Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1897, p. 1

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voluale xxil no 51 aoton ontario thursday june h4 197 price three cents iui jvrtdit jfm rcss is 1 l1u ihiii p evluy thursday morning at the tllo illsstlulll 1 riutliigoflhi mill stiuvi t acton ont ti hmh oi sunintii i ion out dollar l cr j oar btriotlyin luhanco all i ubmrh ttoiih dlueon tinuod whon tlio timo for width tlioy luuobuon paid has oxplrod iho duto to which oory flubsorlitiouinnuu 1b dotiotod on tho address label adveiuihlm ltatl 8 uluilbltllt ildvtllllho luouts 1u lonta por nonpareil lino for flrst in aortion j couta i or lino for ouch hubuoouout insertion oontnaqt hatls tho follow i off tiiblo shows our ratofl for tho inaui tion of ad ortlnuuiouth for bpoclllud porrodir to cleab the balance of ouit wall paper ojnic reduced the price to cost and in i nit cists below cost price hjace sotuoboa 10 luohoa s inches 1 ineli 1 ml i 0 mo i- mo sco 00 rs 5 00 900 jfi 00 20 00 u 00 2d 00 12 00 7 00 6 00 j10i 3 0q 7 00 300 ajvortlsowonta without spoclflc directions will bp inserted till forbid and chargod accord iugly transient advertisements uiubt bo paid to aavanco advortlaomonth will ho cbangoil onco each month if doslrtd i or cliaiihos oftqnor than onco a month tho comiobitfon must bo paid for at rogulai rates chancos for contract advortlbomonts must bo tho otli o by noon on tuosdaja h p moorfc editor and proprietor flusitttssbtwtorpr olll c0 and roaidonco coruor mill frederick btreots acton as elliott m b m d acton t graduati toilonto unililsit ofpicr main strout third door eoutli of ireabytorian church acton veterinary surgeon a lrred p husband v s graduate of tho ontario otoriuary collcco honorary monibor of tho votorinary medical society officl win husbands lot m con i isasa ogawoya calls day or night promptly attended to dental ll bennltt lds dentist aeonoetown onxiiuo dr f 8 mercer dintib1 qradua to of toronto university and jl c d s office over drug btoro acton vlbitivo dah iliuilnnay asd tltlpa i lit st d is cti saorttd cunibi nations jhrfut e tin she u 3011 the iliccit inil cheipest i nptr 111 he cii un iit money cer lime- by deiling days bookstore ottetrph day sells r fm belli dd s ld s dentiht u00kwxxl lionolt glladuavl 0 toilonto usijjnhiry work made satisfactory prices moderate ihiiio daah tuesday and i riday of each wtcli m clean mclean barriolors solicitors notaries convoyancars ico jrbtftto funds to loan office town hall acton wil a mclean jno a mclean d ouglas 1 murray uajiuibtkkb boliqitoi b notaries etc offices lmflquoonbt parkdalo victoria chambers 61 victoria bt tolophono 297 tonorwd john dodolah ag murauy a j- mackinnon laimi8teh boliqlton cosvi lantlil omci mill btrcot in alattbowa block upstairs rp g matiieson j b mcleod uoorgotown and milton moiloy to loan at lowebt ratos r j mcnabb olork fourth division court county of hal n cnnvnynnmr ajnr 1 irwuttfl tlfn ahhiirflllcn ileal latato agout money to loan etc opficb porrymau slllock acton ont h at1scellanzo us enry grist ottawa canada solicitor of patents for invontlon oto proparoa applications for tlio canadian aiuer can and european patent o ill cob and for tbo itoglatration of lrado marks bond for pain pulet ihirty two voors experience plranois nunan bookbinder wvndham st g uolph ontario over williams btoro account books of all kinds mddq to order periodicals of ovory description carofully bound huunenoativftn 1 promptly done m arriage licenses ii p moope thmtfii of manniaoe licfnhfh prliatoofllcft nowitnosnesrorjulrtd issued rosldonrn in the ovaniut irooproas oiflco actov jonsy 1p vrmeh8 if you wish to roduco your mtoroflt or socuro a nrhtolaab lonn of tnonoy at low interest aud on easy terms of ropainont call on mo i mako n bpecialty of londhic money and have plonty of funds i also loud on village property w c jackson convi yanceb and monfy lf ni it office wyndtmm st noar city hall guellh weulngton mutual fire insurance company bstaoubuext 1810 inbupance on cash and mutual plan any communications forwarded to my address box 028 or tolophono 08 will bo promptly at tended to john tayeor agont g uolph 7m uemstreet lloevued acotionkfii lor thocountlos of woiilngton aud halton ordomloflat thopiifh pufhs ofllco acton or atinyrosldencoln acton will bo promptly at tended o 1 ooa roducod to 5 00 for farm sales also monoy to loan on tho most favorable inns and at tho lowost ratos of interest in urns of bcoand p ward a w barber bros paper makers georgetown ont uake a ill kcultt of machine finished book papers add iii01i oradk wkkklynkws the papor asod m tbie journal is from hoabovq mill wm barber a bios a little entomology we wish to cill the itttntionof the houbtwntb of this community to cry destructive household inject which has alrendy done serious dimire in this district c refer to whit is knoun is the buffalo moth orcarrtetrbeetle uthrenus sorophuhrnc which att tcks ind ib cr injur loiib to woiltn goods clothing cnrpets upholster etc how to know it it consists of an ictue brown inn a iquirttr of m inch long or less clothed with stiff brown hiirs iround the sides if you an not fanulnr with its ippeir incc we will be pleised to bhow you specimens it our store in its three stigcs lar i pupi and adult insect how to destroy this pesl is the next question of importance hating dibcoered it in your house wo hue the remedy i stewarts buffalo motfi extermmatqr or liquid insecticide- wil rid yonr house of them in i short time it is a guaranteed remedy price 25c a bottle alex stewart traders bank of authorized capital 1000000 paid up capital and surplus 7s5000 assotp over 6300000 cuelph branch 3 bums of 51 and upward icaoivdd on depositaiul jj per cent interest puid or compounded hlf0rrlj depoait roioiptb leaned for lurq biinia donobited advaucos made to responsible firmers on their own namcb no oharce made for colleitnik 3 iu b notes- if payablo in guolph a general banking bifaineas trunhhcted a r it jonhs al it linger our coal oil stoves jjoetrg mbvoriw 42ajie quick work eas no waiting for fire to burn or stove to warm up ready tocook as quick as lighted safe handy economical no dirt ashes or overheated kitchens write for priqes if you cant call j im bond co guelph inliluelililieublitofuod iiih like nous utiimj a my brow rliroili tlio valley of deatb my feet lmvc trod an 1 i rtibii in lory now nif brotikinh ijoart is bero so ktun and tblllliuf pain no wiibtedchuolt where tbo frequent teat until rolled and loft its statu i linvo roaohed tlio joyr of lioavon itai if one at the ualutod baud i or my bead a crown of gold qivou mid a i irji 1 in m baud i liavii luanii itbo fulug tlioj sliitf lioui jomih bus sot free and tlio jloriouh walls of hoavon still ring v itb my now born molody no sin nogrlof no pain safe in my hanny home my foais all lie 1 my doubtb all ulaiu ay bout of triumiili a aouit obi friends of mortal joars tbo trusted and tho true e are watcblug btlll in tbo vnlloyof tears hut i wait to wolcomo you do i forgot ob i no 1 or uicmory h goldeu ch iln blmll bind my bourt to tbe boarts below 1 ill tlioy meet to touch again lach link in ittrong and bright and love a oleotrie llamo i lows frooly down liko a rlvorof light to tbo norld trom wbouce i came do jou mourn when another btar hlilncb out from the gllttorlng sky t do you noop whon tho laglug voilo of war and tbo stoniia of conflict dxo thou wily should your tears run down vnd jour hearts bo boroly riven i or another gem in tho saviour s crown aud another eoul in heaven a deal wlsor if your papa had looked a little more closely to bis mocoy instead of landing it tq neer do walls liko chntincey graham to squander i st 3fnmilir slfabing more than half your life is spent in your shoes then why not have them comfortable the ease of a shoe depends on the material and fit that is the reason our shoes give general satisfaction all grades of boots and shoes in the latest spring styles and best quality at w williams boot shoe store mill street acton j h hamilton dealer in marble and granite t hamiltons block oub huing ou liadtla lkrgo quantity of scotch norway swedish and russian i grhnite and m order to dispose of h to make room for spring stock now purchased i will sell it a reduction of 20 per cent and m11 illow all expenses to customers to ind from our works johnh hamilton georgetown electric works t j speight proprietor manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors and hydraulic rams pipe andflloarn i jttinr and uoneral hepair ing del lift en lit p pod with a gas brazing machine i am iiropared to do brazing on llioyelos kramos fee wbueln couvorted from direot to tangon hpokos tlandlo liars bont to any desired auglo 1 ull lino of spokes koiit in stock atlnfaettft darautocd iiicycles oiiamolloil lii any cojor t j speight georgetown e b collins butcher dnalrrs to thank his numerous ouatomers for their liberal patron ago slnco lie commenced btihinohs lost january aud hopes that by caroful and courteous attontlou to merit a eoutluuauco of their custom a complete assortment of firstolanfl beof mutton lamb pork fresh and salt hams sausngea poultry lard o in eeaaon prlcos always as low as consistent with tho boat quality irompt dollvory i- at stock wanted j b coltlns job printing including hooks pamphlets poalcm imi heads circulars ao o oxoouted in tbo host style of the art at modorato prices and on short uotlco apply or addrons ii p moouh vftuu plikbfl offlao actou 111 pciito pays for your namo on 13 iu utnlo dutiful hidckn nam v wkinw oahdh loveiy pictures or 20 haudiamo calling cards oosli with order stamps taken addrebu canada gaud 0u8c fugovaoll out light summer tweeds that look eool and feel cool stylishly cut properly finish ed and generally well tailored not high priced but high enough to ensuie every satisfaction to the wearer the pleasure of first choice is yours ifou buy now shaw turner merchant tailors guelph 189798 owttul- php6rs- s an pri to surprise you frames pictures artists supplies headquarters for presents c waters bros sdlqeqeqe sqitase oueilph robt noble ihc hihcm price for lllihert pehs ottts bhrlev at the warehouse acton station flour bhhn shorts seeds and all kinds of 1 ccd at acton flour and feed store try norval tlour the best rnmilj i iqut in the market frank harris manager acton- lier bus line tho undersigned respectfully solicits tlio patron aao of tbo public and informs thorn that weh equipped and stylish riga can all ways be seaured athlsstablor a comfortable bus mooti al trains botwoen dam and 8 1r p m careful attontlou rlvon toovoryordor tbo wants of commercial travel lem fully mot juhn williams 1 rtofhiktoll actort saw mills and wood yards jk7mtes brown uasovaotunkh and dkalkh in imcr jn7i ihthmlch ttaoit hu all kinds of wood in stock and promptly dollverod to any part of tho town at f rqasouublo prices hardwood aud slabs out stove louplb always n band tojophpno coininuolcauou juliet the orphai ami lunuoiin well juliet what are you calculating to do 8iij mrs murd right its timo to mako up your mind about something you know briskly observed miaa juniata jebsup juliet may lifted hor heavy head and looked at 111 em with vague surprise ho sho repeated whats there to do 1 don t know what you all mean she was a dark large 03 ed girl with chceka as pale as a oalla loaf a spanish luxuriance of jot black hair aud a slight figure which seemed to be bound by the weight of her deep mourning mra mur drtuht was a tull maaoulidb woman with iron gruy hair unci a equare ohm migb jobsup wore bpeotaelee and moved around in an active jerky- wa like an extra laygc tued oaimry bird 1 its a week to morrow binoe your pa wqb buried added hjy mardnht juliat winced 1 vch eho said i know it ob pupa papa there there eaid misa jeraup as tbe young orphan hid her faoa in her hands dont give waj it a nnoliriatiart and itu uncomfortable tool and itfl high timo eleadily objerved mrs murdnght that 3 ou looked mittors in the face juliet may you ve got your liviug to earn and but i thought i wa to live with vou coiibin chaunoy wah alwab good and kind t cried juliet coloring up ho would have paid papa if ho conld i and it ib mean aud dishonorable of 3011 to bay buoh things as thoo juniata jossap haity toity i cried misi jebbtip meupj dibhonorablo i well if ho am b b ith let him put in an appearauco and bay what ho hab done with that monty aa mr qrahum was at that moment biipposed to bo in australia engiiged 111 tbe management of a manlmoth sheop jarm this was perhaps an unreasonable demand but to mins jeobupb inllnito ainaemout audperhapb to i or diacomflturo as well tho front door wati pushed open at that juncture aud a bronzed bearded appari tion in a bint of eomo foreign stvle and cut stalked in is this mra moaaa mrcriglhd iioubo eaid he cau any 0110 toll me if miss juliot may is hero mrs murdnght starred miss joaaup seemed equally ummed but with a ory juliet may sprang to her feet cbaunoey 1 bhe oriod it 13 my nousin cbaunoey 1 i am cbaunoey qrahum said tho young man i only arrived in the port of new york iaat eveniofj it all ecems so do people sleep enough no and bv this bold denial wo mean to stand when wo tako into consideration said poor juliet who was as ignorant in tho wayh of tho world as a six month old infant you are my mothers sieter aunt murdnht and that is hardly a roason why i sboud uudcrtuke to support oory relative i have gob in tho world said mtb murdnght boiuly vou arent a chili juliet yon wore ightccn- lait mouth and theres many a girl of jour ago earns her own living and lays up a handsome sum boaides and its close on the first of june and i 0 v i liivtn tolattanmiimr boarders and there ib no reason supplemented mibs juniata skillfully beijing tho oppor tunity to btriko it when mrs murdrirht paused for lack of breath why you should bit with folded handa whilo your oouain artemisia works in tho skirt faotory and louiaa lacy goes out to tailoring juliet sat looking from ono to tho other whilo her heart bccmed to stand still with tn her at tbo grange sho had alwayb lived in luxury she bad been tho darling and idolized child of a dotting fattier sho had never paused to con aider- the tjueation of mero monoy all good aud lovely things seemed to assemble around her by magic lvery ono had spoken tenderly to her and now and now what am i to do autit murdrlght sho faltorcd is all my monoy spent your money i hysterically eohoed miaa josbup poor child i you haint got none its all gone in rabh specula lions and mad inventions juniata bpoaks only tbo truth said mrs murdnght btiflly as juliets eyes sought hora as if to ask corroboration of tho little old maids unfeeling words youre as gopd as a beggar and yon must begin toconbidr in serious earnost what you aro to do for your bread i cant undertake to support you juliet put her llttlo cold hand m a pathetically pleading way ou mra murd right s aunt said she couldnt i atay hero couldn 1 1 mako myself useful to you mrs murdright shrugged her ahoulderb im very sorry said eho but i dont require anjono to play the piano and bit around tbo houao in piotureequo positions aud ho waited on you havent been brought up ab my girls are juliet may tuhot recoiled as if a serpent had stung hor alio turned to mibs jertaup coubiti juniata she said yon too aro my relative i aid mo 1 advieo mol you have ago and experience i am liko a lost child in tins great cruel grinding world 1 vtnl v juliot may was but a novice iu nil conventional wisdom or sho never would have alluded bo unguardedly to tlio ago and cxperieuco of tho sprightly spin ster miaa josaup bridled i really do not know that i have an 3 thing to eaj said she aa mrs mur d right remarks poo pi 0 must expoot to work in this world i bat mibo jessup studiously banished from her recolleolion tho faot that wku she bad first set up dressmaking for her rolf squire may had generaualy lent hor monoy for hor lease furniture stock and fixtures lie had never claimed a cent of interest ho had never so much bb hinted at tho repayment of his loan aud she had been equally silent and it is to bo pre bunued that she had quite forgotten the whole oiroumstanoo when bho added with eomo httlo vindicticncia and to my mind it would have beou straugcto mo to hear that my cousin s iuiro may ia dead that juliet 13 with out a homo i he stood in burppse sourouy able to reo oguno iu this lull andalusian faced girl tho chubby allocked little pla of fo mor years but whon she flun herself bo oonlidingly into his urmb ho held her with a tender and chivulrio embruqo oh chauncoy i am bo lad that you have come she sobbed ob i was so lonely and forsaken 1 no ono has seemed to caro for me tinco papa died no ono offered mo a home i will bold chauncoy quietly there there little one dont frot it is ull emootfi sailing now tho money which your father lent mo has born fruit seventy times aovon aud it is jours now 1 mra murdnght here recovered herself bo far as to extend a fish liko hand to mr graham miss jessup prosaoj eagerly for ward my dear juliot sho bald with a httlo aoidity you are such a mere baby 1 dont you aco that your coubid isn t at all tho proper nereou to tuko charge of 3 ou v why not said chauncoy graham it beems to mo that i am the very ono and my mother is in now york waiting to extend a mothers tender oare to juliet at all events my dear said miss jessup dou t cling to your cousin aa if ho were a floating apar and you a drowning mariner 1 do bit down 1 doar cousin chauncoy with a smile which displayed evory ono of her falsa teeth to tho very boat advantage tbia is auoh an agree able surprise wo have thought and talk ed of you so much 1 while mrs murdnght hastened to pre paro wbatehe oallod a halo refreshment for ihia rolativo who bee mo j so muoh near er and dearer since he hud come biok homo with plenty of money w nh muttered that- th whulu puup of tile wllo broad land sumo years ago tho man who callb him aolf the bystander in tho loudon otttphtc wrote some papers on tho draw backs aud advantages going to bed early aud rotting up early and hp ended his preachmont than mybrotborn let there bo no mistake about the matter early to bad ajid early to rise neuhec makes a man healthy or wealthy or wibo ho wrote thoso words inhls youth ancf whilo timo has perhaps middled somo of his viowe he thinks on sober reflection that hisopinions were in tho main right and that ho wbb really in advanco of his timo for the most conservative of mediatil periodicals occa sionaliy echo bia opinion that tbe plurrutgo of tho early bird is not so beautiful nor its conduct bo worthy of imitation as wo have boon accustomed to think and he again calls att ntion in a lute number to the opinion of the amonoun phytnoian dr talaott who traces tho prevalence of in sanity among farmers and thoir families to perpetual early rising tbo english peoplo seem to bo in advanoo of us here for in london the business hou903 are each year getting later and later tis tbo voico of tho eluggoxd i hoaid biin com plain almost dragged under tlio author of eskimo life describes a days hu w the men of j the village hadnt boon quite so bharp with juliet sho was a billy child no doubt but if sho is gbiag to bo noli again eh what to her niece who now presented herself with a crape veiled hat and ink black draperies folded aoro38 her sender shoulders youre not going away eo boon juliet my darling chauucoy says that his mother expects us by tho very noxt train said juliet upon whose pals cheek a new color had kindled and wo liao no timo to lose i and simpered mibs jossup who wab hurriodly donning an extremely youthful gaiqbborough hat with rosebuds and daib tea wreathed around its brim i have volunteered to accompany doar juliot really i have grown too food of her to allow her to blip away from me like this mrs murdright mado a grtmaoo tho scheming old oat bhe thought 1 slu actually thinks sho ib go 11 g to lure chauncoy graham into marriage well i never did boo auoh idiotio folly 1 but she baid nothing of this aa she kissed juliet good bye with tin effusiveness which borpriaod tho young gfrl tarowoll my darling erho baid almobt tragioallj and remembor that if over you need a borne my heart and hearth aro equally open to you why didn b sho biy so before juliet asked herself vaguoly amazed at what seemod to hor suoh a surpribing incousia tonoy why did eho talk so disagreeably about ray being a burden and earning my own living and why is tunmta jossup coming back with us without ever being invited poor httlo juliot i sho had yet much to loarn of the ins and outs of this world i mies jossups stay iu now york how ever was not prolonged she came back tbo next day vory ill satisfied with her journey things aro quite changed ainco i waa a girl baid sho there s juliet engaged to cbauncey graham hlroady or aa good as engaged a mere ohit like that with no knowledge nor experience of sooioty i and mrs graham taking ou airs liko the q aeon and lolling mo up and down that she didnt care for my company 1 mo 1 her own cousin twico removed 1 and juliet pactmgirom mo li a o n e kissing mo nor tolling mo sho hoped to aco mo again 1 humph i said mrs murdrlght thatb generally ho way rich pcopto bo have but 1 almnat wibii juniata we hadnt boon quite ao shirt with the child yea said mibh jum ta but who waa to bupposo that bho was to bo an heiress of tor all what do your children read do yo know you know what thoy cut and are r fill topi ividotbo right food and plenty or it hit i you know parouts what your children rei i do jou take pains to know what the read and provide thorn with tho ntht kind of reading matter and plonty of it has u over ocourrod to you that to bo indifferent in this reppcot or to deny your children good reading mattor ib to starve them mentally or por bapn poi on them 1 fronts never think of blnrmiig their chddnn pliyifoally to poisnn them or nturi thorn would bo inhuman is i iobb 1 human to starvo them mentally j tho confidence of tho people iu hood s sarsaparilla ia duo to its unequalled record of wondetlul cures tjoirttcall mobooarly jou ii mauo mo iuaano and ho threatous to bring out a now up to dato topay turvy edition of dr watts rhymed homilies that tbo great inoroaae in insanity will have a thorough sifting there is no doubt and wo are prop a red to bco tbe want of sufhoiont sleep take rank as the first great cause tbe farmers many of them dominated by the old saw see in imagina tion a vision of the poorhouao if by ohauco outraged naturu takes her legitimate rovengo and causes them to nsou half hour later on some morning succeeding a special ly wearisome day and without knowing it they are robbing themselves of the bleep worth tbe most to thorn that hour of brain restoring bi umber that comes when all vigilance of tho is gone and tho man is thoroughly wrapped in oblivion as the old novelists used to bay so habit uated are many of tbom to see disaster in any shortening of tbe hours of labor that all tbo agnoultaral maohineb that abolish half tho toil might aa well not havo been invented for them certainly a more rational conduct of life ought to follow tho diffusion of tho knowledge of tho structure and nosds of tho brain among the contributory aauaes wo fancy that tho kerosene lamp plays au important rolo not that we would depnvo one house hold of that blesbed bit of liberated eiin bhiao who can blame the farmers wife and family for indulging themselves in the hours of peace and possibly of enchant meut they owe to it whon the drudgery of tho day ended thoy take tho journal or tho book in hand their mistake id iu letting it fasciuato too long if thoy aro in a home bubject to au iron rule of noodless too early rising in tbe days of tatlow candles thero was no suoh temptation but whilo enjoy ing tho sweets they should not make them selves ifablo to bo treated to the bitters littakobmorosuenghofroiad god will to go to bed from among pleasant evening bnrroundings than for any other act of daily life we once heard a very shrewd person remark tho hygiene of enough sleep needs constant reiteration rewarded at last in a western paper under tho heading situations wunted appeared the follow ing advertisement which bhowe iu a fair dogreo tho versatility and modesty of ono amorioan printer wanted situation by a praotioal printer who is competent to take charge of any department in a printing and publish ing house would accept a professorship in any of the academios hab 00 objootion to toaah ornamontul painting and penman bhip geometry trigouomotri and many other bcioncos has had boma experience as a lay preacher would havo no objeo tion to form a small claab of young ladies and gentlemen to instruct thorn in tho higher branches to a dentist or ohiropo dist be would be invaluable or be would cheerfully accopt a oaition as busi or teuor singer in a choir remarkable as it may beem this adver tisement appoared day after day indioat ing that tho gifted printer was still without a situation at last there appeared this addition to the notioe p s wilt accept an offer to saw and split wood at less than tho ubual rates tho advertisement was notfnaertcd again ao that the readers of tho paper were loft to infer that at last tho vcraatilo pnntors acquirement a had mot with appreciation just for fun what is 3 our namo asked a teachex of a boy my namo is julo was tho reply whereupon tho toaolior impressive ly said you should havo said julius 8i r and now my lad turning to another boy what is yonr namo bil ious sir what said tho emancipator what has tho bicjolo dono for women i it has enabled her naid tho oymo on the back soat to take hor placo iu tbo mjddlo of tho road along with tho horses i hear tho aarunch of the editbr s shears i smell tho smell of his sour pnatc and the sound of his voico ringb 111 my car declined with thanks lam yours in hasto 0 dr llurdl whon yon go to bed do 3 ji any tho beautiful hymn about if i should die before a wake llttlo hypatia of boston oh no its vorbal inaccuracies grata upon me if i should die during bleep how could i wake 1 certainly what moro should woman want ho asked is not the world at her feet now r of course it 8 replied tho sharp noiod girl you do not oxpect her to walk on her hands do you misunderstood a deaf old lady riding in an clcotnu car became mach alarmed because of a block ado and asked a 3oung woman next to hor what had happened riioro is 110 danger replied thojonng woman item ember that a kind heaven bonds over tia all tho old lady turned to hor companion and inquired in a vexed tono mary ellon whats the young woman saying to uie about mous overalls t put out to flfla eaob in hii cfanky little kuiak after seals auks flah or whatever other game may proeent itself tobias began by chasing a seal whioh dived and did not eomo up again witbm bight but tho man is ono of tho best hunters of tho vi1iblo as tho reader may judge by what follows ho had sighted another seal and was sktmmfng over tbe saa toward it when tho hugo head of a hooded seal popped up nght in front of the kaiak aud was bar poonod in an instant it makes a frightful wahowiugand dives the harpoon lino whir s out but saddouly gets fooled under tho throwing stick of tho bird dart tbo bow of tho kaiak is drawn under with an irresistible rush and befnro tobias knows where ha is tho water ib up to hiarmpita and nothing can bo eeen of himbuthib head and shoulders and the stearn of tbo kaiak which sticks riht up into tho air it looks as if it wore all ovor with him thoeo who aro neurebt poddle with all their might to his assistance but with scant bops of arriving iu timo to bave him tobias however is a first rato kaiak man in bpite of his difficult position bo keeps upon eveu keel while he is dragged through tbe water by tho seal which doeb all it can to getiumcutirelymidor at laat it cornea up again and in a moment ho has seized hia lauoo and with doadly aim7 has pierced the seal through tho head a feeble moment and it is dead tho other mmrcomo up it timo to find tobias busy making his booty fast and to got tho piece ofjlubber to which each is entitled thoy cannot refitraintheir ad miration for his ooolnesa and skill and speak of it long afterward the food that man needs trqubhi in tin choir tlioro was aomotfiini bo umibiial iu tlio hiiijiu of tbo choir qitat the pnmnn tnnvmt ftp tlly ftfioftllll tenth of jeremiah an unprejudiced observer niifjit ii lvo ecn kb half an oyo tboro was waiting an axplonion that would blow them all sky high tho soprano sang hor nolo and tbon loft it to tho bass who won gnawing at bis mustache mil whtt looking for the place aud tho tonot tried to follow but bu eudud in a groan v and tbo organist in fury closed tbo orau with aoiasb f and tho alto sobhod in anguish and tlio choir had gone to smash for it saomod tho wrote hod ehohstor bad ifitro ducodaglrl with a brand uow btylo of singing and u most dlstiaatiyo curl unconscious hero as in tho daily wear and tear of life a great deal of the substance of a mans body ia used up it is absolutely necessary that tho repair to the body bo carefully and systematically looked after writes mrs s t rorer in tbo april lculten home journal then todf man must create heat and force according to tho cmmato in which he lives and tho occupation ho fol lows a wise omb 1 nation of food ia therefore necessary to keep the body in working order in cold weather wo need a larger amount of carbonaceous foodb fats sugars and starches than wo do in sum mer in the hot climates and during tho hot mouthb fruit and green vegotrbleb con taining the sails neceasury to keep tbo blood in good condition bhould be used freely according to our method of living in this country wo should take about two parts of repair food such al meat egija milk cheese or in tho vegetable kingdom tbe old peas beans and lentils to three parts of carbonaceous food bucii as white broad potatoes rice butter cream aud fats of all kinds then we must havo a certain amount of bulky or watery vegetables such bb lettuce spinach cubbago onions and also the fruits lo making out a daily ration wo bhould have at tbe beginning of the meal some light dieh that may bo taken blowfy to prepare tho stomach for tho food that 19 to follow then a meat or its equiva lent with beef wo bhould servo potatoes with mutton rice with chickens either nco or potatoes like a barrel of cranberries ignorance of things ginerally prevents us from enjoi in a dreadful lot or happi nesb in this life baid aaron lmocott to the minister one day he was given to this form of diacourse with the clergyman doubtless ou tbe same principlo that led iri h hrm- ta b crops with his neighbors you git a torblo blind view of life an tho way things in ruumn if you dont edicato yourself up to knowin a bleagin whbn you eoo it when i seofolks throw- iu thoir blessius away it allera makes mo tbiuk of a barrel of oraub nod a barrel of cranberries if the viaitor folt small lnleroet bofore ho certainly lacked nono now ho etpreaaed his aor- priso yia a barrl of cranb ncb said aaron when i was out in tbo west injien thero was a man tuk keer of me wheniwas siok an ho wouldn t tako pay but aaid could send him somethiu off tho farm bo when i got homo j shipped him a borrl of cranbnes by a voaeel that waa goin out from our placo well aftor a timo a lettor kem back ho writ vory perhto an seemed grateful but ho said moat unfortnate that the fruit looked putty but ho bed to throw it away for in comin it hed turned sour and then aaron added his moral ihata what ioaumiifoin tho sweotnoss of things cause you didnt know how to got at it what to teach bqys a philobopor has said that true education to boya ia to toaoh thorn what they ought to know when thoy become men 1 to bo true and to bo gonuino no eduoation is worth anything that doca not includo this 2 to be pure in thought language and life pure in mind and in bod 1 to bo qnboluah to oaro for tho feel logs and comforts of others to bo gon eroub noblo and manly tina will includo a genuine roveronco for tho aged and for things bacred 1 lo bo self reliant and self helpful oven from childhood to ho industrious alwayb and self supporting at the earliest proper ago teach them that all honest work is honorable that an idle life of do pondenoo on others is disgraceful whon a boy has learned these four things whon ho has mado these ideas a part of hie boing howovor poor or how ever noli ho has loarnod tbo moat impor tant tlnnga ho ought to know wren ho bo cornea a man the wrong word there was a jubtlco of the peace in a southwestern town who wab apt to confuse long words in a manuor which used to exoito merrimout in tho oourt room on one oocaaion a negro who was a uotonoua thief of iho btock wan brought bo for 0 this justice for trial and in spite of convincing proofs againat himploadodnot guilty uo added au asseveration of hfs innocence on all previous occasions oomo ned said the justice shaking his head gravely it won t dd to dony it you know yon atolo hogs up in our neigh borhood whon you wore only a boy for i was accessory to it s charlesg lalaud in talking of tbe ner vouancss moidcnt to being bbelled during the war bays bat his captain laudie who waa exceplijually bravo was onco giving orders to a private when a shell burbt almost between tho two tho private shied but landis gruflly remarked never miud tho shells sir thojil not hurt 300 till thej hit yon i long afttr the war mr leland waa walking with theodore lassit and told him a htory of p and h i dont boo why 1 uover can do anything fine or heroic liko that 1 said fasait dolo fully theodore i will telljou a story con tinued tho other once upon a time there was a boy only eighteen years of age and it happened during the war that ho wbb in a town and tho confederates shelled it now this boy had charge of four horses and the general had told him to stay in one place before a church and ho obeyed the shells camo thick and fast and by and by ono took a log from one of the horses tho boy was in ahjid way but he atay ed on after a time the gonoral camo along and asked him why on earth are you btopping there i was ordcrod to sir waa his reply get behind tho church at once cried tbe general why exclaimed fubsit mamaement i was that boy i new word when llttlo maud began to go to bchool biio was tbo naughtiest of eoliolars she was naughty in so reakless a way that hilda her sister two years older than bhe became heartily ashamed of her maud occasionally talked aloud in cisbs bho made suoh absurd faces that oven tho teacher was forced to smilo aud sho oheriahod ao hearty a lovo for recess that it was difficult to tndaco her to come in when the quarter hour wbb over as she wbb a vory httlo girl and quite unused to rules or punishments no very bevere measures were taken with her but hilda had at last borne all she could mamma she eaid one day when alio came home with tears in hr eycb may not maud give up going to school till sho knows how to behavo bettor t npn nhn will lnnrn hy gntnp id he baid her mother wo must hate patience you know but mamma she does things that uro just awful and everybod knows bhooaarty bister and i am go abbamcd 1 v- well hilda i think wo must keep on doing our beat and jubt help her to bo rood oh i d do that baid hilda two tears btaahng down her cheeks im not tired of maud nor her naughtiness but mamma i am tired of being so couepicuated by h 1 memories among tbo numberless stories told of genoral butler since his death ih this extraoted from the boston globe tbo narrator had an important law caso on and believed that ben butler was tho man to win it butter waa in washington eo ho went to tho capital and after two dab succeeded in obtaining an interview with tho general nho deolarod that ho wab overwhelmed with work he would not take tho case for a thousand dollars a day geuexal i said as he turned abruptly to his work 1 was born in the a a mo town with ou ho grunted but wasnt otherwise affect nd so far aa i oopld see do you remembor little mibb and the boy who naed to aend notea to hor and tho bby who used to tako them i am tho boy who took the notes and i am tho boy that sent them said the genoral he held out his hand i guess ill take your caso after all ho aid and he did and won it a noble family popular and wellknown in canada tot many many years a very noble family popnlar and well known havo con ferred great blessings on canadian homes this family to whloh we refor hassorved tbe homos of canadians faithfully and well thoy have brightened tho pathway of many a sad woman when tho clouds were dark they have cheored hearts when timoa word diill and monoy scarce thoy havo boon a blessing to thou sands of husbands aud children helping them to dress bettor bo that mothers fathers and cbildrcu wero enabled to faco the world as handsomely dressed as their wealthier fnonda and neighbors these popular tried and helpful friends aro the diamond dyes tho same in power work and usefulness to day as thoy wcro twenty years ago there aro many imitations of iiiceo celebrated diamond dyes worthless and dangerous to use bowaro of thcao deeep tivo dyes as they can uctor do god work when 011 purchase dyes aco that the namo diamond it on every envelope with tho diamond dyoa success is always buroand certain he who weaves falsehoods ib certain lo wear patches many a man who has been he it to an early and even auioidal grave by the tor tures of dyspepsia would bo ahvn and well to day bad ho tested tho aluo of ayers sarbaparilla this ih no tompnr ary appetizer but a radical scientific remedy it makes life woilh living

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