Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1897, p. 2

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rc0auiiian iii nanaagawoya on siiiilav oth 1 u no to mr and mrs john mccaughai a bod in win hawud at tho ronliloueo of tho brides fiitlior on thursday 17tti juno by hv it llnbsanl fattier of tho lirldo llna j irjvln ua dl of ayr tomullo only datujhtor ot ltuv it hrurhiivd ornngovillo savieiih at tlio mnnno nftrani umli saviciut at tlio mnnno kaitaaaawavn on xvuiitiuhdny kith lunn liyjluv a lllafr h a jfttnoh mtholld d ilrookymo to mary limily old of hayuw mills naubagnwoya cunmnciiiim 1unn1k at tlio rebidouco of tlio brjdoh niotlior on wodnoflday juti otb by llov it fowllo mr john j- gumilugliam of toronto to jcrtii youugeut daughter or tlio into tliomau lllnnlo of hrln township moouh fonhtiiii at tho resldenco of tlio lirldobiitlrontfi on tnondav juno imud luliiloo davby itov j b williamson d d of mount koront itov t albert mooro nuator of mount koront itov t albert mooro nuator mnthpritiifc- fihurcli- yftlrnftrnton to annlo iiiliirui daughter of dr m former riilmora- isouirji almiltonon monday juiio utliltov jobn noblo nodf juara and 7 months milt tiatt fxu frigs thursday june 24 1897 notes and comments the scholars jubilee and interested parentsand citizens participate in the public schools jubilee s celebration ifjfr actorf tlm japanese government has f drroally protested aflainst the pending tloited states tariff bill franco lias resumed diplomatio relations with venozpola haviqg obtained a settle- merit of thopendinbindommhybliira president mckinloy is preparing a now arbitration treaty with great britain and a draft will very shortly bo submitted to tho engliab government tho admieaian of tho colonial premiere to tlitf privy council is regarded by the london press as a sort of recognition of the privilege to colonies to share in tho im perial councils tliebioyolebillhasbeengiyon tbo six- months hotel by tho senate tho rail way and bicyole representatives failed to meet each others desires and tho senate finally throw onfc tho bill for the present session the essex county council has out the salaries of tho county treasurer from 91600 to 9145a the county olerk from 9680- to 9000 and the county stenographer from 9000 to 9450 tbo auditors put in bills for 8 a day but were cut down to 95 all tbe britiah officers in the egyptian army now on leave in england nave receiv ed orders to bo at their posts between the middle and end of the present month the khalifa is preparing to offer desperate resistance to tho angloegyptian expedi tion n the prettiest siq ever saw tho jubiloo celebrations wero inaufmrated last friday afternoon ns far as aaton was concerned with a tpoctaclo uniiio alike for impreabivonoqb beauty and attraction over a quartor tbousapd of tho registered and regularly uttendingsoholara of acton pubtio schools abbomblod at the school marabod in procession through town and gathered in tho towu hall wherejhsy sang patriotic songs waved kriliali liana encored for hor majesty qacon viotoria and pro- sontod in their numbers and genuine de light their gay colors happy faces and obullient spirits a bight long to bo remem bered by those who were fortunate enough to have tho privilege of wit nee fling it the scholars mot at tbe school at tho ubual ahorpooti hojot were jdecorated with prottysjnbileo badges and eaoh was pre- aentedwith alag af two oolodk they wero formed iq procesaion in education lane andmoved dop main streemh tho following order chairman pyfu8 and irinoipal mbofo acting atrand mar sballs t standard itoarcr t bruiit br iu10tb bott ueimoutalb ilia aides maator proukbavill and misa ada clark aoton corriot band fourth nepailtmhnt 1 mlaa mbnooly m a taacbor northa gdmblo matulo masou in all reapeots the groat jabilloe proces sion in london was an immense success tbe weather was noe the crowd was order ly tlio qaben was in perfect health- and the arrangomouts wore carried out from btart to finish without a hitoh or serious accident the washington correspondent of the london daily chronicle roiterates bis story in regnrd tofresidont mckiuleye- onbsn policy tho president will only permit spain to exercise merely a titular sov ereignty over cuba she will be compelled to withdraw her troopsi and to allow tho cubans to make thoir own laws koy mofhall hanoi mason lottio mason laura mooro austin mooaun clifford ilaaiohaw david mllla morton tovoll walter bdnor joo docluto myrcio sopor mamio acnow myrtlo dills mary sinclair etbel thotnaa gortlo8tstb am haldol arnold charlie matthowe bert holmob edgar abraham alnhaeua boll archie wilson thouiaa creamer edith bmltb elprenco speight isabel arthurs gertie bwackbamor laura coloman molvlh soper john woieford arthurdynoa foorl edmlstou lennox warden mabol burgess stella gurnoy batlo arnold mario kennedy a m mcpherson adaeastwdod promptnoasjand accuracy most a rod table after the singing in ooncort my own canadian homo itov j k godden m a gave a synopsis of tho queens reign impressing tho valuo of her pure lio and example jtov j e iiowoll m a fol lowed giving a brief reuiimo of tho nmr- volloua accnmplishnionts which mark tho era of llor majesiys ruigti tho boholars tbon sang thn mupln loaf in a manner which would have gladdcuod the heart of ilio vquorablo com poser protty brauches of tho maple being wavod in rythmic precision during tho singing of the chonts itev ii a muophoraon then deflucd reaaons for existing patriolinm as mauifeut- o hihu and edna coon mar tho storoy isaiah wall or blanoho chlttbolm charilo ob am bora waltor saundora willlo kounoy aioi mcqucim adaglarka lootila donny llk7io wolsford clarice furvis mbrrio forboa ollvohorrtb morllo frlok frod hildonbraud matthew mccauu erod forbob david folbtor mabolcampboll lila ebbago laura coon etho1 clarke clara mooro hilda abrcbam lduhmaeaaborn artio plant julia qrlpnb ada ram si aw hobor williams clara bauer eimnotovell hanoi matthowa jam oo mcquoou fred drydon j am ob wollor our boys nnd girlb today rev jv j3ryorh made a few felicitous remarks leaving tho scholars dud everybody oho in oxcellent iiumor a chorus 6f senior girls sang tho land of the maple in d manner whioh called forth- loud opplaubo itoovo nickliu was thori called upon ho pxprobsed his great ploastlre at jho suqoeusoftliqboholdrs jubiteoand stattsd thdjt whon he saw in tho fkuk piiksa refer- onoo to tho dolobration iio atonco deter mined to cornpleu his fpusinoss in tho maritime provinces in order to return in time to participate ho coma direct to acton from st john n b and rrrivad tho evening before v col allan was infrbduced as the old soldier and ho waagreoted vbcireroubly horeoited a nutnbotr ot interesting aaec doteb in the early lire of tho queen pue event in which bo was present wffa tho pro- aentation of colors to hie regiment then in london was an incident of unusual interest mr h p moore gavo expression to bis groat delight in participating in thishappy and memorable event aud in witnessing the loyality manifested by the scholars of tpjidyjsoftejimbellanjldflqholarot a peculiar case distrfsssimq results follow ing vaccination a vouno daughtor of david mo- hnrdx of foraub tho victim has suffered the mobt intense akonydoclora failed to help her kroin tlio foryuij nowaltoconl nearly ovcry porbotl in tilts woolion ib acquainted with mr duvitl mchardy the popular louder of st audrawa gburoli choir forguh oir roportor called upon mr mcllurdy at lio homo in upper ninhol recently untl from him and his oetimablo wife a tftlo ofterrilo bufloriu waa elicited at cheapside knot hrbic purchrse of t aces of the newest makes and stylesbrussels point irish point chantllly orientals c in black cream butter color and white thind detabtuent miss fattoroon toachor lulu harris jonnlo grant tillio binabam ena foarson jonnlo harding florence murray lilllo creamer magglo croamar hazel manp annlo mccann jonnlo smith una kennoy ethel matthowa mary mllla jonnlo campbell edgar watson oflorgo smith david smith john furvia philip holm ob john baundors walter molonnan willie prout willlo smyth floanlo holmos frank havlll ituby clark anulo cprry joo arthurs watson itolston harold nloklln bobbio hynds ernest forryman mobos ballantino thomaa stowart hilton joans ernost qrlpps danlol bitohio forcy rolbton malcolm mceachoru artlobantfahaw frank holmos mabol edralston annlo harvey myrtlo cook edna stowart annlo watson carl mason willie ballantino janio symone maroua ferryman ernest gurnoy willlo plant edwin porrvmau vlda folator hkfond uliljluxment miss mcpbail toachor it is now proposed to authorise poht- mastors aud deptuties to open letters on whioh nopostage stamps have been placed to learn tho name of tho writer and avoid sending it to the dead letter office if all who write would have their names and addrebsos printed on the envelopos they ip iwlhffi pnwfc ntioa deptrtmen rhgna6ta no trouble woald result the jubiloo honors inolude tho bestowal of the grand cross of st michael and st gcorgo on hon wilfrid laarier sir oliver mowat sir biobard cartwright and a pecrafjo for sir ponald smitb among the new knights are lieutenantgovernor kirkpatrick hon l hdavicsmr sand ford fleming chief jnstioe taylor of manitoba chief jnstioe tait of qaobec and exchief justico hagarty of ontario mr gobrgo anderson of toronto who has been appointed a commieaibner by the dominion govornment to visit japan with a view to tho extension of trade with that country has issued a circular stating that he is desiroub of ascertain iog what pro- duots canadian maunfactareca are pre pared to export he asks for a minute description of tho goods aizo manner of putting ap otc and photographs whore possiblo all suob information will be treated con fldonti ally y lylogrindoli frod eastwood anna oram magglo arthurs magglo harvoy may wordon lena collins mary qoodovo boll a lovoya mlnnlo mcpherson ida laird ada gurnoy florence sopor joslo stephonbon willlo harding herbert fyfe bran8waok4iamer jobn mccann albert edmiston charles hlldonbrand goorge hynds old clara ebbago maud collina kua gambia bert bm 1th willlo malono frank gibbons anson thurston john ferryman mabol moplmil jennie mcqueen maggie wilds feari stowart ethel coloman jonnlo mcfhurson minniohlldontirand maudo hondorson m edith williams mary abraham annlo campbell mabol ebbago myrtlo matthowa howland brown boy arnold willlo clark charilo campboll itoy arnold konaal prlost willie taylor percy wilson ormond matthews john wallor pinst dupxntment thomas t mooro principal tina mcqueen harry lovoys gortrude barry joseph bingham bortie spoight prod wilda eva matthews goprgo arnold claim cobban lottio mooro ada holmos l wallaco liable smyth mianlo harding h halllo pram aotou school and nothing pleased him more than toseo the joyousness exhibited by tho boys and girls who are at present scholars preferred to aii interesting but bornqwhat sad jubilee service htjhad attended a few days bofore at tbo inatituto for the blind at brantford in con cluding he presented to each of the 201 sabolars present a well oxcanted engraving of the queen the last address was that of rev it b cook who emphasized tbo fact that while qneen victoria claims our affections and we bhould ail love the queen we should love tho lord jeaua christ more a pleasing inoident at this juncture was presentation by chairraau hyuda on behalf of the trustee board to the teachers of tho several departments of a jubilee portrait of the quoenhoatiyffarnod a cordial voto of thanks to the chair man and truateo board to the principal and his assistants for thoir efforts in arrang ing and carrying out so successfully the jubilee celebration was moved by reeve nicklin and roy- h a macpherson and unanimously carried no event has ever been carried out in aotou in which more gonuino intorebt has been taboo or whioh will bo more memor able than tbo public schools colobration of tho diamond jubilee of her gracious majesty queen viotoria throughout the proceedings the scholars from tho primary to tho bonior classes woro freighted with happy spiritb to them tho occasion will remain as long as life lasts marked wjth a white stone in the memory flags wero waved songs aung and tbe reins givon to a happy abandon whioh no formal teacher tried to limit or suppress the ce convention the dow tariff is evidently received with oppreciirtlon bytbonp tho north west the prince albert advocate eaya by tbe reduction of the freight on agrloal- taral implements and the new regulations of tbo government for thevalotlon of imported machinery at tbefr real value the price of these implements will be re duced about 10 per centi whioh means a considerable saving to farmers and when the redaction in tbe rates of freight on wheat comes into effect they will receive a higher prioe for their wheat president mokioley has determined to revive tho abandoned treaty of general arbitration between the united states- and great uritain he has already turned ma attention to the subject and under the direction of secretary sherman the matter has progressed to the extent that a how treaty already jo been dratted to serve as the basis of negotiations it is under stood that the initativa in the preaeut obbo will be taken by thotj fl government the failure of the former troaty by be aotion of the senate left the subject in such aondjhion that the british government did not feel disposed to renew negotiations uo loa first invited by the united states mlnnlo arthurs lilllo halstod jonnlo smith kato bussell eva ferryman mabol mooro laura bydor hannah storey jobn mooro arthur smyth itobort hofmoa tom henderson bonnott olark arthur mcdonald ernest fearnon a m smith wosloy bingham nolsou bydor george oram mary harvoy edith nicklin jonnfo gurnoy laura plctch blanche dills ettlo mcdonald jonnlo molonnan bortha wjiuauifj mabol sopor ada fyfe lottio ebbago william foarson charloa holmos william laird john arthurs william bitohlo eddie hoi men charilo hynds the ltccnso law changes of last session will comb into force oh the 1st july among the amendments are the follow ing mo sale or other disposal of intoxicat ing liquor will be allowed in licensed pthoea aftor lop m in townships aod villages but thlfl reftiitarioifhas no effeot on tbe prohibition of lelling after 7 p m on sat urday aud all dy sunday in which rospeot the law remains just as it was bofore hotel bars must not bo opened before i a m tho regulations covering the aalo of liquor to minors have been made more stringent a minor is defined as a person of oither ecx under 21 years of age tbe porsou found supplying liquor to any saoti us well as the license holder will ho liable to bo fined not leas than 10 nor more than 00 for eaoh offence tbjp however does not apply where liquor i supplied to a person under 21 years of ago upon the written order of his parent mutter or guardian minors must not be allowed to loiter in or about barrooms under a penalty ojtv9 td 10 the route of the procession was down tain str to mill along mill to fre erick street thence to bower avenue and along bower to willow stroet and the town hall along the line of march tho streots were crowded with citizens anxious to witness the procession of happy soholars as well as to give coontenanoe to tho demonstration aud bo loyal to the jubilee spirit flags and banting were profusely displayed on bnbinesaplabea and privato residences the town ball was crowded as seldom in its history the scholars were first boated and the crowd rushed for admittance thp mothers wero much in evidence and it was indeed a proud day for thorn the stage was gaily decorated with flags bunting maple leaves and patriotic port traits of her majosty when all were settled comfortably it was an inspiration to look upon the eager bright and happy throng decked out in frcbh and dainty brimmer frocks coats and ribbons from tbo vantage of the platform thoro was to be flesna sea of fresh young happy faces untouohed by oare and somethingat onco of love and pride aod wiatfulneas took possession of the onlookers seated in places of honor upon tho plat- form were the following gontlomen ge closing session of the young peoples annual meeting- bafltwod n osd ay the final bession of the convention of halton christian endeavor union was interesting and unique but not of tho character intended by tho pfficora and announced by thoprogrammb tho two principal speakers rove dr hunter and w w weoka of toronto both failed to put in an appearance and no explanation of their absence was forthcom ing a roobsogo was however received- from each or them next morning offering some kind of an exoneo toronto did horse if proud with its big jabillce demonstration hynds chairman of tbe board trustees james- mclaua t h hording robt wallace ii p moore secretarytreasur er roeve nicklin councillor smith rovs r bcook j e howell m a j k goddon m a h a maapborson w beyers col allen dr uren dr mo- kesguo w a moloan esq alex grant eq arch campbell esq and misses mophall patterson and moneoly tohohers letters of regret at unavoidable absence wero received from w ii storey esq and rov father haley chairman hynds in a brief and very happy ppeeoh opened tho proceedings and then annouooed tho first stanza of the na tional anthem he made a modol pretidlog officer itov j e howell ma then led in prayer tho patriotic song tho rod white aud blue wb sung most unthuainatically by the scholars who wavod with splendid timo by and novel effect their rod white and blue flogs a41 interesting historical review of tho principal events in tbo life of queen vic toria was then conducted by principal moore tho pupils answering with a the church was well filled and a profit able evening spent rov c t tough the rotiring president gavo an interesting address atthoolosoof whioh he introduced rev o g langford b d- president elect who bpoko with milch earncstnes aud interest tho oommittco on resolutions through rov v j gilpin secretary recommend ed tho following 1 that we bbow our appreciation of tho hospitality of tho pooplo of acton in entertaining the convention bo royally by extouding to them a most cordial voto of thanked 2 we recommend to tho consideration of the executive committee tho adoption of a fly stem of tabulation similar as far as possible to that uacd by tho county sunday school association 0 in view of the approaching plebiscite campaign wo roebmuaond that until aftor the vote is taken all our societies placo spcolal emphasis upon temperance and prohibition jn their meetings 4 wo rccommand tho mombera of our booioties to use very careful and prayerful discrimination in tbo augagemont in thoso amusements which have a tendency to ohill their ardor for rotigious- things or whioh interfore with thoir attendanco upon tho services of tho houso of god wo would also point to the growing ovll of sabbath doacretion by using the bioyolo for purpbos of pleasure and holidaying on this bacrod day of roat and worship buoh acta being a direct- deacaration uf tho sabbath a wo desiro to maiiifost tho delight and joy in our hcarth in ihoso jubilee timos and to express onr appreciation of the un bounded confidence of the people of the oropiro in our moat gracious queen viotoria suffering that has brought a once excep tfoually strong ai1 healthy child to tbo vqrgo of tlio rruo tbo bubject of tho bkebch lena moll rdy in fourteen years of ftgo and- lior parents huy alio bus not grown any siuco her illness began some twqtjfiara afid a half ugo her terrible buffering dates from tho timo she was vaccinated in juue 189 i and what she has since undorgonohaa aroused tho docp- est sympathy of- afl the friends of the family in conversation with mr mo- tardy aud bin wifotuo following facts wero olioited vtwoyears ogo last juuo said the father lena was vaccinated by a doctor tafergus the arm was very sore and swollen all summer and became so bad that it was a mase of sores from the shoulder to thoelbpw in ootobbr 1891 a large lump appearod on lier baok over one of her lungs tlio doctor who vacdinated her treated her all that summer calling very frequently but the medicine he gavo her did no good and she was growing weaker and weaker when tho lump broke out on lior back another dootor was con sulted who said she was in a very bad state- of heal tli her constitution appear ed to bo completely undermined and her appetite bad completely failed the labt doctorcahediirgavobonieroutwardtipplfda tions and lanced the gathering but it did not give tho patient any benefit nino suob gatherings bavo appeared tinco that time but eaoh broke and disappeared of its own accord only however to bo followed by another tho child bearao very puny and little or no food would remain on her stomach at night ehe would fairly rave with the pain in iierarrn and baok and aonsequcutly her trouble was aggravated by a losaof bhoep she bad tho beat of attendance but to no avail and abe was slowly but saroly sinking friends advibed a treatment with dr williams pink pilhi and as alaat rcebrt they were tried to thp surprise of both parents and friends lena began to improvo adon after beginn ing the use of tho pills her appetite re turned ebb beoatno stronger and her goner al health much improved tho soros have uot yet left her baok and arm by t her con- stitution is being so vory much improved under tbo treatment with dr williams pink piha that her parents are looking for a complete cmo mr and mrs mohardy thank pink pills for tho prosent improved condition of thoir child sa they have dono her more good than the spores of bottles of doctors medicine whioh she took dr williams piok pills arc a blood builder and nerve restorer tho supply the blood with its life and healthgiving properties thus driving diseabo from the system there aro numorooa pink colored imitations against whioh the publio is warned tho genuine pink pills can bo bad only in boxes tbo wrapper around whioh bears tbo full trado mark dr williama pink pills for palo people rofuso all otliera also the rtqwcst things in elegant lace collars capettes o bought at less th pncc and to be sol rnrrpnnrkngy inw thocr irncpr f- n n table in the centre of the store we arcselling hundreds of yards of laces best assortment in the city and the cheapest l also a special purchase of silks consisting of moire antique silks in green brown navy cream tuscanand cardinal worth 85c to be sold for 50c a lot of brbche colored reversible silks worth 125 for 60c s a lot of ncelty stnpjtaffeta silkwprth 100 for 50c i a lot of splendid quality checksilks worth 75c to be sold at 25c another lot of elegant shaded brochesilks worth 135 to be sold at 75c new things jn black moire silks black and white stripes black firocives c at special values v jbargaiiis iniiuraerable r all over the house and all over the old store in mens and boys clothing hats caps and gents furnishings we have removed alltlie cloths and tweeds to the old store and added some special values in black worsteds and- bantings as well as new tweed suitings and are prepared to make to order anything you require in suits coats and vests or pants or overcoats second to none in canada whether it be in fit stylish appearance workmanship or trimmings spbrses- f our prioestbw beyond pkeoedbnt bath sponges toiler sponoes surgeons sponges moulders sponoes slate sponges i bath mitts neither toilet nor nursery is complete with a pair of llalli mitts bath brushes all best makes in stock bath towels cant wear hest irish linen them out olive oil soap for the bath this soap is the purest and best soap fortheskin v railway time tabu grand trunkxrallvvay- the i theyru for year at 75 and 100 because the thousand parts- are constructed tq less than a hairs breadth for each other thus forming our strong com pact of artistic mechanism protected by a strong home guarantee do not confound clevelands with cheap wheels thrown together by tinkers eramosa liberals organized a strong officiary backed up by well organized divisions tho eramosa liberals bold their meet ing for organization in the hall centre inn last thursday night there was a vory good attnndance and considerable enthusiasm mr mutrie it p 1 preaidont john mitcliell and secretary stirton of the south walliogtbn liboral association mado short apoeobea showing the methods of organization that wore being pursued in other ridings it was unanimously decid ed to organize a township association with active committees in each division tho it is with prido wo connect with her nomo and reign tho greatest progress the work has ovor seen wo desiro to express our con tinued dovotion to her our gratitude for the religious liberty wb enjoy under her laws we rejoice that she has reached this sixtioth annivereary of her ascension to the throne and wo hereby resolve to manifest our joy and delight by singing the national anthem the resolutions wero duly passed beria- turn by the convention an interesting half hour was spent by members of several rooietles roviewing tho benefits which had coma under their obser vation ub resulliug from the organization of young peoplod societies the choir of tho church rendered a nnmber of anthems with thoir usual ex cellence tho floral decorations were much ad mired and tho flower oommittco received general praise for thoir efforts this fifth annual convention of ilalion christian endeavor union was brought 10 a close with i ho benediction by rev g t tough tbe next convention will bo hold at gampbellville following were elected officers preaidont peter bathgate vioovrcsident miohaol hogan seoretarjtreasurer john straohao no 1 subdiviiilon m p barry chair man joseph croft john tarries wm ramsay wm aro no 2 subdivision james oakcs chair man georgo parkinson oeorgo doflield samuel loreo thomas waters no 3 subdivieion george loree chair man jolin evcrott hngb miloholl norria blook edwin tovell no 4- subdivision barrio iryden oh ai rmotn 7 wrn7 s h a w adam wood jae mcqueen thos ltibb no 5 subdivision douglas moffregor chairman henry oakes joaoph stewart jermtah boechnor john dioffosoii the meeting then adjourped i hk lozier co 169 yonge street toronto l agent a t ferown acton j ooinuweht mali img am exnosh7tt mall 7 oopm aaimq gabt gxprosa 0u3 ant bxprcabtt 7loi7kur mail utxod 6 ii pni 10 03 pm timbof closisti mails going west 0 25 am and quo pm going eoat 10 is am and 5 45 pm thlo timo table wont into oltoct on moudaj nor 30th 1800 ijhi ablrertiscntcnlb agents i am jubt starting tko boat thing for money makiiig you liavoboon for many a day your name and address will bring tbo noldon fnforma- tlon it cotiasgow- toronto ont wanted industrious poraonb of oltlior sex with good character and aommou bquooi oducauod can obtain amploymeut for two months in this community b ufhy toronto out cultu l with forco of charaetor noodiiin to earn monoy can loam how to do bo in a good cauno addrose jabbz gaiilovyav toronto ont wanted men and womon who can work tiard talking and writing bix boars daily for six daya a wook and will bo content with ton dollars wook- ly address new ideab co brantford ont tvr g hcook dentist cor collogo st and biiadinn ave toronto will visit acton on tbo lrst and third satur- day of each mouth office a gaows hotel youjs spare time ltfen women to conduat business at homo xtjl work la slmnia writing and copying hats of addresses reoeived from local advortlsmg to ba forwarded to ub dallj no cauvaablngt no previous oxporlenoo reqplrod jiflt plain writers preferred permanont work tor those content to earn 6 or in a timo annlvto walflten luu co london ont istasli gcoods an immense variety of elegant style sand qualities the peace conference conbtantinoiib juno 22 the poaco conferenoo held another sosaion today and towfik pabba on behalf of tho sultan submitted a counter project for tho delim- itatiqd of the frontier tho conference diacusbod also tbo question of indemnity and the proposed abolition of the capitula tions no decision has yet been reached as to any of theso points qreat prohibition tion conven- a representative convonliouof of ontario prohibitionists will bo bold at toronto july 13th nud htb to discuss three im portant approaching events viz tho do minion plebiscite on prohibition the hnal session of tho present ontario legis lature and the approaching election of a now legislative assembly for tho province dress goods fancy american organdie muslins scotch zephrs lappets foulaid prints fine white lawns dotted and checked muslins all the latest goods in the market in our dress goods department smallwares new gloves new hosiery new parasols a choice variety in fact our assortmeneiib3giigg trade fine highclass tailoring just o a fih ot imported scotch suitinps fineenglish trouserings etc to be sold at close prices consistant with first class work- manship now is the time to leave your order before the choicest patterns are selected bicycle suits a specialty hats hats nobby new styles in mens and boys straws hard and soft felts the latest styles of the season gents furnishings new and nobby neckwear collars cuffs gloves hosiery etc readytowear clothing boys blouses boys fancy sailor suits every style and in great variety bicycle suits in all sizes neat patterns and well made a cordial invitation extended to all to call and examine our stock and bee our prices cheap pasture ofifi aorebgood poituro land nover fulling vv creek running through salt provldod prtee 6373 for yearlings for the season 1375 for older animals orcaniio taken by tbo month at 75oto 9100 nor month alsocomfortablodwoll- iuj atoble tuo prbujtatj vjfvwit mrs a waters lnghouae with stable to rent cheap apply to it bilton on the premises crewsoas cornors london road guolph wanted agents for quoon vietoiia hor boign and- diamond jablloo j overflowing with latest and rich- oatpiotnroa oontalna the ondoraod blogranby of her malssty with anthnntla history ot her r- c remarkable reign and full account or tbe dia mond jablleo only 4160 big book tronion- dotib demand bonanta for agents commis sion fiopor cent credit given frolclit paid outfitpnkbi dutypald write qulokforout- nt and territory the dominion company dopt 7 356 dearborn st chicago agents new edition of qaoon viotoria iiow roady 1 p pto- liih victorian era publfahod tho only canadian book aceeptod by her majesty balds onor page added beat history of tlie queen alio tlio jj tho on mpus oanvaasoraknbelilngtlie bottom out of all records easy to make thirty dollars wooltly from now until diamond jablloo fartlaulani froo thk bradjjeyaabjtetbon co ltd toronto ont her majestys diamond jubilee caiuiies queen victoria hor life and holgii into ovory home peraons who novor sold books take orders fast profaoo tbo moat oloquent of lord dutterlns aehlovomonts no book so highly praised wonood more can- vaaaorsbasytomajioel800 to 300q a week books on umo proepoetua froo to canvassers a trial will cost nothing and it may nil your tiy-aabile- empty pocket book ti son coltd toronto ont bradley-aarilet- tho meotinf will bo held in the horticul tural gardens bcfjinninji on tuesday july 13 at 1 a m it is slated iu gonstaininople that tho porlo liab abandoned the idea of retaining thcssaly and it la understood that the ohangcb in hid frontier line wilt be slight tho supplementary est males which were brought down by tho dominion govern- mont on saturday morning amount to ftlmfoilg gibson millkr st co roe block mhin st golrgtojfln every day bargain day just arrived new designs in the meda medicine is tfia model medicine the only medal awarded to sarnaparllla it tlio worlds pair 18931 atcbicago was awarded to ayers sarsaparilla window shades lower prices than ever before 90 wyndham steeet ilnnouiiceiiient ession will lie iiili at the cuelph business college and 8horthonchnatitme from julyjth lo august 13th write for particulars j sbarpprinoiptl rtmjb j n stinson store rockwood field seeds- rape turnip mangel and carrot also seeds in bulk for the garden browns drug store ms miii street 1 acton on wednesday morning june 23rd this siore will open as a strictly chsh store no goods charged from above date i bdicyu it o be the only uptodate y of conducting a successful business and i lmvo decided to adopt it cash and one price to siarilho new system special bargains ihe balance of the week in hals and cans neck 1 les collars cuds blcyclo snils bicycle sox and all mens furnishings t i rkels0n leading tailor and furnisher 99 wyndham st guelph cash arid one price spec b in ordered clothing and mens and boys hats leave your orders for today at thos c moore sons

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