts of doubts difficulties and fearb anft they can not seem to got light enough 4o decide nor courage enough to attempt to remove the obstacle they know that hesitation is fatal to enterprise fatal to progress fatal to succoss yet somehow tbey eeem fated with a morbid lutrospoctiorj which ever holds them in buspeuso they have jast energy enough tq weigh motives bat noth ing left for tho momontum of action tbey analyze and analyze deliberate weigh oonbider ponder but never act how many a man oau trace his downfall to the failure to seize bu opportunity at thn favorable moment when it wan within easy grasp the nick of time whiob often does not present itself but once ancni tilcta 01 latl foraging fire and flood at tho little guinea dobatlng lab not long since the following question waa ap for discussion ob do two great olanutiob fire an flood which em do moa 0 lamitous tho club debated the question at great length and it waa finally referred ta ynolo pastas for settlement x tell yo what am do fao said uncle raetua frankly yo spoabera done diaoombob berated mo so dat i oayn toll which am do bes at argufyin bat i can tell which am do moa 0 lamitous li o b te ou by de qraytors ob do ebentb do fao am dia de flood am do rnos olamitons easo yo can put do lire out by pnmpin de flood onter it but yo caynt put do flood oat by pumpin de fire onto it nohow i wages of european men police- on evalter native wheu a boy fs interested in what he 9 sajtng it ia bard or hii dq think how lis i now tommy said he eohoolmibtrosp yon shouldnt say t lly dona it that isnt right well then willy hod about it aaid tommy london poll 00 seargeanta or roundsmen aro paid from 98 go to 19 a week and con stablea or patrolmon from 0 to fb in dublin tho wagea aro half a dollar less in glasgow tbe highest pay for a constable ia f 0 75 for a seargeant 98 an inspector geta 9700 a year and a superintendent from 91200 to 91c00 the st petersburg chief of polios draws 9j 500 a year a sear goant from 9300 to 9400 and a patrolman from 91 gq to 9390 a yoar paris pays 95 j3 to 97 00 a week at vienna from 90 to 97 to roundsmen patrolmen get from 922o to 9205 a year at vienna from 9230 to 9h0o at amsterdam from 9300 to uq0 at bruaaels where tleteativea may rise to 9480 the tnrkish polioemeu get b a week and the native policemen of calcutta from 94 to 9 bo a month soldiors in an enemys country will not atarvo if there are chickens und pigs to be oaptuiod and rail fences to supply fuel of oours suob irregnlar foraging is against orders though commanding officers havo been known to speak like orator puff with two voices one day at the beginning of the civil war a colonel of a federal regi ment caught one of tbo boya stealing apples from a tree at tho foot of which tho confederate owner stood remonstrating come down from that tree and dont be caught here again shouted the colonel andtbenin an undertone till you want more apples chaplain aobott in hia history of the first new hampshire regiment tells a good atory of general phelps which illue tratea the two voices of that eccentric vermonter tbe eighth new hampshire whilo in loublanna enjoyed excellent health owing to the fact that that they knew where tbe juoiest pigs and the tenderest chickens were to be found a newly arrived vermont regiment on the other hand buffered so muoh from scurvy owing to a lack of fresh meat aa to attract tbe attention of general phelps meeting tho commissary seargent of tbo vormontere tbe general in his squeaking yninn nailed tint b aiidiuany mum blialow btciliuf cloao bobiud tho light hut do your duty lal ai 1 inns twill ull como rlfett ob many is tho kinduoab by ingratitude roi a d and mauy is tbo trubiiiu heart that 11 ids iia trust botrayud and many is tbo bud of bopo wb03o promise yields tobhiibr but do your duty ladanllobh twill all couo right for all our grlofs and troubles aro but blessings bi- disguise and fletceat storms loavo b woo t oat arr and calm est bluest hbies and brightest stars aro always born of very darkost night sodo your duty lad aud loss twlfl all como light 1 manoaltut eytimik her art was right mrs h bad a warin hearted and indus trious but careless english horvant who broke bo many dishes that her mistress one day said to her really ellen i think i must take the pnoe of the dibbes yon are breaking out of your wages dont you think yon would bo more careful if i did hi might ma am replied ellen con tritely but hi think maam itd be bet ter to take it out of my ido hi mean ma am that if you broko my ead beverytimirhrbrdke a cup or a saucer hid mind myself better one day poor ella fell her full length on the kitoben floor with a gallon can of milk making no attempt to rise knook me in the ead maam knock me in tbe ead i she wailed oh get np ellen get np and mop np this milk i thin accident is more tbo fault of your heels than your head yoa bpeak the truth maam replied tbe weeping ellen it nay f ad been were my art is this never would avo appened for hi mean right in my art maam no matter what hi does with my ead and eels how she knew a little girl six yoars old was on a visit to her grandfather who was a new england divine celebrated for bis logical powers only think grandpa what uuclo rob aayss what does be say my door why he iaya tbe moon is made of green cheese it isnt at all is it well child snppoao ou find out for yourself 1 how can i grandpa 1 got yonr bible and seo what it bays whoro shall i begin begin at tho beginning the child bat down to read tbo bible before abe got more than half through the becond chapter of genesis and bad read about tho creation of tbe stars and tbo animals she came baok to hor grandfather her oyes all bright with tbe excitement of discovery ivo found itj grandp it isnt true for god mado tho mooa boforo be made cows the cynics languageof gifts a valise please travel a bouquet try to imitate iheso a necktieyour own taste is execrable a piece of jewelcry you are painfully plain a chair you bbould btay at home more than you do a cut glus3 bottlo i think yon know a good thing when you eeo it a purse belter care should be taken of what little money you have a book of poems your natnre stands sadly in need of softening a smoking jacket yoar clothes smell dreadfully of tobacco a fountain pen yoa should cultivate more carefully a spirit of christianity a waste paper basket you should throw away more of your work abookofproeo i wi -to- you to somo trouble yon will tako this out and dust it whenever i am announced to call damp h talmaul in pud uses for salt what on airth ails you follora tbat you aro dying oil so look at the eighth now hampshire tbey aro not lying around like sick males you go and rbk them bow they live and follqw their example tho seargeant inqulrod and at onoe secured a detail for foraging but want ing in experience thoy wero oaught by the provoat guard and brought before general phelps who gave them a sovere leoturo for pillaging bot general interposed the cammis ary seargeant smarting under tho rebuku you told as to do it yen i did roared tho irritated goneral bull didn t tell you to get oaugbt yon fools i now and then a daring eoldier would run aorovb the line while the ruard waa inadvertently looking in another direction on hia return he would bo ohallengod halt who cornea here a friend with chickens advance frlond aud drop a chicken what hoods saraaparilla has done for others it will also do for you hood stir apariiu cures all blood diseases salt puts out fire in tbe chimney bait in the oven nnder baking tins will prevent their boorohing on the bottom salt and vinegar will reinovo stains from a discolored teacup salt and soda aro excellent for bee stings sail thrown on soot which haa fallen on tbe carpet will prevobt stain salt put on ink when freshly spilled on carpet will help iu removing tbo spot salt in whitewash mak it btiok salt thrown on a coal fire which is low will revive it salt need in sweeping carpets keeps out moth a canadian women consume millions of packets millions of packages of diamond dyes are naed by the women of canada overy year tbe sale of these household frieuds ia increasing so fast that at times the manufacturers have difilculty in filling the orders that pour in from the wholesale aud retail trade the enormous and fast increasing con sumption of diamond dyes indicates im menao popularity duo of course to quality btronflth brilhanov and fastness of colors diamond dyera givo colors tbat last till tho materials are worn out every color is true to name tbo roanlta aro always pleasing and satisfactory and thoy aro sold atlho samo prfoe as the common imi tatlon dyes when baying package dyos for home dyeing see that your dealer gives you tho diamond dyes tho only guaranteed dyes in the world tho only oolors that give you value for yoqr money and time tight lacing in the dairy theyre dnfn the couaarndest things on this model stock farm yo evof saw what in oreatinn are thoy doin now why tho durned fools have rigged up corsets outen barrel staves laced up their oowa aud are try in ter mako em give con doused milk i to prevent pale and djpjioate children from lapsing into chronic invalids later in life thoy should tako ayers barsapar ilia logo t her with plenty of wholoeorao food and out door exercee what they need to build up the system iu good red blood

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