Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 24, 1897, p. 4

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qj ii mi 1 1 fti 1 1 ci f row dull oml dh 1 a llic swift cars mt il ittiij llliuttful willow firms ho slim i ohl aiuichs with icry tlnj in t slii still is ucu ntiitlintlt eliarmi to hpnre u lio wurjj juiitlw coioual beautiful lmlj i preserve your hair j and you weservo your youth a womoti is as old as she looks says tho world no woman looks as old as she is if her hair has preserved its normal beauty you can keep hair from falling out restoring its normal color or restore the noimal color to gray or faded hair by the use of ayers hair vigor t cuever a atory wluah biiowb of how much uao uosa work may bo to a peftler in tho huper miturut 111 rclutid by a hlhtortul of tho reimi of tho lronoh hull ijotua m an nhtrologer liacl fmneil couuidorubll lilu rity particularly at tho unit h cdurt aftor tho mannor of aatrologoraof all tinted ho had douo a groat deal of olovoriiobbiii and tliaalis to thin and to bomo lucky coin cidodceo various of hia prodiotionu hud boen fulflllod it happened that ho pro dieted tho death of a lady of tho court with id eight daya and on tho eighth day hiio died disfigured faces how good looks perfect health and pure bloqrt can bo obtainod and main tained patnl s celery cqmpound re moves cvcry trace of disrasl ljourncr dnilljiirjil 1 1 j 1 1 1111 illl strong points about b- b b 1 tts iurit ji j is thousands ol cures j its economy lc a dose se 33 33 regulates the ston icji liver and bowels unlocksthc secretin is puuhesthc blood and removes ill the impurities from a common fimplutolhe worst scrofulous sore and c9xt3r3e1s dyspcpsia biliousness const1pati0 i headache 5alt rhbjm scrofula heartburn jur stomach dizziness dropsy rheumatism skin diseases lac mtn know it is folly lo build upon a poor foundation either id uiuliiuclun ui in in ihh a fnuniuiou ot b ill in iimcttin mil to dudtii hjiiiiikmih hj ti irootidt 01 norvo compounds irt tju illy d jhlt rotm uiul titccp tive llio irno way to build up lilulth ih to niukoyour bleoj puro rich aijd nourish nitf by taking hood b siirsiiphrillir u0od enaily mil piompllv on tho hver and boncla curcu uiek hcuduehe laro oyn in a small f ieu ahvaju bltok on nitilieiouunoea wj rmtthtti head ache ole nro cured by burdotk lills 1oachor whero wtroou yesterday pupil whimperinj- it wiib ull hilly smith a fault ho hipportu d mo and made mo go hulun with im why mill you ullow a cough to hlccrulo your throivt or luns t d run tho risk of tilling koiihumpiio u ravc when by fbo timtsly uao or uif ldo b anti consumptive syrup tho pain emi bo at laved and tho dim u6r tivoidud lhib byriip ib ploiiuint to tho tusto and iuturpaesdd for reliving hoahng und curing ull affections of tho throat and lungs coughs ccldh bronchitis eto jubilee badges new jubilee 3ins new jubilee badges new style belt fasteners raiiiway time table grand trunk railway co i ml 1 ah mull i xpll m il ii i i i i xprt h r p iu i i iuh 7 wli in will i mixo 1im1 oi l a m id 17 a in u 11 pin jo 01 i in llf woht il i il i in 1 ma1i 1 n ui find fl 10 in k 1 l 1 in i 11 m t bli uuiit into tft t on monjaj tina created a b naoiion and tho kini wiih buporatilious enoujih to behdye that tho oharlatau waa a master of tho bhiclt art ilo bont for him previously having ordered bomtj of his attendants to throw tho astrologer out of tho window yoa who profcbh to bo bo bkillful and to fortell tho fate of every ono tell mo tho data of jour own death ean3 louis blandly luphily for himadlf tho magician gueshed that tho king fitst- some direful plati and jns readinokb at playing upon bupetatition and credulity etood him m gopd btead ho answered promptly thteo days boforo jour majcaty it is pleasant to know that- the ivonch king did not give tho signal for tho roader of horobcopea to be thrown out of the win dow and it may be hoped that that por sonage was bo badly soared that ho adopt ed a less ponlonb and more respectable occupation facts for thinking christ- ans tjo heothou in the utijtmtjfmpwsa thoro aro 1 000 00 world there are 10000 roibbiouariea eaoh missionary ib responbible for 100 odilsoulb thursday june 2i 1897 ffilje qaixng jnllta iuakl th summ glad o ninko tho bununor glad with a bit of bloom tocboor tho boarts day by daj upon thoir toilsome way with tbo bloebing of its boauty and its uwoct porfumo o mako tbo bumuior ead with a bit of groon to make for weary foot a car pot cool and swoot a ploco to cowo for hoart coutont wbon vtoai ring bbatlows loan plant rosob pinks and violets to bloom about your door and prjtboo don t loraot llio dnrling miguonotto lorlovoa own mosbao soft it breathes whon busy dajb aro o or o mako the homo place beautiful with grass and llowars for lovo cords best ontwino with loaf and how r and viuo and homo is wboro tho heart dwells in swootoat kliddcat hours an unfortunate tongue 1 what kind of a man is yoar ooaam ahe inquired oue of farmer willot s boarders of that mild featured old man ho doe be t eoom to bo very popular in tho neighborhood well now abe aint xackly pop lar admitted mr willat i dun no how tts but booms s ef ho bod a tremonjoub fuolty fer aottin folks on aidgo it aint his intontiona to do it but it dooa appear that if over there e a thtug that had oughter bo bind of glossed ovor an gono j easy abe be lays it right open an boara down heavy ont i dont oallate continued mr willot tapping hia fingers meditatively on the broad arms of hta old rooking abair that thoreb a smglo ono pf tho mothers in this towuabip but whats got somothin laid up agin abo romarks t bo b raado about tbo children an so on yo see i presume t say mib doaon jenks never forgive him fer tellin her when little zbke wasnt buta year old that ho reckoned hia uobo was gom to fuvor his pas youvo soou a deaon aint ye well that wan t a real encourgm thing er her to hour though tho deaons jeat aa good a man aa over lived an bo tis with moat ovcrythin an in oauada and tho united statca thero is one minister to every 700 poople in china thero is ono minister to ovory 1000 000 in tho united states there are go 000 000 poople and 80000 minister besides other christian workers oat of every 100000 churoh ruombora in america only 21 m to tho foreign field lotty million heathen die every your they aro dying at the rato of 100 000 a day every tiok of the watch bounds the death knell of a heathen boui every breath wedrnw four souls peribh never having board of christ christians are giving at the rate ofotrtt tenth of a cout a day of overy dollar given for christiauvvork we spend ninoty oight cents on our homo work and two centb for the heathen wo givo one cent a year for each heathen soul chnat said go ye into all tho world go does not moan stay all does not moan a part exahango tillys tale telling ks lilouhe9aiilblaiahouw if bo jour blood is alugihh impure and poisoned while tho lift utroum ib retkmg with im purilioj jou tinuot bo healthy and jood looking if jon would lonow tho hystcm ckanso tho blood and rid iiirsolf of diacaao ou muat uhq funu b celery compound the tmt hjutenj uli u htr tin i uloocj ppnher llio follow uij llticr from mr d mo mahon lvuiboro xnt proves that eiinit- a cki ompstind poaalbboh irtuea and life n itmlitiud unlmown to tho ordinary mediomt3 and dootord preaorip tou8 i havo gnat pleuhiiro in testifyiu to the fact thit paino a cdery obmpound baa caxnjed a remarkable change in my con ditiou was troubled with ft ery bad typo of eooma on my faco and m patchoa oer my body for font jears laun undor treat meut of threo doctors at jilfucnt iienodi and had albo tried many reincdien but all proed ubolesb at hint i boiihl a bottlo of paine b eleiy compound and put in iodide of pota mum an recommended on tho label tho ono bottlo did mo bo much good that i bought hvn bottles more and noy am happy to say i am perfectly cured and completely freo from-tlio-troublosmo- disease new blouse setts much in little is oiiietliilly true ot hoods pills for nomcdl clno ci r contnhlcd so ircat curitko power in go smill sinco tlioy io a ttholo mcdlcins hoods client always ready al pbk b niyscfnclcnt ahijs sat- wj u i l islactory prevent n cold d i 9 prfeier cure nlulvcr ills sick lie id iclie jiundlce constipiton etc 25c the only 1 hli to uko v ith hood s sttrsaparilla tilly tonoyaop treated tessa tollman terribly tattling taunting tolling trcach eroaa truthless talca teaa tried to tran quilly tabs tbo trouble thinking the tale bearer thoughtlessly tormdnting tilly b talea turning tiresome tessa told tom tumor tom told tessa to try leasing tillj turning tho tables thereupon teeaa tried tom s taotios threatoninc to tell tilly thrust tharue through tbo teaohor a turban tom twittering tilly tried to thwack tho teaser tom tramped townwqrd tessa tripping trimly too tilly toilsomely trimmed towels thinking thread thimbles towels tedious torments thinking too t h t t tr u e so wheabfc1h mo once twas a school teacher that come hero an abo had angored her eayiu how he was all took aback when he heard how much younger she wob n she appeared to bo well she abked me kind of nippin bow abo was in tbo family circle bleab yo maam says i thero aint no clrole family nor otherwise where abe is 1 he d scatter tho biggest olrole of folks t ever i see an not mean to nnther abes a smart man said mr willet as ho ropo in elow rhenmatio fashion bat ive lingered on his case considorblo oqn on an it appenrst mo twould be better fer him if ho was a plumb eejot or least ways jobt knew hia alphabet when a mans born with a tonguojiko abon i toll yo folksd ruthor a long bight boar him say his a b aba thn run any rosksl times teacher trusted teasa thoroughly tessas testimony thereforo truthfully termed tillys tnumpha terminated thunderstruck to think thie tilly trod town ward thrushes twittered tenderly trees tossing tempestously tantiluing this to tilly toiling todtonsly towuward tprmoated by troublesomo thoughts trembling tilly turnoc toward teasad tonement teeba trantjuilly tasting tea told tilly to try tea too troating tbo tell talo thus tessa trusted to turn trench a t tru troly ttuiohd th tormmatod tillys trutblees telling the letter h and its victims talout unemployed is an ongino without steam mill ulimim tuud v cjimiijiiv your burdock blood bit tejs cured me of salt rhoum threo years ago it was no bad that i lost my finger uaila and i can truly say that i know of no moro vajuabtotttetlloinolti world thanb b b i have had no roturn of salt rheum sinco mi h tu svm i liar emerson man castoria for infants and children tho fao- ilmilo ilgnaturo vfcm 57 frugality and prudence are the umm peachablo guarautors of liberty thoro aro too many pedplo with prcma turo gray hair whon they miaht aoid it by applying that well known and roliablo proparation hall a hair honowlr it always gives a youug vomuu a qucor feeling when alio metta an old man who tolls hor that her grandmother dead and gone for thirty ye at a waa once engaged to him as paruulce o vegetable pills contain mandrake and dandnliou they euro liver and kidney complaints with absolute cor tainty they alho contain roota and herbs whioh havo spocifia virtues truly wonder ful iq their action on tho stomach and home grown virtues cannot be counter foitod tficj vie bond mr jae hnlon tho well known ok alder man of kemptulle ont eaya tor some years i havo beeu greatly troubled with pain acrobb my back utlnury troublea oatieod nio much loss of steep and i suffered from a tired worn out feeling doaua kidney pills givo mo relief in a short tune tbo pain in my back has disappeared and i feci tjiat i would bo doing wronf not to recommend them to others buffering us i did they arc tbo beat medicine i otcr used when a man has run a mllo to aeo a fire in his seoret htart ho always feels a httlo disappointed if tho firemen put it out befonrtbodnmagc lias reached 850 signs of worms are variable appetite itching at tho noso otc tit low a worm syrup is tho beat worm expolicr sairage co jewellers cuelprf fruit ornamental trees 7q acr shrubs fzossr wines hisd ssfed pothtos if the forehead is phorter than tho nose tho aiin ib of stupidity six oiib ppfiomoatconclubivo testimony repeatedly ayx blforo tho public in tho columns orfio daily ress proves that dr thomas electuo oil- ku absolutely pure combination of hk of tho fiiicst remedial oiib in exiatoncc romedioa rheumatic pain eradicates uffectiona of tho throat and lunge and cures piloa wounds sores lame neas ttimois burus and mjunob of horaea and cittle rb7vtoved when ob hoar a man say that every man baa a pneo you may depend upon it that he at leust ih upon llio markot otluis htlllt cuils di n inn from my own experience i can sonildeptly say that dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry possessob true merit it was tho means of saving my httlo girls hfo last summer sho was teething and took violent diarrhoea dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry cured hor and i fool lbut i cannot say enough m its favor mns wumir aiithiu teeterviue ont jssss heart ani nerve pills for weak people at ad druggists price 6o cents per box or 3 for i 50 sent by mail on receipt ol trice t miluurn co toronto kellys music store will be found in future on corner of wyndham and quebec sts premises lately occupied by traders bank wi lan llmlitraokt nstfoiuiiont wpd omploy tlitteii hitlhtaiiil iiinht ini rovujl math ols for 1 rqpultiti hi all stork tdrofully packed inler oilr 1 orhoiml anutnlsfon and all now varit tfs tcum atom tual firmu lioforo boinn ctttaloruuci i u bo are tbo oiilytddflnf orchards connected with any nursery iu tho dominion agents wanted to represent us special attuutiou given to park comotory and boulevard orders i utimatch furnished for eupplj lug ontlra orcnards why buy of foruiun coiioorua or of middlemen when ou can purchase as cheaply fiom us and get bottor vnlui our etook- is canadfprr prawn and acclimated catarognocngiibh or t roach frm on appjlca tiou stone wellington fonthlll nurseries toronto ont 1 ito loading canadian troo men the public are are invited t6 call and see the firiest music store in western gntarie c w kluv telephone 178 guelpii the campaign prepare for winds wo would cullour attention to tbe fact tbfftwgrfttflprepargd to flupplyotrwir lumber of tmttable longth for yoar baru doorb viz 10 12 11 or 11 fcot also sash doors frames mouldings etc for building storm doors put up at at low a rato ae possible pujwtps repair your pumps or put m now oneb beforo it ia too cold we can do it shop at foot of river street acton thos ebbace manager road ot reason is blow but suro to imio travels it norway pino syrup strengthens tho lungs and cu all throat troubles coughs colds oto children aro usually though not alvi aye us ood as their parontngo and bringing up allow them to ho rheumatism can be cured in juno 18b i was attacked with in flammatory rheumatism with which i suffered under continued medioal treat meut live months tlio lubt five weeks i wan not able to got out of bed i then sent for dr halatcd ilia treatment gave mo immediate relief and in a few days 1 wiib at my viorlt and i hao had no rheum atism eiiice ilntut soiisnunulit mclntyre dec jflth 1695 dr halstcd b ulieumatio curo may be had at tho medical ilau mum street ttoton why she stayed a lady who had reaehed tho tlmo of hfo whon biio began to rosont every birthday as a personal affront was attendipg a sow ing circje at tho parsonage ono day when the cry went up that thoro was a mouso in the room every lady in tho room oxcept one fled ooreaming sho remained iu her ehair aa pale as death hoarlng the jiproar tho pastor who was in his study catno in to ago what wna tho matter its a mmmouffol tho palo lady gabpod indeed aud why didnt you ran with tho rest arcu44 you afraid of mice i urn mortally afraid of theml then win please did you atay in tho room i was in hopes tho lady faltered that i might bo scared out of a 3 ear growth 1 at the celebrated election in 1805 at which mr gladstone lost hia scat at tho university his opponent was mr hardy tho practice then and for aught i know to the contrary it may be bo still at a con tested election waa for eaoh eleator to record his vote by word of vnouth before tho tellers for each party sitting in tho convocation houbo or somo other suitable place of meeting llio late prof henry smith wao acting aa teller for mr gladstone when an uncouth country parson entored and to tho usual question for whom he wished to rocord in a voico replied in hia confusion i vote for for glad i moan for ardy i qtaim that vote quietly put ib prof henry smith no no protested tho old clergyman i didn t finibb the name yon didnt even begin tho other was tho profeecors dry retort a utory is told of an eminent legal prac tltioner who wb afflicted with a similar difficulty in pronouncing his appi rates many years ago ho had a particular diahke to a lato learned lord chancellor who had publish cd a book upon hymns upon seeing hie rivat enter tho court on ono occasion ho was overhoard to mutter ero o comos ummin ia ymu tunca oly old umbug ow i do atn im i bowels mr e a cairncrosb shakea pearot writes i conaider parmeleo s fiiib an excellent remedy for biliousness and derangement of the liver having used them myself for somo tirao when a woman has a now pair of ijovos she doobn c object so strenuously to stand ing up m tho car and alinging to a strap as bho might otherwise lolmiio heuit gi mi 1 mi n my heart troubled mo with violont pilpitation shortness of breath and sleepleflhuestt thin whh caused my physi cian ad vised me by exceubivo ueo of tobacco since taking milburns heart and norve pills iho dihtreuhiug symptoms have en tirely disappeared they have cured mo and i am thankful to testify to their feocd tffecla signed w j j01 os st thomas ont pessimism ftlot to be bought iho romi uh of using big words in con vorsatiou with people who do not under bland tht ill aro often laufjmbh in boston thoro is a lady of literary aspirations who talks even wnh her servants iu a sort of literary way tho other day an irish sorvhtit kirl employed in thin ladys house entered a neighboring grocers b and asked do ye kape anny auny dolub fwhat world in it annyhow auny deliberation is it now do ye bell anny of that any what exclaimed tho grocer anny deliberation i eay1 no wo dont morofl tbe pity thin saro my miath reas told mo to wash the cut glass dishes wid deliberation and tlthi she went away and uiver u dhrop af the ahtoof can i foind in the house copaolty to approoiato the virtues of other pooplo is iho riio test of msgnanim ity somo people are born poor some achieve poverty and others havo to imp port thoir poor relatione a pessimistic turn of mind ho called which leads poasous who are uillioted with it to take tho worst possible view of th1111fi is sometimoa developed quite oarly in life jeremiah who is twelve years old i already a confirmed pessimist among the thingh which ho continually grumbles about are his lead pcuoilp which novor havo points uud to sharpen which he always has to borrow a knifu of somo school mate why dont j on have u kuifo of jour own jerry v one of tho boja asked got no pocket to- keep it in said jerry then why dont you have a pocket t i had one t d havo a hole in it well even then you wouldut bo any worse off than you aro now hm i yob i should t i had a poo kot n a hole in it i never have anything 6 lose through it t jerry sighed deeply and went on whittl ing hia pencil wilh the dull blade of the other boys knife laxaliver plills biliousess constipation sick headache liver troubles your cough like a dos bark is 1 sign that there is something foicign arou id which shouldnt be there you can quiet the noise but the danger may be there just the same scotts emuls on of codliver oil is not a tough specific itcfeeq not merely all ty the symptoms but it dots give such sti ength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease you know the old piov- crb of the ounce of pie- vention dont neglect your cough your dr ibj it itccj i nil t i muhlon f n1 vcr o l put up in 5 in usi oubfcn all epeoial irivilcgod of overy sort aro obuoxioua to the epirit of tho ago in which we live tliu clilkheiis tiienn scrofula otter aliowa itself in early hfo and is characterized by swellings ab bcosbcb hip diseases etc consumption is scrofula of tho lunge in this class of dis pases scotts emulsion is unqncationably tbo most reliable medicine god and duty aro tho only things that abido all oibq is but a fleeting shadow rrompl pleasant vciltft norway pino syrup is a prompt plea eant and perfect curo for coughs colds asthma bronohitia lioarscnebb bore throat pjiin iu tho cheat croup whooping cough qmuay influenza and ull throat and lung troublea 2oc and 50l at all drug stores ho who fawns upon hia eupenois is likely to be inenlent towurdb hu lhfcriora hagyarda pectoral balaam cures coughs colds asthma bronchitis and all throat and lung troublea always complete always attractive main street planing mills acton ont the lnorumue has a contempt for tbo saholar and the scholar unlceb on bis guard is in duncr of entertaining a eimit ar feeling for tbe ignoramus tiicbo two debirablo qualifications pleas ant to the tnto and at tbo samo time efiectual are to bo fouud in mother 1 nufifl woriu tvlnrrninntfir fljilflrwn it is the expression of visitors to our store that our stock is most com plete att displayed and re asonable in price we can suit you in your personal wants and if it is wedding presents or friendships tokens our stock offers exceptional variety just now jubilee medals pins c are in demand we have them gc d pringle jeweller guelph john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of basil doors 1 ramos moulding 111 all styles dressing mjltchino and moulding to order ou eliort aotlco well assorted stock on htini at prices tooul tbo times john cameron proprietor brhntford steel like it the man who possesses tho fundamon tal virtues of truthfulness honesty and purity should bo judged very leniontly for minor bhortcomiugp thero never was and never will bo a universal panacea in one remedy for all ills to which flesh is hoir tbe vory nature of many curativeh bomg bucii thai were tho germs of other and differently bcatod disoaseb rooted in tho bstom of tho patient what would relievo one ill in torn would qfiirflvntn thn othnr wo imvp hnwnvnr shops ind wireroonib i oot ol willow st oils atlcndeid to day or night j a speight fc co internal cov orod q oar tatont hollor and hall dear inan undertakers and embalm ers i ont latest styles in quinino wine when obtainod in a sound unadulterated etato a remedy for many and grievous ills by ita gradual judicious use tho frailest b sterna aro led into con valesconoo and strength by the inflnonco whioh quimno exorts on naturoe own restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of thobo with whom a chromo btate of morbid debpoifucni and lack of interest in hfo is a disease and by tranquihzing tbo nerves diepobcs to sound and refresh ing bleep imparts vijor to tho action of the blood which being stimulated courses jfbroughojittbe veins atrengthentngtbo healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary robolt btrengthemng tho frame and givicg hfo to tho digestive- organs which naturally demand increasod bubbtanco result itn proved appotite northrop a lyman of toronto havo given to the public their qninino wino at tho usual rate and guagod by u o opinion of scientists this wino approaches neaiest pcrfcctiou of any on tho market all druggists sell it ono cannot jct out of his pluco without usurping some one tlae t chronh dorangempntn nt thn htnmnnly the finest of teas pure and rich pure ceylon black mixed in lead packets only 2 and 1 pound tea 26 30 40 60 and 60 cent3 a pound at all grocers 5 the davidson a hay ltd wholesale kqents toronto nature ja not ashamed of her clothes not many business houso in theao united slates can boaat of fifty years standing the business of dr j c ayor co of lowell mas whoio incompar able sarsaparilla s known and used overy where and has passed its half centennial and was never ao vigoroui b at present liver uud blool are spcodily removed by the nctivo prmuiplo of tho ingredients entering into lie composition of parmcleeb pills lhes3 pills not spocincally on tho diseased orarn rtiuiiiutnif to aatioi the dormant oncrgioi of tho sjhtom thereby removing ditoiiso and renewing lifo and vitality to tho nftlicttd in this lies tho groit secret of tho popularity of parmelcoe vegetable piiih somo pcoplo novor climb high enough to bo in daugorof a full a11 anlldote fur ah limn gatvanxled tow- era ami wheels tho best in america ideal spraj pmhp iron pumps water lankr piping ac experienced attention firstclass hearse moderate charges furniture or all kinds a wellassorted stock at reasonable prices your inspection invited j a speight co ordcrb le mth j n stl rockwoofj will receive immediate attention the ideal power mill w h and ball bearings is a wonder hotij for circulars tub maple leaf konevilt roold jhapley muir kcolip 7s ion ant rowca pnou 0 iiohbl to jouoribl ton itich royarblblo plntos of fljloolal dcelcn tho ball hearings for silatea jluns easy grinds ino and fast our 13 foot idoal power mill will run it satlsfac torih this is by nil odds brawtforltcm heatgrindcrmade fr best 8teel w1r6 woven wire fencing w1rj rope selvaob mr albert rcid angus ont woe for over two years a suiterer from asthma a half bottle of yellow oil cored him completely and al tho 11 git that was somo mine ago he has never sinco beou troubod with the lame complaint ask your grocer for for table and dairy purcit and best d and sold by thi ontario wire fencinq co ltd woton ontario cheap cheap cheap j iii bl p6ncings as wl i i as mcmullcm hence sled win nettings for ircllh poultry irds i iwii leucines ttc in sol 1 much lowir this jcir tliui oxer heforc i hey arc the best atlt your hirdnirc mrrchant for them s sso s e v i most all clothes to a beginner in business 1iil their good point itit uiu umi hun jj pills tlll wluilt bioriy s clulhitij li kui dtinonsti itul lo bl jiurfcct 111 hi iptodiu tn di hii 1tl1 g ctrytlmik from hit uinlch f tin buttons to the colour of tfic limiiff m ptrfitt 1 ccpinj as nn lkiciill of tin workmanship 11 mgmd jj fjunrjintl isgitn with ltrj kurmeiit that it j will not hliriuk uud that ciiir moiuy nl jc refunded if tin workiuunsliip jjils out if you nccljittiuy mftrior niiilc of clothing nftcr this ou v 111 have only y ourhclf lo maun 17 t4ssft2sas4sa422n5544at5fisisvftsa9fi a word to the young man prcpinng o open a store of his own when you get ready to do business tell the public what you art foing to do use plenty of nikcr- tisnil spice to tell jour story well unci thoioughly but tell it atmply- dtmt whoop don t turn verbal flip flips won 1 mike 1 lumping jick of the lnhili impinge don 1 tcir your hur nut froth it he mouth j list fid down to business ind tell people 111 short simple words ill ibout your new ltoro nul your now goods act like n solid business mm not like a fly by night fiklr i ik mm who merely jumps up and doun uiilit just is well stintl still soft nnd f iir goes fir in 1 diy work up 1 good holid business by solid business methods k nnd wheedle nnd stigfest nnd nrgue don t try to jank tnde in by the hilr as 1111 nye once sagely obsted when joh want to kiss a girl don t tnb for it tike your time it s there john queen agent por above also rou frost and wood binders and mowers a full liuo of all kinda ot farm implements and repairs if youwantb ood engravinc photo engraving ii aiftomes forontoonr for twanttsevbn tbah3 try ah nif iu tub brkk jfaesj thecooksbestfriend larocr 8alc in canada bo vars xpcricnob marks decions 0opvrioht6 ac cih uiul ilerrlntlon may jit liouior nu invention u probably patantiiblo nininiuiilaatlniih ntrletly fonndantuil olaut lurenoy rnriiociirlnir imtonti in atnorles wo have n wruiiiiimton amn patnu uken tlirouhh mum a co rootilre apoolal notlootu tbe 80ientific american beautifully llluatratod inmost olmilnhon nt nnrjhlantl do journal tvdiklytornib3ri yonri f 1 m six raoiitli hpoditkii ot pit a mid j and llook oh pattstm butitido addtum r munn a co 301 urondwnv new york

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