bank of hamilton hj3ad office hamilton- capital all paid up 1 25000000 reservo fund 72500000 total assets 0846 67846 naarly toil millions of dollura a o hahbay vico1roblduut board op directors jofinstuakt 1ruuldont gia ltoaaii jons phoctoii a t wood a ijluk toronto wu ciibhon ml j twumjull caahlor t- hrs htevuntabbt cabblorr- 11 u watson imiitoctor georgetown agency agericral bankinr business transacted notes of- responsible farmers discounted and special attention given to ihe coeciiqn v of sali notes and commercial taper gcnernllyc t drafts issued payable at all principal points th carjada tvnauifilecl stales draffs on great britain ubiight and sold v savings department deposits of iand jipwards received v mhterestjillowetiat current rates and added to principal every yeari whether passbook is brought in or not spcfcial deposit rcceiptsis3ucd for largo sums v j p bell agont beorgetovn ont the nevs at home mostly of a local charaoter and every iteim interesting ge0hynds acton for wedding and birthday presentsvinfiilvercliina or glassware new lines in fans ladies belts blouse setts purses c gall in and see our stock fh jtctoit jfoe firm thxjbsday july 8 1b97 little local brieflets which caught theeyes or ears of free press reporters thlo week hot weather advice a fiho tot of cattle k hjtlmep drovor whipped tbo fiuoht tar of cittipfron hereon monday which has been heoviu aotqu for years it comprised 22 head ot thrccyourold eteera all fed in ono stable by jarnoa gibbons jr who occupioh tho farm lately owned by samuel johnston now of toronto- tho lot brought tluir fortunate owner nearly 91300 a cold mvdnutit ut albert college at thoniinimlconvoflbitlonae aluert college btllovillo last vvoolr tho gold medal for general prohuiency in commoroinl boiencu for ihjl was awurded to mr chan ii mooro son of jamna mooro eat acton and for between four unci ivo yeara con nected uithlho fusi- piiehh mr mooro ii to iju congratulated upon liia marked bucob in a largo list of competing student it ia a peculiar coincidence that tho winnerof this modal tho ill p moore golil medal has fqrhwo years in buccoh- eion buen a bviricaake of tho donor the gold medtiudt last year in tbo department in which tro medal wa- awarded was mr j ii mora pibay of quusfeont fatal accident to nfornfbr restdcatl laattbarhday william h adams sou otav i4adarna of drayton for abaiotime a resident of abton met with an accident which robulted in hig death a few houra after ho baa been beakingon a michigan road between kalamazoo and grand rapids for aome years and near tho former place on thursday met fatal injuriea hia father was notified and went over but found that mreg w cook of grand itapids bister of deceased had been at kalamazoo and taken the body on to drayton he missed her on tho road willie adams as ho was familiarly k h was 27 ycftra of neighborhood news news items sppplled by corres pondents and exchanges ashgrovb tho miaa b linfoot of hamilton guoat of miss ida wngijlcaworth i miss nixon of shelhurno ia vihiting at mr jtnixonb mr grahamrrnow barn was raiaud last wednesday and doca credit to tho framer mr george bajley mr davy dick und mr griflm thcmpeon acted an 11 plains the former winuing by a very few seconds moat of the farmcra have boguu haying coming and going visitors to and from aoto and varlousother personal notes lorne keep your temper wear looae elothing keep out of dranghta dont let politics warm you dp keep off the streets as touch ira possible doou gowhoolinflwhuothofluuflhiaos drink very little especially ice cold water a cooler breeze has struck the earth refreshing all the human tribe and nowa the time to anil upon the baainebb office and subscribe nuw for i he dog daye council meeting next monday evening sunday last was bard oa tbo starched dada aoton plays ball at hillsburg on sat urday goniriderable enervating weather the past week thoro baa been wonderful growth the past week buffalo bills wild webt bhow in goelph today r tbo son has dons conaldecablo sooroh- ing the past week tho laqndpy buainpashajboeq boom ing the past week the contractors bavo commenced work on the methodiat chorch the meronry hovered botwoon 00 and 08 lor aix days during tho week the great epworth loauge convention open a at toronto next thursday one of the township road rnaohines has been working on the third line this week r tan on the iaceis a snror atgn of having had a vacation than tan on tho hoes dominion day had delightful weather and people generally enjoyed the national holiday the water is higher in fairy lake than it has been at this timo of btimmer for years a nomber of bnr citizens went to burlington on tuesday on the eramoaa snnday sohoolexourflton mrarsbctmui the aoton laundry with very good satisfaction sheis worthy of patronage the estate of w g bmith otielph bad paid 1100004 the new dividends making 87 cents on tbo dollar v tbefinobt boaqoet of roses which has graced the editorial table this season wero plnoked in the garden of mrs thos t moore on monday meaart gibson millar go of george- towna liveat store aonoonco great olearlng sale of spring and aammer goods at cost and under road their now adver tisement the issuers of marrlago licenses tbronghoni ontario jbaye been notified that the new marriage act baa come into force arid hereafter prospective brides are no required to appear when the license is issued rev h a mophcrbon broke the record i forjjihort ervioofl lmt sun6y owning tho entire service occupied but thirty- threo minutos owing to tho humidity of the atmosphere the congregation appreciated tberbrevity observed by the pastor s dr dryden hag opened an office in mcleans block near the tost office gael ph the doctor is well qoalified for the special office practice wbfoh he is eslabuiiliing bis eullre attention will bo devoted tn affepliona of the eye oar nose throat and hia post gradaato coareoa arid practical experience in hospitals devoted to these dlseaseao give him high standing as a fpccialiet if you wiflliedaeouroa nrat classloan of money at low intecfht call on or writo to w o jaokflon guolph fruit oultnfo is more profitable to the farmer now than his other oropi brown bros co the moit pxtonaivo nursery boote in canada have a vaoanoy in this nooiion write them at browns naraerlcb po ontario for thoir terms on friday afternoon juno 15ih a number of ladies listcoed with pleasure to fc lectare in tbo i o 0 f hall hy miss smith on tho higher phvalcalxife in he interest of viavl mus smith also r a ifotore on satorday afternoon last in the same plaea on a modern demand tho ljcturea througliout were interchtlng and ihttructive ago tho funeral was held at drayton on saturday much sympathy will bo felt for tho family in their bereavement cmidnu thirtieth birthday tho thirtieth birthday of tho dominion was favored with typical canadian summer weather and as a cousetjuenco was cele brated with unanimity by all seationa of the community avery large proportion of the population of aoton was out of town those who remained hero spent tho day in viewing tho base ball matches attending privato pionios boating driving and wheel ing and the evening wab generally spent by attending st albans lawn social at the home of mr wt smyth altogether dominion day of 1807 was a decided suoaoba people in all ranks of life had an ohjoyable outing and having derived benefit thbrufrom went back to work again next morning refreshed in mind and bpdy- he had mauy friends referring to the death of mi jacob h rydpr whoso romaina were brou h last roport of promotion examinations hold at lome attho close of tho first half your of 1807 from juu iv to sen iv lonio gunwale 117 iva cleave 451 alioo suydor 10 lizzie mddoriuld 42 ida johnatonrils marks retjuired 400 fromson ill to juh iv harry jteid 580 j c fin ton tjwadklmmerv c2 nellie brown 511 hannah plunk 521 james mououald 401 henrietta plank 471 robert lasby 402 marks required 405 from juri hi to sontli wijlia hsid 5jl harriot luaby517 iwilviovsoyder c05 annie qiiahtic 157 marlis requir ed 400 papers wero sot and the oxamiufitioiuapent a week very pleasantly with friends tlio 1iibk piikbh iuvltou all its roadors to con iribiito tothlb cbluutu jr you or your frloudb iiro oiiifnway on ahollday trlji or t you have frlpnju vlaitluy ynu drop a card to tho tlteu iltkhb mr robert lambert of fergus visited friends hero last week mr aiox brown jr of toronto is viditiug acton friondt i mitts s wileon of hamilton is the guest of tho misacb laird mr and mrs marshall fernloy of brant- llmehouser given in the following bubjetfts reading writing drawing grammar spelling his tory composition arithmetic literature physiology and goorraphy j mcdonawj teacher week for interment tbo sarnia observer says tho news of hia death was heard of with regret by his friends in sarnia of of whom ho had many although only a resident of sarnia for a httlo over two years his kindly nature won friends for him by tho score and many are the feelings of regret expressed at hia early domiae the deceased suffered much during his lato illneas and had been confined to his room for about two weoks ho was consoiona up to the timo of his sudden tak ing ofl and talked cheerfully to hia brother william of sarnia and hia biater mrs pollard of petrolea and other friends who were at hiu bedside expressing hia hope of n better life beyond dominion day baso ball games two games of base bair wero played here on dominion day between tho st club of toronto and tho home lawrence baseball leaders of tho city league club both games were good exibltions of baso ball the morning gamo especially at tbo end of the ninth inuiuga the score being a tio a tenth innings was played tho st lawrence soorod in this inningb and won the game tho st lawrouco players aro a gentlemanly lot and lovers of the game hopa to sec them boro again tho scores were as follows icoiinuio oame 12 3 4 5 g 7 8 9 10 st lawrence 0 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 7 autuu 0 2 1 0 0 u a 0 0 u h dominion day passed off very quietly here wo are now having hot weather in earnest quito a number from this vicinity took in the excursion to burlington beach on tuee3ay a good numbor of tho farmers in this vicinity havo etarted haying mr alex crippa ban tho heaviest hold of hay in this vioinity mr w lamb has a field of wheat which averogea about six feet in height mr wm snider of eloro vleied at mr r gibboiibfor a- few daya fabt week miss lizzio lambert of hecpoler spent a few days last week visiting frii nds here miss lottio cans of acton spont sun- daymtrberhomehere mr and mra n fqrbea of this place and mr and mrs j anderson of arkoll visit ed friends in ballinafad this week miss maggie anderson of toronto is visiting friends here and in naasagaweya mrchas gamble shout severaldaye last week viaiting friends in buffalo and the nirgara district mabter willie forbes is ep2nding his vacation with friends in arkem mr and mra friok of acton visited mr r gibboobthla weekt maator johnie rambhaw of lowvillo is aftensoon game 12 345 1780 st lawrence 3 2 10 5 1 0 4 0 ll aoton 2 0 0 0 1 0 5 0 2- 0 it was like fairy t tho lawa axicjjdon tho grounds of mr w t smyth on tho evening of dominion day was a pronounced succobs tho lawn and orchard were utilized and in tho even ing the chinose lanterns all aglow tho decorations the rod whito and blue hangings the profuse foliago and tho beautiful summer gowns of tho company lent the scene a gonuino fairyland air the al tendiuicewaa iatgotaotori cornet band rendered selections with an ability and liberality which were appreciated tho refreshment table and flower booths wore in demand and the courteous aqd obliging alteudanta wero kept busily flitting hither and thither during the ovoninij in tholr effort to supply tho wants of their many guests an evedt of tho evening which was much enjoyed wab the piano solos rendered by mrs thos godden mother of rev j k godden m a who isa planiste of superior skill miss jessie nioklina yooal boiob wero also muoh enjoyed the proceedings concluded with a very credit able display of fireworks operated by rev fathor haley whoso experienced services were willingly proffered jdr siezaohlans farewell at waterloo tho waterloo chronicle eayarev j a molaohlan m a for threo years the sue ceosful pastor of tho waterloo methodist cburoh closed his pastorate here last ban- day in closinghissermon in the morn iue he referred to tbo pleasant relations that had always subsisted between paator and peopioand to the harmony and good will that prevailed among them in the evening the service toqkthejform of a coi gregational song becvtoo in which tho largo congregation joined heartily in singing a number of favorito hymns to familiar tanos- these wero interspersed with bcripture readings and the relation of incidents with respsot to tho hymns by the pastor mr molaohlan is a faithful and earnest preacher and always took an active oud hearty interoat iu tho sabbath school and in tho epworth leaguo ho was ably secondod in all bis efforts by mrs mcliohlan who waa unremitting in her duties in the sabbath sahool and in tho w c t v both raado many warm friends in watorloo who will join in wish ing them every aucceua in their new field of labor mr mclachlanavill bo succeeded hero by tho rev jacob e howoll m a of aotou a gentleman who has filled a number of the beat pulpits in tbo church and was a few yoars ago honored by betog eleotod to tho presidency of tho uuelph cdnferenoo mr howoll and family will receive a warm welcome hero and bis ministrations will begin nndor vary happy auspices fhtrawunrrioh sold in humilton on sat urday for 3 cclu nassagaweya somo of tho farmers have commencod haying in this vicinity tho bay crop is very fair tbqthorjnomqtorwftbflirtiqgyiththq degrees around 100 tho labt fow days it was rathor uncomfortable in church on sunday f tho rev dr scanlan preached hiu first sermon on tho kassnguwoya circuit on sunday laat hia sermon was very effec tive jubilee sermons next sunday- in the ebenezor church morning and evening tho rev j 8 fishor will preach and a jubilee eupper will bo given on mr h fiotcher9 lawp an thel3th a good pro- grammo baa boon provided for the occasion and a pleasant time is anticipated mias maggie anderson of toronto is viaiting relatives and friends in naseaga- weya this week mr georgo locker returned homo from camp at london on friday evening last he reports a pleabant time and steady drill misa mary taylor left on wednesday last on on a vlbit to friends in yale michigan ford weroiu town for tho holiday mr and mrs j s coleman aud children vibiied friends at arkell lust week mias joabio mcdonald is spending her vucatiou with friends at orangeville mids maado cookman of brant ford mado a visit to relatives hero thia week uri j vj mullen uud childron loft on monday for lowiston mc on a pleasure r i r mrfl joseph hustler of hamilton visited at tho- home -of- mrs roycb last week rovgf sherwood b a g bothwell was a guest at hiltaen place during the week mre- j p brown of niagara falls crewsons corners here mjbs moneoly and miaa ooodovo spent a couple of daya last weok with friohda in guolph mr fred hun t of fergus was a guest at tho methodist parsouago on dom inion day miaa lillio halsted ia bpending the holidays with irlouds at toronto and cooksville mrrjatn eay oodwiidmisatann i ds cottr of east lather visited acton friends on jubilee day misa moneely left on monday for her homo at carluton piaco where she will spend vacation reeve nioklin loft on monday on a bueiuesb trip to nova scotia and prince edward island mr and mrs alfred sopor loft on tues day for a viait at mr sopers parental home at markdale the misses monteith of toronto were guests at the home of mrs royoe main st duriog tho week miss jennie somerville has returned homo after spending a couple of weeks at niagara falls and welland col kerns m p p was one of tbo speakers at mr whitnoys meeting at dundas on monday evening rev v j gilpin left on saturday for smjthville to which circuitbls father rev john gil baa just removed honor roll for month of june i iv class 0 marshall 312 f swaok- hamor 205 ei scott 238 marks pos sible 350 iii clasal garvin 200 11 marshall 190 o lane 180 marks poabibe300 ii clasaj mcddwoll ida jhttlner 707 ii jan s dopmort ico part ii u mcdowell 147 d sharp 143 w dobbio 121 i b r scott 180 a dcemert 187 j f mcdowell 125 ia w marshall 180 s niokell 178 marks poasiblo 200 jiiaafmh this romantic and ptoturopquo hamldt was invaded on dominion day by half a hundred joly picnickers from guolph tbeywere the guebls during tbo day of mr and mrs john moore who mot the party upon arrival of the 1020 a m train and escorted them to thoir residence the grounds wero attractively decorated and arrgbged tov their recoptinir shortly after tlieir ajrrival the baawta i of tho pjpniokera rworo opobed and the tables laden- wttls tempting viands ample just loo having been done to the good things provided the afternoon was spent in viewv ing themay points of interopt in this locality vocal and instrumental musid fi8mngr mosses and other cariosities which so profusely aboahdherot between 5 and 6 tbo party again stir- sounded the tables and a big endeavor was mado to do away with tbo remaining delioaoies after all had done their best their was still enough and to spare previous to leaving the rev mr sellery moved a harty vote of thanke to mr and mrs moors for thoir hospitality which was ably sapported by captain george bruce and others the motion being carriod unanimously mr moore responded this the complaint of thousands at this season they have no appetite food does not relish they need the toning up of the stomach and digestive organs which a course of hoods sarsaparllla will give them it also purifies and enriches the blood cures that distress after eating and internal misery only a dyspeptic can know creates an appetite overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains thowhpjbphyfllcnl flyatem it boprqmpt ly cn4 efn relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches that it seems to have almost a magic touch 1 sarsaparilla js hie bestir id fact the que tnie blood purifier j iki nr the best ntfer dinner rlood 3 hllls rillts aid digestion 25o thanking the mover for his kindly words and hoping that all had thoroughly enjoyed tho day and inviting tho company to oome again next year rev wm bryera of acton who ib to supply tho methodist pulpit here at present preached bis first sermou on sunday morning spending his vacation with frienda here mr wm catten olerin spent sunday with mr wlamb georgetown mr contia of harriaton baa been appointed headmaster of tho hiru school hero ho is an honor graduate of toronto university a man of high scholarship who has had a successful career ob a- teacher wo hope and beliovo that the school will continue to prosper in hia hands the following changes in wator rates were mbdeattoccpntmnein oil c b dayfoot 8100 former rate 75 speight brady 9f0 former rate 925 a ghesher 950 former rate 820 j m book 820 former rate 910 rdwarren ft20 former rato 810 e ii botts 820 former rate 910 dominion day waayeryquielbere a numbor of our pooplo visited neighboring towns othorn attended private picnics and in tho evening large numbers attended tho garden party st union churoh instoad of tho naual dominion day festival the methodists took up froowill offeringa in the churoh last sabbath and all aro welt pleased with the financial re sults the paator preached in the morning and therov at ingram of owou sound in the evening tho intense heat affected tho congregations tbo freowill offering by at em was also adopted in tho baptist church last sabbath the rev l xorrin is away this week spending his holidays at kincardine next sabbath tho methodists will attend the presbyterian churoh in tho morning and in tho evening the presbyterians will attend tho methodist oharoh tbo rev g a mitoholl b a will proaoh both sermons tbo farmera aro beginning the hay har vest and withihis iuteuso heat tho wheat will soon ripen tho wheat harvest began on tho first of july last year wo are nearly two weoks later this season the schools aro all closed and the teachers aro away for holidays the commercial form examinations look placo in georgetown high school building last friday and saturday mr a ii glbbard b a presided tho examina tions for third class certificates took pin 00 monday and tuesday mr a ii gibbard b a our lato high school principal sails on saturday from montreal for england mr g a hem street and family of milton wore visiting lant wook at mr james kennedys mrs hawthorne of caribou b c and mrs john dicklu of miltou wero guests at the methodist parsonage miss mclean teacher in tho milton public school is visiting her grandmother mrs crawford and miss jenne her shitor has just returned from a visit to scotland miaa annie ryan of georgetown and miss hattio jobnbton of glenorohy made acton friends a visit last week mr herbert phillips eon of rev r phillips spent a few days with his boy hoods friendbrheroduringthe week mrs t h dunn has retnrnod homo after spending a weok or so pleasantly withfriondaat chatham and detroit mr goodeve goes to toronto junotipu next month to take ahargo of tbo church of england there during tho rectors vaca tion miaa majio smith has returnod homo from belleville for holiduya and intends viaiting friendd iu luther in a week 0 two mr w williams visited friends in bow- manville and tyrone last week his fathor mr thomas williams returned to aotop with him mrs dr dryden and family removed on monday to their uqw home in guolph after nearly a years roaidenco at the old home sunderland villa- here the agricultural college closing exeroisoapre8entatlon of medals prizes and diplomas a very largo audience of farmers and iho citizens of guelph and other points assembled at the ontario agrinnlthral cnl lego guelph labt wednesday to participate in the interesting closing exeroises the gymnasium had been roobt attrabtively decorated for the afternoon with over- greens flowers bunting flags etc and presented a fine appearance president millp ia welcoming the abbembly remarked that the collogo year now endioghad boon a moat satisfactory ono the attendance of the students was tbo lasgest and most regular they had for fourteen years from the oth alt up to date some 18000 excursionists bad mani- feated their interest in the colleebypay- inga visitto it this was a gratifying matter to the officials for it was this class of people wbioh the college moat vitally concerned tbestudentshe explained were granted degrees only from tbo provincial university but tho college proper issued an associate diploma hon jno dryden minister of agricnl- ture was then called upon to present tbo college diplomas thib was followed by the presentation of medals and prizes by prominent gentlemen occupying seats on tho platform mr h r ross of hastings was the prize essayist his essay on the livo stook industry of ontario was both practical and interesting the addresses of kov dr potls of tor onto and hou john dryden minister of agriculture wero listened to with marked interest in complimenting president mills and his ablostaffdr potts remarked that ho was confident if tho members of thotjefllsladttwhb ocoupy seats on the left of the spoaker would visit tho oollogs arid farm aud put themselves iu a position to realize tho benefits conferred upon the farmers of tho province and tho oouotry lytthofltrongoppoiitio to t iu- stitution at oacb succeeding session would bo entirely ailonood tlie bt raw berry crop hero baa been vory good aftor all aoton gornot band gavo another enjoyable concort in tho town hall square onmonday evening rov j w rae has reoolved permis sion from toronto presbytory to ohange the name of his church o viotoria in honor of this jubilcu year mu eiutoii tho iiikk piikhb ia a neat noway bheot creditable in every way good elevating family reading von havo dono well with our adv morohant guelph better thrn 1zr and still tlluuust gold in lead auoroasra in bulk reviewed by the queen 25 ooo soldiers in the jubilee parade led by the- canadian mounted police london july 3 there were 25000 floldiers in the great jabiloe parade of troope who were reviewed by her majeaty ot alderaliot the colonial troops lod tho march past headed by lord lloborts and the canadian mounted police and they lined the route followed by the queen after leaving the ealating point the heat wab intbnbo and the crowd enormous ib7 r ca e xxiglit house cor of king ami huglisoii sts carpet special very rare prices will rule thfs week in joo pieces of best vive frame brussels carpet regular price 8135 now being sold f s m ademnrr- lnl d itra n u tipa t atleledoppi tr fun i t y lo r y o uio secure a handsome carpet at a price that in nil probability will not occur again wise people will take advantage of this great offer while it lasts new art muslins fast colors choice designs curtain widthjust the thing for beach cottages u cretonne 36 incheswide noav designs fast colors special price 15c regular price ioc w j v a very attractivejincdf rope iorticrs the very thing for summer decorations- our buyer has been driving some hard bargains for clearing lines and you now get the benefit of them the jubilee sale idea is enrried into july and we have no doubt but trade will come our way in larger volume than ever wo dont offer you old goods that have outlived their usefulness our slock never was in such shape to pick up snaps and we are taking advantage of them right along we sell as we buy good goods cheap for cash positively curod by these little pills they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per feet remedy for dizziness nausea drowsf nesabattastein-thermoumoated-fotguo- piln in the side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable 6malt pill 8m all dose small price substitution tho fraud of tlio day sec you get carters ask for carters in ui j d carters little liver pills the dog days arc now with us an extra effort will be used to keep pur buaincaa ahead wall paper half trice will be accepted duringhesc hovdays window 8hades cost is all wo ask while tlio stock lasts baby buggies invoice prices can procure these only nine nice ones on hand m ghas l bookseller nelles guelph turnip seed swedes oreystonb globes eto all gilt bdqe btook im ported by myself and cheaper thin over before hunaarin millet buokwhbat pabis areen hellebore potato btjo killer land plv8ter salt binder i wine all klndi now in geo j thorp maiilet sq and macdonkll st guelph agflnu for quoeu viotoila her itolsn and imamoad jqbilto overdowldbwith ifttobtandrioh miplfltorea oontatui the iifdorted biography ef her uftioty with tuthaiiile hfetory of am remarlmlifo rejgo and fall oopnt or the dia mond jubilee onlytl itlgbook tremen dous demand bouanu for vgenu ootpmu lon so per oent gredil given- irrelghk pttd oirrvit tnmh datr fwm write qnlek uvronu fit and tfliritflrv thk dominion company pept v 890 dearborn htgbloago notea few of the liues spread on our bhrghin tkbles ribbons a great clearing purchase from a millin- cry houselofhjgh graderibbons which we offeras follows regular 25c brocaded ribbon for 10c reruiar 35c fancy ribbon for 15c regular 50c pnre silk ribbon 4 find 5 inches wide 20c regular 75c heavy reversible plain and moire pure satin ribbon 5 inches wide for 25c in au sizer and styles withpillow andvalarice price ranging from 87c 03-75- new white qiilhs very special at 90c india seats very new ana novel in oak birch and mahogany 4150 and ti75 screens in oak arid mahogany from lji25 to56o new japanese tamboured and colored dead curtains 353 450 and 550 thpmas g- watkins the right house hamilton vs in waist lengths at special low prices parasols an entire sweep of a wholesale slock of plain parasols 60c parasols for 35c 75c parasols for 15c 81 25 parasols for 75c 8175 parasols for 100 millinery boxes of plowcrs at half price straw sailors at half price childs fancy tarns at half price lisr the above arcalli wewill sell our trimmed millinery at greatly reduced prices in many cases less than half washlne goods another lot of ducks grass linens and cambrics- 28 inch wide fancy ducks 5c 32 inch fancy grass linens 7c 3g inch fancy prints 7c heautiful french organdies 20c elegant wrapper cashmerettcs 10c blouses from 25c upwards clothing we have a splendid range of light cloth ing for hot weather wear mens cool coats and vests mens dusters bo ea- s uu boys linen suits we invite your trade e r bollert co 62 and 37 wyndham street guelph ont on the string for new stock of silks laces gloves etc speciallowprices in wash goods during juiy new patterns in oxford shirtings ging hams cretonnes etc try our grocery department v ilztgctxriiey cfe go mill st acton hon person st co readytowear clothing boys and mens in all qualities and styles a very serviceable suit for mehy all wool only 500 shirt waists we are constantly receiving addittions to our stock of these goods and the speedy way in which nice stuff is picked up shows that our taste in these goods is appreciated new la m sateens prints etc in selecting wearables for the coming hot spell give us a look it will pay you full lines of gloves mitts collars and cuffs hosiery etc four spools for 10c best roll butter only loc lb hexidgisozl co acton 99 wyndha1t 8teeet on wednesday worn ing- june 23rd this store will open as a strictiv gksh store no goods charsecl from above date i believe ii to be the only uptodate way of conducting a successful business and i have decided to adopt it cash and one price to start the new system special bargains the balance of tho week in hats and caps neck tioa collars cuffn bicycle sultsbioyolosohrandilllucniijsurnishings renels0n feeaditigtatlor cash and one price 10 gents ihuidijtmo 011 stamua uken addrc u0u8e ingenoll out pays for your uiiuo on 19 uamutlful uidphn mauu oaltuh lovoiy platurei or 00 iliuidiiimo calling oarda omii wltli order bjampa talpn attdrmi canada oaiid hot mteather makes one think of light clothing we have made provision for this and are selling clothing at astonishing low prices which will enable you to keep cool especially note these j 7 light undershirts at 50c light underdrawers at 25c coarse straw hats at 8 io and 15c fine straw hats at 25 and 50c a few of those fine ladies shirt waists left yet a large shipment of fresh groceries and confectionery jnst in c f goodeye co hcton