Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1897, p. 2

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hiii in hrunpton oti hatunla juno utli to air autf flint llunry hill u duuuitur mark ip d 1 u i s gmnsn i4 at holy trinity liiiruli mill on wurim mu itli ittliv uytlioltuv 1 ik iiiiii fin lit ti futlii r of the krooui analritor 1 tin it inlirli i lolnihton mil tlio hiiv idin hoith g1 it n m a irotlur to tin ti ii luruncu i lorilui of loroito to i rl i u oiiiniiuh liltif htoi ol i ho in as ciiinliiti 1 m ttt lluud allmu ac r glianl iu tllll allrllcoil cllliroll 1 ihiowoi oif 1 liurndiiy jmioijrd mr 1 v niitnft of london to mind mabol grnt il yifclitur of joint grant lhij of lilstowol ut orm tliuu a rusijonc of acton mi d j iim ki at tfio rogidonco of lior fcrothor jol ch jolnihton 1st lrlh on i hob lay utli linn julia widow of tlio latu jchojiii 1 ortr- lo foil 3j yo ira an iii iiioutliu gtijc jetton jxtt xcss liiuiisdal junl notes and comments neighborhood news news items supplied ty corres pondents and exohangos georgetown mr a ii gibbard b a will shortly lonvo for england on a buainoaa trip xlmcomldji rulay ruoo from loronto to chatham is attracting coubdorablo attcii tiou among tlio cleveland ridora liero god save ouk gracious quejn t sixty years of prosperous and peaceful reign marked by the diamondjubtleeorqueentictoria an event unparalled in the history of nations ahcroe mr dick of ijoltoo made ft flying visit to aeligrovo friontlfl last week mrs ii wiluoi la slowly recovering tuo now road mac bin o is dotntf splendid work on aho aovonth line tine weok j ho oiholal programme foi tlio victoria day bhow haa placod hon mr laurior nnd the canadian troops beforo all thu otbor colomoaat tho very head of tlio pjro all tho manitoba miuifltora are from ontario mr greenway afrota godenoh mr wutaonrromgalt mr caraetqhfrom woodstock t mr mcmillan from colling wood and mr mloklo from st mary e by tho end of tho week the preparations for the grcateat pageant of modorn times will bo completed and tho attention of the world will be centred upon london that nothing will 6cour to mar tho uucoeas of the ceeblotion will bo the hope of millions x british subjects in all parts of the world mr and mrs look of hornby apent bunday vitutinj frienda in tint vicinity tho beautiful ovoniugof juno 10th was thoroughly enjoyed by tliobo present oti tho grounds of mra j murdoch and tho programmo was all that could bo desired proceeds 905 oh king of kings the jubileo hnin composed bj tho biahop of wakollold and iipproitd by hor jiliijoatv baa boon not to imitiic by sir arthur sullivan and i 1 1 h tutd on sunday next ami turlifllt niiin diuloly bofoio morning un 1 oyeniin pra fr ct a decision haa been tien ih court to the thect that church trubtooe when mortgag ing church property incut no peraoqal liability although they jointly agree for ebo church to pay ihedebtandlntere8tr tbis will perhaps have a tendenay to create a scanty in tho number of capitalists wilting to advance money to congregations in straightened linanoial circumstances it is however a decision only fair to truatees lven those whore opposed to premier laurier m politics will no doubt be as ready bb his own political followers to realize hpw large an advertisement be makes for this colony in the eyes of tho world during tho present month abide altogether from considerations of his own merit or of the soundness of his policies no person with business inblincts can well dibputo that tho man and the moment aro wonderfully adapted to each other and unite to ive canada a prominonco in the great piamond jubilee m whioh tho empire indulges thb month and to which tho people of the world come as invited guests canada has stepped gracefully in to tho foreground tho opportunity would not havo been neglected by any gover ment that might have been in power at ottawa but tho point is that the thing has been well done and the premier happens to bo a man whose nationality and person ality add piqaanoy to tho effeot created our positiou is no longer dubious canada ib the favorite daughter 8hemay reason ably expect to bo well dowered toronto stat that raftway crossing the council requests the railway to lay it at once council mot at eight o clock oil monday evening reeve niokhn absent councillors arnold brown denny and smith in their places councilor smith wab moved to the crtjwsons corners farmers in this ioinity have about finished tho planting of their root crop service was conducted in tho mothodist church hero on sunday by rev mr keatlo tho many friends of r koatle will be pleased to hear that he has boon stationed on the koottwood circuit for another year a number of sunday school workers from hero attended tho lramoaa snnday boh obi convention at spued bido on tues day mrs gray of una is visiting her son mr vm gray mr h marshall of belleville vlaited his unolomr o laebjou sunday mibs maggie sherlock of toronto spent saturday and sunday with fnende here mrs n lorbea is spending a fpw days thia week with friends in hornby mrs trick of acton aud mrs bobort sonof toronto spent suudayat mr r gibbons l1 mrs a debbie ar who hab been very ill ia slowjy recovering mr james nowton has gono to sarnm o buy wool for the newton firm there mr w m mcdonald wall superintend tho farm here during his absence we are sorry to lcarn that mr john mcgill one of our best citizene ia to romovo to gnelph thu weok he will bo greatly missed among bis friends here we wibh him every bqccqeb in his new home 2 mr and mrs james malcolm of tram to visited friends bore this week philip green has a curiosity in tho shape of a mother goobe which has been very industrious tbls spring she first laid 11 eggs and tbon wontto work to hatch them oat of this batch 7 were hatched sha then laid another lot of 7 eggs and from this batph raised eight lively goslings the only explanation ot this remarkable result is that one of tho eggs waa double yolked has any other poultry man had a birhilar experience after the third collect or immodiatolj p fore the ofiico of tho holy communion oil hingortuiiipwiiohcr itrof old hath boon from uvurl tutinf hoforoiuhobo llirouo luuiruowim of ol 1 tho wblto robod kalnta aro cnutliii whllo all tho nhiiilng courti on hlfili with angol boiirh nru rinsing cvi lot thj thlldron ontuio ulth tlnjirjjniy honnij o brinhiir another national antjjejvl all tho way from chicago oomo tho foltowih stanzas t show that thoufih not on ina nutivo hoi tho huart of a hod of britain is tilled wi h lovo for ilia queea and giatitudo for hor lo i reign ovor us thoy nro wnuim hy mr 1 rod ralmgr of hh7 thirty fifth btreot chicago iii wbodedl catca them to hor m ijosty qaocn victoria and has applied for copyright for many years our national anthem has ooen a national prayer and mr balmor s anthem is after tho manner of thanksgiving that god haa hoard our prayer and spared ua our aovoreign here ia tho new one oui god iirb hoard our prayer por toudor lovo and caro v atcheapside rnother big purchhse of lac otthfinawestiwakand stylesbrussels point irish point chantilly orientals c in black cream butter color and white also the newest things in elegant lace collars capettes sx bought at less than half price and to b sold correspondingly low these are spread out on a table i the oftlm s j3est assorlmenlinthe cityand wejirc selling ilundieds of yar of laes the cheapest also a special purchase of silks consisting of moire antique silks in brown navy cream tuscan and cardinal worth 85c to be sold for soc rockwood chair tlio committee on finance presented their ninth report recommending paymelt 0 accounts as follows ji s mcdonald treoa for cemetery 8 12 15 h donny oxponaoa visiting mil ton ac j 51 bpolght i brady oloctrical oxporta j 00 anthony mason nauliug gravel etc 2815 david mllla hauling gravol etc 4j 29 win stowart work 5 00 it ulnrliam 8 75 win noulo 7 co itlcbard cook 3 j7 john arthurs 1 m c mjualas 3 co j sharp atono for oroabinga 7 08 it d orsham foodlog tramps otc v i jj g ilynds btatlonory otc 1 61 total 6128 00 the report waa upon motion adopted tho matter ot the crossing over tho g t r tracks and ihe delay of the railway authorities was refer rod to moved by h t arnold seconded by wm brown that the oterk bo instructed to correspond with tho grand trunk com pany presbiug them to have the crossing arranged for and laid without any further delay carried application for the use of tho- park on tuesday 17th august wag made for tho sons of scotland moved by h t arnold seconded by wm brown that by way ofenconrag ment to tho benefit societies in town that wo authorize that tbo park bo grantod on august 17th to the sons ot scotland for tho sum of 4m u0 carried the wanto of tho tire company werq considorod quite a discussion arose as to tho tire company tho question wasjasked how is it with a paid engineer the eeam engine was not kept in a presentable condition wbou his duties aro bo well defln ol why said councillor arnold the brabb and niokel parts of the engine should bo kept bo clean and burnished that ono could see himself in them j during the difloaaeion the statement was made by a member of the fire com pany preecnt that the engineer has practi cally tendered bit reaignatiop and that he is at present away with the volunteers chief lawson was given charge of tho ongine until the vacancy is llled i mr john warren asked tho council what was proposed to be done in thelhat dram i ng the proper lies hi fan vicinity the chairman of the streets and walks committee replied that aa boon as the g t h have laid tho new crossing aud the walks have boon changed the mattor will bo looked into chairman hyjids was present and invit cd tho council to be present and partioi pate in tho publratiohool jubilee demou nt ration on friday afternoon the invitation waa accepted council adjourned at 1 so oclock kookwood lodge had a visit on tnday night from bros sam pen fold and c b taylor of guolph lodge and others who wero kindly welcomed a merry go round supplied excitement jast woek for tho place and noiso also of the orank piauo brand mr livingstone manager of tho george town branch of the bank of hamilton has moved his family to kookwood where he intends to reside having resigned his posi fion miss j tarrieb has returned homeafter spending eovcral montha in new york oi ty mr jno straohan seoyof tbe dramosa s s convention attended tho convention bold in speedslde on the 15th inst mr h hortop went to belleville on monday where ho attends the grand lodge c 0 c f as delegate from tbo everlon lodge a monster pic mo is expected on tbs rocks bore for tho 22nd mat gnelph marden and bookwood lodges k t of t r will celebrate the jubilee in this way c 85c to oe som tor 50c a lot of brochc colored reversible siks worth 1 25 for 60c a lot of novelty striped taffeta silks worth 100 for 50c a lot of splendid quality fiheck silks worth 5c to be sold at 25c another lot of elegant shaded broche silks worth 1 35 to be sold at 75c new thmgsm black moire silks black at special values green and white stripes bjack broches bargains innumerable all over the house and all over the 011 store in mens and boys clothing hats caps and gents furnishings we have removed all the cloths and tweeds to the old store and added some special values in black worsteds and pantings as well as new tweed suitings and are prepared to make to order anything you require in suits coats and vests or pants or overcoats second to none in canada whether jt be in fit yiisluappearaniejjvodunanshiportrimmings victoria- queen and empress 1s371s97 1 or ovory heart nmdo glad by thoo with tutfueful praiao is swelling and every toiifiio wlthjoy bot froo it a happy thonio is tolling thou hantbocu mindful of tliino oimi and lo 1 wo coil p coufbaoing tis thou haet dower d our queenly throuo with sixty yoara of bloasliif oh royal heart with wido embrace ioi all hor childron yearning 1 ob happy realm such mother graoo with lojal lovo roturnlng wlioro bnglanda hog illoa wldo uufurlol all tyrant wrongs ropalliug god makotho vorld bettor world lor mans briof earthly dvvolliui load on o lord thy pooplo still now graco and wladoni giving tolargorjovo and purer will and noblar holghta of living and whllo of all thy lovo below thoy ohaut tho graoloua story oh teach thorn first thy christ to knon and ningnlfy ilia glory canada leads them london juno- llthe fojtj eighth highlanders team of toronto canada to day mot and defeated tho pick of the british regulars in tho competition bayo not vb bayonet eight men a side at the royal military tournament at islington and thus earned for themselves the title of world a champions and a special old to aavo our quoon by his aim fell ty arm trotootod hor fioiu harm through dinger atorm and calm haa eav od our quoon riiiouguout hor vast domain lchoog tho bwoot refrain god aaypour quoon worthy tho natno bbo boars worthy the crown aho wears farvcnt bor peoplo s prayers god aavo our quoon while hangs life s blonder tliroad may angols guard hor bond god aavo our quoon hor roijn on oarlh whou dono ijlfo b battlo fought and won those bloaaod worda well done from god our king tho stauzis aro intended to bo bung to the old air of ood save our quoon and mr balmor expresses the hope that they may be bangaf tho close of religions ser vicofl he further magnammounly adds i should have stated it ib not my in ten tion to dispense altogether with tho old anthem whioh we have been btnging oo long and concludes thus feoltngly those who may vonturo to try it over lo the old tuno for whioh it has boon expressly writ ton will be moved almost to emotion by tho pathoa it brings the zieglerhinch co guelph nassaoaweya mr john kitohiog of nasaagawoya tqwnship fathor of mrs danoan campbell and mrs- it b campboll kincardine township is on a visit here tho old jetrtlem y of n nn onjoyej excellent health by his frequent visits he has acquired a oirole of friends who were as delighted as they were surprised to boo him he will remain a few weeks before returning homo tffrtcaftlido j porter the olover is out in full bloom in this vicinity the timothy is coming out in head anctal together the hay crop promises to bo a fair one this year boad working is tho ordor of tho day the up worth leaguo of christian endeavor of tho ebenozor church is having a social this evening in tho church in aid ot the church choir the committee are preparing an excellent programme there will be luncheon provided by tho members of the leagito tho admission is only t cents tho congregation of the lbcnezer churoh nassagaweya parposo holding a church jubileo it is flfiy years since the churoh was opened for divino worship this great jubilee event will be bold on the evening ot tho 12 th of july tho committee aro sparing no pafua to make this a most enjoyable time medal lieut stewart also of the hijh landers won tho individual prize in tho bayonet competition editors table the department ot current hietory in caricature in the juuo hemtw oj jievtcwa contains a brief sketch of mr charles green bush tho versatile cartoonist of the new york jitiaul and hicnuuj leltqram who ranks by common consent as tho doap of his profession in thia country tho juno number of tho ikhncator ib oalled tho early sumrnor number and its presentation of warm weather modes fabrics dress trimmings and millinery is made brilliantly attractive b the hand some color plates tho literary features inelodecontrt a tju famous womon order from the loca agent for tho buttcriok pattema or address the deuncaton publishing co ltd 13 hiohmond st west toronto subscription price of tho delineator 1 por year or 15c por single copy tho final ratification of the boundary treaty between groat britain and vooezaola was exchanged at washington she could not eat- thestatement of a lady who was a dyspeptic bicycle foolishness ts to purchase a cheap bicycle cheap for you soon have to buy another bicycle wisdom is to buy a bicycle of reputation like cleyelands jlhta jcaurttwmcttlb fiiutucd ladies with foi o of 1 moi y run loi ct r nc liiif to onru jiow to do ho in n good aiuln hv iahi oaf iowa toronto ont agenis i am juhi nuitiiig ti illlufil g vo i li ivo hunt till ill for nionoy i for tunny a day your hb will brine tlio jol luufufortua it 1 otasgow jorotito ont wanted industrious torsoi baructur i ih of t itlierscx with good iiuoii bcbool uducation can obtain oninloji lout for two mtmllibl thla t i 1 k m iit tbronto out notice to trespassevsr notice lalutoh lvou to tbo public flop or ally that trubpuaaera ou tlioer truepuaaera ou thooanc half qf lot no 26 oon 5 wquoaing by flbhiug ahooting to law fohnshaw eto will bo pronocutod according t jo wanted men and womonxvho can vfoik hard talkln and writing nix hours daily for eix daya a nook and will bo content wii ton doll am week ly addrejia ntwiprab co brantforfl ont wool rphb hlghont price in cabh ot trade will be giteii for any nuautfty of good clean mer cban table woo ffrado will be general ury goodb clothing slauoti flannola yarnfl to vm moleod aeorgotown faem for salb top andoraignoa offers for bsjo tbo farm lot w con i eequblng known as thu dal ton i arm tbo proporty comprlnes 100 acres fifty acroa cleared balanco tlmborod inoludldh a largo quantity of goodcodar tho farm is situ atod within about a mllo of acton john cummin itockwood p o youe spare time men womon to conduct bublnebb at home averkiaainiplo writing andoopylng hsta oftuldrosooa rocoiyed from local advertising to be forwarded to ua dallw no canvassing no previous oiporlenco requirod but plain writers prcferrod formanont work to those content to earn 60- oi- inoro weekly in aparo tlmd apply to warren pub co london ont cheap pasture oaa acres good pasturo land nover fulling i crook running through salt provided firlco a3 76 ror yeurlitgb for tho boason 93 7 for older animala or can bo tkon by tbe month at 75c to 4100 por moirtb aleocomfortabledwell iqfl houao with atablo to ront cheap apply to r hilton on tba pre m bob crowaona cornera or mrs a waters london road i gnelph agents at 76 and 1 00 they last for years always run easy and are a continual source of pleasure and pride h 7 lozier co 1 69 yonge street toronto agent a t brown acton newfditionof qucou motoria lolargqd thirty two full i added beat history of tho qucou am victorian era published tho book accepted by hor majcst moua canvasroi all records now ready psgo plates id uie only canadian jy balos enor moua oanvabbors knocking tho bottom out of easy to mabo thirty dollars weekly from now until diamond jubiloo particulars free thk bradley qaitretsos co l td toronto ont her majestys diamond jubilee quoon victoria hor lifo and fn into ovory hoino persona who d booka tako ordora fast preface tbe moat oloquont of lord cufforlus oohlovoniente no book so highly praised we need mora can vaeaora easy to mkodloo to 8j0 0o a weok books on time prospectus free to canvassers a trial will coat nothing and it may ou ydur ompty pocket book the bradlly g arret bon co ltd toronto ont carries rolgn ultrn agontafdr quoon vlotoila hor vv all i cu rolgn and diamond sniisbpw overflowing with latest contain a the ondoraod biography iry of nei jubileo overflowing with latest and rich oat pictures con tain a the ondoraod bic of hor uojosty with anthontiq history remarkablo reign and full account of tbe dla mond jubilee only 1 60 big book trenton dons demand bon aura for agouta rommls blon so por cent credit given frolght paid flieb duty paid write qlilok foront company jgbt outfit flieb duty paid write qlilok foront thl dominion j qli at und territory thl dominion c dept 7 jsfl dearborn st chicago aoton machine and repair shops henry grindell proirrlotor new afflicted with pains in tho stomach nauaea and vomiting -conatl- patlon headaches and other distressing symptoms followed tram lo boroiolh sorol quo dyspepsia and kindred disorders of tbe digeativo organs aro becoming alarmingly prevalout among the people of all olaaaob and it ia bale to say that there aro fow ilia aflhoting mankind productive of more real misery than indigeatian it is eaid that milton an acton boys biq contract dan mann and hib partner secures the crows neat railway messrs mann mokonzie have secured the contract from the o p it of building the crows nost pass railway this is dan mnn who is a native of acton and whoso father mr hugh mann li one of our respected roaldouts the railway will require about two years to complete it and when conetruotedwill prove a great boon to british colombia mining u is eelfmaled to eoit 27000 per mile xlv p t mignot of graco church will shortly leave milton and return to kog land he has been offered a curacy by sirfredrlok ritzwygramund as his health has been poor for some time and he hopes that tho oil mate of the south of england where tho parish ia situated will benefit him im has decidedtoaooo a jubilee garden party uuder auspices of the ladioa aid of tho metho dial churoh will be held on tho evening of jubileo day tuesday juno 22nd at r e harrisons near milton mrs juntas roedler and ohildron left last week for a visit to her form or homo in germany a garden party was held at tbo res idenoeofwm forrest baseline trafal gar under the jtubpioob of tho hornby methodist churoh on tuesday evening june 15 the new alley jay from main lo mary at eait between the stores of messrs o a hemetrcet and dewar bros is being put in shape for pnblio oso aooording to tho sohedule of oonviolions melissa dean was lined twice last quarter for selling liquor daring prohibited honrs john head haa obtained a position in the toronto customs house and entered upon his duties las wcek messrs winn jhon have introduced a new soale of wages into tbo shoe faatory wblab does not please tome of tho em ployees who are now ont on strifte tho june ohautaitijuan it a voritablo storehouse of interesting reading among tho articles contributed are paris the magniflcout profuaely illustrated and historic concord in which bishop john f hurst gives pleasing recollections of hie visit to tho homoa of emeoaon thcreau and hawthorne and other interesting apotn auo portrayod by excellent half tono repro duotions in tbo womans council table ebon e roxford a eeaaonablo paper on annual flowers aud tbeir culture and mrs l vance pbilip3 china painting in amonoa aro of especial interest to women tho entire unmbcr will bo read with profit by old and young invest in a dopn jubilee flufefl maoifcstyour loyalty ou jubileo day aud k headache positively cured by those xlttlo pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a ptr feet remedy for dizziness niusn drowsi ness bad taslo in the mouth coated tongue tain in the side toriud liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable 8mall phi small dose 8mall price substitution tho fraud of tlio day sec you get carters abk for carters iiibist and demand carters litll liver pills happiness and a good digestion go band in hand and tho statoment contains more truth than has been generally admitted it may bo safely said therefore that tbe medicine that will cure dyspepsia ia a blcbbing to mankind a promoter of human happiness whose good work cannot be loo widely known suoh is tho opinion of mrs p lufisior of sorol que and it is booauso of this that she gave tbe following statomont to a representative of lt sorelou tot some time past she said j had boent v suffering from a malady that at first i could not dofine but which proved lo be a bovero attack of dyspopbia after each meal i folt a sensation of over fullness even when i had eatou moat sparingly this foeling was accompanied by severe pains in the region of tbo btomaoh and frequently by nausea and aoraetimoa vomiting constipation followed wbich added to my misery in the interval i buffered from fovor and slight headache and booarne generally lndibposod at times the pain in tho stomach waa less flovero my appetite was leaving me i had no taate for anthing and at this stage my hon alfred assistant manager of lt oie loin urgod mo to try dr wimiama pink pills at tho bamo time urging mo to rend an articlo in that paper which related to tho euro of a person similarly afihoted i was skeptical and did not beliovo the pills would help mo but a few days later i rs read tho artiolo and deoided that i woald try this medioine and i have muoh reason to be glad that i did so i took a couple of irtolnrmbl eaoli meal and httlo by little perceived that mydiges tion was becoming more easy iaontinnsd the use of the pills for a little more than a month and have pcaaure in stating that my cure is oompleto at my age go years one greatly appreciates being able to enjoy ones mealb and i bless the day 1 began co uaodr williams pink pills and i heart ily recommend them to other sufferers dr william pink pills cure indigestion rheum at i am neuralgia locomotor ataxia st vitus danco nervous headaoho and prostrationdiaoasoa of the blood suoh as ecrofola chruulc erysipelas and restores psje and sallow complexions to the glow of health thoy are a specific for all the troubles peculiar to tho female sex and in mon cure all cases armng from worry or overwork sold by all chemists and by dr williams modiolne co b rook vi lie ont at 60o per box or bix boxes for 250 there aro imitation pills colored pink against which the pobl are warn the summer wasli goods an immense variety of elegant styles and qualities dress goods fancy american organdie mushns scotch zephrs lappets foulaid prints fin white lawns dotted and checked muslins ark well equipped with all the machinery nocossary toexobuto all repairs to macbln cry and agricultural jmplomonta and to do all kinds of atoam fitting nono shoeing andaoneral blaokoml thing woodwork ropairbporormorl in a satisfactory mannor wo can repair any machine or iaiplotnant of any make saw gam mine and aline dono horses wanted all the latest goods m the market in our dress goods department smallwares new gloves new hosiery new parasols a choice variety in fact our assortment is now complete for the summer trade fine highclass tailoring just opened a fine assortment of imported scotch suitings fine english trouserings etc to be sold at close prices consistant with firstclass work manship now is the time to leave your order before the choicebt patterns are selected r bicycle suits a specialty ilats hats nobby new styles in mens and boys straws hard and bolt i the latest styles of the season gents furnishings new and nobby neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery etc readytowear clothing boys blouses boys fancy sailor suits every style and in great variety bicycle suits in all size neat patterns and well made a cordial invitation extended to all to call and examine our stock and see our prices tho audoralgnod will bo at dominion hotel alllston on wednesday june 23rd dominion house acton on thursday june 24th queens hotel brampton on friday and saturday 2sth and 26th for tlio liurpoao of buyin 11 hlnil nf hnr alusb bo hound and in good condition rdquxta j3isut yoars old i m labelle montreal june 15tb 1897 crknd gibson 7vvillkr si co hob block 7umin st every day bargain day c0 rc6tow n robt noble gonnlno pilla ara pat np id boxei tbs wrapper around whioh beam ilia all trade mark dr williama fink filla for pale rooplei tako nothlujj else the highcil trice for whbkt pbrs ohts bbrl6v jit the warehouse aoton station iiovjr brrn shorts s66ds and all kinds of 1 ceil nt aoton flour and feed storo trr norval i lour tamil riour in tho market llio best frank harris manager jubilee badges new jubilee pins new jubilee badges new style belt fasteners new blouse setts patriotic conceit in rim toronto philharmonic massey muslo hall toronto monday june 2 i st at 8 oclock nitlxnji livn on ontortalnmont or tuo so mioikhj 0 undo ssfrlss 2li canada and lady abordeonr hla honor the lieut oilsfrrih k lon oil blr hi iowskl mjti john morrow hia xssnto f ssinoli o i i h pkwramme bill bo aaorod tuoaooond jrt wilt bo dorotod to nonnlar a br patrlotloaddrmiwill bo rt h boa 6 w huh ulnitterot education toronto pbilharmottto orchestra chorum of too voleea mi u afternoon traina tor toronto xzsbkv2d sbats l0o 7bo aaboc oknbbal admission 2bc hon conbuotor j mumpuby auobb muh jiao olom byarsl a bo obtalnod wm oimpbbll u toronto street bc o tba t just arrived new designs in window shades lower prices than ever before jewellers field seeds rape turnip mangel and carrot also seeds in bulk for the garden browh drug store mill street

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