Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 17, 1897, p. 4

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w our is and other eyes uk our i sun jn t ni rtrotij n l h ft a l irs ogoulilu ml lllc t ill si to tlsl tlllili i lit we li u l u i ami ilssciuisu t j i use c in l smtl others do th i u nij u d w nrc llloll 111 111 ullllllf fc i on tosec us thu ul1i t tlur cjei hiih is lujw wilt 1 to s 1 hojil jrfanlirsnhmndjctm dululh liiun who nftcr a jn irter of u century of ober- utiou elites 1 ln l sold a cr s siu npn- nllu for more thnn 25 jenri joth it holtstile ami retail nutl h ue ueer hennl nil tiling hut words of prni from my custouieis not a single com jil unt h is ever leiched me i tielieve a3 ei s susnpnriui tp he the best uootl ptlrifier tliat hut hceii mlroductd to the gen cral public 11ns from a iinu ho ins sold thousands of dozens of acv s sarsnpnrillti ib strong testimony but it our echoes popular sentiment the vorld o er which hui nothing but words of praise- fo aycrs sarenparilln ar nl tnl out if son i for c roll ou it lllla doubta oiid cures doultora addxcss j c aull co lowell mnu awd srfe wasnt extravagant ono of the exhibits in a suit for divorco tried iu baltimore in whiob among other things tho wifo waa a barged with rocklons extravagance had tllesodtoms us a hamplo of one week a expenditures by tho woman iu tho caso hut tmoot notions 8 0 chawing pro and tobucoo si brushoa and painter ftlo cologne 8 t 100 orouni 7 7fi oyotorh 10 und aifarettfs 91 7 tho judgo dooidod that this sort of thine was a triilo too much to ask any man to submit to nrut bolpod rather maro than anything olse to luiluonro tho jury to m to tbo man reparation ho asked for let the dofondaut calmly asserted that thoru was not a purchase made in that hat but wan absolutely essential id bet comfort thia guiloloas yjjung woman positively prided herself on tho fuat ibat extravag unco was ouo bin of which alio was absolute ly guiltless that altered the case ij utott xu firm thursday jtine 17 1897 ij oung jfoikb in church just in front of my paw fiita a tuaidoii a littlo brown wing on bar bat with ita touchob of tropical usure and sbeon of theeuu upon that lbrougb tbo bloom oolorud pano alilncs ft glory by wliiob tbo vast bbndona are stirred hut i pluo for tbo briirit and splendor that j a in tod tbo wiug of tbo bird tbo oran rolls down ita groat anthem with tbo boui of a bodf it la blout hut for mo i am aick for tbo singing of ono littlo bong til at is spent tbo otco of tbo ctirato la gcntlo no sparrow filial i fall to tbo ground hut tbo poor broken wing on tbo bonnet ib mocking tbo morcful bound our sunday afiernooii mysterious fires explained manv of tho mystenoa of sponlaooun eombuattou aro boipp cleared up by the udtanco of boience thoro was a time when tho fact that a heap of coal can take lire of ita own accord bo to speak was re larded as almobt mracnloub after many acrioua accidents ol this kind hadoccarred involving not infrequently the loss of easels at boa an explanation was suggest ed to tho effect that the fire wae can bed by the oxidation of the py rates of iron and sulphnr which are frequently found in coal and which are popularly colled in 1 nejand coal brasses when the pyriteb uro exposed to moistqre a rapid chemical change occurs in them accompanied by tbo production of heat but it was after ward shown that many coats liable to spon taneous ignition when collected in immense heaps passed euoh slight traces of pyrites tlmt their presence could n be re of the late ivonoh sou u tar ilonaud tho kottiuchi zetlng tella tho following anecdote vhon itenaud first came- b soualor to paris from his homo in tho pyronaos ho engaged n room at j hotel and paul a month s irant one hundred and fifty fraura in advanco tho proprietor abkod him if he would havo a rocoipt it is not noaossary replied konaud god has witnessed the payment do youbehovom god biieercd tho host most assuredly replied bouaud don t you not i monsieur ab said tho senator in that caso please make mo out a receipt i heart relief eight years hnnfflnflr botwoorv llfo and death with acuto hoart disease- and in 30 minutes aftor taklnjj flist doso pf dr agnow s cure for tho hoart re lief comes- what it did for alfred couldry wost shofforxl quo it can do foi any sufroior from tho snmo causo 1 luivu been etijunr l from uoute he irt tronl lo for over four einn when dootorh hud tried uu 1 fuile 1 iu uu mo relief i procured r aliiuw a cure f jr thu heart in thirty minutes after thu brat doau i ftud rolief ui 1 11i tlioneli niiiit was a cuno of lonj ht uulltil t t lutllod i tieetl 1 a ptr mantut curt mid i lhmlj bull vt after i what it f m thoro is no hopolosu caho while this rout cure is to bo had i cheerful bunotion tho uuo of my tcatiniouy 111 whutevor way it muy do tho motu lood bold by a 1 brown irregular teeth onerally indicato lack pf oulturo and rcllucmont m n cuiativc pouet a contained in lood s barsupurilla than in any othor similar pro paratiou it oowta tho proprietor and mauufuatuier maro it coals the jobber mme and it ih worth moroatq tho consumer more skill es required in tb preparation and it combines more rcmedml qualities uhun uny other incdiciuo consequently 16 0 is a a record of more cures and its sales are more than those of any other prepira tiou hoods sarsupartlla is tho best mod tciue to buy because it is an honest medic 1110 and thousands of testimonials provo that it doeb actual and permanently euro disease dark clouds away rolled one op deaths agents subdued palnes celery compound brtngrs new life to a roxton pond lady us the cause of the ignition v more careful study of the phenomenon based upon a consideration of the nature and structure of tho coal itself led to the theory whloh prevails to day this ia that tbe oxidation of the coal and not of the p rites is the real sonrooof tho disastrous fires which occasionally break oat in the holdo of ships laden with coal and in tho vast heaps contained in coal yards coal posaosbes a surprising power of ab sorbing oxygen some kinds of ooal will rapidly absorb when exposed to tho air bituminous coals in particular always contain considerable hydrogen forming a volatile compound with the carbon when oxygen ib absorbed from the air it begins to combine with both the carbon and tho hydrogen and this chemical tho medicine that oan rescue and save a human beinrf after tho best efforts of medi cal men prove unavailing should merit tho careful consideration of every biok and diseased man and woman snah a modi cine ia a boon to tho world an anchor of hope protection and joy to those who havo been told they are in a hopeless condition and laourablo up to the present medical soiouco has devised bat one remedy tbat fully meots the wants and desires of all sufferers this wonderful mndicioo is fames celery compound- to which thousands in canada to day owo life and good health hero is a statement from a lady miss marilla a bullock of itoiton pond j q a sufferer from liver trouble that is in evory way sufficiently atrong to convinco tho despairing despondent and diubtful she says 1 i think it a duty and a pleaburo to write and tell you what your paine s celery compound has dono for me a bufforer from liver trouble two years ago i had a very bad attack of it and called in a dootor who relieved mo of tho trouble but i still remained weak and ailing and had another and more sovere attack i vas under the doq tots care for four months and received very little relief 1 was very weak not able to tit up more than a few minutes at a time a freckles like rod hair are an indication of an ardent tempermcut tin ttilhliru h i- m tnj scrofula oftcr bhows itself in early life and ia characterised by swellings ab sccsses hip diseases etc consumption ia bprofula of tho luns in tins class of dis ohsee scott s liinulsiou is unquestionably tho mopt reliable medicino avtgclablcprcparationfor as similating urfoodaiulrcgula hngihfeatnm hsnndcqwelm l h see that the facsim1le signature promotes digesdon cheerful ness nd best contains neilhsr opiutnmorptiine nor mineral not narcotic jtaixbroldnrsivsvelrnkwi jamm srtil- jtljt senna jtwmfeetf ctmfud siiom aperfcct kemedy forconslipo- lion sourslomachdianhoea worms convulsions fevcnsh- i1css and loss of sleep tac simile signatu of yrewyos m exact copy of wrapper is on the wrapper of eveet bdttile of oastoria oaitorla la pat tip la onesuo bottloa only it is not sold la bulk dont allow anyono to soil yon anything olso on tho ploa or promlaa that it is jnit na good and will onayor 07017 pur bco that yon cot 0 a0t 0 ri a -thifiq- ilmlu llrbituii cf is ofl very wnppir no gripe wlien you take itood s pills the big old fash ioned sugarcoated pills wiiilii tear jou nil to pieces arc not in it v itu hood s tasy to tako hoods luil easy to operate is ti un df hood a pills which art 3 lltt ap to date in every respect wf iii bafo certain and jiurc ah b i 9 flriikrlats no o t hnod co lowell mass tho only mis to tako ui a hood a sarsadorluo little milk taken at meals would distress me and i was nervous and could gtt but little sleep hearing what paine 8 celery compound had done for a friend i gavo np doctoring and used yonr medicino i havo taken six bottlea and have received much good 1 am able to eat a good meal i sleep well seldom lie down during tho day and can drive six miles over rough roads without getting tired she and her fiancee make a handoomu pioturn together don t they yes j behevo hor eugagoment is considered an artistic rather than a financial buccosb soro itot mrs e j neill new armagh p q writes lor nearly six months i was troubled with burning aches and paiha in my ftet to bucii an extent tbat i could not wear my boots for weeks at last i fot a bottlo of dr thomas lclectric oil and resolved to try it and to my astoiiibhment got almost instant rahefvuid tho ono bottlo accomplished a perfect cure those eskimos up m ajaska havo good eouud common sense how so why when they fall in lovo witfi a girl thoy announce it by bonding her a sealskin eacue salt kliqitiicnicd glmilmln your burdock blood bit tors cured mo of salt rheum three jears ago it was bo bad that i lost my 0uger uaila and i can truly say that i know of no mora valuable medicine in the world thanb b d i have had rio return of salt rheum einco mm jas sm 1 us emerson man rino hair genorally betqkona native good taste and intelligence biliousness and ltvor complaint head ache oto aro cured by burdock pills ladies do not like to grow old and yet thoy re tho very first to adopt now wrinkles action produces heat the heat in torn qtiiokons tho chemical aotior and if in addition the coal inwbich this action is going on is heaped to pother in a lare mass the beat quickly accumulates because it cannot readily escape coal being a blow and poor con duotor tbo smaller tho pieces of coal the great er the danger beoauso a email piece has in proportion to its mass a larger burface area exposed to the air and consequently to tho absorption of oxygen than a large pieco and when small pieces are heaped together they form a porous mass which may bo thoroughly permeated by oxygen from tho atmosphere tho pre son co of moisture also accelerates the chemical aotion of the oxygen id tho coal so that tho temperature of wet coal rises faster than that of drj coal in the procebs of loading bbipswith oaala serious dauber is ofton invited by pouring tho coal into tho bold from a considerable height by means of shoots the coal at tho bottom thus gets broken smaller and smallor en til it is in a fit state for com bustion to be sot up no doubt the mysterious iobs of many ships ia to bo explained by a spoil taneous ignition of the coal that lliey ourrud there are many more women living than x used to think is that so yee before i married i usod to think my wifo was the only woman in the world if any of our readers are troubled with iobs of hair the best preparatibn to roplon ish it that we know of is hall s hair kenower morit tells this world ib but a fleeting dhow aud tev aro thoy alas who can rake up a pull that a strong enough for a fceo pass tho best pills mr mm andervoort siduoy crossing ont writos wo havo been using purmcleo s pills and find them by far tho best pills wo havo over used tor delicate aud debilitated coneticutlons those pills act liho a charm taken in small dosoa tho effect is both a tonic and a stimulant mildly exciting tho aecrotiona of tho body giving touo and vigor short thick ourly hair is an indication gf great natural strength why will you allow a cough to lucerute your throat or lungs and run the risk of lilhng a consumptives when by tbo timely uso of bioklos anti consumptive syrup the pain can bo allayed and tho dan ger avoided ibis syrup is pleasant to tho tabto and unsurpassed for relieving healing and ouring all affections of the throat and jnngn coughs cclds bronchitis oto i witiht i was a eollambuhut eajd the speculative tramp why causo den i cud save trouble by walkm in me sleep istliere ignorance is not bliss 1 is f ll not lo be vusl it costs hut 1 few minutes lo rcid the i in si ic news ignorance of it is not bh s just 1 little better just 1 little newer just 1 little ehe iper jtut uie httle somethings mil e this the plico to buy drj c oudb gotton bress tods m ui lnteieatuif hneb of muslins and 1 men lfleota 0 on silo to diy 1 i nees to meet the cnl i ind hickw ird seison we miht win for wnrm awulitrithepiohtecii arenh in fmoro i have bold these oods 1 month ijq at the rtdnred rites one week of sum mer weither will eleir ihc line if we could print mentil pictures of these fojils jn your mind ue would quote prices wc hae ihem in fincj stripes is low is 8c md better foodb run ibhfh ia 20c these litter were origin illy joe hosiery spechlvilues in children s i ist blacl i itheb i ast ulaclc cottpn itose 10c cotton hobe from 5jc to yc j d williamson co wyndham and macdonpell streets guelph h6nderson st co readytowear clothing boys and mens in all qualities and styles a very serviceable suit for mn all wool only 5 00 a long forehead indicates intelligence a eliort ono activity uugya rd a pectoral bauam cures oouglib colds arthma bronchitis and ull throat and lung troubles brown i wondor who originated the idea that it is unluouy to begin anything on iriday robhieon probably it was eomo buy individual who preferred to wait till saturday tlicj at niooil the best spring ffjechcfe cures all blood dlseajeff from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous ore what was the peculiarity of mothuaola 7 asked the teacher he lived to be very old without ever learning to ride the bike anwerod tho smart hoy alnnfl felt tired i suffered with headacbo and lass of appetite and i always felt tired iconcludj ed to try hoods tiarsaparitla and aftor taking one bottle my hoadacho disappeared 1 continued taking it and now i am never troubled with headache and my appetite in good lauiu oarun 217 claremont st toronto ont piles cured in 3 to 6 nights dr atnew s ointment will cure all cases of itching piles in from three to bix nights one application bringn comfort por blind and bleeding pilos it ib peerless also ctiros tetter suit bheum kczcma barbers itch and all eruptions of the bkin nrconfs sold by a t brown mana said tho great hypnotist if jou don t put that baby to sleep ill be unable to givo my groat mosmorio show this oven ing rheumatism can be cured mr jus hagen tho well known ox alder man of ftemptville ont saya por bomo years i hva beep greatly troubled wili pain aoroaa my hack urinary troubles caused mo much loss of sleep and i buffered from a tirod worn out feeling doan g kidney pills gave mo relief in a short thfta tho pain in my back has disappeared aud i faoj that i would bo doing wrong not to racoxnoxeudj bppi to others buffering us i did they are llio beat medicine i over usod tho upper lip whn projecting shows arroganco and want of bhame signs of wormb aro variable appetite itching at thonobg etc dr lows worm sfrwp-ib- t bo m norway pine syrur the most prompt plonennt and pi rfucfc curo for coughs colds asthma bronchitis hoarseness sore throat croup whoop ins cough quinsy pain iu the chest and all tin oat prngjjal ana lung- diseases tlielelingflii1iiamiijtnnirhiri of tlio norway pmomit aomlnnid in this medicino with wild cherry and other poctornl herbs mid bnl sqjnfl to mnko n truo bpooio for ntl forma of disoasoonginatuigiromcc ida price 25c and 50c shirt waists we arc constantly receiving addittions to out stock of these goods and the speedy way in which nice stuff is picked up shows that our taste in these goods is appreciarted new laces embroideries muslins sateens prints etc in selecting wearables for the coming hot spell give us a look it will pay you full lines of gloves mitts collars and cuffs hosiery etc four spools for ioc best roll butter only ioc lb henderson fc co acton mmm44mmmttmrmhkmmmmmmmtmmmmmh f shops ind wircrooms ills atlendeid to 1 oot of willow st bay or nlgfot j a speight 4 qo undertakers and embalm ers acton opt latest styles experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture of all ki railway time table crand trunk railway mull i xj i cj mill oil i hi i ooltif i ibt tlith tin not lolii 1 i i i xi r 4 i ii i i ruh li m ill i mlmil i i o ini matl i all ii 111 iii 1 iii 111 17 n in i 11 i in 10 01 i ui til lo n t into ut lt on motility brhntford steel wind- mi ills intorjittlcov orod gear latontltollor and bah juoar gnlv tinztetl tow- ertinntt wheels tnobobt in amorica- idoal spray pump iron iumnb wafor laiikr plihiif ic the ideal power mill with holler and ball bearings is a wonder bond for circulars the u leaf voubun moli ihapley brantforocan poii ant powbn proli s iiohme to 30uonati ton i nob roverqlblo- ritttea o siiooiol doeign unll boariogs for ttio iatos jtuns posy grinds inoaud fast our lufootldoal powor mill will run it satlsfao torlly tiiisjb byallodda bo best grinder inado john jvtqueen agent for above also rpp frost and wood in j ors afid mowers 4 full lino of all kinds of farm implements and repairs wellassorted stock at reaspnabje prices vour inspection invfted j a speight co a dimple in the cbin is pretty but indl cates weak mental organization hood b fills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels core sick headache pertinent question old aunt dinah was a colored woman who had a remarkably strong voloo and would tinn and o glor with euoh vier as to bo beard above all the rest of iho congregation but she was of an unpleasantly saving disposition it wus tho custom at tho missionary meetings of the churoh sbo attended to tulto up a cotlcc ion during the singing of tho hymn dy abroad thou mighty gos pell in the midst of which aunt dinah always throw baok her head closed hor oyos and bang away at the top of her lungs till the plate had passed her by tho collector who was a man of plain specoh obsorved this habit of the old womans and ono evening when he came to her seat he stopped ehort and surveying lier rapt countenance said bluntly look a heah yo aunt dinah i what a do good ob yo a eingin an a bingin fi abroad thou mighty gospel ef 30 doan gib nufllu to make hor fly an antidote for antliina mr albert beid angus ont waa for over two yeare a bufferer from asthma a half bottle of yellow oil cured him completely and although that was bo mo timo ago be has never binco been troubled with the same complaint he yea and it ia abont all tho reason sho has she it is about all the reason ehe oonld have for marrying a man powerful saline and other drastic parfa tives flhonld be atriotly avoided except in extreme caae when an aperient is oalkd for tako ayora pills thoy reutoro natural aotion by imparting strength and t to the bowels and their iibb ih always attended with good results nearly thirteen years ago 1 was taken very sevorely with rheumatism and al though i havo been treated for it by several doctors hero and elsowhero besides using any amount of patent medicines and vaunt ed rheumatic cures i novor found only temporary rehof until six mouths ago whon dr ualsted a kheumatio care tired me s3 that i have not felt anything of it eince koiit l bimiiiair attt s marchlfjtb j8j7 why do you buy your daughter a now wheel every year because it keeps her from wanting to paint velvot lambrequins for the drawing room man tela we hear a grc it deal about purtiymg the blood die way to purify it is to ennch because la a woman a roaaon jt blood is ilot a simple fluid like water it isjrmde up of m 1 n ute bodies and when these are deficient the olood- lacks the lifegiving pnnciplc scotts emulsion is not a mcic blood purifier it actuilly mci cases thenumber a steely bluo eye la often tho sign or a me re hobs disposition arrrelurrgflhl ib alwaya bad it bhows lack of resolution very tightly olosed lips are usually found in seoretivo chraoterf n of the icd coipuscjes in the blue oyea belong to ppoplo of pn enqnir r 111 ing mm of mind blood and changes unhealthy action into health if you want to learn more of it wc have a book which tells the btoi y in simple woi ds s ol t ti ijo m hcllev h out ng catarrh of long standing relieved in a few hours it is not alone tho people of our own country and prom in ont citizens tike urban ijippe m p ofjohotto quo and other members of parliament who having nbed dr agnows catarrhal powder pro nonnco it the most tfteotlvo remedy they have over known but people overywhoro aro oiproabing their gratuhfetion at tho effeotiveness of this medicine 0 q archer of brewer maine says i havo had cat arrh for several years water would ran from my eyes and note days at a time about four months ago i was induced lo try dr agnews catarrhal powder and since using tho wonderful remedy i have not had an attack i would not bo without it it relievos in leir miimtop hold by a t brown the ridge of the perfect nose should be broad and hi most straight 1 go at dniklsm or mailed on receipt of price by t milbuftw co tsronta eobbj ib oxygen what the osenbreatho all day tapa of course end what terjtiiidg fcrtuhes bcbbj and is nit regen what everything breatjup at night have you tried hollo ways corn save it has no equal for reaioving theso tronb leaomo txcreccnccs ae many haio testified oho have triod it dabnoy clibiiey smarted on a century run to day habloy where has ho gone dabnay j after the follow who etolo hs wheel syrup btrengthcnh tho tilt t f norway pino itrngs and x couglis colds etc there never was audi iievpr will bo a universal panacea in onto remedy for alj ills to which flesh is hcirlhe very nature of many cuiativeh being such that were tho germs of other and differently soared diseases rooted tjho bybtcm of the patient what would relovo ono all ih jtgrn would oguravato the tether we have however in quinine winewlnm obtained in a aonnd unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual judicious syste n into- c valeaconoo and btrcngth by tho influenco which quinino exerts on nature a own reatprativen it relievos tho drooping bptnts of those with whom a cfrromo stato of morbid dcspondenb and laek of interest in hfo is a disease and by tranquilizing the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sloop imparts vigor to tho action of tho blood wbiah being stimulated courses throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of tho system thereby making activity a necessary result atrengtheniug the frame and giving hfo to the digestivo orany which naturally demand increased substance result ira proved appotito isorthiop lyman of toronto havo given to tho publio their quinino wino at tbo usual rato and go aged by the opinion of scientists thi wine approaohos nearest perfection of any on tbo market all druggists sell it robert when i got into my new house i moan that everything shall go like clock work richard i seo tho same as hero toforo tick tick mr thomas bauard syraouso n y writes i hayo been aflheted for nearly a year with that most to be dreaded disease dyspepsia and at times worn out with paw and want of sleep and after trying almost everything rccommendod i tried ono box of parmeleo s valuable pills i am now nearly well and bohovo thoy will euro me i would not bo without thorn for any loulcib kfi with j vt stin80n rockvvpod will rctewc immediate attention more than flalf vour life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a sfyqe cepencs ft the material and fit tljat is the jeaspn pur sjpes iyg general satisfapfipn al grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams bpot shofe tttlbbe mill street acton wheelmen attention rigrby pqroug acton saw mills and wood yards h7wies brojnzn uanofactuncn asd jjealeh in lumber lath shhtglcs wood jsio waterproof bicycle suits are just the kind you want they are uptodate they are a pomfort to wear they are waterpropf tney are cheap m pnpe suits from 400 upward at r e nelson leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph all kinds cf wood in stook and promptly dorivarod to any jkrr of thotownatt n roaaoillbft pricqg hardwood and slaua cut stovo lougtb always n hand v talpt iiaqo aoinmuuicatlou acton- livery 3ug lfnfi tourist aro we near the fnllb guido yob bit as booh ab iheladils etoj tulking ou can hour the roar- loburrif llrnrt gkntikmen my heart troubled me wilji violent palpitation shortness of bnajh anil sleeplessness thin wan caused my physi cian advised me by excebhlvo usoof tobacco nce taking milhurni lleurt and nerve pills tho diatrcnnfntt flymptoms have en tirely disappeared ltieyimu uured me and i am thankful to testify to thejr good fffeots signed w t tuimov ht ihoinai ont amuttur humorist thai a a pretty iood juke of mlno don t you think hxrtri tncpd editor well it o juat as funny now us it eer was oliieih liill clin s dianhiih 1 roin my own exprmence i can son fl leutly say that dr i owkr d lxtraot of wild strawberry poebcssos liuo merit h was tho means of saving my littlo girls life lust summer she was teething and took violent dinrrhoea dr lowler s extraot of wild strawberry cured hor and i feel that 1 cannot aay enough 111 its favor sljuj wn 1 1111 aiitiimi u liryllic out why do you hato sonp bo inqtiiiiave lady i don t simply ignore t we dont move in the same lot thats all castoria tlifu ilmll tc ua for divers reasgns 4 ti10 ttery any pil f jiif a pini cars to i10 coniforuihlo 111 tw 10 uy pi the tuit that lie ia kcii most in fhgiilil lit n strong jjood fitting ell lunik fiilist n tinl suit in a style of cut nml fiilirld tlint 11 up to the tunes 1 his docs net iilccsmi rily mean an fcipcmne suit it nicam one of shoreys ready made tulls nlngli arc gtiarantecdiu ecr respect one of their guarahtc ecardsiu the pocket if it docs notlurii out ns guaranteed bnpg jt hick and get 3 our money refunded no other jnnnufacturer of keady mnf tlurfr ai foj ifii secawofteet shonys mako i mkamimaaaamwuumaai ipi s s tlioiinildinlciicilruoiidotliillybollpiuthoiistroo 8o ot ild nubile mid infornn tbom that well equipped and atyllah qig oan nil wayo be seoursd at his bublos a oomforcatilo bus meets al trains botwoaa g a m and 8 18 n m careful attention slvon to avuryoraor tbo wants or codimorolaltratol lore fully mot jopn williams puri5 and bat for table and dairy nodwltciimon mover mkeii the dngluh lunftuugo mn at bo loiih at leubt that s what i vo reckoned for it li still alive to day rtipugh murdered ever second lloniut plriinint ptifirt norway pino fciyrup is a prompt plea eant and perfect cure for coughs coltjs huthma brouohili lojrnieus bore th rod i pin iu tlioohestv croup whooping cough h influenza and all throat and lung troubles 25c und goo at all drug b tore f mixedhalp no one pounlixbjfct tut li retail 25 30 40 bo and 80 q a pouku 4 th davidson a hay ltd wholesalctq a3ilsl7ji oopyriohts to irltsxlrrfi nl rtomirlntlon nit ftui s invontlpu la r lusk oflmammoy forwourlniipar wo scientific american betuufullr llluatmtiht liruont olinl v n if glir solonilno j mm ii wrakir li rnutau wnaol 1 m ux moiiljia hiocliicn c u a aiullumj book on wtaits aom freo adilroaa r munn co 3 9iu pr9iniv no toru

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