Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1897, p. 3

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n bank of hamilton read office hamilton uaiitalpaid ul uuhkhvu pusi totali ahhkth ei2roooo ti7fi0uu dmeyjibiu board of directors jiunstuaiit ag 11ambay 1roaldont vioupruiiiciuiit t iin rnoctojt uio hoacii a t wood a 1 llib toronto wai guimon mp tuunhuui cuahlor llb htkphionahat cuttlilur 1im watboniiihiioctor agencies hatnllloti llarton 8tjt east end alllatou merlin chebluv uoorgotown urliuuby lustowfi tucknow mutou iuouut rprutit oraubuvlllu viiubaui iurt 1uuiu bllilttou toronto british correspondents london national provincial uauk of eng- and ltd american correspondents njsw yoiiit fourth national hank and uauovor national itank liobton iutoriiation- il trust co juuritato murimiutttik chicago national bank of iltifloiiiand uulou natiouul hank dprnorr detroit national iinuk xinbab citifnatlouahlauk of couiuaorco agents ixi montrejtffi tlio bank of toronto the news at home mostly of a local charafer and overv item interesting briok at tlio georgetown agency notoa dlbcountod and advances niarfb op nijit- ibloboatiritioh i collection o in ado nail drafts bought and nold orj u acoosalblo noinfij in oarmdav united tjtatoa groat jjritalu ana thocoutluou tor europo upou mobtfavorablotbrinq savings department deposits of 01 and upwards rocoivod and tntareet allowed iroiu date of doposlt to dato of withdrawal special deposits alqo rocoivod at currout rates of iutoroat n m livingstone acont windo s you want some new shades wc keep the begt all colors mounted and unmount ed in fringe and lace plain or with dido we fix up free of charge all shades bought from iis window blind paper in green and cream shades call in and sec our stoclcrlleadq usurers for wall papers window shades curtain poles geo hynds acton ont ts look at tho dato on tlio label on your paper and you will boo how your subscrip tion stands itonow promptly it will confer a favor t ttanvu ftes thursday june 21 1897 little local brieflets whfch caught theeyes or ears of ffeo press reporters this week council meeting next monday evening codgratulationb wilfrid laurior therob been jubilee in the air the past week the shower yesterday atternoon wab moat grateful the jubileo stamps aro vory pretty aud novel arent they sohool oloseb for the long summer vaoatiup next wednesday ntxt issue of the fiieh pnk83 will coram en oo its 23rd volume hev 3 e howell m a will preach farewoll sermons noxt sunday does your bubaoription expiro with thia numbqr of the fqee prebh god save tho queen was a popular hymn in ull the churches on sunday next sunday will be jubilee rally day in the methodiat sunday scbool reva h a maopheraon and l perrin b a georgetown exchanged pulpita last b lirlcjc church garden party tho ip worth lvalue of the church uro giving a garden parly roiidenoo of mr williamgamble on wed- noaday jjoih june irogramme will couaiat of inuuii- iiihtrtimontal and vocal ice oroam and loinonado in- largo quantitieo admission 10 and 15 cents tampering with tho fire alarm a young man in town was tampering wrthtrfn ilru alarm box on noting btreet ono day lust week and booauao ho did hot succeed in turning out tho brigado circulated tho report that the alarm eyatem is no good the byatcm is all right but any further tampering with it will bo fol lowed by givero penalties successful garden party for a number of yeara a garde u party at tho homo pfcqouoillor stalkor on tho third hue has been ail event of tho summer in oouurotiou with the ladies aid of knox- church the rod don so and grounds ihoro are well adapted for a largo gathering and an enjoyable tlmo- ia iuvaruibly bporrt on thcae occagionb a large orowd gathored there last thursday ovening to participate in the sociable arranged for that evening and a delightful time was spent- 1 aa usual mr and ma stalkor wore moat anergetjo in their efforts to enbnrc pleasuro and com fort to all tho proceeds of ho oventng reached tho gratifying sum ot s1x00 a jubilee relay bicycle race with a vow to furthering tho interest iu the ciubo 6f good rqada the toronto world and tho clovelaud bisyelo co havo entered into competition to rido a rotay raco from toronto to chatham next sat urday the race will oe over aeparato routch will start from toront at 5 a r neighborhood news news toma supplied by corroa- pondents and exchanges milton i comingand going visitors to and from aotan and varrousother personal notes bands jubflco concert in the monday eyoniag was much tho park oi enjoyed mr james stowartof tho second line will raise a large addition to his barnthia afternoon halton exhibition will be hold this year two wjjeka earlier than usual sept 21st arjd22nd tho week of jubiloo has come the people have been truly loyal and patriotism haflttten rampant the parmers institutoexcnrsioa rate othe pfcnio at guelph on friday is 85 cents children 20 cents the sons of scotland jubilee- bonflro ou tuesday night wan a big affair it was a beacon viaiblo a dozen miles ot more tho junior epworth league and their friends had a pleasant jubiloo pic- nlo in warrenfl grovo on saturday after noon dr j r dryden has dcoided to estab lieh a practice in guelph as a specialist in tho treatment ot diseases of the oar eye kiidhbrbatr r tho jubilee post ago btampbwero placed op sale here on saturday morning the fkee pi ie a b had the honor of being drat purchaser otpn was very creditably decoratod public school celebration on day flags and banners wero r displayed krye has been plentifnllhisbcaaon lomervillo reports a field out labt y where the grain measured between 7 and 8 feet a merrygoround his taken charge of tho dimeb of the children and young people on tho vacant lot opposite park avenue the pabt week oar volunteers arrived home on sat urday by a efeeoial train at 180 they report having had a flood timo und all aro as bronzed ctfld veterans the new jubilee stamps havo been in groat demand at the post office bore dur ing the week an order was received here from new york for a collcotiou a highly attractive twosheet colored pobtor for the firemens demonstration at lfrjeipflfttf nn tynmihinn day has been and if alls well the last relay should arrive at chatham by 7 in the evening tho routo ohobeu by the cleveland is the north one which pasbes through georgetown acton guolph london and on to chatham each route will be divided into 25 relay s and nine dibtrictb the relay will reach aoton between 730 and 8 am acton won aguttt an oxciitng base ball match was played here on tho afternoon of jubiloo day between aoton and tho argyles ol toronto the ganio was a moat interesting and exciting one throughout and tho large crowd in attendance were at times greatly oxcitcd by tho fast play and oloao contest exhibited by both teams at the end of the ninth inning the score was even 7 to 7 acton went to bat for a tenth innings and succeeded in scoring two runswhile their opponents made but one leaviqg the homo team the victors ttho score was as follows 1 2 8 1 ti c7 8 910 aoton i 10 002000 20 argyloa 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 1 0 18 batteries steiber clark and ryder scott and wray umpire h jeans a jubilee day wcdtln an event of memorable interest to two families and many outside friends waa en- actedat palmoraton on jubiloo day when the nuptials of misa annio laurio youngest daughter of of dr m forater one of palmeretons bebt beloved maidenb apd rev t albert moore pabtor oftho moth- odist church chairman of the district and assiataut secretary of the hamilton con ference wero consummated at the residence of tho brides parentb rev j s wil- liamaon ddi of mount forest was the officiating clergyman and was asaisted by rev george hartley palmerbton the brido was charming as she entered the drawing room on her fathers arm aa the we mql wfih hningrnnriprph nn thn 1 jubilee day was quietly hut very loyally observed on tuesday tho public bohool jubilee oolcbrution on friday night was in ovont which will be long romemberud tho patriotiu sjnganud addresses were of a moat imprcbsivo ohar- auter tho attondanco wa3 very lifrga and everybody prosont seemed to outer iuto- tlio spirit of tho ooaasion rev w a j martin of guelph will iee-eh- a i terian church next sttuday his honor judgo hamilton loft luat week for motapodia on tho rcstigouohe for a couple of wcekb ashing nassagaweva mr joseph pandoraon of wnwonaah paid a hjhngvibitto fritiuda hero this week mr geo o mcnuir bpont suiiday- with friends lnnusbagawoya the socialhold hi the kbonezcr church was a grand buocghh mrrobortwilaonrroturneuv hom3 o saturday laet aftor a two weelte visit to friends in wawotiabh mr goo locker left on monday to goto camp with the guelph baitory of field artillery tire rev t amyhaflono more sunday to proach on the- nassagaweya circuit boforo leaving for hia now btution at oik- laud farewell sermone will bo tho order oftho day a pretty though quiet wedding was con summated at the preubytorian manse ou weduosday 10th mat when dr james m dull and minnie oldest daughter of p say era katj wero joined in holy wedlock their many frienda extend cougmtululiona ballinafad our village celebrated the queend jubi loo in peaco und quietness goo campbell duncan forguaon staff bennett cowan shortill and j givins wore our noble volunteora iu camp at niagara this year on sabbath laat rev mr gar n horn proaohed an excellent bcrmoh on the queens life and reign tho methodista are favored thin year in having the sor vices of mesars garnhara and crobby ronowed- the rev mr perrin will preach the preparatory services- in the presbyterian church on thursday the probbyteriana havo printed and ciroulated financial reports for tho past year and abalf thoroport fallows well for the congregation tbero being very few in arrears the managers were onabled to pay their pastor mbro than was promised the raieidg at mr frank jiiunioa was not a auccqeb in every respect too much nolae nover did much for mankind keep cool boys next time tho fiikk ilikfitt iuvijoa all itaroadors to cob tribute to this column if you or your frioudu aro ioliih away ou a holiday trip dr if you have friuudu visitlug you drop a card to tlio fukh piiebb mr u j hall of berlin viaitod rela tives hero tins week mrs j k goddon wont to hamilton on monday for u few days miaa johnston of hamilton is tho guobt of mra t e m secord mt thu ruw qu vi friends iu town this weok misa flora monabb is viaitiug relatives in markham and stouffville mraud mrs arthur smith of buffalo aro guouta at fairviow place mrs jenniub camerou loft yesterday on a visit to frienda in iowa misses sajah laird and xizzie smith bpent a fow dayis this voek inhttmilton misb stowiirt of hamilton haa boon the guest of actqu rolativoa the past weok mr fred deaooii and mloa doacoh of milton were guosta at moorocrpft y ester- da- mrt a ward bpeut jubilee day with friends at pulmerston and listowoll this week r mre drghc cook and abns oforon- to are rusticating in aoton for a few weekb mr mqrriaou of wopdvillo ia bponding a few weeks with hid mother mr anna- murrison mrs h j hall of berlin waa tho guest during the week of mrs p monabb and other frionda iuibb williameon of appelbe was a viat- lnriilthaihomo of mr davidivilliaroaon local brieflets now its after thp jubilee is ovor rviaitors to and from tow uf wero nuraor one on jubilee day interesting jubileo aervioes wero hold in the junior aud heuior epworth leagues on monday evening t r tho reports greaontcd to iho gonerel asbombly at winnipeg show that tho prebbytorian churdh in canada has increased by 8000 numbers during tho year meaera b savage it co havo on ex hibition in their window a handsomo gold modal manufactured expressly for mr u crewsons corners received at the fixek piiess office the hew flag which has floated from the town hall flagstaff for nearly a week pant la a veryfine one it is of tho best english bunting and measures ox 16 feet the junior aotona went to milton on the morning of jubileo to play a baas ball match with the young shamrocks of that place they were succasbful in winning with a score of 2b to 10 the patrons of industry are wofl pleased with the result of thoir jubileo day plonlc the attendance was larger than that of any previous pionio and the crowd evidently enjoyed the afternoon thoroughly health talk to ladica will bo given in ioof hall friday june 25th tt pm under the autpices of the canadian viavi co by miss w somorvtllb sinith sub- jeot higher physical life all ladies invited fruicuuoro ia more profitable to tho farmer now tlian his other cropj brown broa co the moat extensive nursery botfbo in canada have a vacancy in thia mtokoo write thorn at browns nurseries p of ontario for theirjerms piano bymins williams of georgetown and miss board of gcnwilliams her wedding roboa wero of cream satin and lace trimmings she waa attended by miss ella kearns ot palmerston who was dreaaod in pink satin and aco trimminge the groom waa bupporled by rev r h bell b a bd of prinboton and misses eva moore daughter of the groom and irene stowarnioo6of tho- -bride- of belleville wore the maidb of honor the bridal pair left by the evening train for the north and will epond a couple of woeks at owod ko sa st mar u on tho northern lakes several hundreds of pal mors tona citizens assembled at the gtr station to extend congratulations and see them off toronto world queen a jubileo in thv churches special reference was made to the queens diamond jubilee in all the ahurchea laat sunday the national an them was the popular hymn oftho day rev l perrin b a of goorgotown preached in knox church his eermonb were much enjoyed and hia eulogy of queen victoria was very fitting- indeed on sundayevening a apeciaijnbilee service was held in tho methodiat church the pulpit burrpuudinga wero decorated with flags and maplo leaves rev j e howells jubilee sermon was one of the finest tributes to queen yictorraber char acter and the progreaa of her reign that could possibly bo uttered so enthnsod did one wellknown englishman bsoome during its delivery that exclamations of bear f hear 1 buret forth most emphati cally the hymns and anthems were all patriotic in spirit revaw bryers and r b cook aaaistedin the aarvico rev p baker of ever ton preached in the disciples church and hia reference to tho queen and tbo jubilee was of tho moat loyal oharaotor in tho baptist church in tbo afternoon rev o g langford b d very clevorly introduced the life and reign of qaecn viotpria in hia sermon which was ouo of eeriea on the sbvon ohurohea the high position taken by our queen as a christian wife mother and eovereign was fittingly applied to the sub joct of tho discourse st albanb church was handsomely decorated for tho jubiloo services british flags of vorioua sizes adorned tho walls aud windows and god savo our quoon and lioavoii blean tho maplo loaf forovor jubilee day warubhered in hero by the booming of guns ringing of bells and tho flapping of the grand old union japk a number from heroapcdt tho jubilee in guolph and a number took in tho patron picnic at dublin rev mr kestlo delivered a very power ful jubileo sermon on sunday to a large congregation in the mothodist churoh hero a number from this place attendod the sohool childrens jubilee exfarcisss in aoton on friday last mr wm- herbert ol arkoll spent sun- day at mr t rambhawa mr aud mrs w lamb and orrio visited friends in erin on sunday mies of garafraxa ia visiting at her uncles mr carrols of thib place mr jas and miae bertha gamble visited friends in georgetown on sunday miss alice coleman loft on monday evening to spend jubileo in toronto tho pabt week t mr and mrs h p mooro attended the wedding of mr moores brother at pal mo r- bton this week mrandmrawjismithviaitetl hta sister mrs smith of hamilton who is very ill this week mr aaa hall returned homo last week after spending a oouplo of weeks with friends in milton and trafalgar mr and mro t e m secord took a driving trip last week through halton and peel which they fouud moatdeltghtful mr and mrs c l young of oakville wnregijeatb of acton frienda during the week mr charles to were and his rao thereof hamiltou wero the giiebtb of mr secord mr and mre j w bewa of milton apent a day or two this week at the home of wm hembtreet esq mr f w goodeve b a conducted borvicca in st georges church george town und st johnp stewarttown on sunday mrs j m fernley and mra bailey of brantford wero here laat week to attend tho funeral ot the late mrs josoph fornley mrs j l elyun and daughters of col orado arrived on saturday to spend a few weeks at tho boino of her father mr thoa statham mr and mrs a l hemstreot and their liitlo daughter of trafalgar wero in town several days during the weok renowiug acquaintancoa mr and mrs w h storoy loft yester day for richland iowa to bpend a few weeks there with their daughter mrs dr payne and family p moore editor of tbo aaton fuee piikrs for prebontdtioni to tho student at he albert colhvgo bellovillp obtaining the highest standing iu the commercial depart ment guelph mercury the programme for grimsby park for the season which opened last week has been received many eminent speakers from various points on the continent have been engaged to preach eermoqs add deliver addrebbob this most obarming summer resort on the shore of lake ontario will jio doubt enjoy its usual popularity during the hot weather woeko y the aqtnas of georgetown mot tho excolbiors at brampton on jubileeday in a control dujtrlct bohodule miatph brampton defealed tbo champions by a eoore of cto 1 tbo excelaiora got three to their orodit before the aetnaa bcorod after that the game was closely contested and hard fought georgetown winning its fourth just at bo timo limit a sample of the most luxuriant growth of red clover we have aeon for a long time was left iu the free piikhs office last sat urday it was grown on the farm of mr wm sayers lot 21 cou 2 eiqueslng and measured 30 inches in length lateb since receiving the above the editor has come serosa a plant of clover in his own orchard measuring 44 inohoa rockwooe with hoods strenpa- rlllo sales talk and show that this medi cine has enjoyed public confidence and pa tro nngo to a greater extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine this is simply becaubo it poaacsaes greater merit and produces greater cures than any other it la- not what wo say but what hoods barsaparllla does that tetm tho story all advertisements of hoods fl li i oatna it iclf are honest wo havo nover deceived the public and thib with ita superlative medicinal merit is why tho people have abiding confldenco in it and buy almost to tho exclusion of all others- try it prepared only by oe iioqdco lowell mass our crocery specials this week r dried peaches macaroni cut loaf sugar x granulated sugar fine lemons gelatine dry goods special oilcloth 7 floor oilclqth men hose undershicts call and see our prices and we will risk the results a full line of mens straw hatsat very low figures- o f grooeve co act03st haadii nro 1 m ijn to uue nooa s flils wiui lloous sarflapriya j m bell d d s brookville waa un able to make hia weekly visit to the vtllaj labt friday owiog to being caught in the toilb of matrimony hia rookwood friend extend their congratulations to him v mr t scanlan is recovering from an attack of inflammation of the lungs mr e harrold lewiatpn n y visited ut mr leea thia week mr f johnsdn guolph was in the vtllao on monday r the public sohool board hive set up a fiftyfoot flag pole and purchased a fine now union jack which waa hoisted with due ceremony on jubilee day the rookwood baseball club gp to era- moaa on the 22nd inat to play tho team there l si wpr the jubilee spirit is abroad the air is full of it just as we expected our great- jubilee inaugurated by the queen the jubilee celebration beglm by attenlnoe-at-7dwineh5ervlcq- london june 21 qucon yiotoria began the celobration of her jubileo yestorday as waa bouefittlng her entiro careor before tho altar of her faith at st oeorgos chapel windsor where hor majesty paid her devotions and offered solemn thanksgiving tho services wero private and for tho members of tbe royal family aud house hold ouly tho acenoaas most impressive and tho aerviceatforybimpicriiormajesty satin tbo chair of state immediately in front of the communion rail and just bo- side the- brass pi ato- whobo inscription designates the spot which was tho tempor ary place of intermout of tho priuco con- aort the quoon was dresssd in black ex cept for a whito tuft in her bonnet tho others- grouped thomselvea closely behind and looked vory liko a bimple family of woruhippera among them wero tho duchess ot connaoght prince honry of prnbaia and the princoas henry prince christian and princoas christian with their ohildren princoas honry of batton- bnrg tho grand duke scrgius and grand duchess the bervioo was a spscii one tho lcaiona and collootb and prayers being commemor ative of tho occasion there was no aer- oion but a special hymn written by lord bishop of wakefield with music by sir arthur sullivan wab buog at her ma- joatya request tho hervico laatod forty minutea the quoon remaining seated throughout and following oloaoly the spe cial prayers aud hymn at tlio end there was a pauso tlio queen with bowed head continued in silent prayer then followed a touching scono which will ever linger in the memory of those who wit nessed it summoning the empress tho boys of trinity churah toronto made rev w f wilaon a present of a purse of 9100 in gold upon his aaying fare well togo to hamilton roove nicklin arrived homo last tho fa- day evening from st john n b ho apont six wcoks of encouraging business in the mirritino provinces mr mitobell cobban formerly of the fimn phehs ataff haa become one of otta was property owners having purchased for bimbelf a comfortable home at 28 gll- mour street rov dr henderson of berlin has been granted leave of absence by the official board of tho trinity methodiat oho rob and will take a trip to groat britain for bis health leaving on tho 11th july ono of tho prettiest of the many wed- diuga that havo gracod this jubilee j a no was eolebrated dt orangeville on thursday laat wjien millie the only daughter of tho rov r haabard was united in marriage with the rey a j irwin b a b 1 ot ayr the gtx jubilee souvenir the fnijepneehaheoqfavoredtjia positively curid by tlieso little fills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for dizziness nausea drowsi ncs bad taste in the mouth co tongue sale 99 ff term of years association with this business verging clopely on a quarter of a century the present proprietors have decided to severe thoir connection with the lion and have closed negotiations with the firrri of messrs d mcdonald bro by which they take over the stock and lease of the premises we wish to express our thanks to the public for the generous support they have given us in the past and to bespeak for our successors a con tinuance of the same good will it is with keen regret that wo sever a connection that has brought us into such close business relations with such largo portion of the community and wo will always cherish pleasant remembrances of the personal friendships that have resulted trusting that all our friends will continuo their support to the new firm who have secured the business on suohafootipgthattheywill boabletodo ev bettc m have done wishing you all the joy and happiness in the jubilee cele bration that should be felt by loyal hearts at such a time fhremall j d williamson co wyndham and macdonnel i streets convention pain in the side torpid ltver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable 6mall phi 8m all dose small price substitution iho frnud of tbo day seyou get carters ask for garters insist and demand carters little liver pills beautiful llowera helped to make the cburclf full of jubileedelight a speoial form of service arranged by tho arohblahop of can terbury waa observed the siugicg of the choir throughout tho day was exceptionally good and the congregations at both services wab aa largo aa would be expected on snob ocaeioiis the text at the morning ser vices waa from rom 13 1 at the even ing services the canadian order of j and evidently with great roluatance her foresters attended in a body and present ed a very creditable appearanoo the ser mon at this service addressed o the for eat ere had principally on account of tho jubileo event to deal with facts pertaining to the queens hfo and reigo the offer tory which waa devoted to the parsonage debt was very eatiafaciory a chble despatch repeats tho rumor that delogoa bay has already passed into the hands of the british the convict gahan who forged hon r l bobous name on a check for 9150 recently was sentenced by judge chaveau in the quebec polioa court to ten years in penitentiary gahan was reoently releas ed from penitentiary where he was serving a term for vitriol throwing majesty beckoned hor indian attendant and leaning on hia arm passed slowly out of the chapel the entire congregation stand ing tho soft light falling through the multicolored windows and the exquisite atraina of tho organ rising and awolling beneath tho gothic bsnnorod roof it was a scene never to be forgotten and thrillod all present with strong emotions dont forget that to remove corns warts and bunions in a low days all that ia required is to apply the old and welltested corn euro putnams painless corn extractor sure bafe palnlesa putnams painless com extractor makes no sore spots hard to heal acts quickly and piinlesdy ou hard artdboft cornk copy of the grand trunk railways -hand- noma diamond jubilee souvenir tho design is one of the finest production of the lithographers art and la emblemati- cakcxtbo glory- of the british empire canada the premier colonyand canadas great railway it contains pictures of the qdcon the prinoo of wales the dnke of york and priuco albert edward at tho top of tho design is a radiant star in tho centro of whioh are the letters lx and on either aide of this is a union jaok suitably draped beneath is the coat of armn of canada and miniature views of the new victoria jubileo bridge mont real and the new sioglsaroh steel bridge niagara falls between the two bridges is a small trade mark of the g t it system the queens jubilee an empires homage waa loyally paid to queen vlbtdrla on tuesday no words oan describe tho manner in whioh britons honored their beloved bovereigu ou jubiloo day it was declared the greatest day jn the history of the world frederic w bowcdiowarhorbtd thu a quean kiaued hor ou both cheeks tho duko of connaught and theothor members of tho family followed receiving a similar token of affection on bendod kneo in many cases tho reoipicnt was kissed eoverat timos thu queen was profoundly moved and tho tearb rolled down her cheeks at last eorioua acoideut tlfghs honorable sir wilfrid laurior premier of canada was a sooial lion canada was brought straight to tbo front the flower of oivlllzod nations was presont in london every body sang god save the quoon 1 queen victorias message to canada was as follows buckingham palace h london junk 22 tiih govknnonguneeal of canada ottawa canada from my heart i thank my beloved people maj god bless them f vitrronia r and i this loviug message was received by lord aberdceu and immediately transmitted lo every poiot of the dominion bbttbb thhn i stilu deis turnip seed swedes greystone aberdeens globes etc all gilt edge stock im- ported by myself and cheaper thin ever before hungarian millet buckwheat paris green hellebore potato btjtg killer land plaster balt bidder twine ail kinds now in geo j thorp marlet sq and macdonell guelph st melles guelph enormous business in whll phper this 8easoh price and quality did it have a kltincc ov our stock if you rcquiru wiyhtt uallir we can suit you window shades cloth 3x6 complete with roller 25c ielt inpcr ditto 15c childrens carriages rkicbandqualltyi everyone wonders at their 1 great valuo sporting goods books etc kumeml crtho name ghas l neiles city bookstore cuelph has stirred up an immetiao en thusiasra right aloug with the patriotic jubilation of every british subieot our great bargain sale brings most practical and tangible cause for rejoicing to iter majestys sub jects in tbis part dt her domains hundreds and thousands are thronging the processioii of buy ers to ovir store and tho opening days of our sale went indeed with a rush this week the enthusiasm will grow a stockfluchab ours unequalled inthe city for extent beauty and yutlity nnt pimply aii aggrega- hon ot rubbish lor makebotief cheapness when offered at cut prices such as we are doing at present is bound to crowd the store with customers its worth anybodys while if for no other purpose to see our store and behold the extent and wealth of material displayed its an object lesson of pleasure and profit it you cannot come write for sum pies sale continues all this wpekv jubilee j goods guelph jubilee latest styles and colors in gents jubilee tie large range of jubilee flags newest styles in jubilee hats assorted range ofumbrellas convention groceries our grocerydepartmentihas allthe require ments in the grocery line for the ce convention tobe held in town on the 16th new corriedbeef salmon fancy biscuits canned goods oranges lemons and banannas leaders a curn g gents furnishings mill 8treet acton jubilee a dollar is no bigger here thau elsewhere but you will find you can buy a lot more goods with it than anywhere else during this jubilee sale fakes and fakirs not excepted no fak ing in this store e r bollert co 52 and 27 wyndham street guelph ont on the string for aoton machine and repair shops hunity qrlndhll iropriotor alili well oqulpped will neoosury tooxotuta ajlgrboorb lnlbulk li iu tho niubliiorv ill rataln to nimiblu- cry andaarlouhuralltnplohiuqujaud to do u klndi of ateamfl hlng horaalioaing and f enarml blmmoiltblng woodwork repaira porformad in a aatlafaotory manuer wo oan repair any maohino or implomont of any make saw gamminanovflliudonu h8ndersgn go readytowear clothing boys and mens in all qualities and styles a very serviceable suit tor men all wool only 500 r shirt waists r we are constantly receiving addittions to our stock of these goods and the speedy way in which nice stuff is picked up shows that our taste in these goods is appreciated new laces embroideries muslins sateens prints etd in selecting wearables for the coming hot spell give us apknrrwillpttyyour fulllines of glovespviitfsrcolla7s7 and cuffs hosiery etc four spools for 10c best roll butter only roc lb henderson co acton m s3esssssss5 th e oright ijouse cor of king and huglison sts carpet special very rare prices will rtilo thia week in ioo pieces of best rive lrame brussels carpet regular price j135 now beinp sold for j100 made and laid this is an unparalleled opportunity lor you to secure a handsoniocarpet at a price that in all probability will not occur ageing wise peoplrrwilltake udvatltaue of this great oiler wliilc it lasts houseftirnishings new art muslins fast colors choice designs curtain width just the thing for ueach cottages cretonne j6 inches wide new designs fast colors special price 5c regular price 20c a very attractive lino of rope iorllers tho very thine for summci decorations hammocks in all sizes and styles wilhpillow and valance price ranging from 87c new while quilts very special at 90c india seats very new and novel in oak si 50 and 175 in i 430 and j5o birch and nmhogany screens in onk and mnliognny from r 2 5 to 500 new japanese tamboured and colored head curtains s350 as c vyatkins hamiltpk ffintaabbasasasasabasrassssbasasasa right hottse i

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